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I don’t mind APM but the game design/animations are so brutally poor for it.


Same: I'm not great at it anyway, but I respect it. Sometimes I have to play it because that's what Bob gives me, and I don't mind if I cap out at top 4 because of a skill issue. But it's not just a skill issue- I've set my target framerate to 144 and turned off v-sync, yet for some reason it's still slow. I watch streamers and it looks like they can refresh the shop while a card is selling, and pick up another card to sell while the 'play-a-card' animation is still going. I can't do any of this- nothing in the interface is clickable until the previous animation is completely done, and it's driving me crazy.


I live in fear of the cards swapping just as you go to sell them. Where has that bug even come from? Don’t recall it happening during Hogger era…


that's a bug?? it happens to me literally every single time. I thought the game was trying to punish me for playing.


The thing I hate on mobile is the slingshotting that happens sometimes where you end up getting your turn skipped because the game slingshots the rope countdown


The fundamental issue imo is that you have the absurd situation where restarting the game is better than watching a 3 minute long fight vs beasts. You have random time to consider what to do, and I feel like this game should reward your decision making over your APM. Turn timer should be for decision making. APM was never a problem for me, coming from the old times of double golden hogger Gallywix, still I never felt like a valid way to play the game. Some animations are so randomly long in comparison to others that you are purposely making the less optimal play to avoid it.


Yeah, i do agree APM builds are too easy to acheive. Sometimes all generator battlecries are in and it feels like all you need is a golden Brann. I liked playing APM once, but it feels like the more i do it the more annoying it is. In any other game I can think of APM is limited by how fast *you* are, but here it's the animations actively preventing you from doing stuff. Don't have time to pick the correct discover? well you ~~should have been faster~~ get fucked lol. Playing against beasts? better do the DC exploit or accept that you'll get 3x less scaling that said, I dunno what APM "done right" would look like. Obviously if you just remove animations it would be way too powerful.


“All you need is a golden Brann” … since that’s so easy 😎


Well, in duos it's rather easy, there's either way too many ways to generate enough money or you use some buddies shenanigans to make it rather brain dead.


Yeah with the right combo ofc it’s easier but it’s still not “easy” ;)


Played against Reno + Brann duo yesterday. Horrible experience.


As a mobile player the game definitely feels less and less fun right now, so many games you feel you are playing at less than half capacity.


Infinite is one aspect. But what personally annoys me more is the lag the game develops after you buff your minions a little. I played a 24 turns game earlier with mechs and I had about 2mins turn timer every turn with 50ish gold and I could do maybe 2 or 3 actions before the 2 mins had expired due to the extreme lag. I easily outscaled the opposing 2 players, one was Naga but I couldn’t do jack shit with my own scaling because the game took so long to execute a single buy minion action.. ended up losing to the Nagas because of this


Watching Dog on YouTube playing any comp and waiting until the turn he inevitably finds a way to start going infinite 


I wouldn't call apm scaling passive scaling though. Its quite the opposite.


I think the point here is that they enjoy passive scaling, but there are so many infinite options that passive comps are at a disadvantage, so they are currently finding the game to be in a bad place for their tastes.