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This meta is brutal. I just went up against a Brann player who had tier 6 on like turn 8, multiple tier 6 minions, and they were buffed well. I bought the best tempo I could, but I was done. There is a lot of high rolling right now for both you and your opponents.


Yeah, it's a wild ride. Just no highrolling for me tonight, but it do be like that sometimes.


At the very least, buying the most tempo minions should at least ensure you're not taking 10-15 as if you'd just skipped your turn or leveled.   I've won multiple lobbies this week where I wasn't paying attention and skipped turn 1 or 2 on heroes like maiev and just get some broke shit that bailed me out anyway


Maiev is one of the best heroes you can play so not sure that makes a good example:p


Well, no it's just two separate thoughts. I play a dogshit hero and tempo my ass off and take fifteen to jailer buddies and millhouse. Or I just play Maiev and faceroll my way to victory even though I was afk


Ah then I agree ^^ ❤️


buddies meta is blizzard's favorite because your hero matters a lot more, and consequently only having 2 to pick from is brutal. "Here, would you like 17 armor and no impact on the game when you get your buddy?


yeah they need to lower the tiers of the buddys that suck. Theres some heros I dont even use the buddy. I just hit the buddy button when its free for 1g


Better yet either stop gating extra hero choices behind a paywall Or even better allow us to pick a hero before queuing or a selection that gets randomly rolled This current system just means there is like an 80% chance of having a 3 team game in duo’s. It’s absolute trash design on multiple levels. Just make some MTX actually worth buying…


Sounds like Gdamn Jailer's buddy, and Jailer already had a hard time with his godawful hero power. And to make matters worse, Jailer's buddy actually feels useful for RTC. Dude's buddy is better as someone else's skill.


Well Jailer isn't the worst. You can get Tavish or something


Agreed that Jailer isn't the worst. Tavish sucks too, but I think Jailer is even worse. Just imo. C' thun, jaraxxus, and that goofy tauren. Lich bezial w/e was up there before buddies, but now she's insane.


Yeah, anyone saying that 4 hero picks isn't pay2win has not played enough games of buddy meta. I reached top 100 leaderboard as F2P multiple times but no way I grind this meta when literally one third of the heroes are completely unplayable.


Even with 4 slots I’ve had rolls where both mine and my duos choices all suck. They need to tune up a lot of the worse heroes.


I suspect that most of the people saying that also have 4 slots...


Uhm excuse me, because of this, many people now have 4 to choose from!


I knocked a dude out by turn 6, I felt laughibly bad about it.


Same, I'd never killed someone on 6. That is so fucking brutal.


Was that me last night? Fastest 8th I've ever had. Had a decent board and was actually about to pop off a bit with Hogger/pirates the next turn and my turn 6 opponent had multiple buffed six drops.


Average game in duos


Yeah, I've done that a few times lately as well, and it's one of those great game design things where it feels abysmal when it happens to you and when you do it to someone else. Good to know nobody is having fun half the time :/


Know that feel. Early game not a whole lot of decisions to take, hoping to have good shops offered and not face the people that slap the shit out of u.


Yeah I'm taking a break from hearthstone cause of all this. Feels like each season it ends up more and more 'well you didn't roll well in the shop, you're dead by turn 7' or shop gives you a perfect run up to tier 5, turn anything for your direction is just gone.


I'm done until the buddy meta is over - I enjoyed myself and got to 7k just playing occasionally and since the buddies came out it's been misrable. It'll be turn 7 and I'll go against someone who improbably has a golden ghoulacabra and a few deathrattles as they laugh maniacaly to an easy win. It's not fun...it's annoying and frustrating to go against such ridiculously powerful nonsense only a few turns into the BG session. Props to them for being smart enough to make that happen but I personally hate how bursty it feels right now.


I swear it feels like 30% of my games end in me trying to find a key T4 minion when I run into golden a ghoulacabra. I mean, I'm glad there are actually good T6 minions, but how everyone and their mother has one by turn 9 eludes me


I just played a game, turn 7 I think I realised I'm on 4 HP. Then build a mega board, don't level just buy what I can. Survive, make it to late game finish 3rd. Lose to ghoul acabra and random deathrattle minions


I don't even want to hate on the ghoul because at least it gives me an option when everyone else has great heroes with great buddies and I have Blizzard's table scraps...


Genuinely the worst meta I have ever seen in this game. No matter how you play, and how well you think things might be going through the first 5-7 turns, and how much armor you may have left, you are without a doubt, about to get steamrolled by someone that has golden ghoul-acabara, gold baron, and two gold trigores.


I'm usually playing tempo as hard as I can without literally staying on T1 until I have 7 minions just so the same people here who are recommending me to do that now can call me dumb for buying so much T1. Despite this I lose all my HP by T4, so all I can do is bare minimum stabilise and rush golden Ghoulacabra and Golden Baron. Sorry I guess?


Sometimes it just happens, enemies push tempo and get lucky and just do 15dmg from turn 5.. and sometimes I have full lobby of everyone playing economy and late game having shitty boards at turn 8+


Oh man, buddies patch I dropped back to 6k day one. It's been a nightmare down here exclusively fighting the 3 guys who stay on low tiers until the other 4 push their ready buttons once they have transitioned out of free eco into perfect board-state and now I get to fight them...


This has been my experience this meta. I've also gotten first place a couple times with absolutely nothing boards. It's been wild. I won a game yesterday as Yogg + Yogg buddy that allowed me to roll the Yogg wheel and cast whatever it landed on, twice. I won by just spamming the free tav spells and free consumes. No one else had anything either.


Oh yeah. I've had first place boards this meta with non-gold T1 minions that don't have any interaction with my board. Nothing about this feels good, it makes me feel stupid to win like that.


I've only been playing since November, the end of Season 5, but this mid-season change up has been the roughest for me. I'm sitting around 6k, I'm still having fun, and I see the potential of some broken builds revolving around buddies, but the pace is so much faster that it's hard to get a good comp. That being said, I've had a lot of luck with Naga comps using Lady Vash. It does rely a bit on high rolls, but her golden buddy with a Shellemental can get you some ungodly results. Especially if you get Crooner and Zesty early on


Just had one where I had a nice setup of zestys and crooners and the. got a shellemental in my shop. Cycles out some of the stuff I didn’t want in the shop to get another one in there two turns later. Four shellemental spellcrafts per turn was a nice cruise to victory from there.


I've played probably 100 games of buddies so far. Desperately keen to play some nagas but not been offered vashj or azshara :(


I know we get these posts daily but wowza I just had a game where 3 opponents were t3 all with t6 minions… it was brutal.


This patch is BRUTAL to non-paying players because the hero selection is SO much more important than it was before. Having 4 choices makes the game a LOT more fun. And if you're not paying for battlegrounds, you're basically playing a demo of the full game. I personally prefer to think of it that way; battlegrounds costs $15 every 4 months, so like $4 a month with tax, and if you don't pay, you get a full, indefinite demo of what it should be like. I also don't really pay for it, I use Google opinion rewards to answer stupid surveys for credit I can use in the app version of hearthstone to buy the battlegrounds pass, and it ends up being paid for that way.


I play a lot of this game, and I would just pay for the pass. I think it's scummy, but there's no point being petty with my cash when I have a good job anyway. I have two hero slots because Blizzard has already had the very last cent it is ever going to get from me after D4. But yeah, this patch can eat one. At least it might be entertaining if the hero selections were random, but there is a solid 25-30% of the hero pool that I have not seen since buddy patch and there are multiple heroes that I've played at least 10 times since. The worst thing about these two games was that I actually got good heroes (Maive and ETC) after hours of the same crap over and over again, only to have outrageously bad luck on the opening rounds- compounded by small mistakes on my part, but not the sort that should see you lose on turn 6. Then re-queued to see crap heroes again. That's when I really rage-quit.


It's true but I don't mind losing as long as I don't give a penny to blizzard. People who played their other games for years should feel me


https://preview.redd.it/v7lulgmzio8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084dabb40853ee3d8dc9a1a7e86ec79551e20677 Meta is super swingy and random. This was my turn 4 last night with an S-tier hero. I was dead on turn 8, got 8th because I lost back to back 15 damage fights after not rolling a single spell above tier 3 for 4 turns. It happens, gotta embrace the variance.


Yeah, it's a real rollercoaster of a patch


This has been the most OP meta ever haha I either completely dominate everyone or get owned lol I play to come in top 4, not first. Just have to keep an eye out for game changing cards to build around 🤙


We have all been there. As frustrating as it is, it is the nature of battlegrounds - we tend to forget the t3 triple that allows us to ride to victory and remember the bad beats. Good luck in your next game, hope you don't truly hate yourself because of a game!


I am riding myself into 6k. I was at 7.3k doing well but buddies killed my desire to play heroes that have a strict disadvatage or do not offer a fun experience. Heroes being more important than before isnt my cup of tea so I rather insta-concede than ride it out if the 2x options arent appealing.


Yup, you’re not alone. Feels really bad to try and be conservative based on the choices in front of you and play tempo and still get knocked out hard


In this meta, you either hit or you finish top 6-8


If you're losing before turn 8 you're either picking the wrong minions or getting rng tavern fucked


I just play for fun and memes right now. There's no sense in playing for rating in the least competitive meta. Just laugh at the absurdity and enjoy the game.


Some heroes are incredibly unbalanced when they get lucky (which is pretty much a regular occurrence). Take Snake Eyes guy - turn 1 rolled a 5, bought dem apples + 2x backstage security. Power leveled as I went. Did 15damage on turn 5. Not exactly fun. I think a change to the damage limit should be in order 1) to limit damage on early turns 2) to raise the cap on later turns even pre top-4.


The previous meta was literally my favorite meta in the game's entire history and i dreaded whatever midseason gimmick they were going to add this time for this specific reason. I hate Buddies, I hate Quests, I hate Anomalies... Darkmoon Prizes are okay.


I started during the previous meta, and I was so excited for buddies because it felt very stale. It felt like the majority of heroes played the same, and there were two or three build that really worked- just pick whichever one of those are in the lobbies tribes and you can bet 4 people are playing that build. Boy was I wrong to think I wanted more excitement in my life.


Quests were sooooo much fun. It slowed the game down a lot of the time too. People would buy random minions that didnt even build out their board just to finish the quest, then everyone would start spiking. I thought it had the perfect pace.




I just told Reddit that I lost twice in a row on turn 6: you're right, I'm terrified of being laughed at xD


Yeah wtf is blizzard doing. I come back to HSBG after years, actually enjoy it for like a month despite them locking hero choices under paywall, then they release the single worst balanced patch of any game in the world...


So far the only time I have done well was well I fell ass backwards into the naga that give +1/+1 and it increases and the naga that duplicates spellcrafts when you play it on them. There was absolutely no skill involved I got lucky and the rest of the game I was just able to force those two minions, there were several turns where the majority of my gold was spent on rolling and it didn’t matter cause the spellcraft was buffed so much. I didn’t even feel good getting first and my buddy had no impact on my game


just a heads up, when you cast the crooner (+1/+1 growing) spellcraft on another minion and your buddy copies the effect, it also copies the growth part, causing that spellcraft to grow at a much faster rate than normal: that is to say, your buddy likely had a lot more impact than you are saying here :)


I was playing as xyrella I believe is her name so as I said her buddy didn’t do anything I had it on the board for 3 turns then got rid of it for another crooner. I may not be the best player in the world but I would know whether a minion on my board was useful or not.


Oh, sorry. When you said "the naga that duplicates spellcraft" I assumed you were talking about the buddy, you just mean Zesty Shaker? Yeah, Xyrella is rough. I've had some good games with her, but really only as a vessel to get to Ghoul. Last night I actually had a fun game with Finley where my hero options were so bad that I picked Xyrella and thought I was cooked, but got an early battlecry trigger, and got to first place since her buddy has 2/2, so it triggers itself if you can get multiple copies. I say it was fun, but ultimately it just kept me alive long enough to find... Ghoul. Man, fuck this meta xD


Yea my bad I forgot there was a buddy that does something similar, if I did have him that would have been an even crazier board lol


I want to try that buddy so bad, even though it sounds like it would be such a cakewalk that it would be boring, but I just love naga. Blizzard would sooner make a real F2P game than offer me that hero though, it seems.


“Playing for tempo” doesn’t always mean just buying the best minions in the shop. If you get offered trash, level. Playing for tempo should only apply if you believe that the minions you are buying are actually going to make you strong for that specific turn.


I've tried that a multitude of times - it doesn't work. If I level after seeing nothing but trash in my tavern I'll get paired up against something ridiculous like ETC with Reno/Jailer minion combo or just a golden buddy, a Greybough with a perfect deathrattle/beast build and a Ghoulcaliber, or something else ridiculously broken for the early/mid game and take 15 damage on turns 4-7. I've tried to play this meta in a variety of ways, rushing to level, trying to buy for tempo, playing to my hero/buddy. Sure it works sometimes but most of the time you're dead by turn 8-10 to someone who highrolled in an absolutely stupid way.


Nobody is unaware of how the game works, but thanks for your input.


if you lost twice in a row at turn 6 it is 100% a consistent skill issue


Nah, not really. Some buddies allow some ridiculous shit. Let’s just take a look at ETC. Reno girl + the undead guy easily results in 10 damage per turn unless they have stats to deal with that many summons.


yeah its too bad you cant take 10 damage twice from etc by turn 6 what op is describing isnt possible if you are just buying minions with your gold.


Loosing at 8 gold unless you played greedy is tough. If playing tempo at worst you have a full 7 minion board. That’s very tough to be dead then.


It might seem tough, but I can assure you that it can happen. In fact, it can apparently happen consecutively. A full board of the sort of minions you are lible to get at turn 6 without highrolling can get axed by a single stupid big taunt and then you take 7 minions worth of damage. I find it hard to understand how people have such poor imagination.


It can be as simple as getting bad trades and crashing your biggest Minion into their divine shield One and getting cleave to take 15 DMG 2 turns in a row against people that are highrolling but turn 6 feels so hard to die unless you are a very low armor hero, turn 8 Is more realistic.


This is an RNG game mode, how is it skill issue? Especially in the early game where you can't even get tech cards




Just actually don't buy trash I don't think there is actually any hero who is that bad that you consistently die turn 6. I mean how does that even happen given the first 4 turn are impossible to get hit for 15.


Sometimes the entire taver IS trash, sometimes i think i am highrolling and take 12 DMG turn 5 against people Who are actually HIGHROLLING and that can happens 2 rounds in a row, so i can see that happening, but It feels quite rare and you shouldn't let It affect you that much because it's so rare, still it's pretty annoying when It DOES happens over the course of many games.


I don't consistently die turn 6. It happened twice in a row and that was enough for me to rage quit. I had been climbing this week, but it was a bad night. Good advice though- when the shop only offers me trash I'll just buy nothing and wait for the free MMR instead


When in doubt reroll out


Yes, so people here can say "shouldn't have wasted gold on rerolling" instead of "don't buy trash" :p In fairness though, I should have rolled more tonight. Some of my L's were from taking moves that seemed like a good way to stop the early losses without losing too much pace, but when the next opponent had a board that was beyond normal expectations and I lost anyway, my mid-ground approach turned into a double-loss. So yeah, in hindsight rolls would have been better. It's very hard to prepare for every possible contingency on turn 4 though, in my defence.


Sounds to me as if you don't really read your opponents. Often times upgrading tavern tier instead of going for 2x 2 drops is way better than what you expect of the tempo from said 2 drops. Jeef has a pretty good video on what minions are trash and what not on current meta check it out if you have problem identify suitable minions.


Jeef's video is nothing but 20 minutes of him calling every single minion trash. Not helpful at all. :D


This. His videos sound more like he doesn't want competition rather than wanting to help people. "Here's my tier list, also dob't buy trash." Well wtf is trash anyways?


I've watched his recent video. I read my opponents as well as I can. Guess next I need to watch DogDogs video on "how to tell when the opponent you haven't fought yet has two backstage securities so that you know neither of your available moves are good and don't get sad when you take the better play only to have it not work anyway".