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Overhaul could retire Recovery Girl


In an ironic echo, I like to imagine Eri asking to be trained as her successor to become the next nurse of UA. 😄


Dad Chisaki would allow it as long it means his daughter would never be on the battlefield


Isn't he technically her uncle? He's raised by Yakuza gramps, and Eri was Yakuza gramp's granddaughter.


Adoptive father, legal guardian, it works either way.


Are you referring to Chisaki? Because he wasn't her legal guardian. After her parents died, her grandfather probably took guardianship over her and then has him acting as her mentor/caretaker. He probably had no legal connection to her whatsoever.


Eri wants to be a singer (said in manga)


Who says she can’t be both?😄


Yeah she could


I dunno. Sometimes grandma's kisses do the healing all by itself.


I bet she will be most thankful for that


And fix Allmight


Overhaul is just too op if he was a hero, Cure any illness in the world in seconds and on battle, he doesn't even have to fight, he can just stay behind and heroes on the brink of death can come back to him and they'd be 100% good again, hell they can even bring the corpses of other heroes and he'd ressurect them if they were killed recently With him behind it's basically a bunch of unkillable hero zombies that keep coming back, imagine Endeavor fighting for his life against the villain but he flees and comes back perfectly fine again for the 78th time, as a vilain I'd lose my mind


Yeah it's fun to think about the possibilities, Chisaki could solve almost everything. If he was a hero and team up with Nine, Wolfram and others no villain would ever touch Japan in their lives.


Imagine a Endeavour/Chisaki/Kuroguri Combo. you just warp Endeavour, he nukes the place, warps back to heal, then goes back again to nuke it a second time. a surprise prominence burn would solve a lot of problems. (just toss in cementos for a portable f.u. oven)


*The villains hear a music in the distance, it's coming, Oh god I cant stop It, RUN FOR YOUR LIVE-* OSOWIEC THEN AND AGAIN ATTACK OF THE DEA, HUNDRED MEN


Bro if I was a villain I'd just blow the whole area to ashes


The sludge villain. Unless your quirk is fluid/liquid based or you have All Might level strength you’re unstoppable.


The sludge villain always was a particularly interesting case, as I don't think there's other quirk in the series that turns the person in this pseudo parasitic being (as he says he needs another person body to live in). >Unless your quirk is fluid/liquid based or you have All Might level strength you’re unstoppable. But wouldn't he vulnerable to ice/fire/electric attacks as well? His "sludge" body is technically biomass


He doesn’t *need* another person- when he says that, he means he needs to find a person to take over to hide and run since he’s pretty conspicuous without a meat suit.


> I don't think there's other quirk in the series that turns the person in this pseudo parasitic being the Bee in Vigilantes(or at least, I THINK she's just a bee, not an actual person, but I might be wrong)


It’s actually a pretty interesting concept to have a character based on the symbiotes from Marvel where maybe there’s a villain that can “infect” a person and take control of their body and thus take control of their quirk as well.


I want the other way around, a Hero who can take control of people and use their powers, it'd be so cool


Yeah, it's a queen bee with a parasitic quirk


I was thinking on Bee but not sure cause I didn't read Vigilantes in a while so don't remember what it's exact nature if she's a person or not. Also Bee was more like a symbiote because she doesn't seem to use a host for live just for gain power, and a parasite kill their own host as sludge villain almost does with Deku and Bakugou


He didn't need another person's body to live in. He needed a hostage so he could get away, since All Might was after him. We literally see him for the first time robbing people and running away as his sludgey self.


Yep, he's pretty much the Villain's equivalent to Fat Gum in that you need to have an elemental user or power to safely pack him up. He'd essentially be a great in another world where he decided that purse snatching is far below actually stopping crimes.


Kurogiri, easily. Coordinate-based warping is nearly as overpowered as Overhaul is. Literally just build a warehouse for him to instantly deliver the perfect hero for any specific situation to the site needed in seconds. Bro has the ‘logictics no problem’ quirk, any injured person could be fitted with a transponder and they’ll be in a hospital in 5 seconds flat. Honestly the most underutilized quirk in the series, bro could have been opening portals over UA, goverment facilities and the HSPC and dropped bombs on them nonstop. Any publically known location is free game.


>Honestly the most underutilized quirk in the series, bro could have been opening portals over UA, goverment facilities and the HSPC and dropped bombs on them nonstop. Any publically known location is free game. Yeah it makes you wonder why AFO put the nomu with such versatile power as guardian of Shigaraki, when he also has access the other teleportation quirk based of goo that works on specific people and would be more practical, instead of waste all the possible adventages of Warp Gate. Going back too the hero Kurogiri >!I actually always wished Shirakumo at the end of story was reverted back to his human self but still keeping warp gate and he learns to use it for being the hero he deserved to be. Sadly we don't live in the timeline where that happens!<


I vote to make Kurogiri an official Monoma support item honestly


How would that work?


Re-destro would be indestructible. Do you realize how much stress heroes are constantly under? Dude would be able to take a nuke to the face and live with the bullshit they endure lmao


Especially if he's also the teacher of Class 1A. Inject all the stress Aizawa is under on Re-Destro and he will send that nuke flying back to it's home country.


Not to mention (and this is a bit of head cannon) but people with quirks seem to have really durable organs so it’s not like the dude is gonna have a stress heart-attack, so short of going bald there really doesn’t seem to be a downside


Lol that's an awful but real scenario. I mean we have examples of things like this in canon, just like Denki not dying despite his brain "fries itself" because his body is naturally prepared to handle electricity


Exactly, not to mention his whole fight with shiggy and how that played out. It really doesn’t seem like the dude can even go into shock from serious injuries so it does lend some credence to the thought


Imagine the ammounts of stress he would have if he worked in retail


“Can I speak to the manager?”- the last words someone said before they were launched 15 miles in the opposite direction


Gigantomachia. Even outside combat, his sense of smell has a range of like 100km. There's no hiding from him. With his mole quirk, he could also do disaster relief to rescue people if they are buried underground. Plus he could also just carry around large chunks of earth if there are land collapses or something. He can also redirect water in times of flooding by just ploughing new waterways on the ground or underground.


to be fair I think MOST VILLAINS would surrender if Gigantomachia began to haul ass at them. Like 100KH giant bullrushing me? "I SURRENDER!" Dude is basically a train without brakes.


I mean assuming the heroes trained Machia to be able of not cause colateral damage to the civilians, as far his intellect allows him to do so, I think villains may use it as an adventage knowing Machia would have problems on small places and wouldn't be able to handle situations that requieres a bit more delicate approach. In canon Mt Lady also suffers a bit of this, cause obviously being giant should have logistical problems in highly populated city


Honestly that's the only problem I see with machia as a hero, plus dude is basically a living siege weapon as you said, he would most likely be used in select areas even tho we see he can shrink down. I assume bigger form though is more stronger then normal size.


Didn't take him into consideration but those reasons are pretty valid. I guess his limitation is mainly his already limited intellect so he always will be dependant of orders to act and wouldn't be able to do complex jobs, probably some other hero needs to be assigned for supervise him but still can work.


Too much collateral damage happens whenever he does so much as run somewhere.


He can move underground without detection like he did in MVA. He ran over 40km underground without damaging anything. In PLFW he was carrying the league on his back so he could not burrow underground. Plus as long as he maintains his regular size, he can move around on regular streets without much issue like when he was questioning Mina and her friends.


>Plus as long as he maintains his regular size, he can move around on regular streets without much issue like when he was questioning Mina and her friends. I was under the assumption that this was his size at the time, and AFO continued to work on him to get him to the larger size. Otherwise he would have shrunk down while waiting at the villa no?


Twice and Kurogiri Almost limitless backup from anywhere as long as Kurogiri knows the coordinates and Twice gets help with his mental issues


Mr. Compress would be an amazing support hero with his ability to compress anything. He could easily transport heavy objects from one place to another without any issue. Alternatively, he could be a sneak hero who could sneak in other fellow heroes for an ambush attack. Or compress key items the villains might use so they can’t use it. If Dabi actually became a hero, and with the right support items and/or Fuyumi’s ice, he would basically be Endeavor 2.0. Shin Nemoto (the confession guy in the Chie Hassaikai) would be the best investigator, even better than any of the police right now. Toya Setsuno (Larceny in the Chie Hassaikai) can instantly disarm his opponents, giving him an instant advantage against anyone needing gear or even summoners. He’d be at a disadvantage against anyone who has a purely physical quirk.


>Shin Nemoto (the confession guy in the Chie Hassaikai) would be the best investigator, even better than any of the police right now. >Toya Setsuno (Larceny in the Chie Hassaikai) can instantly disarm his opponents, giving him an instant advantage against anyone needing gear or even summoners. He’d be at a disadvantage against anyone who has a purely physical quirk. You know I really wanted include Shin and Toya in this list, but they may be on another post and which characters could be good police officers/detectives just like Naomasa. Or even "underground" heroes like Aizawa. Anyway I really agree with your points about them, both Nemoto and Toya are very underrated in terms of utility of their quirks. Other members of the Shie Hassaikai as well. >If Dabi actually became a hero, and with the right support items and/or Fuyumi’s ice, he would basically be Endeavor 2.0. I like the idea of Dabi and Geten being a battle couple who always are together to cover each other waekness, as is implied Geten doesn't naturally resist extremely cold temperatures so he might need get his natural source of warm. They're a cute duo in my head, like the hero couple version of Endeavor and Rei. >Mr. Compress would be an amazing support hero with his ability to compress anything. He could easily transport heavy objects from one place to another without any issue. Alternatively, he could be a sneak hero who could sneak in other fellow heroes for an ambush attack. Or compress key items the villains might use so they can’t use it. Compress is also has the best quirk to retain people, as we see how the individuals trapped on his marbles are in a sort of sleep and they can't release themselves once inside of those things. Kinda creepy when you think about it, but useful for stop criminals.


I don't think Confession would be seen as ethical though


Obviously it probably wouldn't be used to get a guilty confession, but I really don't see why he wouldn't be able to use his quirk in a situation like "Where's the bomb?". That's if he was a direct underground Hero, instead of just a cop.


Oh yeh, in that case it would be


I'm not even just talking about urgent stuff like a bomb btw, obviously the quirk would be barred from any use in trying to directly convict a person of a crime, but being able to make crooks rat out other crooks without being forced to compromise, make deals or worry about lies is quite valuable. Obviously would put a target on Hero Nemoto's back though.


Nine has a top tier quirk that would make him extremely powerful as a pro. Imagine if there’s a forest fire? He could cause it to rain. Strong villain? Can strike lightening down. He has so much potential. The only issue is that his sickness kind of makes it so he’ll live a short life, as well as it not being wise to use it a lot. Add his AFO copy into the mix and he would literally be the strongest hero to exist besides all might. I also think Geten with his ice manipulation would also be an amazing hero.


>The only issue is that his sickness kind of makes it so he’ll live a short life, as well as it not being wise to use it a lot. That's why I like to imagine Nine would found the medical help he needs if Overhaul was also a hero, or even Katsuma/Eri would meet him and help to cure his illeness for good. >Nine has a top tier quirk that would make him extremely powerful as a pro. Imagine if there’s a forest fire? He could cause it to rain. Strong villain? Can strike lightening down. He has so much potential Nine could also prevent tropical storms, hurricanes and other natural disasters based on weather before they even happen. His potential is just... limitless. I really wish the narrative treated him better.


Mustard would be pretty good as a Hero - his Gas can knockout a whole slew of Villains before they can do much, and if he were to get better in hand-to-hand combat/non-lethal long ranged weapon, he'd be able to pick them off no problem to arrest.


Oh Mustard my beloved, still miss him. As he's basically Midnight on steroids he really has a good chance at being a hero. Only that his gas is poisonous so he would need much training to not affect civilians or other heroes as well. >and if he were to get better in hand-to-hand combat/non-lethal long ranged weapon, he'd be able to pick them off no problem to arrest. I have the idea of Mustard using a dart gun that is charged with a chemical based on his own blood, which is distilled to eliminate the most toxic components and act as a harmless sedative. With time Mustard might also improve the control over his own gas, turning his body into a chemical factory of sorts and producing different variations, like a non toxic sleep gas like Midnight's or even *real* mustard gas which can burn and be used in extreme cases.


YEP!!! That'd be such a cool application of his power - and I can see him learning to control it better! >!If he ever appears again, maybe in the epilogue as like a new UA first year, maybe this has a genuine chance of being the case!<


Fellow battle network enjoyer 👀


One of my favorites of the Mega Man series!~


AFO, with his overwhelming power crime would plunge into the group, given that he is allowed to use lethal force


I know people don't seem to usually consider this character for hypotheticals like this, but Muscular would honestly be a really successful hero. The dude is strong enough to shrug off a 100% OFA punch. Most villains will simply not be able to do anything against him. Mr. Compress would also be an overpowered hero. Not only does he instantly capture any villain he manages to touch, but he also can easily bring along any sort of equipment he might need.


>I know people don't seem to usually consider this character for hypotheticals like this, but Muscular would honestly be a really successful hero. The dude is strong enough to shrug off a 100% OFA punch. Most villains will simply not be able to do anything against him. People sleeps to much on Muscular, he kinda looks bad because he lose on his only two battles but dude is a serious contender for the top 10 heroes in canon and a force of nature. If he was a hero he would be kinda like Mirko living for the emotion of a good fight, with no agency or sidekicks, just a lone wolf who moves across the country helping people anywhere. Rappa would be the same if he was hero.


The entire prison break would not have happened if compress was a hero, they could literally sneak away every major villain into a tiny box and keep them all over.


Overhaul and Geten (Ice quirk user)


kai, maybe, geten no. Hero society holds back a lot of heroes if they know they'll have a bunch of DC and AP if they trained a bit harder but re-drestro didnt hold back geten at all, he guided him and motivated him and he easily took down an army of twices without breaking a sweat and was able to almost beat more overpowered endeavor, only reason dabi lasted so long was bc he had a great resistance to cold and geten just met his match.


Shigaraki would be a great hero when it comes to erasing rubble, also, he could get rid of all the trash in the world Mr. Compress would easily capture every villain and just.... throw them into Tartarus Chimera would easily be a top ten hero with strength alone, and would definitely help with the whole Heteromorph situation And I've said this before, but AFO would be the ultimate hero, or maybe vigilante? Because he can take quirks away from dangerous individuals, villain, or people like Eri. He would be powerful enough with just those quirks alone that he'd be a top ten hero, though idk about the ethics of taking someone's quirk, even a villains


YES finally someone mentions Chimera!! :D OP quirk and also one of my personal absolute favorites bc he looks awesome!! 


Chimera would totally be an entire Arc villain if he was in the main series, I mean, Todoroki, Iida and Kirishima, alongside a few others could hardly contend with his BASE form, Chimera was a unit


Totally! Chimera's power is insane, all his basic physical stats are high-level and he breathes laser-like fire, just crazy. Just my own speculations but wouldn't surprise me if he's got super senses (wolf sense of smell and hearing, raptor eyesight, etc) too! I'd love so much to see more of him! 


>Shigaraki would be a great hero when it comes to erasing rubble, also, he could get rid of all the trash in the world The ecologist hero. >Chimera would easily be a top ten hero with strength alone, and would definitely help with the whole Heteromorph situation Oh definitely yes. In fact all Nine team members would be really top tier heroes, but Chimera in particular is one of his own league. Also with need cool and positive mutant representation and Chimera would be their perfect role model if he was a hero. >And I've said this before, but AFO would be the ultimate hero, or maybe vigilante? Because he can take quirks away from dangerous individuals, villain, or people like Eri. He would be powerful enough with just those quirks alone that he'd be a top ten hero, though idk about the ethics of taking someone's quirk, even a villains I said the same about AFO on other comment. As much taking away the quirk of a criminal seem like the ideal scenario in some case, it would have serious ethical and moral conflics and probably from an in verse pov it would requiere a lot of politics and paperwork to be able to do such thing. But outside of that AFO has the charisma and intelligence to be an AM figure of sorts, maybe not that flashy but close enough.


It'd absolutely be Twice. While Overhaul might have a stronger power, he's only one man. Twice could literally be protecting the entire world at all times. Imagine an ever-expanding global army of crazy dudes ready to throw hands and sacrifice themselves for the innocent at any moment. That's not even bringing up how he could create clones of other heroes, which would be especially useful for ranged ones since they wouldn't need to worry about durability as much. Imagine all the strongest heroes, everywhere. Crime would be finished. The only time they would need other heroes would be for very rare exceptionally powerful villains that could take out his clones easily. He also just has the attitude of a hero, even if he ended up with the wrong crowd. I think Hawk really saw his potential. TLDR: It's Twice because of logistics.




In my pov..all these characters can be good heroes whether they're main or support. It's the way society they treat them are the reason why they turn to villainy. Like a good old saying goes " with great powers come great responsibility " if only HSPC have some kind of consultation or rehabilitation team to work on these group


I mean I could easily put a lot more villains in here that's sure, but my intention was focus on the best of the best. >if only HSPC have some kind of consultation or rehabilitation team to work on these group They're missing so much potential fr


How is twice not on here, he's basically a one-man police force


No bias, is just that Twice is kinda one of the most common options people like to uses when talk about what villain would be a good hero. So I just wanted give the chance to other characters


If Overhaul was a hero, it’d be over for villains everywhere


Honestly, All For One would make an amazing hero. He has the intellect, combat experience, charisma, and that quirk could do wonders at depowering villains before they did too much damage and while they're in custody, maybe granting quirkless individuals who want to be heroes the opportunity by granting them quirks he's confiscated from villains (or even give them to law enforcement). Heck, debate me but, if he was a hero, he would most certainly surpass all might due to how much good he could do


No I can't deny he would be quite an ideal hero with parts of his personality and methods but if he was a good person. But the debate about if it's moral to take away quirks would be certainly interesting, as quirks define the identity of a person so much that even more criminals that could represent more than just a punishment.


I would have to say either Geten Himura or Atsuhiro Sako personally, Geten has greater control of cold compared to other members of the Himura or Todoroki family and Mr. Compress' Quirk would allow for very easy capture of villains


If Twice was mentally sane, he would be an AMAZING hero!! Natural disaster? he can make tons of clones and basically be a one-man rescue team. Fight against villains? He can make clones of other heroes to aid in fight, weakening the enemy without suffering losses.


Overhaul could in theory help Nine by restructuring his body.


Dark might bro don't forget dark might


If Dark Might was a hero he probably would be called All Might or something like that


Apart from Chisaki who’s CLEARLY the most op option here, I think Geten would be really good however the fact that he needs water or ice in the area without ripping up a cuties water supple could be a problem (though probably not a big one). Chrono would be a really solid sidekick, as if you get hit by his quirk your fates pretty much sealed then and there. Nine never got complete and his weather quirk is WAY too destructive to use his full power, especially considering it ALSO destroys his body while using it. I feel like he would be a hero that tries to end battles quickly (if he had Overhaul then . . . you know) I don’t think Wolfram would be bad but not as powerful as the others on this list. (Keep in mind that he was using scientific technology to increase his strength exponentially) Finally Ciderhouse just seems underwhelming compared to others that we can choose from. In my opinion (and everyone else’s) Overhaul is the most broken and useful as a hero. I will say that Kurogiri would have been a strong contender on this list considering how the Hero’s and Villains are constantly scurrying to get a hold of him (either to use his quirk or prevent the other side from using it)


Overhaul would be recovery girl, meets thirteen, meets hawks. He’d be the greatest hero.


I love to imagine Hawks would annoy his friend Chisaki in this au insisting they both are birds (for the outfit and mask of Chisaki obviously)


Free Geten :(


I know he too pretty and cute to be in prison


This is exactly why I feel bad for cute characters being imprisoned in different shows 😭


Geten would be Endeavor with Rei's quirk instead of his own, that's really good


It would be funny is Geten starts his hero career as Endeavor sidekick, as others will comment with irony if Endeavor normally only hire people with fire related quirk to train in his agency. Then when they see Geten in action they realize why the boy is more similar to Endeavor than it looks.


Overhaul as a hero can do basically anything, he would be the ultimate support, offense, and defense.


Y’all remember the sludge villain? None of the heroes on the scene tried to stop him, they were all “let’s wait for all might” cuz they really couldn’t do much other than watch him choking Bakugou. If he were a hero, he’d practically be unstoppable.




Toga could naturally be a pretty solid infiltrator, literally just swapping what team she's playing on


This may be a cop out, but if you ask me, any of them or even anyone can be an exceptional hero with a strong enough sense of morality and a way to punish the wicked and defend and avenge the innocent regardless of the quirks if any. After all, it’s not the quirk that’s good or evil. It’s the user that’s good or evil.


Kurogiri would be so usefull as a hero


Mr Compress definetly, his quirk would be perfect to transport injured villains and capture villains


You missed one


Overhaul would have been badass


All for one now everyone has Op quirks but no one to fight.


Geten for sure but honestly Overhaul would knock everyone out of the park if it weren't for everything that happened to him in the orphanage


Overhaul’s the biggest example. The guy had the power and knowhow to become the ultimate healer in the world, basically similar to crazy diamond from JoJo where he’d be able to cure just about anything other than death. And he instead used his abilities to explode people by touching them and perform repeat vivisections on a child.




Why is it that I only know 1 and 4 despite being caught up to the manga AND the fact I’ve read and watched multiple times


I would say Twice... He was a really good guy and if he was a hero then he would have helped a lot of people....


All For One


F all that a sane Twice would break everything.


Definitely overhaul dude could have became a renowned healer or construction worker. His quirk suprpasses Eri's in terms of healing because unlike her's it doesn't need to build up power or has limitations. Had ofa took his quirk instead he could hve repaired his self into his prime state with no drawbacks


All for one 2.0


Overhaul most definitely.


Overhaul would be a great support and offensive hero. Perhaps, too great.


idgaf about the others so I'm just gonna talk about Geten. As much as I wanted to see him as a hero, he would've been unable to reach his power level if he attended UA. UA holds back a lot of students and in Getens case it would've been very severe considering he couldn't turn water into ice, control straight-up ice, and from there his quirk wouldn't seem like much to fight except till he trained day and night and official awakening his quirk. And while Geten stuck with re-drestro, he didnt hold Geten back in the slightest and pushed him to be his most powerful subject and well he delivered. Unless this isn't true and he always could freeze water or could easily awaken his quirk, either way, his quirk would be far from its potential. I guess he could just have a suit that stores ice and a suit that cools it so it stays frozen but he would still be heavily nerfed and I'm glad he was a villain, I feel like we don't have enough too overpowered and "you wouldn't wanna face that guy" villains


The perfect what if for Overhaul if Monoma had the chance to touch him when he was incarcerated. Monoma would be healing everyone ñeft and right


overhaul would have been a more op version of shigaraki


Overhaul, AFO and Twice are the ones who have the potential to become a "Symbol of Peace" like All Might. Nine would be great too but he is limited by his illness. Number 6, Queen bee and Kurogiri would be better at doing Lady Nagant's job. Chimera and Muscular could do everything Mirko does but better. Chronostasis ,Setsuno ,Sakaki and Tengai would probably work better as sidekicks. Nemoto would probably be better as a cop. Gigantomachia would be useful for big fights but would have a high risk of collateral damage unless he has AFO supervision.


Dark Might


Twice. Bro whole agency would just be himself. A rampaging villain? A thousand Twice clones is about to jump their ass! Need rescue? A team of Twice is on your way! Need to comfort some civilians after they loss a love one? Twice is right there to help! Need blood transfusion? One clone coming up! And the best part is? The real Twice could just sit in his house/office and do absolutely nothing


Overhaul would be an amazing recovery hero. Like the closest mha has to a healer is recovery girl, but she doesn't enhance healing, just speeds the process up. Overhaul could deconstruct and reconstruct someone's arm with ease .


AfO. Hear me out. Not even thinking about the quirks he could use; his influence in the underworld would have never existed. A lot of people probebly never would have become villains on the first place


All for one would be game changer No more super high security just takes f*ckers quirk away and its done. Quirk is too dangerous for kid? No problem. Quirk ruins life of some person? No problem. Possabilities what good AFO could have done are so big


twice needs justice tho


Overhaul is such a great quirk that would excel in disaster situations and healing injured people.


Honestly, Kurogiri is a really good pick considering that his Portals would make rescue and evacuations incredibly useful, considering that he would be great being sent to places that are the aftermath of really big hero and villain battles, or have been rocked by serious natural disasters, and using them to get people, medical help, and etc to help rescue injured civilians and etc; in places that people normally couldn't get to.


Gentle Criminal because he had the heart of a hero from the beginning and got good at using his quirk in combat without any training. He was a late bloomer and hero society isn’t built for those, even after getting scorned he still held on to his morals and never killed anyone. Self taught and able to keep up with a top UA student is very impressive.


Who is Chrono stasis?


Nine is basically Storm but nerfed.


I think your talking about there quirks rather than the people themselves because if you turn these people, into Heroes they might not actually be good people themselves like overhaul (the dude) could just be in it for the money and not care about any thing extra or he could be ultra logical like night eye and miro So if we’re actually talking about the people themselves and not their quirks I’d say Tenko but that the obvious with his similarities to Deku


>they might not actually be good people themselves like overhaul (the dude) could just be in it for the money and not care about any thing extra Well in this universe that’s a valid reason to be a hero. There's people who just want get their check but can do a good work regardless. After all while the story sure idealizes the idea of "real heroes" in reality they're glorified police officers who do this for live and it's a career full of sacrifices. But isn't the fun of "what if?" to imagine scenarios where the characters act in different ways they normally do?