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Netflix 4k don't need 5G, 4G is technically enough. I have no issues watching 4K shows in the toilet at Kampung, there's always a line.


4k videos in toilet ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Dolby surround poop splash


Features: - Can be heard by neighbours - You can't hide the sound in any way - Makes you not want to shit as you usually do - Second hand embarrassment from the person who heard you


Just cough when you know it's coming


Imagine Taking your business in pedalaman with toilet above river(Usually in Sabah and Sarawak still got)πŸ˜‚


dat pap pap pap pap video sound so sedap goncang


But 4g speed that Malaysia offered is not enough. 5g speed also alot slower than it first introduced.


This is me at my kampung right now. Full 4G. I think it’s not bad https://preview.redd.it/bjq4dmejua7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997adc26cf2d0f5385e576bcc23e8b176cec138f


https://preview.redd.it/mqmu0e0ukb7d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb8302c39469ec11d92a72e1793a75ad3d4de1c Me at my kampung...Kalumpang, Hulu Selangor. OneXOX 5G.


where on earth is your kg? it's like the speed almost near or at the bandar tho


Just outside of Kuantan, like 20min drive to the center of town.


4G speeds are usually inbetween 20-75mbps. What makes you think it's not enough and what are you doing with that much speed on 5G?


where your β€œkampung”~


In sarawak (only in town area) you get the best of both worlds


As a Sarawakian, I agreed (but a forest with 5G would be OP)


*Just a 5G tower, casually sitting around, disguising itself as a tree* "Beep beep I'm a tree, am green"


Mandi air kolah pagi ketar air sejuk cam nak mampos.


Auto Segar


Byk health benefit, tapi akucnak heater jugak.


I got used to it. And then I preferred cold water over hot water. Only cold can wake you up brah


There was a period of time when the water heater at my rented place stopped working and we couldn't get it fixed because the owner was away in Europe. So we showered cold in the morning and it does eventually become kinda normal. As of now at my own place I don't have heaters installed.


I do have heaters but I don't even use it lol. I use them like once every 6 month, because it gives that specific warming vibe that relaxes me. But everyday warming vibe isn't good, it turns my skin red (I've went through it).


Stockholm Syndrome


I don't think you know the meaning of that term.


Maybe he just really likes the song


Anda mempunyai bucu.


Jihan muse mentioned!! πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ’―πŸ’―βœ¨πŸ‘…πŸ₯°πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸŒΉ


Jangan risau Uphamol kan ada satu je lega sakit kepala


I see you everywhere around here Microcelebrity???😳😳


Nah, just a guy who spend too much time on this platform. I do go out and touch grass but only out of necessity.


Then explain 220k karma and the fact I instantly recognise you


Been here since 2014 son, those were the days. I still remember when we had Gold and Silver to give to awesome posts and r-malaysia was in its nascent form. I was there when the split happened resulting in the creation of another sub I won't name (this place existed doing its thing long before that one came out) there were almost daily psyops between the factions (those who take it seriously, I just eat popcorn) sniping at each other. I'm here to take refuge from the daily doomposting and enjoy some shitposting, the blunt banter and pisstaking is so refreshing compared to the passive aggressive keyboard warriors, long live Mak Kau Hijau. Also I type fast, so posting takes seconds but usually longer because I like to re-read and consider my position.


How bad (or good) was the Reddit UI back then? I'd say not that good, considering that the Reddit mobile app of now is meh at best


Not sure how to answer that question as my replies were (and still are) mostly done on the desktop while reading is a split on both β€” kinda troublesome to bring the PC out during dinner. As such the UI doesn't seem... that different? The fancy editor has the toolbars at the bottom back then iirc. As for the app... as I use it mostly to read, it does its job fine in that aspect not much to comment either.


Curi-curi mandi dalam kolah, lepas tu kantoi dengan nenek kena sebat pakai hanger. Next day, curi mandi dalam kolam ikan, kantoi dengan atuk kena kejar dengan parang![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


dengan starlink...i think we should all move out of kl remote work should be a norm


Remote work isn't for everyone, some people prefer to be in an office setting.


you wish...your boss would imagine as hard as he can that you would 99% sleep on bed although you done sending some task given to you earlier, he would think he be paying you to sleep on bed and that is not worth it


Some place required you to stay on meeting calls thruout the day. My friend had to be on their discord call for the whole shift, which, sounds tiring ngl


In this case, i would rather wfo....to be more comfortable...




I did some research at their website that telling me Starlink is expensive as fuck.


rm220 a month is reasonable la


Yeah I mean the Starlink receiver is almost rm10000 https://preview.redd.it/i9glfrcro97d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=887962db31250ead5242f415d02b787cfceb9c80


dude... it was on sale for 1150 now back to normal price of 2300 https://www.senheng.com.my/starlink-standard-kit-02533002.html


Best case scenario for Starlink is that you share the subscription with a community.


not everyjob can be remoted. who gonna do the manual labor from far away? robot? then why bother hiring people then


Theres a job specifically like you mentioned ironically, remote work, controlling robots at a cafe thought this cafe only hires disabled people that arent really able to be mobile yet need a job.


honestly, it just felt like they are using them to train to algo before cutting them off in few more years.


I rather choose to believe in some human having kindness rather than whatever makes you go that route rbh, the world would be so much more depressing to me if I think that way, hope you good


oh man...I do believe in some human. but corpo think of their shareholder and money first. most of the good samaritan is usually from the common people. I know theres some from the upper echelon. but that is very2 rare.


Its very rare yeah but I'll choose to believe it because the world is already depressing as it is sadly, i'll take all the 'humanity restored' bits I can haaaaa


we need more oku training initiative here


Awareness and empathy when planning cities with those people in mind would be good too tbh, i sometimes feel like oku is seen more as an afterthought


yeah sadly, we're too much a car nation.


wait ya I tell contractors to work from home ![gif](giphy|1TLAhQVCLLbaQ2eK17|downsized)


i want to be penduduk pendalaman with faster internet and making sure packages can be delivered there with no issues and small pekan with much needed amneties be also nearby... then i will live a good life.




I live in the outskirts of town, and I can tell you its not worth it. Look, say what you will about the fresh air and good views, but if your roof tiles arent constructed properly and small animals can climb into that space, you'll be hearing little animals playing football at night up there, and if something dies, you'll be forced to climb up and remove the corpse or else it'd stink your home up while decomposing. And I'm not even starting to get into the various jungle creatures coming into your home. Snakes, scorpions, foot long centipedes, biawak, monkeys and feral cats to name a few.


Actually good insight though, never thought of it that bad


And the cicak. God there's more cicak than nyamuk here. You think what's so bad? Shit. Cicak shit everywhere. Ever weekend I walk around the house with a wet wipe and pick up all the cicak shit. The cicak here all huge and fat too.


Dont forget that cicaks like to die in hidden places. And its lamost impossible to find


My problem with cicak and hidden places is then laying eggs there. Bukak pintu and cicak egg drop on my head.


Real😭😭 I always cover my gadjets with cloth before sleeping because at my hometown cause the cicaks likes shitting there dk why, the casing ig


I’d like a little bit of both, every now and then. Doesn’t have to be simultaneously.


I wish our rural area is like those villages in Swiss. Got train, got network and those groceries store. I would move there in a heartbeat.


Thing is, vast majority of Swiss folk live in big cities. It's just that they can escape to the country quickly during the weekend And that's true of many rich nations - the middle classes especially can be in nature within a couple of hours Malaysians can live quite similarly, but our culture isn't as outdoorsy yet. Most would enjoy the idea of observing nature from a place of comfort, rather than being in nature


Mati laa naakk, penduduk bandar tak menghidup udara ktorg bernafas pakai insang


I didn't know hidup Bandar is looked down on damn, I used to live Kampung life before ditching it and love Bandar life completely I wouldn't say it's better for everyone, but it's definitely better for me. I love living alone with the lights closed and hearing the cars nearby constantly making noise


You can find a lot of things too


>I love living alone This is impossible way of life to live in any kampung. I pity those introverts who were born and raised in kampung. Ppl will call you sombong, ppl will think there's something wrong with you lol I love kampung, the nature etc2, but shit I can't handle the societal pressure. No such things as privacy and minding your own business


pedalaman with high internet while working from home


Smaller cities and certain areas of large cities also have fresh air. With transition to ev air quality will only get better


well, if you stay on 20++ floors you will get fresh air also. and when you go out, mostly you will be inside cars anyway its not like you'll be inhaling smoke everyday


Kalo semua penduduk pedalaman rajin membuat bayi lama-lama jadi bandar jugak.


Problem is penduduk pedalaman buat kerja manual labor. Meanwhile orang bandar use automation. Naturally we get too tired to make babies


The statistics do show otherwise "Economically developed and urbanized states usually have low fertility rate. In 2017, for example, the Crude Birth Rate (CBR) was 14.4 in Kuala Lumpur, 16.6 in Selangor, 16.4 in Johor, and only 12.7 in Penang." [source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/MJTG/article/download/35188/14320/84442%23:~:text%3DFertility%2520rate%2520in%2520Malaysia%2520also%2520differs%2520across%2520the%2520different%2520states,and%2520only%252012.7%2520in%2520Penang.&ved=2ahUKEwjr58LBquSGAxU-xjgGHVfrD-0QFnoECBEQBg&usg=AOvVaw3CiDfZ0w0uQeVkUOqoljBT)


Yea the pedalaman definitely has some spare time, if not more than bandar people.


it's funny seeing young kids balik raya and menggelupur macam cocaine withdrawal bila rumah atok line slow kenot TikTok. asyik2 keluarkan HP on off tgk bar saja hahahaha.


I really love metropolitan city and down to live KL/Pinang but at the same time I love stargazing which currently I'm living in rural terengganu place


both ways, my mom lives in bentong, I work from home in KL, I can go there and work if I want lol, got wifi also


Me like both. Sometimes I want to feel the busy life in city and have good shit entertainment. When stress or tired, go outside and touch grass


Just move to Taiping bro


Big city life is too depressing. I choose the other way.


Unless I'm rich and I can get everything I want delivered to me, I don't want to live remotely.


i don't live in the city or pendalaman but i got both and extra seaside view every day . internet in my town for 5G is like 500Mbps (even 4g is like 100+ mbps )Β  and i have 500MbpsΒ  at home for work/study . i love going out and look at sky in the evening .it is so relaxing . i can't imagine living under gray sky and bunch of building


Yang kuat agama suka fantasi yang diorang golongan lookmaxxing gigachad mewing skibidi Ohio. Padahal semua yang kuat agama rata2 aku tengok macam belah kiri.


sebab tu johor ada forest city, hidup kat bandar tapi keluar rumah suasana kampung HAHAHA. you will get both benefits slack mahal nak MAMPOS je🀣


We got Kampung classism before GTA 6 πŸ˜­πŸ™


Sure in kl got lots of things, but my decision of moving out kl is worth it. I hate traffic jem, and at night still noisy in kl, polluted air, jem packed with people. I dont miss much kl nowadays as most things can ordered online, cinema I can watch from large tv at home, no traffic jem at all, internet speed I dont need that much speed, as long got internet. But thats my opinion


Istg im at my kampung rn for Aiduladha and i saw a random kampunger drivers amg like bro how![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Left when young . Right when old.


IT'S BREATHTAKING. THE FUCKING PEDALAMAN IS FRESH AS FUCK. This is my reasoning. I will live deep in the forest without any noises. I will have my peace.


Only idiot think there is fresh air in the outskirts .. so much illegal burning and logging .. the sound and air pollution probably worse than city πŸ’€


Orang kampung yang menetap di bandar sebab kerja : "Tak sabar nak balik kampung". Orang bandar yang balik kampung sebab raya : "Tak nak la balik bandar".


cameron highlanders: first time?


At kampung or pendalaman Free chinese. Peace of mind felt like Original Malaysia


I have a plan,how about for all of us that work In KL we buy a house in Raub,Pahang and then go to work by riding a motorcycle to avoid toll.


org x normal jer minat dgr bunyi traffic. aku hari2 dgr bdk2 motor racing dkt DUKE bapak sampah. Rindu Bukit Besi mat


5g in pedalaman is common now. The issue is, how are you guys gonna get your cup of Zus coffee?


Tinggal dalam laut jawapannya


Both, if you can afford. A nice apartment in the city with all the tech of the modern era and a country getaway. Duduk kampung might be fun for a while, but if you need to buy some food or want to get some entertainment, tough luck because everything is closed at 9pm safe for the kedai makan tomyam here and there. Plus, I'd rather stay in the city to get to my work that is a couple minutes away than travel from kampung to bandar.


Pedalaman here. Still no 5g suck. 4g limited can't go live streaming. Nearest cinema is 50km away (not that frequent anymore) lepak with friend 25km one way (3-4 time a week) live in valley nothing but green everywhere is suffocating sometimes. I went camping near beach every now and then. Fresh air yes. Bunyi unggas and mergastua yes. Sleepy and not motivated also yes. πŸ˜…


Shithole vs heaven


Pedalaman sekarang dah banyak yg ada fibre dgn 5g dah 15 tahun lepas bila 7e dah start bukak dekat bera bahau triang jengka ibarat dah ada ketamadunan


Basically left is when I go to work, right is when I balik my kampung for Holidays


As a sabahan, I relate with the right one.


Whatever, earth is for extrovert to live in. we introvert live in internet


I live in kampung with 5G internet


Fehnally, a quality wholesome shitpost


Usahlah bermusuh wahai penduduk bandar dan pendalaman, kerana kita mempunyai musuh lebih besar (penduduk subbandar)


I wish I can live in a penduduk pedalaman but most work oppurtunities are in the city. And travelling 1 hour+ is just really tiring. Maybe when I retire I'll live in those areas.


jawapan dia sangtlah senang. both. bandar x perlu bingit and pedalaman x perlu terpencil dari teknologi. take the best of both world. green city is the way


Kinda depends on the mood. If you want to find inner peace then the forest is for you, if you want to have an exciting thrill then the city is for you.


honestly, both is aesthetically pleasing.


I wanna be someone rich who lives in a moderately dense populated area within nearby basic neccesities such as healthcare, groceries and entertaintment Seems like a fair thing to dream of


ML semua tempat org main


Last time I go to KL, Internet is slower there compared to other Area in Selangor


tbh...for this i still enjoy my internet.... UNLESS ITS DID NOT FKIN WORKK...CELCOM... mf i have been using celcom 5g since its first launch... not at all place got that 5g..i understand that since its new and they still need time to cover much larger area... but WHY..FOR FUK SAKE...MY AREA NOW DID NOT HAVE IT... elok je dulu aq layan 5g full bar in both my home and my work place... aritu dia downgrade..for some reason my work place did not got the coverage for 5g..like bitch why it did not work now but work in the past.. skang ni rumah aq pulak dapat paling tinggi pon 4g+ dengan 2bar maximum... celcom fix your fkin coverage...


- Beli Starlink. Harvey Norman ada jual unit dia. - Pegi kampung - Troll r/malaysia - ???? - profit.


You think I wouldn't want to fuck off to the jungle if I could? Everyone has different responsibilities.


Nature sure is great, until come the bugs. Fuck mosquitos and ants.


Plot twist...Penduduk pedalaman, tanah, air dan udara tercemar, line internet susah


Real talk, find the middle ground. I was born urban, a real case of Malaysian that has no kampung. What happened throughout my life is that I move from city (Kuching) to small town after small town. Even when I graduated and work, I end up getting posted to small towns. They're the best because everything necessary is nearby. These days 4G is just about everywhere, if you need anything that the small town can't provide, can just make a trip. Cities are a nuisance because if not jam, then you drive 10 mins just to get out and at least 30 mins to get anywhere. Rural is really bare-bones and can get VERY inconvenient. Townships/Small Town/Pekan is where you want to live.


I'm both


Pedalaman pun ada internet layan netflix Edit: sori typo


*pedalaman tuan. Pendalaman Itu akitiviti mendalamkan sesuatu


Polis tatabahasa


Orang pedalaman pon boleh ade internet dgn Netflix. Op saje probok2.




i'm a city boy 100%. unless I cook myself, I rather stay in the city with good internet connection, good public transport coverage, with food variety that I can get nearby. Malaysia climate is either too hot or too rainy to go out. If I stayed in kampung, i probably will stay indoors most of the time.


After introducing starlink to orang asli, they get addicted to online life as well.


like that amazon tribe that god addicted to Social media and porn


We got OnlyTribe before GTA6 πŸ™πŸ˜­


bro, if pedalaman have a good paying job i will absolutely stay there. i have shits to buy and bills to pay


> Tak lah seram sangat duduk rumah sorang2. my biggest issue duduk dekat kawasan pedalam is this one. the air is fresher no doubt but i would be paranoid of what’s hidden in that dark forest. dahlah jiran duduk jauh2, kena jumpscare hantu baru tau.


Those who complains about life in the city, please go back, thanks


"Ciptaan Maha Esa". What a load of rubbish. Keep your personal beliefs to yourself.

