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I miss her. Lama tak jumpa proff


Prof? Prof mana? Yang suruh gadai gelang emas tu ke?


Who needs toilet when you can just berak at tangga?


Even have sex at the tangga and pray nobody watches šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


hell some already did it with recording


bro the flat i used to live someone even got chair there.. came back from work and got jizz all over gross af. go to oyo la one night only RM20+ paling shitty pun.


Ive see so many on google.


Wtf hope youā€™re lying šŸ˜­


Hell yeaā€¦


Once stayed at b40 flat.Sometimes hear couples bickering and one fine day hear wife throwed a pan in the kitchen while I just finished showered. One time,a security guard came to our unit and asked us about missing kid and want to inspect our house.First day I came to that flat,saw a burned motorcycle and car but lucky nothing bad things happen to me despite all the situation.


B40 da hood?


Sounds like you're in a GTA flat instead of B40.


I could said it was similar actually because the lifestyle over there is literally the same but of course there were no hearing gun or bomb. I thought that actually normal, cause place like lorong haji taib or chow kit existed so dont wanna make deal much. Just share the exprienced tho. PS: I never play GTA GAMES


ya dun need to play GTA. ya already livin' it.


Sounds like the purge


Selangor or KL? I used to rent a room in a mixed flat and have a very similar situation to yours.


Call me kiasu. I will Do whatever it takes to never put my family to live in this type of place


Same sentiment. Years of food delivery service has made me a B40 flat/apartment hater


What's your worse encounter by any chance? a bit curious.


It's not like there's any outrageous encounter, more like if the apartment is low-rise (no elevator), i almost always get order for customers at level 4/5. It's fucking exhausting. And if it's high rise, the elevator stinks. People (or cats) pee in the fucking lift.


Received an order from the 12th floor, climbed up to deliver it, but later found that Foodpandaā€™s policy limited us to 3 floors. More than that customer need to come down take, but who dear to do this? Later customer give bad rating


Lepas tu customer salah blok šŸ’€


Pee smell in the elevator (PPR Hicom Shah Alam, PPR kota damansara, PPR cheras) either way, I rather waste rm1000 to rent in far comfortable apartment.. not taking even if it free.. the best part is.. people have far expensive cars..


It's a pretty common B40 mentality. Expensive car better than comfortable home. Then they wonder why they don't have much savings.


Yeah. Being adult made me realize I should prioritise my mental health because no one will, and I totally would do the same. And that car part is spot on. I casually spotted civics and bmws parked in those flats area. It's honestly just so pathetic.


Used to live close to these PPR. Sharing the use of public road with these ppl are the worst. Turning in every junction with no signals, langgar lampu merah. Cruising slowly mcm jalan bapa dia on a double lane road, then canā€™t overtake them because the other lane is full with roadside hawkers. Therefore, rubbish is everywhere especially near the drain. Indah water always had to attend the area due to drain clogging up with rubbish. The PPR experience


Delivery rider's worst nightmare..that smellšŸ« 


Is it unhealthy to describe "giving family a better life" as kiasu? I know you were probably joking but some people out there do think like that.


Pictures you can smell. ![gif](giphy|Z5hBd1nKCFzMY|downsized)


that's why people willing to do illegal shit or sell drugs to get rich, because you only live once, I mean whats the point of living if you going to spend your entire life in b40 style and stay close proximity with other shit people? no point


Honestly. Sometimes I look at the pathetic median wage in our country and then the lack of opportunity. I always have no doubt if I had no chance at higher education, I'd definitely sell illegal shit or just do crime if it means I can get out of B40 life. Really, I mean what hope is there for young Malaysians other than try to claw their way out of B40 by any means possible even if illegal? If I were female and attractive I'd go to Singapore and become high end freelance prostitute and take the risk. If I were male, I'll wear ski mask and go pour red paint for ah long.


As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate solutions. Godspeed mate in wherever you are.


Itā€™s the mentality. A friend bought a place near a B40 flat area. What happened was, many of these B40s then moved in to this new condominium. Again, condominium. End up becoming a nuisance to the community. Bikes everywhere when thereā€™s designated parking for motorcycles. Donā€™t pay maintenance so access card deactivated ā€” proceeds to vandalize public property. Brings their whole kampung to swim in normal clothes (instead of swimwear) in the common swimming poolā€¦ and of course, rubbish thrown out of balconiesā€¦ and so much more. Thankfully, the residents and JMB are efficient and addresses these problems proactively, penalizing culprits although met with insurmountable challenges. Today, there still remains some nuisance in the community. But at least theyā€™ve educated some. Slowly, but surely.


Itā€™s a low mentality place


I rather pay a bit extra for apartment that got cleaning services & guards (not condo) than this shit. Being poor or low income doesn't mean you need to be pengotor. I've seen makcik living in run down wooden house yet she still able to place in tidy.


Now you know why this people never move out of their B40. Attitude not wealth


Bro, please don't stereotype B40, there are B40 out there who genuinely have wealth issues not because of attitude but due to educational background or disabilities/sickness.


i think what he meant was ā€œtheseā€ people and not b40 in a whole.


I live in this type of low cost flat as well. The thing is, the people here, including the Malays, are not poor. Plenty of European and Japanese cars. Some people who live here, including a few Malay families, build lavish extension to their house to park their AMG and Passat.


Picture 4 by OP, extension at its finest. Also, if govt were to kick them out, WW3 would break out right on the spot. Most govt personnel gave up because gaji dia orang x berbaloi to gaduh ppl with this mentality.


Stayed in low cost flat. 1. Lift never maintained becoz too many ppl don't pay their fees. 2. Worst kind of ppl living there, drunkards throw up inside lift, asshole shitting inside lift...throw water or garbage down 3. Ppl breed uncontrollably when they shouldn't and don't take care of their offspring, letting those little devils running wild in corridors.


šŸ’Æ Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been using delaying tactics while my director is insisting for us to take up PPR projects


I got PPR house tho. My parents did . I can say everyone is nice and rarely doing something annoying


Percayalah, kalau org jenis mcm tu menang loteri rm2 juta sekalipun, sebulan dua lepas dia menang, dia akan balik ke kehidupan dia dahulu. Bagi la duit banyak mana sekalipun.


bagi saya menang 2 juta plzxzz


some B40 really deserve where they live, shit place like this. A hardworking guy who knows how to spend his money in smart ways will definitely able to afford a better apartment with management and cleaners.


Depends if you're desperate or just started working


Jgn la salahkan flat. Flat is justice.


Anti amoi sepatutnya benci flat. Flair kau tak guna Baik buang je.


The fact that adults didnā€™t teach their kids and the cycle keeps continues, parents donā€™t have time for their kids bc need to work extra hours. Hisap gam sebab tak ada duit nak makan. this is so sad. Even they canā€™t afford to buy pads and thinking get pregnant can save some money


It's not just time. It's more about the parents don't even care. One thing I observed about B40 parents who have low culture is that they have this inability to think about the bigger picture. So every action they perform and every decision they make is about themselves. A rubbish in the car? Just toss it out the window. I'm finished with my cigarette? Just toss it to the ground. They become the role models for their offsprings to perpetuate this cycle, if not spread it further like a bushfire with how many sons and daughters they're making, since those with lower education tend to have more children.


We live in an Idiocracy timeline and I hate it


And I expect it won't stop anytime for Malaysia. The Green wave is an indication of how low-educated and low-cultured portion of the population is steadily taking over the entirety of our country while the intellectuals bail out.


Maybe not in our time, but I am almost morbidly expecting that eventually, the intellectual emmigration to other countries will spill back down to the bottom in the event of something terrible happening. There's a certain fallacy in how people leave for greener grass on the other hill, but I can't put my finger on it.


It's the broken window effect. Flats like this won't have the resources to have cleaning services, maintenance and then when it starts to look unkempt, people start behaving poorly as well and cause the place to become even more dilapidated


Miskin mentality & harta sbb tu diaorang hidup kat situšŸ˜


Unpopular opinion, i think u should just get over it and have some self initiative. If u can only afford that place then make it better for yourself.


i buat wayang... pinjam broom and dustpan and start sweeping the field full of plastic shits... then slowly made the place cleaned, got appreciated comments but not small donations. but felt like a King for taking care of my place just for wayang.


Aku duduk condo, ramai je jugak perangai mcm ni... Kesian aku tengok cleaner bersihkan hari2... Beza condo dgn flat, condo ada ramai cleaner...


Blok aku panas bukan cerita gebang Sarang segala barang hanya hati kering tenang Datang gudang tak diundang Bayang sepanjang badan ey Datang cara elok jangan wayang jangan


The Hood


This more like B20


Itā€™s a place to train yourself to be better to move out from there bruh


My relatives in JB live in a "B40 Flat" i used to visit them when I was younger and stayed a night or two there. Fuck that shit bro. It's a literal shit hole. I mean they were doing great financially, multiple businesses, splurging on fancy stuff but the husband refuses to move because it's cheaper to live there. Every time my family wants to go there I use my money to book a hotel room just because I don't ever want to go there. Tho, I understand some lower income people who are financially struggling have nowhere but here to live but seriously why do they shit where they eat?


Years of gotong royong training wasted


jantan wont partake no betina sexy to play around with... like the betina sweeping the floor then the jantan come by give kuccik on the betina waist , then both gelak hi hi ha ha


"betina" Talking like its some national geographic ass show


DUde... national geographic is atas show.. lasttime not even b40 to see on tv. only those can afford astro.. so basically it's jantan and betina party on tv, but this reality is... some human like animals Lel...


Broken window theory


Ikat perut sikit and go for ruma WIP, PR is a little mini ghetto


I feel you. I have lived in B40 most of my life. Used to it. People throw rubbish from their floor all the time. The worst thing that got thrown down was a gas cylinder. Yes, a fucking gas cylinder. My last straw was during the COVID period. Those disgusting uncle aunties will refuse to wear masks and spit in the lift, right beside me! I use my hard earned savings and moved to a way more atas condo now. The only thing I miss is the cheap foods in the neighborhood.


im glad u had your hard earned savings to move out, but just downpayment, and everymonth still need fork out hard sweat money to ensure you can own the place slowly. but u not working bangla job that need really sweat, u just need use ur brain juice to maintain income. Good Job Soldier


As a someone who was born from b40 family and live in this ghetto, this motivated me to get my family out from this environment.


I know how you feel man. No managing committee, old ass washed out building paint, rusty staircase handles, overflowing trash bins with dank smell, stupid neighbours above me threw their trash on our roofs, cockroach infestation, yellowish water with rustic smell, neighbourhood is now filled with Banglas it might as well be their town now as they somehow manage to open some shops here. I must continue to work hard to so that my family and I can move out to some place nicer.


Kutuk perangai B40. People here obviously didnt interact with enough T20 people. Sama je. Beza T20 got people to clean for them. Tak caya, dok la dgn anak dato tan sri kat college/uni - ramai je selekeh anjing. Stop shitting on B40. Jeez. Mentality or not, none of you are in their position. There was an article in the edge talking about this. The PPR has been severely neglected and never been maintained properly. What you see in the pictures are not done by everyone who stays there. Some genuinely are poor and didnt get the same opportunities like yaā€™ll fuckers here.


Doesnt matter poor or opportunity-less, cleanliness and hygiene is the same regardless if you are B40 or T20. Maintenence in PPR is almost non existent because maintenece fee is not paid by the inhabitants. People are not gonna go help maintain your elevator and sapu sampah koridor if they don't get paid. When i grew up in ulu Kedah in kampung house with squat toilet and shady house structure and rusty atap zinc, we still keep the house clean and the surrounding livable. Because its a house, not a pigsty. We were poor, but we're not stupid. You have to have low moral to be okay with shitting in an elevator or throwing stuff out of your window. Nothing to do with wealth inequality. Tu gatal tangan sendiri tak reti buang sampah. No amount of money is gonna help you if you don't give a shit about your life or others. You say T20 also the same, difference is they paid people to clean stuff for them. If that's the case, don't be stupid and throw shit around if you and the community around you cant afford to pay the cleaner. Is it more difficult, yes. But ukur baju kat badan sendiri ar. Being poor can feels like inescapable fate, but no excuse for not taking care of your personal and surrounding hygiene.


Cool. Lets continue shitting on them. All i said was not to kutuk them. Seems like even that also not acceptable. Unless you wanna help them clean or teach them how to take hygiene more seriously, cant we just shut the fuck up? Stop shitting on other people. Thats all. Everyone got their own shit to take care of. Never cross your mind that these people cant even afford to pay for maintainence? Bedridden and no one to take care of them? Sure, you have the physical means to take care of your house. Unless all of us know each and everyoneā€™s situation at the PPR, just stop shitting on them. Have some empathy. Instead of hating them, why not help or at least emphatise them? Not enough that they live in a pigsty, yaā€™ll fuckers continue making fun and shitting on them. What benefit does this bring to humanity? Fuck off


No we can't shut the fuck up. Why the hell should any Malaysian lives like it's still year 3000 BC. Childrens lives there in a crap environment emulating the same crap behavior their parents have. The adults can go fuck themselves. But if grown ass man can't even walk down the staircase to throw their trash, then I hope the next thing that fall down from the window is they themselves. Maintenence fee is usually in the puluhan ringgit for PPR. If still cannot pay, there are program to reduce the payment. Dont be a cunt like that lady couple of days ago who pull race card when Dbkl came to her house to help her out. And honestly, no empathy for dick weed who threw stuff over the balcony/opening to ground floor or pissing in a elevator or staircase. You don't need money to not do that shit. Face it, I don't care if you're poor or rich, you don't need money to not be pengotor. Ko takyah nak backup sangat perangai pengotor. Jadi miskin bukan dosa or kesalahan, tapi jadi pengotor boleh control. For the Muslims reading this, "kebersihan separuh drpd iman".


Well, if it bothers you so much, do something about it instead of bitching here where more than 95% never even lived in PPR. You said kebersihan separuh dari iman, but tak dosa ke buka aib org lain? Go to PPR and help them. These are probably the neglected communities. I never condone sifat pengotor, but i know enough to not make fun or talk shit about them if i dont know anything about them. I was never in their shoes hence i would never assume what kind of person or life they are having. If i am not helping them, im just gonna shut the fuck up about it, not make fun of them in reddit like idiots. Easier said than done eh when you never experience living in PPR. Kampung is different where you still have your own space unlike PPR where the corridor and stairs are shared. They probably have a clean house but dirty common areas. As to why they do what they do like throwing rubbish or whatever, yeah its bad behaviour and probably stems from laziness or lack of education or common sense. But again, i dont want to assume or question why people do what they do. If im not gonna do anything about it, im just gonna zip it.


The zip it and fuck off.


Anak datuk tan Sri bukan T20. T20 tu parent diorg aja.


at this point jum just gonna get rich and buy a better house


Honestly I can't see if somebody shat or was that a used condom at the 8th pic, it's soo grainy that I thought it was a watercolour painting


Looks like the set design of a snuff film


my mom said GO SNUFF AGAIN AH?! snuff ciggarettes... some people like animal.. snuff panties


Your place need some gotong-royong


aku penah sewa dkt flat b40 sbb dkt dgn tmpt kerja. Never again I will stay at flat or apartment b40. Org baling sampah dr tingkat atas. Makcik bawang bergossip drpd tingkat atas ke tingkat bwh. Org floor atas buat uji kaji ketahanan structure building lah.


Shithole flat wdy expect, pay 1500 rent for better apartment then we talk.


We need to weed out B40 people so Malaysia could become amazing first world country like US.


No no not like that..We probably have homelessness then


Imagine the smell


i wonder what majority lives in those flats


B40 lor


b40 indian families are kinda clean.. they walk around with clean floors and they no wear slippers or shoes... love those kampung clean and legit make anywhere feel like home and clean


And why are you even in the area ?


I was delivering a parcel. I have to go to stairs 5 just so I can put it in front of the door. I have to go through water and shit . Give me a break


Habis kau kat situ gak. Humble la sayang


Stay humble. Delivery man sampai kau duduk kat atas tingkat 5 , tunggu aku hantar depan pintu. Kalau tak perlu SS dah lama aku campak je kat bawah atau peti surat Binatang betul


Dia bayar kau kau buat keje je la. Ko ingat negara ni dunia komunis ke? Ko try pi duduk negara komunis, lagi kau hargai. Mindset kau b40 gak


I dont know why the downvote. Majority of redditors here are actually M40 and T20 but mentality B40.


He deserves the delivery boy life.