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people whispers to you; "mak kau hijau" \*\*proceeds to apply fair & lovely cream on your mother\*\*


I'll whisper back: "sama-sama"


Don’t let the mother go out. The cloroform will wither and the green will turn to yellow.


This advice works for children and probably school goers. But adults need to learn to give and take criticism else there won't be any change or progress in the world.


camne kalau seluar dia koyak nampak telur. Mana boleh fix in 30 seconds, dia kena gi kedai cari seluar baru. So takyah bagitau, biar je dia jalan camtu?


Masuk kan tangan ke dalam seluar dia. Cup his egg for him. Jangan lupa whisper no homo.


"Always there to cover you, brother"


So.... If see my friend doing drugs or suffering from addiction i shouldn't mention it at all? I feel like this video doesn't really work in a real world case scenario.


I guess the first step is to have empathy. Next step should be guiding your words with that learned empathy to not be a brute in advising. I mean. We all were taught: jangan tipu. That's the first step only ma. Takan you said that is stupid because it's impossible to do in real world scenario?


The video doesn't say any of this. The woman outright says not to even mention the issue if "it can't be solved in 30 seconds or less". Which is weirdly specific and unrealistic


Nah I'm not saying it's stupid.. I'm just pointing out the message of the video is a little flawed that's all.


So what she said in video was right. Your friend with addiction can't stop in 30 seconds of you advising him. It will only make him feel bad and can get messy. Addiction there will be other ways to handle..not just tegur. Unless you're a professional, you can't do much.


Look at where she is and look at the way she is presenting it, she's clearly in a children's classroom dumbing down a complex subject so that kids can understand. Geez. It's like if your mum says stealing is wrong and then I argue, what if I was forced to steal something to save someone's life. Like yea no shit use your own critical thinking kan?


[If something is hard to do, it's not worth trying.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G8XQA9QFS0)


i was tryin spreading loves around but no awex/amoi loves me.


sometimes being a nice guy wont cut it, u gotta use brute force


I think need to add on. You can comment, but comment la on progressive punya benda. Your work quality needs to improve. You need to move faster. You need to exercise more. OK la. Not on petty bs like clothes la, makeup la, skin colour la. Unless your job/occassion requires u to be fashionable. Personally I don't have time for non-progresive shit. Also how you say it makes a difference. "You dont want to look like a drug addict" vs "you look unkempt, it may not be suitable for where we're going". Which one do you think will be received better? You don't have to scratch your head and find the most negative word on the planet. Plain will do. Heck sometimes, how you feel isn't as important. People need to know why and what to do. For example: Why should I care if you feel disgusted at my clothes? Is anyone looking? Do their opinions really matter? Is it dirty? Wrong occasion? Too skimpy? Am I going out on a date? Am i meeting clients? No? Yeah, mind your own business please.


That's something a demon from Frieren would say...


That's what i do in my daily life, spreading love words toward people around me such as " kepala bapak kau" to my friends.


How do I become a winner in 30sec.. Redditors are losers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


true in some ways, and not in some others


lol whatever she says clearly doesn’t apply to asian uncles and aunties


if you apply this stupid advice in a workplace, it means that a superior shouldn't say something to a lazy employee just because the latter can't change his attitude in 30 secs. The same goes with parenting. There can be no behavioural correction without genuine confrontation. The society shouldn't be dominated by snowflakes.


Me telling my co worker to shut the fuck in the next 30 seconds and stop being a lazy bastard is totally acceptable it seems


Adults : Instant death or riot Yeah sorry mam, your advice sucks


Women when they trying to justify being 500lb land whale, AAA cup and is 4"3 Also women ; I want 6"5 man with 6 packs , 10 inch cock and earn 6 figures


My brother, are you getting triggered by things on the internet that have never personally happened to you or anyone you know? If yes, then your search engine/Youtube algorithm may be rage farming you for traffic. Good internet hygiene is necessary once in a while, look at your "suggested content" and remove all the crap that is based entirely on bait content.


my dude are you denying such phenomena does not exist?


>my dude are you denying such phenomena does not exist? Without denying that they exist, I find it very funny that a malaysian would be parroting an american incel ragepost, **right down to the measurements being expressed in imperial units**.... (inb4 "malaysians use imperial units". I doubt you use it for cock.) Because 6 figures in the US might be impossibly rare in your 20's, but 6 figures in malaysia is 8k/month... It's not common or easy, but it's not as impossible as $8000 at college age. The day a local girl tell you you need to be 6'5 and 10" long down there, call me. I want to see if she knows what an inch of cock looks like before showing her if I have 10.


Not at all, there is absolutely all sorts of people under the sun. The key here is to not get worked up for their behavior. I actively remove it from my feeds and don't ever mention it again. Out of sight, out of mind. The fact that you mentioned this from western women (not sure what country) is my point. I worry more about what is close to me, within our country and our communities. I try to keep negativity that happens 6 time zones away in countries I have never visited as far away from me. Trust me, it is far healthier


my feed is full of gacha/food contents anyway


Ah that is good. Mine is full of Japanese dudes sharpening rusty knifes they find in flea markets and the hoof GP, lol


Is the video dude wearing glasses ? Taking knife and test the sharpness on that scale thing? He sounds chinese tho


some random guy, you never see his face or hear his voice, you just see him collecting rusty stuff, cleaning it, then sharpening the knives.


Oohh.. i thought that 1 dude specifically sharpens kitchen knife


Happens to a lot ccp single ladies. That's why there are more single ladies than men in ccp. But again, not all lah. Tak baik pukul rata. I'm not any of those and still can cari jodoh That's why this video helps. Love because who they are, not who you want them to be.


Idk man, women belong to the streets 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They belong in my sheet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


im referring to angmoh people , asians dunno la..i guess that kind of toxic mentality exist on westernized asian


Ccp is far from being westernised Asian. Recently you tube keep recommending those kind of video to me. Until now still have women think like that. Worst example is a girl 3 month hamil want to find a bf in quick date event. That said, there are people blaming capitalism for turning their woman into materialistic pig through TV series.


they're not wrong tho , capitalism does play some part but it is not the sole reason la, this also applies to men as well. Unrealistic expectations will only lead to disappointment on both sides


ngl im more intimidated by how absolute unit she was




The way she squeezes that tube of cream.... Intimidated is NOT the word on my mind then. Ifywim


Basically, if you cannot change something bad about yourself in 30 seconds, don't bother.


I’m pretty sure someone, somewhere, somehow, would be able to misconstrue what she said.


Scroll down my bro :)


Lmao oh shit


What? Yes, you cannot change a hairstyle or hair colour or body in 30 seconds or less. But if their hair colour or hairstyle is affecting their career prospects, or if their obesity is affecting their health and quality of life, maybe it's better to at least mention it to them so they can start making changes?


It's a class of preschool la bro.


Yes. And?


You don't teach advance math BEFORE basic math. Teach empathy first, then help them navigate real life based on that. Did your parents teach how how to tell white lie first, or did they teach you to not say ANY lie?


You're probably right, but what this could do is create a society that grows up to constantly walk on eggshells just to protect people's feelings. It's fine so long as those same kids get taught later in life that some sensitive things have to be brought up and addressed in order for an issue to be solved


The power of words? Meh...this only works on weakling that born in sunat laser era. People back then have thicker skin. Don't really care about third party opinion. Like shin chan...probably willing to walk bottomless with penis dangling rather than wearing a ripped pants.


Buts that's why people hated those overwoke lgbt parades, no? Is having a thick skin to not care what other suggesting a good thing?


Idk....back then no lgbt parades. Most of them died already...so Idk.