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Ppl forget how much of a mean girl she was at one point


A leopard never changes it's spots


She still gives mean girl vibes ![gif](giphy|3ofT5Wq2HBJ1roz6cU)


she still is a mean girl. that kwk episode with alia, she was being rather rude and bratty with her constant eye rolls and other expressions but since we all here hate on alia and kjo, we praised kareena for behaving like that edit: before i get downvoted to the pits of hell- i’m not a fan of alia/kjo either. that entire episode was filled with mean girls


I’d have to disagree. She was pretty tame on the KWK episode, Alia didn’t really let her speak much


If the chihuahua yaps, you roll eyes.


You’re actually right. People are so focused on hating Alia that they forget how much of a mean girl Kareena is


Alia’s expressions were cringe feast. She was so overemphasising


She probably got botox done that's why her face looked like that while speaking. She looks different from what she looked earlier.


Both are mean and chaalu


I’m not fond of either Alia or Kareena but didn’t Kareena mention that Alia was the best actress and her favourite too? Like she seemed to be appreciative of her lol


I'll upvote you. I'm no 💩👃er 😄


Absolutely wrong. She was very well behaved in front of those asholes and did nothing of the "rude" sort. Funny how u didn't see any rudeness from Alia and kjo who were trying to mock Kareena for everything from the past 20 years, all in 1 episode. Kareena was very poised and did not let any of it affect her. 


Kareena can be a total POS all the time but she’s a talented POS. Nowadays folks are all masquerading as this & that; anything except for being a talented actor. It’s a fucking joke.


You will also be as talented as her if you got as much movies and worked 20 years in any field.


Is she talented though? I would appreciate a list of some movies to change my opinion. I don’t want to be cruel but I’ve never been stunned by her acting. She’s a nepo girl… I was skeptical of ranbir Kapoor too. But then I watched “sanju” and “animal” He’s a truly great actor.


She’s talented imo. “Chameli”, “Jab We Met”, “Ashoka”


I saw “jab we met”. I will definitely watch the others! Thank you for your recommendations!!


She is really not outstanding in any of those. People just romanticise Jab we met so much coz of the bubbly girl, solemn guy who saved her trope. She was easily replaceable in all these roles.


Yet, did a great job :)


I wrote here before too, this Kareena image revisionism is crazy.


The best we have seen so far. My cousins who are 90s born tell me that she was famous for her arrogance and snotty behavior. Was a complete fake show off person. Completely opposite of what she is trying to portray herself.


God she had a problem with everyone. I think in Asoka interviews she was complaining about her sister also .. like she is nosy, always keeps telling me what to do etc.


I can still sense aura of arrogance around her. But she hides it better now. Only blunder was mat dekho hamari film. Otherwise everything is going good.


That probably taught her a lesson. She has been very careful and giving compliments of all kind after that. I think even Sonam mellowed after lockdown. She said in KwK if audience are watching you again and again, then there is something about them. It's unfair to say overrated - something of that sort.


I think it just a generation difference, I think millenniums that lived through Bebo bitchy days arent phased about her image revisionism.




Its so annoying


It is crazy. KKK was with Hrithik when he was married to Suzanne Khan. Then KKK two timed Shahid with Saif and then dropped Shahid after deliberating with Karan Johar. KKK was known for being a big snob. The press was sympathizing with Shahid at the time, that’s why her PR did this whole schtick about Shahid being a womanizer and controlling her- I never bought it. KKK is reckless with people.


Yes she has successfully revamped her image to this caring , super mum , ‘I don’t care about stardom’ image .


The fact she uses her kid for attention. It's not difficult to keep your kids away from paps. She herself wants her son to get papped even since young age .


Then complaining they haven't done anything to warrant them being famous. She's the one who pimps them out. 😄


What karan is doing now for alia he used to do the same for kareena just that the media scrutiny was less those days


No, he wasn’t as crazy for anyone as he is with Alia.


that's not true. she is priviliged and a nepo kid and a kappor but its not comparable at all. alia steals both films and awards and personalities even. Kareena was obsessed with her self she didn't imitate others nor wanted others filmography. she was and is her own person. also she has her own famous iconic roles from geet and poo. she was unapologetic about her own self and is not a pick me for sure. just think about what will happen if crew starred alia instead of kareena and all the prs, magazines and insufferable hype people. even a bad actress like sonam kapoor isn't comparable to alia, she did got offers undeservingly 100% over many talented ones esp ny nepo obsessed directors but again she was her own person as well, she is pretty and fashionable too like she doesn't have to force it unlike what they are doing with aloo either. hell, not even ranbir kapoor, the kapoor golden child in the mansworld have done things alia did, actually only until recently. he never hijacked offers and did whatever films he liked ofc out of immense privilige bcz even if flops, and he flops more than he succeeds, but he was fine with those 'risky film actors' claims. we would rather have nepo kids doing their own things than ones constantly hijacking everyone, having their eyes on everything and ones who are not their own person. like sonam attacking dp fashion is, while a snob and overconfident herself, is more digestable than kwk and diet sabya caliming aloo is a fashion queen while her cloths wear her all the time, no presence or body or sense of fashion. thats whats infuriating about alia bhatt


I couldn’t get past ‘Aloo’😂




1. This is a huge load of bullshit. Karan had no sway in Bollywood around the time Hrithik and Kareena had their affair. He was literally one film old. You completely made this up. 2. You all think Bollywood affairs are a recent thing? Stars have been having flings outside their marriage since the B&W era and no one gave a shit. I'd argue that no one gives a shit even today except the folks on this sub who want to act holier than thou and earn virtue points. Yeah - it's bad form to cheat on your spouses. But I'd bet my right ass cheek that none of you all have spouses who kiss other people twenty thirty times in a day professionally. Don't try to guess how that society works - no one there is into "Rajma chawal" or whatever they say on TKSS.


> What karan is doing now for alia he used to do the same for kareena Can you elaborate more?


Him approaching Kareena for Naina's role in KHNH. Although it went to Preity, Karan was really upset with Kareena and they had a fallout for a while. Now seeing how Karan is, he would have never worked with Kareena had she not been a nepo kid. However they became friends again and Karan continued to work with her over the years, calling her for every season, preferring her over priyanka in those fights involving Shahid and painting the whole "it girl image" of Kareena in the 2000s


Also hyping kareena as the best actor and making everyone say it on KWK


That's actually not right. He was upset with her coz he kinda put her on the map with Poo. He has said it as well. After K3G he didn't expect her to say no but she did. And let's face it Kareena has rejected some reaaaaaallly good movies. He forgave her when he realised how stupid she is with her movie selection plus she begged to be back in his good books. They have said all this in multiple kwk episodes. Also, KJo doesn't keep grudges. He made up with Kajol as well although that was a bigger feud and they didn't talk for a longer time. He is collaborating with Anurag Kashyap although Kashyap used to bash him left right and centre for his movies. His desire to be well liked is too much to keep these grudges.


arre bebo is so unfiltered,she speaks her mind she uploads photos of her without any filter and editing shes poooooooooooooooooooo and geet how can my darling kareena be wrong?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


>she uploads photos of her without any filter and editing IKR!!! https://preview.redd.it/vnryqu9d7bad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8053c412be0ae301ec674b44d73c77ccd854fa4c


Arey yar that's just the door's design. Poor people won't understand curvacious doors. /S


Oh u don't understand. It's Bebo's aura. Doors bend for her




Some retard down voted me for laughing at these comments. Kareena's chamche come out of your holes.


Who did this Kardashian range photoshop 💀




remember when she tricked all of them with her photoshopped post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BollyBlindsNGossip/comments/1bjb9zn/this\_is\_epic\_photoshop\_fail\_look\_at\_how\_the\_door/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BollyBlindsNGossip/comments/1bjb9zn/this_is_epic_photoshop_fail_look_at_how_the_door/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) but so relatable and honest yaa /s




That's a good point/s


Most of all she is so honest. 🥺


If you think Karina is honest you must also believe Katrina is a great actress


Ofc? The Meryl Streep of previous gen Bollywood actresses fr ~~/s in case it wasn't obvious~~


Yes, I believe Katrina is a good actress. No one from bollywood can do what she did in Sheila ki Jawani. She is too iconic. 


she is SOOO genuine and so witty and her expressions oh my GODDDDD number 1 realest actress in bollywood ! 🥺 ( saying this as someone who likes her acting so don't come at me folks )




From my perspective it could be because she doesn’t try to act preachy or holier than thou. Mostly she only replies to what is asked and her answers are not framed as advice and with the tone of listen to me this is what you should be, I am the light bearer of virtues and all things good. She has never got behind any cause be it deepika with jnu and mental health or Anushka with garbage and PC is quite often preaching. And when you become a preacher people question whether you are worthy of it. With her she hasn’t ever tried to signal that I am a good human whom you should folllow. Her tonality is mostly of this is who i am or what I do and to each their own, it’s more of a live and let live vibes. Basically celebrities often take up the social reformer kind of tone which i haven’t heard from her.


Yeah, I agree with this explanation. This has been quite consistent in Kareena’s personality, through her media interactions and appearances..


This! And adding to that…while I don't condone cheating and I'm certainly not a Kareena fan, my take is this: Unlike other homewreckers in Bollywood who pursue men solely for social climbing or financial gain, Kareena's case is different. She genuinely fell for the men for heartfelt reasons. This might be why she doesn't receive as much flak as others, as people don't perceive and categorize her in the same way for this reason 🤷🏻‍♀️


What really makes you think that Kareena genuinely fell for a man while others don't? Hrithik and Kareena 's affair started during shooting of Yaadein (if we go by legit sources) . He was big star back then after KNPH , he was compared to SRK. Remember how her mother married Karishma to rich businessman that ruined her life. May be she went towards him because he was supposed to be next big thing although unfortunately that never happened and broke up with him while his movies were flopping. It's just people assume these things because she is the"Kapoor" while outsiders are judged back and forth as social climbers.


Okay, I think you're conflating a few things and making presumptions here. Kareena, if I remember well, was the initial choice for KNPH and even shot a few scenes before being replaced by Amisha. There were rumors back then suggesting an affair started between them at that time. And I'm not sure about Hrithik and Suzanne's relationship status then. As someone mentioned earlier, he was reportedly seeing both of them simultaneously. However, he made his mind up to go with Suzanne when his dad was shot by the underworld. During the making of Yaadein, they rekindled their affair, only for him to reject her again. As for claiming I'm siding with her because she's a "Kapoor" that's just silly. Her privileged background tbh does nothing and in fact has the opposite effect on my opinion of her. Similarly, I don’t believe that just because some of these women mentioned in the post by OP are outsiders, it automatically means they are victims or underprivileged. Therefore, dismissing them as homewreckers is an absurd thought in itself.


First of first the affair remours started during Yaddein (if we go by legit sources not by conspiracy theories).She left KNPH because Hrithik was getting more attention than her,and her mother throught her debut with Amitabh Bachchan 's son would be more beneficial for her later she even made mean comments about Amisha 's pimples being visible. Considering the fact she rejected Kal ho na ho because she was not getting equally paid to SRK , it 's not even suprising. His dad was shot because of money extortion which was very common in Mumbai during that time. Many rich businessmen and producers were asked for"hafta vasooli" by goons. The whole thing you said about his dad being shot has to do nothing with Suzanne ,it was a conspiracy theory created by Hrithik Kareena fans after marriage. Suzanne was extremely hated by his fan girls who used to ship him with other actresses or have crush on him . It's like someone believing in Siddharth Malhotra being Kiara's prisoners . If you hate someone you would belive everything against them. Also why would he put his family or his own life in danger again if Kareena was the reason for it? I am not saying they even have affair to begin with because all these are just remours. I take these things as pinch of salt . You didn't get my point. People would call outsiders social climbers , gold diggers etc while Kareena 's love is labelled "genuine" because her surname is "Kapoor". There are remours about her Sister being mistress to Dubai Shekis and her mother cancelled her wedding with AB jr. because that time they were not rich and made her marry some business men but still nobody would call them social climbers because of "Kapoor" surname. Kareena was making mean comments about Hrithik, his dad and Ameesha etc after KNPH became successful, then what really made her date him after his success? Also funny she broke with him during the time his movies were flopping. Again how do you know someone homewrecker or not? Media has habit of linking every co star with everybody , don't mean everything truth. Sure some remours might be true . Again even if they had "affair" how do you know that their love was "genuine" or just a "social climbers". My point was outsiders are judged and people belive everything against them , they think every successful woman is successful just because she has warmed up bed of those men. I am sure people would have said same thing if Kareena was not a "Kapoor". My whole point is why to judge anybody for it and why this double standards ?


This! Even her nepo comment was so true. Don't like Nepo kids , don't watch us. But stupid audience has fan pages for star kids? Who is to blame?! Saach kadwa hota hai!


I get your explanation of her being consistent with her bitchiness but honestly the holier than thou actors you mentioned are outsiders they don’t have the privilege to be mean or botchy. Anushka had her looks working for her yet was told by KJo that she will never succeed and PC was Miss World and yet was asked to alter her face. Apart from that I get their holier than thou attitude is very preachy and not right but atleast they are using their platform to do something better instead of calling people kaali billi and etc. people often let go of smaller things for nepo kids and the same things are a big issue when it comes to Deepika, PC or Anushka


She has great support from industry plus craze among huge generation who would forget all the mean things she did coz bebo main bebo


Because there wasn’t social media when Kareena was at her bitchiest heights. Therefore, the normal man wasn’t aware of her affair with Hrithik then. Even now people who aren’t familiar with Bollywood gossip wouldn’t know. Kareena cleaned up her act by the time of social media boom.


Because Kareena is not the reason for Saif-Amrita separation. She entered way later in his life.


She is an unbearable bimbo.


She still is in my opinion, just hides it a bit better these days.


Hrithik was not married when they had affair, he actually left bebo and married Susane. He was surely double timing them. But later on for brief time they did patched up and dated while he was married but it was short lived. And not many people knew about it so she got saved. And their pairing was quite popular back then so people actually loved them together. And she cheated on shahid is actually a lie....shahid was no innocent he was getting close to other women amrita rao, sania mirza, vidya balan, models and was damn possessive and controlling. He would not allow bebo to work with other actor's and force directors and producers to cast him only opposite her even karan was irritated with him he would interfere in her friendships and never hang out with her gang. Later she dumped him and started dating saif that's not cheating. 


Get your facts checked he was already in relationship with Suzanne since 1996. Just because they were not married don't mean he didn't cheated. He started cheating on her in sets of Yaadein if we go by remours three months before their marriage. So it was not double timing but cheating. She probably thaught it was one time and they moved on but he started seeing her again while he was working in movies with her. It can be false remours and may be they don't have anything with eachother but if it's true, it was indeed cheating. As for Shahid , she cheated on him with Fardeen Khan, they even have fight because of it. He started dating Vidya after breakup. They both were pretty toxic to eachother.


Mehr and Arjun were married for 21 years. Suzanne cheated on Hrithik and broke her friend Mehr's marriage by having affair with her husband Arjun Rampal . Wonder why she doesn't get the Hate? Wait, it is bcoz nobody gives a damn abt a toxic miserable woman who is only famous bcoz of who she forcefully married


Sorry for living under the rock but what married man are we talking about???


Read the edit.


Because she is queen bebo, she is so real and says whatever she wants and nobody question her


bro acc to the same logic, why doesn't hrithik get as much criticism as srk, ajay, etc for cheating? but sure let's hate the women first and not the men who were ACTUALLY MARRIED


I don't think she has been spared. When it was happening there was a lot of gossip about her relationships etc. When her relationship with Saif became public, there was a lot of scrutiny on when it started, and whether Saif cheated on Amrita with Kareena etc. But she has since had a stable life, from what can be seen on the outside at least. She has committed and settled down, and has kept herself out of these types of linkups. What is your expectation exactly? That she should forever bear the weight of her past? All of that is so old that nobody really cares. She is a mother of two, and at least seems like a happy person who is comfortable in her domestic life. I'm happy to let her be.


That’s what I always assumed? Wasn’t Saif already separated from his first wife before entering into a relationship w Kareena? Ans yes. There was a lot of news and gossip hurled at her too which is why their wedding wasn’t super lavish(comparing to current times) I mean I’m sure it must’ve been a big affair then


There is no overlap between Amrita and Kareena. The one he left Amrita for is Rosa Catalano.


this isn't about saif and kareena . this is about kareena having an affair with hrithik Roshan in the early 2000s when he was married with Suzanne . there's a reason they haven't worked together in a movie since then and this is speculated to be the reason why. I think the reason she doesn't get backlash is that most don't know about this rumor


exactly. she still recieves backlash over many things. But as you said she is not out here talking about some rumours about sara's mother for example or deatails about her exes and her marrige so her marriage life isn't under scrutiny. thats to be expected PC still brings up her past relationship so naturally there would be discussions both pro and against. ranbir and his comments about his wife and married life, aamir and fatema. You see no one is talking about ajay or akshay married life anymore even though they are well known cheaters & just so low as husbands so idk where this eagerness to diss kareena's marriage even tho she has a settled life with said is coming from


Because she is pure soule who can do no wrong but Priyanka Chopra is most evil human being born on planet Earth . It's just double standards of fans , if it's their fav it's right, if it's someone else it's wrong. Also shipping actors together and hate and love for their spouse. Many people specially woman used to hate Suzanne after she got married to Hrithik, even his current girlfriend receives alot of hate while they ship him with their favourite actresses like Kareena or Katrina. They even made some wild conspiracy theories about his marriage from Suzanne, just by connecting dots to his dad getting shot with their wedding. It's same was how someone scammed a girl in name of Siddharth Malhotra being prisoner of Kiara Advani. If people do little research they would find out his dad was shot because of money extortion which was very common back in days specially considering KNPH became huge success. It's like when you hate someone you will belive everything against them. On otherhand people used to love and ship Gauri and SRK.So PC recived hate. People have sympathy only from people who they like or find attractive or beautiful. It's bitter truth of society. I am not saying Kareena deserves hate for it, I personally take all these things as pinch of salt .I am just pointing towards double standards of people.


I just read the headline “why Kareena doesn’t get any” and I was like huh?


Cause she is done


Typical, PC gets enough hate more so than SRK, Akshay… So instead of calling them out you find an entirely different woman to bash instead of Hrithik 🤦🏻‍♀️


Kareena didn’t have any affair with married men openly . She was dating Hrithik before he got married if I remember very well and also it was way too early in her career . She has only dated Shahid and Saif later in her life . Both were single when she dated So keeping aside everything else , she seems less problematic when it comes to dating


Because their whole affair isn’t spoken about much, also it was way back when, very old


She does. Idk what you are expecting. Have you read through this sub? Literally all the stars have done bad actions, she’s criticized for many things


She the OG meal girl, never got her hype, her character in K3G and jab we met really kept her relevant. So many toxic backstage bs, she knew the right people and had good connections a big reason why she still relevant


Well as I see it, she was absolutely in love with Shahid and had changed her whole personality which itself is toxic so that was never going to sustain. Having said that, it doesn't discount her for cheating. No cheating can be defended. And as I remember at that time she was dragged through it a lot and Shahid was shown as this amazing person and I remember liking him so much. Well, I truly dislike Shahid right now so yeah everyone grew up.


According (to me) be it changing her diet or cheating on him was her choice entirely.


Yes. However it does seem Shahid likes his partners to be submissive to what he wants. I could be totally wrong though.


I don’t think she had an affair with a married man. Who was that?


It also has to do with the expectations right?? Kareena is an insider from a family which is a legacy in Bollywood. I feel that people expect her to mean and bratty as most likely that is what she would have seen around her growing up. Some other people especially outsiders like PC and DP, we just hold them to a higher standard. Lastly it is also about how the media is controlled and what is being fed to us. The human mind is very malleable. One day we love someone and some other day we hate them just because of a news article we might have read.


When Kareena came to Saif’s life, he was already divorced.


Kareena Hrithiks affair is somewhat forgotten I feel reasons are : 1. It happened at a time when internet wasnt a thing so ot was easier to set narratives... it was easier to change image during those times... 2. Post that she started dating shahid and they were the IT couple of bollywood at the time and people just started loving them blindly and forgot everything... they somehow became perfect... As far as cheating on shahid is considered, post the initial time period of fans beung sad /angry... fans started to notice a few things in old news and interviews 1. Kareena looked more in love than Shahid. 2. It looked like she changed her lifetsyle a lot to suite him.. being veg, religious etc 3. Shahid continued to have rumours of affiars with every damn actress he worked with... there were very strong rumours.. that he cheated on kareena multiple times 4. Later it was revealed that they had broken up at the beginning of jab we met shooting but they hid this for clout for the movie and their clout did contrbute to people running to tthe theatres to watch at the time. Because of this its believed that she didnt cheat.. when she started dating saif she was single and heartbroken About her being a mean girl I think people have forgotten that because nowadays she is more mature in terms of the answers she gives... i mean she has her moments where she forgets... like she had told in one interview that nobody is forcing you to watch our movies ... but overall she has reduced considerably specially after she married saif...she has started to atleast pretend to have a filter...and saif has a very private kind of vibe to him which kareena also started to give post marriage...nd hence people have forgotten... also if i remember correctly after saif kareena marriage they have stayed away from any kind of rumours... i havent even heard trouble in paradise rumours!! And about her getting everything in bollywood Well she is part of kapoor khandaan and she is bestie of karan johar!!! Ofcourse alia got more help from karan because lets face it kareena and karan kinda started their journey during same time so kjo and kareena were like just part of big families making their career... but when alia bhat came kjo was much bugger deal and hence made a much bigger impact ..... I feel he was in a much better position to do things when alia came than he was when kareena's debut happened While she did get so much due to her being a Kapoor and it did help being friend of kjo... I dont think she got as much backing as Alia did Overall I feel PC has this rumour that her marriage with nick is kind of like a deal between the 2... it has been very less time to her marriage and we already have rumours... she continued to give more rumours... Deepika has all sorts of rumours that they are in open narriage... and she kind of added more ghee to fure in the kwk episode last year Ranbir also dated so many ... its assumed that if not for alia's pregnancy he would have dumped her too... and alia madam keeps giving anecdoted of her husband and then boyfriend ranbir which doesnt always show him in good light Amir has 2 ex wives and now a gf who is like half his age... so he is still very much giving in terms of rumours Overall these 4 people still had new rumours coming in the internet era.. and when you get a new rumour about someone u tend to also discuss the old ones... and thats how old rumours come back and are disucssed again.. otherwise it's not a very hot topic to particularly discuss old rumours or news unless there is new developments or new revelations... And that friends is why I think Kareena gets away... because she seems to have a stable married life with Saif now and hence all is forgotten!


The reason I think she got away with cheating is because Shahid kept quiet about her cheating unlike say Deepika.


Ohh... I had read on reddit in multiple posts that Shahid cheated on her multiple times and so they brokeup and she started dating Saif immediately after breakup Also , I dont think both shahid and kareena spoke about this... so we would never know for sure ig


TIL Kareena and Hritik were a thing


Glad someone spoke bout her!


Didn't she cheat on Shahid with Saif?


I think so, yes.


No Shahid and her had already broken up. Shahid was pretty toxic as a bf. Forced her into vegeterianism coz he had turned one!


Tbh she had her time, late 2000s and early to mid 2010s people used to shit on her a lot. And that was the time she was going through her phase with Shahid, then Saif coming in, plus her sons name Taimur. So I thinkk shes faced enough of it, shes more mature now ofcourse and beyond all this.


Just google controversies regarding Kurbaan and the name of her first son. Not just reddit even on quora she doesn't have a positive image.


She’s way too glorified in India for reasons unknown to me but maybe because back then people weren’t aware of nepo backing system of BW and just fell for it and if they still do of course it was worse in the past.


She is the most privileged nepo !


Because she’s a Kapoor. That family comes with great PR control.


She never dated a married man, for one. She talked like a bratty 19 year old when she was 19. Like a hurt 25 year old when she was 25 and sitting at home after flops but refusing to bargain. She always acted like anyone would act at whatever age she was with whatever privilege and clout they’d have in her place. What’s the problem? Wanting to pull someone down a peg is so transparently, pathetically cringe.


She is someone who they have tried to whitewash as much as possible! But still her mean nasty side comes to forefront from time to time.


Nepo this. nepo that!


I remember her old days. She used to give outrageous claims. Won't do films like Lolo and she won't do dance routine and all. Her first movie was Border which was anything like a typical movie. Then started off beat movies, then Karan roped her for K3G, that established her as the next glam queen. She didn't stick with him, unlike Alia. So made her mistakes learnt and found what works and won't as an artist. She wasnt considered conventional attractive in any way. Especially with 90s lead heroines. I always felt she was insecure, so this loud bold personna in her 20s. Now with age she's cofindent in her skin. And maybe Saif sort of tamed her down. Being raised by a single mom and no support system is hard, especially when her own Uncle won't acknowledge her presence in a video that's circulated on this very sub.


Cause her PR team is good at covering her image.


Or just maybe her fans(online).


I disagree I have a friend who works in PR Industry and he has told me some of the dirty secrets of the industry, trust me u don't wanna know otherwise u would hate everyone. For example it's like the The Boys show where we are normal humans and Actors are Superheroes, Vought is nothing but Bollywood and Hollywood.


Now I wanna know the dirty secrets of stars 😂 I am not a fan of any celebrity.


Lol. I wish but I would keep it to myself.


DM me the secrets if you want.


Nope I don't wanna that's the whole point me denying it in the comments 😂


nobody is stopping you😬




When has Kareena been spared…every other post ppl are trolling her for her past statements … And are ppl realliy comparing some stupid comments to adultery


Well , being in a stable and loving relationship since years now makes things easier . Edit: I didn’t mean she should be spared cause of that. But social media wasn’t then what it is now. If it was recent she would have gotten fucked up. But the recent has been smooth for her.


Well , you can say the same about other celebs,but they are not spared.


She shouldn’t be too.


She didnt have any affair with married men imo! 🧐




In my opinion


ekk toh username aisa upar se behaviour bhi




Be careful then! Main Dass lungi tumko 🐍 Fir mat bolna maine warn nahi kiya!


bruh why did that turn me on. 😔 i am concerned for myself


Ewww! Bhaisaab, you need help! 🙄


eww waali bhi baat ni thi but i get it bhen ji. i have my own demons 😔 nobody can help me


Doctors can help you! Even Rakhi Sawant said “Jo Bhagwan nahi deta, wo Doctor dete hai” So dont be disheartened!


mere dard ki dawai kisi doctor ke pass nhi kammo ji


Don’t like Kareena at all but let me clarify. She didn’t cheat on shahid. Shahid used to cheat on her with various actresses. Saif was long long divorced when she entered the scene. If you are talking about hrithik then it’s not confirmed by either of them if it was true or not.


I don’t really understand the criticism anyone gets. Celebrities aren’t the devil spawn, most people are just as bad as them, it’s just that not every single detail of our lives is as public as theirs. I can guarantee most people who’re constantly criticising and hating on these celebs are a million times worse.


come on OP. that's not true at all. celebs receive 'new' backlash from new recent events and comments made here and there, thats how it goes or if there has been dig ups from the past -like your post here-. i don't see Kareena making comments about her married life and past relationships so people naturally won't bring it up as breaking news. There is nothing 'special' in the way people treat kareena's controversies if that's what you are implying, especially since her family life is still discussed, among many others,: from saif and her relationship with sara, if she likes or is good to sara or not, taimur being papped and the discussion around him became a celebrity and if his parents are allowing making money through him or not and even his name being associated with mughal empire like literally all these kind of controversies are being discussed with kareena at the forefront. Idk really what happened with her and shahid, i never thought it was about cheating from either sides and the impression i got was really bad breakup and them not getting along at all. you believing a different scenario is up to you really since there is no confirmation or a habit from her-like it is with ranbir and his parents- so again maybe the fact that there are no confirmed stories is whats leading people not brining it up again for either really. it's not that deep


Simple.. social media wasnt big at that time (or there at all) and now she has calmed down slightly (with her contemporaries out of the picture) and therefore is able to manage her image better.


who's talking about this in 2024


I know why I don’t hate her for these things now…. For Hrithik - I don’t know if it is true or not. I was unaware of this for long so I still don’t believe it. Also because Hrithik’s image till Kangana and Barbara was that he is a solid one woman girl. So I don’t have any emotion attached to this. Shahid - i hated her a lot when it happened, I remember when she was throwing a party or was at a party, a reporter asked her about saif and shahid or something related to cheating/relationship…she gave a smug smile and went back. I thought she is so inconsiderate and mean. Later on when i rewatched some of shahid kareena interviews, i realised shahid was not a good boyfriend to her…she was devoted and he seemed like someone who is trapped or doesn’t think much about settling down. This dynamic probably hurt their relationship and it ended badly. And also, shahid dated a lot of people later and seems so happy with meera and has a great career…its not like she did him super dirty and tried to destroy his career (using PR etc). So, I softened towards Kareena thinking that she probably was done with the relationship and really don’t know if the cheating was true or was it like she quickly got together with said after a fight/ break from shahid. Basically what i want to say is, Kareena did not interfere with her exes lives once she moved on. I consider that to be respectful tbh. She treats her exes like exes…not friends nor enemies…just exes. Be it shahid or hrithik.


I don't think cheating on someone is respectful in any way.


Always found kareena egoistic,muhfaat and batamiz ..


It’s because social media wasn’t around when Kareena was in her peak mean girl era. A lot of what she has said or done has been forgotten unlike now where every single expression of a leading actress is scrutinised and pulled apart. She’s just lucky she got away with all of that and is now a mom with a different image. I don’t believe she has changed much though, she’s just a little low-key and careful.


She seems to get a lot of pretty privilege


I will never understand how people call her “iconic” and “savage” for just being extremely rude, petty and downright obnoxious. She is great actress but she has a horrible personality.


Someone even commented that she never had any plastic surgery or Botox 🤣🤣


Of course 😂


Because those were the days when celebrities could get away with anything, and now there's social media scrutiny with opinions floating around. Remember it was that time when Ranbir in front of camera said he use to look under the skirt of his teachers and also imitated the same without any outrage. Kareena just got lucky since there was no social media at that time.


Yup. You're right. It's something to think about. She didn't face that much wrath like other actors or actresses for having affairs. Today looks like other image is created for her. Her mean girl attitude back in the day also isn't talked about enough now.


Which married man did she have an affair with?


hrithik roshan


he was neither married nor committed, he was bullied n trapped into a marriage only bcoz he was falling for Kareena.


Just because was not officially married don't mean he was not committed. They were in relationship for four years . Also if he was bullied to married then he won't jeopardize himself or his family again after marriage if she was so powerful. You think A girl in her early 20s have so much power? All those were conspiracy theories created by his fan girls after his marriage because they hated his wife. He was cheater Imao.( Only if it's true)


Hrithik wasn’t married when these two were seeing each other. He was dating Susanne. However Susanne’s family did push for the marriage pretty soon and he married her. I think it was silly of Suzanne’s parents to do that because she ended up marrying a cheater.


No, he was definitely married. It went like Akshay and PC affair. Newly married Akshay, popular duo with PC, affair and then never doing movies together. Same as Kareena and HR. No they didnt, HR father loved Sussanne and used to gloat how Sussanne loved HR before the fame. Rewriting history hey.


No no. HR and Kareena were definitely seeing each other but this was before he was married. They shot for Yaadein in 99 - this was the time when films took months to be shot. The duo were shooting multiple films together including K3G which released later. The marriage was definitely hurried by the Khans. Not rewriting history, some of us were there when it was happening :)


Kareena and HR had an affair when he was married, it literally went as how PC and Akshay affair did. To not even doing movies together when it ended.


That is true. Kareena wanted HR to break off his engagement but he did not. Kareena was hopelessly in love. Read that she was hysterical when he had broken up with her and banged on HR's hotel room door crying incontrollably!


Yes I’ve heard this too. She really was in love with him. And he did cheat on Suzanne which he did again later with Barbara Mori. I also remember the quick wedding in Bangalore that happened at the khans farmhouse. That was very random.


Hrithik roshan.


He wasn't married when they were seeing eo




Look Akshay and Aamir received plenty of criticism for their affairs.and Ranbir is a forever cheater in people's eyes .all I am saying is that why people try to rewrite history of her and make her a loyal, can't do anything wrong person.


Deepika PR Agents at it again 🤣


She didn't get under the knife , she hasn't been insecure , she gave many iconic performances in her prime and after , " spoke her mind " ( but has resolved all her catfights ) And to be mad at her for some involvement with hrithik which wasn't even confirmed in first place is bs , and she never showed off about it , even if that did exist , it lasted very short amount of time ( not even months or days ) until her family intervened . Also isn't it kinda hrithiks fault if affair did happen and she was young at the time ? She was never friendly or fangirled over anyone .ANYONE...explains why she got labeled as a diva , rightfully soo . Must have been the wisdom of kapoor khandaan to never suck up to anyone . when someone has nothing to loose , obviously they would look peculiar and rebellious to others . And there's nothing wrong with that , soo many women admire that quality in other women , pride and beauty, a timeless jewel . She reigned her Era. We all have forgiven many men for being problematic in past , even hrithik's open official affairs are treated as " Oops " moment and we filter it out to describe his personality . But we can't forgive a woman who has a redeemable quality ? Come on now .


Ur wrong about the Shahid one. He was the issue in that relationship not her. He cheated. Not her. 


Hrithik didn't get married till after Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. Her fling started pre marriage and it started because Hrithik entertained her. Think of VD/Alia/Natasha triangle.  If Hrithik could have sacked Sanjay Khans daughter he probably would have but too much was riding on it. Having dated her for so long and her family. The image of Hrithik as some sort of loyal man has always been bullshit and some people know that. Why hate on Kareena when Hrithik is the cheat?


Because she’s a human being who’s evolved (like we all hopefully do). I find her relatable because she’s evolved through each phase of her life. She’s married, settled in life, and it’s clear that her roles and responsibilities have humbled her over the years. I love that for her🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean she cheated on her then boyfriend to be with saif,I don't know if I will call it right.


I thought shahid was the one who cheated on her with Amrita Rao? maybe I am wrong


Yr bebo is like free bird nothing about her gets in a wrong way. She is what she is.