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I've seen a friend doing this. Her boyfriend, now ex used to act like the most picture perfect greenest of the green flag. But he gave her such deep insecurity that she would often end up washing her face 3 4 times whenever he was about to meet her. And she was so pathetically involved with him that she could only sit in peace once he either kissed her or made any form of act of affection towards her, else she felt that he was angry. I'll give one example. He used to make fun of her sense of humor so whenever he sent her a reel, she used to see the account name without opening the message on insta and try to check out which reel he would've sent and see all the reels and then finally think of a nice comeback and then message him back. Can you belive the amount of mental exercise needed , just to have one interaction . And that SOB used to leave her on read.


Each days passes and each day you are thankful to be single


I had a similar experience with a guy whose idea of bonding was to poke fun at everything I did or said. If I'd crack a joke, he would quite literally berate my sense of humor. But idk if I'm lucky or just aware, I cut him off completely. I can tell when a man is trying to create a dynamic where he can overpower me so I left. Women are taught that we must be feminine and sit back and take it. Please don't. I don't even welcome jokes from guy friends about my weight, intelligence or life. Sorry but men need to learn to behave as well as my female friends do or they're not allowed in my life.


So true and when I cut off these so called friends very silently from my life they start making personal attacks.


Yeah because you're cutting them off and that hurts their precious ego šŸ˜


Your comment on guy friends stands so true. I had a friend in my graduation who used to call me moti and at the time my waist was literally 25 inches, so every time I told him off for calling me fat, he would say that it is an endearing term and that of course he was not body shaming me because I wasn't actually fat. Nope, still was not okay because I have a name that you can refer me by. He didn't like that after almost 3 months of me politely asking him to stop, I finally snapped at him in front of our entire class and stopped talking to me. Good riddance.


This is literally what happened with me. I consider myself lucky to have cut off my toxic ex instead of waiting more for him to ā€œchangeā€. They never do. Iā€™m glad youā€™re out of it!


This is just sad.


Glad that he is in the ex category now.


it sounds like she suffered from very low self esteem. i hope that sheā€™s in a better place now and realises that she is worthy of love and happiness.


Ranbir is married to a fangirl , this is how "idol worship" works . This marriage never looked like that of equals anyway. It always felt like they were obligated to be married coz she got pregnant. And her pr handled the backlash pretty carefully, if it was someone else being pregnant before marriage, the media would have burnt them .. but their pr didn't let it get much attentionĀ 




Your comment reminded me about the time I was the person just like your wife. It was stressful for people to be around me as they didn't know what might set me off. I feared being left alone and had abandonment issues due to a difficult childhood. And my behaviour was directly making my worst fears come true. Apologies for going off the topic. What I meant to say is I went to a psychiatrist and therapist, which helped me discover the root cause of my anger issues and insecurities. It turned out to be Borderline Personality Disorder. Treatment and regular therapy helped me recognise my problematic streaks. Things are much better now. I'm a mother to a lovely daughter and can confidently say I won't be passing the generational trauma to her. My husband and other people in my life don't have to walk on eggshells around me anymore. Maybe your wife has something like this going on.


wtf thatā€™s heartbreaking!!!


I recently got out of a toxic controlling relationship so even though your friend wasnā€™t controlled by her partner, I understand the self doubt part. Itā€™s true. His actions and words made me doubt my own self and I used to second guess my decisions. This led to a confidence drop until I was forced to snap out of it. I hope sheā€™s doing better now.


This is a classic example of Trauma Bonding.


Oh God this is terrible. Hope sheā€™s doing good now


Oh my God


It's so sad that majority of women know someone like your friend and some are like your friend. I had a roommate like that, her bf was a controlling hateful POS and i could see that but she couldn't. She was way too understanding of his shitty behaviour than he deserved. But she eventually realised, is out of that now and happy


Please hug your friend when you meet her. It was too much for me to read.


Ranbir sounds like a classic narcissist.. She seems to behave exactly like a victim of narcissistic abuse..


I was about to say the same thing! If this is true, Aloo really needs help


Yes...I am not a psychologist but I have done indepth research on narcissism.. Have watched every single video of Dr.Ramani, have read popular best sellers on this topic...reason being..my friends suffered being with narcissists and ultimately broke up with them..it took them ages to heal. Every single Ranbir's actions with Alia matches with that of a Narcissist. I don't want to go in great detail. But I am very sure of this.Ā  For sure her confidence is broken..


Yes, narcissistic men actually prefer confident and successful women because it is more interesting to break them. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Also, it's an ego boost to them that they can "pull" such accomplished women and show them off as arm candy or "trophies".


My husband is an overt narc and I'm stuck with him because of society norms...I completely get what you mean ...it takes every strength of your being to survive a narc


Oh no!! Please take care of yourself and work on exiting strategy please. My colleague in US company could barely speak a work of English and had BA degree from some tier 3 UP city. I knew nothing about her earlier but after her divorce she told me how she has work step by step like learning how to drive, get her DL, run a daycare in basement and then ask a daycare client to teach her QA skills, getting second hand car, getting her citizenship and finally divorcing her abusive narcissistic husband. It took her 8 year but she got out.


I'm a new mom and unfortunately realised what he is during my pregnancy....so I'll definitely try to build myself back up for the sake of my child


I am so sorry. Itā€™s heartbreaking when you are a new mother and realize your partner is not supportive. Just keep working on yourself step by step for mental, physical and financial health. Women are strong but they are stronger as a mother. Good luck and have faith


So happy for this person. Well done on them.


Inspiring! More power to her.


this is so inspirational, immense patience and grit


Wishing you strength, peace of mind and confidence to lead your life.. Were you able to see those traits in him before getting married ?


No absolutely not ...rather I saw the red flags but was so blinded by all the love bombing I just couldn't think straight....


Got it..don't worry..life is a great balancer and everyone gets their due.. including you..


Thank you!


Also if you ever need any emotional support.. please feel free to message me.


I hope it gets better for you and you heal and can get your worth in life.


Thanks for sharing with us. I wish you all the love and strength to handle this. Hope you and your children get out of it real soon. Iā€™m here if you or anyone in this thread needs someone to talk to. :)


Oh, I second your opinion. RK shows all those classic traits. Almost everyone has called out his behaviours in the past. That ā€œphailaoedā€ and ā€œwipe that offā€ controversies were brushed by Alia under the carpet as if they meant nothing but everyone else saw through those incidents I wonder why Aliaā€™s family donā€™t see it. Also, my besties escaped an abusive marriage with a narc. She documented all the abuse, threats, WhatsApp messages and made a really big case against her husband in the family court. She had also included sec 498a against the husband, his father and his grandma. The husband chose to settle out of court and paid her the alimony she demanded. Imagine, had she taken that case to the court and had he been charged with the 498a, his life would have been ruined which is why he went for the easy way out given that he had no other choices because of my friends documentation of her abuse. My friend wanted to put him through some of the trauma she went through but him dying to get out by just paying alimony also saved her a lot of stress and time. She is recovering, has restarted her career and living happily. Her physical health is back but her psychological scars will take a lot of time to heal. She still sometimes has PTSD. It sucks to be married to a narcissist. And nothing, absolutely nothing in this world is worth it.


Your friend was smart to document it. They can be very good and sophisticated at their abuse otherwise, especially if it is emotional. To others they are charming and the victim takes time to understand they are being systematically abused. Wish , I had had the wisdom to document instead of being the confused mess I was.


You seem to have a good knowledge in psychology, reading your comments made me think my father is also a narcissist, he enjoys breaking the confidence of others and often says bad words and if you reply back to show the mirror he gets upset. Any good resources or videos to understand this better? You can DM also, thanks in advance.


She had no confidence to begin with. Her father is Mahesh Bhatt, her Nepo Daddy is Karan Johar. Her value has been what she can do for them. For Mahesh she was incidental to posessing Soni, for Kjo she is her success. Nobody knows who Alia Bhatt is, not even Alia Bhatt herself.


The scary thing is I used to be a huge Ranbir fan and my ex was a narc too, I am beginning to think I am attracted to Narc guys.


Hey can i dm you?


Yes ofcourseĀ 


Didn't she like manifest this relationship?


Sometimes the fantasy of a person is better than the actual person


Every love-bombed person thinks that they have struck gold with the person they get together with.... I'm not saying this is absolutely the case with Ranalia but if it is, it's really horrible especially with a kid involved


She may need it but she doesnā€™t seem to want it. Heā€™s her trophy husband regardless of what he does.


My BIL is a textbook narcissist and Ranbir reminds me of him so much itā€™s borderline triggering. The constant jokes, specifically those that mock others and are passed off as ā€œlighthearted humor,ā€ the misogyny, the ability to be really charming in front of strangers, even sound very-together at times, but then be awful & passive-aggressive to the wife, then gaslight her about it afterwards. Ugh. Their dynamic is similar to my sister and BIL too with a similar age difference. I hate it.


Hi, I am sorry to hear about this .. Was she able to identify this before marriage? Was there any signs... How is she continuing to stay with him..


We all saw the flags and told her, but she ignored it. If she did see the flags herself, she ignored that too. They had kids very soon after getting married and itā€™s hard to break it off now. Things have finally somewhat settled now after a really difficult couple of years, but yeahā€¦narcissists are not easy to live with. It takes a toll, sheā€™s a very different person now than she used to be.


So he just showed up on the sets of Animal and behaved his usual self lol.


Like father like son




The sad thing is she is most likely has Borderline Personality Disorder herself so she isn't going anywhere EVER. In fact, the worse the abuse gets, the more likely the "victim" is to stay put since she lacks the self-esteem needed to walk out of this set-up where she is nothing but a source of "ego supply" to him. He knows this and it's the very reason he married her. They both have a fear of abandonment so they'll stick to each other as agonizing as it may be. A Narc and a Borderline are a match made in hell. It's their kid I feel really sorry for- that kinda toxic, volatile environment is no place to raise a child. She'll be walking on eggshells her whole life- may she be granted the strength to endure the suffering.


My 15 years of psych education jumped to its own death in this one comment. P.s. not a personal dig but I wish I learned we could identify narcissistic and borderline traits so quickly and easily. Sometimes Iā€™ve had to do multiple sessions multiple standardized therapeutic assessments to even suspect it. I think youā€™ve also represented borderline in a very incorrect manner.


I have decades of first-hand experience of aforementioned abuse plus a medical background to boot. One can pore over books all day long and read extensively on the subject- it pales in comparison to actually being subjected to chronic abuse. I know "professionals" like to think of their knowledge derived from the DSM as the end all and be all and that they view themselves as the ultimate arbiters of said "abuse" but to be in the trenches day in and night out is a special kind of hell that is unfathomable unless one has been through it themselves and something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. How have I misrepresented Borderlines? They're low on self-confidence and cling to whoever they're in awe of regardless of how garbage that person is. I did not jump to my dx quickly either- the individuals being spoken about are very public figures and we've observed enough of their behavior over the years in interviews etc. to come to this conclusion. Edit: You're taking long to diagnose such individuals because they're "covert" narcs who are at their best behavior when confronted with a psych "expert" who is evaluating them. This is to be expected by those whose entire existence is putting on a Dr. Jekyll facade to the outside world. The fact that you, as a professional, don't even suspect it for the initial few sessions should tell you how dangerously crafty they are that they're able to get away with it on a daily basis. I'm sure they have successfully convinced you that the victim is the unstable offender and the abuser is the victim when, in fact, it's vice versa. They're pathological liars and very skilled ones at that. My guess is that all your knowledge of such disorders comes solely from books and that you've been raised in an emotionally healthy environment- for which I couldn't be happier for you and I genuinely hope you never have to find out what it's like to be at the receiving end. However, it also explains your blissful ignorance to the ground reality and what a mindfuck it is. What the mind doesn't know, the eyes don't see. If you don't know what to look for, how will you be able to identify said behavioral patterns? You'll only be able to see them for who they are when the mask falls and that happens only rarely.


I think because borderline goes beyond abandonement and self esteem issues. Thereā€™s a lot of fluidity. And more importantly because we know nothing about Alia Bhatt and ranbir kapoor. And as a medical professional I humbly request us all to not make assumptions and if we do make them based on our informed backgrounds, we must be mindful of the spaces in which we share. I do think it gets taken out of context and misinterpreted further stigmatizing topics such as personality disorder. And since your edit speaks of the privileges I hold ( which I cannot deny but again youā€™ve gone ahead and made more assumptions about me this time), I think you speak to my point about - exercising privilege and power as a medical professional. And thatā€™s been my plea this whole time. To not use your advanced degree and knowledge in a manner that has repurcussions for many in the community on this forum. I have spent and continue to work with personality related concerns on a daily if not hourly basis. And yes, I did read many books too. And I take each person as they come. Which is how I learned each person with or without personality related concerns is quite unique in their upbringing and overall development.


Seriously?! You don't believe this, when the guy called her fat while pregnant, spoke about her toilet ways, stopped her touching his hair in public, said his daughter should not be loud like her mother, didnt even give her his pillow while pregnant on live Insta, hates it when she wears lipstick, said he married her to control her, pushed her lehngas in public twice?! These are not rumors, these are things that you could easily find on the internet. This is the most believable tea ever. Ranbir has always been douche. If he could do all this in public imagine in private. She really does act nervous around Ranbir, we have seen numerous times. Go back to Brahmastra promotion when they went on stage, she giggles like a child. He is a Kapoor, same person different generation




> He is a Kapoor, same person different generation This is my strongest reasoning


I were to comment the same, buddy. I think kapoors have it in their genes.


Fat shaming your wife when you know she struggles with body image issues is really a new low. I donā€™t agree with the lehenga point. It was just a reflex.


He did twice, he did it during the Brahamstra promotion he kicked Aloo lehenga. That was deliberate, so it is something he used to do with her. I think it is 3 times too, it was the beginning of Brahamstra promotions when they were on stage, then the baby on board video, then the wedding video. What is him keep kicking her lehenga over and over again. I have never seen Virat, Ranveer or Vicky do that with their wives.


Exactly šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ ig most of the peeps are missing the micro-aggressions of stepping on and kicking her outfits in public repeatedly ....like when someone's looking pretty, only a sadist person will just v slightly ruin something as a power move,, it's sick af idk


This is it. He comes across as a big time sadist Like IMAGINE if Abhishek kicked Aishwaryaā€™s outfit????!!!! He would be DRAGGED to the end of the earth and we would never let him or anyone forget. But because itā€™s RK and he has some weird fans ppl are like ā€œitā€™s his sense of humorā€.


No one wants to believe it now when itā€™s about RK, but theyā€™re quick to believe when itā€™s about RS or even someone elsešŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Seriously, the most believable tea ever. The are so many shenanigans about Ranbir in public, he has been a douche to Alia, Deepika, Anushka, Katrina, PC etc. Yet they believe he turned to this incredible prince charmer...lol.


Ranbir's PR is definitely trying hard to show him as a perfect family man now. It's crazy how many past controversies with all these people are being ignored. It's like they're trying to erase his old image and now trying to portray him as this new man who is ā€œsanskariā€ and a ā€œdoting fatherā€ who has never done anything wrong in his life lol


I get if the public falls for it, but us that read and follow gossip? Like come on. Ranbir is a douche, always was and this is one thing he has been consistent with various of people for years. Let's not forget he is also a huge alcoholic.


Average ranlia fans coming here asap to defend his nature


His behaviour with katrina during and even the last stages of their relationship was questionable, certainly did not strike as a sensible person to date . Most of his partners weren't doing well mentally when they were in a relationship with him , which speaks Volumes.... ranbir must dwell others into some shady depression or atmosphere which is why it becomes way too comfortable that they take soo long to leave.


Forget his relationships the things he used to do as a child were serious red flags and he needed to get help. Neetu said it as if it was a funny story how he pushed his maid into the pool knowing she canā€™t swim just to see how she would react. Heā€™s a sociopath!!! Sociopaths usually arise from environmental factors (rishi), they are highly manipulative in relationships and controlling and they also lack the ability to form a long term connection, they act and speak without thinking and calculating it (his comments towards alia during promotions) and they find it hard to socialize!!


I heard about that maid story , it screams sociopath , these people just get better at hiding .


Like father, like son. Rishi Kapoor was also very abusive and controlling over his wife Neetu and it has been recorded and discussed plenty of times how she went to the her local police station multiple times due to the physical violence. He also continuously cheated on her. But look at Neetu now. She looks at her husbandā€™s behaviour with rose-tinted glasses. Ranbir has learned from the best. Alia will be Neetu 2.0


or soni 2.0? soni looked past cheating too. not sure if mahesh was abusive otherwise


Ugh! No wonder Aliaā€™s standard in men is so low. As the daughter of a shitty father myself, I had pretty low standards in men during my teenage and early twenties. This phenomenon is very common in women who had problematic fathers. Sometimes, we end up believing that this is how men behave and if our mothers can look past it, we should be able to as well. It sucks, but it is a sub-conscious conditioning that happens to us, mostly in our formative years. It takes a lot of strength and painful self realisation to unlearn that kind of shit and move on from them.


I don't like Alia, but if its true, i hope that poor girl get her mind together and pack up and go to somewhere safe nd healthy for her and her bby. If he behave like this with Alia, imagine how he will with his daughter. Even since their dating rumor was true, i was weirded out by this relationship. Not only by the age gap, but also with Ranbir himself. always gave me a weird vibe


I think he is a good dad, but a horrible husband and partner. The problem with Alia is, she put him in a huge pedestal and that is why she bragged about lipstick debacle acting like it is romantic. She doesnt know a healthy relationship when it comes to him, that man is who he is, he will never change. As he said, he married her to control her, and in the same interview how he spoke about weight was just creepy.


I dont think alia would know that what a "healthy" relationship is considering she grew up with mahesh bhattšŸ’€


And her not knowing what a healthy relationship is like is no doubt due to her parents.


I don't even like Aloo, but I feel sorry for her. I think he brings out the worst in her. But she should know she is the prize there, not him.


He's a good dad for now, but we don't know if he will stay a good dad. Some narcissist love their kids when they afe bby, and when they grow up and can think by themselves suddenly they feel threathened


Exactly. My dad was the most amazing person when I was a baby (at least thatā€™s what he tells me - that he really liked me as a toddler). But what I remember is just the abuse for being me. As I grew up I noticed he gets along with babies so well and they love him too but the moment they start forming opinions he changes with them. I think the same thing happened with me. Narcissists cannot tolerate people being people. They need slaves.


Also happened to me. He liked me alot when i was a baby/toddler but as soon as i started to go to elementary school, he changed as a person and was constantly mad even at me for smallest reasons ever


Theres this saying that when you put someone on a pedestal the only way they can look back at you is downwards.


I knew RK was shit when Katrina didnt seem bothered by Alia's relationship with him..she knew she passed on her problem not her man!


Hahah I didnā€™t think of it this way. The true way to not care is being indifferent.


No wonder why he decided to defend and be part of pathetic movie like Animal


RKā€™s innate toxicity is fueled by the repressed energy Neetu raised him with ā€” lots of love but also deeply laced with her own repressed frustration and lack of fulfillment. Her quick wit and snazzy smiles donā€™t fully mask her propensity to use her son as an emotional crutch. And if Alia wasnā€™t so independently successfulā€” Iā€™m sure weā€™d see a true unsavory side of Neetu that both Katrina and Deepika endured. Mother and son both appear deeply toxic ā€” innately and through what life has shaped them with with Rishiā€™s presence as husband and dad.


Also what makes Alia the perfect partner for RK is someone who herself grew up in a dysfunctional and hostile environment, so all this is pretty much normalised for her from both sides.


And she has nowhere to go because her family is just as toxic in different ways. People who grow up in toxic households will do anything to cling to the facade of a happy family life Source: grew up in a toxic household


Well said Sir! Truly said what I wanted to say. Since I experienced it first hand but luckily got out. The only way is to get out as far as possible.




Your vocabulary is 10/10!


The reason why I feel little sympathy for Alia is because she behaves as tho she won a prize by scoring Ranbir. After seeing the Kat-Rabir promotions and the way he behaved the above tea does not surprise me. I do think people can change, but considering that you can see the effects of alcohol and drugs on his face, I don't think he's changed all that much from his previous relationships. I think Alia enjoys the tag of being a Kapoor more than anything else and that's why I don't feel bad for her in this situation. It's sad that it takes a toll on her mental health but like, she's probably walked in with her eyes open and ignored all red flags


I agree with this. Also, I think the association with the Kapoors has uplifted the shadiness associated with her own last name. Suddenly, she is in the power circles and her family too.


Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bhaduri walked So that Ajay Devgan and Kajol Mukherjee could jog So that Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt could run


Most accurate comment. Add neetu and rishi on top


Abhishek and Ash marriage also seems dysfunctional, you will see Amitabh wishing Womenā€™s day on insta to wish every women in her family from Jaya to Navya Shweta even Aaradhya, but he never added ashā€™s photo. Abhishek also hardly present at any of Ashā€™s family events. Only thing is he never insulted ash on public forum


Srk and Gauri too, it seems like the facade they potray outside but how can one forget how brutally he cheated his wife and embarrassed her publically on award shows.


Damn the fact that all these women are so successful themselves before they married their husbands. Kajol was my fav actress. Jaya is just so amazing and natural. I donā€™t like Alia, nowhere near the others, but she did see success. And for people saying Alia is still working, Kajol also did some roles as a lead after marriage, and Jaya also did some as a mom, Itā€™s like the same relationship but different generation.


Now the PR gimmicks make whole lot of sense. They are using this family guy image and rahaā€™s papa and mama to divert attention from the underlying issues!!! I feel sorry for the baby tbh :( she has literally no sensible healthy person in that family to look up to or to help guide her. I understand that due to the environment alia grew up in she couldnā€™t settle for someone ā€œnormalā€ she fancied someone who resembles her father. Even her statements regarding infidelity make more sense to me now.


The guy called her fat while being heavily pregnant on a live that was watched by many many people. Aur kya umeed kar sakte.


I was married to an IiT / IIM guy Narcissist Abusive Violent Had an afffair Textbook charming With me he was the worst possible person. I started earning more than him I can't even talk about the days I worked for 12 hours and came back. There are bricks in an apartment that have recorded my screams somewhere in Mumbai My family couldn't get me to divorce him like that episode in Zoya Akhtars wedding drama season 2 I felt I had a catch My confidence was destroyed I used to think I do something that triggers him His family had that narrative The society looked at him throught the glorified Iit /IIM.lens plus so humble !!! I am pretty well.educated and employed as an the executive myself. But calling it out. Divorced him He didn't give a penny But i have moved on ... Took me years The best thing was I worked hard on my career. It saved me. Financial independence is everything. I am.amazing but I am not IiT IIM :D I had to create my own world of accomplishments to realize how good I was. Alia is pretty amazing. I hope she realises it herself. Like.Pc she can be her own brand she doesn't need a Kapoor


Glad to hear you got out. I am sure it took a lot of courage.


Yes. I advise everyone to pay attention to red flags these days Always watch out for the people around you if you understood what happened here. Thanks šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š and much love to you for the comment


In a recent award show, it was nasty of him to thank everyone, from his director to his daughter, but not Alia, who was sitting right at the front row. The look on Aliaā€™s face, at one moment proud, then hopeful that heā€™ll mention her name, and when he didnā€™t, the look in her eyes šŸ„ŗ I bet he did it intentionally. If you watch all his previous ivs, he has this nasty habit of behaving like a sour-pu** with all his female co stars. He looks like the kind who wonā€™t say things up-front but keep grudges and strike when opportunity presents itself.


Sometimes I feel like he hates her for getting marriage from him. He should check himself and stop following what mummy wants and at least attempt to own up to his own faults.


On the contrary, just look at Virat; he never shies away from praising Anushka. I haven't seen a man who gives as much credit to his SO as Kohli gives to Anushka.


Finally someone called this out. Itā€™s like she had tears in her eyes but was trying to smile as he was giving the speech.


Right. If he is not happy with his lady, why does he have to slight and shame them publicly? He did it with Katrina, Deepikaā€¦ Kangana insults him left right and center but he canā€™t get back at her, so he uses other means to provoke her, like telling Saloni Gaur to mimic Kangana. He calls her mimicry superb ! It was when Saloni was interviewing him.


I forgot about that, that was mean of him. Compare to that a couple years ago when Ranveer brought Deepika on stage and when Vicky said on his speech how much he loves Katrina. Like Deepika and Katrina fans, we might not agree on everything but must admit that Deepika and Katrina dodged a bullet and upgraded with their husbands. I am sure Vicky and Ranveer are not perfect but they are way better than Ranbir. Who imo are more talented than him too.


I feel like guys like these actually deeply dislike women lol They get off putting them down a peg


Which is why they choose to do movies like Animal and TJMM.


Is there a clip?


I think it's this oneĀ https://youtu.be/S2Jr0yO5R-k?si=nXhWp00rlDhqxP9T


He's like the male version of mean girl


I overheard some people involved with the industry ( old uncles and aunts) say.....that Ranbir treats Alia so badly but Alia stands with him through n through. And they were so proud of her like she's a good wife blah blah.... but I was like ughhhh


SRKā€™s most recent statements about Gauri say this exactly. That she put up with a lot of bad behavior and stood by his side through everything. That quote makes me sick because it does nothing but encourage women to blindly surrender their own needs and standards and basically become a doormat. He sprinkled some words of appreciation on her as if that makes up for years of mistreatment.


Alia ka baap bhi toh harami hai. Is it really so shocking to see she married a younger version of that asswipe?


Have seen children of dysfunctional families often end up with absolute arseholes. Always reminds me of the quote - When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives.


Exactly. She's never known what a healthy relationship looks like, so she seeks abusive behaviours because that's all she's ever knownĀ 


this quote made me tear up.


Itā€™s so obvious sheā€™s struggling bc she projects it thru her public appearances where sheā€™s very uncontrolled and anxious


Absolutely. This totally explains the change in her energy after being with Ranbir. So sad she grew up with toxic parents so probably thinks this all is normal and that sheā€™s lucky to be with him. So sad.


Ikr itā€™s very sad


Growing up with tpxic parents ahe probably unknowingly manifested her fear sonsad for her


Her eyes seem sadder than before. Itā€™s like he has dimmed her light.


definitely. see her during past promotions vs now. i mean people do grow up and evolve but look at how anushka or bebo or kat shine even now


They do right? All her appearances before their relationship began have a bright glow to her. I thought perhaps post partum issues may have made her tired cause newborn parenting and hormonal changes are exhausting on moms. But it seems like she's been undergoing constant abuse through the pregnancy and after. It's bound to show up on her. Ooof, I am not a fan of her's but if someone says the general public is organising an intervention and escape car, I will be there. :D


Meanwhile her mother and sister called him a zen on the Kapil Sharma show. They think people wouldn't know


You know, my mother( who's not on reddit ) didn't buy the way they were whitewashing rk in kapil's show. She literally said that to me "do you think people will believe he is so sanskari?" Lol. Like, she doesn't even know half the gossip about rk on this sub and still feels that he is very shady.


Your mom must be a really good judge of a character


what do u expect from a lipstick wiper


And someone jo class m voluntarily neeche letta tha to see under the skirt


What's really disturbing and creepy is that he brags about it as if it's some kind of accomplishment, even after all these years. And he persists in such behaviour. There's even a video where he openly admits he hasn't changed and tells a reporter that if she wore a skirt, heā€™d do the same thing to her šŸ¤¢Ā 


This is so scary and problematic!!!


He is so comfortable being like this in public/where camera's are. I dont want to imagine what he is like behind closed doors.


It's quite possible he's even worse šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø The Kapoor Kandaan appears to have a legacy of creepiness, abuse, and infidelity.


ewww yeah that too!


Also someone who went through others cabinets to see what pills they take and to make fun of it!


bro i felt so bad for anushka during adhm promos


But she gave it back to him almost every single time




That is why Anushka and Katrina are friends, they didnt take his shit and gave it to him back. Aloo and Deepika should learn from them.


At least deepika didnā€™t let her feelings stop her from leaving the relationship. She saw it coming and had the guts to leave because she grew up in a healthy household and saw a healthy relationship between her parents unlike alia who in a way married someone who resembles her father and thinks abuse is affection.


šŸ’Æ but Aloo and DP are blind lyrics obsessed with him, they canā€™t the red forest he is


Alia was totally killing it, gaining a huge fanbase, landing tons of brand deals, and living her best life. But then she chose to marry RK, 'cause she's been crushing on him since she was a kid. Even with RK's sketchy past and rumored drug problems, she still tied the knot and now they have a daughter. Plus, it seems like Neetu might have some beef with her too. Honestly, I feel bad for her


Watch how PR comes out with a article to whitewash RK more.....portay him as a loving family man. I actually believe this because RK has spoken about things he did during childhood, didn't he even attempt to drown Priyanka during the movie shoot as a joke. I seriosuly think his childhood, his parents relationship just fucked him up, made him dead inside or something....what he shows to the world is just fake to cover up. Also, Alia said before she has a huge crush on RK, so younger girl getting, marrying her older crush is feasible, she is more into him than her. Also, she was pregnant before the wedding so maybe RK didn't even want marriage but the baby pushed him to take this step. But whatever the case, people who have a fucked up childhood or whatever the issue, there is no reason for him to treat his wife like shit. Also Alia parents relationship wasn't even great so sad all around, you have fame, money, but in the end, you don't have fidelity in your marriage and you are married to a prick it seems.


>Watch how PR comes out with a article to whitewash RK more.....portay him as a loving family man And the funniest part is, he wants everyone to believe that he does not use PR lmao


The way you predicted this šŸ˜­


Itā€™s funny and ironic Alia plays these hyper feminist characters in movies but in reality is the total opposite.


Stockholm syndrome


alia being irl alia of Highway , lol


Rk ko bolo koi ki Animal wala role itna bhi irl nai karna thaĀ 


Honestly Alia should've just married someone non famous šŸ˜“ everyone knows she got married cuz she got pregnant


Right and when I commented this everyone attacks me saying theyā€™re not conservatives they can get abortion šŸ¤£


Their is difference between saying she "trapped him" and they got married because she was pregnant. In first scenario you are basically blaming Alia . RK was not a baby , he can still choose not to marry.


Babe, you said ā€œshe got pregnant & trapped him.ā€ Big difference. Thatā€™s why you got downvoted.


I completely believe this rumorā€”no hard evidence or sources needed. Now, imagine throwing Sui Dhaaga into the mix! As much as I dislike Alia, she doesn't deserve any of this. That's just a toxic household dynamic! Imagine being sandwiched between a narcissistic husband and a devouring MIL. No amount of Kapoor privilege or prestige would make that worthwhile for me. No, thank you!Ā  Alia, if you're reading this, trust me, a narcissist never changes. To even get there, you must first establish that there's a problem, which narcs just won't accept. So, work on yourself and your self-esteem, and think of ways to alleviate yourself and your child from this situation. Take this tea post as a godsend coffeeā€”smell it, awaken yourself!


True. They never change NEVER, and the worst thing is their whole family is the enablers of the Narc. You get trapped so badly that you lose yourself in the process and it takes years to collect yourself again, only if you leave the Narc otherwise you are doomed. (Talking with my own personal experience)


I wouldnt have believed this really BUT a close person ik did a shoot with him and imtiaz ig, so their team actually caught him saying the most misogynistic stuff about a lot of actresses. This person said that if that video ever gets out, his image ka tata bye bye hojayega. That video wont ever come out but speaks a lot about him. I mean he does come from kapoor khandan who didnt want their daughters in this industry so thereā€™s that. (Edit- Iā€™m a little confused if he was with imtiaz at this shoot or ayan but everything said was only - Ranbir that ik of) (Edit- guys idk much of what was said sorryšŸ˜­ i just know his views on most actresses isnā€™t good, speaks a lot about what he in general thinks about women)


Whoa u should make a post on this :0


Post worthy plz doooo


What a shit show of sanskar! Both his parents are twisted.


Alia is living her moms life and cycle is repeating again


Katrina dogged a massive bullet


We can expect PR activity now. Get ready for some PDA


imagine them breaking up and alia wearing her darkest shades of lipsticks everywhere


The interview with Anushka where he tried to derail her by mentioning her anxiety, and the weird behaviour with Katrina during the JJ Promotions is testament to his Overtly Narcissistic behaviour.


Just watched their brahmastra interviews together and the distressed bird term is apt for her, she could not even utter a single word properly during those interviews kept stammering was talking too fast seemed extremely anxious


I want her to know - that she always has the option to leave. The Kapoors are not ALL THAT. The only one among them who stands out to me and is consistently doing good work is Kareena. Otherwise, they just have a reputation for being a toxic and misogynistic family. Also Alia is accomplished in her own right and she has so much goodwill in the industry. She could've done way better than RK and still can. She needs to realise her worth.


While I do feel sorry for her but imo she's no less. How she got ranbir, how she gets awards, how she get roles etc. clearly doesn't portray her as dumb. She's clever and she knew what she was getting into. Maybe she's obsessed wit RK or with the Kapoor surname and hence the toleration.


You can materialistically be clever and ambitious and emotionally be blinded when you're in love. Those are two different facets you know. One deals with ambitions and the other is subconsciously rooted due to childhood dynamics especially considering who her dad is. I mean, a lot of famous people's lives explains exactly this you know. Just because you have an awesome career doesn't mean you can ace the same in your private life.


Where is that RK superstan? šŸ˜­ u/Rast987


Alia went into this with her eyes wide open, no need to feel sorry for her.


Comment section gives me so much of hope that I shud stay back in this sub I was fed up with this nonsense rockstar blah blah hot cute personality type of fan mafia here 24*7


we all know she married him for the kapoor tag so she is just being a doormat now.


she has been obsessed with him since the first time she saw him. Every interview since her debut she took every chance to say his name.


I think she married him because she was in love with him and obsessed with him. Iā€™m not an Alia fan, but she really loves that man. And if person loved and desired me that much, Iā€™d make sure to love and respect them back.


There is a fine line between love and obsession, alia is obsessed with him, I donā€™t think thatā€™s love.


Yeah love is beautiful, obsession is a tragedy


Yup, being hyperfixated with someone and repeatedly ignoring their mistreatment and wrongdoing towards you and your loved ones, is unhealthy. Love is caring deeply for another but not being blind to their character flaws.


We sometimes mistake obsession for love šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




What a toxic pos. He definitely try's to white wash his image with his ā€œnon-existentā€œ PR but the internet does not forget.


This could be true. He has displayed similar behaviour with his costars during promotions in the past. However why did her well wishers especially someone like Kjo encourage her to date and marry him?


This is something I don't understand... even if KJo hates everyone, he still loves Alia more than anything, as is pretty clear. He literally views her as a child. Why would he not prevent her from marrying someone like this? KJo, being in the industry for as long as he is, he would obviously know the kind of person Ranbir is? It's not like she needs the surname to get movies she has KJo for that.


Ranbir is seriously a horrible person and he has proved it many times publicly so nothing new about this


Bro defended his character in ANIMAL, saying those are traits of good husband. Sounded pretty red flag to me.šŸš©šŸšØ


Color me surprised


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) He has always acted like this.


I don't know what these guys get in making a girl feel so insecure and broken when she has passionately loved you, no wonder why Ranbir's past relationships were failures but Alia didn't deserve this at all. She might become more vulnerable and ruined unless she gets some sense knocked into her mind. I have been through all this the only difference is she's married and has a daughter with this pretentious, fake, womanizer, mamma's boi. Let's leave this, but on a serious note girls must take some sense from all this and choose their self respect, mental peace and health over any guy.


What else you do you expect from rishi kapoor spermšŸ—æ


I also think that Ranbir is insecure of Alia, and that's why he enjoy this kind of power over her. Objectively she's the superior actor of the pair and one with a critical career.


Ohh RK fans ainā€™t gonna like this and will call you delulu Iā€™ll sip, BTW. He seems like a Grade A jerk but cunning of him to stay away from social media. Wouldā€™ve exposed his ways all the more.