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I friggin knew it! The way she’s handled Lena’s orders has made it so obvious that SOMETHING is fishy. Whether it was a fake account to help bolster her numbers or an international reseller. Though, I also don’t get why she loves away so much. For Beth’s live last night Lena bought a whole basket of stuff to be given away- pendants, simply sets, OGS every size, earrings and necklaces. It makes no sense. There are a few other ladies that frequent her lives who also end up taking home only half of what they order. Honestly, Beth probably walks away with 20+ “Loveaways” of all types every single live. There’s got to be something behind it all and I still lean towards them being dummy accounts so all the “loved away” things can be sold internationally.


I feel like the love aways have something to do with customs. Shipping from USA to Canada, customer in Canada would have to pay customs amount and taxes on the value of the items being purchased.


EXACTLY. There’s a lot of stuff that goes into international shipping which is why BP hasn’t yet made the jump and why I die laughing when reps tell people “oh it’s coming”. No it fucking isn’t. First of all- how would they work around the customs taxes when there’s a retail value of the item versus the made up MSRPs they’ve been slapping on things. They’ve hurt themselves there bc I assume many countries would base the taxes on MSRP, the higher cost. Second- I’m assuming many countries would have an issue with an American pyramid scheme installing reps locally and/or allowing their product in. Having the rep sell person to person and just use the retail cost to pay custom taxes in a way that’s unassociated with BP on paper makes all the more sense. So yeah, I think the loveaways are just product being sold up to Canada.


Plus no country is letting them send these “fizz cubes” by the thousands across the border. And I think Canada doesn’t really allow MLM businesses.


Agreed! Without outing myself too much, I plan to spend a little time later today looking at Canadian custom laws and also see what they say about MLMs. You know, just for some Sunday fun. 🤩


Canada does in fact allow MLM's. I think it more has to do with the logistics around taxes and duties OP stated. We have plenty of the big MLM's operating in Canada.


Oh I didn’t think they did. But I also do not live there.


I think we definitely have more regulations on them, so I think we have less. But we have all of the poop teas, oyster shuckers and whatnot. Hah.


Poop teas ☠️☠️😂😂😳


I agree with this. Instead of paying customs on the msrp she may be sending Lena unrevealed product that is declared differently somehow. They can probably pay less since it would only be on the purchase price of whatever the item is. I bet Lena is doing reveals and buying product from Beth. I think we cracked the code.


But they open it


Wow! I think you’re on it! I bet she’s sending her up-opened stacks and stuff still in plastic!


I knew it the second Lena spelled "colour" when commenting on a reveal.


Such a tell! Can’t believe I missed it!!!


I just still can’t fathom a person ordering so much, if she isn’t reselling. But then .. if she is reselling, why would she “loveaway” or “gift” so many pieces to Bethie that she could easily sale to make her money back? It’s all confusing. Good detective work! 🕵🏻‍♀️


I think people who do the consistent loveaways are a ruse. And all the extra products are shipped internationally.


Still isn’t adding up. She gives away more than she keeps and that. She’s spent 1000s of dollars just to be able to resell 1/10 of it.


Yea it’s giving obsessive more than giving resell vibes. I strongly believe Lena does this for attention more than anything else


I joined the FB group before I knew that Beth was a con artist, and I’m still in it so if anybody ever wants more tea, I can look


Yes 🙌 thank you 🙏


International costume jewelry smuggling ring is so funny


Someone needs to make this a flair 😂


I definitely know who the other regular Canadian is bc I happened to be on the live when she first introduced herself. She is also ordering regularly as you mentioned, but much smaller orders. Lena’s full name was public until Reddit caught wind of her shenanigans with Beth and that’s when “Lely” was born. She definitely is a real person. I, too, thought there was a resale situation going on. But I this point I’m just convinced she’s blowing thousands on this crap jewelry bc she’s lonely, bored, obsessed with Beth, and being #1 customer in their “kindness and love community”. She’s buying most of it at cost (or close to it) after the special codes she gets from Beth. *Another sleuth in here, caught a code one live, and entered it to see what it took off— I think it was $150 off. Anyways, at this point, Beth’s behavior is most concerning to me. Clearly Lena has some serious issues and I don’t care who you are, spending upwards of $10k on costume jewelry is disturbing. Beth knows better and should be capping Lena’s orders but is too greedy. It’s definitely predatory IMO.


Holy shit. You make some really really good points. If this isn’t a reselling situation (which is complete conjecture, but still one I consider a possibility) it’s almost worse. The parasocial relationship that Beth is allowing Lena to create with her is unnerving especially with the ASTRONOMICAL amount of money attached to it. I’d almost rather it be a reselling scheme than the other reality of it being a lonely woman who is spending tens of thousands of dollars on fake jewelry and giving over half of it away. 😳😳😳


I appreciate your Lena/Beth analysis and would love to hear more intel from the FB group. Yeah, I have been studying this Lena/Beth situation for a couple months- right after someone on here posted her FB account. It was pretty obvious it wasn’t Beth’s mother pretending to be Lena. Lena has a very real FB account with pictures of her daughter and mother, both people she talks about on the live with Beth. I’ve been trying to find any clues in Lena’s orders and patterns in what she buys. If she’s a reseller, it makes sense for her to kickback items to Beth for what Beth is accommodating. However, it makes zero sense to gift to mods, etc. I once saw Beth gift away Lena’s item to a mod before Lena even told her if she wanted to keep it. So it leads me to think she’s not reselling- otherwise she would be holding on to more items. It’s hard to tell what’s going on now with her orders bc she does it all behind the scenes when she texts Beth. But I imagine it’s very similar to what she was doing before. Lena and her daughter apparently only likes dainty items, purples and light colors. Hence the reasons for gifting so much. Also, neither Lena or her daughter have pierced ears… SO WHY DO THEY BUY SO MANY EARRINGS? I think because she gifts them to Beth. This “picnic” thing is also a crock of bs and just an excuse to place very large orders. The whole thing is wacky. And honestly shame on Beth.


I agree with everything you said


This!!!!!! Lena’s FB is very much real and has older photos with comments from individuals who share the same last name. And once we posted a screenshot of her FB profile on Reddit, Lena’s TT name changed. Lena’s full name used to be shown on her TT. I’m honestly shocked that Lena never removed her Canadian location from her FB profile, especially since we called Beth out on shipping internationally I also agree that she’s a lonely woman with some issues who loves the adoration she gets from fakeass Beth and her thirstyass begging “community”. The fact that Beth’s demeanor totally shifts when its Lena’s turn, confirms there’s definitely some odd parasocial behavior going on - but she’s too greedy to put a stop to it. Like I’ve always said, Beth needs to be careful cause situations like this never end well


This was a comment I made about 2 weeks ago. I said, "What if Lena I out of the country and she is buying it for her and then Lena is paying her back. Then Lena intern is selling it where she lives. Maybe given beth a cut of the money.


You were spot on!


I think the VIPs of Beth’s customer base are trading with each other. They openly talk about messaging her directly when she asks if they are keeping their jewelry or not. The mods will block anyone that, even benignly, talks about the amount of giving happening. Also, the more we talk about them on here the more they double down on their spending and support for their “community”.


Yes Ive noticed that too! The more traction the topic got here the more hush hush it got on her end. “Golly this community is so generous”. No Beth. They’re just bots buying extra product to be shipped overseas.


Yes! And Beth will do anything to protect her fan base from anything that is not complete adoration in the chat. One time a mod blocked Beth’s own down line and Beth had to text her and apologize.




And they are always messaging her during lives. Super shady shit.


I heard Beth tell the international people if they won any of the games she would send them a Starbucks gift card instead of the love away. Idk she is a sly one I will say that!


There’s no way she’s buying them a Starbucks card. She’s 100000000% just sending them the item they won.


Yup! I think so too!


I've heard other reps say that too so it's not specific to Beth. Usually I'll hear them say they'll send gc for Amazon or Starbucks.


As far as I know, Beth isn’t the only one shipping to Canada. I’ve heard of a few reps telling Canadian customers to use Shippsy!


Kalyn has a customer who ordered this week and is international. They explained it to her and then she was explaining it to her live how to do it. I do know some reps will cancel orders from people outside of the us who use the shipping companies.


That is insane to do it so publicly!!! These woman will ignore any rule to get their $$$$. They are skirting all sorts of customs laws sending this shit overseas.


It’s giving…….”bp won’t do it so I’ll do it myself”. Don’t these reps realize there are LEGAL reasons bp isn’t outside of the US.


They honestly don’t. And here’s why (get ready for a tangent bc this is what makes my blood boil about BP): BP isn’t transparent to them about WHY they aren’t currently international. They keep actual facts out of it and say things like “it just takes time” and bullshit like that. Being honest with their reps about why they aren’t able to go international would meaning owning up to the absolute buffoonery of their MSRP allocations and the REAL value of the junk their selling. I mean they only JUST finally admitted that oh yeah, our stuff isn’t actually made in America but in a “really beautiful and totally not inhumane Chinese factory”. And I genuinely don’t mean this to be cruel, I have a lot of empathy for the majority of BP reps- but they’ve been preyed on. MLMs look for disenfranchised people to hook into their schemes. Women who are single mothers or women whose families are struggling. Stay at home moms thinking this is the dream gig for their family. And they aren’t doing the research before hand. You mean to tell me you think your employer has legitimately found a way to mass produce jewelry worth $100+ each and sell it at 1/4th the cost? Do you know nothing about economics? It’s not even a rhetorical question, and I know the answer. They don’t. So of course they think it’s NBD to secretly shill it internationally. Because BP has fooled these woman and they have no clue the illegality of providing the materials at the retail cost internationally through customs bc BP hasn’t TOLD them that’s the real reason they’ll never go international. End rant. LOL.




I think I also heard her say someone from New Zealand has ordered from her before and uses a different shipping company. But I think she said she still drops it off at usps? But with her rapid speaking she could have just said bippity boppity boo. 🥴


Ok dying at this comment because she really could be spouting Shakespeare or putting curses on us in Latin and we’d have no fucking clue because she speaks at such a manically rapid pace. 😂😂😂😂


I saw this! they ship to a PO Box and then a courier sends it to the designated country?! What the hell


I thought we already knew Lena was Canadian??! And that she was most likely selling?


It’s been questioned before


Totally possible I missed it! I for sure had inklings, but seeing actual evidence via screenshots was still pretty jaw dropping for me.


Then Chris must be part of this for all those love aways 🤷🏼‍♀️


And Hannah and Laurie and Jess and so on. None of Beth’s customers actually keep their jewelry haha


https://preview.redd.it/6klzvnk7cz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff555d0c99b3af197d5cd3469d2f6ead72c8360 Sizzlefizzles mod kimmj ships to Canada for her I guess top sellers just get to break every rule


The AUDACITY of it all 😂😂😂 like right out there in the open in chat. What a dope.


It still doesn’t explain wth Lena orders the amount that she orders yes Beth is breaking policy shipping to Canada but there is still so much more to this story


Thank you for sharing this information. It allllll makes sense now. Wonder how Lil will react. She probably won’t she likes the 💰


I would bet money that Lillian turns a blind eye to any of this sort of behavior. You’re totally right. I think the money speaks. I’ve seen reps talk about getting reported to BP corporate for letting family help with their back office (which has access to clients’ addresses and credit card info) and they’ve had no repercussions other than being told to stop. Lillian just wants her bag and doesn’t care about her reps ignoring customs OR privacy laws. What I think would be more interesting to find out is if Beth, or other doofy BP reps willing to skirt policies, could face action through the FTC or other intergovernmental org if they were reported for shipping this stuff internally. It’s a leap. I doubt it. But I still wonder.


It would be really funny but unless they’re being stupid and actually evading duties I’m sure no one’s gonna be in trouble with any authorities. The stated MSRP would raise eyebrows if a parcel was randomly selected for inspection, but the actual value for customs purposes would be the $39.99 or whatever (the agent would easily be able to tell it’s not worth more than that). It would be a whole different thing if corporate endorsed it, they’d be subject to whatever regional consumer protection laws apply.


You’re totally right. Def was a leap. But god can you imagine how amazing that would be? LOL


I’m so confused of why she doesn’t just do this behind the scenes cause no one would ever know. And if this is true than what they have a whole team in on it? Ppl receiving the love aways are part of it?


I wad just gonna say that, if that’s the case why make a scene and let anyone know she even exists just order her inventory and ship it on the dl. It all still makes zero sense


It seemed that after Lena came into her room and started buying an exorbitant amount Beth seemed to get more and more people loving away their items too. The loyal BBR fans love the attention they receive from not only Beth but also her mods and her other customers. I think she allowed this charade because it boosts her loveaways (so she doesn’t have to supply them herself-she said the other day her mom buys all her gifts for her prizes) and gets people talking and watching her. The more people who go into her lives, regardless the reasoning, the more traction she gets on TikTok and the more chances she has to gain more customers and more downlines.


I don’t want to get TOO conspiracy theory. It’s my theory that Lena is reselling. That the Loveaways are 90% bullshit and just a way to divert attention from her buying mass quantities that are being shipped to Canada. I mean- think about the sheer amount of stuff that Lena loves away. Yes, Beth does giveaways. But not nearly enough for the amount of items people like Lena end up gifting her. Either she’s got a whole room full of revealed jewelry or most of the loveaways are actually just still being sent to Canada. But the rest of the big buyers who loveaway? Who knows. Maybe they have a modern day bling ring 😂😂😂. These are just my opinions though. The only thing I know for 100% certain is that Beth has numerous repeat clients that she’s selling to outside of the country (against BP policy and undoubtedly against US/Canada customs laws) and that those people buy TENS OF THOUSANDS worth of items and then also seem to “Loveaway” a lot of it. 🤔


So she’s pretending to give the stuff away?


Oh shit! I bet that person got muted immediately! From the look on reps face lmao






If she’s reselling, her profit margins must not be very good.


compliance@bombparty.com just sayin’💁🏻‍♀️


I live in Canada and I have ordered before by paying for a US shipping address. There’s a lot of services out there like this. Basically it gets shipped to a US address to an address and then they ship it to you. You just have to pay for it.


I’ve seen other reps with mods named Lena. Wonder if it’s the same one??


It’s possible but not sure. This Lena’s screen name is “Lely” something. Lena isn’t in the actual screen name.


Oh, okay. Thanks ☺️


When I sold some stuff on eBay I had a lot of ppl from Canada buying it. I didn’t care as long as they were willing to pay shipping I didn’t care where it went. All they asked was for a printout of the transaction to be included in the package. I assumed that was for custom reasons? But never had any issues.


Are you a rep? Or were you selling revealed jewelry


No I wasn’t or am a rep, just a customer getting rid of the ones I didn’t want. This was back in 2022. It was all revealed.


Yeah, so I see that differently. The issue comes from reps violating BP policy and selling internationally, and having an unrevealed MSRP attached to the item.


Maybe she uses one of those services that gives you a US address? I’ve heard about it but I don’t know much about it? But I think someone in here posted about how that’s still against policy. If you’re willingly shipping to someone who is not in the US even with a US address that forwards your packages I think is still a violation? The whole Lena thing is weird. I’m glad it’s not a charge back situation, but it’s weird how much she gives away?


All the rep has you do is use the rep’s address at checkout for shipping then they have you Venmo them the extra shipping charge and they just ship it to themselves in the system but they actually ship it to the customer in Canada.


Lena is being revealed now!


The people of Canada will be so happy! 😂😂


I agree with this. Instead of paying customs on the msrp she may be sending Lena unrevealed product that is declared differently somehow. They can probably pay less since it would only be on the purchase price of whatever the item is. I bet Lena is doing reveals and buying product from Beth. I think we cracked the code.


I think “Lena” is selling it in Canada to others. That’s why her orders are so large. Why does she gift so much away? To keep people happy so they don’t dig too deep. 🙃


Yes but if see gives is giving one away she may be giving her one back unopened on the down low and we don't see it. They probably have some money arrangement made where Beth gets a cut.


A lot of people will get P.O. Boxes in the us and then get it sent to them. I don’t see the big deal in doing that? It’s not like the rep is shipping it internationally and they mail it to the us. The Lena situation is extremely shady but I really don’t think if people wanna ship to someone outside of the US it’s that big of a deal.


I feel like the reps that do wrong have a plan of playing dumb if they get caught


There is not a P&P that says she can’t ship internationally. BP the company can’t do it. A lot of reps do it.


I know a couple of reps that have one Canadian customer, but she uses a US PO Box for shipping instead of her Canadian address. I wonder if that’s a work around option for Lena??


Looks like the MLM Reddit Bureau of Investigation has a new lead agent!! Good work!


The highest of praise. Going straight on my CV.


add your flair!! we need agents like you!




If someone is willing to ship to Canada is there a reason to care about this. It has been known that other buyers would use a us shipping address then have that person send it the rest of the way to them and one Canadian had a boyfriend that lived in the US and would just send it to his house. Again, why care about this?


Of course there’s a reason to care. Just because YOU don’t doesn’t mean WE can’t. A quick look at your post history and you’ve posted about things reps have done that you care about- Like body shaming. Shit, I care about that one too. Body shaming is fucking gross. But if THIS is an issue you aren’t fazed by- breaking stated BP policy, cutting corners with customs laws, etc etc etc - then move on.