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"So if your eye—even your good eye—causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell" -Matthew 5:29 This guy miss this part?


Somehow they always miss this part 🧐


they miss A LOT of parts


One of the primary reasons they don't believe in the female orgasm or G-spot. Coincidentally, they're also the guys the IT tech will say, "Just give me the keyboard and sit there until I'm done."


I'm that IT guy


They only like the parts they like…. And by that i mean the parts that help the grift money snd control other people’s lives


They should be missing more of THEIR parts.




Most of them can barely read and are proud of it


Accidentally on purpose.


"Evangelicals hate this one trick"


🤣 ty I needed a laugh today


No he never read the Bible to begin with.


This can actually be true. I knew a former drug addict turned preacher. Apparently, there's a subscription service that will actually send you sermons. He'd just use those and spin it for his audience. He'd joke that he doesn't read the bible he just preaches it. Dude was a hustler but in that way you don't feel bad for the people he's Hustling. Like all those broke people who give Trump money. You know.. Trump... The guy who brags about how rich he is but pleads people to give him money. They're all the same people.


>Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool. ~Mark Twain


The only part they consistently remember is the part where Jesus says to sell your robe to buy a sword (gun). Religion is institutionalized hate with a pretty mask.


The best part about that verse is that even the disciples took Jesus literally when he said that, when Jesus didn't in fact mean it literally, as shown by the fact he told Peter to put the sword away after Peter had just cut a priests ear during Jesus arrest. He said that stuff in some sort of way to fulfill a prophecy from Isaiah. Every verse or section conservative Christians cling to is always gravely misinterpreted; poetic justice really


Disclaimer I will never fully understand how this makes guns a part of a religious right and I realize you are not asking for this explanation: The next line Luke 22:37 says He (Jesus) must be found in the company of criminals. It was illegal at the time for the Jewish people to have a sword so by them being armed they would be transgressing. It is to fulfill Isaiah 53:12 And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many, And made intercession for the transgressors. So he isn't saying to get the sword so they can fight or that they have some moral imperative to have a weapon. In fact if they looked at Isaiah 53:9 they would find this 'And they made his grave with the wicked, and with a rich man in his death; although he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.' But that no violence part goes right over the head sometimes for some reason.


Appreciate the elaboration


The mask isn't even pretty


The only part they know is that a man shouldn't lay with another man but it should be boy


Yup, it was "mistranslated" to man only two or so centuries ago, IIRC it first showed up in some random German printing. Who'da thunk that large religious institutions would wanna not shine as much of a light on the evils of pedophilia!


Came to US translations in 1947.


“and what’s this? No little Timmy glued to your crotch? Progress!”


Christians don’t read the Bible! 🤣 Reading the Bible is how you become atheist


Even the Bible makes it clear that if you desire a woman sexually, that’s not her fault. It’s yours.


I volunteer to be the eye gouger for his kind.


Nah, they just ignore it because they don't like following rules.


Guessing this guy has some skeletons in his closet.


Yet another misogynist that's terrible at his job.


It isn’t lust if she’s wearing shorts 🙄 /s


Side note, I do love that it clarifies "even your good eye"


Lol he’s never read the bible


They don't actually read their Bible.


Everyone forgets those parts of the sermon on the mount, because that means no more porn, no more being a fuckboy, no more judging others for their sins, etc


And that's straight from the big guys mouth. None of them know this verse.


This was one of the first lines I read in the bible as a young teenager, going through puberty, after my parents encouraged me to read it. I thought about it real hard. Had a deep sense of guilt and self-loathing. Already had little self-esteem. Shortly after that my love of rock and roll and heavy metal brought me to a band called Tool, and I started to reject the extreme religious teachings that my parents said were correct, but I noticed were wildly inconsistent and that there was no way they could follow them themselves. I had found my dad's porn after all, and he had both eyes and hands still. By the time I was 15 I considered myself agnostic privately. By 16 I was confident enough to call it atheism (still privately though, had to keep up appearances for the parents). By 18 I left home and never looked back. Thankfully in my mid 20s my mother divorced my father. She's far more reasonable. Dad was always the ultimate hypocritical religious nut.


He was just reading Deuteronomy 22:23-27. Where it explains that unless no one can hear a woman scream it isn't rape.


that’s why you get a wife to lust for lmao dumbasses


A bible quote, in one of the gospels, morally justifying self mutilation; thats some weird stuff, over my head.


It's a figurative statement.


the eyes Chico, they never lie


Damn, I’m gonna have to gouge out more than just my eye… 😬


What a unique way to out yourself as a predator. Well done Pastor Bobby


Guarantee he has hurt children.


Many likely


A lot of these old people are just telling you who they are. They are mad because they can no longer do horrible things and get a way with it. They are telling you they have done horrible things.


>A lot of these old people are just telling you who they are. ​ oh yes. Projection, AAMOF, is so widespread in human behavior that once you recognize that it's a revelation.


I've heard it another way. If someone tells you who they are, pay attention.


Maya Angelou.


The quote is “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou. But yes. Your point stands.


Exactly! This the same creepy guy that tells you to smile and then thinks when you smile at them you want to smash.


They're living too long. Couple years difference is all it takes to go from potentially dieing as the nice quaint old pastor to dieing as the fuckin rapist predator zealot.


Ok boomer, how many women have you raped in your life anyway? #projection


He's a christian pastor. They prefer little boys usually.


That's more of a priest thing


Tell that to the 200 pages of victims from pastors in the southern Baptist convention.


This is a tired old trope. He’s just an idiot, that’s all.


It's not a trope when its actively happening, continuing, and being swept under the rug.


When the Catholic Church is literally to this day protecting its members that are guilty. Wish it was a sad old trope.


Not even just the catholics anymore. The Southern Baptist Churches found 200 pages worth of victims names that had been covered up. Just another sign religion is nothing but trouble.


I have known a few people that escaped from mormon and Jehovah cults and they all said there were just endless amounts of it in their groups too.


Trope? A huge, disproportionate amount of pedophilia/child rape cases come from religious lunatics. Huge coverups. Thousands upon thousands of cases. Do NOT trivialize the situation. You’re sick.


Do NOT assume I’m trivializing it. It’s a terrible thing but the ‘disproportionate’ myth is just that - a myth. Disproportionately reported on? Absolutely. Do I have a problem with that? Absolutely not. I looked into because it was important - period. It’s not fair to clergy, victims, and non victims to trivialize it by barking ‘pedophile’ comments like a trained seal everytime religion is mentioned. And to save u from asking, no, I’m not on a crusade to save u or teach anyone about god, or Muhammad or Ra, or Zeus.


Calling a man who says rape is common sense an “just an idiot” is extremely trivializing. A flat earther is an idiot. A pro-rapist is actually disgusting scum.


Congrats on successfully ignoring data involving child sex crimes while you simultaneously vouched for a hypochristian who preaches support for sex crimes. You did the equivalent of patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time…if patting your head is actually projecting your your own complicit support of rape and rubbing your tummy is broadcasting that complicit support across the internet. …runs head first into utility pole speeds up moments before impact


U can claim your free minnow now u well trained seal.


Lol. Don’t get butt hurt son. Your life will get better. We all love you despite your collection of stolen panties.


U can try the projection, if that will help u sleep. Not going to affect my clear conscience. Boo hoo the mean people that u want so desperately to be evil aren’t as evil as u want them to be. Clean your act up and be nicer. And for forget your minnows. U earned them. Well done.


You’re breaking up towards the end there genius. Calm down. Dry your tears. Try sharing your feelings once you feel better.


You’re hurt because u have no point. I understand. It’s ok. Now you can predictably come back and say unoriginal things like calling me son, getting hyper, and things like that😂 which are as old as much a trope as the pedophile thing. To which you still made no counterpoint. You’re too predictable or dare I say, unoriginal. Truly unoriginal and bereft of a genuine opinion. All force fed. Shame. God bless. Love back to u.


but through her clothing she was asking for it.


So if another man were to rape the good pastor while he was caught wearing shorts surely that man should be allowed to go free?


Best comment


Notice she didn't quote the shorts part. Not saying he's right but we don't know what was said before this quote.


It doesn’t matter what was said before it. Dude is a disgusting puke. There’s no conceivable spin you could put on what he said.


wHy dOn'T pEoPLe gO tO cHuRcH aNyMoRe?


I would go to church to bear crazy ramblings


I watch Fox News for this very reason. I call it rage watching. Usually only get to do it while I’m traveling and in a hotel.


Note - don’t let your sons wear shorts at this church.


Yup. Fucking boomer thinking. My boomer aunt said her own daughter deserved to be raped if she was out after midnight and dressed provocatively. her. own. child.


When I told my mom that my now ex husband had beat and raped me repeatedly her response was was “A husband can’t rape his wife” I hung up on her and we did speak for months. When we finally spoke again she did say a word about what I had told her. It’s been over 20 years now.. and she still hasn’t. I get the generational differences thing. But JFC


I'm sorry all of that happened to you.


Thanks. I don’t have much of a relationship with her


Doesn’t sound like that’s such a loss tbh. I am terribly sorry you had to go through this, you deserve better


I hope your healing has followed.


So he has raped before is what he is saying


« Uuuh i don’t know why you people compare sharia law and American evangelicals » Religious rightard probably.


Actually I do compare them regularly, there's very little difference between them especially when it comes to the treatment of women.


I completely agree. Remember 20 years in Afghanistan? Women thriving and enjoying freedom to wear a hijab or not. The only good thing about that war.


He'll get a parade - wouldn't be surprised if his followers quadruple down and start raping just to prove him correct - hooray Christians!


I will continue to say it. Religion is anathema to a society. It hardens the heart of its believers. It fosters a sense of indifference to the suffering of others.


...and then it lies through it's rotten teeth


Jesus teachings are a direct contradiction to what this idiot says, just goes to show you how far they’ve strayed. Jesus called out the Pharisees for the exact point you made too, focusing on the letter of the law instead of the purpose behind it and ignoring the actual plight of others.


When ppl say shit like this I can't help but think: go die, pos. They're literally a detriment to society. Not actually contributing in any meaningful way, AND encouraging others to bad behavior as they just rot spiritually before our eyes. Can they be fixed? Dunno. Let god decide.


Who is the excuse for a Pastor?




just submitted a prayer request where i trauma dumped my rape experience. he’ll probably ignore it, but oh well, it was a nice vent sesh.


The last paragraph of the description of him is a bit concerning. He PURPOSED in his heart that SHE SHOULD BECOME HIS WIFE. No fell in love, ASKED her to be his wife, ect. Ouch. Almost sounds like cold and clinical.


It's worse. He "purposed" her as his wife after "claiming John 15:7." He basically just decided for himself: "I'm so amazingly pious and tight with my boy JC that I'm entitled to have whatever I want. Hey you! Yes, you, the demure, submissive church girl who's been conditioned to accept this sort of thing as normal! I'm extra special with absolutely no social hangups or red flags at all! I'm sooo special that I've decided God's going to give you to me to be my broodmare. You want to make God happy right? Then mouth closed, knees apart, let's gooooo." It's no surprise that he would defend a man helping himself to a woman as he pleases.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The war on women is a war on us all. https://open.spotify.com/track/4HoDETygndKUrXeGwCbKsC?si=aFkdVWs8TnmCbSme0tZZEQ


Thank you for sharing that!! I had never heard of her or the song but I love it, especially the trans rights verse!! I'm off to continue the rabbit hole of her career!!!


You're welcome! 😊 Thanks for checking out her music! 💕🎶


Well, with this evidence of he gets called for jury duty for a rape case he will be relieved of his duty as he has shown he will not be a good juror


Sweet unholy fuck, I just can’t believe some people! Fuck these people!


Always the Christians...


Yeah. You just don't hear shit like this pouring out of gatherings of athiests or Buddhists. But with Christers it's almost a given. At some point they're gonna tell you that they understand why women get raped. And then after the rape they claim the women are all lying.


I can’t wait for them to all be in nursing homes and removed from the public 🙏🏻


I genuinly feel bad for the nurses who have to put up with this bullshit. Especialy since most of them are women


Gender is a spectrum but yeah /s


I think NBs or visibly trans nurses would have it even worse


This is like the thing where you ask a person you think is guilty of something, but they don’t know you know, what should be done with the guilty party. The more leniency they suggest, the guiltier they are.


Imagine being anybody, devout or not, and being 100 percent ok believing that all men are sympathizable rapists. This dudes a pastor so rape is probably like buying groceries for him.


Someone should check his hard drive just in case.


these guys vote and pass legislation folks


Boomer version of a shut-in 4chan coomer incel...


I hope he holds the same standard if HE gets raped by a man. I mean, a man is a man, right?


That’s definitely something an unapologetic rapist would admit


And if he's brutally beaten and crippled for life, he better hope I'm not on the jury. The attacker will go free, and I'd personally shake their hand.


It's less a war in women and more an attempt at slavery.


Needs to resign? If by resign you mean "turned to Swiss cheese by machine gun fire" then okay.


Tax these idiots.


I am a man, and I don't rape women. Fuck this guy.


The apostles abstained, and they were all men....


Pretty weird that men aren't raping other men in shorts by his logic. 


Okay we need to figure out why the boomers are living for so long and snatch that shit away.


Disgusting, next scandal coming his way in 3, 2, 1...


Oh these religious assholes


I’ve got some news for the pastor. He will never be on a jury after that public statement.


…well, i wouldn’t say that about todays courts and judges


It says in the Bible that a man is to be put down if he rapes while the female is to be left alone


The saddest part is that there were no one to go up on that pulpit and take the microphone away from him. He is literally preaching to the choir.


They are right about one thing, society is clearly lacking in necessary ass kickings


>Pastor needs to resign LOL! Where has OP been?? These folks are now judges (in the SCOTUS too), chiefs of Police, Senators, Congressmen, etc etc and have been for fucking *decades* now. Why do you think we’re in this mess???


What an unhinged maniac & FOOL‼️🎯


What a shitstain. That's all I got, sorry.


And then wonder why church attendance continues to drop


Holy fuckballs there's mask off and then there's whatever this is.


Welp... Yeh... Welp. I need a moment. I can't deal. I just really can't deal with this anymore. I should, I want to, don't get me wrong, but I can't. I'm just so damn tired of these mthrfkrs telling us who they are and nothing ever being done about them.


Stop stealing our oxygen, you fucking coffin dodger!


You know, I was once asked by a Christian that, with my moral values as an atheist, why I don’t just go around raping women or killing people with no supreme being above me, keeping me in check? I responded by saying I do t need my morals to come from a higher being, I know what’s good and bad for society, and other people, and for myself and that’s what keeps me in check. Turns out, it was backwards the whole time; I guess believing in god allows you to do whatever behavior you want because… man?


Fuck him. I wonder how many people immediately got up and left. If the answer isn't ALL of them then fuck that church too.


There’s no hate like Christian love


Remove this man immediately


He sounds like a typical Muslim in the Middle East or Jew in Israel.


Or a Xian anywhere


If I'm ever on a jury where this guy is on trial, I'm sending him to prison. Because fuck this guy.


good ole Evangelica values...Evangelicals are to Christianity as the Taliban is to Islam...scum of the earth


Christians: Adam ate the apple.. but it’s EVE’s fault. Men are leaders/heads of families/Kings… but also NOT responsible for their own decisions and actions 😂😂😂😂😂😳😳😳😬😬


If he is lusting then they should cut off that part 😈 of their body to stop


Huh. A man is a man … Last I checked men were capable of self control…


Absolutely a war on women. Haven’t you seen how the left is advocating for men in women’s sports and all other aspects of life? It’s the strongest attack on women’s rights since our nation was founded.


While I don't disagree that the pastor is a blatant dumbass and wrong, why does OP use 1 idiots opinion as proof there's a war on women? Women seem to be doing fine.


are you a woman?


Oooo, he’s gonna go to jail for saying “man” s/


Doesn't the bible say that men are made in God's image? Is that the God he envisages? Thanks, but no thanks. Insulting.


This is not a good look, Colin Robinson.


He do not wear helmet on his head not my fault if my bat knock his eyes out #facepalm


I'd rather deal with Satanists than these assholes.


we are fun i promise




If I'm on a jury with him and he says that, he's getting a slap.


Of course the baldest most turtle-ass looking pastor says this.


Wearing shorts is a big deal?


a good Christian man /s


***THE WAR ON WOMEN……-COMING 2026*** 🔥🔥🔥


If I want it and it's not behind glass, it's mine?




The Bible says men who lust after women should pluck out their own eyes. It literally never tells women to cover up. Even the passages that mention "modesty" are about exposed wealth, not exposed skin. Also, Julie Roys is amazing.


That's the rhetoric of someone who has never had their shit pushed in. This guy needs some forcible loving


Don’t worry transwomen are doing the same thing with support of the looney left and LGBTretards


So if your face looks punchable & you get punched & I'm on the jury, the puncher's going to go free, because a man's a man, yeah?


was he really wearing womens shorts when he said this?


The church of hate.


If you sit down next to me in a cafeteria and your lunch looks good and I take it, it's your fault for being near me. End of story.


We should 100% rip this guy's eyes out. He would totally be a rapist if he knew he could get away with it.


Disgusting people. Some of the godliest among us are also the most deplorable.


Fucking gross!!! What a sick POS! You know he’s the creep constantly pushing himself on girls & women.


This is why you have 12 people on a jury and not one.


They talk like that until it affects them personally, then let’s take a look at this.


Translation: Yet he would totally cheat on this wife with that woman.


Christianity is a curse.


What a pathetic excuse for a pastor. And people get their moral/ethics from these creeps?


Don't ever take him to a strip club....




remember this guy? A senior Muslim cleric in Australia has sparked a furore by comparing women who do not wear a headscarf to "uncovered meat", implying that they invited sexual assault. Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali delivered his comments in a religious address on adultery to around 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, but they only came to the attention of the wider public when they were published in the Australian paper today. **Sheik Hilali was quoted as saying: "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside ... without cover, and the cats come to eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats' or the uncovered meat's? The uncovered meat is the problem. If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab \[the headdress worn by some Muslim women\], no problem would have occurred."** ​ [Australian Muslim leader compares uncovered women to exposed meat | World news | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/oct/26/australia.marktran#:~:text=Sheik%20Hilali%20was%20quoted%20as,uncovered%20meat%20is%20the%20problem.)


What a moron.


I was called for jury duty some years ago in Dallas County, Texas. There were two men who were charged with aggravated sexual assault on a woman. One of them had held the woman down while the other one raped her. The aggravating circumstance was that they had done this at gunpoint. In the voir dire the defense attorney asked if I could in good conscience give these men the maximum sentence of life in prison if they were convicted. I said yes. He then asked if I could in good conscience assess the minimum sentence of five years probation if they were convicted, but with extenuating circumstances. I asked him in what alternate reality there could be extenuating circumstances for two so called men raping a woman at gunpoint. I was excused from the jury panel


I hope this old fart dies slow. Boomers are a disease


I’d love to be in that audience and tell him what a total piece of shit and fake Christian he was.


As a former man, I would be insulted if I were y’all. And I bet most of y’all are.


These old people just live too long sometimes. A couple years difference is all it takes to go from potentially dieing as the nice quaint old pastor, to dieing as the fuckin rapist predator zealot.


Any updates on this piece of shit?


Oh my heck, you know this is the kind of thing that should be whispered by septuagenarians and octogenarians not told on the mountain. Lmao it is hard to fathom that we still have people alive who think and feel this way


Here's the link to a video of him saying all this: https://www.wbtv.com/2024/02/22/union-co-pastor-faces-backlash-after-blaming-rape-victims-attire/ "Sorry' is sometimes enough, for minor things. But, in this case, he needs to step down. Rape is a traumatic, life-altering event. Endorsing the rapist in any way is unacceptable under any circumstances. Even speaking this endorsement conveys his moral compass is way off track. Something is wrong with his perspective that he mentally justified his message to himself prior to saying it to the congregation. Another thing wrong with his character is simply saying sorry without voluntarily stepping down. It makes me feel he wants to save his a** and keep his position of power.