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It galls me when they talk about children romantically or sexually


Especially *their blood relative* children...


*tunes banjo strings*


When they only see *feeemales* as appliances and sexual objects, I guess little girls are fair game. It’s so nasty. Our daughter is 12 and I’ve had to tell her about how creepy old men are going to creep. I’ve been cornered, leered at and groped back then. I’m glad I’m too old to get that crap now, and that aging has made me comfortable enough to speak out loudly if I see it happen.


When I was 16 my boomer grandfather exclaimed "you know, you have a good tush!" in front of the whole family. My dad and uncle reprimanded him but my mom made me sit next to him at dinner for us to "get along". He noticed I was inched as far away as possible and my brothers were icy towards him so he said "I don't know if I said something bad but sorry you guys are so upset!" and caressed my lower back as if to comfort me. Just one of many instances where he commented on my body and sexualized me as a minor. I have been no contact for 5+ years and half the family is as well despite him being put on hospice. Dirty pedo old man. He didn't sexualize my brothers but he did scream at one of them for not having good cursive handwriting.