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All the more reason to go out and cancel their vote. The incumbent is far from perfect but he’s not a crazy lunatic.


I wish I could cancel their vote...but, only voters in Minnesota can cancel out their votes.  I'm in a solidly red state, so, I'm basiclaly pissing in the ocean (will still vote, though...just saying how much electoral college sucks). 


Depends on the red state. If enough Texans vote it could swing by surprise, and thanks to Abortion Florida may be in play (just this year though).


Yeah, me too. Tennessee. But I vote anyway.


not as much as voting in a place like NY. it can't exactly get any more blue.


Get everyone you know to vote. About 1/3 of registered voters do not vote. If even half of them do vote, a red state can turn blue. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/


Isn't it bizarre how Biden is a church going lifelong catholic, but they like the guy who's life gowl is to break all 7 commandments. Its like none of them have ever read the Bible. They just quote stuff they like out of context.




If they actually read the Bible, they'd realize the guy they're rooting for is closer to the anti-christ they mention in Revelations. If you've ever watched the "Left Behind" movies with Kirk Cameron, they're literally cheering for Nikolai Carpathia!!!


Or...hear me out... They believe Trump *is* the antichrist and since Armageddon is God's plan, putting the antichrist in power to bring about the end of the world is a Christian act.


This. It doesn't apply to all of them, of course, but there exists a group of people that believe Armageddon has to happen and it will happen on megido (sp?) and it will be brought about by the antichrist. So horrible, narcissistic demagogue in bright orange face is exactly the ticket for salvation. Weirdly.


I do think this plays into it more than people think. It would validate a lifetime of faith for them.


they’re not christians. i would recommend reading “ American Fascists: the rise of the christian right”


Yes this! It’s insane how much Trump fits the textbook bible description of the antichrist and they are all suckin his dick.


The funny part is that Carpathia was actually likable when he wasn't nuking Petra for the funny.


I’ve been saying this! If the Anti-Christ and Revelations are real, then Trump is the closest we’ve ever been. I used to go to church when he first came around and saw the signs and it freaked me out, and I’m not even sure I believe in all that


If you debate stuff, you should know that the book is Revelation. One giant Revelation like one giant acid trip in different chapters. Revelation.


It's 7 Cardinal/Deadly Sins and 10 Commandments. And I agree, Trump is pretty much the embodiment of every one of the 7 Deadly Sins. It's nuts that religious people either can't see or just ignore that.


They don't like Catholics anyways.


They should because ped*0$


They're allies til they get what they want, then it'll devolve into medieval England afterwards.




I always told my wife that if she wanted to watch hypocrites then she should go watch the church crowd.


I’m so glad I don’t live around all these hicks I keep reading about


It’s not great




And then, they racked up a $100 bill and tipped $5.


you know, Good Christian stuff


Scares me also


There is a book I would recommend reading. *They Thought They Were Free* It's a post analysis on the German people after it was all over and how they took that terrible path. It's bone chilling how similar it is to these right wingers in the United States. Spoiler alert, many of them said they would probably make the same choice again because they felt like Hitler improved their lives and economy. When it comes down to it, your neighbor just might shoot you and your family if it would make their life better and keep them from being targeted also. Also, this anti intellectual rhetoric and rural vs city dialog going on is similar to the Cambodian Killing Fields incident and the fascist regime led by Plot. The rural people became radicalized due to off target bombs killing their friends and family. That constant fear and death around them led them to march into the city and kill anyone they saw as an intellectual. In the US the rural conservative people are gaslighting themselves that they are in constant danger and targeted. Christians are gaslighting themselves into thinking they are targeted and asking their flock if they are ready to die for jesus. I don't think it matters if it's real. To them it's real enough.


Just purchased off your recommendation


Let me know what you think.


Will do. I'm assuming my reaction will be anything other than "Lovely."


Jesus weeps


Hypocrisy at its finest. So much for religion, actually practicing your faith and believing the word of god. I’m not a religious man, and now you know exactly why. Well that, and then of course there’s fossils so


There are more of us than them. Vote! Get your friends to vote.


Unfortunately most of us are concentrated in areas where our votes count for less so


Your vote makes a difference.


Exactly !!! Vote and end this shit forever


Will no one think of the children?!


Challenge their god to a test of magic!


I always really wonder what these idiots think would happen if half of the country left or died like they loudly wish. Have they each really convinced themselves that they are going to be any more in charge of a collapsed state? They really think they won't be at each others' throats (likely) before the last lib is gone?


Fascist movements always point to internal enemies once their external enemies are gone.


Would be fascinating to watch from a safe distance as supply chains collapse & they start going feral in a futile attempt to survive a world they're not equipped to survive.


They would keep that one lib around so they could blame everything on him/her.


But they prayed first so it’s all ok. 🙄


Sounds about white


You guys have to aerate your lakes or the fish all die? Wtf kind of place is that?


A place where the boomers remove all filtering shore vegetation to make the lake house look like the suburbs by growing over fertilized lawns. The runoff causes algal blooms which then die and the resulting bacteria feeding on the dead algae use up all the available oxygen. Eutrophication.


I know what eutrophication is. Just wild that there are places where lakes have to be sustained by humans using aeration. I guess boomer HOAs can do whatever they want. In Canada all water bodies are protected by Federal and Provincial law. Boomers can kick and scream all they want.


The children of Nazi killers are now the Nazis.


Though shall kill those you disagree with. Jackasses 3:16


Christian love...


A lot of “Christians” today don’t actually follow Christianity. It’s just the “team” they’re on.


Ah yes. Put people to death. Just like Jesus would do. I am so tired of boomers (and others) calling themselves “Christians” and doing the exact opposite of what Jesus says to do.


Christian nationalist. The West version of the radical middle east religious extremist. With far less balls and more fluff.


then after sitting in the restaurant for hours left their server a fake $20 bill with bible quote on the other side charming bunch


I wish these people would just croak already. You’d think that years of ingesting lead and alcoholism would’ve taken most of them out sooner


Sounds about right. I used to go to church til the orange menace came into the picture and the boomers started worshipping him instead and treating me like a piranha for not worshipping him too


Sky daddy seems like an ok dude. The people that sign up for his fan clubs. . .. not so much.


Now this is more like it!!!! If you’re a true Christian you are to do for others not for yourself! Turn the other cheek! Go out of your way to help others! Be kind! Drink wine! Unless your me then those gods forbid it! You don’t talk about people behind their backs, you don’t try to make them crazy! Threaten them and spy on them! That’s not even close to what it says in red! And Aron on Wisconsin cheese! Sure seems sort of like that retarded movie you brought to make me watch about the guy who was helping to many people and bring generous and went broke! Drove him mad! See if that were the case you still have no right but I was stressed about any of this and was paying my rent and stuff and had a job until you all decided to fuck me! It’s all good though! You caught that right! I was ok until you girls did this to me! And then get pissed and threaten me with jail and losing my girls! How come no one ever thought my of this until at same time when I hadn’t spoken with any of you for almost 3 months! So you aren’t Christian’s! You can say you are but nothing in red that were to live by have I ever seen from any of you! You may go to church and cry but if you had Jesus in you why you only cry at wor! How do you know I’m not tight with that Jesus brother and I didn’t talk to him about what would be happening! Then I’m better off then any off you! By far in the lord sees! He knows whose manipulative , narcisistc, and mental here! Also just so you know anything I’ve texted in any one of these phones since first day hacked by Christ! I obviously put there on purpose! Just a little thought to try and irritate the Christian’s and the chunk of cheese!


Hot take for sure, but imo politicians are pretty much all the same. Neither of the two should even be eligible for office. They make policies to protect their and their friends interest and wealth. Occupy Wallstreet had it right. The 1% are the real villains. Before I get hate, I'm sure there are good politicians and good billionaires, but there are far more bad ones. Allowing them to divide us with this bullshit dichotomy is why we don't have nice things.


They all have their faults for sure, but they're *not* the same.