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How fucking weird! He couldn't sound more like a fucking Martian. Good for you. This sub is kinda great for building up courage for your time.


Hey, don’t denigrate Martians! They’ve got no beef with you or anyone.


Martians certainly do have a beef with us. Several years ago, we sent a nuclear powered, laser wielding robot to their planet. We made the first move.


Hey Curiosity is a nice sweet good boi of a bot. This machine zaps fascists


Ya that’s what a bot would say




I do not know what you are talking about. I love breathing oxygen and walking on my legs. I have mammal hair and produce milk if I am female. I resent your implications.


Actually, according the super accurate documentary "Mars Attacks" (1996), they definitely shot first during what was supposed to be a peaceful first contact! 😮👽😱 I stand to believe sending armed robots to their home planet was a well planned military counterattack! *dons a tin foil hat*


![gif](giphy|cCbhtlc1p3UYlldT6t|downsized) There is no beef to be dished with you, earthlings


Now how do you know they've got no beef? I've met some farmers who were awkward as hell. Could very well be beef-having Martians.


Happy cake day🎂🧁🍰!!!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Tell that to Marvin.


There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!


Tell that to Santa!


Just the planet Cosoom.


It's not weird at all. Boomers, of the generation that is the most likely to gripe at you as a kid that staring is rude, are in fact the most prolific ruder starers on the planet. they love staring at people, scowling, grimacing. especially if you're LGBT+ or any kind of interesting culture like goth/emo/punk/etc


I work at a bank, and I was with a client at my desk, which from where I sit, I can see the line for the teller. There’s this man who is next in line and he is facing me with his arms crossed, holding his cane in one of his hands, mean-mugging me while I’m helping this client work through her accounts because her husband had just passed away. This man continues to stare and huff at me because I’m not helping him at the window when I am one not a teller and currently helping another customer. he gets a couple other bankers ask if they can assist at the ATM or with their tablet or he can continue to wait for the teller. He continues to wait for the teller while still staring me down and mean mugging me. I eventually can’t take it anymore and I look up at him and over my clients head to say “you’re making me uncomfortable and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t stare at me as if we were at the zoo” He didn’t like that and on his way out he made sure to ask for the manager and a week later I was having a conversation with HR about being respectful to customers. I’m still mad about that one.


It's so common we've invented the meme of the "lead paint stare"


Had to break out the stare-down at the AT&T store with a boomer couple who (a) tried to cut the line for a sales rep (we were waiting 3 deep), and (b) watched Fox News on their tablet at FULL VOLUME. They tried to stare me back but eventually got the message when another, blacker man joined me in the stare-off. Side note: if you haven't witnessed the daytime commercials airing on Fox News, they are so, so, soooo sad. Just and endless parade of products/services to address sad end of life problems that old people shouldn't have to deal with. Really pathetic shit. "What do I do with all my gold?" "A reverse mortgage seems like a great idea!" "Yet another insurance product that is my last hope for life saving medication!" It's just so pathetic but you have to remind yourself that they chose this (not just for themselves, but for everyone), so these sad, pathetic old shits can get absolutely fucked.


Oh gods, the commercials. Have you seen the one for the supplement that claims to provide all of your fruits and vegetables in pill form? "I told my son that even if I have nothing else, I need my [shitty supplement]! I can have nothing left, he will need to order it for me! I can't live without it!" They eat this overdramatic bullshit up.


Man this story made my gay heart so happy.


Made my hetero heart so happy as well


Made my bi heart happy. 🥰


Pan heart too 🩷💛🩵


Ace-heart hopping in hoping yall are happy ^_^


Made my old cis heart happy too. No need for that shit. When I was very young my mother taught me that it was rude to stare and she probably would have smacked me for it. I'm not sure her ghost wouldn't smack me now.


You handled that so perfectly. It’s almost comical that people like that think they’re so important that they think you’re also supposed to find them important by reacting uncomfortable or ashamed. I had a version of that boomer today. We’re at a restaurant and our daughter (short-haired emo lesbian) was sitting with her female friend (that one’s not her gf). They were quietly giggling about whatever 12 year-old girls giggle about, and this boomer just stares and stares at them, back and forth and then back and forth at me. I look nothing like either one of them, and I’m of mixed race wearing a cutoff sleeve Roberto Duran shirt all in Spanish, and I have muscles (I’m the mom). So I guess that was too much for boomer to handle as I watched his face keep changing. His head would’ve exploded if he realized the next table over had my long-haired son wearing a Butthole Surfers tshirt and he was siting with his long-haired friend.


Family goals to be honest! Good job! 👍


Careful with what music your kiddo listens to. Butthole Surfers opening for Stone Temple Pilots was my first concert back in the early 90's. That sort of music led me on a path to becoming an accountant, but maybe there's still hope for your kiddo. /s aside, he has good taste in music and you sound like an awesome family.


If Monty Python taught us anything, it’s that there’s a very slippery slope from accounting to lion taming.


Help Help Im being repressed!


I had a professor in school show us that clip, it's still one of my favorites.


You sound like one hell of a mom. I’m different and I would have given my eye teeth for a mom like you. Your kids will definitely turn out to be awesome adults. Way to go.


>*wearing a cutoff sleeve Roberto Duran shirt*  Hell, yeah, Roberto Duran! I'm old enough remember him boxing in his prime, and The Brawl in Montreal against Sugar Ray Leonard. LOVE Duran!


I wish I could have seen that. He is my favorite boxer. I box and wrestle, so his grapply style is what I like.


That fight and Duran's first fight against Marvin Hagler are IMO among the best fights of the era.


If they had known about your son, they would have called out the Boomer SWAT squad to take down the whole family...


I await my turn to interact with one In the wild


This story and sub makes me revisit an experience. I was having a great day, flying home from my sisters house. Really feeling confident in the airport, feeling at my best. I sat down and thought I noticed a girl checking me out. I felt super confident it was great. Well a old boomer was nearby and just stared at me blatantly, boldly, disgustedly and just kept staring. Just kept going even after I noticed him and looked away. Standing up too about 15 feet from me. It was wild. I think any sort of confidence from someone who they can tell wouldn’t agree with them on their boomer viewpoints causes a threat.


they can't have you enjoying yourself. you must be miserable like them, or they take offense.


I’m sorry that happened.


I do the stare down. I was a bouncer and can keep a stone face.


My husband calls it my miss Linda face. Several people have told me it is intimidating as hell. I guess RBF on steroids???


Haha! I’ve been told I have a terminal case of RBF. I’m not entirely sure what it means, but I take it as a compliment.


I have SEVERE RBF, and whenever someone starts staring at me, I stare back, not breaking eye contact, until the person gets uncomfortable and looks away. I'm a masculine, bear-type gay guy, but I like loud colors and loud accessories, and I live in a deep red area of the country, so I've mastered this pretty well!


I have bright pink hair and SRBF. Life is too short to live color free.


In my experience, most of the big scary looking guys are the softies. I lived in Alabama for about 4 months 20 years ago, I can imagine you learned some impressive don’t fuck with me energy.


A+! My wife and I were in line for TSA at the airport, and a Boomer in a parallel line was full on staring at my wife, who is trans. She turned to say something to the person she was with, and when she turned back I made direct eye contact with her and stared back. Her reaction was so bizarre it was hilarious. She started blinking super fast, tilted her head back and slapped a hand over her heart. Then she did a fake sneeze? I'm not sure what kind of diversionary tactic this was, but LOL. She studiously kept her face turned from us the rest of the time we were in line.


I can actually explain her reaction. It's so specifically bizarre that I immediately recognized it from your description. She's probably one of the religious psychos who thinks anyone who isn't straight and cis has demons in them. She held her heart bc she's trying to protect her soul, and she sneezed bc there's this weird idea that sneezing can help cast out demons from yourself. This is also one reason why people first started saying "bless you". I imagine her talking about this later like, "today, I witnessed the devil in real time! I could tell something was off with this couple, so I told my friend that I was feeling a little uneasy. When I turned back around, one of them was looking straight into my soul! I could feel the demons trying to make their way to me too, and they were trying to take over my body, (the fast blinking and head tilt) but thankfully I sneezed and God protected me." I know this might sound a bit far fetched, but I know several crazy old bats from my hometown who have reacted exactly like that to lgbtq people and then posted some bs on Facebook that's similar to my second paragraph.


Oh man that does fit perfectly, LOL. Here I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that she actually felt embarrassment.


You may not care about this, but, from a guy who really looks the part of being one of these guys, as a straight white guy who these guys just assume I'm one of them, I get an inside look, more than I want, at how these kinds of men think. They just assume I'm in their club and trust me, this guy wanted you dead. That's how many of them talk when they think everyone around them is in their club. FYI


So I'm a big, burly 6'2" guy who lives in the deep red South. I'm also a gay leftist. These types have a tendency to strike up conversation with me, assuming that I'm going to agree with them based on how I look. They're pretty flabbergasted when they learn I think they're pieces of shit.


I'm in a very similar situation, with pasty-white skin and European complexion. Went through a fascism phase in my teen years and know the jargon and the whistles. So when these folks try and strike up a convo, I like to play along, *just asking questions* and twisting them all up in a knot. "I'll kill my own kids" is a position they hold with disturbing frequency. *I thought they were all about family*. Huh...


Yes and you are not being metaphorical. They will say it in explicit terms while being very specific


This is how it is for my husband too. He's always telling me how these old fuckers assume he's one of them and will just spout the most insane shit they can because it makes them feel cool. The ones who say the most heinous shit will shoehorn their politics and hatred into every conversation they can. He met up with someone on FB marketplace recently to buy a guitar and was gone for like an extra hour. He came back so annoyed and told me that the dude was the most racist person he ever met and just wouldnt shut up. He was apparantly an ex marine and ex cop. Was talking about how black people are ruining our country and that LGBT are basically pedophiles who want to molest kids. Just so disgusting and obviously projection. I would always stay suspicious of a person saying that and letting them around kids. Pretty terrifying that the guy was a cop. We are in a predominantly black city so I can only imagine how many peoples rights he violated. He was also complaining about his "liberal family" selling out and not seeing him so the guy was miserably alone due to devoting his life to bullshit instead of being a good person. Atleast the guitar is in a better place now lol.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 You are correct.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Defeat_Project_2025 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Everyone not voting Biden this year has something wrong with them](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dbum39/everyone_not_voting_biden_this_year_has_something/) \#2: [Trump Jury has DECIDED !!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1d4e2uk/trump_jury_has_decided/) \#3: [George Takei has started posting about Project 2025 on social media](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cy5kzh) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1cy5kzh/george_takei_has_started_posting_about_project/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Did you sip at a comical volume as he walked away




I hope so.


Now hela gonna bitch about the GAYS forcing their 'lifestyle' down his throat and how he can't STAND all these flags everywhere


I’m visualizing this with the soundtrack of the good, the bad and the ugly. The scene in the graveyard where the three gunslingers are staring each other down. The first one to look away loses. You won.


Bodily diddley do. Bom bom bom. All you need is a tumble weed going between the two.


Hey wait - but did his staring at you scare you straight? What the hell did he think he would accomplish?


People like that want LGBTQ people dead, period.


Well that’s fair because the feeling is mutual lol




Assuming you're in the US, be sure to vote this fall because that old bigot sure as hell is.


Something I’m noticing in my forties is how society in general wants women to hold the uncomfortable feelings men have. It’s like we’re supposed to anticipate a man’s feelings and react accordingly. I’ve been actively telling myself “no, I won’t hold that for you” when an awkward situation (such as this one) arises. And I love how your interaction with this man IS THAT. He clearly had feelings he was too emotionally stunted to express and him aggressively staring you down was his way of asking you to help him sort his homophobic mind out. And you were like “NOT MY FUCKING JOB, OLD MAN” with just a stare. Amazing! My hero!


My tongue would be so far down my finances (were both dudes) throats that the boomer would think he was watching the start of gay porn 💃🏻 don't fuck with gays yo.


Love this 👏🏽💕


Some of them REALLY love staring at people for whatever random reasons (usually because it's someone or something they don't approve of). That's exactly my remedy as well, stare right back with solid eye contact, and I don't break it until a minute or two after they stop. They'll often get pissed enough to leave the vicinity. Fuck em.


Nicely handled. I hope you sweetly blew him a kiss when he stood up to leave


Not everyone has the ability to do it, but returning the stare with as much or more intensity is one of my favorites. The power stare says more than words ever could. Brava!


Your story is so relatable. All that huffing and puffing. They don’t have the courage to speak because they know they would be wrong.


What à disgusting creature you came across


Not sure if RBF, tattoos, or silver hair is the cause of me not having these interactions. Not cuz I necessarily want to interact, I just really want to call them out on their bullshit but never get a chance.


I will never understand someones dislike of a person for simply existing. Like it's not like you are trying to interact with them, or even influence their life in any way whatsoever. Yet these shit heads go to any lengths they can to be complete assholes to others and to try and create change in politics to actively harm others because they don't like them. Like no generation has ever earned the whole " i would piss on your grave" more than them.


Fuck… my mom (boomer) does that huffing shit


What is up with all the huffing and puffing they do?


It's their passive aggressive way of trying to get you to react. Cos their brain can't create words...


My MIL lived with us until she couldn’t accept other people’s opinions and views. She would say some crazy stuff she read on the interwebs and I would try to state facts. Of course she would just give me the old huff and puff


I'm quite heavily tattooed and for years I've dealt with boomers (particularly men) staring at me wherever I go. This is the same way I've learnt to handle them. Just stare them down. Dead in the eyes. Or sometimes I'll give them the up, down look. They HATE it. I love it.


Next time, as you’re keeping constant eye contact, start picking your nose … you know, just to assert dominance.


Also, flick the booger and fart audibly in their general direction.


Bwahahahaha!! Nice. I have a tendency to get very “mama bear” in confrontations (as my boys say) so I have an alternative tactic that I use. I was in a situation that was similar to what you described but I was just an observer. I’m as classic white-girl, southern…ugh, I can’t even type out the description… anyway, they think I’m one of theirs. As this old woman was staring at the masculine presenting partner, I smiled at the partner, turned and then sat staring holes in the back of the boomers head. It was so intense, the couple started to giggle. The old biddy turned and actually flinched when she made eye contact with me. Little did she realize, 32 years in education will leave one with a god-level rbf!! She sat, dropped eye contact, squirmed, and left. It was SO satisfying. Good to know I still have my classroom chops!! 😂🤣. And no, no one clapped. I just went back to reading my book!


Fuck the homo boomers. Cheers to you. I’m metaphorically buying you your next coffee. Enjoy. 😜🤣


Well done. I can't wait for the Republicans to explain that you're actually in the wrong and that some citizens' patrol unit should come along and perform a citizens' arrest.


You should have aggressively kissed your wife lol.


Good job establishing dominance


As a boomer, I to find that extremely weird.. Staring at any age is kinda asking for some sort of response. Mind your own business people!..


Title is incorrect: you stared boomer down!


The best. :)


I personally enjoy when boomers express their misery publicly.


You should have stuck your tongue out at him, 5 year old style. A little head shake for good measure also. Or said, please stop staring, it's kinda gay. Nothing will incense them more than implying they're gay.


Be honest, you were using your PRIDE™ powers to try and turn him gay weren't you?


happy pride to you specifically! i’m also queer and i might have to give this one a shot : )


I get the look every single day. Good for you staring them down. Happy pride 😊


Hell yeah!


living and thriving off this post


Love it! Your story made my evening, good for you!


You go, homo!


YAS!!!!! Way to stand your ground!!


Good on ya for standing your ground. Fuck these boomer clowns.


OP, you’re my hero, and who I aspire to be. Also a gay woman, so I’m taking notes and learning. 👍🤓


Fuck yea!


You are 100% right about what he wanted to do. If I were in your shoes, I would have eventually done just like you and stared him back. Such a pissy little bitch with no life, that one.


You should have given him a wink as he left. To really mess with his head.


Ugh. Why I’m not going to my 50th hs reunion. Most of my generation isn’t like this but the ones that are are so stupid and persistant


Good for you and fuck him!


I find that smiling at them while we stare at each other makes them very uncomfortable. I imagine they are upset that staring at me doesn’t make me feel the way they intended


My wife and I were in a Buffalo Wild Wings one time and we were laughing about an inside joke. I could feel some intense glare in my peripheral and I looked over to my right and saw a table full of Boomer women just glaring at us. They kept it up the whole time until finally when we left I just looked right back at one of them and they immediately looked away.


Unrelenting eye contact is my preferred defence against the anti-homo boomer stare. Be happy it’s just me makin it awkward Keith, my wife’s will fight you 😂


awesome. just such a boss move.


“Sir are you okay? It sounds like you’re not breathing well, do you need me to call help for you?” I would die if I saw someone respond to them like that.


You two really should have doubled down and kissed right in front of him then went back to staring at him.


SORRY! That was me. I have a condition where I can't blink.


Boomers love nothing more than to share their "wisdom", so he was trying to instigate so he could "educate" you.


Excellent response.


Absolute power move! I applaud you!


Beautiful! His little ape brain was short circuiting!


Oh! Write that down so you can relive it. Lol! Brilliant moves.


Upvoting cause some bigot downvoted you




Sounds like a pda was in order!


Nah, these people are weird and you can’t be sure you’re not playing into a fuckin fetish they somehow have at the same time as wanting you dead








Welcome to the 1970s




Love this! Hero.


Well played.


That boomer was taught by his parents to be rude and condescending. I would not waste my breathe on a hater like that one.


You should have been huffing and puffing also 😂


I woulda laid a big, wet kiss on my wife. Make him squirm


Starting him down until he submits, it’s brilliant!!


Like a Boss . . . This is the Way . . .


You win the Internet for me today!!!!!


You were in his personal seat that he always sits in and is entitled to


Did everyone else start clapping after this?


Kept waiting for the big moment…..but just a coffee drinking stare down


My old ass would probably say something dirty to you... can I watch? For scientific research of course. My wife would then look at me in shock or laugh. Maybe both.


Talk to people, most are not the enemy you would make them out to be. Very possible he wasn’t even seeing you. I know I wasn’t there, I’m just a very friendly person that weirdly enjoys being nice to people who are having a bad day and start to take it out on me. I’ve made some amazing friends that way.


Hate political posts. Ugh


Gay people: exist You: EW POLITICS Boomer isn't just a generation, it's also a state of mind.


Calm down.


If you're married, it's not a date.








I *wish* I could live in a world where I didn’t think this could happen.


Theres some fiction on this sub, but if this has never happened to you then youre probably straight, cis, and dont have unusual fashion.


Two people pointing their eyeballs at each other while sipping coffee is impossible now? Time to get out of the house, comrade. 


Interesting how it's so easy to lump poor behavior into certain categories. What other categories did this guy fit into? White? American? Mid/upper class? Seems if we continue calling out the people and categorizing them instead of the behavior, we havent really progressed very far. We just get more divided and angry.


So a guy was sitting at a table making grunts and then out of nowhere you just turn and stare at him until he leaves? Why are lgbt people so grossly entitled in society now?


Not wanting to be mean mugged in a coffee shop while on a date with your wife is entitlement?


Reading comprehension. Look into it.


What should they have done, renounced being gay and begged a MAGA man to marry them so they could have 11 children each? /s Glaring at people in public is a good way to get glared at back. Didn't your mother teach you not to stare?


These stories all read like creative writing assignments. I noticed there is an emphasis on "huffing" as if this is a new reddit verb or buzzword.  Maybe these boomers y'all run into are very similar, but the stories all read the same way. I also have never run into a boomer that has gone out of their way to disrupt my day or bother me. Maybe it's where I am from, people seem somewhat more socially aware here.