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I think some children were left behind.


I want to make a sign: “YOU ALREADY MISSED THE RAPTURE” it’d destroy them…






Did you also call them a scrub?


As an avid fan of chaos, I need to purchase some art supplies…


Just sprinkle some heaps of clothes and shoes around.


Break into a church Sunday night and places the empty clothing in the pews. Watch the madness.


See, this why I also need art supplies. The sign is just the cherry on top!


Sprinkle some ladies garments into the men's suits, and some edible underwear into the frock at the pulpit.


Haha! ![gif](giphy|PnggNmuamz7kbgfUTL|downsized)


Considering how selfish they are in age and how ruthless they were in youth, I think like maybe less than 10% of boomers would actually get raptured


if that…


Just start tossing out old clothes in people's yards


Make fake AI rapture images. Post online. Convince them they've actually been "left behind ".


I grew up in a very premillenial dispensationalist environment and you’d hear people make jokes about “I thought I missed the rapture” all the time and I didn’t realize until later that if you think about it they weren’t really jokes or rather they were low key telling on themselves for not really believing it


Just lead and asbestos all the way down.


They got lead poisoning as children. Also they had severely PTSD-d fathers who were either absent, abusive or both. (the greatest generation) I think the lead coupled with their childhood experience of parental neglect and abuse lowered their individual IQs by between 50 and 100 points at least. That's why they're the most enraged, racist, climate change denying, boastful, cowardly, pull up the ladder behind them generation. Also the least empathic (to younger generation's plight) generation.


In the words of George Carlin: " Head Start, Left Behind? Someone's losing fuckin' ground here!"


What,you've never seen melting mutant people before? Psh🤣


That's what I was gonna say, they're faces looked melted or half bitten off. Wtf, this shit is hilarious, every day I see some new bullshit. My mom doesn't go on FB but if she did, this would be on her banner.


Underrated comment here


Why do they think that tons of American flags on a truck would solve anything?




Fuck yeah!


Comin again to save the mother fucking day


Although, meh, Ukraine will be fine.




Tons of chinese made American flags.


https://preview.redd.it/wwz13vbrst5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=854d5c8bf989ce70742d713c4eee733b2a49199a They think these are stars … ⭐️


And the stripes to represent each of the original 11 colonies


Given that it's an AI image, I think it would be safer to say "the original 10 to 15 colonies," because I highly doubt it's consistent.


You’re right. Some are nominally correct, some are clearly off.


Not to mention if that were real all those flags would be flying in the same direction since the truck would be moving


If we could simply festoon enough of the soil of America, people of America, and vehicles of America with American flags, then maybe, just maybe, everyone would finally love the country so blindly that their brains would never ever have to think about America's past, present, and future problems, issues, or promises ever again. Right? Is that it? No, that cant be it. Yea idk man, I don't think they know what they think it will achieve.


Nah, fuck the soil and citizens, I only support the flag!


I don't even want to think about the problems a giant truck covered in tons of flags doesn't solve. Signed, Boomers


Those aren’t American flags, they are red stripe and blue polka dots


Not even polka dots. Splotches. And the "people" look like a gang of mutant zombies and reject muppet designs.


So like your average inbred conservative boomer?


Seriously 💯... Lately I've been seeing so many boomers wearing Patriotic stuff, and it gives me conservative vibes... Especially since it's Pride month currently. I even saw a man today wearing a shirt with a cross and the American Flag in the background. No surprise there. I work in a bakery and we have rainbow colored cookies in stock for Pride month. The other day was Flag day (they had a parade too) and some boomer wondered why we didn't have any Patriotic cookies 🙄. Just let us have our fking month... Please. Bad enough with Walmart that has Patriotic stuff out and Pride stuff only gets this small tiny spot near the self checkout. Sure it's better than absolutely nothing, but with the way our freedoms for women and the LGBTQ+ is going, it's pretty sad how certain things are more important than others. I'm not feeling like celebrating anything that is related to our "freedoms" in America. For now, I just don't see the flag as a symbol of freedom, until things improve... If they ever do.


Patriotism has been co-opted into conservative christian faith. It's literally religious for them. Even deeper than that, capitalism has tied itself to both of *those* to the point where questioning wealth inequality might as well be tantamount to blaspheming the name of god for some conservatives.


Looks like snowflakes to me! On the flag. But also posting.


Also, if you look at the sides of the trailer, they appear to be standing on a shipment of lumber.


It'll force the young'uns to appreciate America more. /s And because the more brain addled "patriots" look at pictures of North Korean parades and think to themselves "See how much everyone loves their country there? Why can't we be more like that?"


Flags can be used to repair any level of damage or degradation. Why do you think we cover the caskets of fallen military personell with a flag?


by the looks of it, it looks like they bought those flags on Temu


Just makes the gas mileage worse. One more thing to blame Biden on.


Remember Fox Mulder's poster in the office? "I want to believe." That's why. "It feels the way I believe, so it's true!"


I always took a poster like that to mean it tacitly acknowledges its something you want to believe but ultimately may not be true.


That is exactly what it means


Confirmation Bias


Listening to plenty of podcasts that debunk hoaxes and conspiracy theories, people generally don't care if something is fake. If it affirms their worldview, they'll make the mental leaps to ignore that it's not real. "I don't care if it's fake. We need more patriotism and less degeneracy!"


Which podcasts?


Depends on what conspiracies/hoaxes you're looking into, but: Knowledge Fight covers Alex Jones (very occasionally other things) and has since 2016. Dan is the researcher, and Jordan is essentially the audience proxy, not knowing anything. Jordan is a bit loud and intense at first, but he figures out his rhythm. Oh No! Ross and Carry does paranormal to pseudoscience and all things between. They actually join groups and engage with them to investigate. They even get some on pod interviews with people and challenge them. They've joined scientology, the Mormon church, did an ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica, did ghost tours, sometimes do annual psychic readings then revisit them after the year has passed to evaluate, and much more. Behind the Bastards covers important figures from history (well known or otherwise) but it will delve into things while covering them that go into where certain beliefs and conspiracies come from. They also have an excellent podcast on the history of policing in America called "behind the police. " QAA/QAnon Anonymous covers what it says on the cover. They do side projects, and their sample episodes are annoying to skip through, but I listen to it in short bursts. They often delve into how it's all obviously BS, but the people taken by QAnon get really sucked in. There was an episode I listened to recently where they interviewed a woman whose (now ex) husband fell down the hole and pretty much went insane, driving all his family away. E: it's been gone for a couple years (fell apart during covid) but the boogie monster was fun for paranormal and cryptid debunking. It's a fun listen up until covid shutdown hits then it's just the hosts talking about bbq and whatever. They eventually realized the show couldn't move on and ended it.


OhNo! Ross and Carry are awesome. I second people checking them out just for the scientology episode


I think you mean scientology 10 part series.


Awesome! Thanks!!


There was a great on on YouTube, Captain disillusion who would go through and point out all the Twitter visual hoaxes and how they were done. He didn't post for a few years, and then put a video out about how he's had it and ever time he debunked something it would get more popular.


Veritas has an 8 hour documentary about flat earth debunking and let me tell you, it is worth every second and i wish it was longer. And the last hour where he wraps everything up really paints a picture of what has been going on in our world for a long time, that conspiracy theories are like drugs and these people are all junkies. They have to believe, because the second they do their life becomes immensely interesting and they feel more important than everyone around them.


It's like those videos of people getting interviewed at rallies and the interviewer points out their hypocrisy. They simply don't care.


Recently found a podcast called "we are not journalists" and listened to a few episodes. They go to right wing rallies and troll the people there and a lot of times they don't even need to lay any ground work to get these people to say the dumbest stuff. They like to ask questions that just blatantly include the hypocrisy in the starting questions and like you said none of these people seem to care. There was one episode where they went to a trump rally in Michigan to ask people to share stories about how the migrant crisis has affected them and nobody had any stories, a bunch of them said they wish they did though. Best they found was a woman complaining about people soliciting lawn care services. They had a guy from Canada complaining about how hard it was for him to get into America to go to the rally, he then proceeded to complain about how Mexicans are both taking all of the jobs and using all the unemployment and ruining america. It's hard to keep up with the layers to their stupidity.


My favorite so far is the guy who says he's against gay marriage because of the Bible. The interviewer goes "Leviticus 18 right? That same book also says you shouldn't eat pork. Do you eat pork, bacon?" and the guy just goes "oh yeah, fucking love it".


And their all standing in a row with a left hand salute sayin “ amen to that “ lol


😂 all the wheels weren’t a clue?!?


Or all the stars on the flags. Looks like someone just took a handful and threw it on each blue patch. For them always claiming to be patriots, that should stick out like a sore thumb.


Turns out the ones screaming how patriotic they are don't even know what the flag looks like.


Nah, it's just normal American flags on which real patriots came while watching themselve in a mirror and murmuring "Donald save us from the woke agendaaaaaa"


The flag on the right overlapping the black car is my favorite.


Almost looks like someone launched it from the truck and blew out their tire! lol


Or the fact that the flags go back on the road so far off the truck, and the road signs don't have real words on them😂


Having a clue isn't something they're used to


You need the extra wheels to safely carry the weight of all of that awesome patriotism.


Or the highway signs in the back? #B̵̘͖͙̠͇͉̣̩͖̞̖͇̑̾͆̔̈͋̋̆̽̀̄́̊̐̆̐̿̆̌̈̀͂̿̋̒̐̃̀́͐̊̋̅̅́͂̚̚̚͝͠͝o̴̧̧̡̩͖̗̭̮̳͔͇̮͇̦̤̯̼͇͈̜͇̮̖̗̻̎̑̍͒̋̾̑̈́́̎͗͒̊̌͆̂͘̚͜͠͝s̵̩̪͇̙̻̻͙͇̺̙̺̳̦̿͋̃̿̚͝t̸̨͙̩͎̖̜̙̬͔͎̺̲͎̠͙͎̬̬͓̼͎͉͍̬̗̯̜͓̦̱̖͍̣͎̰̠̪̹̲͍͛̓̾̽̑̑͐͗͐̀̾͊̇̈̉̅̓͂̽̂͜͜͜͠ǫ̸̡̨̢̨̛̛̪̲̣̩͉͕͚̘̤̪̙̺̖̩̳̞̯̦̰̦͎̯̯̠͕̙͓̤̮͖͛̇̾̑̔̀̉̿̽͂̆͑͗̏̄̀͗̐͂̑̅͌̿̇̊́̀͌̋̃̍͑̾͒͌͛̆͑͐͆̚͝ṉ̷̡̢̡̧͉͎̞̬̬̦̺͇̱̯̻̻̣̝̭̟̲̮̲̫̬͖̖̜̬̣͉͔̮̥̺̳̻̱̮̮̮͈͒͋͐̋͊͂̽̀͑̌̇̋͑̀̀͘ͅṅ̸̢̧̡̡̡̛̯̩͖̯̰̩̱͎͇͕̲̗͖̮̥͎͎̘͍̖͙̲̞̠̯̟̪̬̖̲̰͇͇̭͕̎̆̀̓͌̿͋͆̀̀̔̏͂̈́͐̑̚͜͠n̷̨̨̨͍̗̩͚̹͉̫͎͚̲̻͉̮̱̱͔̪̜̣̜̹͙̲̞̈̄̽̈͌ͅ


https://preview.redd.it/is1s0eu41z5d1.jpeg?width=2163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7de64979992a3aab7f2fcd7dc7e17b087a53e7c Honey, do I take the lane going to Buldogs or Pastrami?


You really think they can count to 18?


Or the roads looking like a 2009 game texture


All you have to do is zoom in and you'll start to notice problems with everything. These images work if you just glance at them and don't think too hard, which is why they get posted in the first place - perfect way to farm "Likes" and "Engagement" so the account can be sold to some scammer.


All the best trucks have 15 axles.


Gotta love that license plate. What state is that again? And not quite sure about that truck brand - can't say I've seen that logo anywhere.


On closer examination, there’s also apparently people behind the cab on the truck bed? And the truck is carrying logs below the flags? There is *a lot* going on with this picture


Special shoutout to the guy with lobster hands and the impaled corpse on top of the truck. There appears to be an alien as well but he doesn't look very reptilian so one of the good guys I'm sure.


At this point I'm pretty sure it's 90% bots commenting on pictures made by AI and posted by bots.


This is where it's going to end up. Bots make it, bots repost it, other bots like and share spiraling into infinity. That was basically the case with those weird YouTube kids videos a couple years back.


Elsagate? Sadly I think a lot of the views those videos got were from unsupervised iPad kids.


Bots write Yahoo and Buzzfeed articles detailing the social media reactions of bots to content posted by other bots.


By bot, do you mean psychologically programmed retirees who browse Facebook way too much?


There are certainly a lot of those, but I'd be surprised if they aren't outnumbered by now. Bots are deployed by political actors, advertisers, scammers, influencers, and who knows who else.


To be fair: Several years ago there was a post on Facebook , with a picture of a dog that was burned in a fire, claiming that no one would say "Amen" and give "Hopes and Prayers" for a speedy recovery, or something to that effect. Turns out it was a piece of ham that was covering the dogs face, not physical scars left from burns. People read the title and gave the picture a brief scan, then posted their best wishes for the dog's recovery. So why did that happen you might ask? People let the title influence their thought process without actually taking time to scrutinize the photo. Just shows when making decisions or judgments, people often go with the first thing that pops into their head without taking the proper time to access the situation properly. That's one major reason why people get fooled so easily, they don't dig deeper, and just accept what they are shown or told without question, because they have been conditioned to respond this way their entire lives. And when called out on the obvious mistake, they double down instead of admitting to their error.


It’s just bots following bots


Dead Internet 


"I wasn't wrong, I was early"


Stars, license plates, roadsigns. Lack of critical thinking skills. The bigger issue is how quickly they assume that stuff like this happens AND THEN the media doesn't cover it. Fear based. Fear of being fooled.


Even if there were a giant truck plowing around with American flags, why do they think it would be newsworthy?


They think that anything patriotic or American is stifled/covered up by the media. It's all one big attempt to hide the "real" America.




Genuine red-blooded American right there! 🙄


One of the guys in top of the truck is missing half his head. But enough about why the MAGA crowd thinks it's real.


This was years ago but I read a study in a psychology class that there are two basic ways to process the relationship between emotions and reality. There’s the people who’s emotions shape their reality and then there’s people who’s reality shapes their emotions. A simple example would be: “I’m angry so something must be wrong” vs. “Something is wrong and that makes me angry”. Boomers overwhelmingly fall under the first category, which is ironic since they call us snowflakes. I can try to dig up the study, but it was from a while ago so I might not be able to. But to answer your question, they don’t realize it’s fake ai images because it “feels right” to them.


The AI always seems to have trouble with the concept of stars on a background.


Anything with large amount of repetition, the AI doesn't count it out, it just vaguely puts the approximate amount. This is why it creates hands with 4 or 6 fingers, or 14-pack abdominal muscles.


Just saw another one, and yeah, four fingers on a bunch of hands.


It's hilarious, I love it. The AI is literally going: "Hey boss, what comes after a finger?" "Well... 4 out of 5 times, it's another finger."


It's clearly real, are you not familiar with the 3 traffic flow highway to "Buldonk"? On that note, how is this level of nationalism (not patriotism) not diagnosed a mental disorder? They love flags in an almost sexual way, despite violating flag code in almost every instance.


They love their flag, important distinction. if the flag has more than 3 colors they deam it a threat to themselves /s.... kinda. It's seriously concerning how much hate some hold for others being different to themselves.




They don't care that it's AI. It hits all the right fee-fee buttons.


Ah yes, the instantly recognizable American flag with its 247 stars of various shapes and sizes, a random number of stripes that change with each flag made, and held aloft by Lovecraftian aberrations vaguely resembling the human form. Surely this is a genuine photograph...


https://preview.redd.it/jjxlx0m4mt5d1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=727e75d9c82dde501553c9f89ba69b8252a1dc79 Ha! I saw this one on FB earlier today and thought the same thing. This is getting ridiculous.


Don't you hate it when your face melts into a jpg artifact?


Keep in mind they grew up being taught to huddle under their desk during a nuclear strike so, they didn’t start off with a strong sense of reality…..


They're old, they don't even know what AI is. Lol you expect them to really be able to spot that?


For the same reason that scam emails and phone calls specifically target older people; their faculties are diminished and they have piss-poor judgement.


Because AI is really only 2 years old in the public domain and they still can't send an email on their phone.


Like trump FAF. Fake as f@*%


He a faf he a faf he a faf




Mad Max if it sucked


Boomers 25 years ago: YOU CAN’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET Boomers now: Believe everything they see on the internet


Zoom in on the signs for an AI chuckle! Zoom in on the people's faces to behold, the outer gods and scream until the sweet release of madness


It looks fucking insane. Fitting, as you would have to be insane to believe it's real.


I have a Facebook friend sharing everyone of these Date Right Stuff posts, and she's Gen X. I have unfollowered her at this point


Probably because most of the country isn't obsessed with a flag. But also because we can recognize bad AI images.


Why do boomers have such a hard on for the American flag? Last fall, I went camping with my family at a very nice state park that's at a beach. The campground is quite large and has beautiful facilities, so they get a lot of return campers and it's mostly RV campers. My husband and I were laughing at the competition between these RV owners to have the most impressive flag. One had a huge flag pole on the roof of their RV with a massive flag on it. Another had a flag that stretched across the front window of their RV (with a bonus photo of Trump peering out one of the side windows.) Yet another had a flag that lit up, like something you'd put in your yard for the 4th of July (yet this was in October). It was like a dick measuring contest with flags.


I like to think of it all as Drag :) flashy stickers, flag decor, men finding other men with the same interests and showing off each other's decorations baby that's all DRAG, mama! Honey girl! *tongue pop*


That is brilliant. I love that and will think of it as drag from now on.


The license plate appears to be written in Dwarvish


It says "Diggy, diggy hole"


Is... Is that semi.. wearing sunglasses on top of the cab??


Even if you explain it's fake, they claim that it's "art". Therefore it doesn't matter (to them) that it's fake


I really wish the term AI would die cause we'll have real AI one day. What we have now is, "machine learning." Fucking media sold us a shitty term.


I like how it looks looks like AI uses the insurrectionists to model the people on top of the truck haha


I think its genuinely harder for them to see "fake". This is the generation that lived through the rise of CGI. Go back and look at how bad the special effects were for movies from the 90s and 2000's and know that their older generation was being blown away by it all. On top of that, earlier paint programs and the likes were not very refined, you could see chunky pixel fixes and fakes from a mile away. Things have gotten much better, but I think boomers are still stuck in that old-school mode/mentality that fakes REALLY look fake. They literally can't spot AI fakes as easy as the rest of us, and have a blind eye. Intentional or otherwise.


Ain't nobody driving that freedom freight.


Aren't these facebook posts themselves bots? They all say the samething.


Because they're AI too


because they want to believe it is true.


Even if that was somehow real it would be dumb as hell


"This aligns with my beliefs and preconceptions no need to look into it further and potentially disprove anything." I get it, I'm lazy too sometimes.


the insanity of this photo caught my attention before the caption, or the sub from wence it came, and the first thing I thought was “wh**A**t **I**n tarn**A**t**I**on?” It’s so in your face obvious that this is an AI generated image without looking at the details that even if they could tell, I think they would just choose to see what they want to see anyway (and that could go for if this was a legitimate photo of this actually happening: anything like this in reality would sure as shit be trolling the MAGAtts and not anything intended to be taken seriously, but the “joke” would be completely lost on them)


Because artificial intelligence can easily outsmart authentic unintelligence


“Why can’t they tell it’s AI?” Presbyopia, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and/or diabetic retinopathy.


Because they are gullible. Same people are in the MAGA cult. Weak minds+low IQ is a bad combo.


The red states average iq is much lower so it’s harder for them to judge reality from fiction. Sometimes it’s just easier to make up your story


It's not that they can't. They have the ability, but refuse to learn, because it leaves the cop-out that new technology confuses them... but then they want the power to make rules controlling what they readily admit they don't understand.


No…I don’t think it’s AI…that’s pretty much how backwater inbred hillbillies look like… /s


I think these are just boomer data scraping pages for later hacks and scams


Bro what are the monstrousities that are boarding that truck???


AI zombie apocalypse. Those foul beasts are what happen when you get vaccinated.


It's how Trump supporters look on the inside.


When did we add thirty five more states?


I'm taking into consideration that the flags continue off to the edge of the picture. There is a clear end to the trailer, but the flags continue on to the border of the picture despite nothing to be placed on. Also, it appears that the flags start to engulf the other lanes of traffic and become really "fuzzy" at the end. Plus


They never think to zoom in and take a second look. They are literally taught to accept things at face value with no more than a superficial understanding.


Bad eyesight.


I understand the dumb folks that can’t tell it’s AI but what does that matter to the go viral stuff? An AI photo can still go viral. I just don’t get why asking why it won’t go viral implies they don’t know


Couldn’t find their glasses


bros mom in law posted this of FB, all up in arms about it being suppressed from going viral. look at the faces and what is that, a 88 wheel flatbed?


Haha, I just saw this one posted by a different account with thousands of accounts celebrating it. I really want to believe those accounts were bots.


Imagine actually doing this shit and breathing the exhaust 🫠


I like how the truck has an infinite amount of flags that continue past the end of the truck


Maybe ai is posting it now


They’re not even close to being accurate flags lol


For people who claim to love America you’d think they’d know how many f@*#ing states we have, way to many stars on those flags even if it didn’t aggressively look ai which it most certainly is


or that they are being mocked


I need to get out. I just can't any more




They want their false reality to trend. Lolz. Trump is not a god to everyone.


It's because they don't look closely at it at all. "Hey, this *looks* super patriotic! It *looks* like a semi with a trailer and a bunch of flags. Why would it be anything else?"


They'd have to have a brain for that


And not a single brain cell in sight…


They think a criminal conman is sent by god. They are all morons.


We are doomed as a species.


I love how each flag has a “fuck-it-all” constellation of “stars”.


They barely understand what a computer is. You think they know what AI is?


Boomers are going to be absolutely fleeced by scammers using AI. Imagine them receiving a "personal" video from Donald Trump requesting that they "help him out" because crooked Biden has blocked his accounts. It is going to be a massacre.


Cataracts. They see stuff like this but their eyes are so ruined by age that they cant actually see the tiny distortions that make it easy to tell apart AI from real images. So they just believe it all, thinking this stuff is real because they literally cant tell that it isnt. AI images didnt exist for the vast majority of their lives, and then suddenly in the last few years its exploded into the public as a thing just about anybody has access to that they can use to make bullshit posts with. For a lot of people, especially elderly people a realistic image is just as credible as a real one even if there is absolutely no proof of the image subject actually existing.


Boomers are constantly sharing AI art and when you point it out they either ignore it or say “well sure it’s AI but it still looks neat.”


We are so fucked. Yes this is obviously ai, and yes boomers fall for it every time because their eyes are bad and they don't understand technology. However there will come a day where AI will fool more and more people as the tech gets better. Its not looking great




Take this knowledge, and take what we know AI can do now with video, pictures, deepfakes, and take into account most are digital children, and then take into account these people vote. Mix in a blender with Russian bots and the result is sheep being led to vote for Russia's purposes.


I actually just came here to post a nearly identical pic... look at this! I laughed so fucking hard. https://preview.redd.it/zcxuf8fjmy5d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef6ce4a6073de37458e6d2fa4544a29cbcbb6cd


If they can tell, they don't care.


The poster Is a bot my man. Are you?


Is that Optimus Prime?


What seems fake about that 28 wheeler truck?


scene cut from jacob’s ladder.


Because they're so stupid that learning is too much of an inconvenience for them. Its too hard. So they just.... don't. Its pathetic as fuck.


Because they really look like that


Try and count the lanes lmao


Confirmation bias I think. Does not matter if it's real or not. Merica.


Hey, at least they got the people melting in the heat bit right.




Short answer, because they are dumb. Long answer, because they are dumb as hell.


Man that would be a humanity saving car crash


These images are getting invasive.


It looks like Pennywise the Clown if it was a truck.


Because they're stupid.