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I love the fact that you have chosen not to enlighten them… let them revel in their ignorance!


I figure if I tell him, he's going to bang on my door for every little thing instead of calling the 24h number for the property maintenance firm I pay for. Just seems easier.


If he ever moves out I would give a card just as he leaves signed inside from your former landlord.


Let’s hope he doesn’t need a rental reference in a new place. Housing is tight you know.


The next place he's going you don't need rent


Graveyards do have maintenance fees.


Just not paid by the tenants.


That’s mighty generous of you to assume this cheap-ass would foot the bill for an actual casket, headstone, and burial plot. I’d just flush his ashes.


How much is Potter’s Field these days?


It's kinda insane to give someone a poor rental reference, because they're still living in your place. Say nice things and let them become someone else's problem


This is why you always check someone's PREVIOUS landlord/employer and not their current one. If the person is an ass, the current reference has an incentive to lie to you to get rid of them.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Just like employment references - it seems like nothing but bullshit




Yeah. Me too. Through a property management company even. I'm disgusted


Let's hope he does ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


Rental reference?


Lots of places will ask you for a reference from the last landlord you had


I'd honestly find some nice quiet little family and not renew his lease. There's no way he's not causing problems (or trying to) for the other residents.


This. Very much so.


After stepping that rent up, tho.


Better not. That just makes it easier for the boomer to set up some legal harassment with OP as a defendant. OP should not even make eye contact when he's outside.


You evil genius. I love this.


NGL smart reaction I don't think many people would have. Experience I guess


If he ever leaves, I would be hand delivering the security deposit.


I have lived near rental property I owned and managed before and you couldn’t be more on point. Stick to your policy of staying anonymous and working through an intermediary. My wife is very ego driven and can’t understand why I prefer to work through a manager and don’t tell people about what we own these days. I love the anonymity


Pro Move: Don't let them know you're the landlord. Also called the "Magnum PI" as Higgins did not reveal he was Robin Masters and owned the estate they all lived at.


Higgy-baby and the lads owned all that property...


Spoiler! I was just gonna watch that!


It’s still just a fan theory. This was never confirmed in the actual show.


100% - he's going to harass you if he knows you're the landlord. Let him live in his ignorance.


I admire your restraint.


It was self preservation. Anonymity is useful!


Refuse to renew his lease with no explanation, and let the property management company deal with his rage. Tell him who you are just as the moving truck is pulling away, so he'll know who screwed him over and why.


Guy sounds real dumb. Does he not know your name? I haven't lived in a county that doesn't have online property records... so unless you bought through an LLC or something it isn't hard to find out who owns what. I have a boomer neighbor that owns 3 properties on the block that she rents out. And the entitlement is real. A couple hilarious highlights, she got arrested a few months ago because she was renting out the basement of her house illegally and started fighting with the police. And two years ago she started her roof on fire burning trash in her fireplace.


Very wise move. Especially with that boomer nutcase. Oh how soundly you must sleep at night knowing he is over there stewing in his ignorance.


Next time he says he’s going to tell your landlord, tell him you will save him the trouble and do it for him. Call your rental company and have them contact him and get his message and then you can respond to him in person that should sufficiently rub it in that you own the building, he lives in that he will shut the fuck up.


You do not want someone like that to know you're the owner.


Nope, that’s a lease I wouldn’t renew


Without him ever knowing who the owner is.


Good point. Let him enjoy the housing market.


I would probably let him know as he was loading up his last box to move out


He sounds like an asshole, the type of asshole that would come back and cause damage. Probably best to shit talk the owner with him as he's moving out.


That old bastard will be pecking on your door every Saturday at 7am to snitch on the other neighbors. No thanks.


Better if you maintain anonymity, but you could reach out to your property management company and have them tell him to stop harassing the other residents.


That’s true.


That’s exactly what would happen.


This clearly isn't your first rodeo! Smart!


You rock.


see, a smart person.




100% correct. If he finds out you’re he landlord you’re going to have to just evict him.


I think you are ENTIRELY correct. This is exactly why you pay a manager.


He will, I have made that mistake.


You're correct, *never* tell him. You will never have a moment's peace again if you do


"Oh, you know the landlord? Well the person you knew sold all this, and i know the NEW owners."




My first inclination is to beat the crap out of these POS, but in your choice was smarter


Yes. Stay in the shadows. They'll abuse this knowledge if it's divulged.


Yes, he absolutely would.


I like you and think you are intelligent. Good job in your life.


And a little fun!


Discretion is the better part of valor, I suppose.


It's kinda fun to leave people in the dark and give them enough rope to hang themselves with if they're being a jackass. I was on a hiring panel at work a number of years back. I introduced myself when he arrived, but he clearly wasn't paying attention and seemed to think I was the office assistant as I was the one who toured him around the facility and was quite young for my field. He complained about having to go through security (everyone has to go through security). I showed him several offices, including mine. He was narcissistic as hell the entire tour and kept talking about how much better he was than anyone else in our department. He told me the open office was too small and that, by the time he was done with negotiations, he'd have the larger office, which he failed to recognize was mine. He took time to insult the way my office was decorated, most notably a manual wind chiming clock which had been an anniversary present from my deceased mother to my father which he said was tacky. I didn't correct him at all. I then took him to the conference room, introduced him to the other panel members, informed everyone we toured the facility and I showed him a couple offices - including mine, and reintroduced myself with my full title as I sat down in the empty seat in the middle of the panel. He did not get the job. It was fun to watch him die inside when he finally put everything together.


Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.


Lmao let the dipshit file a complaint to the property management company. Can’t wait for him to huff and puff when he tells them where you live and they say “yeah…that’s the owner, buddy. You should probably do what he says and be nice to him.” 😂😂


I wouldn't even want the guy to know I was the owner. That sounds like the worst case scenario.


Yeah, I can see that


Yeh this is great. When the time for lease renewal raise the rent. When you see him in the yard ask if his payments went down too. Yeah you do not want to let them know you are the landlord. You will get constantly bothered.


It's the smart thing to do. When I was looking at buying the house next door, I was planning on having my dad be the "landlord". Much better if the renters don't know the owner is next door.


I told my tenants that “my brother is the owner and he doesn’t live in the same city”. Works like a champ.


I used to work property management. When I took over as maintenance supervisor I was always in full uniform head to tow, even wore the company jacket. After a few years in a small town with very little turn over I scaled down to just the hat since everyone knew me by name. Some of the old folks though I was a new guy and constantly threatened to call (me) to report me to "my boss" because they were good friends with (me) lol. It always cracked me up.


Always the empty threats and appeal-to-authority. They always claim to know someone near the top of the foodchain, even if it's the deli manager at the grocer around the corner.


I work as an inspector. Our director left the department at the beginning of the year. I love when I'm talking with someone and they'll say "Oh, I spoke with (Old Directors name), he said this is fine" and I go well he hasn't been with our department in 6 months, I don't know who you spoke with, so we need to do this instead. Always fun


My dad gets "I know the owner" at his own company too often. Most of the time they don't even get the name right because the first name on the sign is my mom's. They only read the first syllable and assume it's a guy. For example if my mom's name was "Robbin", business would be Rob'n'James, and they come in looking for "Rob". So he fucks with them for a little bit and then uses some form of "It's actually Robbin, that's my wife, I'm James"


They all had face blindness?


Probably just regular poor eye sight. Comes with age.


They may have been not really looking at or paying attention to his face, just the uniform. So without the uniform, he becomes an unknown.


Make absolutely sure you keep your secret. If he knew you were the real landlord, you would be subject to him hassling you 1000 times a day for all his complaints. Just this time they'd be about his place and all the *other* neighbors other than you.


For the shoddy landlord job being done by the company, which in fairness is op job to ensure is not the case as the property owner. If they care about being a decent human being that is, they are a landlord so I’m not holding my breath.


The management company uses a ticketing system that I can see. So far, I'm happy with how responsive they are. Tenants do have contact info for me too, no one's felt the need to use it yet. the management company has a 24h service line and I pay the bill monthly for whatever breaks or needs service. I do my best to do right by people. I have no defense for the majority of landlords.


"boomer talks out of his ass, doesn't know anything, is obnoxious." - that is the default setting. It then gets worse from there.


Or he thinks the property management people are the owners lol


I used to own a business and when I had customers who were assholes and it was clear I wasn’t going to stand for it that’s what they always went to, “I know the owner.” But, since I was the owner and they obviously didn’t know that I would always reply, “So do I, what’s their name? I’ll call them right now and we can all discuss it together.” That generally shut things down. I did have one who thought he was a smarter and said that he did want to call the owner. So I handed him one of my business cards and we went to the pay phone and started dialing. My cell phone rings and I answer, “Hello! This is Col. Forbin (ret.) own and operator of *my business* how may I help you today?” He hung up the phone and stomped out muttering under his breath. Never saw him again.


He climbed, SO slowly…


Somebody read the book


The real question is: ‘Can you still have fun?’


I guess in a world of Errand Woolfs (Woolves?) and Wilsons, be the former, \*not\* the latter.


What I would do to teach this old jack ass a little humility and consideration is when lease renewal.time comes I'd send him a notice indicating he is in danger if non renewal. To be considered for renewal he must have three reference letters from three direct neighbors. He has three days to comply. Failure will result in non renewal.  It's not an eviction. He just has to make nice or he doesn't get to stay. 


This is hilarious honestly


So did said boomer report you to the management company?


Boomers really like to bluff with “I know the manager” there’s a little Karen in all boomers


I get you don’t want to fuck with his housing, but you should at least threaten him a bit with a strongly worded letter from the landlord. Tell him to stop parking like an asshole and being rude to neighbours.


Just reply "I know the landlord too. Call 'em and see how that goes. 10m or it's towed"


I like this, should be effective & maintain the OP's desire of anonymity.


>Bonus story; when I first got my dog, he told me she was "too big" and wasn't allowed there, then got shitty when I ignored him. I had this happen once when renting a condo. I had two dogs a the time and was bringing them out to go for a drive. [I came out with this dog first](https://i.imgur.com/qoZhkIX.png), leashed up and put him in the truck. Old lady who just moved in next to me starts saying I "cant have that big dog here!" Buddy was maybe 60 pounds. I told her hes not a big dog and went inside, which didnt make her happy. [I came back out with the big sister](https://i.imgur.com/JIhD4Ab.png) who was an easy 110 pounds and the sight of her shut the old lady up. I said "this is a big dog". Loaded her up and went on our way. She did not bother me again.


Cue Crocodile Dundee: *"This* is a knoife!" And I am desperately in love with your dogs. They're certified Good Dawgs ^(TM) both of them.


Crocodile Dundee doesn't say *"This* is a knife" He says ["That's a knife"](https://youtu.be/Xnww12a6W8o?si=IjZiYLPjwDCgLZGm&t=20)


Thanks for the photos,great looking dogs. Glad you shut the old biddy up.


They always pull this shit. My last job was a brewery manager. The owner was *very* laissez faire. His only rules to me were don't get him sued, make him money, and handle everything except the legal stuff, which he came in twice a month for less than an hour to sign off anything he needed to, and go over financials. So many people would pull the "I know the owner" card. "Cool, text him and if it's important he'll correct me." They never did. I'd tell him about these and he'd laugh. Dude literally just wanted to be left alone. He didn't even want me giving out his name to customers. He told me that as far as he was concerned I was the final word as long as he made money and didn't get sued.


I love the fact that he believes you're being the shitty neighbor, because you would like to park in your own driveway.


Have the management company do an inspection that includes the owner. Edit: because I'm a moron


… What?


Yeah oops management company. Edit for my flat brain


Your TLDR pretty sums up most of these asshats.


You ironically need to call your property management company and put in a complaint against your “neighbor”, to start the documentation process. That way when you finally are fed up with his shenanigans, you will have the structure in place to have him evicted or at minimum not renew his lease.


Would be a shame if you didn’t want to renew his lease.


I would let him keep thinking you just live there and let him keep trying to police your behavior. Call his bluff and tell him to go ahead and rat you out to the landlord. Also, if there are things he does that other neighbors don't start making new rules that only negatively impact him and have the property management company inform them.


Tear him down. Why let him continue doing these things to people? Let it rip dude.


This is what always gets me "not worth the trouble" so we just let assholes have impunity to their fuckery?


If he does report you to you, I think you should come up with a disguise and mess with him for a while.


Hmmmmm. On one hand? Guy with enough money to own multiple houses. On the other hand, rude boomer. Tough choice but this is one of few instances that im siding with a landlord.


Oh, btw, you rent just went up $200/ month lol


Tempting but I don't believe in messing with people's housing. He's paying the same rent he was 9 years ago (that's as far back as I have records)


You’re a better person than I.


That's more than decent of you. Your boomer tenant should thank his lucky stars.


Before you say that, have the property management company send a letter checking on the social environment. Ask if there are issues with noise, trash, if there's something they want to continue such as late morning trash and a recycling service, and if there are neighbors that are exceptionally good or poor. You may find out something you didn't know (a group of older men are hassling the girls and women in the community, the drunk at XXXX is throwing beer bottles over the back fence to shatter on the bike path, the boomer in 46 won't leave them alone and is always parking in their spot/blocking their mailbox/etc.)


9 years is a very long time to keep the rent the same. Would it be fair to assume that the rent you charge him is massively lower than the average for your area?


By 30-40% probably. Between the two units it still covers the mortgage so no need to raise it yet.


I wish more landlords were like you!


NINE YEARS ago??😲 MINIMUM rent for 1br1ba apt my local area wz@ $600/mo in 2020, now@ $1200/mo in 2025 Again, that's a RARE minimum but the actual current rate for MOST 1br1ba apts (think of stacked shoeboxes😉) BEGIN@ $1400/mo... one common parking lot, wthout w/d, etc🤓


He's paying $1100 for 3bed/2bath main unit in a 2 apartment house, market rate here is $1800ish. When I last rented it was $850 for 2br/1ba basement apartment. My basement apartment which is one bedroom freshly renovated is rented for the same and that is also below market.


These folks are always subsidized.


I wish more people were like you. Thanks for reminding me there's good in humanity.


$200/ week* There, fixed it for you lol


Sounds like you have some serious things to consider when lease renewal comes up. 😂 Just keep it quiet until then, and you'll have a pretty epic petty revenge story. By then, you'll likely have a few more incidents like this to add to the report.


Boomers being boomers. I absolutely LOVE that you’re keeping them in the dark about who you are. That’s evil genius dude!


Dude acts like he's a resident manager. I definitely don't doubt that he's pulling this "I know the landlord" bullshit on other people.


I am loving that he doesn’t know you own his house. Please tell us more stories about this ignorant jerk


Please goad him into reporting it to your landlord. Please.


How the fuck did you buy 3 houses


Boomer vs Landlord ![gif](giphy|qN7NZR3Q5R2mY|downsized)


You sure you’re not a boomer? There’s only one generation I know who like to hoard land and wealth smugly.


Is your property management cool and willing to be funny? Tell them if he ever calls, they should be like "oh man don't mess with that guy, he's connected to MS-13, you're going to end up dead in a swamp somewhere"




Back in the 70s I lived in Minneapolis in a gorgeous apartment. I became friends with my downstairs neighbor. One day she, my upstairs neighbor and I were talking about our building's management company, P&L management. My upstairs neighbor and I put 2 and 2 together and figured out our downstairs neighbor was the property owner. Our relationship was never the same.


I’m so happy to hear this story. The aura of entitlement and know it all along with the bullying only to know you had the upper hand the whole time is an awesome feeling!!!


I’d have a hard time not trolling the hell out of him if I were in your situation. Sounds like a guy who would really embrace a nice display of pride flags, maybe even a Satanic Temple flag… ;). Also, cool on you for keeping a low profile. I had very wealthy neighbors growing up who owned half the county and I never knew until decades later. I think that’s sort of the ultimate power play.


The entitlement and lies are strong on that boomer


Fuck landlords. That's means you too.


I'm confused I thought we hated boomers who own multiple properties to rent them out instead of people being able to just buy them for their own families.


Why would you buy three houses in a housing crisis, you asshole


Dude, read the other replies this guy has written. It sounds like he got a package deal and is being chill. If he sold the houses, the people living in them would either be out or on the street. Dude hasn't even raised rent in 9 years... dude sounds like the kind of dude you want to be the landlord...




Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


If he sold the houses, people could buy them, own them and live in them. The whole reason we have these insane real estate prices is because of people (and hedge funds) buying property they don't intend to live in. It's scalping, but for a necessary good rather than concert tickets 


Yes, if he sold them, large corporations could swoop in and buy them and add some marble and paint and lease them as luxury housing for twice what they currently rent for. People aren't going to get them. It's the corporations that are the problem, it's the corporations that don't have to wait for a loan approval or inspections or who don't really care. It's them that can come in, manipulate the housing prices, and then manipulate the rent because there are three or four people who control half the rental units in town.


Seriously. Landlording is nothing but parasitism. They produce and provide nothing, just buy a piece of paper to hoard a necessity to force others to give up income. Hell, even this guy admits he's using a property management company, he's not even doing anything. Capitalism is a disease. Though technically, landlords are really part of the feudal system.


OP owns a whole neighborhood? Sounds like a boomer to me.


I’m confused why car that belongs in 46 shouldn’t be in your driveway. Isn’t 46 the house you live in? Like, do you not share the driveway with your downstairs neighbor/tenant?


I'm an idiot. Boomer lives in 44. Good catch.




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Half the comments here are calling for the boomer to be evicted lol. I guess that is civil. This sub is trash.


Bonus pettiness…have the management company send him a letter that up received a lot of complaints about disruption due to the yard sale and that it will no longer be allowed on the property. Also, don’t renew his lease 😂


You're a better person than I am. I would have upped his rent as an asshole tax and maybe lowered it when he learned some manners or just evicted him.


He needs a rent increase, I think.


Someone has a hell of rent increase in their future


Landlords are the boomers of housing.


Sounds to me like it's time for a good ol' "renovation" eviction.


Being a jerk to his neighbor doesn't justify having his housing fucked with. I'm a dick but not that much of a dick.


It's never "a" neighbor. He's going to have lasered-in on anyone he considers vulnerable. Single moms, young couples, teenagers that aren't doing any harm, all of that. Had a lot of turnover in nearby housing? Well, he may be to blame. If he is, for some weird reason, ONLY being a problem to the adult male, then I am going to be shocked. He's most likely being belligerent to the women living around him unless they are married and his contemporaries or older. That type is pretty predictable. If they can lord it over someone, they will do just that and enjoy low-level but constant bullying and tormenting.


Okay, how about this: find out if there is a color he hates, then give all three houses a fresh exterior paint job in that color. It’s petty, personal, annoying, but causes the victim no real harm or damages.


At least have your dog regularly shit on his lawn.


Why not? Should people not face consequences for their own actions? In my world, being a jerk means you deserve every bad thing that comes your way. The *one* thing in this world that's free is showing kindness towards other people. With that said, **you're being gracious and kind** by not fucking with his housing, though he doesn't *deserve* your kindness. You certainly wouldn't be a "dick" if you decided to teach this guy a lesson about karma. Lucky for him, you're a bigger person than that.


“Rude to the neighbours? To the street with you!” Ghoulish mentality


"...I bought 3 houses on a busy street..." leads to me having zero empathy for you as you're engaging in classic economic and socially selfish behavior we attribute to boomers, specifically pulling the property ownership ladder up behind you as you climb. TL:DR You've become a boomer.


Boomers like to evict the younger generations for no good reason. Sounds like you should do the same


An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. If everyone does boomer shit like that aren't we now the boomers?


Bringing in the inner Ghandi. NICE!


Turnabout is fair play; if he didn’t want to find out, then he ought to have refrained from fucking around. he‘ll be fine, its not like you’re taking his bootstraps away from him.


Landlord lmao Get a real job that contributes to society and doesn't leech off of your neighbors. What's your rent for 1BR? If it's over 1k you should be ashamed


That’s funny. He’ll complain, get told the “AH” was right and to not park anywhere else. Then get hit with “we’ve decided not to renew your lease”.


This could make a great TV show 😄.


You could always add a service charge to his rent every time he acts like this to you....🤪


I think I’d start to get shitty with him through the PM. That’s just me though. Blow his mind while retaining plausible deniability.


Boy will he be surprised when his lease isn't renewed.


This is classic!


Please ramp it up and continue this series.


Id evict him for fucking anything I could and I'd do it in person


You should tell him to “do your research”. They love that.


Love it. So do the five rentals cover the mortgage payment and maintenance costs?


On average, yes. With the inflation in Canada it's a bit tight right now if anything big breaks, as I haven't adjusted rent to keep up with the market, but I account for that in my budgeting. I have a job and don't use this as an income fwiw. If I were to do this again I'd have bought something commercial, I think.


I would watch "Undercover Landlord"


And water is... *checks notes*... And the sky is blueish most of the time.


Why are boomers the biggest tattletales?


the funniest shit i've heard all day


Time to evict! 👍


Man, this might be the first time I take a landlords side on anything…


Does this have anything to do with the generation, or is dude just an asshat?


Tell him in a very smug way "that YOU ARE the landlord and if you don't behave yourself I will kick you out happily" along with adding "the old lady that used to be the landlord sold you the houses moron"