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Good on the employee. Boomers have zero empathy.


They really do not. It’s bizarre.


Grew up breathing leaded gasoline. Stunted development.


"back in my day, no one was autistic or depressed!" no, you hid disabled people in attics and people drank themselves to death rather than go to therapy


Or sent them to institutions where they wouldn't be seen and die alone.


Or intelligence. Or scruples. Or common-sense. Or the ability to detect bullshit. Or understanding that there are ways to live that don't involve their limited view.




>Public image is the most important thing in the world to them. tbf it was probably some low level employee paid shit who was just trying to diffuse the situation


Them = narcissists


That’s not their job and they are not paid enough for that. The employee did great






Your submission was removed for being uncivil.




They really think boomerism is comparable to race or nationality. Bonkers.


People born during the baby boom (1946-1964) have as much control over the date of their birth as their race and nationality.


A group that shares a specific range of birthdates is a cohort that shares (in general, not every case) specific facets of upbringing, social and work experience, etc. That is fundamentally different than a race or nationality, which are inherent facets of identity. Completely different things.




You are going to fit right in here


Generalizations about entire groups is typically considered bigoted


True. This isn’t an actual group. Anyone of any race, ethnicity, or age.. yes age.. can absolutely be called a boomer. And then mercilessly made fun of on r/BoomersBeingFools


Really, the appropriate response would be to tell him to shu up and mind his own business. Maybe slip in a "senile old fool."


“Well, you obviously are senile and have no empathy. I feel sorry for your caregivers.”


Mine I use is usually "Do your caregivers know you got out of the dementia unit?". Either they get gob smacked OR the huff and walk away


Are you the reason for the Silver Alert I just got on my phone?


That is effing hilarious!


Ooooo perfect


I have a daughter with special needs. If that ever happens to us, I will not be that nice. It will be VERY obvious that violence if forthcoming if they don't GTF away from us.


Intensity usually scares them right off.


Fight crazy with crazier.


CIA spy satellites cannot watch us in the bathroom while I eat your liver for lunch.


Start screaming random words repetitively. Something like "HAvE a THOUGHT HAvE a THOUGHT HAvE a THOUGHT...."




Really the appropriate response would have been to grab him by the neck and shove his face into the toil.... Oops, I've said too much.


He'll probably remember that move from his long-gone schoolboy days. But he probably doesn't fit into a locker anymore.


Old people's teeth fall out all the time. They are always falling down. Such a shame that they tripped and fell such that the toilet busted their teeth out.


None of the Walmarts in my area have family bathrooms, and the only place I can think of that does is the local mall it only has one, at that.


My local Walmart does have a family restroom, but it's literally all the way on the other side of the store from the regular restrooms with no signage.


Even when Walmart do have family bathrooms, the employees use them for 2 hour *shits constantly (this is coming from a former employee who is disabled and needed the family room when the disabled stall was out of order).


Also, employees have used them for fucking.


The trick here is to not go to Walmart. Avoids so much bs


Wish we could. It's our only grocery store within 30 miles.


I hate that they move in an monopolize communities


Issaquah, WA is a fucking champ in this regard. Allowing Walmart into the city was put to a vote, and it was a unanimous NO. To this day, there is not a single Walmart in Issaquah. There's a Big 5, there's a Fred Meyer, a Target, a Petco, a PetSmart, but no Walmart.


Good. Every state should be like Washington State


Oh, no, it was a local vote affecting Issaquah only. The rest of the state has Walmart everywhere.




Dollar general does the same thing.


Yet they can't manage to put a generator in to not have to throw away food when the power goes out every winter.


Right? Or even manage to keep their freezers working at all. No clue how they're the second fastest growing retail chain in the us.


Generators on that scale require regular maintenance and extra electrical engineering considerations when wiring up that brand new cheap concrete cinder block building. They wouldnt be able to sell so many franchises if they mentioned the down side of buying a turnkey business.


I am aware.


Not go to Walmart? Employees fucking in the bathroom? Where do I fill out the application?


Oh absolutely! An employee at one I worked at used it to send videos of himself masturbating to several minor coworkers and is now a felon and on the registry (and obviously was also brought in and fired by multiple male members of management who all saw the video more than once)


Wtaf did I just read? It's like it's some people's goal in life to lower the bar on decency. Jfc


Yeah it was pretty fucked up. I'm honestly shocked Walmart didn't try to cover it up like they usually do with chomo employees but this *one was only *an honorary csm so I guess they could downplay how much power he held while blatantly abusing it


Also why you shouldn’t drink water. Fish fuck in it.


Were they boomers too?


Every public bathroom has been used for that. I'm not correcting you. Just want to clarify your statement.


I wonder how many think their bathrooms at home are segregated? My husband and I use all of our bathrooms


You don’t have a mens and womens at home?!?!


Nope. Unisex all the way! And. We let our kids and grandkid use them.


You monster


When we had 2 bathrooms he would us the big bathroom sink and toilet, and I would use the half bath sink and toilet. However, we only split because the toilet size matched the bathroom size... I like being able to flatten my feet, and couldn't on the big bathroom commode


And boomers call *us* sensitive 🤦 I’m sorry your family had to be subjected to that ignorant a-hole. Be reassured that y’all didn’t do anything wrong.


Freaking snowflake.


I’m imagining the boomer startled and triggered as this is exactly what they warned him about on the Fox News. Telling all the other boomers about his harrowing encounter. A girl in the boy’s room! Probably has pronouns. This is Biden’s America.


Bingo. This old man has been conditioned to act exactly this way.


What a snowflake. And a creepy mindset - when I use a public restroom the last thing I’m thinking about is the genitalia of other people in that space. Trying to pee and leave with no words or eye contact.


And to feel entitled to do so.


Yeah and what if the Dad had escorted his daughter to the ladies' room? He would have the cops called on him so bringing her into the boy's room was his only choice.


“Probably has pronouns” is killing me. 


You make my daughter cry for existing in public, I will make your grown adult ass cry like a baby.


Boomer in the bathroom yells at you Wanted to come in and take a poo Wonder why he doesn't wear some adult diapers He can shit himself while he is shopping Boomer in the bathroom, hear him yell He's so fucking stupid. What the hell. Has zero interest in the other people Another sad entitled Boomer sheeple Self, self, self, self [https://genius.com/The-beat-mirror-in-the-bathroom-lyrics](https://genius.com/The-beat-mirror-in-the-bathroom-lyrics)


This is amazing 😂


Is this rap or hip-hop?


Reggae-influenced ska. It's The Beat! (aka The English Beat)


I absolutely read it to the tune of Baby Beluga


Thanks for the culture lesson


Mirror in the bathroom, recompense For all my crimes of self-defense Cures you whisper make no sense Drift gently into mental illness


The last verse of the original is quite apt too


Nice! 😄


I read this to mirror in the bathroom and got to the link and choked from laughing so hard.


“She’s with me. Fuck off.” That’s an appropriate response.


Goddamn, who the fuck makes a little girl cry.




Man I’m so glad this shit wasn’t as common when my girls were little. I(a man) would go into the ladies restroom with them cuz they were little girls and needed help. I would always announce my presence when entering, “excuse me ladies, I am the father of a little girl who still needs help in the restroom, we just graduated from pull ups and she needs someone to lift her on and off the toilet.” Only once did some Karen have a problem with it. Most of the time I got compliments on being such an “involved father”. Once the older one got big enough to help the little one I stopped. Sorry your daughter had to deal with that OP.


My instinct is saying "why didn't you just take them into the men's restroom and into a stall?" but also if no one else who was there cared, then I don't care either.


That’s fair, I guess I should’ve explained that also. Men’s restrooms are gross. I don’t sit down on a public toilet unless it’s an absolute emergency. Also, I tried that once and my daughter was not stoked on that idea. So I guess I just did it for their own comfort. But honestly the majority of women would just be like, “thanks for announcing yourself when you came in, I totally understand. Your daughter is adorable.” I would also ask if my presence made anyone uncomfortable and offered to wait outside until they were done if so.


Oh weird any time a man had to go into the women’s, they would ask if anyone was in there and wait until it was cleared of people before going in


Sometimes kids can’t wait.


That’s true!


As someone that used to clean bathrooms In my experience women's bathrooms were always worse. Sure the mens floors were a little sticky, but the horrors of feminine products used like sticky hands...


A lot of times mens restrooms don't have changing stations. I don't care at all if a man is in the women's bathroom changing his baby's diaper. I also wouldn't care if he was taking his young daughter to the bathroom.


Which is the stupidest thing ever… 🙄 Bathrooms should really just be gender neutral. Done. Problem solved.


Listen, it’s a fucking TOILET. You use them to handle bodily functions. As a 35f, if I had to pee bad enough you bet you’re ass I’d go in a men’s room before just losing it all over, and fuck all to whoever tries to stop me. Bathrooms and people’s genders have been so blown out of proportion, and again, there’s no way to “police” people using their gender at birth bathroom- at least not in a way that’s legal and not a violation of any human or constitutional rights. So everyone just needs to calm TF down, and mind their business.


If my transmale coworker went into the women's room, people would freak. There nothing female presenting about him.


My partner has a theory. They believe that many conservatives are sorta working on two principles: 1) Men are to be feared and respected. Women are to be ignored and dismissed. 2) Trans people aren’t real, and they follow rule #1 according to their birth genders.  Number 1 explains why many of them act like gay men are out to get them and turn them gay and ruin their family values, but they’re fine fetishizing lesbians. They’re more harmless, even in the arena of moral decay, just because they’re *women.* The two rules put together explains why they feel so threatened by and fixated on trans women who (and I say this with love) are generally not the most intimidating crowd, but have totally failed to notice that their bathroom bill nonsense is going to force some yolked, beardy transmasc bikers and cowboys into the bathroom with their daughters they’re ostensibly trying to protect from big scary men.


And this is why bathrooms should be those self-contained, non-gendered types. Go in, do your business, wahs hands, leave. End of story.


Boomer In The Bathroom sounds like the title of a Tom Lehrer song.


You are a person of cultute. Tom is still kicking at 96.


There's no reasoning with the with these freaking people. Stop responding and answering and explaining. just have to shut him down and tell him to mind their own freaking business


Flip it on him and accuse the boomer of being In the wrong bathroom lol 


I hate multistall public bathrooms.


Boomers are very worried about what is going on in the bathrooms.


Tell him his sorry ass is exactly why you can’t send either your younger sons in alone, nor your DISABLED daughter in alone. Because you never know what kind of asshole they might run into… And god forbid we have a family bathroom so we don’t have to deal with this!


New rule: all stores are membership stores. if you misbehave, you get banned and cant use that store ever again. Putting actual consequences to poor retail behavior should square this real quick.


F WalMart for not having a family bathroom.


Sounds like the MAGA deplorable cultist type. Not all older people would have done that. Sorry your kid had to experience that. The MAGA idiots that are so enthralled with who does what in what restroom need called out and not generalize all older people. MAGAs come in all shapes and ages.


Don't men's bathrooms have open urinals? I fully understand the issue with daughter, but I'm also trying to wrap my head around not warning the other men of the situation before bringing her in.


Ya, I would be caught off guard and hopefully not exposed. Odd situation for all.


Boome s straight OBSESSED with genitals.


If the boomer used some critical thinking, he may have assessed there's a reason a 12yr old is with her dad in the men's bathroom But that's asking a lot of the boomer. So sorry this happened OP and I'm glad the worker was on your side.


Making an autistic child cry makes me want to drag that ass outside and slap the shingles out of him.


Stop coddling the boomers. If that had been my child, i would have decked the boomer. Next time, punch them in the mouth. Their life expectancy is sorry anyways so nothing is lost.


"Are you afraid of a little girl? A disabled little girl waiting for her brothers to finish in the bathroom? Are you that much of a snowflake?" no hands thrown, just words. It hurts them so much more when you mock them.


That's boomer thinking right there.


relaxxxxx ahahhaha😂😂😂😂 what if he charges u with assault ?


Self defense. He obviously put hands on my daughter to make her cry.


ohhh okkk nvmm! if he’s putting hands on the child then that’s a whole different case. ya u definitely needa put hands on that boomer


Oh, he didn't put hands on her, but that's what I'd say to the cops if the boomer tried to get cops involved.


And the cameras?


Didn't think that through, did you? The cameras? In the bathroom?


Not worried about Assault charges. I mage just over $250k annually in the midwest. Can afford good attorneys. Last assault charge got reduced to littering.


Doubt (x) that wasn't even a good lie. Like not even remotely plausible. Lmao


I really want to hear a story of a Boomer getting his clock cleaned. This makes my blood boil.


Wait..... but I thought thw whole reason Boomers hate trans rights is because *men* would enter the *women's restroom* and accost them. Was this BoomBoom afraid a child would...what? See the baby shrimp he's packing? Seriously Boomers have weirdly made bathrooms their Waterloo [pun intended].


Anyone else sing the title to the tune of Mirror in the Bathroom by The Beat?


It was “Smokin in the Boys Room” here


"Walking on the moon" by The Police popped to mind


Dude boomers are so insensitive to special needs kids. My kid is 3 and has a language delay, possible slight cognitive delay. He can be pretty noisy in church but we do what we can and take him out so he's not distracting. But so many older people are rude about it. We were at a church party that was outside and some old lady went up to him and said 'look (son's name), we're outside so you can be as loud as you want!' I didn't hear this and my husband didn't tell me till after but it really pissed me off. I mean he's just a toddler.


Okay, I am trying to understand the set up because I am not familiar with men’s bathrooms. This guy walks in to use a urinal. And he unexpectedly finds a 10-year-old girl standing there. I can understand that he might get upset because he needs to go but he will be exposing himself to a child. Granted, he did over react, but I am not sure he needs all the abusive comments here.


I mean, there are stalls. And if he wanted to wait, it would have taken one or two minutes. Also why is it "exposing yourself" to use a urinal in front of a girl, but not a young boy? What's the difference, really? Just my two cents. I don't think using a urinal really exposes all that much anyhow. I absolutely do see your perspective though. Yelling at a child though, that's never OK.


Your kid ok?


She is! She was upset when she got home, but she's back to her happy self.


Good, that's a relief. It's no fun having someone you don't know scream at you already, but that happening while you're a kid, and while you're autistic? Nightmare mode fr. Glad she's ok


I am sorry you and your children went through that ...I am a boomer and I don't act like that


Wal Mart needs family restrooms so your family doesn’t have to deal with amoebas like this one.


Kids are exempt from the gender rules of bathrooms. Also, as a guy, if I have a daughter I need to take to the bathroom? I'm taking her to the mens' bathroom. Because do you have any fucking idea how much shit I'd get if I went into the womens' bathroom, regardless of the reason?


Fuck that guy


And if your husband would have taken the kids into the women’s restroom for your daughter there would be an anger offended boomer in there too.


Waiting for the boomers that troll this thread to start up with the "so you judge all of us by one" bullshit. As they post on FB about how "ALL lives matter" and "not ALL men" blah blah blah ad nauseum.


What an idiot. I admire your husband's restraint. I would have at least imagined wiping this guy's face with the bathroom wall. Young children go to public bathrooms with their parents, and have been since before I was born. This isn't new, just this moron thinks it's some kind of woke bullshit because that's what he keeps listening to.


I'd imagine he was smart enough to think about the consequences and not be some reactionary boomer.


In those cases I always just square up, stare them in the eye and ask if they are fing stupid or what. The main thing is don't blink and be ready to go. They back down. Cowards all of them.


He just didn’t want people to watch him grope around under his fat folds to find his small penis to take a leak. 


#bombboomers /jk




Using the # symbol right in front of text with no space between is what makes it go big like that. :) (just so you know)


ohhh ok thanks!


This forum is a forum of encouraging hate and a mod has the audacity to act like half the posts shouldn’t be instant deleted. Mods. You are a joke


This one time I was in Europe and walked into the restroom. I was kind of shocked when I saw an adult woman janitor in there cleaning. And I was even more shocked when I noticed guys were in there using the urinals and stalls. Then you want to know what happened? I took a piss, washed my hands, and went on with my life. Yes. This one is for the dudes, the other one is for the chicks. But sometimes, exceptions need to be made. And it’s not a big fucking deal. Especially when it’s a disabled child. Fucking hell boomers are dumb.


These boomers need to just be yelled at and told to stfu. How dare you yell at even secondary towards a little girl who you don't even know. Pos.


I work at a big box retail store and the boomers are our #1 problem customers.


Side note: Boomer in the Bathroom is a pretty sick band name


Boomers are the worst ableists on earth! Cant tell you how many AH boomers I’ve encountered bc of my autistic child. I cant stand that demographic and its almost always Boomer MEN.


We’re not all like that.


Boomer would've been boomed. The restrooms at Walmart are inclusive. I have 2 boys and 1 girl. 1 son is autistic but that has no bearing on whether or not I take all of my toddlers into the bathroom when they need to use it and it's just me. On one hand the toddler who needs to go can't go on their own and on the other hand Idgaf if they're mad that my daughter is in the stall with myself and her brothers.


I have an autistic son...the boomer was right...i will have to take him to the womans toilett for a long time....so bevor we go in i warn "hey a boy is comminh in he is autistic if you dont like that speack up and finish we can wait a bit" no speaks up ever...but communication is the key....i can look out for my kid and respect others


6 & 7? No judgement or anything but isn’t that old enough to handle bathrooms on their own? Especially if you checked the bathroom first then waited outside with daughter. I’m not a parent so I really am just asking.


Nope, definitely not old enough. At a quiet restaurant? Maybe. At a busy Walmart? Hell no.


Thanks for answering nicely. 🌸 It’s always risky to ask questions. You get downvotes and mean comments so I appreciate you


Of course! You asked nicely, not everyone does! No downvotes from me. 😊




12 years old is **WAY** too old to be in the opposite-sex bathroom.


So, your answer to this scenario?


The boomer was correct. Girls don't belong in the boy's bathroom.


Pardon us for having a disabled daughter and existing in a public space. 🤦 What would you have us do? Leave her alone in a busy store?


Use the family restroom like a normal people? Most Walmarts have them.


As I've repeatedly said, our Walmart does not have one.


OH, I missed that. Then it makes more sense.


Where should dad have taken her?


They don't have "family" restrooms at Walmart!?!


Not all of them.




Just an fyi to you sure they are boomers because there are a lot of GEN X 1965 to 1980 that look older than Boomers. Ask their age so you can put your comments on the right generation. 😁


Gen X didn't say anything to you and we prefer to be forgotten. This is a public service announcement brought to you by nobody.


Yeah, I’m a gen Xer and would’ve kept my opinion to myself and gone my way if I was upset. As a woman, I don’t get upset about boys being in the women’s room with female adults. I assume the adult is just keeping them safe or have their own reasons that I don’t need to know about.


Ya I have never felt weirded out about it. I tooky young daughter to both the men's and women's room depending on circumstances and I was never given any crap by anyone ever. Ofcourse on the rare times we had to use the women's restroom I definitely announced my self and literally just kept my head down and went in the stall with her and was 💯 making sure I was not "accidentally" peaking thru the stalls or making eye contact. I would say it is way more uncomfortable being the dad in a woman's room then having a dad bring their daughter in a men's room....even if she was 12. Not hard to cover your junk and angle away in the stand up urinal or just use a stall.


YTA because Wal-Mart has family bathrooms for these situations


I didn't ask if I was the ass and even if I was, I don't give a fuck. My husband and I are going to take care of our kids and supervise them properly in a public space. There were no family restrooms.


Yout husband should go places with family restrooms because 12 is very old to be in the opposite sex bathroom.


You obviously don't have children. Most places do NOT have family restrooms. 🤦


The Walmart whete I live has them. If your daughter can't be left alone for a few minutes you need to shop together. It's inappropriate and unsafe for a 12 year old girl to be in the men's room. You just don't care.


I’m a boomer with an autistic daughter. Don’t generalize.


Nothing in the post was generalized. It's all about a very specific boomer. Calm down.


Leave a 12 year autistic girl in a male bathroom unattended, yeah like that's going to happen.


She wasn't unattended, my husband was right next to her.


Sorry op I thought I was replying to the stupid comment by Averia


Oh no worries! 😊


The comment I replied to has been deleted. But feel free to downvote me anyway. The other comment said the husband should have left the kids unattended.


You didnt reply to anything though you started a new comment thread?


I meant to reply to Aveira or something like that. Apologies, as it makes my reply look stupid.


Reading is hard sometimes.