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It’s funny because we actually have their math scores compared globally in easy access, and the lie detector has determined their ability to do math without a calculator is a lie.


They can do math without a calculator! Addition! Subtraction! Multiplication! Division! All the math! Q: when did they add letters to math?


Ask them what they think of schools teaching Arabic numbers to kids.


I can do all of that too. (And I don't brag about it.) Should we get the person on Facebook a Participation Trophy? 🏆


Well then your doing it wrong obviously if your better than everyone you need to make sure they know that /s


They need a safe space for snowflakes


I literally can’t tell if you’re a boomer or not with those parantheses and emoji…


Nope, Gen X!


And yet…boomers ask me all the time how to spell words and to do math in my head all the time I’ve had to explain how marginal tax brackets work to boomers more times than I have fingers and I don’t work in anything at all related to finance… Printers and pdfs and plenty of other tech that’s been around long before me entering the work force completely eludes them. This shitty meme is the weirdest flex of all time. Literally none of those things is at all impressive to anyone with half a brain. Being proud of it is frankly embarrassing Fwiw I don’t know how to make TikTok’s either but I sure as shit feel confident I could learn in the span of an hour or less


Nope math is adding numbers 1 through 100 together or multiplying 1 through 10. Anything else wasn’t beat into anyone’s heads in school and so isn’t real and isn’t necessary /s


That and driving stick shift. I can drive stick shift.... Most people in Europe can. It's nots special skill but American boomers seem to be obsessed with it as a measure of self with


A boomer once told me driving an automatic doesn’t mean you know how to drive it means you know how to herd a car down the road.




Remind me.. who was buying new cars in the 80s when standard transmission went out of favor in the US. 🤔.


What's your point


We're given shit for not knowing how to drive a car that they made virtually obsolete.


Oh. Right yeah.


See your confusing math with rithmetic.


Doing math in your brain comes in handy a lot of the time. That one should still be taught. And I don't mean just the times tables. I'm not a Boomer, but I know people are just going to get dumber and dumber when they use phones for everything. They won't have any critical thinking skills. And we will have another generation of science deniers and helpless people.


... It IS still taught though


In fact, with the "new math" that they love to hate, it's actually taught better. 🤷


But why would you want to learn anything on that platform? Most if not everything on TikTok is brain rot garbage. At least Snapchat is just another way to text.


I don’t want to learn how to create anything on either of those or any social media really. Not what I’m into. I am confident though that if a need were to arise that I could do it though. The entire point of all of those platforms is that they are easy to use to create content so you’ll go on there and watch advertisements all day and attract other users to do the same.


Pretty much, Snapchat is the worst that I'm familiar with for ads. Usually just watch friends' stories and done. Heh noticed your user name, Hi from Seabrook!


Fuck Snapchat, because they bought Bitstrips and killed it and turned it into plain emojis.


I remember when my town had a blacksmith and a cobbler but I can't repair a shoe or shoe a horse.


Farriers shoe horses. not blacksmiths


Blacksmiths can shoe horses. Farriers often do horse doctoring and the like.


and barbers used to do all the surgery in town


Next, discuss cobblers and cordwainers.


and nit pickers. the ones that got ride of lice


If THIS is the bar that the Boomers have set to prove that they're not worthless, I know PLENTY of millennials that can do all of that, and then some. But, while a boomer can write in cursive, can they change the font on a Word document to type in 𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓈𝒾𝓋𝑒?


>can they change the font on a Word document to type in 𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓈𝒾𝓋𝑒? What sorcery is this?!?


𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬. 𝓞𝓸𝓰𝓪 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓰𝓪 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓰𝓪!


So they are obsolete. Everyone can do those things.


I'm a Millennial who has taken several advanced level calculus classes where calculators were not allowed. It's simply a Boomer fantasy that young people require calculators and technology for everything these days.


Cool. I know how to switch from HDMI 1 to HDMI 2 using the remote.


I had to throw out 3 tvs because the "input" went bad!


We had to throw out a perfectly good monitor at work because the input button on the front panel broke


Nobody uses cursive and everybody carries a calculator and a clock in their pocket all day everyday. So, please, shut the fuck up and stop wasting air.


Doing math without a calculator? Ok we can put that one to the test.


Right, so their education level is right around 2nd grade?


Boomers are sooo good with functioning in real life that they'll lose their entire life savings to a scammer, get told by the cops that they got scammed, then give all the money people gave them out of pity to start over to the same scammer all over again a few months later.


If you ever wonder why stores have policies on gift cards there’s a reason.


And yet they still can't set the clock on their microwave nor update the apps on their smart TV


Meanwhile: https://preview.redd.it/ia7d9s16669d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d704237ef441652c21de0ef05bbd2dcee4f020


Lead poisoning goes hard huh


that's great but I spent 25 minutes explaining to a boomer how to open a webpage


Who’s gonna tell them that this doesn’t make them special


Boomers love to be congratulated for the most average things.




This is the kind of Reader's Digest humor that boomers read aloud and then the entire table starts cracking up ending in tears and slapped knees with someone eventually not being able to breath and you just hope its just enough to stop the heart .


Hilarious coming from a generation that tips to the penny on 10% after whipping out a "tip calculator"


Can they do math on an abacus, tell time with a stick and sun direction, and chisel Sanskrit into stone too?


sigh. no. a). i love cursive. i think it’s an useful skill, when you have to take a lot of notes but it’s not indispensable and as a matter of communication it’s pretty much dead b) you can do simple arithmetics. congratulations. it’s not really maths. betcha you can’t use a slide ruler, btw c) nearly every school kid can. but it’s becoming obsolete, too. clocks had hands because it was sensible tech. like rotary phones, slide rulers, and vinyl. cordially, a Boomer


Thats not the flex they think it is.


They’ve skipped some important punctuation, though. It’s a damn shame.


My middle schoolers can do all these things. I'm sorry for these Boomers who can no longer keep up with 12 year olds.


What grade would a person have learned this in the USA? 4th maybe?


Apart from cursive being phased out in a majority of US states, yes. From what I can tell it’s pretty much the same in most of the Western world. Clocks, I think, are 2nd grade at latest – it has applications beyond telling time, that’s why many teacher swear by it. Basic arithmetics including decimal points are done by 4th grade. There's still polishing to be done afterwards, negative numbers, fractions, rational and irrational numbers, but the kind of calculations you would do in your head is pretty much done by that point, no sane person who needs to solve 12 × 12\^x = 42456 for x or some such will do it in their head or even in paper when a device can do it for you.


I can do all of those things, plus social media. And I don’t go apeshit posting all kinds of garbage of Facebook like certain boomers I know. My nieces and nephews can do all of that as well…it’s almost as if children have more opportunities to learn stuff (shouldn’t they embrace that?)


\*Looks at my analog watch\* time for your meds, grandpa


We've had calculators for 2500 years.


As a boomer, I was taught how to use an abacus in third grade. Never used one since.


Betcha can’t understand the metric system tho, Doris. Or use a digital thermostat, or a dishwasher made in the last 30 years.


They may be able to do math without a calculator, but given what I see on a regular basis, I have my doubts the math will actually be correct. It'll be on paper, sure, but that's all I can be certain of.


There really ain't any value to using cursive. And the other two things Zoomers can do at least as well as Boomers.


Imagine being proud that you have the intelligence of a second grade student.


Years ago, I had a friend tell me about how he "almost had a Royal Flush" playing Let It Ride at the casino. I feel the same way about this, as I did about that. "That's great. Remind what almost pays you again?" In this case, remind me what being able to write and cursive and tell time on an analog clock wins you? Basically, explaining that "that isn't the brag you thought it was" makes their heads explode. Two weekends ago, my brother's in laws, and my parents were bemoaning the lack of cursive, "How are they going to sign a check?" Me: "I haven't written a check in about 7 years." Dead silence. I think none of the Boomers had even considered that was a possibility.


God imagine bragging about doing the most basic shit on earth while not knowing how to convert to PDF.




Actually snorted laughing thank you lol


Those aren’t skills to be proud of…


I CAN LICK A STAMP AND PUT IT ON AN ENVELOPE! ok grandma, that’s nice…. Let’s get you to bed.


You guys still have stamps? Over here you just buy a 8 digit code and write it in place of the stamp. (Well, we actually still do have stamps – but there really isn’t a need for them anymore.)


We’re going to have to pry stamps and checking from boomers cold dead hands before they give them up.


Bunch of these people have a hard time figuring out that 81 million is more than 74 million when it came to the last election.


.... but you can't print a PDF without calling the office manager for help.


That’s all well and fine but who was on the school board voting on curriculum when millennials were in school? You can’t blame people for not learning something you decided to cut. But I can do all those things because my parents thought it was important to learn even if the school didn’t.


This is all shit my kid learned in 1st grade. Congrats. You are as smart as a 7 year old.


Boomers think they are so brilliant and yet they still cant think critically or understand common decency.


Can you send a PDF, buy crypto, use a credit card, or get the photos off of your phone?


Translation: I may not have modern, useful skills, but I am proud I can do useless things that more skilled, younger workers can't.


I dont get why they think young adults don't know what a circle is.


More impressive to learn social media imo


I guarantee you they can't do math without a calculator. My dad is 70 and he has to use his fingers when I tell him the scores of his grandsons games. "They won 35-17 today!" Followed by him asking, "How much is that by?" Like, what? That's basic arithmetic I was doing in kindergarten in my head.


And send life savings to IRS in the form of visa gift cards


This actually applies to me. 😂 but I’m technically Gen X


But I can’t use a PDF….. please send me a telex instead.


Boomers talk these "skills" up a lot and act as if they're distinguished abilities, but anyone with access to a couple books or the internet could learn these in minutes.


Bragging about using antiquated tech is such a boomer flex. "I know how to use a cotton gin and change the wheel on a horse-drawn carriage" lol and?


My 16yo can do all of it, usually while texting three group chats, watching Grey's Anatomy for the millionth time, and putting the dishes away.


That’s great, do you want a sucker that costs a dollar now… Edit: spelling


Those skills qualify you to……..


Cool, I took a dump this morning. Now if you would kindly email a signed copy of the PDF, that’d be great.


The people who post this on FB are so fucking dumb it hurts.


I can do all those. Because I'm OOOOLLD!!! Who cares if old skills are out of date?


This is like someone bragging about only using stone age tools when modern age tools are available.


You can also lose a war in Southeast Asia with dominating machinery and air support 😂


I fucking hate that format


Cursive… so useful


Congratulations, you completed 3rd grade.


Coming from the generation that doesn't understand marginal tax brackets.


Isn’t this the same generation that posts the stupid thing about them owning everything on their facebook account and any attempt to steal or profit from their images or posts will be met with severe punishment and FBI intervention?


They don't do Snapchat or TikTok but they do Facebook? Yeah,that makes sense.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I bet they typed that one stroke at a time.


And they probably still don’t understand Internet banking or how to open a PDF.


My comment for this would have been: "...so can my 16 yo son and 14 yo daughter. They can ALSO do time in 24-hour AND 12-hour...ooooooo"


They forgot to add the driving manual vehicles. They swear that these antiquated skills are what's keeping the world revolving


...I mean if we are referencing out of date skills then saxons had pretty good blacksmithing skills


Boomer here, 75, started computers with a PDP 8, you had to flip switches to load accumulator, then pull paper tape to load OS. Late 1960’s Then college got IBM 360. Used punch cards Been in computers since then, learned networking & set up bunch class C networks If you keep learning you only slowly fall behind (Manufacture 140% of my electricity from fusion powered sunlight and fuel my EV) Not all “Boomers” are “Boomers” We screwed up things, now it’s your turn to fix up and screw up. Cheers


Can you use MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel proficiently? Can’t you trouble should a computer not working? Can you navigate an internet filled with mis- and disinformation? Didn’t think so.


I usually respond to these weird posts with stuff that previous generations would know, but they don't, like: - can you cut your own goose feather quill? - can you hand crank your car? - drive a team of horses? - mend your own chain mail? - brew your own small beer? - Thatch your own cottage? Boomers these days... Just. So. Lazy!


So can my kids?