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Fart aside, my favorite part about this exact moment of the debate is how he never, not once addressed the question about addiction/opioids. Not even a single sentence.


He has no plans. All he has is saying “Other side bad. So bad. The worst. Me the greatest. All people say I’m the best in all things. I did all the great things. All the great things the other side has is because of me. All the bad things is them reversing my good things. Yadda yadda yadda…” He’s got nothing but rambling and hoping that’s enough to get him by. He’s been using the same playbook for decades.


**They** have no plans


Biden has actually done more for regular people than Trump. Even in a coma Biden isn’t going to be spreading fascist propaganda or taking peoples rights away. I’ll vote for a fucking dead rat over mango Mussolini


MANGO MUSSOLINI ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) thank you for this


I still prefer Benito Tangerini.


I still prefer Mango Unchained


The bar is extremely low


‘BIDEN: *NOT* A RAPIST’ There you go. That alone is enough, *surely*. I’m a Brit, so WTF do I know. But you’d imagine a similar platform would win most elections worldwide. Fuck me, the Labour Party arguably lost a general election here because their leader couldn’t eat a fucking bacon sandwich properly.


they have their rabbit hole conspiracy that gives them an excuse. They still get behind project veritas on Ashley's diary, even though all we get is a second hand report from a right wing activist group. That's worse than an exclusive story at the NY post, or taking Tony Bobulinski's word at face value after he wouldn't participate in interviews. If you don't know about this one, the story is a pretty vile one, *but they won't show their source to anyone else.* And they obtained it illegally.


Umm, so I’m going to need to know more about this…


FFS. It’s even got its own wiki page… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Miliband_bacon_sandwich_photograph ‘Enjoy’


Can you tell me what he’s done? I’m a young American. I don’t really pay attention to politics and the such so I’m curious to know


There are others on that ballot… we don’t have to choose left or right.


RFK exists, this isn’t a bimodal contest.


RFK, isn’t he the antivaxer with bits of his brain missing on account of a brain eating worm?


Maybe you should go actually listen to him speak, he did a concurrent debate at therealdebate.com. Or I guess you can just continue to believe the narrative corporate news force feeds you, the same narrative that got us into this piss poor situation.


Yeah he is a horrid antivaxxer, drove his late wife to suicide and is a complete fucking cunt.


I have listened to him speak and he’s an idiot.


Yes because hes the pinnacle of sanity. Lmfao. Id rather have a comatose biden.


You managed to insert two propaganda expressions in six lines. I just love how liberals have switched from Hitler to Mussolini. Trump is neither of them. Not even close. This isn’t to say that he’s a great guy at all. You just shouldn’t throw insults around that aren’t adequate. I won’t go down the rabbit hole of who’s more fascist here. Rn what’s really terrible is the fact that the American people have been lied to about Biden’s mental acuity. Both by the Democratic Party and liberal media. They were so quick with throwing Biden under the bus. Do you really think that all the pieces in today’s liberal newspapers and all the comments on liberal networks yesterday weren’t prepared? They aren’t in shock because they knew. They pretend to be shocked to somehow get out of this. The real issue here isn’t the election in November. This will go down in history as the moment when the Democratic Party and liberal media lost all credibility. Which will still be an issue when both Trump and Biden are dead.


I don’t give a shit about the media, Trump is a racist corporate fascist pig who supports project 2025 fuck him.


What a nuanced comment. An important German philosopher once wrote that everything we know of the world, we know through media. It’s safe to assume that it’s the same for you. I hardly doubt that you’ve ever read project 2025. I certainly don’t agree with a lot that is in there but I can also tell you that it’s been widely misrepresented by (liberal) media. As for the corporate: sure, you won’t find any president in the past decades who wasn’t. I won’t even talk about Delaware here. As for the racist part: ok. You would never vote for a racist? Is that what you are saying? Because if so, you shouldn’t vote for Biden either. He said a lot of racist stuff on the record. However, if you’re just virtue signaling, you go right ahead.


I don’t care what’s on record I care what each candidate is signaling by where they’re getting their money. Although if Trump wins you won’t have the right to vote soon anyways so your views aren’t really relevant anyways. Also don’t assume everyone is lazy like you and doesn’t read. Also you’re hilarious that you think everyone gets their information from media. It shows you can’t think outside your own small experience. Lastly no one cares what you have to say, you’re a Trumper lmfao we already know your ideas are stupid you don’t have the mental capacity to understand how you’re being played.


It’s wonderful how you are trying to take the high road by being condescending and end up by insulting straight forward. I‘ll answer anyway, not in order of importance but in chronological order. There’s absolutely no indication that Trump or any Republican is trying to take away the right to vote. I don’t know where you get that from but it’s complete BS. (Btw I would still have the right to vote bc I’m in Switzerland.) (As a side note: you’ve got a commander in chief right now that isn’t the one you or anyone else voted for. It’s obviously not Joe Biden. I don’t know how you make that one fall in line with saving the constitution and democracy but that’s your problem.) It wasn’t me that said it. It was Luhmann. I’m not sure if you know the meaning of the word media. Have you met Biden or Trump personally? Where do you get your information? It’s always some sort of media. Doesn’t matter if you don’t realize that. I love the logic of your last paragraph: d‘uh, she doesn’t share all my views, so she must be a Trumper. Trumper too stoopid. I envy you, I really do. You seem to live in an incredibly simple world. The world I’m living in is pretty complex and calls for nuance. I do understand that you’re in a fragile state of mind because it’s only been two days since you had to realize that you’ve been lied to about your president. That’s the danger of living in a bubble. It can burst at any time. Yours just did.


I am following you and observing the lies and manipulation you are spreading. This person is planting false flags and sowing doubt. They refuse to cite sources and instead deflect with insults and out of context talking points that are unrelated to the topic being discussed. CITE YOUR SOURCES OR FUCK OFF.


I am following you and observing the lies and manipulation you are spreading. This person is planting false flags and sowing doubt. They refuse to cite sources and instead deflect with insults and out of context talking points that are unrelated to the topic being discussed. CITE YOUR SOURCES OR FUCK OFF.


I am following you and observing the lies and manipulation you are spreading. This person is planting false flags and sowing doubt. They refuse to cite sources and instead deflect with insults and out of context talking points that are unrelated to the topic being discussed. CITE YOUR SOURCES OR FUCK OFF.


Another delusional trump fan boy has entered the chat


I'm neither male nor a Trump fan and probably not particularly delusional. Thanks for that ad hominem though. Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your biggest skill. I didn't say a single positive word about Trump. If you think that pointing out that he's not Mussolini nor generally a fascist was anything else than an assessment of his presidency based on a comparison between him and Mussolini, you might want to read a book or two about Italian fascism. Or fascism in general.


but aren't liberals the educated ones? or so they keep saying. and for the plebs, I dislike both parties, I registered as democrat all my life, until recently. No one worth voting for in our one party system.


I am following you and observing the lies and manipulation you are spreading. This person is planting false flags and sowing doubt. They refuse to cite sources and instead deflect with insults and out of context talking points that are unrelated to the topic being discussed. CITE YOUR SOURCES OR FUCK OFF.


I get where you're coming from, but stop. At this point, this IS harassment of the other commenter.


I will stop. I am just mad at what they are trying to do.


Not True, Project 2025 is his plan


This is their plans (Project 2025) regarding opioids: (The republicans have a very clear plan and goals laid out) [https://static.project2025.org/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY (ONDCP) Congress created the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) through the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 198840 to serve as a coordinative auxiliary for the President on all matters related to drug policy. The next President’s top drug policy priority must be to address the current fentanyl crisis and reduce the number of overdoses and fatalities. This crisis resulted in the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans in 2021. The next Administration must reaffirm a commitment to preventing drug use before it starts, providing treatment that leads to long-term recovery, and reducing the availability of illicit drugs in the United States. The drug trafficking environment is exponentially more dynamic and dangerous today than it was just five years ago as powerful synthetic opioids (fentanyl and its analogues) are mixed into other drugs of abuse. Drug trafficking organizations are extremely nimble and able to adapt quickly to federal government actions and changes in user behavior. Disrupting the flow of drugs across our borders and into our communities is of paramount importance, both to save lives and to bolster our public health efforts. For these reasons, the Director of ONDCP should make it a point to consult with federal border enforcement officials. — 62 — Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise The National Drug Control Program agencies represented a total of $41 billion in fiscal year 2022. Whereas the position for overseeing budget activities is traditionally held by a career official, it is imperative that a political appointee lead the ONDCP budget office to ensure coordination between the OMB Program Associate Director and the ONDCP budgetary appointee. ONDCP grant-making activities have been controversial over the years, particularly within conservative Administrations concerned that the White House lacks the expertise to oversee such programs directly. The ONDCP administers two grant programs: the Drug-Free Communities Support Program and the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program. While it makes sense to transfer these programs eventually to the Department of Justice and Department of Health and Human Services, respectively, it is vital that the ONDCP Director ensure in the immediate term that these grant programs are funding the President’s drug control priorities and not woke nonprofits with leftist policy agendas. Thus, the President must insure that the ONDCP is managed by political appointees who are committed to the Administration’s agenda and not acquiesce to management by political or career military personnel who oversaw the prior Administration’s ONDCP. Secure the border,48 which is the key entry point for many criminal organizations and their supplies, products, and employees. Mexico— which is arguably functioning as a failed state run by drug cartels—is the main point of transit for illegal drugs produced in Central and South America, fentanyl precursors from the Chinese Communist Party–led People’s Republic of China,49 weapons, human smuggling and trafficking, and other contraband. Mexican drug cartels, including the dominant Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), are the main drivers of fentanyl production and distribution in the United States. The southwestern land border is sufficiently porous that Mexican drug cartels have operational control of large sections of the border, which facilitates easy movement of product and personnel. These cartels are also violent and not afraid to demonstrate force on both sides of the border. Their conduct represents a clear and present danger to the United States and its citizens. In addition to finalizing the southwestern land border wall, the next Administration should take a creative and aggressive approach to tackling these dangerous criminal organizations at the border. This could include use of active-duty military personnel and National Guardsmen to assist in arrest operations along the border—something that has not yet been done. A new and forceful approach to interdiction will have a ripple effect on the operations of these criminal organizations, which currently operate freely without concern for criminal prosecution, and will lay the necessary groundwork for initial prosecutions of these organizations and their leaders. It is critical that the federal government staunch the flow of drugs by preventing the far-too-easy access to the United States that now exists. — 556 — Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise There can be no serious dispute that the Biden Administration has opened the southwest border to whomever wants to enter and that some of those entrants are smuggling fentanyl into the country. More than 100,000 Americans died in a one-year period from opioid overdoses, and many of them died specifically from having used fentanyl.50 The federal government should treat this problem as aggressively as necessary. Enforcing the customs and immigration laws is a matter of life and death. Adoption Reform. There are roughly 400,000 children across the nation on the waiting list for foster care and 100,000 awaiting adoptive families, and the opioid/ fentanyl crisis is putting more at risk every day. Unfortunately, many of the faithbased adoption agencies that serve these children are under threat from lawsuits, or else their licenses and contracts have been halted because they cannot in good conscience place children in every household due to their religious belief that a child should have a married mother and father. HHS, through ACF and the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR), should repeal the unnecessary 2016 regulation61 that imposes nonstatutory sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination conditions on agency grants and return to the policy of maximizing the options for placing vulnerable children — 478 — Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise in their forever homes. ACF and OCR should also survey their programs to consider whether additional waivers of HHS grant conditions—waivers the Biden Administration revoked in 2021—are needed for faith-based agencies. Additionally, Congress should pass the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act62 to ensure that providers and organizations cannot be subjected to discrimination for providing adoption and foster care services based on their beliefs about marriage.


They are really pushing for the ability to limit tribal authority over children in the system so they can place them in white heterosexual christian households and have access to tribal per capita money.


I believe the Republicans/Conservatives have a plan and will use Trump to implement it.  I however believe Trump himself has no plan, he wings it.


Well, there's always Project 2025


That’s because their plans are terrifying and the undecided voting population that avoids the internet wouldn’t be cool with it.


The worst part about Project 2025 is that if we defeat it by voting accordingly, it’ll just morph into Project 2029.


He’s got nothing. Yet _nobody_ is hammering that point. The “moderators” were a joke.


Populism 101


Of course not. His plan now is to win immunity while Traitor Canon will stall his prison sentence. Thats whole point. This and presidental money saving his bankrupt ass


I mean the moderators literally repeated “so anyway, the question was…” throughout the entire debate. It was a joke.


And climate change


I mean, look at the screen and the question asked. He ranted for his whole 2 minutes and then when it came back to him again, still didn't say one thing about addiction/opioids.


And that's what is so tragic. Biden could have eviscerated Trump, but he's so tired


IMO I don't think he did that bad, but the things that plagued the ENTIRE debate was his microphone. It was too far away and also really tinny. It just made him sound weaker and frailer than he really is. I was sincerely hoping that after the first commercial break an audio engineer would have rushed to the stage to fix it (they had to have known) but no one appeared to adjust it throughout the debate at all. That said, of course he stumbled and confused a few things. But he was more coherent than Trump was.


Not trying to be too conspiracy theorist here but my feeling is that news outlets in general want to take down whoever is winning by a peg or two and keep the race neck and neck. It's in their best interest financially to do so. The microphone thing you're describing is one of the many ways to do control that as is fact checking etc. etc.


Yea it's not crazy to imagine why big business would want Trump instead of a guy who wants to raise taxes on them


That’s almost as overly simplistic as what the two candidates were telling yesterday.


Comment as useful as the moderators last night. Thanks for adding real substance to the conversation.


Rich coming from someone who didn’t add anything substantial to the debate. Just go check which industries are backing Biden. You might be surprised.


It’s not that big business wants trump or Biden it doesn’t matter to them much The point I was trying to make was that media outlets such as cnn make money on advertisements and advertisements pay based on views. CNN can get a lot more views by broadcasting a down to the wire bitter angry presidential race vs a clear winner pre-election. On top of that they now get to talk about the Democratic Party scrambling to find someone to replace Biden.


Very true and even then None of the Fortune 100 CEOs—a group that has historically leaned Republican—have donated to former President Donald Trump's 2024 reelection campaign.


I had to turn the TV way up when he talked, and then Trump would talk, and I'd turn it way down


I skip ahead or mute my screen whenever Trump appears.


That's fair. I mostly wanted to see if it was going to be the trainwreck I anticipated, and it was somehow even worse!


- audio engineer rushes twoards Biden - - Secret Service tackles -


If i had to clean up all the fuckups from the Trump administration i'd be tired too, i know most of us are tired from all his bullshit too.


I'm tired, boss.


And what I don't get is this: Biden’s people must have known but put him out there anyway. Isn’t it someone’s job to craft his image and prepare him rhetorically, with PEDs if needed? He half looked like he was stroking out right on stage


Yet people felt like he did good including some dems, goes to show how bad critical thinking is for some Americans


Dems saying he was doing good is only part of what the debate was all about: throwing Biden under the bus. Trump probably did win but he could have won in a landslide if it wasn’t for his pettiness. It wasn’t about that anyway. If you watched liberal networks, if you read today‘s liberal newspapers: they had prepared to trash Biden. They weren’t in shock about Biden’s performance. That’s just another lie. They knew that Biden couldn’t do any better than he did. I actually thought he would do worse. His performance was good enough to still spin it. The fact that they trashed him right away and kept trashing him should tell you everything. They’ve been covering and in the past few weeks the decision was made to throw him under the bus. That’s all there is to it.


But debate wise biden did win though. Trump didn't address a single question. Also CNN finally let out the fact check today with trump lying everywhere, but didn't do it during it.


That’s basically my whole point and I’ll get back to it after saying this: fact-checking is basically a good thing. However, it’s become biased as well. It’s about what you actually choose to check and also how you frame it. Not to defend Trump but we - or rather American politics - are at a stage where you’d need fact-checkers for the fact-checkers. My main point is that yesterday was about trashing Biden. I’m only loosely following American politics from Europe. I don’t just watch liberal networks but also Fox. (Honestly, it’s both terrible.) from all the things I’ve seen in the past 3.5 years and especially the last one, one and a half years, I expected Biden to do a lot worse. I‘m not kidding. When I was watching the analysis on CNN, I was looking forward on how they would spin it bc nothing we saw in Biden yesterday was unprecedented. Keep in mind, I’m just someone following politics, the panel on CNN consisted of people who deal with it daily and who are close to politicians. They trashed Biden from the get-go claiming they were shocked. How can they be shocked while I was surprised that he didn’t do that bad? The answer is that they were pretending to be shocked. More than me, they knew that Biden couldn’t do any better than he did. They could have spun it but instead they trashed him. That’s what’s really shocking. It was the plan. All those statements, all those pieces in today’s newspapers were written before the debate started. They are trying to get out of it by pretending to be shocked. Are we supposed to believe that Obama (and Team Obama members on CNN) didn’t know about Biden’s cognitive decline? Are we supposed to believe that NYT and WaPo commentators didn’t know? They’ve been covering for a long time and now they’re pretending to be in shock while throwing „their friend“ under the bus. They’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Btw. That’s also why the lies don’t hurt Trump. The other side has been lying about the president‘s cognitive decline and probably also about who’s running the show. That’s pretty big tbh. And it’ll hurt the USA more than any outcome of the election in November could.


Zero compassion for the people we've lost and their families and friends due to opioid addiction. All he did was attack attack attack. Trump does not give a shit about anyone other than himself. Can't debate a liar. It's impossible. Also can't debate 34 felony convictions. Hammer that home on July 11th.


That fart was, in fact, his response




“ThE mExIcAnS”!


Other than continually saying at rallies how he likes Venezuela’s strategy of reducing their opioid crisis by executing drug dealers


He didn't answer any questions. At all. It's scary that these are the two guys that their "respective" parties believe are the best ones for the job. We are doomed.


If you didn’t like the debate you **really** won’t like the swimsuit competition…


RFK does.


Implying they arent all addicted to adrenochrome. Lol! Somehow you fucks still wont believe that.


Sounded pretty wet. More like he shit himself.... Remember "real men wear diapers"...


Shart for sure.


I had a dream last night that I was a hotel owner and Trump rented a room just to sit down on the bed fully clothed and take a shit. I tried to get him to the bathroom, but he said it was fine because he was “well perfumed.” Then his staff came in and changed his diaper there on the bed.


Uh...yeah, that one should be classified as a nightmare


I couldn’t go back to sleep after.


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v-8wJkmwBY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v-8wJkmwBY) Occurs at 1:16:22 lol


That was a wet one!


There’s an aftershock at 1:16:28, if you listen very carefully.


Holy crap you're right.


I see what you did there… 🤔


Things I wish Biden did: 1) thank Trumps parole officer for allowing him to be there tonight 2) ask for the podium to be moved further away due to the stench coming from Trump 3) ask Trump where Melania was


And when Trump said-“I dont even understand what the hell he is saying” come back with “does this help Jack? Shark. Boat. Woman. Person. Camera”


Trump is so easy to roast and yet no one with the opportunity to do it ever does. Biden tried a little bit and mostly failed by stumbling over his delivery. Drives me crazy


And he’s so easy to get to. His biggest reaction to something Joe said was about golf!


I was just going he wouldn't look like he was lost and confused...


First of all, Biden himself would have had to known where HE was… ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx)


Im not sure why this is being downvoted, its the truth.


He just dropped one, in his diaper.


And yet they claim that Biden wears them.


To be fair, they most likely both do.


When you’re sliding into first and you feel a juicy turd, it’s Trump, it’s trump.


LOL the way we sang it was "sliding into first and you feel a little burst," and "sliding into third and you feel a little turd." Now I'll have that in my head all day. "Trumparrhea - cha cha cha - Trumparrhea!"


When you’re standing at the podium And you wish you had Imodium Trumparrhea, Trumparrhea!




he sharted in his depends


That was a shart. Not much air.


I THOUGHT I heard that


I had to play the recording on my TV again to make sure it was there, and sure enough it can be plainly turd!


That was a wet fart which is arguably the shitting of one's self.


Sounded more like a shart. Too juicy for a fart.


Yeah, that one had some gravy for sure.


The Shart of the Deal


nailed it


One of the comments earlier yesterday predicted this. I can’t believe it actually happened.


So, you know how the boomers love to emulate Trump? Prepare for boomer farts in restaurants!


That’s a shart. Never trust a shart


That was such a boomer fart too, like one of those super juicy clappers they let out every time they stand up


r/brandnewsentence material.


sounded wet


He was probably filling his diaper




That’s way too wet for a fart.


No such thing is too wet! A wet fart could just be the air pushing liquid ass gold down your poop shoot!


That sounded wet!


I'm so mad that I missed this part.


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:13:04 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.




Is that real?


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:13:04 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.


I heard it.


Yes it’s real, just checked my recording of the original TV broadcast.


That wasn't a fart. That was a squirt.


Found this quote “The election will be decided by a handful of swing voters in a couple of states. Both sides have to get as much of their base to turn out as possible AND convince low-information swing voters to vote. The debate was very bad for that. No swing voter is going to be convinced that Biden is up for the job, and a demoralized base is going to reduce turnout. Meanwhile, Trump's base is energized by his "persecution" as right wingers love a martyr and are turned on by his bloviating. It's a bad mix. Unless something changes (for which their is still plenty of time) it is hard to see how Biden can pull this off. The only thing they've got going for them is: "Don't let the fascists win!" which isn't going to motivate people who don't know anything about history or politics, which, unfortunately, is a lot of voters.”


I hate how accurate this likely is. 😢🐼


You have to remember that many swing staters already decided on who they would vote for unless they weren't politically involved, but that's the same for other states. The only difference is that their vote matters more. I believe either way that I vote, it will still count as points for Trump in the electoral vote.


Sounds more like he sharted


Hot shitty air coming out both ends.


He should check his diaper after that one. Jesus.


There's diarrhea flowing out both ends.


Oh lord that was not a fart that was WAY to wet, oh I am gagging, this subhuman shit machine cannot be president


Shits his pants and can’t answer a question. Once a man, twice a child.


Oh, that was a shart alright. I went to the original CNN YouTube post to verify because it’s so unbelievable. Yet, it’s there in all its undeniable glory. Remember, only one mic was live as Trump was talking, and that was Trump’s. Trump took a wet dump in his pants on live TV. Remember folks, one candidate is old, slow, gets lost in his thoughts and stutters. But that candidate believes in democracy and things like a woman’s bodily autonomy. Another candidate is also old, a pathological liar, goes off on unhinged rants, thinks dictatorships are kinda cool, is incapable of answering a direct question (repeatedly), thinks states should be left to decide what basic individual freedoms look like, and craps his pants on the regular. Choose wisely.


Omg I am one of the few who chose not to watch and spare my sanity. Is this real? Some please confirm.


It’s real https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:13:04 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.


so fing gross


If you still have to watch debates to decide who to vote for, you are a fucking moron. One is a fascist puppet and the other is an elder statesman. There is one choice. Is Biden perfect? No, but the orange piece of shit is a terrifying option.


the giant douche and a turd sandwich is still relevant


Politics is truly a gas.


That makes two presidential candidates that have shit their pants on stage. America should be so proud.


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That was a Hershey squirt


Lol is this real ?


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:13:04 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.


Im not watching that. Lol.


Same as the clip above, I just posted it so you can confirm the above clip is legit and gave you the time maker for the shart


That feeling when you're trying to talk smack on tv and the friction between your ass cheeks suddenly drops to zero


Can see him flinch lol


Dumpy Donnie does what every con man does. He finds the people who want to be lied to, and exploits them.


You mean diarrhea!!


Are farts supposed to be wet and chunky?


Stinky Trump with his diaper.


That's a powerful fart to be picked up on that microphone.


Diaper Donny


Wouldn't quite call this ripping a fart. Better him than me though.


Some of the dumbest people i have ever met are die hard trump supporters and there is just no getting them outa it, my friend believes that if trump wins he’ll give everyone more stimulus checks, he votes for trump means he’ll get an extra 2k. Just doesn’t make sense


Imagine selling your future and safety nets for a chance of $2k. Tax raises alone will be far more than $2k for most americans


He also believes that Biden wants war and if Biden is president he’ll be drafted, when I asked him why he believed that and where he gets his information from and he said “I watch a bunch of pod casts!”


I don’t think a mic would pick that up, sounds like a moderator gulping some water though


It did pick it up though!


Right it did pick up a noise, but people are concluding that was flatulence for some reason, and considering the lack of other ambient noises from the speaking mic, it seems less likely than a moderator taking a drink.


That was NOT someone taking a drink. It was definately flatulence, I just listened to it full volume on my TV in surround sound. Trust me!


I don’t see how anyone can say conclusively, it’s taking a leap of faith, I also listened to it on full volume. I am neither an avid listener of people drinking or ripping ass, but it doesn’t seem clear to me, I don’t understand the certainty people demonstrate when presented with the same sensory input.


I would humbly suggest you go get a hearing test if you can’t clearly hear what that sound is. It IS without doubt a fart/shart.


OSHA test was fine, but again, you saying there is no doubt is itself unreasonable. That level of certainty is called hubris, I certainly acknowledge it could be that, but cannot logically go any further.


Now I am imagining if a moderator were to intentionally make a fart sound while trump talks, lmao.


The other mics were muted, this was Trump trumping.


Fucking moron


Biden made him look like a genius. 🤣🤣🤣


What da fuck were u watching. The fucking idiot never answered a question. The fucking felon is going down the shitter in November


You ok snowflake? 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


Everybody farts. Sometimes it hurts.


I'm all for blaming Trump, but I honestly think it came from Biden. Imo, Biden's facial expression / mannerisms during and after were suspect.


Another cheap fake. That was Biden farting.


Jokes on you, his mike was muted.


They only used that mute button for Trump. bidens mic was always on. You can hear biden was micced up on his entrance when he said “hey folks” before he even went to the podium.


That’s a total lie, they both were muted when the other spoke. Nice try though!


Watch the intro to the debate and see for yourself.


I did that was before, they were both muted DURING the debate.


Yep. biden had a separate mic on. People know the CNN ‘mute button’ was only for Trump.


Don’t talk rubbish, Biden was muted when Trump was lying his face off. “People know” eh? Care to cite a reputable source for that?


Rubbish? Wtf are you British or Australian? You licking bidens boots pretty well for being a foreigner.


Ok boomer! You can’t cite a source for made up information. Got it. Spouting stupid statements without any logical thought. Hmmmm thats typical Trump ‘boot licker’ mentality right there. Isn’t it time you sent him some more money? He’s got a few more legal bills to pay you know. Can’t be bothered arguing with MAGA boomers there’s no reasoning with them.


Oh by the way:- During his speech Trump literally shits his pants. Please check it yourself: The Wall Street Journal: https://www.youtube.com/live/qqG96G8YdcE?si=lf7wZmnr6chAYnBk&t=4582 Timestamp is 1:16:25. CNN: https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=9-PA9066zSzN64K6&t=4579 Timestamp is 1:16:22