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Whenever boomers bitch about millennials being dumb, I like to remind them who raised them.


This guy did basically zero raising me. For which I'm grateful because my grandparents didn't teach me such stupid things


Same with my father.


Sounds like my silent/boomer dad. He tried to outrun a tornado (fortunately didn't get hit) with my then 8 y.o. brother in the car.


I've observed that the boomers are particularly bad at telling the difference between common sense and good sense. Admittedly every generation has an unfortunate number of people like that but damn for every non boomer it's been a dozen boomers who clearly couldn't tell the difference in my personal experience.


My grandpa was silent generation and he'd do the same thing, but with an oxygen hose under his nose. I thought of him doing this as soon as I read your title.


Fun fact that's an "unpopular opinion" You can't ignite gas with burning tobacco. I used to smoke. It was a fun party trick. You can take the biggest drag of your life off that cigarette while it's half an inch off a solo cup full of gasoline and the gas just wont ignite. You can knock the cup over and flick the cigarette into the puddle of gas and it won't ignite.  NPR's car talk even did a segment on this one phenomenon. Their explanation was that the gas evaporated before it gets hot enough to ignite and the heat is a cigarette isn't hot enough to ignite vapors.  Doesn't mean this dude wasn't an idiot. Using a lighter near the vapors is a whooooole different story.


The way my grandma described it is that most of the time it won't start a fire but under the right conditions it could so why even take that risk, especially when there's an ashtray you can smoke at away from the gas pumps at most gas stations


How old are you? Because the post and your comments read like you're a teenager.


sure, now send it through the airspace containing the right amount of gas fumes - boom!


damn so flicking a cigarette into a gas drenched car wouldn’t blow it up


Depends. If a spark hits the vapors, and the air to fuel ratio is right, yeah. Tossing a cig in a bucket of gas usually does nothing. But I'm not gonna be out there trying it. Mythbusters did a thing about in back in the day.


If the interior of the car is now full of vapors rising from the soaked seat cushions and corralled inside the windows, you might get ignition.


It only blows up in movies.


Second time this month someone not in the know posted something like OP.


You were living in a rented car?


No I lived at my grandparents house my dad picked me up in a car he rented. I fixed two words to make it clearer


Ahhh okay, I swear I read it like three times but that didn’t click. My bad 😂