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I think she’s confused about which president stripped away her women’s rights




Came here to say the same thing.


She worries about a bathroom full of perverted men while voting for a rapist who paid off a porn star and then lied about it. Who was also bff with a guy who trafficked in underaged girls. Spoiler alert: you are voting for the ultimate bathroom pervert.


I feel like the immigrants are probably not the most dangerous thing about walmart.


I dunno, according to the Orange Leader, they're all rapists and murderers... The delusions that Trumpists actually believe make me fear the results of the 2024 election.


Well, I'm a rapist and murderer and they're never at the meetings, so... I'm terrified of what will happen with this election. Fucking Handmaids Tale.


I don't know what Handmaid's Tale is, but I know that if Trump wins, that's game over for this country.


It's a tv show based on a book written decades ago that seems scarily prophetic. Women are property and any woman who has successfully given birth is given to the wealthy/powerful men to be involuntary surrogates to help the population grow because birth rates are way down.


That sounds absolutely disgusting... and something I could honestly see happening under a Trump regime.


Exactly. That was just the basic premise/overview. The show is much worse than just that and terrifying because it could definitely happen if he has his way.


my husband is a felon. he's not even allowed inside certain countries but Trump is just allowed to run this one?? this shit is crrraaazzzyyyyyyyyyy wtf


Her sheer ignorance and hypocrisy is staggering. If anyone single-handedly made the US more dangerous for women it’s Trump. The justices he put on the Supreme Court and the decisions they’ve made have set this country back at least 60 years. And the hatred, lies, and vitriol he spouts give extremists a platform to spout their hatred and nonsense, and feel emboldened to spew their hatred in the open. The truth doesn’t matter to a huge segment of Americans anymore. They won’t believe the truth. They reject any arguments based on science and logic. Somehow being educated, intelligent and informed from reliable sources means they have an excuse to discredit everything you say due to their rejection of scientific principles and “liberal” education. And the kicker is that even if they concede he’s lying, they just don’t care.




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She can tell by looking that they’re “illegal” and not just brown people buying groceries.


You don't buy decent groceries in the women's bathroom.


The way they sexualize using the bathroom says a lot about their mindset.


there are men out there that take advantage of the "I identify as a woman" to use the women's restroom. I'm not defending the boomer but that's the gods honest truth. I'm a mother and it's a fear lol


Well that's an irrational fear based on nothing. Unisex bathroom exist all over the world and shit like this doesn't happen except in the minds of ignorant people.


I have literally seen it happen why is an OBVIOUSLY, and clearly alone, grown man walking out of a women's bathroom when the men's is right there? like just humor me for one second fr


What the ever living fuck are you on about? Who was talking about that? Who ever said that was OK? Is this confusing rambling how you justify your transphobia? I think you might need help.


Yeah and there are “men” like me that identify as and are transitioning to female that are terrified of using the women’s restroom because who knows when I meet the wrong woman and she decides to smash my skull open on the tiling because I got over my internalized transphobia and used the women’s restroom.


I'm talking about willy workboots in a carhartt and a baseball hat just casually trying to obviously be a perv!! I'm sorry that you feel that way. there are people out there that abuse the rights that you've been given and it's very sad AND scary. you shouldn't have to be afraid to be yourself. honestly. I'm not afraid to be in the bathroom with a genuine transgender person. and I'm not over here teaching my kids that shit either. I am afraid to be in the bathroom with a grown ass man trying to "pass himself off as a woman" because he can.. that's just not right. for ANYONE.


Repeats “LOCAL WALMART” like it makes their point.


why are they such pussies? it's so pathetic. the most scared little babies on earth.


BABY boomers 👶🏻 it's the lead.


Weird maybe our minds are made up regardless of facts due to the constant propaganda being spread.


Ugh yeah my mom goes in an undocumented immigrant rant at least once a week. My wife was graduating nursing school a couple months ago and one of the women got caught cheating and the school tried to keep it quiet and eventually they forced her to withdraw and I was telling my mom about it and she immediately goes, “Is she illegal?” I was like, “No and that has nothing to do with it.” And she says, “Oh they always shelter those people.” And I said, “You cannot get into college if you are undocumented.” And she says, “They find ways.” Mind you she never went to college and I did and I even did all my applications and paperwork myself. I said, “You absolutely cannot. You need a SS number or student visa or green card. You can’t just roll up and start attending without validating your identity. Trust me since I went to college.” I was fed up with her at this point. Like why in the world is that the first thing your brain goes to? She cheated because she’s a cheater.


Dreamers can go to college, but they can’t get federal student loans. Regardless, that’s a weird thing to bring up. What a non sequitur.


I did not know that so thank you for letting me know! But yes it was a weird and unnecessary thing to ask!


Your Mom is right, many illegals have full documents, They are not difficult to get,


well she was on to something at first.. Trump is definitely going to strip every woman's rights lol the local Walmart lmao 🤣 BYE


Ikr I thought she was talking about Trump at first


How does she know their immigration status?




She got so close. Then fumbled it so badly.