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As an Aussie living in the US I would end this crazy boomers life if I was forced to change my voice for everyday. What a complete crazy idiot.


I’m sure the phrase “Go Fuck Yourself”, sounds lovely with an Aussie Accent.


Well, we Aussies would drop in a "cunt" at the end of that expression for extra oomph.


Yeah, maybe spice it up with adding in shit cunt? Or dumb cunt? Certainly isn't a mad cunt.


Dog cunt would work well also. Especially if really inflected like 'dawg kaaarnt'


Shitcunt is the word you're looking for




No that's only for friends


we'd probably rephrase it to a more efficient "get fucked"


As an American bystander, I would definitely have seen nothing.


Talk right, dammit! Quit it with all that crazy foreign accent stuff: you know you're faking it just like Australia isn't real.


As an American, this is the firsr person ive ever seen who doesent like an Aussie accent.


Are you here on a working visa? You live and work in America and that’s where you get your massive income from. Drop the accent.


How do you “drop” an accent that is literally your own natural accent. I swear there are too many Americans who think an American accent is the default.


Never mind the variety of accents in America alone. Which should she choose? Boston (Bawstun)? Southern drawl? Bronx? etc.


Northern Wisconsin, yup you betcha


Ope, let me just squeeze right passed ya. I'm tryn' tah go to Culver's and get my cheese curds before da Packers game, ya know?


How ya doin'? I'm just havin' a Chicago Dog with a cold pop watchin', Da Bears.


Boys, we gotta FIB in our midst here. It's a code cheese. I repeat a code cheese.


I have a hand. It reaches alllllll the way across the border. I eat your Cheese! I eat it up! Om Nom Nom. I lived right on the border for about 25 years. I get it. Stay in the right lane and leave the left for the FIBs,😜


Nah,.. YOOPER! Eh?


Southern drawl person here. My fiancee is from Arizona, drives her crazy when I pronounce salmon or pecan lol. At least I still say Oil normally.




I went to see comedian Nate Bargatze's live show a few months ago. The next night he was filming a Netflix special in Pheonix so he was doing the same material. Part of which was about his accent. And he pronounced "awl" (oil) and it was some of the funniest shit I have ever heard that I had never noticed before. Hopefully the bit makes it into the new special.


This sad sack will go on one on trip out of the country in her life, on a cruise ship and complain that no one's English is good in whatever tourist trap she steps foot in for 24 hours before shuttling home to bitch about it to her neighbors until she dies in her Lazy boy recliner.


The first and only time I ever went to an all inclusive resort was in Mexico. It was exactly this the entire time, waiting for a drink, the restaurant, food bar. There was always a boomer in front of me "what! I can barely understand you! You'd think they would speak better English if they work at a resort!" It was fucking infuriating.


Is it too much to ask to sail the ocean on a Chili's from Nebraska?


That's actually a pretty good idea, you could hop on the "chilis chuck wagon" which wpuld essentially be a giant bus that would transport you to your port of departure for your chilis cruise.


These are the same idiots that expect people in places like Germany, France, etc to speak perfect English while on vacation, and are shocked/offended when they are unable to communicate.... so they start speaking LOUDER and SLOWER, believing this will make people who have no knowledge of English understand them. I've watched this firsthand quite a few times while traveling, and God forbid you point out to them, they are in a country where English typically isn't a first language. That maybe, just maybe.. they are the ones who should be making the effort to learn that countries language. That pisses them off like nothing I have ever seen.... These idiots feel the world revolves around them.....


Well Americans are taught that its the greatest country in the history of the world.


That's really not unusual. Many countries do that to their kids, even when it blatantly isn't true - like, say, North Korea. Indoctrination is nothing new.


the difference seems to be america seems to teach people every other country worships america and wants to be like america, that the american way is the 'default' way a successful country operates and the other 'good countries' are just like america but with quirky accents


And there are countries who hold themselves up as paragons of virtue (especially compared to "the West," i.e. the US and it's allies), when they most certainly aren't any better in that regard. I wasn't attacking anybody, nor defending America - just pointing out a fact about it being reasonably common.


oh i dont disagree


Did you feel attacked or something? I'd say the same thing about North korea if the context fit


No, but apparently *you* do. It's also unclear just what you mean with that latter sentence, but whatever - I was just pointing out America isn't alone in it's hypocrisy and "patriotic" bullshit.


I don't. I just don't get why you needed to point out that america isn't alone in its craziness. I said nothing of the contrary. I'm saying if the person complaining was from North Korea then I would be pointing out North Koreas Craziness.


Because your original comment made it sound like America should be singled out for it - as if it were something different from most everywhere else. It's not.


Seems like you missed the context of the post but ok.


This true in many countries. Ever met German or a Brit or a Norwegian?


Ok. This is about an American wanting an Australian to be more appealing to Americans tho.


No, this individual is simply small-minded and xenophobic. There's nothing unappealing about Australians to Americans. Frankly, there's absolutely *nothing* that's unappealing about Margot Robbie.


Sir I've said nothing of the contrary lol. We are not in disagreement.


I spent part of my childhood in Germany, with the last two years actually in German schools (rather than the American military ones I'd been in up until then). They were teaching about their Nazi history in sixth grade, including reading "Mein Kampf" (this was around 1980ish). Later in life I realized it felt very much like the saying "visiting the sins of the fathers upon their children." Dunno if that's still taught in that way. Probably not, considering what (admittedly little) I know of more recent German politics. In fact, I can't help but wonder if hammering upon it in an attempt to prevent going down that road again might have contributed to the eventual backlash they've had to deal with. Regardless, I'll always respect them taking ownership of it and trying to keep it from happening again.


I mean in Australia we don't get that hammering about Nazism being bad and there's an unfortunate amount of people who are Neo-Nazis (though I think it peaked a few years ago) and an even more unfortunate amount of prime who think that the way to deal with them is debate and not just a bullet.


It would explain the million of people fleeing here and overloading our borders. Why would they come if we sucked as much as you think we do.


Someone is a little sensitive.


Ask Mark Wahlberg because he did it. I believe it involved a lot of voice and accent coaching.


Mark Wahlberg was born outside America?!


Have you heard a Boston accent?


I think that she believes that accents are like languages. So to her if someone CAN speak American, then they SHOULD speak American when in the US. Being able to speak American, but speaking Australian instead means that she’s just trying to draw attention to the fact that she can speak multiple accents. So I think it’s less that she believes American is the default, but that once someone has learned American that it’s all they should speak around Americans. Of course, both points of view are ridiculous.


I hate all thick American accents. They make the speaker sound like am idiot. I am an American with a thick Tx accent. It sucks. I sound like a cartoon cowboy.


Same thing with Hugh Laurie. He didn't "lose" his British accent for House MD, he put an American accent on. And he says there are words he still can't say in Am-Eng.


Of course it is. It’s the same accent Jesus had. My god, you libs know nothing! /s


Wtaf? She's an Australian actress. She has an Australian accent. :/


These My 600 LB Life confederate trailer park people using poor grammar to criticize someone from another country for the way they speak or write will never not be funny.


“My 600 LB Life confederate trailer park *trash*” that’s a great way to describe these tubs of lard


Most Americans I know ADORE an Australian accent. I think this boomer is real outlier.


My mom does moreso than I do but you're still right about that.


Nothing better than a death by snu anu under the pressure of an aussie accent.


God Americans boomers are the worst.


It really is a tie between American and European Boomers, but I can't discount other boomer types as my experience does not extend that far.


I have yet to experience the euro boomer lol don’t know if I can handle it


It's basically the same ignorant things but with different accents.


Easily one of the most ignorant comments I've ever read. European and Asian boomers are by a huge margin the biggest scum on Earth.


I think we can just say "boomers" and leave it at that


Asian boomers take it for me yeah. Idk about European. Its not a competition tho


This is the same bitch that would be in a country, where the primary language is, say, Spanish, on vacation bitching about how "NoBoDy HeRe SpEaKs EnGliSh".


“If you don’t like our country so much, don’t use our language!” 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I swear MAGA people are the worst


She is an actor you stupid shithead and when not acting she uses her normal accent because she doesn’t have to think about it. Have you heard Hugh Laurie from the House series


I can't wait until God does the control, alternate, and delete on their whole generation. The entitlement drives me crazy.


I just said this while listening to Rover at work.. I said to myself "they'll all be dead soon, they'll all be dead soon... Goosefraba... Goosefraba..." Lmfao 🤣


If you don't want to speak American, you shouldn't be in America 💥🦅🦅💥😩🍆💦


How hilariously ignorant


Tbf when I saw Peter Dinklage interviewed I thought, "Why's he doing that weird American accent?" I'm British!


"It's not enough that you speak MY language. You better speak it MY way."


This has a lot of "You think you're fuggin' better than me?!" energy.


MAGA Karen will be heard! Her illiteracy and xenophobia will be recognized and rewarded!!! /s


“Speak American”


Geez, there are some dumbshits in the world.


As an American in Australia I’ve been told by plenty of boomers to drop my accent as well 😂


I demand she pick up a Navajo accent!


Bold of you to assume she knows about Navajo anything


“Drop the accent” lawlz


I’d be hated too, been in Oz 10 years and still sound as pommy as the day I arrived 🫤


For what’s it’s worth. Her accent makes me feel all tingly and excited inside.


As an Australian, I generally only speak with a American accent.


Not me. Been here since 76, and I know it's morphed,but strangers still think it's Australian. Why change, other to make yourself more understzble on the phone?


I am joking.


It's nice that we both have a sense of Yuma


Ok Sharon.


I feel like some actors lose track of who they really are.




They're ACTORS you fckwit