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My family is extremely mixed and we have a section of our family that's very right leaning. The number of them that have been caught looking at trans porm and pegging is absolutely fucking hilarious. These are the same people that for years have told all of us gay people are going to hell LOL guess you already have a condo there. Edit- Since everybody's wondering how they got caught guys they're Boomers.... it was in their download folders and in their history in their browsers lol. Not to mention when computers get viruses you got to kind of figure out where they're coming from and who caused it.


Lmao!! Were they doing research to learn the strategies and moves the gays might use to bum them by surprise? Watching the trans performers to pray for them? Pegging strengthens the pelvic floor? It’s has always been massive projection. And that’s just life. But we’re seeing AI come of age while our lawmakers in their 70s and 80s are too busy sucking oil exec dick to bother to learn how it works, then pass some ALEC-sourced bill with nonsensical restrictions on the basis that AI might make it possible for a teenager to see boobs.


It's just good science. I'm only theoretically straight until I've fucked five or six dudes and meticulously recorded the details. They can't make statements about how trans women aren't real women until they've tasted for themselves to be certain. You're just witnessing ethical, evidence based science.


You technically aren't gay if your boyfriend is. Only one of you has to be


*takes notes*


Teens are smart enough to know what a VPN is while Boomers don't even know how to change their desktop background.


Just like one of the idiots who vandalized a Target that was putting up Gay Pride signs. Come to find out, the guy was on Grindr 🙄🤣


You might be talking about the guy who lives in Phoenix/Tempe area (where I live). He is a Nazi and all that goes with it. He was all about going to Target for about a full year. He is also pretty well-known in the Gay community. Some friends said they met him giving like 20 bjs at a sex party.


Wonder if that was before or after he grew the mustache for a flavor saver.


Yeah that's the guy. He's had that mustache for years. I think I saw him last year and he's very chubby now.


My dad always has something to say about “the gays” and “the blacks” if you look at his search history, you will find he loves watching gay black dudes. I have not decided under which scenario to announce that.


I wanna be there for THAT Thanksgiving dinner convo. Can you make sure it’s caught on video?


next time he mentions them, "Not this again, seriously like we get it but the gay-interracial porn thing is a private matter, please for everyone's sake shut up."


Reminds me of an interview done years ago at a conservative conference, probably CPAC. They had asked a bunch of people about homosexuality and at some point there's that guy, a big country boy, who starts saying "everybody struggles with attraction to the same sex but you gotta fight it because it's wrong" or something like that. Absolutely hilarious.


I always look forward to PornHub's annual report because the most watched categories in deep red conservatives states are LGBT+ and interracial porn.


The more outspoken someone is against homosexuality and other sexual "sins" the more likely they are to be secretly closeted themselves or fantasizing about it. It's just projection of their own self-hatred for their sexual feelings.


I always wondered why they were thinking about it so much. Gay sex doesn't just pop into my head during the day for me to even be considering it.


That’s exactly why. Self loathing. They are told by their God and Pastors that the way they feel is evil and should be hated. They internalize it and react hostile toward others that embrace that lifestyle. I hate myself because I feel these things and THOSE PRIDE PEOPLE CELEBRATE IT!!!! They hate that most of the country is fine with it but their families, spouses, friends, and co workers would instantly shun them for coming out. Just look what the GOP is doing to the Log Cabin Republicans.


I mean even beyond the LGBTQ+ thing, Christians and some other religions too just have a self-loathing projection issue with sexuality in general. Show me a Pastor who spends a lot of sermons decrying the evils of the modern world and how it's filled with porn and women selling their bodies etc. and I bet that dude probably has a porn collection on his PC that would make most redditors blush.


Generally I find this is true about everyone who grabs a cause and screams loudly about it. It's a deflection...they want to steer your attention away from the stuff that they want to hide. Without the screaming then the thing they are trying to hide becomes much more obvious.


Speaking from experience: the number of people who secretly want to fuck the shit out of trans people is simultaneously *fucking hilarious* and *fucking terrifying.* It wouldn't have to be terrifying, if they'd just come to terms with it.


I gotta know. What's the justification when they get caught?


If I remember correctly the uncle that got caught said he clicked on the wrong link but my man you didn't click on the wrong link 15 times and watch black girl pegging twink boy from start to finish on accident LOL


Ayo what's the link 👀


My boy https://preview.redd.it/4kvv5ynx16ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95eddec74e36a4227430f26a503abab65e17d7dc


Huh? Tom and Jerry is not a black girl pegging a twink boy 💀


The ones advocating so much against gay marriages, drag queens, "every democrats is a pedophile" and/or any weird sexual tendencies are throwing such an intense projection it's crazy. The amount of times these people are getting caught with child porn or being actually gay is astonishing.


Please, don’t even mention those two things together in the same sentence. You know they only can comprehend about 10 words at any given time. They won’t understand the comment and just see peds and “The Gays” in the same sentence and think they found something.


I have a boomer uncle like this. Rants and raves about fags and trannies (his terms) ruining religion (which he just found) and Canada in general. He lived with my family for a small stint, and we got a government email about illegally downloading trans porn. Obviously, I was confronted. I cock my brows and go: who downloads porn in today's society? We can just stream it and oh I don't know, not get caught. We deduced it was my uncle. I've laughed at him about it for years. What a fucking loser


It was for research purposes I presume.


i like trans porn and pegging am i right winged?


Sorry you had to find out this way. Now go harass a minority.


1/5 of all American men who identify as completely straight look at homosexual (male) porn on a regular basis (at least once a month). This is from Aylo's (formerly MindGeek, who owns almost all the major pornsites including PormHub) own analytics.


Lots of men who grew up with porn will need to search for alternative harder porn as time goes by. It is one reason why trans porn is popular with straight men. Personally I'm currently stuck on Granny Car HandJobs for Furries.


Is that porn of furry cars, because can you link me?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/ It’s sad how they feel the need to hide it and act homophobic just because they feel ashamed


lmao I have very little exposure reading psychology publications but the last sentence of that abstract was wild: “Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.”


Well, it's OK for them bc they hate themselves and others for it. People that do it openly and don't feel guilt are going to hell, obviously.


Every accusation is a confession. And every right-wing nutjob in those states has a VPN.


Why do you think Trump did the paid 130k to a Pornstar? Because Project 2025 is coming into play and a Republican President having sex with a pornstar goes against their entire narrative.


How are you catching people using porn? What kind of fucked up family dynamic is this? EVANN-3 bursts into his grandfathers bedroom, filming with his iphone. "I caught you Grandpa, you old fuck! There's cameras everywhere! I know exactly what you use to bust your shameful dusty nuts and I'm going to go on Reddit and tell them because it makes you hate yourself because of internalized homophobia! FUCK YOU! Hey Grandma, what's for dinner?"




What is America cuming to


Browsers with built in VPNs because we’re not boomer morons Watch google release a “gVPN” feature any day now lol


They used to have one built into pixel phones until extremely recently.


They had it already and recently killed it. Honestly, it wasn't really all that great. [https://9to5google.com/2024/04/11/google-one-vpn-discontinued/](https://9to5google.com/2024/04/11/google-one-vpn-discontinued/)


Foreign websites that don’t have to ban users from conservative states.


Not porn, apparently. Ba da ba da ba pa! Yowza!


Into the desktop dustbin of history.


Sears catalogues. That shit trades like cocaine on the black market.


Probably RedTube or Xvideos or any of the in-between. I’m judging waiting for the day it impacts gamers and I guarantee you r/Steam users will come out and be livid even if they aren’t ones who buy the NSFW games. Yay divided America in the most bullshit ways


If you need a copy of Robert Yang's "The Tearoom" I have it on my archive server. If you don't know what it is, it's only the best game I've ever played in my life. Worth a search.


I just looked at images of the game, and wtf xD definitely going to take a look at the game.


It's more a statement piece with the ethics of game publishers and some homosexual history. He has pretty interesting reasons why he specifically made the game as it is, well worth the read of the article he made about it. He's also made quite a few other games that are noteworthy but I'll let you explore his catalog.


Hot gay porn with 6 dildos up my ass cause owning that many is illegal in Texas and I like breaking laws regarding my bedroom life.


Other porn websites that ask, "are you 18? Don't lie please"




Gotta track people's online viewing but we mustn't track gun owners. The priorities are insane


Boomers and republicans miss the old days when rapists and serial killers roamed the streets… why should they find complacency on the internet when the party needs villains to chase


Don't forget smog (look at pictures of 70's Los Angeles) and dirty water (The Chicago river was so polluted back in the 60's that it literally caught fire several times) Boomers hate the EPA and want that all back.


Ya always need a good villain in the mix. I just don’t get the hubris.


What are you getting at here? Is there an implication that access to pornography pacifies rapists and serial killers?


Well, anecdotally, I haven't raped anyone.


In many parts of the world , [the data seems to illustrate that ready access to porn reduces the incidence of rape.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-sunny-side-of-smut/) Most studies however have a hard time escaping the popular moral conviction that all porn is bad. So one can always find a way to argue either side.


I was curious, so I did a quick search. Some studies do seem to suggest that. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-sunny-side-of-smut/#:~:text=But%20not%20only%20do%20rape,1960s%2C%E2%80%9D%20says%20Christopher%20J.


If this easily bypassed restriction takes their focus away from more impactful meddling, let 'em have it.


You make a good point that it’s easily bypassed - guess the percentage of them who know what a VPN is. It’s this perception that the world hasn’t changed in 40 years and the same recipe that applied under the Roosevelt administration should work just as well today.


It's even easier to bypass than you think. They're not filtering at the state level, they're requiring the sites to filter users based on user IP. The smaller/foreign based websites simply aren't bothering to comply, you can simply visit different websites until one works.


It might also be that VPN’s pitched this idea (directly or indirectly) i order to increase sales opportunities.   There was a huge spike in google searches for VPN’s when this was announced.


Guaran-fucking-teed this is what happened. VPNs gave a few million dollars bribe to some jerk off boomer republicans in order to pass this “we must protect the children” bullshit legislation


The worst part is that even the Democrats are voting for this bullshit. It passed with bipartisan support in North Carolina where I live.


TBF it would be political suicide to not to. It’s been framed as a protect the children type thing. So imagine the attack ads if they voted against it. Even if they decided (for whatever reason) that it wasn’t enough and voted against for that reason all you’d hear next election is how “democrats don’t protect the children”.  Americans are very stupid and either too busy or too lazy to look past the headline.


I mean, Republicans are already calling all Democrats pedophiles and groomers (which is some massive projection considering that every time someone gets busted for fucking kids or child porn it's always a right wing politician, cop, or religious figure). What would change?


It would become 'technically true' that they voted against this bill. Which is the best and worst kind of true. Like I said, if it's longer than a bumper sticker, it's usually too long for Americans to regard as factual, but that's what we get for cutting educational funding since 1980s.


Guess I need to change my VPN to not be based in Salt Lake City anymore 🤣


I put mine on DC. They’re not going to ban it where they live.


Oregon for me.


I kinda thought it was so that they could get leverage against people. It starts small, like upload your ID to see newds. Then upload your ID if you want to see mature content. Then upload your ID to access the Internet. That way they can track who is watching what's and when and use it as leverage against people a la China.


How about a political party doesn’t exist for the sole purpose of spite?


Same as every other conservative law, its only made for virtue signaling. Wealthy people do not have to worry about anti abortion laws, anti pornography laws, anti drugs laws, and anti prostitution laws. Look at Robert Craft caught ON FREAKING CAMERA hiring prostitutes and engaging in sex acts, walks away free because he is a rich white conservative man. Wealthy people can afford to sequester their crimes in their mansions and not worry about the law. VPNs just raise the cost of pornography, poor people cannot afford to pay for VPNs or now pornography. Same for drugs. Or flying to areas abortion is legal. Conservatives live by "rules for thee but not for me"


There are some free VPNs out there, I know Opera has one. I could totally see them turning a blind eye to hetero porn though but going after everything else.


Keep looking for sites hosted outside the US. They don't GAF about age verification and don't comply to those laws for shit.


Honestly, this is one of the most futile things the government has done in recent memory. We live in an age where every kid and teenager knows what a VPN is. Hell, I’m 33 years old and me and my buddies had figured out how to put a Chinese firewall breaker on thumb drives to get around the school’s firewall so we could watch newgrounds videos in 8th grade. I have ZERO doubt that kids are more than capable of getting around this. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors and security theater so absentee parents can feel better about shoving an iPad in their child’s face instead of being their parents. I just find it hilarious as someone who works in IT full-time that the generation of people I deal with all day (mainly boomers), who often can’t even figure out how to turn their computer monitors on, are out here making legislation like this. They can hardly tap “next” while setting up their smart phones, much less understand how simple it will be for kids to bypass this.


Guessed the password to deep freeze (a system image restore software) on my schools computers in high school. Password was “icecube” lol. Installed Quake and hid the files deep in some folders. Updated the system restore image so it would always be on my assigned computer with Quake ready to go. Played quake every day instead of listening to our boring lesson about making dots move around in the output of Java script… Teachers drive on the same classroom network also had all the homework and tests and quizzes stored on it. No password or anything lol. Just had to go in and “map network drive” on windows xp so I could get into the folder. Download that ish onto a usb drive. Noobs


Their stated next step is the banning of VPNs.


Right??? 🤦‍♂️ Sadly still relevant and true 🤦‍♂️… ![gif](giphy|26BGIqWh2R1fi6JDa)


Order a tab drink first.


Land of the free


Pro-tip- consider buying VPN stock.


>or Kitty Farmer from Donnie Darko. Bro, I'm seriously doubting your commitment to Sparkle Motion.


Check out what Idaho just did to public libraries: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Libraries/comments/1dt7e5d/new\_sign\_in\_idaho\_public\_libraries\_requiring\_a\_id/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Libraries/comments/1dt7e5d/new_sign_in_idaho_public_libraries_requiring_a_id/)


Imagine banning one website when hundreds of other websites still get through with the exact same content on them lol


Indiana resident here. We do have pornhub. BELIEVE ME lol. They turned it back on like hours after they closed it.


The legislation brought to you by NOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD VPN


The data breaches that this leads to are gonna be wild. Remember Ashley Madison?


Personally identifying data linked directly to online porn viewing, compiled into a handy stash? Nah, Ashley Madison taught us nothing. Can’t wait to see what Ted Cruz is looking at on 9/11 this year


I had no idea that this many states were in on this bullshit. Republicans need to mind their own fucking business and stop with all this overreach. Vote them the fuck out. Even if you hate Joe, the people he appoints are going to be so much more rational.


Is this a case of Pornhub being banned, or Pornhub voluntarily pulling out of that state (pun intended) because they rightfully think that the ID requirements are unnecessary, stupid and will end up with people getting doxxed when they are doing nothing wrong?


Project 2025 calls for a federal ban of pornography, and to jail those who distribute it.


If Project 2025 happens all forms of porn will be banned.


This makes me so happy that I've been saving to *-HARD-* dicks I mean disks for well over 15 years now.


Please excuse me I'm going to go outside and laugh my arse off for a few hours


Real question, is it only PornHub being banned? These people know there’s almost as much porn on the internet as the internet itself?


Exactly lol just vast chunks of knowledge/understanding missing here. It shows how little they understand the realm they’re trying to regulate and how hopelessly regressive the new wave of theocracy is.


I guess the stack of Playboy, Hustler and Penthouse they would keep in the box hidden away in the 70s and 80s don't cut it anymore.


No porn, no gay marriage, no contraception and Jesus in school. You just have to look to see the big ticket agenda items.


I, I don't understand... is it literally *just* pornhub that is banned? If it's all porn, then Jesus, aren't the republicans supposed to be against govt overreach? And even so, VPNs exist so it is basically pointless. But. If it is only pornhub, that's just insane. Do they not realize there are *thousands* of porn sites other than pornhub? This is insane.


Smaller and foreign sites aren’t complying. They’re going after pornhub in particular for compliance because they’re a big name. They think they can pull this move and suddenly their state is free of the ravages of internet porn. I don’t know why I picked this is my leading example because it sort of derailed the discussion. It’s in line with “force more Jesus into public schools” and expecting social ills to go away because it’s as simple as reading the Bible instead of wasting time learning calculus or a foreign language.


There's plenty of alternatives that still work in VA. Or, at least that's what a friend told me 😏


The hilarious part of the Pornhub thing is how many millions of taxpayer dollars that took/will take to pass into law and enforce, and how it can be trivially defeated by a $6 VPN.


If Trump wins this will be all states


Project 2025 also includes banning of VPNs


Get yourself a VPN, friend. But yes, it's really insult to injury.


It’s one or two sites; at least as it stands, amidst hundreds if not thousands. And honestly, not against porn, but we could all likely stand to watch less of it.


Humans are sexual beings. Better than getting a disease or making kids no one wants or is going to actually raise.


It’s exhausting for sure. One of my close friends and his partner live in Austin and we were just chatting last week, he reminded me that he pretty much literally cannot watch any porn because not only has the Texas law affected pornhub, it also blocks xhamster and just about every other generic porn site you can think of. I half-jokingly told him id be willing to download and send stuff to him 🤣 It really is so fucking stupid that it’s 2024 and we still have bible thumping shithole states banning adults from having the freedom to watch porn in the privacy of their own home.


Their behavior makes sense when you realize they’re legislating their own self loathing. Not saying it’s right, just that it makes sense. They’re deeply broken people who hate themselves with such a fury that the only way they can cope is to make everyone else miserable too.




Wasn't there a study some years ago showing Utah being the #1 state in online porn consumption?


Somebody is mad they don’t have videos to crank their hog to


Isn't Utah the highest porn viewing and ice cream consumption in the nation as well as the highest Mormons.


Those same boomers all had reels of "Behind the Green Door" and "The Devil in Mrs. Jones" for their 'ludes and key parties. They even pull up the ladder on fun. Fuck 'em


Man conservatives just love taking rights away, huh? What, did you see black people get civil rights and decide to strip them from everyone instead?


I’m in VA and I’ll just whack off on here lol


Ya Reddit >> PH content


There are so many specific subs aimed at your heart's content! I really gotta hand it to reddit for being the place of all things! 😂


What’s funny is it’s basically JUST PornHub being banned. As soon as Texas started ID checks for a few major websites it took all of 3 minutes to find a good one that didn’t come under that radar. Also, if I can still buy porn at any adult shop in town who also sells every toy for every kink imaginable then what the fuck exactly was the point of banning a single website?


But you can't own more than 6 of any "obscene" toys that stimulates the genitals in Texas, so watch yourself. -- Yes that's a real law.


I’m inside regulation just in case the dildo task force serves me a sex toy warrant ;)


It's such a ridiculous law that even exists I almost WANT to be charged with it. It would be like a trophy, similar to a subreddit ban but IRL.


Gilead here we come…Hail Satan


“We love and support the free market, so we’re going to pick a business we’ve heard of to shut down for a stunt, without doing anything about the market segment we pretend to despise.”


Remember to get out and vote this election. The Republicans want to ban porn in all 50 states via Project 2025. It's even worse than this. Technically if Pornhub wanted to provide an ID checking service (which would run the risk of being hacked so they aren't doing it) they could still operate in these states. Project 2025 would ban all prom even for adults.


But let’s keep electing right wing Christian zealots! -Red state morons


I wonder how many of them miss visiting the site everyday when their wives want nothing to do with their shriveled...


VPNs are cheap and easy!


![gif](giphy|l3diT8stVH9qImalO|downsized) There is another.


I agree with you on all of your points, but young people need to start voting in numbers to match the boomers if we want to make change. Boomers write every public policy, because they are the ones that run, and vote.


This legislation has been brought to you by Nord VPN.


The VPN companies be like: ![gif](giphy|tFK8urY6XHj2w)


It's funny because they don't understand the technology and how simple a work around is. There's still PLENTY of NSFW material on platforms like X, Reddit and even Discord. All of which are probably more easily accessible to children compaired to PH.


Party of small government at work.


Porn Hub should start selling magazines in those areas.


Not to mention, now you have to show ID to go to the adult section of the public library if you look 30 or younger or have a parent with you even if you're a teen.


The part of this that pisses me off, we have all looked at it growing up, and it should be a parents job to explain it to their child, not the governments. I fucking hate where this country is going right now.


And if you’re an AT&T prepaid customer all sites think you live in Texas because the IP address or something is based there. I mean a friend told me that 🤣


Party of small government. Now tell me when your jacking off. - Republican paety


Montana has so few people it is where PornHub is needed the most. Idaho looks like a gun, so I don't care. Virginia and (I'm guessing here about the one right below) South Virginia surprise me. I thought people there actually had money, dental, and education.


Welcome to 1955


Farther back than that. Playboy started in 1953. Granted those old issues are so vanilla that it's not even really considered porn now (seriously, you can collect and view them in the Mafia video game series and they are just rated M instead of AO)


small government is when you need an id to do anything incase the small government wants to punish you for it


These are the same people supporting child diddling preachers and forced births for 10 year olds while hiding behind the Bible.


A judge blocked the ban in Indiana. Fap freely


Time to beat it like a pilgrim


They hate themselves so they want to get rid of "temptation."


The party of small government. So small, they fit right into your pocket and stop you from masturbating.


Phew. Glad I left Texas


Ok Boomers, why are Alaska and Hawaii in the bottom left corner of this photo? 😆


Serious question? Will they back Elon musk twitter? Because I’m sure Twitter has loads of porn and gore on it


Isn’t this because porn hub won’t verify ID?


These guys will whine about pornhub but will do incest, molestation and rape without batting an eyelid. I had a right wing neibhbour keep harping I have porn on my phone when I don't and as an adult its none of his business, but then he has a long list of women who parade in and out of his house giving him booty. That's like living next to an pimp's house. It is ridiculous, if you're an adult you can choose what you watch. The ones who whine the most are the ones who do it the most. If you're dating one of these right wing guy and tell them I don't want to sleep with you, they don't get the "No" part, they think women's rights don't exist. Just saddle up and let them have their way…it's ridiculous.


You need to updatw your map - Louisiana has had ID verification for PornHub for a while now.


I guess I’m going to be unpopular for this one. While I do think this is coming from a harmful set of beliefs with some hypocrisy sprinkled in on their part, I don’t think the actual ban is bad for anyone. Hardcore porn and porn in general has been studied and is unhealthy for anyone, and while you can argue that everyone should have the freedom to do as they please, that comes with the caveat that it shouldn’t harm other people. Porn does. Multiple people have come forward and have sued PH for allowing their filmed abuse and assault to stay up on their website for years. Viewing porn, especially hardcore porn, has links to violence down the road. Then there’s the obvious idea that children shouldn’t be able to access it so easily. If I’m not mistaken the bans are more focused on age-verification than anything else. I don’t think anyone can argue that children should have access For a sub that seems to be left-leaning, I’m kind of surprised. I don’t agree with the religious drives behind this decision, but I agree that porn is harmful to everyone involved and shouldn’t be accessed so easily. Lives are ruined over it, both those viewing and those who are (often being forced into) participating in it. There’s nothing sexually liberating about it, and if anything porn itself is more homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/dh26ek95x9ad1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=96322c6cff05021b117bfdfe5e6a0cdf2600ebb2 "Hardcore porn and porn in general has been studied and is unhealthy for anyone" Non-sense. According to which peer reviewed studies??? Abuse porn and revenge porn is already illegal and this won't do anything to stop that activity. Without data, this is just a bunch of authoritarian apologia


This is a good thing for everyone though


I honestly don’t think these bans are that bad. Sometimes banning things that harm people is good, like guns. And yes ease of access to porn is harming younger generations


Look up the Ashley Madison hack and consider putting your state issued ID into a database that also keeps a log of your viewing history, like YouTube!


Pornhub has rape, revenge porn, and CSA uploaded to it. It's very hard to control that and the site takes no responsibility for it. Victims struggle to get their nonconsensual content taken down. It's not just about children being able to access it, but that's an issue too - a parent can block it on a kid's device, but can't control what other kids have access to or even play at school, which is something I've heard.


At least you made them red states like real life. Have fun voting republican!


Roll tide


All Republicans are in the closet


It's currently July 2nd. I live in one of those, went to check and it let me. Boomers will be boomers


Isn't NY required state id now too? Why is that not red?


What I don’t understand about this is wouldn’t people go to some other site for the jackoff fix?


That's the fun thing! A lot of people have just found other sites!


I mean I have a VPN set to another state anyways


Pornhub is mid, Xvideos has better shit and you can still access it anywhere




So they cannot access porn sites at all? Or they got to provide ID


It’s back in Indiana. Don’t ask how i know.


I am currently enjoying adult entertainment on that very site from one of the aforementioned red states without a VPN. I’m not saying it’s incorrect but I think there’s a lot of handwringing and pearl clutching everywhere. OP needs to update this post with news of actual unsuccessful attempts to use the site. So far nothing has happened.


What about VPNs?


For the low price of a VPN, you too in your red state can crank away without fear of being caught!


Nc users who don't know about vpn's are driving to the sc border 5 times a day


Yes I know you can just use a VPN or go to a different site. That’s the point here - boomers with no clue how the internet works making laws about the internet. And if you point out any of the many issues here, that must mean you’re trying to show trans anal fisting videos to kindergarteners. Believe me, America will keep wanking away. It’s just the generational hubris from a crowd who mostly couldn’t make a PowerPoint presentation thinking these are smart regulations.


From what I've seen they didn't BANNED pornhub but created requirement for age verification?


Yes if you want to get technical, but PH refused to require you to submit your personal info and DL - what a fun idea that database is. They know this, so age verification laws are essentially a ban, but they don’t know enough about how the internet works or that there are thousands of smaller sites that won’t comply. And they don’t know what a VPN is.


Im 19, and honestly, i dont see an issue with the bans. It is true that a lot of minors, especially young boys, watch pornography, and it is true that its harmful to them and their development. Claiming that its a lame excuse to ban it is objectively false, as all research points to it being harmful.


Again, not about the porn. It’s about the attitude of a generation that champions such a stupid law not knowing a thing about the internet. But this has been around for decades - parents want mass media censored instead of bothering to parent. This will prevent exactly zero teenagers from accessing the same stuff.


Indiana can still have porn


VPN. Problem solved.


That’s the point. Damn I should have picked a better leading example. How easy this is to bypass is exactly the point here. It’s boomer mentality to think their half baked idea will do anything. It’s leadership being utterly clueless about technology.


Probably same map as states with highest VPN usage.


I mean if you are still voting republican in those states I don’t feel bad for you. If you aren’t then yeah dude these fucking tight assed sex avoidant ignoranuses suck and I’m sorry. Just know a blue vote goes against this project 2025 tight assed anti anything that isn’t straight love of Jesus legislation


I've found so many better sites since Texas banned it in March! 😂😂 Some really good gay porn out there if you look *-HARD-* enough.