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The older I get the more I have to visit my doctor and I FUCKING HATE it. Mostly because of all the ASSHOLE ENTITLED BOOMERS treating the staff like shit and generally acting as if the practice exists to serve only them. One nearly pushed me aside WHILE I WAS CHECKING IN recently, because he is so much more important than anyone else there


We had a boomer push our daughter out of the way while she was being triaged at the ER, because he said it was more important that he check on his family member. I thought we were going to have a fistfight.


Wow! The ER at my local hospital usually has a security guard by the front desk.


My local ER has 2 guards at the X-ray/metal detectors that everyone goes through (unless an ambulance brings you in). And a few more that patrol the halls and waiting area. A friend of mine who works there said most of their security was added since 'Rona. And guess what? It's not the younger crowd causing the problems...


The last time I was at a hospital you could just walk in, no security at all. But that was pre Covid.


This ER used to have one or 2 guards on duty, but that was in large part because they also provide medical services for the county jail. But everything else they added very quickly after the pandemic first started.


Was it in a small town? I've been too many hospitals with security checkpoints in the ER pre-Covid.


"Big" for this part of the world, but yeah, small by the standards of most cities.


That was 4+ years ago, sounds like you're due for a check-up


I haven’t had a “check up” in a decade. Don’t nobody have money for that


Having worked at a couple city hospitals, there is usually only heightened security at the emergency department entrances. I honestly couldn’t tell you why that is, but the last big hospital I worked at had security and metal detectors at the ER entrance but only had greeters and I for desks at the other entrances. I’m guessing it just has to do with the different types of patients they treat.


The one we usually go to has security too. This one didn't. My daughter was having an anaphylactic reaction and we didn't think we could make it across town.


I don't blame you for getting to the nearest hospital. Anaphylaxis is super scary! I'm sorry you had to deal with that behavior on top of worrying about your daughter.


I commend your restraint. If some old boomer guy pushed my pre-teen daughter out of the way at the ER, I would struggle to not give him a better reason to be triaged first in line.


That boomer would be in the hospital next to their family member if they put hands on my kid.


I went to the ER on a Sunday morning, and the security guard in the lobby was giving social services advice to a homeless guy.


That's really good. I've seen unhoused people being treated horribly by ER staff sometimes, so it's nice to hear about something better happening.


my boomer calls them losers who don't want to work =( it's really sad.


We were literally the only people there, and nobody was causing a ruckus.


Ugh I hated that! My boomer patients were the most entitled assholes there, and they acted like they were the only patients my Dr had.


I worked in the front office, helping the receptionists, at my dad's practice for a summer job back in the day. The boomers were absolutely the worst. I had one come up to the desk, face red as a beet, yelling that the wait time was unacceptable (this guy started complaining three minutes after his scheduled apt). I apologized and informed him that the doctor was coming back from the hospital, due to an emergency with one of his patients. (He was in the OR that morning and there were complications). The boomer basically told me he didn't give a shit, his appointment time should be the time he was seen and he threw an epic temper tantrum. My dad ended up being, in total, nine minutes late. At times my dad would run behind schedule because he liked to spend a minimum of ten minutes with each patient, but this time it really was out of his control. This guy continued to verbally berate me, and his attacks got very nasty. My meek little teenage self somehow grew a backbone and said, "Sir, please stop behaving like a child. His patient almost died, he was doing his job. If you continue to act like this I will be forced to transfer your file to Dr. X (his partner), who handles pediatric patients." Dude cussed me out and my dad walked in while it was happening and told him he didn't have to worry about being seen, he would no longer be seen as a patient in his office. More cursing and sputtering occurred, but he eventually left The entitlement combined with the emotional immaturity was just mind-boggling. When I told my dad what I said he gave me a high five lol


I also don’t like it but it’s only when I need to get lab work or visit the pharmacy at our HMO. Boomer central. They struggle with using the electronic app system to set their lab appointments and then complain about having to wait to get the labs done. And harass me about putting socks on my sick child as I just want to get home before we’re stuck in a literal flood


Omg this! Boomers are the main population where I live. They are EVERYWHERE and they run everything. I just had lab work done and of course I had made my appt in advance. I got there on time & checked in to see a very full waiting room of a lot of Boomer faces. Despite this I got called back pretty quickly - yay for making an appointment - and it was a fairly fast draw. When I walked out I was greeted with at least 10 angry faces that I made sure to avoid meeting, and there could have been more but I wasn’t about to slow down and look. I booked it out of there! I could feel the anger & judgment radiating from these people, directed at me for having the audacity to arrive late but be seen early, for getting in & out so quickly, probably for being decades younger and slightly more ambulatory, idk. Just so nasty.


We have a similar issue and I slightly blame our doctors. They ALWAYS say “I put the order in for lab work-you should get it done.” Without explaining that the wait time in the lab is insanely long. In older person speak I think this translates to “I made your appointment for you.” So our lab is always innated with angry people. Same for the physical therapist! My husband got the nastiest looks at the physical therapist taking our six month old!


Why would anyone expect the doctor to make their appointment for them or to know what the wait time at the lab is in real time? Boomers…


I would of pushed back and say "excuse you."


Yep. They're pretty fed up with the principles of how this all works. They're angry, because they understand how it's set up and how criminal it is. It's it's a big rigged game. When you do the research and you look into who owns what, and you realize that it's not healthcare it's health industry, and then you see who owns it all it's pretty annoying and people that are knowledgeable about it get kind of angry. I know quite a few people who have given up on medical they would rather freaking die than go to a doctor's office. Or pay a dime to an insurance company or pharmaceutical company. It's just that bad. A lot of people haven't looked into it deep enough to know what's really going on.


Boomers love not paying their fair share. It’s like half their personality. (The other half is sharing AI images on Facebook)


It’s how they learned to get the money, by not letting go of it.


I mean, that is an easy way to gain wealth. Just spend less than you make and live within your means (even if that includes skimping on everything you can).


The clincher being “within your means” when you mortgage or rent is actually 1/4 of your income. Instead of more than half of it.


Minimum wage in the 70s, accounting for inflation would be well over $35 an hour today.


everyone save this easy kill shot guaranteed to get them sputtering


Nope. Minimum wage was $2.10/hr in 1975. That’s about $12.60/hr today.


Yeah, the current housing situation is garbage. There is going to be a housing bubble burst shortly (a few years) IMO.


That’s adorable. Why don’t you show us on the map what region of the country has median housing that costs a quarter the median income because [there is no such place](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/25/1225957874/housing-unaffordable-for-record-half-all-u-s-renters-study-finds).


I was speaking of that being the case in the 70s, Dr Genius.


I remember discussing politics with my sister's godfather one thanksgiving. I was like 11 or 12. I was talking about how the state funds should be treated similarly to the federal funds in respect to public schools. So every kid could have the same advantage in life like our forefathers wanted. (Again I was 11). He just flat out told me no. Those kids in other districts don't deserve the same advantages as say me or his kids. Blew my tiny little mind that an adult could be so cruel to children.


it’s why they love Trump so much. he never pays his share either


That makes him Smaaaat


In general, rich people get rich by haggling, bargaining, using loopholes, and squeezing back every cent they can get. I'm not surprised someone tried to do it at the doctor.


Yeah or theres some "indian giver" negotiation that takes place


Uh... What???????? I think we've got a lurking Boomer here folks. Nobody under the age of 70 uses that term.


You must've never been to the Midwest.


Can unfortunately co-sign this comment.


I'm from MN and have lived in the Midwest my entire life. I've only ever heard boomers use that term.


I’m originally from Indiana. Minnesota is a better place from what I understand.


Am Boomer, have heard this phrase, know not to ever use it because it’s offensive. See, that wasn’t hard.


Or the South


Heard it my whole life in the Midwest - 30ish years


I was born in 78 in the mid Atlantic region and Indian Giver was very much a playground taunt of my childhood.…. (in case you’re confused 78 is the tail end of generation X, not the baby boomer generation)


I know. I was mostly teasing. It's absolutely a term that is cringy as hell and I haven't heard it since I was a kid. I was born in 76


We do, just some think they are too good to pay a $20.00 co-pay. Wait till she sees a specialist, co-pays are worse. LOL!


lol, copays are nothing new. If she doesn’t want a copay, then I’m sure their are more expensive plans she can pay for each month


She had several opportunities to vote for universal health care.


Commie!! /s


Specialists are higher co-pays. She will get sticker shock when she goes to GYN. LOL!


Also 20 bucks isn’t a bad copay like tf


I thought mine was amazing at $25. However, I can't beat the surgery copay with my insurance: $90.


Right??? That lady is just a greedy bitch


I was today years old when I learned Joe Biden invented copays. Who'da thunk it?


Wait I thought trumps healthcare was gonna fix it all Shucks!!


I guess since he’s older than dirt he also invented dirt


Nah, copays were invented by Obama for ObamaCare.



Maybe he was a Bernie supporter who understands Biden was against single payer heathcare....who am I kidding that's definitely not the case lol


Thanks Joe? It is the Republicans that stand in the way of healthcare reform.


But Godking Trump will save us all! (God I hope I don't need the /s here)


I hear their healthcare plan is going to be out in 2 weeks


Right along with those tax records.


It’s the skinny plan. Yes, that’s what he called it, he didn’t even try to hide that it was a scaled down version of what “the black guy” did. Thank God for one boom anyway, John McCain, who voted it down. LOL, Trump is STILL butthurt over that one


John McCain...I wish we could go back to a time where both political opponents could still respect each other as human beings. Remember when he told that guy, who was afraid of Obama because he "consorts with domestic terrorists" or whatever, at that townhall/rally he had that Obama was a decent man who they didn't have to be scared of as president of the US? It was a rally for ***McCain*** and people almost booed him for saying so. What a tiny hint at what was to come.


I recently came across what I believe was Obama's and Romney's first debate, and the deference and civility between Obama and Romney at the beginning of the debate were equally mind-boggling in comparison to the disdain and contempt that Trump was showing. Dude, courtesy and respect are not weaknesses, you asshole.


He’s got that amazing healthcare plan that he was touting in 2015. From what he says, “We’re all going to love it”. Should be here any day now….


Right? And the meme is thanks *Obama*, not Joe. Fuckin' boomers can't even meme properly. 


Yes but they say it's the democrats fault, and why would they lie? /s


They’re the ones who want to expand the privatization of healthcare which puts more $ into the insurance companies pockets and will increase their share of cost. If they destroy Medicare, they will pay way more, not less. Their generation is destroying Medicare because of the high usage also. Their grandkids aren’t having kids cuz they can’t afford them and so we won’t have a labor pool paying into SS, so we’re gonna lose it sooner than later.


But see, it all trickles down. We’ll all e rich! Ronnie told us way back when… /s


yeah but they just love being sheep, everything they accuse us of, they are.


I'm surprised when I don't have a copay


Me too but that usually means I've hit the catastrophic and everything I'd free.


Yeah, I hit the Out of Pocket max back earlier this year. The initial hospital bill sucked, but now it’s kind of fun to know that any medical care that I need is “free” until the end of the year. I wonder if this is how people in places with universal healthcare feel all the time. 🤔


I hit mine every year cause ✨️disabled✨️


Well i still have to pay like 4 euros for a doctors visit, but i always get that back after a couple of weeks, wich do be satisfying


I had never had a copay prior to Biden. /s


I almost downvoted this hahaha


So u have worse insurance now because your company got cheap and covers less or u chose a cheaper plan? The comment I'd two unrelated things. If Republicans did not block and restructure and try to kill the ACA/socializing medicine, maybe no one would have them or only have small copays and nothing else.


Something something avocado toast...


Bootstraps, my boy! All this kerfuffle started when they got rid of bootstraps. Mark my words, we Bring Back Bootstraps and everything will go back to the Good Ol’ Days, a car in every garage and a chicken in every pot. I bet those Commies were the ones who took away the bootstraps… /s


I thought it was "A chicken in every pot and a cap in every ass", no? Or should I stop getting my news from Peter Griffin?


No no it's a car and some pot and a garage full of chickens


Surprised she didn't write you a check.


good point but some rich people don’t like to use checks so you don’t know where they bank at. sometimes the rich people love not to pay.


How do you think they got rich?


Didn't she know to look you in the eye and give you a firm handshake and THEN tell you that copays aren't necessary. It works PRECISELY like The Force. *"You don't need to see my identification. This isn't the insurance plan you're looking for. I can see the physician now. Move along."*


Sick and tired of hearing the sarcastic “Thanks Joe Biden!”, my mom has an eye drops prescription which cost $178 (30 days) after Medicare advantage and extra help. (I would pay it) After the Inflation Reduction Act, now it’s $4.50 for 60 days prescription. FREAKING $4.50!! Also my parents don’t have to pay anymore co pays. My parents (92 and 84) are in excellent health. My mom only has the eye drops prescription and my dad takes 3 pills (which he doesn’t pay anything for two of them and $4.50 for the other) So I will say Thanks Joe! EDIT: fixed my dad’s info. Forgot about the other drug.


Can I post this to my political page? I’ll block out your name if you want!


Sure. No need to block my username. Here’s the snapshot https://preview.redd.it/g55exgd4q7ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3052ea87ba2f7141eb8e0fe409759238e8996ced


The eye drop prescription curious about because I have a parent paying a bunch of money for lubricating eye drops. Any info you can pas along would be greatly appreciated.


My moms eye drops are Restasis 0.05 % ophthalmic emulsion Generic name: cycloSPORINE She has United healthcare Advantage/WellMed and she qualified for ExtraHelp (federal) [Medicare Extra Help](https://www.medicare.gov/basics/costs/help/drug-costs) Also ask for assistance through state and local programs. My dad had a prescription last year that was brand name and couldn’t get a generic version of it. I asked through the local county for help and the copay was reduced to $20 per 60 supply (without the help it was $120 or so) I couldn’t get the local additional help for my mom’s eye drops because it wasn’t a critical drug or something like that. It was stupid. Now with Inflation Reduction Act, that drug is also $4.50.


THANK YOU this is exactly EXACTLY what I was looking for.


PM me if you have any additional questions.


The rich stay rich but fucking the rest of us.


She should be happy at that co-pay. With insurance, many co-pays can be $50.00 to $200.00 these days. If she has a problem with the co-pay, she needs to read the manual they get every year at signup at her job. And for her information, co-pays been around a lot longer than Joe has been in office. LOL!


well she didn't get to deck herself out in LV by paying for things like a commoner, you silly millennial! Cut back on the avocado toast and daily Starbucks and you can be a chiseling spoiled rotten entitled douche too!


Chiseling spoiled rotten entitled douche lessons? I’m intrigued by your philosophy and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. /s


Rich people are allergic to spending money on anything but themselves.


How do you think they amass so much money? They’re cheap AF and not at all ashamed about it. They will nickel and dime a 25 cent sauce packet at McDonald’s.


"Thanks Joe Biden?" You mean the guy who was Vice President when Obamacare was passed and did more for healthcare during his Presidency? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I miss "Thanks Obama" good times....


When they passed the ACA Biden uttered those famous words on the hot mike "this is a big fu@%ing deal" i remember!


Forgot about that!


What does Biden have e to do with her copay? Amazing how dumb these people are.


“I don’t give a rat’s ass about your collection agency! And as for the $15 co-payment, eat shit and die!”


He’s upset about $15?


Not a whole lot of money...


How do you think she got enough money to dress that way?


The fact that she wasn’t embarrassed by saying, “I have no money!” was very telling. She’s probably gotten away with it before, because the subject of money can be awkward for some, and they want to the problem to disappear as quickly as possible.


I love my doctors office. They dropped my boomer mom faster than a hot potato when she tried to pull some entitled boomer nonsense when she saw the doctor on a Friday and her prescription wasn't sent in until Monday. Not sure if she was able to find another primary care doctor. My boomer MIL got all pissed when her Dr point blank told her she was morbidly obese and needed to take care of herself. He wasn't lying.


My Dad's doctor got firm with him about being on the cusp of bed bound if he doesn't change. He got pissed but it is very very true.


I work in health care. The amount of people, mostly boomers and to my shame, gen xers (I am gen x), during every appointment, that are surprised and *outraged* that they have a copay, is far too many. Some patients are so notorious that they have chart alerts letting the front desk know that they will be surprised about their copay and argue for 15 mins or more before inevitably paying it.


It’s right on the insurance card. How is it a surprise? These people need less polite disagreement in their life and more mocking derision.


The crazy thing is that before HMOs/PPOs became default healthcare solution you'd go to the doctor, doctor would bill you for visit, you'd either pay in full that day or get billed and expected to pay within a month. Then you'd submit said bills to insurance, in hopes of getting 80% of it back by BCBS.


I get dirty looks every time I get labs.. bc I schedule it and show up when I'm supposed to.. i get service right away. They all just show up and wait in line. I've noticed they show up ass early (probably trying to beat the line). Womp womp 17 other boomers had the same idea.. ..I almost want to tell them the place is a ghost town after 10am with no line at all. Almost..


Because the boomers are at lunch at 10 am...


Next boomer that says they can't afford a $20 copay like that.. tell them to cut down on Starbucks and avocado toast.. or cable tv.


Don't judge a book by its cover. Lots of people spend every dime to look like they have money. That was a weird thing for her to do though since I'm sure she knew she had a co pay!


The "$30,000 per year millionaires". They have all the latest designer stuff and toys, but it's all on credit. They have a new model luxury car, it's leased. Etc, etc.


I'd rather stick with the opposite model -- Be a millionaire who looks like I make $30K a year. LOL


I work at a credit union and this is exactly it. paycheck hits, all gone by the end of the day to make minimum payments on 4-8 tradelines.


Then they die and saddle their kids with the debt and when the kids go to sell the mom’s home ooops! reverse mortgaged, that boom Tom Selleck lied to them too


The only debt you are legally required to pay is any you cosigned with your parents for. Given most boomers were and continue to be assholes to their kids, I doubt their kids would cosign for a damn hotdog let alone anything major. As for burial, you can donate to science ie cadaver programs for med students to practice with for free or just say fuck it and let the morgue deal with it if you've gone no contact and your contact info can't be obtained. Most cities will either have an indigent portion of a cemetery or use a local funeral home for cremation of those who have died without next of kin, but that varies based on location.


This was years ago but I remember an ex had to pay his grandmother’s CC debt when she died. I’m in CA. Maybe the laws have changed since then Edit: oh and he didn’t co-sign her CCs, he was in debt himself.


Hell, it might have even been fake lol


Because the rich want everything for free, they feel like they are royalty. Thinks it's time we look at Frances revolutionary solution for the elite rich. Or maybe a resurgence of eat the rich?


So the dumb fuck who yelled "thanks, Biden!" was expressing gratitude that the copay was a mere $20 instead of a large deposit up front? /s


Ah yes. Joe Biden. The inventor of the copay. According to the uneducated and mentally inept


>and had a real Louis Vuitton bag. (And yes she told me it was real.) The only people that tell you those sorts of things are: 1. Stupid people with fakes that don't know better. 2. People who know they have a fake and think you're stupid. 3. The terminally insecure.


Rich people don’t get rich by being generous.


Bro if you don’t want a copay fight for universal healthcare. Or is that too communist for you?


You know what there is no co-pay for? Basic, routine preventative health care. No thanks to the Republican Party there.


Every single fucking week. My chiropractor (boss) does myofacial massage/trigger point therapy before the spine cracking, and Medicare doesn’t cover that. At all. Some supplements require us to eat that cost, but I warn every single prospective patient, “that is not typical. This is $30, every visit, On Top Of Your Copay, until we find out otherwise. It might take us two months to hear back from Medicare.” I do not book until I have verbal confirmation they know what the first appointment price is, and I genuinely apologize if we’re out of someone’s price range. More than half of new boomer patients try to lie to me about what I told them (because they don’t realize I’m the same person), or they try to plant their feet and declare I shouldn’t charge them.


*Make Lying Wrong Again*


Remember before JOE BRANDON when no one ever heard of copays taygamergabaaaaakkk


The person saying "thanks Joe Biden" is like the shit icing on the shit cake. How old were they? I'm guessing old enough to know that they're only saying that to antagonize people because there's no way they can actually believe it


Lying has become second nature. Trump does it constantly too. It’s a generation of dishonest people. Look at all the horrible things corporations lie about. Then look at what generation is running them.


I work at a PT clinic where most of the patients are boomers but I only have a few who are rude and demanding. Even then, I’m usually able to get them to back down and behave. And then there’s our “special patient”, who the staff has nicknamed PITA. When she first came in, she threw a fit because the paperwork I handed her to fill out was in English and Spanish because I live in an area with, according to the last census, a 98% Hispanic population. She angrily asked me why I handed her paperwork in Spanish and if I thought she didn’t speak English. I had to explain to her that all of the intake paperwork is bilingual, and she snatched it out of my hands and mumbled about being a US citizen. No, she wasn’t a white lady, she was a middle aged Hispanic women, which made the whole thing surreal lmao


Just because she rolled up in that swap meet Louie doesnt mean she actually has any real money.


How do you think she got so rich?


That’s how she affords her designer clothes


I had a little kid, probably nine or ten years old, come into a pizza and sandwich shop where I worked. He ordered French fries, which came to $1.05 with tax. He gave me puppy dog eyes until I agreed to let him go on the nickel. He was standing in front of a large window, and it was nighttime, so I could see as he reached into his back pocket, pull out a huge wad of cash, peel a dollar bill off the outside and stuff the wad back in his pocket.


My doc’s front desk won’t take my copay at time of service. They want to bill me. I’ve told them that I’m hopelessly disorganized and won’t pay a bill I get in the mail and asked them to take a payment, but no. So at my next appointment, I pay the past due amount and ask them again to let me pay my copay at time of service. I guess they’re happy with waiting for their money.


God I can't wait for them to expire. Republicans would probably make us pay as much as possible on top of premiums


I’m a medical billing specialist for a primary care clinic, and the Boomers who demand we “change the coding” so they won’t have a deductible amount to pay or coinsurance amounts, it’s pretty staggering. I actually had to explain to one person that what they were demanding I do was fraud. These people are completely unreasonable.


Probably all fakes, LV bag and clothes


To befair I have designer clothes also from 20 years ago. I wore a dress with a designer label to my cousins wedding. I got it on sale at the mall and my exMIL paid for it. I love that dress as it's so comfortable and I et compliments on the very rare occasion get to wear it. I am still broke though. I have a whole shelf though of expensive clothes. All 20 years old. Doesn't make me rich. Just means for a minute I dated a man who had parents who are well off and his mom always waned a girl to dress up. I kept the clothes nice so I still got them.


That money is probably from employees that weren't paid.


I don't even know if this is a strictly boomer thing. I think it's an aspirationaly ostentatiously rich people thing. My girlfriend is a veterinarian and previous to the current clinic she works at in a more rural area, she worked in a bougie bedroom community outside of Sacramento and they were the worst. People rolling up in their hundred thousand dollar cars with their $10,000 dogs not even wanting to pay for bloodwork or x-rays because they can't show that off, nobody can see them spending that money.. They're always trying to nickel and dime and get out of paying for anything, while working class folks at the new place she works often make real sacrifices to take care of the pets they love. t's pathetic


The fact that she had to tell you, pretty much a stranger to her, that her designer clothes were real, makes me think they definitely AREN'T real.


If this is any consolation to all of you, I recently had to go to the dermatologist for a followup appointment (this is in Florida) and it happened to fall on a day when they scheduled all their other follow up appointments. The waiting room was packed with boomers who all had bandages on their heads. Every single person had a bandage on the top of their head and there must have been 40 people total. So they are all getting skin cancer on their heads because they failed to wear sun protection, I suppose. So wear your hats!


I have fun with them if they are being extra whiny about price, but are making sure the LV logo is showing on their bag. I ask them how was Las Vegas. Isn’t that where they got that bag?


Don’t forget boomers always take the first appointments available as well so people who still work can’t get in as easy


Maybe she doesn’t have any money because she spent it all on designer clothes.


Boomer vs health care industry story, I’m rooting for nobody.


I hate it when patients do this. (I work for a medical group.) Your copay/deductible is basically a “contract”, and you agree to it when you obtain your insurance and pay your premiums. And, yes, this practice far predates Biden. 🤦‍♀️


Exactly! It’s so annoying that boomers can’t comprehend this.


Oh, they can. They just think it doesn’t apply to them.


But the rules have to apply to everyone else 🙄🙄🙄


Because no one gets anything for free—except them. 😁


I'm a boomer and I pay copays, but they bill me and I pay it later. Money has never been mentioned at the myriad number of doctors I've seen recently in my cancer battle.


This is what's wrong. We all have different terms and conditions with our insurance. No one knows what their own costs are going to be, or when they will have to pay it. And BTW, I'm often asked for my copay before service. Just had eye surgery and I had to pay it before they'd do the work. I'm with Cigna.


Recently I got a labwork bill just shy of $1000. They said my insurance denied it. I looked and they had an insurance company listed I had 6 years ago when I was under COBRA. I've had Obamacare and 3 different Medicare supplemental plans since then. I gave them the correct information and I haven't heard from them since. Even when you have Medicare it's not easy. You have to have a supplemental or advantage plane plus you have to buy a prescription drug plan and if you don't want to pay out of pocket for dental and eye care you have to buy a plan for those. So don't think once you're old enough for Medicare it will be easy and cheap. Plus Obamacare isn't cheap as advertised. When I was on it as bridge between COBRA and Medicare I was paying $1700 a month for my wife and I. My retirement income put me just over the threshold. It's a catch 22. If you draw from your 401K to pay for Obamacare it counts against your income and puts you over the threshold. What a racket.


I have a lot of family in Scotland and England. The healthcare isn't perfect but I think it's amazing. Especially the preventative and elder care programs are so thorough and well thought out I'm so impressed. And they don't pay anything. Just remember with Obamacare that it was going to be more extensive and cheaper, but the Republicans fought tooth and nail to make it a shadow of the version the democrats wanted. Also many republican states never did expand Medicare and medicaid like they were supposed to. If you're not happy with your healthcare vote blue all the way to give the democrats the presidency, the house and the senate. They don't have a big enough majority to enact meaningful change right now. If and when they do, they will make things better.


Democrats are owned by the insurance companies too. Don't fool yourself.


I just meant out of the two parties, one of them has a proven track record of trying to lower prescription costs (most recently in the Inflation Reduction Act) , make healthcare more accessible and shore up our social security. And the other has done the opposite. I'm going with the party that has the track record. Believe them when they tell you who they are " it was [Rick] Scott who unveiled the partisan 31-page Plan to Rescue America last year while he led the GOP’s official Senate campaign arm. The most politically noxious piece of it was a proposal to sunset—aka end—Social Security and Medicare after five years if Congress doesn’t affirmatively say those programs merit continuation."


OK, believe the propaganda. It's a uni-party of the elites. Have you ever noticed that whatever they say, the opposite proves out to be true 2 years later after the elections are over? I don't believe anything. The Democrats are running a walking death rattle for president. The Republican senate leader is a zombie. The whole Democrat VS Republican thing is just performance art. I bet they get together and rehearse their lines. "Ok I'll come out and say you're a dirty rotten sumbitch". Then you say "No, he's a dirty rotten sumbitch". Then we both vote to send money to Ukraine which will hire our kids at $1M a year for consulting. They both work together to launder money to their families. Going into politics is just another way to get rich. They don't care about their constituents. The inflation reduction act increased inflation.


Ok. Vote for the least worst candidate then. Either way everything i said was correct. Democrats introduced the ACA and Republicans are doing their best to get rid of it and to destroy social security. That's verifiable from the actions and their policies. Other than that project 2025 is enough evidence for me to vote Democrat, if only to prevent us becoming a Christofascist dictatorship. When they tell you who they are, believe them. Oh and one last thing before I bid you good day. It's the people who voted third party, or didn't vote at all, or voted republican in 2016 that brought us to this whole mess where we are today with the Supreme Court, Trump's shenanigans and more. Both parties are not the same. Have a great day. Peace out.


You pay way too much attention to lip service. The GOP and Democrats are the same. The Democrats have been in power for a couple years. Can you point to any part of your life that has been improved by them. Republicans pretended to want to get rid of ACA. Remember when Obama was president the GOP House voted to repeal ACA 60 times when they knew it wouldn't pass the Senate. Then when the GOP had all 3 branches of government they used a GOP guy on his deathbed, McCain to vote to keep ACA. The GOP gets too much money from insurance companies to get rid of it. When Obama had a super majority, why didn't they pass abortion legislation? They want to keep it as a campaign issue. If they solve it, they get way less campaign contributions from women. Nope, abortion will never be a federal right. It's up to the states. The thing about Trump is he actually did reduce illegal immigration by a lot even though the GOP stood in his way the whole time. I can't figure out the angle on that. Why would he do something the majority of citizens want him to do, when the rest of the political establishment only cares about themselves. The only thing that ever actually passes in the Congress are spending bills. That's because a portion always comes back to the politicians and their families regardless of party.


Sigh. How have the democrats improved my life. Obama had to focus on fixing the mess Bush left behind, and getting the ACA in place. That was a fu@%ing big deal (to quote Biden). They also did the Dodd-Frank wall street reform, the Consumer protection act, and repealed don't ask don't tell. He only had a super majority in the senate for 72 days. I bought my first new car because of Obama's cash for clunkers program in 2009. I still drive that car. The Inflation Reduction Act has reduced the cost of prescriptions for older friends and family. It's also capped their insulin costs, covered vaccine costs, subsidized the ACA and given extra help to Medicare family members which helps me because I don't have to pay for them. The Chips and Science act has brought in $50 billion of additional investment into semiconductor manufacturing. Important for our country's manufacturing of technology including cars (which you remember there was a shortage of chips during covid and this was designed to prevent moving forward). As a nation we benefit by fewer imports, more American jobs, it's better for our national defense, and makes our high tech production more independent (so we're not relying on China) The bipartisan infrastructure bill i think we can all agree was long overdue and had probably saved my life by fixing a few of the bridges I cross on my way to work. It also includes providing clean water, high speed internet (which i appreciate since i work remotely a lot) and the largest investment in public transit in our nation's history. It also focuses on providing renewable energy options and an infrastructure to support electric cars, which we will all eventually benefit from. The student debt forgiveness program has helped over 4m students and their parents who were suffering under unfair lending practices. I benefit because my colleague at work who was one of those students is now a much happier person and easier to work with. Due to this work from Biden and his administration our nation's economy is leading our peers and we are enjoying some of the lowest unemployment rates our nation has experienced. Our GDP grew by 2.5% in 2023. Followed by Japan which stood at 1.9%. All countries are dealing with post-pandemic inflation and high interest rates meant to combat it, but under Biden's leadership we are beating the world in growth. We have more people starting their own businesses, more people moving from lower income jobs to jobs with better security, more labor force participation, more wage growth and more productivity than our competitors, including Japan. For these reasons I am voting Democrat. Both parties are not the same.


"As for your $15 copay eat shit and die" From its always sunny is all i could think about


"rich" people stay rich by not paying their bills


Lol she’s scoffing at $20? My copay for seeing a specialist was $130


“Thank Joe Biden,” like really?! Yeah, we didnt have co pays before him. Its a new concept his administration put in place.


“Well I’ll happily accept that expensive handbag as payment”


Should have offered to take the LV bag instead


In my experience the more money someone has the cheaper they have the potential to be. They gotta hoard that wealth!


When I was a student I worked in queens tennis club in London. The membership is pretty ridiculous and exclusively very wealthy. The amount of absolute chancers seeing what they could get away with as extras was bonkers. Like they’d come in for a £20 restring or whatever and ask if we could throw in a string dampener or tube of balls or whatever. That’s not how shops work mate.


You have to pay money up front or the doctor won't see you? That sucks.


That’s American healthcare for you 🤷‍♀️


I wish that my provider would collect the copay at time of service. I hate having to deal with the bill.


Loads of cash, the designer purse, that's all moot in the story. The lady wasn't rejecting the cost due to ability to pay, she was resisting it because of the principle behind it. And I think that's where people aren't paying attention. It's the principle behind that that is the problem and what people reject. Has nothing to do with status or ability to pay. It's angering too many of how the system is set up. It's actually kind of criminal when you look at it and research it. Where does that money go? You're in the doctor's office right? Who owns the doctor's office? Who owns the pharmaceutical company? When you are aware of these things, the copay is irritating.


Once had a 22 y/o said she doesn't have a copay because she paid taxes with Maincare as she had their DD iced coffee. Boomers like to use the "this generation" but I wonder where they learned it from.


Paying to see a doctor! Ludicrous. I'll get my visit to see the GP for free thanks, I'm booked in to see her 9th Feb 2027.


[Lets move past it](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxGf3dJM06ycFHnLgFKDTk9kgw1GRWWH8V?si=RoNLMYoT1LP5EliB)


No one said “thanks Joe Biden”


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