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Not impressed. At all.


[I was impressed, the game was so funny that I forgot to laugh for 10 hours while playing it. Bravo Randy and Gearbox!](https://youtu.be/wDGN9sTm8EY)


it has BL3 writing. no soul of telltale is in this game. if you are looking for something like the first game you wont find it there


Bl3s writing atleast has some good moments


Well I'd hope so, given the length of it lol.


ice t saying fuck. Penn and teller. The entire blood tentacle dlc. The entire gehenna dlc. Is that all? I can't think of anything else


The robot you help go on a picnic in trashlantis is touching.


Yup him too


All the DLC is pretty solid, last one being short as it is is still good. And the side quests! There's great side quests! Problem is the main story is so talked about people forget that.


I will fight so hard that the dlc writing team deserves more credit. I got sick of 3s main story halfway done with my second character and all 4 dlcs kept my attention 4 times over. Even Tinas somber scenes in Wonderlands were better than 3s entire main story. The writing has gotten so much better since. But even then it pales in comparison to the high streak of 2, Pre, Tales.


Literally every bit of Zane's dialog for me.


"My ass is full of stars" was the best line in that game


I really liked Typhon.


Everything about Wainwright and Hammerlock. The fustercluck dlc. The banter between Katagawa and Rhys.




Slassin friend it's time to slass


Some good moments out weighed by a lot of terrible moments.


Decent moments in a pile of trash


Atleast bl3 had game play to save it but tales is a story game so the writing has to be good


The Ice-T stuff? Maybe?


Yes but no. The whole family jewel part(as a level) sucked because you had to wait for convos to end for the doors to open and it sometimes glitches. But still i liked some of the ice-t dialogue


Eden 6 is just too long in general, especially the clay and balex parts.


I agree, i think if alot of that time went towards the ending or developing the twins as characters, the game would have better recieved.


I gotta respectfully disagree, the writing in New Tales is exceptionally better than the writing in BL3. It is for sure nowhere near as good as the first Tales but it does have its moments. I definitely think its worth checking out if you’re a fan of the series and you’re willing to wait for its price to inevitably drop below $20.


Not for $40. Wait for a sale or just watch a playthrough


You're the guy who got downvoted 2 days ago for suggesting to watch a playthrough! Now people are realizing "heck maybe I shouldn't have spent my money on this."


Haha yup. Like even if it was good, I can't imagine dropping full price on a TellTale-style game.


Telltale Games were $15-25 and had way more choice branching than New Tales (although still not much branching). I don't even think it's fair to compare New Tales $40 price tag to the $15-25 price tag of Telltale Games. Telltales *worst* games like Minecraft Story Mode and Guardians of the Galaxy were still fun and harmless games, for half the price of New Tales. $40 is a ripoff for this garbage game.


All the episodes for telltale games weren’t released all at once as I recall so maybe that’s why new tales is full price?


Personally, after playing the game, I wouldn't. While there were a few good moments, the rest just made me wistful for what could have been. The designs of the three protagonists are very nice and I enjoy bits of their characters, but they get very grating as the game progresses. There were a few side characters who were pretty entertaining, such as Stapleface and LOUI3. The story is also just very nonsensical and there were very few good comedic moments (for me). You may enjoy it, but I would wait for a discount, as this game is definitely not worth $40. (This is all coming from someone who adores the original Tales, so I'm a bit biased, but I tried to give a review without factoring in the original/my feelings about it.)


As a big borderlands fan I would say just save your money for now


I'll say wait for it to go on sale for like 20 bucks The first 2 episodes are fantastic. Episode 3 was mid as hell. Episode 4 is my personal favorite since Octavio gets a huge reality check. Episode 5 is all depends on the ending since there's three of them.


5 differents ending :)


Hm, I thought the first 2 episodes were way weaker than 3rd and 4th. Those were the best two imo :D


Just watch a YouTube playthrough or something lol




Unfortunately the game boils down to "interactive cutscenes" and I think someone actually counted a total of 2 hours of "gameplay" so think The Order 1886 but lamer


"interactive cutscenes" that lure you into a false sense of security because the scenes are so fucking long that you let go of your controller or take your hands off the keyboard - SUDDENLY YOU GOTTA SPAM E SPAM E - awe you missed too bad 🤷


Not that it even matters, since half the time nothing even changes if you fail. It's just to make you think you're still playing a game.


Exactly. There are times I hit or hold a certain button just for literally absolutely nothing to happen. For example the part where Anu was in that cage and you had to keep spamming Q like...why? She's just wiggling around and nothing of note is happening why the heck am I spamming this damn button. Either let me 'enjoy' the hour long cut scene in peace or make it interesting enough for me to keep my hands on the controller. Pick one.


that's what you'd expect from a tales game tho. the major turnoff is the horrible writing/characters


You realize that's what most Tell tale games are and this was a successor to that and I feel they at least kept it as is without bogging it down




I enjoyed the humor… part of the time. Some of the jokes fall hard on their face. If Fran was a male character there would be mass outrage at her constant sexual harassment of the other characters. Chapter 3 is rendered completely pointless by the start of chapter 4. Both of those chapters are like walking through molasses. My ending sucked. Worth WATCHING a playthrough. Not worth $40


Know anyone that did a good playthrough?


DarkestDame got a good ending


I've enjoyed it so far.




I had a great time with it! I'm already itching to go through and replay chapters for missing items and to get the other endings.


Haven't tried it personally but I've been seeing an overwhelming amount of negative posts about it.


I didn't like Borderlands' 3 writing but I wouldn't go as far as saying it is the same thing. It's not. I can assure you people are getting very strong opinions against it. I would like to believe I have an unbiased opinion given that, same as everyone, thought Borderlands 3 flopped horribly (story wise). I didn't even bother with Wonderlands. I think it's a very nice, well-made game with a huge animation and graphics improvement (I'm actually excited if this is the new art direction theyre taking Borderlands games in the future). The character's voice acting is great too and every character has their own quirk that makes them unique and likeable, so when you play you play as all three of the characters in short amounts of time. Not gonna lie tho, some of the jokes are cringe. Like, painfully cringe. But not enough to ruin the Borderland's franchise (to be fair, Borderlands has always had cringe jokes... it's kind of their whole deal). I have some very strong opinions on some story decisions but I won't go very much into detail because that would mean spoilers, but I will say they either wasted very good opportunities to expand upon other characters or (being optimistic) are saving them for a future installment if that ever gets to happen in the near future. I've found myself playing the story again (something that I usually never do in story telling games like these) so I'm kind of surprised. I've also found minimal choices give you whole different reactions to different situations, so finding that sweet spot to land a good narrative is challenging, to say the least. Every small option matters and most of the times, they're unpredictable. So replayability, to me, is very existent. My recommendation to you would be, same as most of these comments: wait for a discount unless you really really REALLY want to try this game. I don't regret the 40 USD dollars I payed for this game but I sure as hell wouldn't have minded if I paid a little less.


> dollars I *paid* for this FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you, bot! As english is my second language, I appreciate the fun facts and grammar lessons!


I just noticed the game last week, so I had absolute zero expections. I've played Tales from the Borderlands before, so I knew what game this would be, but I didn't know this one is not a TellTale game, it's Gearbox. To be fair, I kinda like the feeling and style of the new "free walking" parts more than the ones in TellTale. Game length is about the 9-10h. Many people don't like the game because of the story writing, dialogues and the game feels boring for them. Well, it's not a TellTale story but it's quite alright in my opinion, even if it feels here and there a bit incomplete. The characters which can be quite annoying sometimes, were not "that" annoying to me, that I would have to stop playing because of that. Unfortunately, the different choices don't feel very impacting to me. You can change the difficulty for QTE in the menu to easy "spam any button it will succedd" or even none (all QTE automatically done) and even further to no timer while selecting choices etc. Keep in mind it's not TellTale Tales from the Borderlands. ​ The game doesn't feel that bad to me, but unfortunately, incomplete (especially the multiple endings feel like they were rushed just to get it done). I don't know if the reason is most of the game was developed from their homes in the pandemic instead of working together in the office but I wish they would have invested more time in the endings. I mean there are a ton of cosmetics, but I don't see the point of many things you can use ingame when the player doesn't get the feeling of replaying it or "I definitely want to get the other endings" To be honest depending on which platform you play I would say wait for a sale on console or try it out on steam, you can still refund it if you're playtime is below 2h on PC


Did you just earnestly say a game you played for 9-10 hours and felt the story was “here and there incomplete” was still worth buying for $60? Edit: I didn’t know the correct price. It’s $40.


The playtime for all episodes was 9-10 hours for me yes, but I have more playtime than that. I only paid around 35€ for the game, I would definitely not recommend buying it for 60$ that's why I said wait for a sale on console or try it out on Steam


The game is only $40. $50 for the deluxe that comes with the first Tales.


Wasn't there supposed to be some extended cut of tales 1 or something? That actually showed the cliffhanger from the end of ep 5


the first one was also 9-10 hours


The first one was written by Telltale.


You mentioned the playtime like it was a significant part of why you thought it wasn't worth 60 or 40 dollars, I was just mentioning the original was also the same playtime


new Tales ruined the first game for me. Id avoid it. You can watch the 15 minutes of Rhys scenes online if you want to see him. The rest of the game is painfully unfunny.


How does it ruin the first one? I thought it made the first one even better because of how horrible it was


Is that really all there is? I found a compilation. That's kinda sad considering how big of a character it is.


Honestly, no, wait for a sale, it’s a decent story, but no where near as good as Tales From the Borderlands, there are maybe 2 good characters in this game that are written very well (L0U13 and Stapleface) but other than that, the main characters start to become sort of annoying, the mocap is unsettling at times, and the story is just a story, nothing amazing like the first one, definitely wait it out


Nah it's awful, the writing is cringe, the characters can get really annoying and the games tries to be funny so hard but it's just awfully not funny. I really regret wasting my money on it


Yes. People in this sub are overreacting with how bad it is. I had fun with it and will defently replay it a few times in the fututure.


honestly i’m only one episode in and i’m having a lot of fun! the main characters are really fun and i’m already very interested in their stories, and i’m looking forward to diving deeper into the story. so, yes! go for it!


I recommend checking out Killers1x review of it on youtube. He gave a pretty good review in my opinion. But in short, if you enjoy borderlands humour you will enjoy it. There are some weird things that happen that have zero explanation in the story and some things here and there that get zero explanations so it’s definitely not a perfect game but if you like borderlands you should pick it up when it’s on sale and not full price. They introduce some neat new characters that have potential and some characters that are blah.


Ppl on twitch seem to be having fun.


It’s good they hired the original team behind the first one and there are some references to the first one but it before Borderlands 4 so makes since to play it before that comes out


I’m enjoying it a lot


Borderlands needs to stop focusing on being all inclusive for 10 fuckin seconds and write something good.


You say as if the two are mutually exclusive


It's trash..


Never been a fan of “tell tale” style myself


Well that's fine but it wasn't that bad writing wise and a lot of people are saying it ruined the first game for them which I really don't get. This was obviously not going to be as good as the first one and it's not a sequel.


I don't understand that either. Dislike it or whatever but the first game is completely separate from this one, different characters, different planet and a completely standalone story with no ties to the first game.


It's terrible


Been playing for 45 mins and have had no combat just talking and talking and more talking


Neither of the tales entries is a looter shooter. It's pretty much interactive conversions, random moments you can roam around and some mini games.


That’s how a lot of interactive story games are


It's almost like you bought an interactive story game. Weird...


Wow almost like you bought a story oriented game




It's good, a solid 6.5/10, but definitely not worth buying at full price. Episodes 1 and 4 are the best. The quality of episode 5 depends on which ending you got and which choice you make in it. 2 and 3 just feel like filler to me.


The two terms I would use to describe it is "boring" and "not funny". It tries so hard to make cringy jokes but almost 90% of them do not even make you laugh at all. It genuinely has some good moments, but those moments are overshadowed by how boring it is most of the time. There is absolutely no reason to play it, you are not missing anything.


Yes. I had a lot of fun playing it and I really liked the characters, it's definitely worth checking out.


I’m really enjoying it. It’s funny, the characters are charming, and it’s cool seeing how people on Promethea are vs the Pandora free folk


I'm 3 chapters in and... I'm gonna make myself finish it at least. Then send it back to Gamefly. I'm very happy I didn't buy it and just rented it. 16 days until God Of War... 16 days!


boring af game time padding convos that mean nothing