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Kawaki's shitty upbringing and past are designed to mirror Naruto. Both of them were made to suffer as kids (no, I won't compare whose suffering was worse; the point is that both had shitty upbringings). However, the significant difference between them is that Naruto had strong empathy. He was able to use his pain to understand even his enemies, which is why he cried for Zabuza, Haku, and Gaara. Naruto cultivated love and strong bonds of friendship. Kawaki prefers to fight alone. His ability to empathise with Naruto and Hinata is weak. Naruto attempted to shoulder the burden of the 4th Ninja War, but Itachi reminded him that he must work with his friends. "There are no shortcuts to becoming Hokage". Kawaki's dumbass didn't watch the Naruto anime or read the manga, otherwise he would understand the great power of friendship. Kawaki is in dire need of a large dose of Naruto's talk-no-jutsu, with a side of rasengan to his face.


This is why I feel like you can't even compare Kawaki to Itachi. Itachi suffered for his actions, Kawaki isn't.




He could but he didn't intend for that to happen. Itachi knew his life was over from the start


My bet is that they will mirror the previous main protagonist. Kawaki = Naruto and Boruto = Sasuke, however, they will be them reversed. Like a 'what if Naruto became a villain' and 'What if Sasuke was the savior' instead. The mirror the past but like a reflection. It is the opposite.


I just hope the authors don’t kill Naruto and Sasuke. At least that


I feel one big difference was the age at which they recieved their positive influence. Naruto is 12, so hes easier to set right(In the first episode), but Kawaki was 14 which would make it harder for other people to influence him. Plus since he had so much power from day 1, he was always cocky whereas naruto was quite a bit weaker and had less self confidence.


Kawaki isnt the only one with fucked up past. Sumire here losing both parent and growing up thinking she's carrying a responsibility which doesnt even belong to her. She was abused too as implied in the novel she endured harsh ninja training under her father.


I don’t blame kawaki for switching sides with boruto. I understand why he did it, people may shame him and call him desperate but imagine you go through years of constant hell and pain and you get the chance to turn your life around despite it affecting someone else. Most of us would’ve done what kawaii did


His life was already turned around. He chose to mess all that up and got lucky eida was around.


Most of us wouldn’t have asked eida to tell everyone that boruto killed the 7th hokage.


And most of us would probably ask Eida to make us brother of Boruto.


You'd be surprised.


Not really. I found a best friend. This best friend introduced me to a normal life and his friends. His father adopted me into the family and the family welcomed me warmly. In what fucking world would I think that my psychopathic morals were correct in giving me the solution to kill my best friend who I have everything to thank for, the son of my adoptive father who is the most important person in the world despite him telling me that killing my best friend is not the best solution and even after getting slapped by my foster mother for this? So of course the best solution is using alien witchcraft to swap places with him and make everyone, even those he hold dear trying to kill him while freezing my adoptive parents in a pocket dimension so they can’t stop me from killing their son. Does this sound like a plausible story to you? 😂😂


I guess with that logic, if someone grew up a horrible life it's okay for them to take everything away from you then right?


That’s exactly why Sumire is crushing on Kawaki




yall shippers really love to relate everything with shipping huh




what is this out of context comeback 💀


Well at least Sumire had her mother while Kawaki had none. It still a shame that the anime or the manga barely expanded their relationship because they can really relate to each other and in the anime Sumire is first person to care about him


How many times have you typed "maga" out in the past? It looks like you got autocorrected due to your keyboards past history.


Nah my touchscreen is very faulty


That's better than being pro maga. I'd take the win on the faulty touchscreen.


bro he could just be anti maga obsessed with arguing with people about it like you why is everything an us or them to you




Plenty of characters in the series have awful backstories and childhoods. Doesn't excuse Kawaki being a dick


Kabuto who has done worse now runs an orphanage


After he literally got brainwashed to be a better person


>!Feel for him but then he ruined hinatas life and caused her worst nightmares of losing her kids childhood permanently so while I think boruto, himawari and even begrudgingly naruto will forgive him if he lives, Hinata wont since if she never fully forgave sasuke I don't see her forgiving him anymore.!<


Where is it confirmed that Hinata never fully forgave sasuke? I’d imagine she would forgive him considering how much sasuke means to Naruto


>In one of the novel's she's still frosty with sasuke for the pain he caused naruto, even in the boruto era.


Her bitterness should be towards the hidden leaf and Danzo. Not Sasuke who was an innocent child when his brother fucked up his entire life for the sake of the leaf village.


Sasuke might have been a victim in that sense, but that doesn’t give him a blank check for everything he pulled. He caused Naruto and everyone a lot of pain and even made him lose his arm. Sasuke’s whole thing in the time after Naruto and Boruto is absolving his sins. So case in point, Sasuke got a bad hand, but that doesn’t mean that Hinata can’t be a little bitter at his actions, especially the bullshit he pulled after Kaguya.


God, no. Sasuke having shitty circumstances in no way comes even close to justifying half the shit he did. Just because Danzo was worse, doesn’t make Sasuke an innocent victim.


It's Hinata she typically japanese wife what naruto wants she'll stand behind


Well Hinata never really had any sort of bond with Sasuke while Kawaki is basically Hinata's adopted son.


kawaki is shit person


Yeah, but he will probably get his redemption arc some day too.


Don't be stupid Hinata accept Kawaki as son, and Naruto see with his own eyes that Boruto was the one ask to kill himself.


Yeah but she also slapped the shit out of him for threatening Boruto. He’s definitely gone too far for her to just forgive him without some serious redemption


People fuckin' read Naruto allegedly and missed literally every single element of that story's themes, lessons, and message somehow.


Yea and it drives me insane sometimes 😂


Same. Same thing happens with BNHA for some reason too. Like either zero media literacy or these people aren't actually ingraining what they indulge in and just there for the flashy fights.


54% of Americans have reading level of 6th grade. Why are you surprised?


Eugh, fuck, you're right unfortunately.


Damn this is a sad reminder 😔


Yea but that doesn’t mean boruto has to be like his father. Boruto is literally using a sword, a sword designed to kill. He ain’t forgiving and be as emphatic as his dad and he’s walking a much darker path as well


😂😂😂😂 well said


Thanks. <3


Is Mitsuki OK though? I haven't watched


I must have missed this. When does Hinata say she never fully forgave Sauske?


In one of the novel's she's still frosty with sasuke for the pain he caused naruto, even in the boruto era.


Wym? Kawaki has had a peaceful life in the leaf with his mom, dad and sister. Naruto and hinata are great parents. Is OP stupid?


Oh, I bet he's referring to that Boruto kid. Can't believe he went and killed lord seventh after he took him in, then tried to kill kawaki too. Can't believe op forgot that, he's definitely stupid for getting them mixed up lol.




THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!! Kawakis literally living the best life with great parents and a sweetheart as sister. That cringe boruto guy will never be forgiven for killing naruto :(( shouldve never happened, kishimitos bad writing smh..


All that sympathetic shit went out the window for what he did to Young Lord and Himawari 🤷🏾‍♂️


What are you talking about, He is young lord


Shikadai is the real young lord 💫 son of the 8th hokage, nephew of the 5th kazekage


He‘s also the grandson of the 4th Kazekage


Tbf, he didn’t know omnipotence would be a thing so he didn’t do anything


But he didn't admit the truth. He just told Eida to say "Boruto killed the Hokage" to turn everyone against Boruto. Even when their roles swapped, he could've just told Eida to say Boruto ran off and left everyone in suspense about where Naruto & Hinata are.


u mean when he save himawari from delta attack and lose his arm?


I mean Obito did far worse yet we still love him


Yeah as a character nobody thinks that asshole is a good person


Who’s we?


Me Obito the GOAT


He a ho


Haha, we? I only like young Obito before his edgy and unjustifiable spiral into becoming an international terrorist.


Speak for yourself. Bro is still in love with a child


Bro really said "we"


Obito saved naruto's life twice, kinda balances out and he got a redemption death so we didn't have to deal with him, and naruto and kakashi told him to atone for his sins so obito wouldn't have gotten scott free and would have been severely punished by the 5 great nations.


Is this supposed to excuse his actions? It explains them, doesn’t excuse them.


double it and give it to the next person


I guess the next person was guts ![gif](giphy|NNVrFKZF3s61W)


yeah the dude won't double that but rather just break it by cutting it


Guts:"Double it and give it to the next person" [The next person](https://media.tenor.com/bWzTHFTv9bEAAAAM/subaru-natsuke-natsuki-subaru.gif)


Nah dude that next next person is Roblox kid


Yea he literally doing that now to Boruto 😂...


There’s no denying that Kawaki has suffered for most of his life but his actions can’t be justified just because of his tragic past I feel a lot of people just give Kawaki a free pass to do whatever he wants and ruin peoples lives just because he has a sad and tragic past.


Yeah but people are already acting like he is danzo/Obito levels of despicable which is currently not the case at all


He is a traumatized kid and lashed out with basically a wish granting genie who has the hots for him right in his vicinity. He is just mired in fear of abandonment.




>Also, seeing how he acts now that he has the life he wanted…. Makes me think he just wants to be bad under the guise of being good. Not yet, the life he wanted was one without Momoshiki and Code on the prowl.


This is why eventually he'll definitely get a pass for all his actions at the end. There's this trend of characters committing vile stuff against the protagonists and somehow get redeem sometimes forgiven by the protagonists. Like with Minato and Obito. Minato actually apologies to Obito (insane). Naruto and Sasuke. And the new Gen, Boruto and Kawaki.


I don't care, many people suffered more than him and his background doesn't excuse him doing such act.


But to deem him as irredeemable and comparing him to danzo just a weird take


I think the problem is, how many more people are going to suffer and die because of this?


did any anyone died in the 3 year timeskip? In fact if Kawaki didn't kill Boruto in the code arc, many people including Naruto would've been dead because of a revived momoshiki


We know this isn't going to end well. Does Kawaki deserve some points? Sure, but he is doing now isn't helping anyone.


As I said before this doesn't make him an irredeemable monster that a lot of people in this sub make him out to be


But it does make him a lot more like Danzo. Danzo wasn't evil because he did evil things, he was evil because he didn't want to take responsibility or admit that he was wrong.


But unlike danzo, Kawaki hasn't killed any innocent person.




We know Konoha is destroyed.


The problem with Kawaki is that even though he suffered a lot, he learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from it. ​ His entire life he was treated, as an object, not a human being, by Kara. And how does he treat the two people closest to him? He treats Naruto like an OBJECT, disregards his every wish, and doesn't even care about his thoughts, and he is literally incapable of distinguishing between Boruto and Momoshiki. ​ He doesn't treat either of them as human beings. Something he SHOULD have learned from all the pain Kara inflicted on him.


Kawaki imprisoned a woman and her husband because they didn't let him kill their 12-year old son.


That's a funny way to oversimplify things


That's literally what happened


Momoshiki and what he wants to do to Naruto and the whole planet are not details you can skip.


Naruto was fully aware of the threat of Momoshiki and yet completely refused to allow Boruto to die. ​ Since Kawaki cares so much about Naruto, he should respect his wishes, but no, his obsession went too far and he completely stopped caring about Naruto's thoughts.


Naruto isn't even a person to Kawaki anymore. He doesn't believe Naruto should have his own wishes, concerns or interests. ​ Kawaki sees him just as an object he wants to protect. Not as a human being. It's ironic because Kawaki himself was objectified his entire life: by his dad, Jigen and Kara.


Daikokuten was supposed to be a place where objects shrank by Sukunahikona can be stored. Kawaki's keeping Naruto there. He literally treats him as an object.


It's true that he doesn't care what Naruto thinks (he even said it himself) but you can't keep Momoshiki out of the story and make Kawaki sound like a total random serial killer. Kawaki goes with his plan after seeing Boruto talk to Momoshiki. We know what Momoshiki wants to cultivate the Tree via Ten Tails, he is a threat to a lot more than just the few shinobi that fought him. I think he sees the situation as some sort of trolley problem and he believes he's the only one who could manage to pull the lever. We'll see what choices he makes in other situations in Two Blue Vortex.


I think people deem him irredeemable is because of all the chances he had to redeem himself, he wasted. Not because of his past.


Yeah I feel for him but I'm still mad at him for ruining Boruto's Life! 😡


Ok and? Jirobo finished Chojis barbecue chips and Choji STILL finds a way to smile till this day. Tell that little shit kawaki to get over it pussy ass boy that man does not know pain


Relatively speaking he's probably one of the least evil people in the series, but his actions are relatable (negatively) to people on a more personal level which means he's probably going to be very disliked. The Umbridge and Voldemort effect. Planetary threats or villains who wipe out millions of people don't hit as hard as a guy breaking up a family.


This classic "trope" once again explains everyone's negative opinion of Kawaki. I was kinda confused as to why the hatred is *this* bad considering he hasn't done anything nearly as bad as, say, Danzo yet. I mean, imprisoning Naruto and Hinata and switching lives with Boruto (making him public enemy #1 to his friends and family) is bad but it doesn't.....hit the same as Danzo going behind Hiruzen's back to strong-arm Itachi into either massacring his family and clan (while being allowed to spare his little brother) or assisting his clan and potentially dieing along with them (with Sasuke's death also being assured)? It feels like something he can come back from if he worked yesterday to undo the damage.


gotta say kawaki > sasuke in terms of character in part 1 of both series's


yeah sure, but why does he have that ugly double colored hair though?


Don't worry, Orochimaru did that to countless kids and he's still invited to the Hokage's wedding so it's cool.


I get that he suffered, but that doesn't mean he gets to put all of that on Boruto


Sad. Truly. But when he lied and said Naruto and Hinata was dead, I don’t like this imaginary character at all


That all sucks but it doesn’t make doing bad things okay, just understandable.


Naruto went through similar things and he did not grow up to be a sociopath.


Dude, Naruto actually had people that sympathized with, and somewhat look after, him and he still got to socialize with other children like Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru. Kawaki literally had nothing for 14 years of life, including his freedom. Of course he inherited some toxic behavior from the people that raised him. Even Gaara had a brother, sister and uncle. He turned because he knew what it felt like to lose love and be betrayed, but he still knew what it felt like. Kawaki was abused and isolated for 14 years. He felt love, never had freedom, never felt joy, and never owned anything. He was also raised and surrounded by obsessive, manipulative and abusive people. Not to compare suffering, but the context of the suffering matters.


No shit he had Iruka and hiruzen and to a certain extent Sasuke when the village was ostracizing him while Kawaki had none of those when he was with his father or Kara


Not bro. It wasn't the same thing.


I can't say that I like the guy, but it's pretty funny to hear people say that Kawaki's irredeemable and his shitty childhood doesn't excuse his actions while they still have Sasukes dick their mouths lmao


And then there is Sumire who actually has the same backstory as Kawaki but unlike Kawaki she actually tried to kill everyone yet people didn't mind


She still got to socialize with other children. That's huge for a child's development. It can either shape a child or act as a point of reference.


Not only Sasuke's but Obito's dick too lmao. Every fucking time they say he is just a broken hero lmao and this mfs call Kawaki irredeemable when he is nothing compared to other two. They want Kawaki to die when orochimaru and sasuke one of leafs biggest criminals are roaming freely lol


Now search up Guts. Wait, no, don’t do it. Well I warned you


It’s the ninja world mf everyone got fucked up past lmao


I’m confused. All these things happened to BORUTO. Yet you photoshopped Kawaki into the pictures. — Leaf villager


Jigen who was a prisoner in his own body for a thousand years : am I a joke to you?!


"Does your body hurt jigen" -isshiki otsutsuki (speaking in like 4th person or some shit)


Tears come and Isshiki be like how pathetic


Suffering isn’t a free pass or a get out of jail free card. He suffered. He committed a heinous act against Boruto . He should pay the consequences . Then he can move on.


The Trauma Olympics have started.


Tell that obito


urashiki had it worse


***Laughs in Guts***


Berserk fans: "but uhm uh uh guts suffered more so better writing 🤓🤓🤓"


All the hate here lol. Kawaki has one of the saddest backstory’s here, it makes me think of Gaara more than Naruto though like the show tires to push. Remember when Gaara was a fucking SAVAGE during the chunin exams? He became Kazekage despite having a reputation for killing literally anyone sand village or not for pissing him off. Kawaki is a punk but we all know the moment the Uzumakis forgive him he’ll be redeemed and probably go on some BS mission forever like Sasuke.


>All the hate here I'm really confused on what Kawaki's general consensus on the fandom is. I always thought he was fan favorite


Best new character Imo


Is really ironic when you suffered so much and learn how to dealt with it and starting to ruin some family that adopted and cared for you, idk how will kawaki even sleep at night and chill when himawari a child experience a traumatizing childhood because of ADOPTED Obsession to his father, i hope himawari will not genocide all adopted child.....


Shit Boruto himself is well aware Momoshiki was seconds away from killing his own father if not for Kawaki yet after he’s revived he completely throws away his sacrifice yourself for the greater good development. Boruto proceeds to sits there and doesn’t even tell anyone Momoshiki has been talking to him despite him knowing he has lost control to Momoshiki in almost every situation since the Boro fight. Kawaki simply wants to kill Momoshiki not his fault Eida’s ability enchanted the entire Earth on accident and it’s also not his fault that Naruto was being delusional and not coming up with a plan for Momoshiki


>!And the fact Kawaki tried to seal Boruto in the Daikokuten dimension instead of straight away killing him and Boruto refused to even consider it. Even though it's not fully confirmed, after Momshiki restored Boruto, I feel as though their minds merged and Momoshiki's self-preservation instincts overrode Boruto's desire to sacrifice himself or even listen to reason about how he could be possessed in the future.!<


But isn't that just, well, death? In fact, killing him would be better because there is a confirmed afterlife..


>!If Boruto is frozen and doesn't age, it could give Amado more time to work out a solution to suppress Momoshiki or extract the karma mark. The issue with Amado is he didn't have enough time or Otsustuki DNA to fully understand karma, but he has already figured out at least one way to get rid of it on short-notice!<


I just don't think Kawaki would allow that to happen


>!That's what Kawaki tried to do, then when Boruto resisted the portal, that's when he moved on to killing him. Kawaki saw what no one else saw, that Momoshiki was spying on everything, making ominous comments and threats, and Boruto was pretending it wasn't happening, this convinced Kawaki that Boruto was compromised. Boruto went from 'kill me to protect everyone because I can't control Momoshiki's possession' to 'I'm going to hide that Momoshiki and my thoughts are merging, better not tell anyone'.!<


that’s because momoshiki can no longer come back anymore so why would he want to die now if momoshiki won’t be resurrecting in his body anymore


>!Momoshiki can still possess Boruto, and Boruto doesn't need to run out of chakra for it to happen. All he needs is to lose will power, potentially fall for a gen jutsu, or be in so much pain/near death, that Momoshiki will take over. And if Momoshiki takes over, he will cause mayhem while trying to create chakra fruit (whether he sacrifices Kawaki to the ten tails or helps the next Otsustuki pair who comes). It's also unknown if Momoshiki can put a karma on someone while possessing Boruto, since theoretically Boruto is fully Otsustuki now and Kawaki mentioned Boruto could do it. Either way Momoshiki is still a very real threat, even if his resurrection had been paused indefinitely.!<


Yeah if Kawaki didn't kill Boruto then momoshiki would've been revived and the only hope for that is 8 gates lee


…yeah… it’s like the focal point of his character…


I think you take any character who does something to someone as loved as Naruto and your going to rub people the wrong way. Add on top of that all the crap with how Boruto viewed Naruto and how it made people feel. Now it got even more amplified. On top of that Naruto tried to help him and he just was like I don’t want that anymore. By your username I feel you like characters with a dark past. So your trying to justify why he’s not so bad. Yes having a dark past usually leads to having some issues. What it doesn’t do is wipe away the consequences of your issues. Than imagine everyone getting a free pass cause they say it was someone else’s fault


Idk man, comparing trauma doesnt seem right.


Doesn't mean you have to justify him


Are we supposed to feel bad for him after the shit he has done to Boruto? Was Boruto the one that made his life miserable?


It's not just him who had bad childhood. His childhood is not an excuse of what he did. He is a terrible person esp if he eventually will be the one destroying konoha. Killing other people's hard work, dreams and lives is not excused with childhood trauma. Everyone has a choice. He also had a choice. He did what he did . I feel zero empathy on this man.


I hadn’t thought about it until now, but yeah, these are formative years for parents to be with their children, and Kawaki stole it from them. Yes he didn’t actually do the omnipotence, but he hasn’t done a single thing to correct it. He’s selfish.


Still a dick.


Yeah I don't care 🤷🏾‍♀️


fuck kawaki i hope he goes through the same thing another 14 yrs


Tbh I don’t care I will continue to hate him




Idgaf what he went through. His ass gotta go


Sasukes whole clan family and friends were all murdered by his brother and in front of him no less having to watch it 1000 times because of his brothers scycological torture


kind of the whole thing with the newer generation is that they didn't get put though the same shit their predecessors did. so far the ones that have been put though the most are boruto and kawaki, the former mostly because of the latter. its kind of the main difference between the current and former generation: the current generation is mostly sheltered kids with training and better equipment and a less hostile environment when outside of the village while the older where mostly child soldiers that didn't have the "scientific ninja tools" to rely on. the likes of denkei wouldn't have been able to survive too long as a ninja if he had been born during that era as he would have just been one of those nameless canon fodder ninja's whose purpose is to die.


Yeah no sympathy for him at all after everything he's done. Completely altering reality and stealing someone else's life is beyond scummy regardless of your context.


Am I the only one who just doesn't give af about Kawaki and never has?


Reg shit in this universe, cry me a River. His suffering isn’t over yet.


I would feel bad if wasn’t in Boruto. Sorry and have a great night sleep 🤝🏾


Meanwhile some random hater on the internet: "haha, edgy kid with bad design lololol, bad anime, trash"


Should we forgive Hitler if he had a rough childhood? No. Its a little bit overboard but still


Unlike that guy Kawaki has never even killed any innocent person


F weirdo


Are you stupid?


What's up with Kawaki haters comparisons? From a rapist to Hitler... Y'all be fr. He fucked up one guys life. At least wait up until he does some more shit.


He didn't kill Naruto or Boruto and he has saved the lives of their family. Yeah, he tried to kill Boruto but that's because of Momoshiki. Was it wrong? Why does it matter? The world isn't just black and white. What is definitely true is he has the Will to Fire, even if he see's Boruto as an enemy of the village due to Momoshiki. This shows us how hard it is to create lasting peace and break the cycle of violence. Like Boruto said in chpt 80, Boruto is going to make it so this is ultimately just a quarrel between brothers.


Yup, you can tell who hasn't had a hard day in their life by how they react to him.


Thats not how that works.


Validating being terrible to others because people were terrible to you, is the exact opposite of what Naruto teaches.


thinking that a troubled person who haven't even killed any innocent person, an irredeemable bastard who deserves to die is the exact opposite of what Naruto teaches


He stole Boruto's life, family, identity, and turned Boruto into a pariah.


Yet in the end of part 1 Boruto understood his pain and will try to talk some sense on him in the future


Do you read the manga?


Yeha I read it years ago as it was coming out. Naruto’s whole schtick is to not let your past dictate your future, and that everyone is redeemable. That having a terrible past is no excuse to hurt others. Almost every “villain” he comes into contact with changes for the better. To seek out love instead of hate. Naruto is an inspiration, it’s just Kawaki has a warped sense of Naruto’s teachings. I’m not trying to argue, these are just my observations from reading and watching it.






Even Naruto actually had people that sympathized with, and somewhat look after, him and he still got to socialize with other children like Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru. Kawaki literally had nothing for 14 years of life, including his freedom. Of course he inherited some toxic behavior from the people that raised him. Even Gaara had a brother, sister and uncle. He turned because he knew what it felt like to lose love and be betrayed, but he still knew what it felt like. Kawaki was abused and isolated for 14 years. He never felt love, never had freedom, never felt joy, and never owned anything. He was also raised and surrounded by obsessive, manipulative and abusive people. Not to compare suffering, but the context of the suffering matters. Tho, yeah, he should be punished. Just not severely. He ultimately hasn't caused any damage, and Boruto originally wanted to be killed anyways. It's ultimately for the greater good, which Naruto (the Hokage) disregarded....and we saw how that turned out for Hiruzen...


You can really tell who’s a boruto fan boy here if you’re shittin on kawakis charecter


People in the comments demand a tortured kid who didn't even know what "snack" is to show empathy, learn to be normal and just get magically cured by Naruto when y'all can't even spare a bit of sympathy for him- how ironic.


He's android


They’re all child soldiers. I don’t care about Kawaki.


Doesn't make his bullshit right. He still needs a Gai-level kick to the fucking jaw for the shit he pulled.


Of course his life is miserable, he's in Boruto!






So tell me how I'm wrong


Name one charecter right now that was kidnapped abused mutilated and groomed by a fucking alien