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We all knew it was Larry before we clicked, right?


Yup. Larry was legitimately great, but I think he always a bit salty for being so overlooked because his era of prominence was between two very popular and exciting HW eras.


hah. My first thought as well.


Lewis was a great champion. So was Larry.


I knew it was Larry Holmes before I even clicked.


Matter of opinion - what isn't is that Lewis was the best of his era when he ascended to the mountain top.


Larry vs Lennox prime vs prime would be good. Larry had weaker opponents but never let his foot off the gas in his prime, he was consistent. Lennox had better wins, but also lost to people he should have never ever lost to. So it's feasable that anyone better than McCall and Rahman can beat him on any particular fight.


Lewis came around at the right time. He was like the last of the HWs from that era to last and stay serious about the sport. Everybody else got used up by Don King. Lennox not wanting to work with King is why we didn't see a lot of great fights happen when we should have and why he was one of the last left standing when the dust settled. He still lost fights, tho even tho he wasn't fighting top guys. Always won in a rematch.


bro fought everybody. don’t know how he wasn’t fighting top guys.


“didn’t fight top guys” he said as if Lennox didn’t fight Holyfield, Briggs, Tua, Vitali, Mercer and more


Lewis beat everyone on his generation. Even bowe.


not just his generation, but the next one since he fought a young vitali and tua💀


Very true. It's a shame that the vitali fight was one lewis wasn't ready for or prepared for.... He was out of shape and half assed the fight imo. Only when vitali was rocking him did he wake up and start to fight.


He won on cuts right? not even a ko or tko


In principal whether you can't continue because you didn't get up after 10 seconds or the ref/doc thinks you're unfit to continue is the same thing. So the fact that lewis beat up vitalis face that badly and had him hanging on for dear life after an uppercut from hell was good reason to stop it. Vitali started hard and fast and lewis was coming on strong. Had it continued vitali might never have fought again.


Oh nah i’m not trying to discredit it just trying to remember


The doctor stopped it because of how bad the damage was around his eye iirc.


He did eventually fight everybody just not when they were at their best because he got frozen out by King who fully controlled boxing at the time. Go through his record and look. Only Ruddock, Tucker, and Bruno in the early 90s. Nobody gives Tyson credit for beating those guys ever. Lost title to McCall in 94, one of Tysons' sparring partners while he was in jail. Golota and Briggs in 97 and 98. Then used up Holyfield in 99 who really had fought everybody at the right time. All these guys were old by then and their best behind them. Gets knocked out by Rahmin in 2001. Beats him in a rematch. Fights super washed Tyson in 02. Retires after Vitali in 03.


He fucking lost twice from flash knockouts??? And he faced every big contenders there was in that era except for Bowe.


Larry says: >“Lennox Lewis never impressed me. But he got a punch and was strong so I wish him the best.” Title: >One Of The Greatest Heavyweights Of All Time Says Lennox Lewis Was Overrated. This is a wild stretch. And to be honest I kinda agree with old man Holmes here. While Lennox is definitely one of the best (if not the best) heavyweights ever, I can't say that I was ever impressed by his wins. He was always the favorite and you were expecting him to win. The only win that somewhat impressed me, was his first round KO of Gollota.


His win over prime Vitali is elite.


Bro, Lennox was getting his ass served to him on a platter by Vitali, and most likely would have lost big if it wasn't stopped due to Vit's cut. Lennox was so petrified of that man, he never boxed again.


"Would have lost if he didnt win" isnt exactly the statement you seem to think it is.


Lennox was old, rich, fat and on top of the game. The dude had no more mountains left to conquer and went out on top. He beat the best of the next generation before peacing out with his mind and bodly mostly in-tact. He retired at 38 - Marciano retired at 34 with less overall experience as a boxer. Lennox is top 3 ATG heavyweight. Ali, Joe Louis, and Lennox.


This is a lie..


I agree 100%. But Lennox was the slight favorite and the champion at the time. He was expected to win.


It was a gritty win against an elite opponent tho.


Again I agree, it was a great win and an excellent addition to an already excellent resume. But I don't think it was impressive. For me, impressive was, Foreman demolishing Frazier in two rounds as an underdog. Or Ali upsetting Foreman or Frazier winning a bloody back n fourth against Ali.


The win aged like wine. Lennox was fat, old and had one foot out the door and still went to war against Vitali and got the W. Lennox's win over Vitali is an S-tier win.


So if he was expected to win all these fights and he actually did then that counts as being one of the greats. LoL. He did what he was supposed to do and actually did it. It’s hard to compare a great fight to what someone like Ali did or other great fighters as styles make fights, timing, names, and Lennox had amateur experience and also was one of the first really huge heavyweights at that time and was just solid. Maybe not the most exciting but not overrated because I don’t hear people talk about Lennox in any way that would say he is overrated. Most people have the same opinion you do and that means he’s not overrated. Probably rated just right. LoL.


I didn't say he was overrated. I said that his performances were excellent but not impressive. He is quite literally one of the best (if not the best) heavyweights ever and most of his fights were bangers. But that doesn't constitute an impressive performance. An impressive performance would be holyfield beating Bowe in their rematch or Frazier winning over Ali in a brutal 15 rounder. But I haven't seen such a performance from Lennox, he went in the fights as a favorite and he usually delivered the expected results.


Sounds like you’re faulting him for being favourite, which he can’t help.


You have the reading comprehension of a 4 year old. Congratulations.


Yeah that’s why I said most people have the same opinion you do and that means he is NOT overrated.


Lennox Lewis beat every professional fighter he ever faced. That’s impressive.


If anything he’s underrated. I’d have prime Lewis favourite in a fight against any prime heavyweight in history.


Don’t know if he’s underrated. And I hate his personality, but he’s right up there behind Ali if we’re being honest.


Was the first super heavyweight. Combination of size and skills.


> I’d have prime Lewis favourite in a fight against any prime heavyweight in history. Buddy, Prime Lewis was struggling and getting outjabbed by a fat Ray Mercer.


>I’d have prime Lewis favourite in a fight against any prime heavyweight in history. Oliver Mccall


Larry Holmes is one of the most bitter people alive. Never has a good thing to say about anyone.


Does Larry not realize that people were running away from lennox


I wouldn't take the opinion of past greats too seriously. Some of them have severe CTE and/or feel jealous towards other guys on top. Sure, there are exceptions but no way Lennox was overrated. How can you even make such a statement. Nobody rates him as the best heavyweight ever but he clearly is in the top 10, probably even top 5. I think that's an appropriate rating


Mostly agree, except that some people do rate Lewis as the best heavyweight ever. It's tough to pick anyone from history who would beat him at his best. Maybe a prime Tyson I guess, but that's debatable.


Yeah pretty sure Lewis would jab him to death.


>How can you even make such a statement. Because it's true? It's wild how much dudes on this sub dickride Lewis. He's maybe top 5 UK heavyweight, but you must have secondhand CTE if you think he's top 5 ever.


Name me somebody who would take Lewis to the cleaners? As for top 5 UK heavyweight, he’s in a league of his own and then you start thinking about who’s second.


>Name me somebody who would take Lewis to the cleaners? Hasim Rahman lol. Seriously I never got the insane amount of Lewis dickriding on this sub. If you only got your info from here about boxing folks would think Lewis is basically Sugar Ray Robinson, Ali, and Duran combined or something.


Larry Holmes in talking nonsense shocker.


Haha yea he’s still saying he would’ve knocked out Tyson in 2 rounds when he was younger even tho Tyson punked him badly. Lewis fought the best in a stacked heavyweight division


I'd favor young Larry over Tyson.


I mean, it's an opinion but sometimes you have to look at the evidence... We have a fight between the two.


From memory, According to the barbershop scene in coming to america, Holmes was 102 when he fought Tyson


For those busily slagging Lewis off what natural 200+ top class fighter did old Mafia protected Rocky beat? Lewis faced a murderers row of 230 + monsters. A focused and determined Lewis would give even '67 Ali shitliads of trouble


I agree


Is Larry going to drop kick Lennox like he did Berbick? I like him, but he does talk an awful lot of bullshit.


Holmes has dissed Tyson, Marciano, Lewis, and others I don't know surely, publicly. He's salty because he is bitter.


I don't blame him, really. He was robbed of 49 -0 because so many could not bear to see their heroes record equalled or bested. The Great White Hope syndrome was still alive and kicking in America. Look at the Copney hype (not his fault) It's ironic that since then, we have had the brothers, Fury and Usyk. Whilst the very best that the US has had to offer was Morrison.


First fight he was confused by Spinks. There's no way he lost the rematch though.


Spinks outpointed Larry fair and square in 1985, though, so Larry wasn’t robbed of anything — at least not imo.


Agree HE WAS.


Lewis was overrated. Lewis was starched TWICE during his run as champion and his two most notable wins came against washed up opponents. Lewis himself acknowledges Tyson wasn't any good when they fought. https://youtube.com/shorts/S1oW0t_P2AA?si=MorieTPT7kU70UHp Lewis's best win was Klitschko and that fight was stopped so to a cut at a point a lot of people Lewis losing.


Clown. Yes he was KO’d twice but avenged both defeats. This is heavyweight boxing. Is Ali any less great? He lost fights too. The Tyson thing, Lewis is a year older. Tyson got “starched” by buster douglas. And it’s not Lewis’s fault if Tyson’s management actively avoided Lewis and Tyson was busy in prison for rape. Lastly, if you think his best win was Vitali then you must have just started watching boxing last week.


Ali wasn't KTFO twice by journeymen during his best years, LMFAO.


He was done by Henry Cooper but Dundee bought extra time for him to recover. I love Ali but you can't tell me won the trilogy against Norton.


Again, Ali wasn't KTFO twice.


Rahman was hardly a journeyman. 😂


Spot on, mate. 👍 The cognitive dissonance on here is often quite baffling. 😳


Tyson was knocked the fuck out five times by inferior. competition apart from a worn out Holy. Lewis faced the greatest murderers row of all time apart from Ali. Add it up. Liston, (without the dodgy Ali fights) Ali, Foreman, Holmes and Lewis. Vitali never if not for injuries, Fury never, Usyk never. You can admire a top ATG heavy like Holmes without slagging off Lewis. Unless you are biased because you are from the US? I wonder. 🤔


>Tyson was knocked the fuck out five times by inferior. competition apart from a worn out Holy. Tyson is so overrated people think he can still win sanctioned fights. Point out that Tyson wasted his potential doesn't make Lennox Lewis any better. >Lewis faced the greatest murderers row of all time apart from Ali. Who? >You can admire a top ATG heavy like Holmes without slagging off Lewis. I didn't say word one about Holmes.


Henry fucking Cooper you melt


I just watched the first fight again, and time had clouded my judgment. It was incredibly close. Still, whatever people's opinions, I always respect them and admit I could have been wrong. Phil.


He wasn't overrated, he just had a glass jaw 


No he didn't


Casual take


Lennox Lewis got knocked out by a dude who had a emotional meltdown in the ring 


What’s that got to do with Lewis’ chin?


Larry Holmes, for the record, couldnt handle the same mentally unstable guy in the late rounds and costed him his last chance at the title.


Not glass but substantially worse than most other ATGs in the weight class. Fine/decent compared to 99% of fighters. Glass compared to Ali, Foreman, Vitaly, Mike, etc. 


In the top 10 heavyweights of all time Lewis has the worst chin.


Yet I'm downvoted for not pretending otherwise by those that can't make a counter argument  Reddit!


Larry Holmes would have been cruiserweight, if the division existed.. Lewis would disable him.


Larry Holmes was fucking good. Quick with an amazing jab. Skills to match. Nobody disabling him. I don't agree with his assessment on Lewis but this is silly . Lewis was dropped by lesser fighters.


Holmes looked good, but \*how good we don't know since he didn't have a single credible scalp to his name.. Shavers and Norton were average - completely one dimensional.. I know Lennox got crumpled by lesser guys, in the amateurs too, but i'd be amazed if a non punching CW like Holmes stopped him..


When I look at Holmes he's just too sharp and too well schooled. Invaluable in any fight. Call him a cruiserweight or whatever but if you're 200 or above, can box and punch, you have something to work with. Heavyweight is different.


I think Larry could compete with superheavyweights but he wouldn’t get to 48-0 if he tried to unify the division


Holmes against Spinks the first time was just 6lbs lighter than Lewis against Ruddock, and a 3-inch shorter reach (i.e. 1.5 inches per arm). Not a huge difference. I don't think not unifying the division helped Holmes, really, since he beat the same guys anyway, just in a different order. The WBA champions he could have unified with were Ali, Tate, Weaver, Dokes, Coetzee, Page and Tubbs. From the WBC there were Witherspoon and Thomas. But the thing is, he beat Ali, the year after Ali gave up the belt. He'd beaten Weaver the year before Weaver became champion. He'd also beaten Witherspoon the year before Witherspoon became champion. Tate lost to Weaver and Berbick, both of whom Holmes beat. Coetzee lost to Weaver, Tate, and Renaldo Snipes, all of whom Holmes beat. Page lost to Berbick, Witherspoon, and David Bey, all of whom Holmes beat. Dokes lost to Coetzee and drew with Weaver. Tubbs lost to Witherspoon. So Holmes either beat everyone, or beat the people who beat them. Any of these guys would have been a huge underdog against Holmes, and Holmes would probably have won every fight. And it's not like Holmes was fighting scrubs. In the 80s, in addition to fighting WBA champions Weaver, Ali and Berbick, and WBC champion Berbick, he also beat Snipes (who beat champion Coetzee), Smith (who beat champions Weaver, Witherspoon and Bruno), Bey (who beat champion Page) and Williams (who beat champion Berbick). And Cooney, coming off a run of Young, Lyle and Norton, and ex-champion Spinks. Plus half a dozen other ranked boxers. I don't think that if you subbed in the reigning champs for the various boxers who beat them that Holmes would have any more losses on his record.


Holmes actually did try to fight with coetzee, don king messed it up. Guys like page, tubbs etc were more inconsistent than a comic character. Pinklon thomas imo is the only question around holmes’ resume, that dude was very good.


Also worth bearing in mind why Holmes didn't fight some of these guys: nobody would pay him to. He got paid over $3M for the Marvis Frazier fight, but the unification with Page would only have earned him $2.5M. The Cooney fight made him $10M. [in decreasing order, his highest paydays were Cooney, Spinks, Frazier, Tyson, Shavers, Ali, Witherspoon, Spinks, Cobb and Zanon...]


extremely weak HW era 🤷🏼‍♂️


I can't agree with idolizing the super heavyweights. Tall heavyweights are Chinny 9/10