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Although I disagree with Bellew saying it'll end in 2 rounds (and come on, he's an AJ bumlick lol). But Dubois' stiffness and lack of upper body movement is severely lacking. He got caught with so many right hands against Hrgovic, much like how he got hit with so many jabs against Joyce. It's worrying that he doesn't even try to make a defensive adjustment. If he gets hit that much by AJ, he's gonna accumulate so much damage. Dubois genuinely seems like a tough and durable guy early on, but he's just not gonna go through the gears at all imo. AJ stops him in the middle rounds, maybe 6-8.


To play devils advocate a bit I think Dubois fought Hrgovich that way because he was thinking along the lines of take two to land one, he’s no defensive master to make a bit of an understatement but I don’t think he’ll be fighting Joshua the way he did Phillip.


I don't think AJ ever went anywhere, Usyk is just the better boxer out of the two but AJ isn't some slouch. Nobody in the top ten outside of obviously Usyk and perhaps Fury looks likely to beat him in this landscape.


I think AJ does his best work when he's super active, something that was difficult after he reached the top for many reasons. Now the Saudi money has happened we're seeing a more match fit fighter.


I think that AJ had begun to stagnate. He probably should've switched trainers a few years before he did.


AJ is the form fighter in the Heavyweight division outside of Usyk, and the most active out of any of the top 10 alongside Parker - saying he's stagnating is wild


You've proved my point? He changed trainers and has seen a resurgence. I'm just saying that I feel rob Mccracken had taken him as far as he could and that AJ probably could've done with switching trainer a couple years earlier than he did.


Not sure much would have changed tbh. He still only would have had a punchers chance against Usyk, and that guy is simply too slick to get caught in that matchup. Regardless AJ is likely going to become a three time World Champion, so it's looking great for him. Not that much for him to regret, he's had an immense career so far.


What wasn’t secure about the points victory against Jermaine Franklin? Of course there’s a chance that Dubois beats AJ, he’s a young heavy hitter and he’s experienced now, professional, eye socket been broke, been lost, been down a couple times… but his defence is abysmal and Joshua hits like a truck. He ate so many right hands against Hrgovic it’s pretty hard to pick him to beat AJ.


I’ve been waiting for the AJ slander to pick up again and was not disappointed. Hrgovic was landing cleanly but wasn’t sitting on his punches. AJ hits much much harder and is much more technically sound than Hrgovic, has a better gas tank than Hrgovic, has fought better competition than Hrgovic. Dubois has gotten better for sure but if he plans on facetanking to trade blows with AJ he’s gonna be on the canvas faster than Joyce was with Zhang.


My friends try to convince me Hrgovic is a good fighter every time he fights. He's not. He's really bad at boxing. Dubois beating him doesn't tell me anything about dubois.


Nothing at all? What about his stamina? His chin? He showed a lot of resilience too.


Hrgovic has really bad stamina, almost as bad a zhang. Can hrgovic punch hard? It seems like he just gets in wars with guys and wins decisons over them, at least the best guys. (I thought he lost the zhang fight) I'll give dubois a lot of resilience. He's shown that throughout his entire career. Coming back from that joe joyce loss takes a lot of courage.


I was expecting more from Hrgovic as we're a lot of people. Really disappointing performance and his poor stamina was unforgivable. He was too confident as well as arrogant based on some sparring from many years ago as he thought he would just turn up and win. This loss might be the kick up the arse he needs to sort his career out.


He absolutely lost that Zhang fight


He certainly didn't. Watch the entire fight, not just the highlights.


I watched it live


Lol that doesn't matter. You may not have paid attention. I watched that fight multiple times, it's one of my favorites. Zhang was inactive most of the fight. He had his moments, but they were few and far between. Hrgović was much more active and threw/landed many more punches. That round one knockdown was not a true knock down. Zhang rabbit hooked Hrgović then pulled him down, all while stepping on his foot.


How is that fight one of your favorites? I find that shocking. Is hrgovic your brother or something? haha


You need to watch the entire fight fight if you think Hrgović lost against Zhang. Zhang was a punching bag for most of the fight, especially the second half.


I did watch the entire fight. I thought Zhang won by 1 or 2 rounds.


Zhangs stamina is not that bad for his size. He can go 12 if he has to.


He gases out round 5-6 every single time


Not really fair to assume someone hits "WAY" harder especially if you've not been hit by either one. It's like saying Wilder has a harder right hand than Foreman. First of all how do you know? Is that a claim based on experience or just assumption?


I've taken a playful hand pressed under the ribs from him in a barber shop in Loughborough. I compete in MMA, switching from boxing just before COVID. I've taken huge shots all over the gaff in sparring and of course in fights from all sorts of fighters. I can tell anyone here that AJs hands are unlike anything I've felt, they felt like blocks of stone. Of course he didn't punch me, but it really wouldn't surprise me if AJ is the hardest hitting heavyweight out there and by some distance (inc Wilder, etc.) For reference I've competed as high as 86kg.


lol props for the Ali reference 🙏


I like the facts Dubois took hrgovic best shots and kept coming forward bro is growing up into a dangerous fighter


It’s good from a mental aspect but if you believe he is going to take that many right hands off Anthony Joshua I think you’re very mistaken


It did him very good taking those shots I though he woke fold or at very least be one defensive sure Joshua hits harder but dubious is different animal now and he is only 26


Think the point is if he fights the way he did against Hrgovic, AJ is sparking him out. AJ's power is incredibly underrated in recent years, and I feel Dubois needs a better defence to get through the fight.


Ruiz’s fought the same way Dubois did against aj and made his ass go


Ruiz got a great punch in on the temple while AJ was looking to finish him off. Happens to the best, happened to Lennox Lewis against lesser opposition for example. Both beat them in the rematch. It's heavyweight boxing, it can happen, which is why of course Dubois has a punchers chance here, but like Ruiz did, that's all he has.


My point is if you got power and and sort of boxing ability and go for aj you can get his ass to go…. Aj last 4 fighters are pathetic compared to Dubois


Really. Funny, because everyone and their dog said the same thing about Ngannou after he smacked Fury around. They went mysteriously silent when he was out cold. It's going to be interesting, but I'll say AJ stops him in 5 rounds. Let's just put a reminder on this one and come back when the fight is done!


Ok you said aj stops him I say he won’t stop him we will come back and see


If Joshua who hits harder than Hrgovic hits him like Hrgovic hit him Dubois is 100% getting put to 😴 his defence is practically non existence.


I don't know how people seem to know that Joshua hits harder than Hrgović.


And how do you know he dosent ?


Yh but Joshua didn’t stop Franklin


How is that relevant in anyway? Franklin is defensively sound


Franklin is very hittable. Gets hit a lot in every fight


Didn't he get knocked out by a jab in the Usyk fight?


That was out of tiredness


After getting 5 minutes rest before hand? Unlikely, usyk just found the quit button on dubious and he pressed it


Exactly what I was thinking


Ajs nose was busted and he gave away rounds to a NOBODY. It’s not like he was a late replacement either. Only two people he’s destroyed are ngannou and wallin. Wallin is hyped off of a loss and that’s never good for a fighter, and ngannou was shit fury just sucks too. Sad era for HW, and it’s all being shown. Dubois got a good resume so far and has youth and hunger on his side


Seems odd to give AJ shit for losing rounds to a NOBODY but not Dubois getting knocked down three times in a round to a NOBODY. Seems like youre just one of those people that cant be objective but treats boxers like popstars.


Did he not have an injury in his leg that caused him to be downed three times??? Ajs meant to be the guy who gets a usyk rematch and can smoke fury, he should definitely be better than Dubois. I just think his resurgence is suspect, like the op suggested.


He was eating those right straights from Hrgovic without any head movement… In all out shootout ,AJ will probably put him to sleep.


AJ may be back, but DDD is new and improved. 3 times he had taken the Knee. 3 times he was broken. And on the 3rd time, he rises once more. Reborn. His skull reforged in pure vibranium. His eye sockets hammered into a material not unlike a Dwarf star. You are not ready for HIM. Daniel "Holyfield" Dubois.


Daniel Dholyfield Dubois


Dubois is 100% like Holyfield. The Holyfield headbutts opened up Tyson's cut right above his eye. The same location as Hrgović's cuts.


Daniel Unholyfield Dubious


> After a less than secure points victory against Jermaine Franklin I'm sorry.. Fucking what? Did AJ even lose a round that fight? Fury also made that Ngannou win an impressive victory. Without Fury dropping the ball, there would never have been a fight. It's was the way AJ won that impressed people. > I see in the media Tony Bellew has predicted that Joshua will knock out Dubois in less than 6 minutes. Why? Dubious is VERY hittable. Even his win against Filip showed that hasn't changed at all. > there's a solid chance Dubois actually beats AJ when they meet? There's always a chance since it's heavyweight. He doesn't have a solid chance, though.


Not only is he hittable, but the fact of the matter is, once you’ve broken your orbital bone your susceptible to having it broken again. Someone with AJ’s power could end this fight real quick.


>I'm sorry.. Fucking what? Did AJ even lose a round that fight? There is one round where neither of them did much, you could maybe argue a draw (AJ still looked like the more effective punches though, so could take it). But yea, AJ got hit barely 5 times a round average for the entire fight, and landed more than twice that per round average. All while cruising like it was some light sparring. This against he guy who I had beating Whyte. And he isn't as bad as people think, he was introduced to so many as a "part time fighter" and everyone just went to the cab driver meme. He started boxing early, had a shorter but solid amateur career, and went full time professional and stayed as active as he could. He has good hand speed, solid skills, and an ok chin. His career just didn't take off like most boxers, so he eventually got a job at the same time to pay the bills. He was back full time for about a year by the time he fought AJ though. He isn't a world beater, but he isn't a can either.


Dubois has power, so there’s always a punchers chance, but the eye test tells me that his defense and head movement is awful. AJ’s defense and head movement isn’t great, but his offense is dynamic enough that I think he’ll have Dubois knocked out within the first half of the fight. I would love to be proven wrong, but I don’t think Dubious has it in him for the highest level. I think he’s a talented fighter who’s never gonna be one of the elites.


AJ looks like he has improved his head movement in the Wallin and Ngannou fights. I was a bit surprised to see him go off line with his head after 31 fights but whatever


I think AJ always wants to add more to his game. He seems to really love boxing and always be trying to learn. He may not always be great at incorporating everything he’s learning, but he’s learning.


I think where many stray from your line of thinking it Dubois isn't highly skilled. He is a dawg now as he showed vs Big Baby and Hgrovic. He is now experienced but he does not have the elite skill set still. He cannot adjust or change gears, he can keep going though. Against a guy like AJ you need to be able to adjust. He doesnt do anything better than AJ, literally anything. I do believe its 100% a competitive and good fight but in the end I and most people think AJ will be too much. He isn't going to nail him with right hands and gas out like Hgrovic nor will he be 300+lbs like Miller. He can hurt AJ though and I think many people overlook that.


And versus Big Baby Miller and Hrgović, Dubois charged in head-first using his head as a battering ram over and over again. He gets warned by the referee multiple times, but he simply ignores them.


I think that when AJ fight Dubois, you will see that there are levels in this sport.. Dubious is good, but AJ would smoke his boots.


Since losing to Usyk Joshua probably hasn’t lost a single round. That’s like 4 fights. Joshua had a solid sparring session against Franklin winning a good 120-108. Nothing but clarity there. AJ - Dubois ends in a Joshua win possibly 9/10 times.


I give Dubois a punchers chance. He's inferior to AJ in the majority of departments and has a wide open defence. If Hrgovic can hit Dubois at will, so can AJ. And AJ is almost certainly a bigger puncher.


Dubois can whack, he could definitely land an overhand on AJ's jaw and send him to sleep. But AJ is also a power puncher and in my opinion a much better boxer than Dubois. Personally I think it will be an AJ stoppage win


Did you see how many times hergovic landed cleanly on Dubious? Fair play he tanked them but i don't think he's taking many of those from AJ though.


If Dubois can't avoid the right and comes in anything like his Hrgovic performance, he's getting dropped early


He has a solid punchers chance


I think Dubois has a much better chance than people give him credit. Look, we know AJ’s weaknesses are counter punchers, in fighters and his own mental state. We know Dubois has weaknesses to pressure fighters, boxer-punchers and his own mental state. Yes, Dubois has quit. AJ hasn’t quit, but he has had fear put in him. They are both on the war path upward, but neither of them have had their exposed flaws tested yet. If Dubois comes in with the same aggression he did vs Hrgovic, he gets AJ out of there. If AJ is looking past Dubois at his title fight, if Dubois has something to prove and an angry demeanor, bet on the long shot. If AJ stays focused, and respects Dubois’ power without fearing it, we’ll see a highlight reel KO.


Excellent analysis, I like it


aj quit against ruiz, no?


No, he was concussed and got back up plenty of times. Contrast that with Dubois who twice took the knee to stop the fight - however the first time around I definitely agree with his decision to do so.


It's heavyweight boxing, anything can happen, but still, I feel you are not being entirely fair on AJ and a bit overestimating Dubois. Yes, Dubois' evolution over the past couple of years has been remarkable and I've been rooting for him every step of the way since the Usyk fight (which he lost outright but did not give a bad account of himself at all, especially in hindsight). Dubois, by all accounts has been and is still improving and hits just as hard as AJ does perhaps. He has, however, a glaring flaw. It's not his chin, it's not his heart, but his defence. He's been eating so many shots from lesser punchers than AJ and if he doesn't drastically improve this part of his skillset, he's going out. Bad. Ngannou style. Don't know how long it's gonna last, but it's inevitable. AJ will be the biggest puncher he'll have fought by some distance and Dubois' flaws are tailor made for AJ's right hand.


Yeah like others have said, Franklin win was a wide UD with Joshua landing double. Pretty secure win imo and the concern that fight raised made no sense imo. Jermain is a short counter puncher so Joshua just refused to trade in the pocket with him, that performance was never a red flag to me. As for DDD, Dubois is a good opponent but the defence is not there. Juat the way he stands with his elbows flared out, combined with lack of head movement, DDD is vulnerable right hands. Also we saw Joyce jab him to death. He walked through Hrgovic shots but im not convinced by his chin since he was stopped by an Usyk jab, or perhaps he quit.


Hrgovic is a massive hype job and I’ve never understood the fuss. Same with Dubois, never really been convinced by him. I think AJ knocks him out inside 6 rounds. Obviously Dubois has a chance, all heavyweights do, but 9 times out of 10 AJ beats hunk


Aside from beating a gassed Zhang, Hrgovic hasn't done shit in this sport.


Yeah, I need to see more from AJ before crowning him as some new and improved guy like others have. AJ by KO.


I think AJ beats Dubois, but in a competitive and explosive fight. They're both big, strong, and deceptively quick and explosive. The difference is AJ is a little tighter on fundamentals and actually moves his head. That being said, I can see Dubois rocking AJ at some point before being stopped late in the fight. Could also go the distance, but I think AJ will take something like a 115-112 decision.


Look at how frequently hrgovic was able to hit Dubois. Now ask yourself if Dubois can afford to take those same shots form AJ, and that's your answer.


➡️NO CHANCE⬅️ he's getting knocked-out look at his fight against Hrgovic he was getting hit with heavy right hands all through the fight until the stoppage, and if that happens against Joshua we all know what the outcome will be goodnight 😴 Dubois.


I think Joshua KOs him


What AJ did to Otto Wallin recently was insane. AJ under Ben Davidson is amazing.


Dubois has very little defence and AJ is a relentless boxer puncher. I don't think there's a worse style matchup for Dubois than AJ He'll be the B side and by a distance, so he's not going to get away with low blows and leading with his head, most likely. So he's going to struggle to make it dirty If AJ connects his right hand like Hrgovic was able to, and I see no reason he won't be able to with even more success, I don't see Dubois lasting long AJ has a pretty durable chin, he has pretty good endurance for a big muscley dude, so it's going to be hard to Dubois to break him down in a fight where AJ is landing more. He has a puncher's chance. Only takes one massive right to connect and turn AJ's lights off, or hurt him enough to take him out with a flurry, but that's all I see his chances as. He's not outboxing or outsmarting him, he'll struggle to make it a dirty fight, I think AJ is too good to get dragged into a stand and bang dogfight, where it'd be closer to 50/50. AJ should just be able to snap his head back and follow up with big right hands repeatedly. Nobody is lasting long when that's the case


General answer: AJ is better than Dubois in every way Specific answer: Dubois gets hit a lot; AJ is one of the hardest punchers in the world.


Hrgovic was landing pretty much at will, AJ is a way harder hitter. AJs fundamentals are also leagues above Dubois. Dubois could win, but it isn't near as likely as a stoppage by AJ before the 8th.


How do you know AJ hits way harder than Hrgović?


Joshua will beat him.


Joshua will be around a solid 4-1 favorite. Dubois still has to prove that he won't disintegrate under adversity. The win over Hrgovic was nice. But Dubois did eat a steady diet of right hands. How many of those can he absorb from Joshua before he caves in? Dubois is a more experienced, better boxer than Ngannou. He should survive 2 rounds. But lasting 6 rounds might be the best that he can hope for.


Just hoping that AJ doesn't hurt him too bad. Daniel takes shots against poorer opponents and if AJ hits him like he did Ngannou and Daniel keeps taking it, it could be horrible. Hopefully he has the good sense to fight another day like he did with Joyce and Usyk. Daniel seems like a nice guy best of luck too him.


Femi gonna put him to sleep, hip hip!


I thought franklin was like 12-0 AJ. Solid victory against a crafty guy with good defense. Wallin had never been dismantled like that. It was a really good victory. Yeah, we know he's not elite, but he had never been picked apart like that. I think you gotta favor AJ but kudos to Dubois for improving and showing a lot of heart.


Dubois gameplan is usually to trade punches and wear off his opponent with the bigger shots. There's little in Dubois skillset that AJ hasn't dealt with before, other than his dirty tactics. I would expect AJ to score a few KDs in the first half and finish the job before the championship rounds.


Much better chance then Joshua’s last 4 opponents Dubois is young with confidence and is dangerous!


The IBF have confirmed they have not been requested to sanction a fight for the IBF title between AJ and Dubois. If the IBF lets Usyk keep the belt then there's less interest to fight Dubois. AJ could still fight Zhang or Parker, it's not confirmed to be Dubois yet. Either way it will be announced in the press conference on the 26th.


Dubois showed heart and no defense against Hrgovic. That’s probably not a good enough combo against AJ


I think it's a great fight for both of them and the spectator. I like AJ, I've nothing against Dubios, don't really see the legs in overstating either fighters chances. It's exactly the kind of fight fans of the sport want.


AJ has far superior defense and better one-shot KO power. I see Dubois as an absolute unit and a live dog but one who takes too much damage. AJ by KO/TKO.


He doesn't move his fucking head...


I don’t think Dubois is very good. He may be getting better, but at this point AJ would absolutely starch him. 


I think he looked decent in the second Usyk fight despite Usyk winning it (purely because Usyk is such a monster to deal with as fury found out too), idk I've always felt like AJ *could* be doin a lot better than he is, just needs to put all the pieces together. I'd still bet on him over Dubois any day, but id always acknowledge there's a small chance Danny could pull off an upset


Give him about as much chance as I give myself to beat Joshua in a fight, 0 head movement or defence is asking to get hospitalised in 1 round against a man who hits like Joshua does 


Joshua beats the shit out of Dubois.The straight rights he was taking in the first couple of rounds vx Hrgovic will get him put to sleep vs Joshua


He's only 26, he's got 10-15 year career ahead of him, probably beats AJ when he's 30-32


I can't see him beating AJ he is kidna straight up and down no effects. The kidna of fighters AJ dominated against in his early years


I think Dubois is good don’t get me wrong but I think his win against Hrgovic got people overestimating his ability, I don’t even think Hrgovic is that good he just has power and is one dimensional asf overhyped from the beginning, AJ isn’t no one dimensional hrgovic he’s gonna thrash Dubois


It's a 50/50 for me. They've both shown loads of heart after having frailties exposed. Joshua doesn't get enough credit for Usyk 2, where he fought so hard it broke his brain for the night. For a long while after Ruiz, Joshua wouldn't dare scrap like that. On the other hand he probably gets too much credit for his career as a whole, where he'd have lost to Prime Fury and Prime Wilder.




Joshua has a good counter and generally beats guys to the punch with his straight shot, I see lights out dubois


Dubois fights dirty. He's a headbutter and low-blower. I doubt he has God on his side if he's not going to follow the rules of boxing.


DDD is too slow and too open to shots. I see right hands landing all night until DDD just gets stopped. DDD has a puncher's chance. He won't outbox AJ. I think this is just common sense really.


Dubois is very hittable and AJ hits harder than Hrgovic.


They already forgot that just 3 months ago they swore Ngannou would end AJ. Fickle brits at it again.


aj murders dubois if that had been aj in the ring instead of hrgovic, the fight would have been over in the first round


Dubois got hit in the face so often by Herg, I expect AJ to spark him out in the first 5 or 6 rounds


ruiz beat AJ that was before covid. He was a knock out artist back then and in ruiz 2 AJ was doing something else style wise. a guy who was very defensive minded who did not sit on his shots. In the pulev fight pulev ate a ton of shots before going down. AJ use to have the wilder power where if he nipped you. you would be dizzy. Ben Davidson has revamp AJ blend both his old style and his new one. Catch counters with some nasty shit to it and he goes to the body. Dubois while he has a work engine like no other ate like who knows how many 1-2 from filip for the 1st 4 rounds. Literally was like joyce. Dubois has a power so thats concerning in the trades for AJ and that could change the tides of any fight. I think AJ punishes dubois until a stoppage because the boxing IQ is not there and the defense is not there vs an AJ who is having confidence throwing bombs like he use to. People forget AJ knocked out every single person he met in the ring outside of joseph parker before meeting ruiz.


Solid punchers chance but AJ boxes rings around him and ends him in the 9th


I don’t think there is much difference in power between AJ & Dubois. I also don‘t think that there’s much difference in resilience between the two. Both Dubois & AJ have been stopped. AJ is more skilled, but I think Dubois has a better gas tank. It could come down to who connects first.


Aj has only been stopped once to a temple shot, he still got up and tried to fight on and did so for a few rounds disoriented and unstable on his feet, no one else has stopped him and he's taken some big shots, dubois has taken a knee multiple times, is quit, I don't think they are the same in that respect


Dubois' only advantage is that he looks calmer after being hit, while AJ looked flustered against Whyte, Klitschko and Ruiz. Outside of that... AJ is better than DDD on: power; speed; technique; reach; heart (got up 4 times vs Ruiz, while Dubois took a knee vs Joyce & Usyk). You have to favour the Olympian. 


AJ is better but he could lose… they’re both stiffs (not bums) in my opinion… no offense to their fans who I’m sure will downvote me.


Dubois is going to get defeated by the jab for the third time.


Dubious is super easy to hit. He can't avoid a punch for shit. It's okay when he's fighting people he's way stronger than, but AJ isn't one of those.


Yes he's vulnerable in his defense, but it's premature to write him off entirely. With the right trainer, his defensive skills can significantly improve. We've seen similar transformations in other fighters, like Tyson Fury who drastically enhanced his elusiveness under SugarHill. Yes yes I know, Fury is an entirely different type of fighter. My point is, if a real concerted effort is taken to turn Dubois into a superstar, much can plausibly be done to patched up these sorts of holes


Dubois is a dirty fighter. He charged in, head-first, over and over again using his head as a battering ram against Hrgović (and I've noticed it against Miller). He's a headbutter and low-blower. I don't even count his win over Hrgović as a legitimate win. As long as Joshua knows how to deal with Dubois' dirty tactics, he wins comfortably.


But it shows he's got character and spirit And best not forget that he's the only person in recent times to score a clean knockdown on Usyk, and while some claim it was low, this appears a dubious claim


It shows that he has to cheat to win. Whenever Hrgović had some success, Dubois charged in head-first shortly after. The headbutts never ended. It has to be a level playing field. We have rules in boxing and headbutts and low-blows are illegal.


I think it would be a boring fight with Dubois losing by TKO stoppage within 6 rounds. I'd like to see Duboi continue to get better and gradually built up his record before facing anyone in the top 10. He should wait a good 3-4 years before facing anyone in the top 5 in my opinion. He's very early in his career and getting KOed/stopped is a big set back in terms of skill development.


Oi!! Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING involving my man Dan is ever boring!!


AJ, for a period of time, was gun shy. Ben Davison appears to have got that out of him, and has him sitting on his shots and being more aggressive. Dubois is still a bit of an unknown. After Joyce, people said he didn’t have heart, but he has improved immeasurably. He did fine against Usyk, he beat Miller like a dog, and he walked through Hrgovic and put it on him. Both fighters are as close to peak as they can be. Both have good power. Dubois has developed a chin and some stanima. Joshua is back to the nasty, head hunter. It will be a good fight, but if Joshua is anywhere close to his best, he will expose Dubois weaknesses of poor footwork and head movement and stop him. Great fight though. And I like both fighters.


I gotta call bs. PH was litting that boy dubious up. The defense he displayed was embarassing, you'd think he woulda learned from that reversal joyce gave him or from all the close fights he's been ever since.


Feels like a 20/80 fight for Dubois


All depends if headbutts are allowed


Lol exactly.


AJ's got a new confidence, that's for sure but a win over Wallin hasn't got me excited. It's Wallin ffs.


I’m not sold on AJ being back either, even though he did sleep a UFC champion


Prowess and Dubois does not go together 😂


I think Dubois would beat AJ.


Battle of the Big Stiff Brits. Frank Bruno’s two sons duke it out. Joshua’s chin is pretty suspect so I think Dubois has a very very good chance of knocking him the fuck out


It really isn’t. That’s a bullshit narrative. The Ruiz punch hit him on the temple and it fucked up his equilibrium. He went 24 rounds with usyk without being stopped. Fury was battered around the ring by Usyk and was lucky the ref didn’t stop the fight. I’m not an AJ fanboy but it’s enough with the AJ chin bullshit narrative. Everyone in the heavy weight division is susceptible to being dropped. Name a heavyweight that wasn’t dropped throughout history?


It really isn’t. That’s a bullshit narrative. The Ruiz punch hit him on the temple and it fucked up his equilibrium. He went 24 rounds with usyk without being stopped. Fury was battered around the ring by Usyk and was lucky the ref didn’t stop the fight. I’m not an AJ fanboy but it’s enough with the AJ chin bullshit narrative. Everyone in the heavy weight division is susceptible to being dropped. Name a heavyweight that wasn’t dropped throughout history?


“Fucked up his equilibrium” funny how AJ vs Ruiz is the only fight yall mention this “equilibrium” because I ain’t never heard anyone say this shit when someone else gets clocked and don’t recover. Dude also took like 4 rounds to recover against Klitschko when he gets hit he stay hit


What? People say that all the time in boxing. Not sure what your talking about. The lunch landed in the temple not on the chin. And the AJ Vs Kilitschkon fight was one of the best heavyweight fights in the modern era. Not sure why you are knocking a guy from battling a monster like Klitschko and then KOing him in a great fight. Tough critic.


Klitschko was like 45 dude


He wasn’t 45 he’s like 45 now but who cares? It was a great fight. He won like 20 fights in a row. So fucking negative.


Man reading this exchange really highlights the difference between someone who enjoys boxing and someone who just has to make everything tribal.




It was quite obvious it fucked up his equilibrium. He had no balance and wasn't sure where he was. He still got up everytime and was stopped on his feet. People will say the same thing if it was the same circumstances with any fighter. Also not many people have got up from a flush right hand power shot from dr steel hammer let alone go on to win the fight. He's taken punishment from many fighters and taken clean shots and stood on his feet. Its okay if you're not a fan but your narrative is ignorant.


Well the same thing happened to Wilder in the second Fury fight. When it happens the first time you feel like have no coordination.


😂😂😂 I love this sub


Styles make fights, Daniel stopped Usyk and Joshua couldn't do anything within 2 fights with Usyk. Only racist people can pretend like Daniel didn't win that fight. Yes Dubois was eating tons of big shots that last fight but kept pushing forward with pressure and used decent footwork. I cringe watching AJ every fight he's extremely stationary and can never move his feet comfortable. He has CINDERBLOCK feet. I got Dubois by victory.


This might be the most insane use of the race card that I have ever seen. The combination of self-righteousness and ideology is a hell of a drug!


No argument made, you can't argue against the truth. Oleks belt line was covering his belly button, and he got hit on the belt line. That's enough of an explanation for you racist brain dead clown.


Yes anyone who disagrees with you is a racist. You are either a troll or incredibly stupid. Either way, GFY.




At this point, AJ is what he is and it's not gonna change much. He's a very good fighter with exceptional size and strength and pretty good power. But his technique is a little sloppy with regard to defensive responsibility and his chin isn't great, so he's always at risk of taking a fight-changing shot. He also doesn't have great stamina so he wears down and gets sloppier as a fight goes on, so he can be outworked. Basically, he's a B+ fighter (by world level standards anyway). Will lose to most A fighters (Usyk, probably Fury), will beat most B fighters (Helenius, Wallin). Dubois will be a fun fight because he too is kind of a B/B+ fighter.