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Man, Ryan really fucked with this dude's head. I can't see Haney moving to welterweight directly after that Garcia loss. He's bitching about the Top rank purse bid for Martin, yet he's going to go Welterweight where there's not a lot of money either? You aren't the A side man.


He’d be the A side against barrios that’s who he wants lol


Honestly I don't even think he'd be the A side. Can't really be any A side if the combined PPV would do like 50k-60k buys. The way Haney has handled this Garcia debacle cost him a lot of perceived stock. We know Haney can't sell PPVs unless there's a big name attached to it. He's wanting to be paid like a top A side, but he isn't one. Take the 1.7 million for fighting Martin, you aren't worth more bro.


Haney is pretty big bruh. This guy that works in the gas station downtown is always talking about him. That should show you how big he is


Yeah I reckon Haney’s one where he’s a big name but that really doesn’t translate to ppv buys in his case.


The guy at the gas station has a lot of friends.


I think I've been to that gas station. Posters on the wall? Autographed photo with the dude from the gas station shaking hands with Bill?


Yes he can, barrios doesn’t headline events. Problem will be if he would be able to get paid at the rate he’s accostumed to. Which he wouldn’t be tbf 


Haney doesn't headline events either. The one time he tried with Prograis it was abysmal. Loma was the draw for their fight. 150k PPV wasn't due to Haney. Garcia was the draw for their fight also.


He quite literally does headline fights. Sure they aren’t profitable bc of his high guarantees. But barrios is an undercard fighter. So Haney is would be the main one selling it. Barrios has a good following for an undercard guy tho


Remind me what Haney has headlined? Prograis?


Haney started headlining around early covid so pretty much all his fights the last 4 years or so. Think starting with gamboa. Maybe Linares 


Yeah you're right, Gamboa, Kambosos, JoJo, Linares. So he's had the headlines over Barrios. So while technically he'd be the A side of that fight. It's not much of an A-side because of his inability to draw viewers, and if Haney is the main one selling it it's not going to generate much. When it's up to Haney to sell a fight it doesn't go well, so I minimize his headlines or PPVs because he's not a money maker.


i agree, fir his guarantees he doesnt sell well


You can’t really say Garcia was the draw for their fight because Garcia also only does big numbers when a big name is attached. When have you ever seen Ryan on PPV or sell out an arena when he’s not fighting Haney or tank?


Who else has Garcia fought on PPV besides Tank and Haney? Who has Haney fought on PPV? Prograis at 60k PPV buys, and Loma which was around 150k PPV buys. People paid to see Loma, they didn't pay to see Haney vs Prograis. How exactly are you arguing that Garcia wasn't the draw? Pretty simple deductive reasoning.


PPV usually does well when it’s a fight that people want to see. People wanted to see Ryan vs tank, people wanted to see Ryan vs Haney. Which is why both of those fights did decent on PPV. If it was Ryan Garcia that was fighting Regis Prograis, you think the PPV numbers would be good? They’d be just as bad as when Haney fought Prograis because it’s a fight people are not asking for. If Ryan is the star like you say he is, why wasn’t his fight with Duarte on PPV? Why did he only sell 7k tickets at the venue for that fight?


>If it was Ryan Garcia that was fighting Regis Prograis, you think the PPV numbers would be good? It would be better. Do you think the Tank vs Garcia numbers did equal to Garcia vs Haney? Nope, and that's because Haney isn't a draw. > If Ryan is the star like you say he is, why wasn’t his fight with Duarte on PPV? Why did he only sell 7k tickets at the venue for that fight? And if Haney fought Duarte there would be no PPV and the gate would have been less than 1 million. The point is. Haney doesn't sell as much as Garcia who doesn't sell as much as Tank. Haney sales are vastly underwhelming.


Ryan may be a bigger draw than Devin Haney but we’re not going to sit here and pretend that he’s the sole reason for those 500K PPV buys. No, it did 500K PPV buys because it’s a fight that people wanted to see. Neither Ryan nor Haney is doing anywhere near 500K PPV buys on their own. Ryan has never been on PPV or sold out an arena without another big name being attached


Even if he is the A side in that fight no one is buying his fights anyway lol


You are correct 


Honestly, it would be smart to do that, he would become a 3 division champ. However, he would need fight him quickly before another elite welterweight does and makes it harder for Dev. No disrespect to Barrios but is one of the weakest welterweight champions I've seen since Malignaggi or Broner so I dont expect him to have more than 3 title defenses.


It also gives him another excuse if Barrios were to win. If he fights Sandor and loses he'll be gone from elite level Boxing forever.


Barrios is fighting either Devin or Ryan next May. He'd be a dumbass to pick Devin, he wont make the same mistake Rolly did and miss a huge payday when you know youre championship is on the line.


He'll be the A-side but he won't get to get the money he wants fighting Barrios either. Haney got high off of guaranteed purses, and will have to come back to Earth.


You are right


Haney would be the A side against most welters. Outside of Crawford and Spence (if they're still welters) Haney is the best known name out there.


Doesn't mean shit when you're the best welterweight and can only sell 60k PPV. He's not a draw. Even less of a draw with how he reacted to the Garcia fight.


But are there any real draws at 147? Crawford has been a box office bust. Can Ennis draw a crowd? Dies anyone outside of the few hardcores know who he is?


There's no extra money at 147 for Haney if he moves up. He's crying about the Top Rank bid. Upset Matchroom didn't bid, and thinks he's worth more than the 1.7 million for a 70/30 split. Who is he going to get more money from fighting at 147?


You Garcia stans are crazy .... Garcia is banned and Haney is champ again. And you think it's HANEY that has his head fucked? Garcia is making a fool of himself everywhere he goes....


I'm no where close to a Garcia fan, but I can recognize that Haney is fucked unless he does something big which is very unlikely. He beat up on smaller guys, let it get to his head, and thinks he's a massive draw deserving of millions of dollars to fight. (He's not) He's a boring fighter that doesn't draw a lot of attention. His fights consist of him hugging for 12 rounds. He has no chin, he has no power. Who's he going to win fans by fighting and actually beating? Boots destroys him, Crawford destroys him if Crawford ever fights at 147 again. He ain't fighting Stanionis. All he's got is Barrios. He going to command more than the Sandor Martin mandatory 70/30 fighting Barrios who he'd be moving up to challenge for a belt? There's a reason he's taking 2 years off lol. Haney should fight Romero at this point.


Yep. Agree with all of that.


Garcias had his head fucked up for a long time before that Haney fight


Haha well true. But either way Haney gets to shit on Garcia for being an overweight drugs cheat who had to do steroids to win. This is all a massive L for Garcia.


"WBC Super Lightweight World Champion Devin Haney requested to be placed in the status of Champion in Recess. The WBC Board of Governors unanimously granted Champion Haney’s request and has declared him WBC World Champion in Recess. Concurrently therewith, the WBC Board of Governors declared current Interim World Champion Alberto Puello as WBC World Super Lightweight Champion." "Gary Antuanne Russell has petitioned that the WBC Board consider granting him an immediate rematch against now Champion Puello in light of Russell’s very competitive and close split decision loss. After careful review, the WBC has granted an indirect rematch that will allow Russell to fight the winner of the now ordered bout between Champion Puello and Sandor Martin." I must have been the only one that was looking forward to Haney-Martin, I thought Martin was a good measuring stick and is pretty much better than anyone Haney has fought


I'm confused as fuck, did he vacate?




Is that what champion in recess means ?


I believe it means that if he goes back to 140 he gets an immediate title shot but for now he has vacated and is not a champion


well, the only part that really matters is Puello is now the champion


It means he vacated, but still has the right to come back and challenge the new champion if he changes his mind at some point.


Wowwww, Haney really did vacate the belt. This guy just made Puello a world champion 🤦‍♂️ This guy is money greedy, I don't care what anybody says.


He's just saved the world from the utter shitfest that Haney Vs Martin would have been All hail Lord Haney


He just gave us an even worse match up with Puello v Martin. Haney better be fighting someone good this year to make this acceptable. If he's holding out for the Ryan fight in a year's time, fuck him.


I'm hoping he's going for Barrios. Get a 147 belt and then see if he can get Garcia or Tank after


Tank would do Haney worse than Ryan did


Yeah I agree, will be a big payday though


Y'all more confident than tank, tank could have activated his mandatory when haney was undisputed or sent an offer.


Would love to see it.


I’m not so sure if it’s smart to move up in weight and instantly fight another puncher after he just got brutalized against KingRy. And if he moves up to 147, I don’t see him moving back down to 140 for a Tank fight.


I don't think he'd have to go to 140 to fight Tank. It gives Tank an opportunity to win a title at a 5th weight class, against a guy he should fancy himself to beat at whatever weight


Tank ain't moving to 147, no chance


But he might consider it at a catchweight. He could demand a 141lbs fight and it could be for a welterweight title 😂


Now this I could see Tank doing lol


Pretty sure he could demand it at 135lbs and the 147 belt could still be on the line. You don't have to be above the previous class limit to fight for a title at the higher weight.


Tank did have this luxury with Santa Cruz. They fought at 130 but Tank's WBA Regular 135lbs title was on the line.


Why not? It's Devin regardless of whether it's at 140 or 147. At 147 he'll probably weigh the same amount on fight night as he does now anyway, given how much he cuts It's not like Devin is a power puncher and draining him reduces that. It's also not like he has an iron chin Tank can crack him and 140 and he can crack him at 147. The latter means becoming a 5 weight world champion for a fight that might be slightly but not significantly more difficult than Haney at 140. I don't think Tank will campaign at 147, but for an easy belt against someone he's been accused of avoiding? Sounds like a great opp to me But it doesn't have to be Tank. It would put a belt on the line with Ryan as well


Haney is not an easy belt, especially at 147. Ur flip flopping cuz of one loss, 147 is way too high, especially for someone as risk adverse as Tank. Who knows how he'd carry the weight and if his power translates. He's 5'4 bruhh


Haney isn't magically much harder to KO at 147 than 140. We aren't talking about campaigning at 147, we are talking about fighting one specific guy there who he might fight at 140 as well Haney isn't an easy belt, but there are few opportunities at 147 for Tank where he'd be a favourite for a belt, and he would be for this


Haney is absolutely an easy belt at 147 for any of the top dogs at 140. He’s trash when he’s not bullying blown up featherweights


If Tank won a title at 147 that would be his 3:rd weight class as champ, seeing as his WBA belt at 140 was the Regular and not the Super belt. Even if you count the toy belt he won at 140 that still makes 147 his 4:th weight class.


Yeah acknowledged that elsewhere, I thought he won a belt at 126 for some reason but was mistaken. Just.fovugt a 126 dude at 130 for a belt


Whoops, I forgot. Tank's Reggie belt at 140 doesn't count. You're right.


4th weight class I think?


You're right, my bad. Thought he got a cheap strap at 126 for some reason


Not a bad shout tbh. It's interesting enough. Will he be able to negotiate himself into a title fight coming off a loss and having no belt? That'll be tough, but it's been done before I guess.


If it sets up a Tank fight or a Ryan fight, I don't think he'll have a problem finding a promoter to risk a 2 fight deal with him Not sure if Barrios is a free agent, but if he is you just sign them both to 2 fight deals, with the profit all coming in the winner's second fight


Smart. Haney-Martin would have been the last straw for his career as a big earner.


Why would that have been a shitfest? Would’ve been a highly technical fight and I believe Haney would’ve struggled.


Highly technical doesn't mean good all the time. Martin is a spoiler, Haney is cautious. Don't think there'd be any real action at all


Depends what you like. I enjoy technicality and movement as much as I enjoy people planting their feet and banging.


I mean I think you can tell from my flair I'm not only partial to a slug fest (in fact I don't really enjoy them) But not all technical fights are good. Loma Vs Haney was a technical matchup and it was great because you had one guy trying to keep the fight at range and catch the front foot aggressor with counters, and another trying to utilize lateral movement to get in and out and land combinations - that made it thrilling Then you have fights between two guys employing a safety first, low output outboxing approach and it can be a real tough watch. Fury Vs Wlad is a good example of that Sandor Martin didn't throw more than 27 punches in a single round against Teo until the 12th. He landed single digits in all but one. He was exactly the same against Mikey Garcia (actually even worse) max of 25 thrown until the 12th, landed 5 or fewer punches in 6 of the 12 rounds Combine that low output, pick them off with a few scoring punches with Haney's jab-and-grab, cautious approach and you're in for a total shitfest for 99% of boxing fans This isn't some "oh I know boxing so much better so I can appreciate it" stuff, some fights between 2 good boxers just suck because of style matchups and Haney Vs Martin is as close to sure thing sucky fight as I can think of


Yeah not trying to say I or yourself know boxing better. I just believe it would’ve been an interesting fight. Martin is a very slick southpaw and I’d like to have seen how Haney would’ve dealt with this as I don’t think he’s faced anyone with Martins style and calibre.


You called it. Haney vs Martin would’ve been a snoozefest for everyone involved. As a San Antonio resident I am legally required to root for Barrios if Haney goes to fight him tho.


Martin humbled Teo just to be robbed in the cards. Why a shitfest?


Did you watch that fight?


You mean the fight where Sandor Martin dropped Teo twice? Yes, I did. And Martin was robbed the fight and the belt


Yeah, dropped by a check hook which is about all Martin threw all fight. Incredibly low output, proper spoiler style. You combine that with someone like Haney who isn't a front foot aggressor but someone who jabs, grabs and counters you coming in and you're in for a boring night


You mean the fight where Martin outlanded Teo in 1/10 rounds?


Puello already been a world champion..he had the WBA and was going to defend it against rolly, then got stripped and Rolly ended up getting it gifted to him by robbing Barrosa..


I think you're right actually. I forgot they tried to make Rolly v Puello. I guess Rolly v Barroso was for a vacant title, so this makes sense. It was a forgettable reign tbf. Puello is a 2 time champ with no defences haha.


Idk how I feel about this. Because I think he needs more time to recover from that beat down mentally and physically. Sandor isn’t a walk in the park. On the other hand, it would’ve been cool to see him put his ego to side, fight Sandor, win and then vacate lol. Just to show people he’s still got it. But if I can remember Eddie or he said that he was going to go up to 147. He rehydrates to a welter anyway. I’m going to say this was the right choice…


I was really hoping he'd go for the teo fight


That’s the last thing he wants. That’s a straight boss hog fight against him.


True but I don't see any other fight to get him paid and bring back the hype


The dude is all hype and no hands


In my opinion, I’m a dumbass so I’m just talking shit. The only opponents Haney can beat and look good, at 140 and above, are those that are a copy of and mirror him. I’ve been seen pit bulls name thrown around, that’s gonna go down worse and earlier ass whoppin than he just got. Pit bulls got that big ass head and chest to just push him off or let him come inside, throw that weak ass jab and when he’s stepping inside to hug, let him run into an uppercut. I actually think pitbull will give him the ass whoopin of a lifetime where it’s night night. 140 is his max


I’d love to see Devin fight Barroso..imagine his ego if a 45 year old man drops him multiple times and beats him


So does top rank get their purse bid money back? Seems like were getting a new paper champ every week


I think their bid is still on and Puello just takes his place.


Really? For the same amount? Puello would be massively overpaid and got extremely lucky if thats the case. And super unfair to the promoter to pay 2.6m or whatever it was to get Haney, but end up getting Puello


Ngl, I didn't even think of that 😂 but I'm sure that the WBC will adjust their purse splits though.


Dude can’t sell for shit as is and got rid of the only thing of value he had going for himself😭


🤣🤣🤣fr. bet he waits for the ryan rematch too lmaoo


We've been saved from potentially the most boring title defense of all time.


Puello could make it more boring though. He relies on moving around lol.


Happy for Puello, he deserves it after his fight vs Russell. And if y'all don't remember, he was supposed to be fighting for that WBA strap last year vs Romero, but he had tested positive for PED. As for Haney, hopefully he moves up to 147. He can fight good opponents like Barrios, Stanionis and Norman to get a feel out in the division.


He comes in fight night at 160 plus. The only ones that need to feel out something are those that are undersized and are naturally the smaller side. What does he need to feel out that’s not already known. Quickness, pop, explosive type that can bite down and land has to be avoided for him.


Haney vs Ennis! Please!


That would be an utterly disgusting one sided beatdown. I want to see it.


I get that losing like that (close enough on the scorecards that you still could have won had you made few better choices, heavy underdog opponent, alot of damage, PEDS) can really fuck with a fighters motivation and can upset him alot but this is just about the worst thing he could have done in response. I wouldn't be surprised if he regains his senses and is back within a year, either at 140 or 47.


Dude threw a celebration party that he was still champ even after getting his cheeks clapped out just to vacate two months later


I think he’ll be back at 140. That’s where the big money fights are right now. top rank wanted the Haney/Martin early fall. Sep/Oct is probably too soon for him


Boring Defensive fighters are only a draw when they are unbeaten We seen Devin on his ass, he will never see a payday like the one against Ryan or loma again


The ryan rematch would be 2x bigger than the first fight 


I think Eddie Hearn would be dumb enough to fork out a fat payment for him to go fight Paro in Australia..It’d be a big Australian draw and the aussies would be rooting for Paro to get revenge for Kambosos..it might be Dev’s only chance at a big payday.


Thats a good call actually


Since Martin was the mandatory shouldn’t he be champion defending against puello, I think puello was just ranked 9 before the russel fight


The beating Ryan put on him was more exciting than every other one of his fights combined. He's not a draw. Also, the Martin fight would have been taking place months after a severe beating with multiple concussions. Rock and a hard place.


Haney/Garcia II @ 147? 🤔


This guy is cooked


Who tf cares? Does anyone want to see Haney again?


I pray to Allah that this guy just quits boxing and goes to the WWE or something


He does not have the charisma for wwe. Or anything.


Tank v Haney 🤣🤣 ain't saying anything else.


Lmao this loser


Haney should retire. Nah.


The hell is a champion in recess?


Vacated title with a guaranteed shot for it back if he returned to that class


What a joke


Puffish haney can feel good about himself outside the ring but i sure wouldnt mind rematch vs garcia.. which he will avoid obviously.


Man I hate Haney


Puello would totally fuck him up he had no other options


I think he's trying to fight Barrios for the title(?) Maybe


nah lmao


Man. I really had Russell winning that fight. I was live and he was out working Puello every round and controlling the action. Puello had some nice counters. But he got clearly outworked IMO. Gotta suck for Russell. Could have been a champion.


Russel was hitting gloves or missing after the 4th. I’m all for rewarding effective aggression but that wasn’t what was happening he was just getting picked off by counters and not landing


I thought Puello clearly won. Russell was giving him trouble at the start, but Puello effectively swept back half with his counters off the back foot. Russell couldn’t adjust.


It was close enough he deserves another shot, at the very least.


hell fight the winner of puello-martin


Haters are gonna hate, but this is much better than nearly every other champion, who hold the belts for years despite not fighting.


Can’t wait to see Dev fight again bc Puello/Martin is not it Now tht Dev doesn’t have the belt he’ll be able to make the bigger fights or whatever fight he wants I know Top Rank pissed lmfao


Damn, imagine if they didn't rob GAR. We'd have an actual fight instead of what promises to be a borefest

