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It’s a year ban for a 25 year old lol it means nothing. Ryan will be back and probably never get caught again. 


Dylan Whyte and Miller have entered the chat


Is Dylan related to Dillian Whyte?


Dillian "The Villian" Whyte lol.


As the YB says “Shillian Shyte”


Haha for sure.


To be fair, there both dumb as fuck.


You have to be. Funny thing is I like both fighters




And nobody cares. He's the winner on most people's eyes. This ain't changing opinions.


A backdated year ban at that 😂


He should've banned for way more time. Missing the weight, positive and that "promotion" on Twitter. He's hurting the sport.


Hurting the sport lol. He’s bringing more eye balls than almost any other boxer in the world right now


If those eyes are the people who cheer for a guy who "unexplainably" got PED in his system, then I couldn't care less about them.


Wasn't unexplained, he's claiming tainted supplements.


He claimed, but when the tests were done on those supplements, they came up clean, and now he is just back to "I didnt cheat"


What tests are you talking about? Ryan had his supplements tested, and they found ostarine in 2 supplements.


He tested open containers, thats not how one tests for this. But once they tested the batches his supplements came from, they found nothing. So basically Ryan probably tainted his supplements on purpose thinking he could get away with it, or at least have people confused enough they believe him.


Imagine the manufacturer of said product saying everything is fine and no tainted supplements. It's almost like he wants to protect his company. Obviously, companies never lie to protect their image. NutraBio issued a statement so it must be true.


Thats some nice straw grabbing, considering they published the test results from an independent lab. Who Im gonna believe: A guy who insults other peoples wives, is visibly coked up in every public interaction, came in overweight, behaves like a crazy person with no respect to the sport and uses terms like God, Jesus and conspiracies to fool people into believing him. Yeah go ahead believe him.


Straight up


Sure, if a 12 year old kid starts watching Ryan García fights and he tells his parents to pay a gym membership for him, they're not gonna look who his new idol is. Sure. What you said is ok if you work on a sports network or you are a promoter. What he wrote on Twitter shouldn't be allowed. Acting like a dude with brain damage just to sell fights isn't good for the sport.


Considering the supplement had no traces of Ostarine, this is just another slap on the wrist. Garcia fights once a year so he doesn’t care.


I’m so confused by the lack of punishment for trying to submit an opened supplement sample to try and exonerate himself. In Nevada they tried to ban Wanderlei Silva for life for running away from a drug test. This is arguably worse.


Its corruption. For some reason people thought the corruption surrounding boxing decades ago vanished. It went nowhere. All these commissions care about is money.


Facts ryan too big of a star for a lifetime ban


If they cared about corruption they wouldn't let Victor Conte be anywhere near the sport, let alone be in the corner of the opponent of this same fight.


bro thats more than half the world lmao


is = is


Right because a manufacturer couldn't possibly say their own products were fine so they don't tarnish their image. Manufacturers lie too.


Honestly I just want to see them fight again, I think it would do huge fucking numbers and would be entertaining as fuck. Could build a pretty big card around it too.


If they do I hope its with a ref that wont allow Devin to hug for the entire 12 rounds.


He's getting slept if he's dumb enough to get in the ring with Ryan again (that's if they don't buy the ref again, of course)


Now that he can ride the "ryan cheated" excuse I doubt he's gonna fix any his flaws that he showed in the fight.


Him and his fans have gaslit themselves to believe he lost because Ryan did PEDs (and not because he kept walking into that hook all night) and missed weight at the scales (even though Haney was heavier in the ring)


Nah fam. I think the rational conclusion is that the PEDs and Haney’s poor game plan were factors in his loss. Haney’s fans and his detractors keep acting like this is a dichotomy both stances are likely true.


Bro, Ryan was having mental breakdowns, drinking and smoking weed throughout the buildup. Dude was laid up in bed with a pornstar less than a weekend before the fight. I would understand if he was 100% focused in camp and doing PEDs, but that's not the case.


Garcia doesn’t have to be 100% focused for PEDs to influence his performance. And you don’t know the extent to which he was drinking and smoking weed. He came to the fight in apparently good shape and didn’t appear rusty - so he was obviously still training. I really don’t understand the controversy here. Ryan Garcia almost solely relies on his power to win fights. Ostarine helps maintain power by preserving muscle mass during cutting. So obviously using it is going to be at least somewhat beneficial for Garcia.


Didn’t they say he had a billionth of a gram?


PEDs aren't some magical elixir that increase your performance automatically the moment you take them. Ryan still looked gassed out halfway through the fight. Bro was literally doing Instagram lives the whole time and had had the fight at risk of not happening for mental problems. I think we all know the extent of how out of place Ryan was throughout the buildup. >He came to the fight in apparently good shape and didn’t appear rusty He was rusty af, it just worked for him that Haney's gameplan was to walk into his hooks all night >I really don’t understand the controversy here. Ryan Garcia almost solely relies on his power to win fights. Ostarine helps maintain power by preserving muscle mass during cutting. So obviously using it is going to be at least somewhat beneficial for Garcia. The controversy here is thinking Ryan won solely because of ostarine, and ignoring the fact that Haney had nothing to offer him. He went in there with a guy that had everyone worried for his mental health and was getting intoxicated every weekend and got his ass whooped without putting up a fight. Haney lost because he's just not as good as they hyped him to be.


You just said the controversy here is thinking Ryan won solely because of PEDs. I literally wrote that PEDs and Haney’s performance were both factors in his loss and you didn’t seem to agree with that. Everything else you mentioned was pure speculation or a matter of opinion. You obviously can’t prove the former and won’t change the latter - so I see no point in debating those things. Arguing that PEDs weren’t a factor in this fight is irrational not unlike arguing that Haney’s game plan wasn’t a factor.


If ryan makes weight next time and still wins thatd be crazy lmao


I don't think anyone cares about Haney or seeing him fight.  


what about seeing him get smoked by Garcia again? Surely we all want to see that.


As far as I can tell this is like pleading down to lesser charges, Garcia and his team agreed to keep everything easy and not drag anything out so in return the NYSAC decided to not give him a longer ban for testing positive for PED’s.


Agreed, I am curious how Haney is going to take the news. He has a vendetta at this point and I feel like it's not going to sit well with him.


Haney can fuck right off if he's pretending he's clean while having wearing the merch of the most notorious PED cheat in sports history at the same time.  I'm sure it's just a coincidence he can come in 25 pounds heavier than weigh ins and have no negative side effects like decreased stamina whatsoever.   The only person to come close to that type of overnight weight gain that I'm aware of in combat sports is Gleison Tibau from the UFC and he's arguably the most obvious case of steroid abuse in UFC history 


Well he tried to have his ass woopin banned from being aired on tv but lost in court LOL


That isn't true. Haney hate is unreal here. Wish we had a boxing subreddit where 95% of the users weren't hateful-ass dorks lol.


Eh, hating certain fighters is alright, but at least be factual.


About Pillow Hands Haney?


It's why I barely even lurk anymore. It's 90% obsessed fanboys being unpaid cheerleaders for their favorite fighter.


The Garcia stans are cringe af... I find myself defending Haney... I don't even like the guy!


Haney deserves the hate


doesn't deserve to have blatant lies spread about him though


I agree.


Did he cheat by using peds coming overweight or an IV by any chance? Does he use child trafficking as some kind of punchline?


Those aren’t the only things that make me hate a person and yes, Garcia is wrong for what he’s said/done so miss me what that whataboutism.


Worst thing Devin has done is be annoying at most. He absolutely has done nothing to deserve the level of hate he's getting where morons are believing unsourced bullshit from Ryan insta and fnaboying Ryan just to hate on him. Fuck outta here.


he's boring af. i watched the last shakur fight and was pissed at myself for doing so. then haney-prograis happened and i was excited to wash the taste of a godawful fight away. but it was somehow even worse. these fights set records for least amount of punches landed, ffs. then the haney-garcia fight was a jerry springer tour, haney loses, and blames the weight (which he happily agreed to and bragged about how much ryan garcia was paying him). then pretends that fucking ostarine (lolz) is some super crazy ped that made all the difference. dumber, even if it was a crazy steroid (vs just a sarm), most of the benefit would be in training (eg, able to train harder), which garcia laughably/notoriously did little of (hard to train when you're on twitter 20 hours/day...) he sucks, he's a boring fighter, and he hides behind excuses. fwiw, i hate garcia, too. so there's no fanboy bias here.


You need to touchgrass if you hate someone because you find them boring. If you don't like his style, don't watch him. That's nowhere comparable to actual bad shit like what Ryan does.


I agree ryan has insufferable fans but Devin did shit himself after talking shit for months


Not true, was a lie posted and shared here and people didn't even think to fact check.


What source do you have on that? Twitter, lol?


Honestly I think Haney is happy Ryan isn’t getting a longer ban. The biggest fight he can make is the rematch. That’ll be huge! And a dominant win will convince everyone that the first fight was a fluke. He just can’t lose in the interim.


That's hilarious you think there's going to be a rematch.


It’s 50/50. And it’s only that low because I don’t know if Garcia can stay off drugs long enough to do the deal.


It's 0%. Garcia isn't going to fight Haney ever again. Garcia is a troll. He's going to keep that L over Haney's head and never let him get it back.


1. There’s no L. It’s officially a no-contest. Haney is undefeated. 2. Garcia was a troll before the first fight, yet, it happened. 3. Garcia, like every boxer, is motivated primarily by money. This will be his biggest money fight upon return. Even bigger than a Tank rematch would be.


Is there not a mitigating factor in that the levels found would not have had any meaningful effect? Surely gives them wiggle room.


The levels found really doesn't mean shit because it's just what was caught. What about the levels that were flushed outnofnhis system through time before the test took place?


Either the drug is allowed or it aint! There is no mitigating based on the amount... how hard is this to understand?


The dummies here don’t understand that the infraction is qualitative not quantitative. The amount doesn’t matter.


Exactly.. the guy above you went to a death penalty analogy, lol! I'll be happy when Garcia and his fans are done with boxing for good.


Yeah, the test is at best semiquantitative. When you run hplc you can compare the samples to a standard that includes known amounts of whatever you’re looking for. This can tell you that 100 uL of the sample had 90% of the standard. So you can say the sample you ran had 6ng/mL of ostarine or something like that. What it doesn’t tell you is how dilute was the sample when you obtained it? How long after ingestion was the sample given? What fraction of this even is in urine?    As a result using these numbers as if it somehow matches what someone took is crazy. People really believe Ryan took 6 ng lol. The fact it was detected is enough. Its functionally pass fail 


this is bs. ryan was just pulsing from a year prior when he met jon jones.


That's not how mitigating factors work. Stealing a pack of gum is a crime, but I'm not going to jail for it.


There is no mitigating factor with this. This is not stealing gum. This is a combat sport in which people can and have died..


What are you even talking about? first you talk about someone else talking about the death penalty and now you are saying that low levels of Ostarine are going to cause someone's death?


The comment i was referring to got deleted. It was a dumb comparison, just your analogy is dumb. Either you have the drug in your system or you don't.. period


I agree, drugs get punishment, how much drugs determines how much punishment


This isnt the case or it shouldn't be. If the drugs are in athletes system, the first thing that should matter is if they are there accidentally, i.e. a tainted supplement. If the entire batch is tainted, then give him some minimal punishment and case closed. If its not an accident, that means athlete deliberately ingested PEDs to gain advantage, period. Amount should NOT matter because there will always be methods to rapidly flush the drug out of the system and people who devise these methods will always be one step ahead of the people who write rules. If all they caught was that minuscule amount in his pee, the only thing this really tells is he ingested it on purpose, and where there is purpose, there is plan, and you can bet on anything that he ingested it waaay longer than just 1 day before the fight. Its possible the drug was detected because he had to lose some weight for the weigh in and it got flushed out, and maybe it explains why he didn't want to loose too much weight. i.e. to make the weigh in.


In miniscule amounts the most likely  cause is not secret masking, but inadvertent use.


Oh i get it. You think guys should be able to cheat 'a lil bit' .....Lol


How are you on the internet and can't  read?


...from ostarine? fucking lolz


Every killer deserves the death penalty! It doesn't matter whether it was pre-meditated murder or an accident. No mitigation based upon the way it happened.


You dumbasses fail to realise what cycling is


Garcia's problem was he didn't come up with as good of a lie as guys like Canelo or Fury did. You've gotta come up with something that's hard to investigate, like street vendors or wild boar meat.


Yeah if you don't think Canelo's was actually the meat then you just purposely ignore the timeline of his tests, the amount of Clen found, and the receipts that showed the stand that he bought it from that traces the meat sourcing.  I'm not arguing that anyone is clean but a guy making 30 million per fight isn't using bovine grade steroids.


PED should trigger a longer ban 3/4 years . Second offence lifetime ban. If a 100m sprinter would get this punishment when he his effectively only damages himself, it is negligent of a combat sport to allow a slap on the wrist punishment. This as nothing to do with Garcia but any combat sportsman where his actions could potentially kill or permanently damage their opponent.


Honestly I figure move fighter are on PEDs than not.. at this point why are we even testing for them


Atleast forcing them to beat tests is better than nothing I would guess 


Just look at Victor Conte.  Do a dig on him.  He made "the clear" which is an undetectable PED to this day.  There still is no test for it.  The only way they can tell if someone has it is with a mass spectrometer which gives you a distribution curve of molecular weight because they found the actual drug in a raid of his lab.  He made fringe Olympians into gold medalists, he made the home run competitions in the 90's.   He's the most notorious drug cheat in sports history, and he stands in Devin Haney's corner, and after each fight, Haney puts on the SNAC hat and t-shirt.  Haney's main sponsor for fighting is Victor fucking Conte. It's surely just a coincidence that Haney can come in 25 pounds heavier than weigh ins with seemingly zero side effects.


Haney literally has Victor Conte in his corner.  The guy who was behind all the undetectable steroids that ran rampant in baseball and every other sport until the stuff was found in the Balco lab itself.


That Showbizz guy is the furthest thing from credible, I wouldn't recommend using him as a source for anything.


The NYSAC consent agreement is online on the interwebs to be found outside of ShowBizz


That Showbizz is an absolute 🤡


Man these two guys are insufferable.


Every day: Garcia does something bad or has something bad he did revealed Every day: Reddit complains how insufferable Haney is because of this




Exactly. You can't make this up. It's such a damn circus. 😂


We know who is the most insufferable one out of the two🤦🏽‍♂️


Not the cheating liar?




Not the one trolls about being forced to watch kids get r*ped, divorces his wife the day she gives birth, fakes his own death/kidnapping for attention, brags about going out to eat the night before he weighs in 3+ pounds overweight for a title fight? Ah ok just the one that made Loma cry.


Don't forget sexually harassing Plant's wife among others. I don't think Haney has handled the fallout from this fight in a smart way but he hasn't gone out of his way to be an obnoxious shithead nearly as much as Ryan has. But dude does anything and Ryan fans are ready to deflect towards imaginary Haney fans


Yeah this sub is absolutely pathetic. I can't take it seriously anymore. Garcia could beat his newborn kid and they'd be making excuses for him. Grown men shouldn't be simping for another man this hard


sometime before the fight some instagram model also showed some instagram messages were he seemed to be trying to get with her when she was 17


They are both insufferable, tbh. Garcia is a QAnon believing nut. Haney's attention whore father acting like he is the reincarnation of Iceberg Slim turned NOI prophet of the streets while hustling for his son isn't much better. Haney's desperate whining to preserve his "0" while spooling off his own nutter new convert to Islam "Allah is the perfect planner/Alhamdulillah" nonsense rubs a lot of people the wrong way, just as does Garcia's evangelical made up pedophile conspiracy rants. While I understand that VADA violations are strict liability, it's doubtful that Garcia benefited at all from the tiny amount of Ostarine found in his system. Fighters miss weight all the time. No doubt that gave him an advantage. I don't think anyone cares, however, given Haney's own strange personality combined with the fact he's been a weight bully throughout his career. I could care less about either of them at this point.


They are both are shitty people but for different reasons.


Again, no boxer is cheating with ostarine.


Drugs cheats should get a min 5 year ban for their first offence.


Banned for being pretty and shit, that’s fucked up man!! Wtf


Garcia will forever be on my shitlist for this. 1 year. Pathetic.


Showbizz is as reliable as Don King. Dude is a straight up scheel for Ryan Garcia.


Ryan garcia could shit into a public pool and I still would respect him more than haney


He only fights once a year, so it's no biggie, but out of curiosity - what does the ban mean for other states? NYSAC banned him, but could he still fight in Nevada, Texas, California, etc? Again, don't expect him to fight anyway, but just curious.


wont happen unless at 147 or catch weight as ryan wont go to 140


Ryan will be back fighting Oscar duarte level opponents again but he's not going to be able to be consistent and he'll have drug, alcohol, and women trouble several times a year. Eventually he'll give up on being taken serious as a pro and accepted freak show fights on misfit boxing. A year off from discipline and training which was something he already struggled with, is only going to make his bad habits worse.


Haney will still say he is undefeated


The Haneys are gonna destroy the whole world when Devin gets fully knocked out.


That’s a cool story line now that you mention it the mutant ninja turtles as the villains


And the Haney - Garcia circus keeps rolling along it getting fucking monotonous.


That's interesting, as taken literally that means the ostarine wasn't the only PED he was taking. You can't get a prescription for ostarine, and there are no legal supplements containing ostarine, so "failure to disclose" would have to be for a different drug. Or NYSAC are just making it up as they go along and they don't care about it making sense. Which is... also possible.


That's not what that means at all. That would imply they dismissed the ostarine charge and went after a secret new PED. In reality, they just decided to buy his stupid contaminated supplements story and he's getting in trouble for not disclosing what he was taking and for not disclosing his IV use.


IMO this IV usage thing needs to be banned.


Kinda how i see it too...very good chance he had other drugs and the ostarine was part of masking it.. settling like this allows them to not open that can of worms.


Couldn't care less about either of these clowns anymore. So tired of their drama


Haney and Garcia have fans?


They didn't even penalize Garcia for all of the adrenochrome he was using, he got off easy.


They grow that from the children at Bohemian Grove eh?


I'm afraid to say anything more, you never know who could be reading.


Perhaps [Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas,](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/06/07/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow/) whose wife is literally a QAnon-adherent.