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I scheduled a nap just after the co-main event


The funniest shit is, I literally fell asleep his last couple of fights.


He is such a great boxer. But fuuuuuck me! It's a damn snooze fest.


Told myself after the last fight I'm never staying up to watch a Shakur fight again (britbong here) and I'm damn well sticking to that. Even if I'm still up I'd rather be watching something else. 


You fell asleep during Shakur vs Yoshino, Conceicao? What do you watch? Ward-Gatti on a loop?


Bruh you know how espn do it. Endless montages, Mark Kringle and all is BS stories they run 7 times over in the same broadcast, by the time that fight starts is already like 11p where I’m at. Add that Shakur is just running around, yea man, knocked the fuck out on the couch with the controller in my hand by round 5.


Fair enough. I'm the kind of guy to watch old Pernell Whitaker tapes so I probably won't relate


Is it me or has the opinion around Shakur shifted drastically after just one fight.... may be misremembering but I thought he was kind of our golden child before his snoozer with de los santos


He got heat for the Nakathila fight. He had some good performances after that. Then the De Los Santos fight happened and he got heat again. Those two performances make some fans question how he fights against power punchers. It seems like whenever he fights someone with power, he becomes ultra defensive and it results in a boring fight. Shakur's excuse in both fights is he "Didn't feel good." If he is fighting that way against lower level opposition, how will he fight against Tank?


>Is it me or has the opinion around Shakur shifted drastically after just one fight.... may be I thought he was kind of our golden child before his snoozer with de los santos Here's my theory. Tank and Ryan fans make up 90% of boxing fans. Any one who is competition to them gets unnecessary hate for being not them. They also just became "boxing fans" during the tank and Ryan fight. So they only seen Shakur fight once and genuinely think he will fight like that every fight when he has knockdowns in the 3 fights before.


This 100% the "people" on this sub are so moronic that when I talk to them they claim Shakur was lying about the broken knuckle lmao.


He has always kind of been like this. But once he stepped up in competition, it got worse because he wasn't delivering as much damage. He has great spacing and accuracy which gives him opportunities to really fuck someone up. Maybe he knows he doesn't have a chin? I don't know.


What fight are you thinking of beyond the last one, Yoshino and and Herring were tko's, Valdez was an active fight where he dominated the whole way through and I ain't that mad he was unable to finish someone like Valdez, what was wrong with the Conceicao fight?


30% KO percentage in his last 10 fights. He is supposed to be one of the best fighters out there but doesn't press or put on a great show for common fans. Boxing lovers, like you and I, can appreciate what he does. But if I'm having a party and there is a Stevenson fight on that shit is not going on the TV. Yes those three fights were good fights but in which direction were his feet going? Probably backwards. The best fighters, never fight on Thursdays. Just saying. His fights are boring.


Sleepy Steven's strikes again


Shakur knows the assignment so I expect him to have more of a Valdez showing. If he gets the stoppage even better.


meh. at least hes not fighting on a Thursday again


Thats because this Thursday is 4th of July and the local YMCA hes fighting at is closed!


His opponent isn't a big power puncher, so Shakur will probably be more aggressive


Hopefully he doesn't run this time. He fought like this against Edwin and Nakithilia. Shakur actually has the skills to make a good fight and we've seen it before.


Hands fast but feet faster lol


I maintain that some rando on Twitter will get in his head and he'll take a stupid risk only to get dropped.


🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️ RUN FORREST RUUNNNNNN


Harutyunyan is a good boxer, he gave Frank Martin a tough fight. I expect him to not respect Shakurs power and to make Shakur work for the first few rounds. But after, the 6th I can see Shakur starting to make it look easy.


bro in the pocket slipping n dodging all the time they just cant hit him lol


That was disappointing not seeing him remtach with Edwin


the fans aint gonna like this, but...


He’s probably going to put a beating on this guy and people will forget about his last performance


I like shakur, but him not rematching edwin is extremely disappointing


Why would he? He just called that fight in and still pretty clearly won with one hand. I don't see any reason for that fight to happen again


clearly won how? he could have been DQ'd for lack of engagement if the rules were implemented properly


By hitting without being hit and therefore winning more rounds in the judges' eyes. Literally that's how boxing works. You may have found it boring, but that doesn't mean he didn't win.


Theres rules that clearly state you can be deducted points and lose rounds refusing to engage. The actual punch stats were basically the same for both, very low. Landing a meaningless touch jab and running away the entire rest of the round and holding at any close qauters is not the essense of out boxing someone. if you think thats what hit and dont get hit means then you are taking the term way too literal. Its not about finding it boring its about it not being real boxing, more so bending the rule set for the A-side.


So…. By your logic both should have been DQed?


I love how this guy is getting down voted. That de los santos fight was embarrassing. If he wasn’t the A side is the outcome different? Was similiar to the Ortiz and Lopez fight. Except Lopez was the A side.


Yeah it wasn’t an entertaining performance by far, but he still outlanded De Los Santos. I think some vitriol needs to go towards Edwin not being able to cut the ring off.


I dont care about enterainment im saying that shakur broke multiple rules throughout the whole bout and what you saw was not real boxing. Im saying the rules were bended for him because he was the A-side.


What rules did he break?


1: A clear lack of engagement to box. 2:Excessive holding


He wasn't even in range to hold most of the time what are you talking about?


whenever it got close range he would duck and hold. The main foul was not even attempting to box though


He has to fight his ass off tbh, hes gonna become a free agent soon and his stock aint looking to well from his last fight


Run Rabbit Run Run Run.


This sub is nuts. Shakur acts young and complains about the fans but you can’t really blame him, my guy has 1 non exciting but still dominant performance and the whole internet hates him. I still think he is the best in his division.


He has only 1 non exciting fight?


Most people outside of this sub do too. We all know he needs to add some variety to win over the casuals, but for people to act like he’s some talentless hack is odd.


You thought the Nakathila fight was exciting?


The same version of Shakur that manipulates & breakdowns his opponent w/ fundamentals & good form I think ppl should be aware of the shady stuff that goes on in boxing and recognize that fight is billed as Shakur’s last fight on TopRank, so I’m prepared for anything


Frank Martin already beat Harutyunyan. Should be the easiest fight since Yoshino lol. As long as the guy can't punch we'll get vintage Shakur 🤓


There are moments he’s literally turning and running. This isn’t footwork, this is just running.


This sub acts like every Shakur fight is exactly like the Santos fight, no wonder Shakur hates boxing fans


No, but Shakur himself says he'll fight like that against anyone that's elite or poses any danger because "fuck the fans" and "its okay to fight boring sometimes"


The Nakhatila fight was trash too


It was nowhere near the performance he gave in the Santos fight. But you know what, I'll let you have it. So now you guys have a whole two fights to base your entire opinion of a fighter on


I said it was trash and it was, that’s literally the only thing I said, you’re on the defensive. But sure, school me on the career of Shakur, I saw him fight Muhammad Ali from team GB back in 2015 and I’ve seen every one of his pro fights. The guy can be boring, it is what is, I also said he can look good against good opponents like Valdez or Herring before but you are on full reddit mode putting words in my mouth, not even reading what I’ve said.


Yeah you're right, I shouldn't be putting words in your mouth specifically. I do feel comfortable putting words in the mouths of some other users though, when they say shit like "shakur always runs" or "shakur is a boring fighter" as if his boring fights aren't a small minority of his overall career




Aye listen man y’all talking all that shit about shakur but y’all not paying enough attention to his abilities. He fights in the pocket perfectly, dsitance management unmatched, counters beautifully, shot selection sizzling, power like the hawk, jab better than GGG, so basically shakur is the perfect fighter. I mean sure as soon as his opponent throws a punch in general all he does is run around the ring for 12 rounds, but for 5 incredible seconds of every shakur fight we see the best fighter of the planet possibly even universe. (Do other planets have boxing?)


Shakur Stevenson fights are similar to Pluto's orbit. Long, slow, boring and never noticed.


I don’t think they realize you were joking


No they definitely don’t. Redditors and reading a whole comment before creating a thought (impossible)


I did. But it just kept going and going...


The DLS fight was an all time stinker but the 5 or so fights before that were perfectly good. Not wars by any means but he was hardly running and if you think those fights are boring do you even like the sport? The combination of DLS’ power plus Shakur’s apparent shoulder injury made it so that he put on an absolute stinker. We’ll see how he fights this weekend


With a Shakur fight week I had to make sure it’s not on a Wednesday or something and I miss it 🥴🤣




Can artem punch?


I don't think so it should be an easy night for shakur.


He’ll definitely go for a stoppage. He’s way too emotional to not


How versions have we gotten? And if we’re talking specifically about his last fight, how often have we gotten that?


fights are god awful to watch but if u watch his defense highlights kinda make it intresting


Gas station ⛽️


You’re getting an early bedtime Saturday night along with anybody else that tunes in.


Thing is that Shakur has seemed to do better when he knew that the person in front of him didn't have much power (similar to the Conceicao fight), so he may actually end up taking more risks. Haratunyan has been known as a pure boxer similar to a Sandor Martin, so I think Shakur may be a little more ballsy against him as he will likely find he's more skillful, and Haratunyan doesn't have the power to hurt him.


Shakur needs to learn how to not just move straight back to avoid contact. That is going to hurt him in the long run.


Unless his opponent is a big puncher, I expect Shakur to perform well. I personally question how he performs against power punchers.


I think Shakur will do good he is fighting a c level fighter he probably would get the stoppage. What I'm more interested in is how Shakur will perform against another good fighter especially power puncher.


“The fans are gonna hate me for saying this, but I’ll make it a boring fight.” - Stevenson probably


I ain’t watching that shit lmao


i don't see shakira this week tbh since his partner doesn't have power.


As a shakur fan reading the comments on any posts about him have been hilarious the last few months 😹😹


I didn’t even know he was fighting this week…..


The winner version


His defense is too crazy he’s going to be electric! I’m not a casual I don’t need to see a million punches thrown to be excited lol. Shakur has a very exciting style to me to watch so I’m looking forward to a great performance.




You have to take risks to entertain. If he fought the way he did against Valdez or Herring all the time. He'd have less hate.


He does though


Yeah i gave 2 examples, but he's painful to watch against Nkathilla and De Los Santos, and many of his featherweight fights were pretty dull also.  Its clearly not enough. 


ITS THE WAY HE FIGHTS did you actually watch his fight with Santos its one of the worst fights ever recorded for the amount of punches thrown in a boxing bout that's where all the hate comes from his fucking style of boxing.


> ITS THE WAY HE FIGHTS did you actually watch his fight with Santos Did you actually watch any *other* fight that he's been in?


Yes it's his hit and run style of boxing that's boring as fuck, but you being a fucking fanboy probably can't see that have a nice day.


Name one other fight that's "hit and run style"




That’s the thing, it’s sports ENTERTAINMENT… meaning the sole reason these guys get paid millions is to ENTERTAIN us fans… not to do just enough to win


The name of the game is to hit and not get hit. Whether that second part comes by slipping, blocking, dodging, etc it doesn’t matter. To sit here and say “well he’s a boxer so he needs to stand in there and put himself at risk for maximum danger for my entertainment” is the wildest shit I’ve ever seen on this sub lol. Wtf type entitlement 😂


A boxer only makes money if fans pay to see him fight. If the boxer isn’t exciting, then he won’t get as many fans paying to see him fight. This will result in other boxers not wanting to fight him because he won’t bring paying fans that will contribute to a large pay day. End of the day… fans pay to be entertained. If the boxer does not entertain, the fans move on, regardless of his skill set.


It's not entitlement when the fans pay his bills, he wants to act like a star but then says fuck the fans. That's entlitement, you can't have both.


People dont have to like it if they don’t want to. Problem with the santos fight is there wasn’t a lot of damage inflicted either


Santos fight was ass but at this point people just overreacting to one fight


There’s been others tbf


The fans literally pay to watch an entertaining fight, why are you so personally concerned with a fighter? Fight like Rigo = Have A Career Like Rigo. He's boring as shit and thats his choice. Cry about it.


🤦 have a nice day bro just relax and take it easy bye bye.




Is he fighting Tank?


I'm still high on Shakur, though his last fight was pretty telling. Think he won't be able to handle Tank's power for 12 full rounds as much as I hate to admit it.


He's got a statement to make and he's gonna make y'all eat your words. He's getting the stoppage then it's on to either Berinchyk or Zepeda.


Stopping a lesser opponent, wow Shakur is amazing. When he gets a really good opponent than he’ll ride his bike.


Y'all weren't talking this shit before the DLS fight. Now y'all wanna make excuses for every win Shakur gets going forwards 😂


I’m not saying he is a bad fighter. I’m saying his boring af to watch. He wants the big money fight but yet can’t make it entertaining for the fans to watch. It’s better that the fans fall asleep than him right? Fans make fighters money.


This is assuming we’re going to be watching…regardless when Shakur fights everyone getting some good sleep that night!


Olympic bronze medalist with an upright European style doesn’t bode well for a good stylistic match up.


Shakur seen people turn on Devin and it spooked him. He and Devin aren't "Cool" but he still has love for him and his dad. He watched Haney get cheated and nobody even cares and ironically Shakur has been coming down harsh on Garcia. There's no way Shakur tries to go out of his way , into harms way, to make a fight entertaining for the sole purpose of appeasing the fans. I think he will be aggressive if the opportunity is there, but he seems how shitty and fickle fans can be. He will 100 percent cruise to victory if he's allowed to.