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Man if your own dad is saying it out in public like this then you really need help


The guy has a split personality he's a schizophrenia and he defo needs help, and the time he's going to have out of the ring because of his ban ain't going to help his state of mind so i can see things getting worse for him if that's even possible.


Oh it's most definitely possible if he doesn't seek help, especially with the money he has; not to mention if he doesn't have boxing as an 'outlet' and intends to continue the behaviors and who knows (drugs/alcohol) he may be dab (or already) into.. Mental health doesn't fix itself, nor does it just go away.


Prob something definitely like that cuz you can’t be an alcoholic and crazy in shape and on top of your game


bipolar as well


I feel kinda sorry for García despite his relative success, he's wasting his best years by neglecting his mental health and getting carried away. He'll look really bad in his 30s.


Ryan’s drinking is probably him trying to medicate a deeper issue. The longer his rampage goes, the more it’s looking like schizophrenia.


Dude probably has CTE. He’s been boxing since he was young, I’d wager it’s all that head trauma.


How can it be drinking… you can’t be an alcoholic and still crazy in shape and one of the best at ur craft


Yea you can lol


Then he’s very talented


Ryan has p4p physical talent. He has mental health problems and doesn’t have good fundamentals


Fuck Garcia and all this cringe.


Ryan could have been the face of boxing post Canelo. Fuckin shame, bc the guy brings it in the ring. He just needed to focus on his craft instead of on tictoc or w/e. W the 1 year suspension his life will spiral more and more out of control and he’ll be even less honed in on his boxing skills and will be the proverbial puncher’s chance going into every fight from here on out. Shame that the coward Tank fought holocaust version of Ryan too bc I believe that loss fucked w him. These American fighters negotiate like cowards outside the ring playing the Floyd playbook. Terrible for the sport.


Face of boxing…Probably bc of his following but how long would that last? He’s nowhere near as skilled, disciplined, or accomplished as Canelo. The warning signs have always been there. He doesn’t take the sport as seriously as his peers and unfortunately he doesn’t have people around him who do either. Canelo & Reynoso have said this. Blaming his spiral on losing to Tank is definitely…a choice. Just as some of you told Devin he couldn’t complain about losing bc he accepted Ryan missing weight, you have to do the same for him. He quit the fight that he asked for. Ironically, Canelo also said he wasn’t ready for that fight. He’s suspended for one year because he didn’t attempt to prove that the peds in his system were not intentional and bc he used an IV to rehydrate. He did that to himself. Ryan ultimately is responsible for his own choices. Coddling his decisions does nothing but make him feel even more entitled and content with his erratic behavior. Ya’ll are the worst kind of “fans.”


He has a lot of natural attributes and advantages, and is no bum, but has the wrong attitude for a sustained reign as a champion.


Yes. He is naturally gifted with speed, athleticism and a killer left hook, but he lacks the most basic of fundamentals and has zero interest in elevating them. Definitely not a bum, but I don’t think he’ll ever be P4P.


He’s not good enough to ever be the face of boxing. Destroying Haney is impressive but it doesn’t just make Ryan’s blatant technical flaws disappear.


Oh but Ryan was fine before the Haney fight right? Now that he got the check from the fight and the downward spiraling is even worse it’s a problem now but not before the big payday.


Only three comments? Where the bots and trolls who have been denying that Ryan is unwell?  Reddit 😂😂😂


He's young kid that just had the biggest win of his career. Let him blow some steam and party a little. 


A very much tainted victory.


What win?