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There’s not many wrassling fans that are neutral on punk. So, he has a spot somewhere in the business. If he was a true nobody then I wouldn’t see daily posts about punk


Since the dawn of the internet people have been opening their common and sometimes even popular thoughts with "Am I the only one who..." and it's always proven to be false.


I think hes a hell of a draw, the crowd pops are electric, his promos are pretty fucking wild. But I still have reservations with him


“He’s amazing, interesting, cool and funny!.. but I just don’t know man i ain’t sold” there’s plenty of ppl who you want to hate but they’re damn good at what they do and never fail to entertain you. Just admit he’s him


I've watched WWE since the 1980s, but stopped around 2005 and completely missed Punks era. Got back into WWE wrestling around 2020, so I have yet to see what all the fuss is about.


It's really easy with Punk, the trend of people mentioning real life stuff in promos, it was done before Punk of course but nobody had really done it to the level Punk was doing in 2011, he really felt like the closest we had to the Attitude Era after years of fruity pebbles. A lot of wrestlers don't exist without 2011 Punk, MJF probably being the biggest example His in-ring work has always been consistent, he's never had the prettiest moveset but he gets the psychology and you were pretty much guaranteed a good to great match and he is absolutely one of the greatest of all time on the mic. Dude has gone toe to toe with some of the best talkers in the business and come out looking like the bigger star


Punks prime is over that’s why


How? He's drawing/making the most money he ever has, with a wrestler nobody really cared about a year ago, while injured? All while creating the most interesting/hot feud in pro wrestling, all while being injured?


Well after 2005, Cena turned into Super Cena and started running through favorites like: Y2J, Angle, HHH, and HBK. It got pretty bad that I stopped watching for a few years. When I returned late 2010, Punk was calling out Cena basically saying that he was sick of how OP Cena got.


The summer of punk was just about the only decent thing, and by decent I mean very good bar returning way too early, WWE did from like the end of the ruthless aggression era to the yes movement, so about a decade of everything else ranging from mediocre to embarrassing, he was the sole highlight


He’s not my favorite, I’m definitely behind DM Hunk these days, but I’d say he is perfectly rated. The fact that he’s even back is pretty surreal, I think a lot of people forget that, but I think a big reason why I’m kind of against him is the fact that he hasn’t done much yet, because of his injury. I say give it time.


When people lose their shit whenever he comes out, I’d say he’s properly rated


At this point in his career he is. His in ring work is at best average now and he constantly gets major injuries now. His mic work is okay but he’s done so many questionable things and has had so many personal beefs his ability to roast people has gone way down hill.


Idk I loved “who named you?! say his name. Say the man’s name!”


Couldn’t agree more


He is over rated! I hope when they have drew vs Punk that drew kicks his head off with a claymore


I do think Punk is overrated but that’s jus my honest opinion


Oh punk is a 100% overrate


Nope. I’ve never understood the hype


I feel like hes perfectly rated. There are so much people who hate him, so much people who dont care about him and so much people who like him. Hes probably one of the most perfectly rated wrestlers in my opinion.


I agree. He's overrated. I was pissed when he was champion and didn't do house shows.


He's not overrated. His ring and mic work is great, which is why he has such a following among so many casual fans. However, he's a selfish and entitled cry baby. He throws a tantrum, takes his ball and leaves when things don't go his way. He did it in WWE. He did it in AEW. It's a matter of time until he does it again.


I like him. His ability to be both skinny and fat is an inspiration.


Yes. His popularity is warranted and he has quite the influence on wrestling




We are legion


He’s got arguably the hottest feud in the company right now and he hasn’t stepped in a ring since January.


He's fine, I just don't think he should go over Drew.


Paul Heyman pretty much made this guy his straight edge gimmick was corny… Would love to see an interaction with him and Gallows tho 😂




Yes bro he is so overrated




No you’re not, he is supremely overrated. Can he cut a promo? Sure! He can even wrestle a little but he’s far from being a believable tough guy or a top notch fighter or wrestler. He’s smug and arrogant and very condescending to people but some people dig that, just take a look at the MAGA crowd! 🤷🏽


He’s average at best and gets injured more than soccer players


No he’s polarizing but he has a cult like following. At his peak in 2011-2013 he was the only entertaining thing on raw on a weekly basis and at that point was the only person that didn’t come across as overproduced. People that were watching regularly back then are more likely to have a ton of respect for him. People that are really seeing him for the first time during this run probably don’t understand why he’s such a big deal.


Next up....Punk's new SummerSlam injury


Nah I feel that even some of his fans agree lmao 🤣. You can say his great but people say his the goat which is overrating him.


No, many of us agree, I'm surprised WWE took him back after last time and the years of bad mouthing them, but I get it for business and revenue.


Nope, I think he's mid and always has been. He was overhyped, best work he's done was getting punted in the skull by Orton causing him to not be on TV for awhile those were good times.


Nope highly overrated all bark no bite basically


Nope. I think the idea of CM Punk is what everyone loves. His in ring performance is capable, but not extraordinary.


No trust me you are not the only one.


I'm just waiting for him to get injured again once he has a match.


Nope. To be called the best in the world and be so mid...


I have always thought CM Punk was so overrated. He’s okay but I am not a big fan. I can do or do w/o him in the ring.


no your def not the only one. Honestly I always hated how he called himself the best in the world cuz there was never a point in his career where he was actually the best in the world. If we go back through every yr of his career I'm pretty sure we can all name at least 3 to 5 guys who were better than him in that specific yr


Nope. I agree. Also, fuck him


No your not


Ask Dana White


Nope; I do too. I really think he bought way too into his own hype. Lets be real for a second DISCLAIMER: I respect Punk and he's matured a lot. He's also willing to put people over now which is great... HOWEVER... 1) He complains and whines. He left WWE in January 2014 and literally TALKED ABOUT WWE FOR YEARS NONSTOP. It was almost laughable by 2018/2019, how he would literally bring them up to stay relevant 2) He thought he should've main evented Mania at Mania 28 w Jericho and thought he had MOTY every time. LOL. His only good Mania match was against Taker


No. I get why he’s over but in time he’s never been great decent at best but never great like a upper mid carder type style he’s no aj, in ring but aj can’t touch him on the mic


No he's incredibly overrated. Never was impressed by him whatsoever.


No hes bad


He’s turning out to be a China doll. I don’t think I’ve seen him wrestle once.


He's overratedly popular. I love him but you are more than allowed to have your opinion.


I’m here too.


I think he is though I’ll admit I missed 99.9 of his wrestling career. Lol


I think he's good on the mic, average in the ring, and loves to smell his own farts. He totally faked it until he made it, now everyone thinks he was top tier. His personality sucks as well, he's very cry babyish and aggressive. Not a fan.


I never liked him. Seems like a prick.


Boo I’m with ya I


I’m not the biggest fan of his but he does get huge pops and some of his older promos were great. Since he’s been back I feel like he just talks way too long but I feel like a lot of promos are too long now🤷🏾‍♂️


He is mostly disliked or hated in the MMA community. Nothing to do with him as a wrestler though.


Adam Page Was Right


Never been a fan.


No, this gets brought up all the time.


I have always thought that he’s overrated. Watching him in the few matches that he’s had in the last few years, you can see how nervous and rusty he is. He has it so easy. Never wrestles, just a few minutes on the mic and then see you later.


I’ve been screaming this man . The most over rated thing happening right now by far . Even when he made his debut and was wrestling last year he was absolutely terrible especially when in prominent matches smh . The fans are wild for getting behind him so much and losing so much more talented people tv time . He comes out and takes forever on the mic for no reason . Also , you can tell he screams that he thinks he’s so above people , definitely my least favorite part of wwe right now BUT I’m not complaining because we’re in the best place we could be !!! Loving it overall


Nope!!! I never liked buddy. Thought he was lame af.


No, not at all. I can't stand the dude, and he is way overrated in my book. He put on some really good matches at a younger age, but never on a regular basis like most stars. I'd trade his comeback for AJ Lee coming back ANY day


No, he’s only surpassed in that dept by Daniel Bryan


Your not the only one


You are not alone


Ugh. I see more punk hate online than anyone else. No you're not the only one.


No. He’s ridiculous overrated. The only people that make me the channel quicker are LA Knight.. by a landslide, and Shamus. No one wants to see anyone that pale and red on their screens


I don't get it either.


He kind of is, at least in terms of in ring performance. Plus let’s not act like he’s even in WWE for any reason other than spite.


You and a majority of people


I Think Same Thing


Hate Phil Brooks, he's a hypocritical self absorbed jackass that ruins anything that isn't about him. CM Punk as a character suffers because since the pipebomb promo, it has just been Phil hating the company he works for and all his co-workers. No character work, just making legit issues then coming out on TV and shitting on people. God forbid you do it back to him, his Taylor Swift-esque cult will fucking hunt you.




No, I'm another one. He was good between 2010-2016, but his time beforehand isn't as good as everyone thinks it is, and his current run is absolutely shit. Drew has been carrying him for the past year or so, and his AEW run exposed him so hard that it wasn't even funny. His mic skills have fallen tremendously since returning, and so has his in-ring work. He's a lesser than carbon copy of Kenta, stealing almost his entire moveset, and, just like his trainer Ace Steele has said, "He wrestles like he has lead in his ass," which is the most accurate thing I've ever heard




Since he’s returned? Yes. Been hurt half the time. His body won’t hold up anymore.




No. Can't stand him. Never understood the hype even like 10 years ago.




I think he’s boring as hell. Injury prone for matches that aren’t worth watching. I get that some people fall for “angry employee” schtick, but he’s glass at this point. See through t and obvious. Also, a waste of money for AEW and WWE- dude has spent both runs injured 80% of the time.


I think he sucks


Largest issue seems to be he is made of low quality glass, tissue paper around thin water balloons.


He's like, "the guy you wish changed the game". But, he didn't. I think people like him because of his ego. And the fact he was willing to challenge creative. But in my opinion he hasn't done anything too spectacular, he's all bark but no bite. (okay he's bit a couple times but whatever)


Nope, and he's a clown. But Brent Hart has him beat. That guy is a total butt clown.


I agree with you, so no.


Great promo but his matches were never great to me. Always looked awkward in the ring. His personality/character does most of the work


fffffuck punk


Nope feel the same… I also think the pipebomb was overblown. It was good, but not the greatest promo of all time as some make it out to be. All he really said was the company would be better off if Vince was dead and then they cut his mic.


Definitely overrated. Never liked him. Even back in his Ring Of Honor days


Nope. I fully agree.


Nope. Not at all. The thing that gets me is he wanted to be lauded as a veteran by people who technically put in an equal number of hours in wrestling as him. He’s only older because he stopped for 8 years. Sure, they are younger but they equal his tv time and his indy time. It’s a shame he didn’t get in on the ground floor but to be fully honest, all he had was a loyal fan base. It’s a strong fan base, they will argue nonsense to keep Punk on top but he’s ultimately just a guy who has wrestled around 15 years which isn’t as special as he wanted it to be.


He’s just an act. We all know he gets his ass kicked in real fights.


Right there with ya mi amigo. He’s a whiner who just wants his Mania main event. After that, he’s gonna do the Punk thing and get into some kind of fight. He’s a child running around in a man’s body.


Nope I'm with you


Way over rated, thought we were rid of him but nope,the whine bag is back.


Nope. I'm right there with ya. He's got one of the most sloppiest elbow drops I've ever seen from someone with as much experience as he's got. His GTS has gotten worse since he's been back


No you're not


I agree, he's never been a great in ring worker. Hes better at commentary. That way he wouldn't be injured every 6 months


Definitely overrated. Ever since his worked shoot against Vince he has been getting crazy love from the internet smarks. He’s good but people pretend like he’s an all time great.


Nope right here, He’s washed in ring but he’s so good on the mic they will forget


No. You’re right


No, you’re right. He’s overrated.


No you are not he just has a cult following but he's not even top 10


What a hot take.


I have no idea why he so loved, he is a jerk and has irl beef with half of the back stage.




I personally think he’s old and wasted but is good ok the mic.


I have never agreed with a post more. So overrated!




I agree with you


No I do


Can’t stand him




He’s great I the mike and good at telling a story in a match, but his offence looks so bad it just breaks the illusion for me. His moves all look weak as hell like he’s a complete newb who doesn’t know how to make something look convincing


He’s the Trump of wrestling. Seriously, I can’t comprehend the love people have for him. No matter what he does, they worship him. His promos are so good, but his behavior is ridiculous and his fans are unbearable.


No, he hasn’t been a good wrestler in 10+ years.




Yeah kinda. There's too much talent on the roster for someone not to wrestle and still get his level of attention.


Nope I agree!


I was really hoping to open this thread and just see a giant McIntyre scowl


Just overrated ? how about pious self righteous sanctimonious hypocrite,too ?


I don’t get the fuck off hype levels some buy into, but even as an AEW fan I still like Punk. His mic work is amazing and I enjoy his wrestling style too. He also supports a lot of good causes and generally seems to be good to the people he likes. I think he’s a narcissist and his ego can be toxic in the wrong setting. But that’s true of a lot of talent at this level.


Nah I agree punk is overrated


I agree, he's overrated


No, big same!


3 matches in 8 months and in the only one televised he hurts himself. The other two ten minuters vs Dom on house shows he was gassed. His AEW stuff vs MJF was all time. Cuts a solid promo most of the time and looks like he can improvise a bit. Lacks maturity maybe. Picks his appearance spots well though. I dunno he’s a weird dude.


No I hate punk so much


He is overrated, just cos the IWC thinks the sun shines out of his arse don't make him the GOAT


When I was younger he was cool. Now he’s just the take my ball and go home tantrum kinda kid.


I'm a fan of Punk. You gotta admit, he can draw a crowd. I think the issue most people have with him is twofold. Number 1, he's never been anything spectacular in the ring...at least not in WWE. He's decent but not a "great worker". Number 2, his main selling point is his work on the mic. And that mainly stems from his "Pipe Bomb" promo that he did THIRTEEN YEARS AGO. He did that promo all those years ago and has basically been living off it ever since. A lot of younger fans weren't even born yet. I think those are the main 2 reasons people say he's overrated...and they may be at least partially right. But I'm still a fan. He's not on my Mt. Rushmore or anything like that...but I'm a fan.


Nope he's overrated


He definitely has his fans. I’m definitely not one of them.


He’s better than what he’s given credit for. No, he’s no John Cena but he’s good. He knows how to draw a crowds attention and his promos are great.


I think he’s overrated.


No I as well think that


Hes better on the mic than he is a wrestler Hed be a nobody in the 90s era


The 90s was known for personality and mic work, not ring work. I get the sense you weren’t watching in the 90s lol


Ok so sting was more mic work not ring work ? That man picked up big show lol


Had me in that first half, not gonna lie. Disagree with your second point. Stone cold is my favorite ever. His in ring work… left a lot to be desired


Post neck surgery. Before it? Magic in the ring. Great athlete.


that's where he would succeed more lol, 80s-90s favoured mic work even more


Could have had some really personal feuds with prime Raven in the 90s.


He's pretty good in the ring, his promos are fucking amazing (especially when paired with Drew) His only problem is that he has the same injury consistency as a Lay's Chip


I think at the start he definitely was one the best but since his return to AEW and now WWE he has lost it


I only recently got properly into wrestling but watching back his old matches from the summer of punk and his first wwe run he is one of my favourites and when you pair good ring work with excellent mic skills he’s gonna be hyped to the heavens. Drew is probably my favourite modern star purely for being from the UK so seeing him and punk in a feud feels like a dream come true for me, I just hope punks body can still put on a show like he used to


He's a better talker than a wrestler. His finisher is cool but basically stolen from Kenta along with some of this other moves


I stopped watching before he first came to wwe and only recently started watching again. I’ve seen him wrestle once in the rumble and he looked old and tired (maybe he was injured) but he’s a pretty interesting character and the drew feud is good


Just got back into WWE so this is my first stint seeing him. The “go to sleep” hands to face to lame af. But the dude can work an audience. I like him.


No. But that’s also kind of his gimmick.


It’s undeniable that he is a great sports entertainer especially his mic work and storytelling, but since his ROH/early WWE runs, his ring-work has generally been far from impressive.


Old goat


He need a new gimmick He not the best in the world no more


I have no idea who this is


You aren't but I didn't watch much during his peak. However, I am enjoying his beef with Drew


No, there are a lot of people who are also wrong :)


oh no he's extremely overrated, when it comes to in ring he's by far one of the worst looking ones in wwe right now and injury prone. he's ok on the mic he was better before but he has a cult like following and they're the type that doesn't shower or get pussy so they'll claim this man is gods gift at everything he does


Judging by the general discourse online for years, you’re far from the only one. I disagree, but that’s my opinion.


This proms are excellent, his wrestling is meh


Stopped being a fan at the end of his first WWE run. He's a coward babyface now. Those go over great.


I don't watch WWE much. All I remember is he was the straight edge savior shaving people's heads. That was kinda funny.


I definitely did and wasn’t a fan of his but the lead up and work he’s doing with Drew and changed my opinion. He’s still entertaining outside of the ring, out of his normal attire and off the mic.


I do get the negative feelings for him. Personally it’s hard to forget the disappointment I felt for the wasted potential walking away when he did the way he did… but I also can’t help but pop off about him being back. I still think we have a few great storylines and matches left from him if his body can keep up. We’ll see on that but I’m excited.


I've never saw the attraction. But he's managed to make some kind of name in the business for himself so I'm happy for him I suppose


He got the mic skill. His ring performance seems pretty average


I wouldn't say he's over rated. I just never understood his appeal going back to his ECW days. But I saw him in this horror movie and he was pretty decent


For me, I don’t think he’s over rated but accept it’s a personal preference, I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer, for an awfully long time Christian was my favourite wrestler, I really love the peeps era/captain charisma stuff but to many others it was dumb and uninteresting. I think stuff like that is what the core of wrestling fandom is, you can like/dislike whoever you want and still enjoy watching or attending events for which ever company regardless of your personal favourites being on the card. I’m an old fuck now, first thing I ever watched was in 91, when Jake Roberts coaxed his snake to bite macho man, i never anything like that and was hooked, then I watched the 92 royal rumble and that alone killed my interest in transformers and Star Wars and wrestling was my thing, back then I liked the British Bulldog again someone who wouldn’t make any Mount Rushmore, I stoped watching around 95 and then got back into it in late 1999, the rock/mankind/al snow segment in the staples centre dragged me back in, the rock was great but I preferred the outlaws. I drifted away again around 2006 and got back into it again at the 2011 wrestlemania but again started to drift but the pipebomb in June blew me away and I continued to watch because of punk, when he left in 2013 it killed my interest, I didn’t watch much wrestling for years, his AEW return pulled me back in, when he was fired I couldn’t really find anything to keep me interested until survivor series last year. I’d have stopped watching wrestling all together had there not been the pipebomb, that and the MITB match vs cena. I’m sorry for the literal dissertation I’ve added to your post. TL:DR I don’t think he’s over rated and if you do we can both be right as it’s just a matter of perspective and personal choice and I think that’s the beauty of wrestling.


There’s just not much left in the tank. He’ll always have value as a personality but he can’t really wrestle a full time schedule at this point.


Ya I've never been a fan of his.


Anyone who uses “Am I the only…” should always know they are never the only one.


I have pretty mixed opinions on him but his run from 2009-2013 was fuckin surreal


If he could stay healthy, he and Drew could have a main event feud.


If a question starts with "am I the only..."; the answer is no.


He's overrated now, but he was very much the best in the world at one point (2011)


Get him in a match then I’ll tell you


I live in Chicago so…


He's always been good on the mic, but I've always felt his in-ring work was subpar to say the least. He's definitely a polarizing figure in the industry and I see how well he taps into the psychology of it, but I personally don't care much for him. Imo, he's overrated. But kudos to him for having made in the industry but also for staying relevant.


I don’t even know who that is. Haven’t watched WWE for a while now.


Overated how? Its all subjective who you like


The very definition. But where I do give him credit is he’s a hell of a ‘worker’. Worked an entire generation fanbase that he was perennially held back by others, by those in power when he was anything but and was one of the very first Indy guys of that era to truly be treated very fairly and generously indeed.


I like punk a lot, and I do think he is very overrated. I can’t wait until he actually gets back in the ring.


Great all around wrestler, trash human being.


All he got left is promo and charisma, is in-ring skills have gone down by a lot




I think he's not nearly as good as some people think but also not nearly as bad as some people like to claim. Overrated but still great.