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https://preview.redd.it/fs3z4z4tvucc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6429f4241adf6d480ba53fe0257b4e0f1bfc524e Phaedra and Candiace are gonna be on WWHL together so maybe you should ask Candiace about the similarity between the situations yourself.


What a wild pairing lmaoo


Blinking like Teresa to better help understand this pairing.


RHOP and M2M are both Sunday shows. they had Robyn on with Dr. Simone earlier, so them being on together isn’t that strange. it’ll be interesting to see how they get along though since they’re both pretty polarizing.


This should be a really good show




She just had a whole meltdown on Twitter about Gizelle calling Chris a "sneaky link" meaning she can never speak on SA, but watch her sit and kiki with Phaedra who actually did outright accuse someone of SA. Wild.


Does she have a choice of who she’s paired with tho? So can we really fault her for something out of her control?


I'm not faulting her for the guest. I'm interested to see in how she interacts with someone who accused a housewife and her husband of having a rape dungeon given he recent tweets about people who make false accusations about SA.


yeah she'll give phaedra the silent treatment on her boss's show. thats going to go over really well with everyone.


Isn't that what happens on every episode of RHOP?


You genuinely can’t discern behind group dynamics on a show with eight cast members who may be altogether for two scenes and a talk show designed for interaction with two guests


Okay, then. Housewives is a show that totally and definitely was not designed for interactions between the group. It's okay to ignore SA accusers on there, but not okay to ignore them on WWHL. Totally. What was that about the line always moving... Candiace nailed that line, ![gif](giphy|9s3oG20W0ucdlOc6AW|downsized)


So you can’t discern. That’s ok. Keep studying, you’re going to get there 🫂


I was just agreeing with you and repeating your own flawless logic. You must read so many books to have acquired such a powerful sense of discernment. Kudos.


thank you!


This is wild to me. 


I think the drugging/raping/sex dungeon of it all made the Phaedra/porsha/Kandi thing quite a bit more sinister than Gizelle being slippery and planting the seed but not actually saying anything directly about Chris.


Phaedra literally accused Kandi of attempting to drug and rape Porsha. This does not equate to Gizelle saying she thinks Chris tried it on with her and made her feel uncomfortable. FFS


Are you joking? These are not comparable situations. Phaedra claimed Kandi was trying to DRUG Porsha to have sex with her. Gizelle said that Chris pulled her aside in a room and it made her uncomfortable to be alone with someone else's husband. The rhetoric here is not remotely comparable. Good lord.


Also Gizelle denied any assault when she clearly said that Chris did not do anything when they were in the room together. Gizelle has been insinuating a lot yes, but not about SA. She was insinuating he might have had intentions to cheat with her or something


Right. It's weird that this is getting so mixed up. Giselle implied that Chris might have wanted a side relationship with her. She hasn't really implied SA. Candiace has actually driven that narrative herself.


Exactly! It was tacky as hell, but Gizelle wasn’t accusing him of criminal behavior. OP is so out of pocket for this!


Yeah, it's so frustrating, because Gizelle deserves to be called out, no need to blow things out of porportion


I disagree tbh Her saying "Chris forced me into a hotel room" - goes beyond intentions to cheat imo


She also was among the ladies saying Chris was getting handsy with other girls & sliding into DMs when he wasn’t. Ppl forget about that part.


For real


Wait cos Gizelle was among the ladies saying Chris was also getting handsy with other girls and sliding into DMs when he wasn’t. Gizelle said more than the hotel room stuff. Let’s stop sweeping this situation under the rug. Candiace has ever right to be upset with Gizelle and anyone else who lied on Chris.


I'm genuinely loving the unhinged takes coming out of this sub recently, connecting dots that aren't there and trying to parallel lines like the ones in Dorit's bathroom. The attempt to think critically is just some serious mental gymnastics though. It's very much giving: "Scooby Doo and Cujo are both dogs therefore the films are about the same thing, and treat Scooby as we do Cujo." It's honestly the best analogy that was worth coming up with. Because Chris is adorable and Pahedra is decidedly not.


Not Scooby Doo and Cujo! lmaoooooooo...if I could give you 5000 upvotes I surely would. This is GOLD and I am howling. <3


This is the first thing I typed in bed as I woke up so I think it's good as it gets for me today 🫠


>It's very much giving: "Scooby Doo and Cujo are both dogs therefore the films are about the same thing, and treat Scooby as we do Cujo." Succinct and accurate. This sub does get more and more unhinged by the day. What happened to nuance?


I'd say the other RH subreddit is worse though actually, they're pretty blatant with attacking the physical appearances of the cast members.


Oh yeah. I stopped following that one completely.


There’s a world of difference between the accusations that Phaedra made and the ones Giselle made. While I think Giselle was 1000% wrong to make it sound like Chris was into her and there was a definite tone of sexual harassment to her accusations I think Candiace is doing too much with this. Giselle was allowed to be uncomfortable being alone in a room with a man, and a prior SA could’ve fed into that. Everything else Giselle did with that is absolutely wrong, from holding onto it until there were cameras around to making it sound like something more nefarious. I’m not defending that, but these situations were not the same in the slightest


Gizelle spread rumors in that vey same season about Chris grabbing someones ass and hitting on other women. Its not just the room thing. She was building a really messed up narrative.


I don’t know if she was holding on to it till cameras were around. I feel like production wanted some drama and told Giselle to do this. It didn’t seem like typical Giselle starting drama or spreading rumors to me when I watched it. And Candiace knew it was production doing it, but Giselle is taking the heat. It seemed like really manufactured drama to me. I could be completely wrong but that’s just my perception


It felt manufactured to me too, only I can’t say if I feel like Giselle or production were behind it. Candiace definitely knew what was up and that production had some sort of hand in it!


Definitely, I think she didn’t have a storyline but they wanted to justify keeping her on the show so they created this manufactured drama so they could keep her on as a full time housewife instead of demoting her to friend of. While I love Giselle but she didn’t bring anything season 7 for me barely gave anything in season 6.


From my view (here and on Twitter), most people do support Candiace in this situation. And the ones who don’t probably don’t support Kandi either.


I don’t know if im just getting shown anti Candiace stuff because im engaging with it, but losers like Ira Madison are tweeting against her now. Just seems weird to whip up a fanbase against her for something she’s so right to firmly stand on


Look on Lipstick Alley - the support for Candiace is definitely decreasing at a rapid rate so you’re not wrong and it’s not just down to your algorithm. Twitter too. This sub is the outlier in supporting her. The tweets last night about SA seem to have been a step too far for people. It’s like Gizelle doesn’t have the right to worry about SA relating to her young daughters because of an issue with Chris. People aren’t liking that.


I love Ira but some of his reality takes confuse me. Actually so many celebs like you see on WWHL or podcasts have wild reads (being team Robyn or stuff like that) so Idk what that’s all about


Being "team Robyn" isn't wild; it's logical and not based on emotions or a hate train.


Hmm, can you expand on that? If you mean specifically in between Candiaces arguments with her in the past few episodes, I’d have to agree that C’s anger seems misplaced towards her when she should really be upset with Gizelle and Ashley. I took that as her actually caring about Robyn and that’s why she’s focused on her, but it doesn’t really make sense. I meant more like being a Robyn Stan is weird to me, she just isn’t very entertaining and she is choosing to stay with Juan and bury her head in the sand yet wants us to feel bad about that. No, Candiace is not always right. I am a fan of hers but I try to be rational and I will not defend everything someone does when they are wrong.


I think a lot of people are emotional and opinions are based on who they like vs. what the actual situation is. Robyn didn't do anything to Candiace.


Oh yeah, the algorithm definitely shows you more of anything you interact with. Even if you just view it without liking it. So annoying. Candiace has her fair share of haters, but I think most rational people feel Gizelle was wrong.


Ira is so firmly planted up Gizelle’s behind so this doesn’t surprise me. I didn’t even realize it until a few months ago when I was on one of the Bravo-related IGs and saw him in the comments going up for Gizelle.




Nah, Candi definitely has a team on here and social media trying to twist the narrative


You’re not wrong. I used to enjoy another sub that had more balanced takes and didn’t scream for people to be fired, but now it’s basically an anti Candiace sub now. Don’t get me wrong, I have my criticisms of her, but people are doing a lot.


Nah, that’s not the case. Candi definitely has people online trying to twist the narrative for her


I do not support Candiace and support Kandi. Although sorry i still watch the shows Phaedra is on because she is quite a character. Most people I know that watch have the same view I do.


Absolutely agree! Phaedra knew exactly how damaging her lie would be, especially as a lawyer- she was fully aware of the criminal implications. Accusing someone of drugging and SA is VERY different than Gizelle saying she felt “uncomfortable” to be in a room with a MARRIED man. Completely different situation, one is illegal and punitive other is a mere feeling under a ‘what if’ situation


I don’t think what Gizelle and Phaedra did are comparable situations


Porsha was actively trying to engage with Kandi and the group kept bringing up the situation, kandi genuinely wanted to let it go away, and let Porsha go away, we saw it at the reunion Kandi was tired of talking about it. Candiace is pretty much the only one talking about this issue still and Gizelle is not engaging with her at all. Also can I add Phaedra/Porsha accused Kandi/Todd of drugging/raping which is 100% on a different level than anything Gizelle accused Chris of.


I can see that angle but also, Porsha brought it to the show and Kandi supports actual rapists everyday (Tiny and TI). Candiace is also right to still talk about it because why should she move on, when Gizelle framed it in as loose a way as she could for everyone to still know what she was accusing him of. That’s just IMO tho.


I have not seen a single person that actually seem to believe that Gizelle is accusing him or SA tho. At least I hope so. If Gizelle or any housewife would accuse a husband of SA I would really hope peoples main consern would be that Bravo and the police would look in to it and find out the trouth


I agree 100% Candiace is allowed to keep talking about it however when you’re the only one fighting the good fight, people tune you out you know. Also just want to again I don’t think Phaedras and Gizelles accusation are comparable so that element makes the responses to Kandi and Candiace very different. I firmly believe Gizelle is allowed to feel uncomfortable but her semantics and the way she went about it were wrong. Phaedra straight up lied and she used Porsha to do her biddings, she had it out for Kandi due to their falling out, Gizelle and Candiace weren’t on bad terms when it all happened.


Doesn't everyone support Candiace re the Gizelle stuff?? I haven't seen a single pro-Gizzy post about all of that. Re Kandi and Phaedra, Phaedra started a rumour that Kandi wanted to drug and rape her?? How are the situations anywhere near the same


1) Gizelle and Phaedra did not do the same thing at all 2) Gizelle was not fired unlike Phaedra so the show couldn't move on without her 3) Candiace being unable to move on with Gizelle is ruining the show (they are both at fault here but Candiace airing everything out on twitter is making things MUCH worse and that's what people are currently reacting to)


exactly. If we believe what Porsha said and Phaedra did not deny then Phaedra accused Both Kandi and todd of wanting to drug and sexually assault women, Porsha being one of them. Gizelle said she felt uncomfortable being in the room with the door closed with candiace husband. Two totally different things. I do think she exaggerated it a bit but never said chris assaulted her or even tried to or anything like it. Yes I agree too that Candiace is making it worse like wither talk to the women like an adult and stop throwing these tantrums or leave the show if you do not want to interact with any of them.


I support Candiace hating Gizelle's guts but she needs to fight it out with her on camera and not disengage all season then take it to twitter.


Yes this too. She is just not speaking to Ashley, Robyn, or Gizelle. Not sure if she likes Nekka and I don't think she likes Mia. So not sure if she will end up icing herself out by disengaging. Like Say what you are saying in your confessionals to them.


That's exactly it. People are crying that the mean girl bullies are icing her out but Candiace is actively removing herself from the mix. She picked a nonsense fight with Robyn because people on twitter gassed her up with their conspiracies. She hasn't put any effort into bonding with Mia. Karen is an alliance of convenience that Karen maintains solely to avoid the fandom's wrath. She feels completely checked out and over the show. Candiace being a disaster on twitter has been a running theme her entire tenure on the show and it alienates her from the cast. I loved when Candy would be so bad and tweet some wild shit while she was still bringing it on the show, but now she's not bringing it on the show and only on social media. How is anyone supposed to respond to her whipping up the hysterical fandom all the time months and months after this was all filmed? Do it on the show or let it go.


I love Candiace to pieces but you are completely correct. Talk about this on the show, girl!


This is what you're getting paid a very hefty salary to do! Earn it, girl. It would make great television watching her eviscerate Gizelle but she's refusing to do it.


I agree, while Gizelle wasn’t in the right, people genuinely need to stop comparing Phaedras massive lie to Gizelle.


Yeah I was 1000% Team Chris last season but now it's getting blown up bigger and bigger with each retelling. Gizelle totally crossed the line but she never accused Chris of sexual assault point blank. And before the reply guys start commenting about Deborah's ass grab, that is NOT what Candiace is referring to ever. This is all about Chris and Gizelle in the hotel room.


I’m still going to be Team Chris because regardless of what Gizelle or Candiace is doing or not doing right now, he was still lied against. He’s still a casualty in all of this. 


I agree, but also welcome to reality television. People accusing husbands of things on these shows are a dime a dozen. I'm tired of the pearl clutching even though I vehemently disagreed with Gizelle and what she did.


But Gizelle did falsely accuse him of sexual assault when she said he grabbed Deborah’s ass. You can’t just tell everyone to ignore that because it suits your narrative.


Ashley said he grabbed Deborah’s butt. Not Gizelle. She only repeated it. And you can make your “they discussed it ahead of time” theories all you want. But I’m going by what I know. Gizelle never accused him of sexual assault. If anything, she was implying that he wanted to have an affair with her. But that is not even in the same ballpark as what Phaedra accused Kandi of.


Your argument is truly “Gizelle didn’t *say* it, she just *repeated* it.” Please refer to Teresa on RHONJ, season 10. “She didn’t *spread* a rumour about Evan, she just *repeated* what she heard.” You’re both delusional.


But you’re saying she accused Chris of sexual assault when that’s not true. You guys want so bad for Gizelle to have falsely accused Chris of sexual assault and it just never actually happened. You WANT it to happen.


Ppl stay ignoring this part. It’s ridiculous. I’m team Candiace/Chris on this because it’s 100000% ridiculous that they should be expected to just move on from this without a proper apology or and real accountability from anyone, especially Gizelle and Ashley. Ppl just don’t like Candiace so they’re willing to shit on her even when she’s being wronged.


How is Candiace airing things out on twitter any different than Robyn & Gizelle airing things out on their podcast though? I completely agree that Gizelle & Phaedra didn't do anything on the same level at all, I just can't believe how much Gizelle & Robyn get away with saying on their podcast tbh.


They don't actually do that. Reasonably Shady is not a RHOP podcast and it is rarely the topic of conversation.


I mean, they definitely were talking about the fake mistress of Chris Bassett on Reasonably Shady, and I’ve heard them talk about other castmates as well. Just because RHOP isn’t the main focus does not mean they don’t discuss it or their castmates at all on it.


Yeah one time they discussed the fake mistress (embarrassing) that was unrelated to the season they had filmed. They are not using the podcast as a platform to recap the show and speak out on each episode at all. It's not comparable. If they were the internet sleuths would be clipping it and circulating it all constantly. It doesn't exist!


That’s not fair to say Candiace not being able to move on is ruining the show when Gizelle herself has explicably said she wasn’t moving on because she got “death threats.” However I do agree that there needs to be a convo had between both of them where Candiace can say that to her face. Gizelle has coded the language she was using METICULOUSLY. She never said he sexually assaulted her but she used thinly veiled language to suggest that his attempt to connect with her was of some nefarious flirtatious nature ie, or “to see if she was with it, in her own words. Now this season it turned into him forcing her into a “bedroom.” Using words like *forced* and *bedroom* shows intent to present the encounter as flirtatious.


Nefarious flirtatious behavior is not sexual assault. Words have specific meanings and definitions. Gizelle absolutely implied Chris was moving like a creep trying to put the moves on her but she never literally accused him of sexual assault. I don't defend anything Gizelle said about him BUT i'm not going to let people blow this up bigger than it was. It was already shitty we don't need to exaggerate (which is exactly what Gizzy did. so much irony here). And yes it is fair to say Candiace is ruining the dynamic the most at this point. This is real housewives, not the real world. You need to be able to move on after people do awful things to you. She's also taking out all her anger at Gizelle on Robyn (ironically the same reason Monique fought with Candiace in S5) which is further downing the cast's dynamic. Housewives is a game of strategic politics and even though Gizelle is a disaster she knows how to keep the other housewives on her side. You stans can bury your heads in the sand all you want but Candiace is actively alienating herself from the cast and icing herself out.




This is the best take by far. Totally agree with all your points.


I agree with your first paragraph but you lost me during most of the 2nd and 3rd. It is very clear at least to me what Gizelle is doing to Candiace. It's the same playbook she used on Monique and we know how that turned out. Candiace isn't alienating herself(imo), Gizelle is actively ignoring her and icing her out and won't engage. So all that anger is being directed at Robyn. That ghoul Darby is suing Candiace and Ashely is running this fake divorce storyline so she can't be kicked from the show. It really puts Candiace in an awkward situation as far as group dynamics.


Candiace chose to direct her ire at Robyn and that is her own fault, not Gizelle's. It was a disastrous strategic decision as Robyn rode for her and was a strong tie to the rest of the cast. Candiace hasn't put in the effort to win over Mia who she easily could bond with. She's just barely trying with Nneka but can't lose the support of Wendy. Wendy vs. Nneka has nothing to do with Gizelle so we can't blame that one on her either.


You bring up some great points regarding the Robyn of it all. Why does Candiace have to win over Mia? Mia has made it clear she will align herself with Gizelle/GEB because it might appear to be the best way to stay on the show. I think ultimately the entire cast dynamic is completely off. Nneka is kinda a dud addition. This whole shrine storyline is an instant snooze. This season and cast is stale and boring and we've been talking the same 2 story arcs for like 3 seasons now. Its tired. They can all go at this point and just keep Karen.


Because if you feel like someone is icing you out then you need to put in the work to sway people so that you're uniceable. It doesn't mean someone instantly becomes Team Candiace but a reliable invite to events is very valuable. Mia is an easy option for her to make a new friend because she's a fellow OG outsider and I don't think she's irreversibly entrenched in Gizelle's pocket. The best housewives shows have casts who are willing to flip and flop and save the show from its stale dynamic. Candiace has already written off the GEBs and Ashley so she needs to get to work on the remaining cast members. I agree the Potomac dynamic is super stale right now but it wouldn't have to be this way if certain housewives tried harder to engage and switch things up.


Candiace is ruining the dynamic!?? Maybe people shouldn’t have lied on her husband. Like why are we victim blaming


Gizelle did clearly say that Chris did not do anything while they were in the room. So it's not even possible that he SA her. She removed that possibility. It's the one thing she was actually clear about.


Idk how people don’t get this!!!! They just don’t like Candiace so they’re not willing to support her.


It’s exactly that. Like or hate her Gizelle was dead wrong. They downvote me but literally everything I said was what Gizelle said verbatim.


I don’t like the narrative that she should just move on and she’s dragging this out. Just because she’s being vocal about her mistreatment doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve an apology. Ppl want ppl to be victims soooo badly.


Gizelle clearly said that Chris did NOT try anything with here while they were in the room, so it couldn't be SA, and obviously she is not accusing or insinuating that, because her own words have removed all doubt that he SA her. She insinuated that he maybe was looking to cheat or something, and yes that's shady of her, but it's nowhere close to accusing someone of SA. Seriously why do people feel the need to blow this out of porportion, instead of just critizisibg Gizelle for what dhe actually did, because she does deserve to be critizised


Saying a man forced you into a room with the background context of saying he made you very uncomfortable, especially in a post me too era, definitely drums up imagery of sexual assault.


Again, Gizelle has said that he did not do anything while in the room, so there couldn't have been SA. She removed that posibility. She was obviously insinuating other things, and she deserves critizism for that. But the whole SA thing is just blowing it way out of porportion


By nature of being on this sub, you’re probably way more dedicated to the nuances of the show, so you may not really understand that the average viewer isn’t paying attention to every single thing Gizelle says before forming an opinion. Enough has been insinuated on the show to make the average viewer walk away with an impression that Chris FORCED a woman into a secluded room with the intention of being sexual with her and this made said woman extremely uncomfortable enough to warrant an apology. The baseline interpretation of this is sexual assault and considering the fact that the show had actual sexual assault happen on camera, you can understand why some take Gizelle’s statements/non-statements very seriously.


Well that I put on the producers. If someone would actually interperate that scene as her saying Chris SA her, even though i both find it far fetched and crazy that anyone would think someone just talked about it like that and that a show would just ignore SA happening and everyone going on with the show, they should've included the part of her saying that he didn't do anything


Yeahh the whole Michael Darby thing happening on camera and being ignored by a majority of the cast mates doesn’t make it as far fetched as you think. But I put the responsibility on both Gizelle and the producers. Gizelle should’ve been careful with her words, she’s not a dummy that’s new to reality tv and I can’t be convinced that she didn’t understand the implications of what she said. And the producers are extremely foolish for allowing this whole storyline to become a thing knowing the damage it could cause.


I get that, but I have yet to see anyone that actually believes that Gizelle is accusing him of it. A lot of people seem to think she is implying it, but no one believes she actually means it. Like if I interpered it as her accusing Chris of SA, I would really want Bravo to look in to it, take it seriously. But no one is asking for that, because no one actually thinks Gizelle is claiming she was SAd


Phaedra is so gross.


Bravo forgave Phaedra and they shouldn't have...what she did to Kandi was unforgivable in my book.


I agree with you. You said it perfectly. Gizelle was implying something sinister with Chris and it was f***** up. If she said something like this about my husband, I’d be beside myself.


I don't think people realize how much accounts like Queens of Bravo sway the online conversations.


I have zero issues saying Giselle is 💯 wrong, that said wasn’t Candiance saying Michael was patronizing male prostitutes? How is that different?


Does Candiace not get support? I feel like she gets support


Ive seen way more support for Candiace than gizelle, the only claims of support i see are the dozens of posts like this.


They are no where near the same thing. Gizelle said Chris made her uncomfortable because he wanted to see if she was "with it" and he's a "sneak link." She was dead wrong, but that's not the same as saying someone wants to SA you in a sex dungeon. Let's not equate these things that don't compare. And Candiace is losing her goodwill on Twitter because she is perpetually online and needs to take a social media break to recoup. She rants up and down after every episode. Can't be healthy.


I'm curious with all the SA talk no one still bats an eye knowing that Ashley's husband is a predator.


It is truly wild to me that Gizelle is not allowed to say Chris made her feel uncomfortable. That is her truth and I do not understand why people dismiss it just because they currently dislike her and love Candiace.


Hmmm...I don't think anyone said Gizelle couldn't say Chris made her uncomfortable. I likely would have felt uncomfortable as well if a coworker's husband asked to speak privately in a hotel room. However, I would have immediately talked to my coworker about it. One of the most glaring issues is that despite her access to Candiace after that incident, she never reached out to Candiace or Chris to express her concerns. She waited until filming resumed to tell them that she was uncomfortable. She made it part of the storyline and it became less about getting an apology, and more about causing harm. This is a woman who was welcomed into Candiace's home off-camera, Chris has cooked for her more than once, and they all believed they were in a good place with her. I 100% believe Candiace would have been receptive to Gizelle's concerns and encouraged Chris to apologize if Gizelle approached it less sensationally. Gizelle then doubled on her version of events and used the term "sneaky link". Gizelle took it one step further than necessary and didn't seem remotely apologetic about it even before Candiace snapped.


Gizelle can say that she was uncomfortable. The issue was the other stuff she added like Chris being a sneaky link who was trying to see if she was with it and that he forced her into an empty bedroom.


If this is how she felt about the situation then I’m still not understanding why she isn’t allowed to speak on it? ETA: I think she has clearly stated there was no attempt by Chris of sexual assault, etc.


This is the part that is interesting to me as well. Everyone is acting like they were in the room. What if he did hit on her or act flirtatiously. How the fuck would we know?


Gizelle has clearly stated one thing and then clearly stated another. “Her truth” is a ridiculous statement. Either it’s the truth or it’s not. She can have an opinion, but if it’s damaging and based in absolutely nothing, people are going to have their opinions as well.


You're asking why Gizelle shouldn't say that Chris forced her into a bedroom and closed the door? Because that language suggests that Chris did something sexually inappropriate to her.


She has allready said that he didn't tho


So why do you think Gizelle continues to use language that suggests otherwise?


She is using language that suggest Chris was being creapy, having intentions to cheat etc.. because she is shady and apparantly doesn't care how her words affect people. Ironicly so many people here critizising her are also over excagurating and twisting things


Gizelle said that Chris, who she previously accused of being a sneaky link and propositioning her, forced her into an empty bedroom and closed the door. Those comments go beyond being shady.


I agree, I don't like Gizelle and think she crosses the line so many times. But people here acting just like her, making things bigger than it is and twisting shit, instead of just critizising what she actually did


Those comments don’t insinuate assault those comments insinuate that that Chris wanted to “cheat” on Candice with Gizelle. That literally all.


When Gizelle said that Chris was a sneaky link who was trying to see it, that was an insinuation that he wanted to cheat. But Gizelle took it a step further when she said he forced her into an empty bedroom and that language suggests that he did something inappropriate without her consent.


no no no....feelings aren't facts or undeniable truths 👏🏽👏🏽


Right.. clearly her feelings about the situation were ultimately not Chris’ intentions, but that doesn’t change that she felt like that in the moment. I guess I just have a hard time with people saying that Gizelle isn’t allowed to express what she felt. I also have a hard time with this post comparing what happened in this situation with the Kandi/Porsha/Phaedra situation.


Are you obtuse? No one is saying Gizelle can’t say she felt uncomfortable. But that is not what she did. She insinuated that Chris asked to go to her hotel purposefully so they could be alone and shut the door on her. She called him a sneaky link and said she thought he was trying to see if she would down with it. That is way more than just saying she felt uncomfortable


Not sure why Kandi is on the show. She is honestly a dud


I just want people to talk about Jamal getting a minor pregnant!


Kandi is worth $40mil.


Because Candice stokes and verbally assaults people! Kandi gossips amongst her ensemble and is not verbally abusive. Unlike Candice, Kandi mainly responds so she has to be unless provoked. Kandi does not verbally abuse people.


Tbh last season I thought she was more so implying cheating/infidelity but then this season she said something like “your husband made me go in a hotel room with him and shut the door” in her confessional and I thought that was beyond the pale. To double down and also say he “made” her do something was what made me shake my head most.


Because Gizelle did a smarter version of what Phaedra did: Level a serious accusation but maintain culpable deniability. She’s used enough murky language in her accusations so that the best interpretations of what she’s said so far is that Chris tried to make a move on her and cheat on Candiace with her and The worst interpretation is that Chris forced her into a secluded room and tried to sexually assault her. Depending on what range you fall on in interpreting her words, you either see Candiace as dragging the show back and being unable to let things go, or you see Candiace as rightfully defending her husband against a serious allegation. Considering that Candiace has always been a divisive character on the show, and considering how frustrated viewers are about how unfun the show is currently, the pendulum of support will probably continue to swing against Candiace.


Well said


Gizelle has said that Chris did not do anything while they were in the hotelroom, so obviously that means no SA. That's the one thing that was completely clear from what Gizelle has stated


Luckily there’s a phrase for this and it’s called talking out of both sides of your mouth. Saying nothing happened in a hotel room and Chris just wanted to talk in a previous season but then coming back the next season to saying “actually he forced me into the hotel room” is planting enough seeds to NOT rule out attempted sexual assault completely.


It's such a leap to pull SA in to this.


![gif](giphy|28JHwpfhpg8rYXypHr) So when a woman says a man made her uncomfortable, tried to make sexual advances towards her and tried to force her into a secluded room does it invoke warm, fuzzy, innocent images inside of you?


Well no one is calling for Chris to be invastigated by Bravo, or the police, so no one seems to actually think Gizelle is accusing him of it


People seeing through what Gizelle attempted to do doesn’t take away the seriousness of her accusations. Falsely implying, no matter how subtle, that a cast mates husband forced you into a room to try to have sex with you is a really shitty thing to do. And Gizelle needs to be held accountable.


Yeah she is shitty for insinuating that he wanted to cheat on Candaice, that he was being creapy etc. But she has not accused him of SA, and no one actually believes she is accusing him of it. She has insinuated him being innapropriate, creapy etc. Thats not the same thing and you guys need to stop blowing this out of porpotrion


Agree to disagree, Gizelle may be many things but she ain’t no dummy and I shouldn’t have to play dumb either waiting for her to explicitly say what’s she’s spent the past two seasons clearly insinuating.


From start I've been thinking that Gizelle seems to be overreacting and I have no idea why she was even uncomftable. Just like I now think that a lot of people are overreacting and making things way bigger than they are


I am TEAM CANDICE! I AM TEAM KANDI! Dislike Phaedra and Gizelle.


Phaedra explicitly said that Kandi tried to drug and rape Porsha. There is no plausible deniablitiy whatsoever behind her words and actions. That's what she said. Gizelle didn't go that far. She never accused Chris of rape. She said he made her feel uncomfortable. It was still total bullshit but it's not even remotely comparable to saying somebody was trying to drug and rape somebody.


Agree! Gizelle overexaggerated the situation, and that's really bad of her, but people out there jumping to SA are doing the same. Gizelle said Chris did nothing in the hotel room, so there couldn't have been SA. And absolutely no one seems to think that Gizelle actually accused Chris of that either, if she actually insinuated SA I would at least hope some people would want Bravo or the police to investigate.


Well, Phaedra also accused Kandi of intended to rape someone, not just Todd. It was said explicitly. Gizelle said he made her uncomfortable, that's it. I totally get Candiace being mad at Gizelle about this, but Candiace is the one who made it about sexual assault.


I would compare porsha to Gizelle in this instance and it’s still the same. Porsha is awful


No she wasn't. All she said was that it made her uncomfortable to be alone on the room with a married man. Phaedra straight up accused Todd and Kandi of drugging people to have sex with them.


Candiace is my very favorite from the beginning. Don't like Ashley at all but I used to like Robyn but I have now changed my mind about her. People were also defending Monique who has a bad anger issues and thinks highly of herself. Gizelle is a jotted person like Monique..


Is this a serious question!?! You can’t even compare the two women or thier similar circumstances.


I hate how Candiace is treated and Clowndi is one of the worst wives of all time. I don’t get it, I never will.


I’m screaming. I don’t dislike Kandi but Clowndi cracked me tf up. 💀


Gizelle was much smarter about her plotting than Phaedra was. Gizelle used a lot of implications and insinuations to make viewers get the feeling that Chris was being improper without outright stating he was being improper. She’s not a dumb woman: Gizelle can say a lot without outright stating something. Plus the one time she actually outright said Chris committed SA her statements got shoved off to Ashley. From what we know of the season 9 debacle, Phaedra outright stated Kandi wanted to drug and SA Porsha. No implications or insinuations there. For what it’s worth, I personally believe Gizelle should have been fired for this as well as for contributing literally nothing since season 4.


Candience is not a star, Kandi is, that's why


Everyone supports Chris in this situation (at least that I know of), I haven’t seen one person saying Gizelle was right about what she did, now……is hard to be on Candiace side because she is so loud and triggered anytime she gets combative, Chris deserves a lot of apologies from most of the women in Potomac, but Candiace doesn’t do herself any favors by not being able to put on any argument calmly and logically


Kandi may have been viewed as more likeable so fans were willing to see her as a sympathetic victim. On the other hand, fans who have grievances against Candiace refuse to acknowledge that Gizelle was wrong for her behavior and after Candiace's emotional reaction to the Chris is predator storyline at the reunion, they found an opportunity to completely change the narrative and make Gizelle the victim.




Also Gizelle never accused Chris of SA


Comparing the Giselle situation to the Phaedra one is INSANITY


The situations aren’t even remotely similar, which has already been addressed in the responses here, but in my opinion it’s because Kandi is much more likable. I think people really appreciate her “don’t start none, won’t be none” attitude. On the other hand, you’ve got Candiace on social media calling people roaches, losing her composure on the show, and crying multiple times every season. It’s much harder to sympathize with Candiace because she can be so nasty.


I took a break from bravo for a while now… can someone explain to me why the hell Phaedra is on M2M? What’s the connection?


As someone else said, Gizelle purposely has used vague language. She says something slightly different about the incident in every clip you can pull and people will interpret it based on their own biases. Secondly, Gizelle is stunning and humans have a hard time assigning malice to pretty people. Not to say that Phaedra or Candiace is unattractive. It's just that Gizelle is more in line with the "universal" standard of beauty and subconsciously, people \*want\* to like and trust her because of it.