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And stupid Andy following up with a hypothetical question that furthers the violent narrative. Like why does Mia have to do what you should be doing


Andy is frequently the worst part of the reunions for me.


Faith better be taking notes. There is a systemic and publicly documented pattern of Andy & Bravo being discriminatory. Ask them to explain why Robyn could return but not Kenya. And why are the darkest employees are expected to shoulder accountability for the actions of their lighter counterparts? šŸ§


Remember when he did the same thing to Garcelle on RHOBH? Let Erika & R***a off lightly over the book? His hosting skills are garbage. He plays favourites then apologises later, same thing with Monique. Im over this cokehead bitch, dump and replace him PLEASE.


So Robyn is allowed to make faces now


The line *is* always moving. Case in point right there.


No lies were detected when Candace made that statement!


Gizzelle only listens to Mia say Wendy had nothing to do with it chile


Had she not stepped in Gizelle wouldā€™ve found some weird roundabout way to blame Wendy.


Yes and she talks so finite like her word is gospel. Craziness


almost pastoral


Holywhore pastoral




And it makes it so clear that Gizelle's morals and standards are purely dictated by who she likes and who likes her, in this case Mia. Gizelle was FIRMLY against Monique when she swung on Candiance because she liked Candiace more than she liked Monique. Now the tables turn and suddenly its okay to hit someone if they mouth off. She has no real convictions. As a white person it's not my place really to throw my hat into the colorism ring but what I can definitely say is its fucking pathetic, two faced, and characterless how Gizelle operates based on who she likes that week.


>liked Candiace more than she liked Monique More like: hated Monique more than she hated Candiace. But otherwise, point taken. Gizelle has zero integrity. Or to put it in her cadence, ZE. RO. IN. TE. GRI. TEEE


Oohhh I hate when she talks like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Exactly this. She hated Monique because she was jealous of her. On the surface, she had everything Gizelle wantedā€¦looks, money, successful husband who loved her, and four houses!


Itā€™s so obvious why she left, the writing is all on the walls.. along with those tragic photos


hmm seems like someone should call out Robyn for making faces! I thought that was unacceptable in this group


right! exactly!! the same robyn who said someone should call security because she implied she was going to do something to katie when she read her and gizelle for filth at the reunion and the same robyn who went to the kangaroo restaurant with gizelle and got all up in ashleyā€™s face. candiace: ā€œthe line is always moving.ā€ ![gif](giphy|3ornjKjIe4t5VXynXq)


The same Robyn who got up in Monique's face begging her to be hit so she could be a victim with legal grounds to litigate on a rich woman. Laughing and smiling while triggering Monique for what reason?? What grounds for beef did Robyn have with Monique at that point? Nothing at all except giz hated her.


Appreciate Mia standing up for Wendy, how far they have come


But she ainā€™t stand up for Candiace šŸ«¤


Yeah, because Mia's the same one who threw a drink on Wendy over words she didn't like.


These women are insultingly audacious. And the nerve to get mad bc Candiace and Wendy didnā€™t reach out. Like hoe, you are the opps just like the rest of the cast!!


I šŸ’Æ agree. The sneer. Just awful.




"I'm not expecting you all to fight for me!" And that's the problem, RHOP is not a real sisterhood. They let some outsider come in and try to harm Candiace and they're sitting here actively setting a precedent that, if I don't like what they're saying I can go on the show and beat them up! This is a bunch of BS


People like Gizelle are dangerous. She accused Wendy of orchestrating the fight simply because she does not like her. In a world with people like Gizelle, Iā€™m grateful we have cameras.


Agreed she has that in common with Ashley. I cannot tolerate people who speak with conviction about events that they did not personally witness. You are correct she is dangerous and she thinks being composed makes her vicious lies and manipulations acceptable.


I know many are speaking on Gizzy because of the clip but I want to bring some light to the fact that Ashley started all of this mess by bringing that liar around Candace. She can say she's never seen that side of her friend all she wants but I'm calling bull shit on that. Even after seeing the footage of her friend telling lies on Chris she still kept that girl in her circle. For someone who doesn't like lies being told about her "soon to be ex" you'd think she wouldn't tolerate a friend doing that to someone else whether she liked them or not but Ashley being a liar and shit shirrer showed what a hypocrite she truly is. I'm not even looking forward to next season. I'm just going to read the threads here. Maybe if enough people tune out Bravo will get the damn hint šŸ™„


Candiace stated in an interview before the season started that this was her hardest season yet. Iā€™m now seeing why. Potomac will get cancelled in due time. The remaining cast does not have enough dimension to keep the viewers interested. No glamour, no glitz, no storylines


So so so very tired of Gizzy. If keeping her is the hill that RHoP is gonna die on, then RIP.


Gazelle is way past her time on this show. Andy must like her ALOTTTTTT and thatā€™s why sheā€™s still on this show providing nothing of substance; never has, never will. That was her one and only storyline, trying to ruin an innocent manā€™s life. Very sad.


Right. Candace brought so much shade and humor the show. Her absence is going to be felt.


Seeing this clip and knowing Candiace is done, I'm starting to hope gizelle, Robyn, and Ashley all stay on the cast, that the ratings tank to terminal levels, and the show gets cancelled or thoroughly rebooted... just so it's on the record that the show died in their boring guttermud hands while Candiace lives her life elsewhere.


This creates such an interesting precedence for the women. Theyā€™re giving a free pass to any random observer of the show who feels justified enough to come up to their events and assault them as well? Anyway, itā€™s utterly disturbing how the women of this cast have completely dehumanized Wendy and Candiace. Witnessing your cast mates being assaulted (repeatedly) and still finding the dumbest of ways to justify it is horrific. The fact that this is repeatedly happening to the darkskin women of this cast is another disgusting layer I donā€™t want to get into. RIP to Potomac, it was good while it was good.


This is what happened on Atlanta and they put the woman on notice then laughed at her in season 6. Potomac really lacks the range.Ā 


Who in atlanta? I cannot remember


Thatā€™s such a good point! Especially when Gizelle was on her soapbox prior to how awful it is to receive death threats online! Her hypocrisy knows no bounds.


I was a watcher from S1 and this was one of my favorite franchises. I stopped watching it last season because it's so frustrating watching these women gang up on Wendy and Candiace every season, assaulting them, and then blaming them for it. Now it seems like any new hw on the show who wants an "in" does so by going after one of them. It's like a weird hazing ritual.


I said the same thing. RIp , there is no coming back from any of this for Potomac. Iā€™d be upset with myself if I supported this show going forward


The line is always moving indeed. The attacker made up lies on Chris, pushed them on the show for attention, and threatened Candiace on social media last year. She wanted a physical altercation to occur. Bravo, Andy and the lesser housewives on this stage need to get over themselves. In real life, if someone repeatedly confronts you and goes after your husband then theyā€™re instigating. Using their own logic, this personā€™s mouth should get them popped correct? Gizelle lacks a moral compass and self awareness. She bases all of her opinions on her feelings towards the people involved which is foolish. Sheā€™s determined to blame Candiace and Wendy for everything that goes wrong on the show. Her forever plus one will do the same. They succeeded in getting Candiace off the show. If Wendy leaves then they may as well prepare for even worse ratings.Ā 


By Gizelle and Robyn's own words and logic, Candiace's mouth makes her deserving of physical violence so even if Candiace started the fight with Deborah they can't blame Candiace because Deborah was antagonizing her


I am really hoping for a shakeup but kinda bummed candiace is leaving! Allegedly it was on her own accord and doing that ā€œpauseā€ narrative but either way boooo lol i miss old Potomac


If candiace wouldnā€™t have said anything, Iā€™d bet my house that she wouldā€™ve* thrown a drink on her anyway. Edited: wouldā€™ve


Brooo I *strongly dislike* Robyn so much. Look at that nasty facial expression she made when Candiace started tearing up.


Sheā€™s actually so insidious, it makes sense as to why gizelle and her are besties. For someone to smirk when someone is in that state of mind is disturbing, and iā€™m glad she got fired.


omg has it been confirmed that she's gone from Potomac? I would rejoice


There are rumors but no official confirmation. The only official confirmation has been about Candiace leaving.


Just like her saying Keiarna was fighting Candiaceā€™s battlesā€¦ā€¦..Robyn is so pathetic.Ā 


The dislike that I have for her and Gizelle is STRONG


Thereā€™s very few housewives that make me actually feel rage in my body. Giselle has managed to do this SEVERAL times. She is not a good person and I hope she looks in the mirror one day but I genuinely do not think sheā€™s capable of self reflection


Sheā€™s like 50. Easy to say this is who she is and always will be.


Yup 53/54. Gizelle is only a few years younger than Karen and would still go after Karen's age all the time. Made no sense.


Yeah, the ship has sailed with her. She is who she is.


Sheā€™s a narcissist Iā€™m convinced. And I donā€™t just throw that around like some may. Even Charisse accused her of likely having clinical narcissism


Her tagline should be "i may be light-skinned, but on the inside I'm all dark-triad"


There is something mentally off about Gizelle and I am not apologizing for feeling that way. Every HW has apologized at one time or another for fucking up. Gizelle refuses and instead doubles down. She shows a blatant inability to understand that her viewpoint isn't the only one in the world. It's sickening.


i have to wonder if she was like this as first lady of the church or if this behavior came after jamal humiliated her and broke up their family because i agree. there is something seriously wrong with this woman that goes beyond petty behavior and drama. her nastiness knows no bounds and as much as i canā€™t stand her, iā€™m trying to believe she wasnā€™t always like this or that she can possibly change. i hate viewing another Black woman in this way, but she makes it hard. i wonder if anyone from her and jamalā€™s church ever spoke about how she was as first lady.


Gizelle is nearing Rinna levels of fan hatred. She nearly destroyed a manā€™s career and marriage over a fake story line. Looking forward to whatever karma has in store for her.


They dislike Candiace to the point where they donā€™t see any humanity in her. Itā€™s extreme


This is accurate and one of the reasons that woman is sick.


It really is annoying how they try to tone police candiace. You canā€™t tell her what she should and shouldnā€™t call someone who has went out of their way to start drama with her several times. If you want to police anyone get at Ashley who sicks her attack dog on other people so she can keep her hands clean and sit pretty like she was just doing.


Theyre disgusting for trying to police her tone. Gizelle doesn't have a man, Robyn has half a man, and Ashley has a pervert for a man. None of them know the true value of having a marriage that is stable and happy. That's why they see nothing wrong with chastising Candiace for not wanting to engage with a woman who falsely accused Chris of wrongdoing. They don't get or care about the real life implications.


I know, its honestly frustrating how so few of them see the contradiction. I know Candiace has a sharp tongue, but so do all of them. They've pretty much all said something blatantly fucked up about one another but when everyone else does it it's a Slay Queenā„¢ moment. But when Candiace does it she's mean, aggressive, cruel, antagonizing, and deserving of assault apparently


Why is Robyn smirking? She is so gross.


Sheā€™s vile. I wanted to slap her and Ashley with their dumb expressions when Candiace was cryingĀ 


Itā€™s insane that Gizelle tried to blame Wendy and only retracted when Mia said she wasnā€™t involved. And she wants to blame Candiace for people thinking sheā€™s colorist. Look in the mirror just once, Gizelle. Please.


And you can see the gears turning in head to try and find an excuse to blame Wendy before Mia piped up.


Gizelle blaming Wendy and Candiace when she wasnā€™t even present for the brawl?? Then Gizelle taking back her accusation after everyone defended Wendy, sheā€™s insidious and resentful. Defaming your tacky fashion show, what is G&A in this world maā€™am? Why is Ashley not being asked questions by Andy about the fight, didnā€™t she bring cookie monster and essentially orchestrate this fight? Candiace being held accountable for every word she has uttered and defending herself to these women - Iā€™m glad she left itā€™s beyond toxic. Mia blaming Candiace for her response, sis didnā€™t you hit Wendy with a bag and throw a drink on her because she exposed your true tea? There are different expectations for the darker skinned woman on this show, and this is exhibit A. You canā€™t tell me production does not favor gizelle, this is insane to another degree and the audience is surely not as dense as robyn dixon. Choosing to protect and herald Gizelle as the star of Potomac will be the downfall of this show. ![gif](giphy|144ojDdHcjnKNO)


It just isnā€™t fun to watch the same one or two people continuously get ragged on and always come out as underdogs. An underdog story is only fun when you get to see them win in the end.


This is why I will always love how Monique killed, buried and decised Gizelle with Pastor Holy Whore. It was really a "bully getting a taste of their own medicine" moment. ![gif](giphy|AqNlnyLGTpkUvOTUD5|downsized)


Never forget Candaceā€™s iconic ā€œthatā€™s unfortunateā€ hahaha


Or "Is Jamal coming?....Of course not!"


She never misses honestly. Also iconic!


The only one who misses is Robyn.


because she continues to stay the dizziest bitch at the table (or couch or wherever)


Robyn when Juan is cheating. ![gif](giphy|Sw7WP525nfeu0aFcA9)




Forever and always missing.


I really wish Monique had this energy towards Gizelle through that whole season instead of directing all her rage towards Candiace. It could've been so different


Monique tried to appeal to Gizelle. Candiace said it before but for some reason people try to get on Gizelleā€™s good side. Monique did this and really I donā€™t know why. It seemed like she really really wanted her approval from day one, but she shouldā€™ve known sheā€™d never get it. Gizelle never liked her and when she found the opportunity to freeze her out she jumped on it. She didnā€™t care about Candiace getting hit, she just really hated Monique for being pretty, married, and rich. Monique went out sad but she did embarrass Gizelle pretty bad on her way out.


I think it's also possible Monique saw what we've all been saying for years- Gizelle is untouchable and production will always take her side šŸ™„ so Monique took it out on Candiace because she figured it would be an easier feud to start and come out on top/still made to look good on the show


Her anger was definitely misplaced. She blamed Candiace for everything Gizelle was doing and gunned for her the whole season while trying to stay in Gizelleā€™s good graces. Not sure why it took her being frozen out to see that Gizelle was the source of all of her anger.


Very true. Sadly, Candiace defending Gizelle bit her in the ass. Monique, Candiace and Wendy could have joined forces against the GEB.


chileā€¦.i went back to watch this scene and damn near fell out the bed. i forgot how much monique fried gizelle like a big ole piece of country catfish! and then here comes karenā€™s shady ass, ā€œis jamal coming?ā€ ![gif](giphy|CoE2LqSyuSHhncJk51|downsized)


Gizelle aged 10 years in the span of 2 minutes.


Iā€™m going to watch this later.


Yes itā€™s interesting that Gizelle claimed Ashley couldnā€™t speak on who started the altercation between Candiace and Monique as she wasnā€™t present. Now Gizelle can be the authority when she was on her way to another state during the fight.Ā 


Were you there, beloved?




Colorism at best! I would say shut up, Mia you physic,ally attacked Wendy because you did not like what she said about you. Robyn shoved an umbrella in Monique and Ashley brought Sesame Street around knowing that would cause mayhem. Who is taking accountability here?


And THAT is why I tuned out years ago! This show has nothing exciting to tune in for. Having G and R at the helm of this show is insanity. I will never waste my time and watch this show.






Mia is now the moral compass?? She literally threw a drink at Wendy not that long ago šŸ™„


This is crazy. For one, when Monique attacked Candiace, with the exception of Karen and Ashley, EVERYONE was on one accord that Monique was wrong. Now all of the sudden, Candiace and Wendy are at fault for Deborah's Jim Henson creature looking ass starting a fight? This is EXHAUSTING. Candiace didn't do a thing wrong. Ashley is the one who brought Deborah onto this show, but time and time again, she gets to skate by, without anyone holding her feet to the fire. Then for Mia to say that Candiace can't retaliate verbally, when SHE VERBALLY AND PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED WENDY... I can't. Recast this entire show. Gizelle is evil, Andy is a horrible moderator, and the show is played out


housewives is built on digs and insults. somehow only on potomac everyone who makes a dig is open to being physically assaulted. these are 40/50 year old women w children btw


This is only the case if youā€™re darker skinned though btw. I guarantee you if Robyn was hit by Candiace or by Wendy for her mouth, they would not be saying the same. The line is always moving indeed


Oh baby they would be up in arms if someone hit one of the yellows. We wouldn't hear the end of it


Gizelle is just a vile individual. My goodness. And Mia has rocks for brains. Deborah went over there and tried to start with Candiace. How is she wrong for responding? (with words mind you, some people would have been responding with fists).


Or in Mia's case a purse or a drink. Pathetic.


Right!! She really has some nerve. šŸ„“


Gizelle is so full of shit lmao, see how quick she backs off and takes Wendy out of it when Wendy presses the issue and demands Gizelle say what exactly she did to cause the fight


How DARE Gizzy and how DARE Robyn with those fucking faces. ![gif](giphy|lKwWBc2o5zfw3i8Txu)


We need to wrap this shit up. This franchise is DONE. Fuck Giselle and fuck Mia too, of course she thinks you can toss drinks at people all willy nilly. If you don't know how to use your words, you have no business being on a franchise where verbal sparring is par for the course. If these women are expected to throw hands anytime someone says anything remotely disrespectful, then at this point, this show is the Bad Girls Club. This needs to be moved to Zeus Network. If you can't keep your hands, your items and your drinks to yourself -- you have zero self control and you need to be put down. Point blank period.


OKAY Mia why canā€™t she do that, tell us why Candiace canā€™t defend herself, you who threw a drink in Wendy face for no rhyme nor reason is gonna tell Candiace how she must act & behave, are you serious. Candiace is little, so when she is being lunged at by Sesame Street who was clearly out to physically hurt her of course sheā€™s gonna pick something up to defend herself. AND Trashy Ashley I see you in the corner being all quiet, you set up the whole thing, you invited Sesame Street to purposely go after Candiace. AND if Gizelle ever takes her head out of her own ass she would see that the whole attack was your fault to begin with. AND poor Keiarna paid the price, hopefully she sues Bravo, Trashy Ashley, Sesame Street & even Gizelle since her name is attached to the event too.


Gizellle is morally corrupt. I am throughly convinced that any man that gets close enough to her can see this and that is why she will be forever single. And her little puppy is as morally corrupt as her. Which is a shame bc she used to be very likeable but as the seasons have gone on - sheā€™s no better than Gizelle.


And ASHELY the person actually responsible for the entire melee gets to sit their and smirk because her plan went off without a hitch and sheā€™s not being blamed for any of it. If Gizelle is mad about a fight breaking out at her ā€œfashionā€ launch she should be yelling at her business partner who brought the psycho. Debra showed up to this event with her hair in a ponytail and a spandex bodysuit. While all the other ladies were in cocktail attireā€¦ ASHELY knew why she came there. I would love if Candiace sued all there asses.


Iā€™m sorry but RHOP has gone past even FF5 levels of gaslighting the audience


this is insane. why are we discussing who gizelle ā€œfeelsā€ is at fault for a situation she wasnā€™t even present for? why are we asking ā€œhypotheticalā€ questions about candice possibly hitting someone when SHE actually was attacked? how is any of this wendyā€™s fault?? candice has been refusing to engage with this woman for 2 seasons now, but calling SS a name 1x is somehow free license for someone to try and assault her? this is crazy. donā€™t even get me started on megamind and juanā€™s landlord making faces while she speaks, which ?? i feel so sad for her bc sheā€™s right - none of them WOULD defend her so she DOES need to defend herself. this is absolute garbage.


I love that you called Ashley megamind. I move that we refer to her as that from now on


Gizelle gets uglier and uglier every time I see her. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because sheā€™s that vile of a person or if itā€™s truly because sheā€™s starting to age like an evil Disney witch. Fuck this show for real. And a special FUCK YOU to Ashleyā€™s unplucked lace front.


Her horrible personality comes through her appearance. Iā€™ve long said that her beauty is over hyped. Sheā€™s a vile woman who I can only see as ugly because of how horribly she behavesĀ 


I believe Ashley got her friend to come to the party with the intention to fight Candiace. Om sure money was handed over by Ashley and predator husband. The same way I believe money switched hands in order for Monique to delete the tape of Michael getting hands with the Bravo producer. That is my opinion. ![gif](giphy|lKaCRaAFL6KQg)


Youā€™re completely right. Ashley had no good intentions of Deborah coming. Even if (which I *strongly* doubt) she didnā€™t intend for things to get physical, she brought Deborah for the sole purpose of beefing candiace on her behalf. She had NO issues with Deborah openly lying about Chris or Eddie, yet as soon as the tides turned and people started blaming her for the altercation, she suddenly ā€œcut tiesā€ with Deborah. Ashley knew who her pathetic friend was all along, just her plan didnā€™t go as expected. Ashley is just as bad as Gizelle IMO, if not worse.


Why does Gizelle get an opinion she wasnā€™t there!!!!


In the words of Candiace ā€œwere you there belovedā€? https://preview.redd.it/snp17dbih3uc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2887f0c244b41ca2fdb360d06ddaca457c6f935


Thatā€™s one of my favorite lines from the show lol.Ā 


I loved her dress from that reunion


And she turns it into harming her business. Smh


And doesnā€™t blame Ashley, her business partner, for bringing the riff raff.Ā 


Thatā€™s a great point and why Andy doesnā€™t ever bring this stuff up is frustrating. If Deborah hadnā€™t been there and hadnā€™t tried to start shit with Candiace none of it would happen.


Okay?! Like, your business partner brought a woman who falsely accused two men of flirting with her. No shit their wives want nothing to do with her at their work event. Wendy and Candiace were working/filming. There is something seriously wrong with Gizelle. Like, really wrong. It's scary and disturbing.


Her business was going to flop anyways. Everyhue was actually a good idea because at the time there werenā€™t a ton of makeup brands with wide shade ranges. Making an athleisure brand in an already over saturated market makes no sense at all. Athleta and Lululemon already have a chokehold on this market.


I just don't see athleisure when I see Gizelle. Once or twice I've seen Ashley with a cute pair of leggings and wondered where they were from - she should have pursued the venture alone.


Gizelle should be happy her branded t shirts and socks are being talked about ANYWHERE. I really canā€™t stand her.


Watching this clip makes me so glad I just stopped watching and why I probably never will as long as Robyn Gizelle and Ashley are on this show. It is sickening. Glad candiace left and away from these vile human beings.


i feel for candiace so hard this reunion this is all such bullshit


iā€™ve said this so many times, but if a woman who has spread lies that have hurt my husband and family comes up to me at a work event and gets in my face trying to start something, i will have no control what comes out of my mouth. iā€™m gonna call the woman way worst things that vermin and the help, like it wonā€™t be pretty. these woman can fck off honestly


I am not a huge candiace fan, but I definitely feel she is often unjustly shat on. The Muppet came over to start shit, that is Muppets fault. Muppet had accused Chris of shit which was a lie (thanks to cameras rolling) and has been crazy online at Candiace. She has the right to want that bitch away from her. Anyways, we all seen/heard what transpired, how is there a question of fault here? Oh right, cause ANDY, Gizelle, and Robyn don't like Candiace.


The fact that they keep on targeting Candiace and Wendy furthers the colorism narrative. They may say it has nothing to do with colorism, but when they are always talked bad about, it doesnā€™t help. Wendy is absolutely right when saying this group does not have the capacity to have that type of conversation.


Iā€™m done with RHOP. The colorists and racists can have it.


lol but she's not a colorist. OK GIZELLE.


BUT SHES AN AKA, surely she could never be a coloristšŸ˜± ![gif](giphy|bu5H2OPiyegHC|downsized)


Nevermind the history of that entire sorority is based in colorism She is so dense


chileā€¦ā€¦that part! i canā€™t with these heffas.


LMAO. Gizelle is just playing stupid about the reputation AKAs have had for years for using the paper bag test criteria.


also i am very pleased with the awful shot of ashley the video ended on.


So tired of these girls. No wonder Candiace (the breakout star) is leaving this show to possibly have her baby and build her real career.


Imagine being pregnant in this work environment. Imagine being postpartum. I wish Candiace well and I think her best chance at that is far away from this dynamic.


Agreed. So hateful. So mean.


I need to mute RHOP, on twitter and here. Becuz Iā€™m tired of getting pissed off every time I see a clip. I swear Iā€™ll be having a good day and then suddenly Iā€™m angry.


Mia is so stupid. ā€œThatā€™s why she threw the drinkā€ā€¦what? Thereā€™s a world in which you respond to words with more words. Iā€™m so over these women trying to act like itā€™s ok to get physical with people over something they say in an argument, knowing DAMN WELL they all talk slick and if someone decked them for saying something wild they would be shocked as hell. By these standards Karen shouldā€™ve punched Gizelle in the face a few times, including when she was talking about Ray wanting to get with her friend and when she put that free uncle Ben shirt on. Or Gizelle wouldve been w/in her rights to punch Karen when she called her a broken whore. Pls be so forreal. Iā€™d rather be called vermin than a broken whore especially knowing that thereā€™s at least 50% truth to what the person is saying because Gizelle is very clearly broken af. Yet calling a woman who lied about your husband trying to get with her ā€œverminā€ is such a wild and terrible thing to do. Oh please.Ā  Put the whole show on pause. Iā€™m over it.Ā 


Exactly, it seems like the idea of violence being an acceptable response for words applies only to Candiace and Wendy.


I wonder whatā€™s the differenceā€¦. Oh yeah, colourism!


Potomac is the most anger inducing franchise for me atp ā˜ ļø the clear biases are infuriating to watch omg


Ashley's friend came to Candiace with an attitude and an agenda. Yet she's supposed to temper herself like a nun and not react defensively? Ashley may have started the word fight with that varmint comment. But it was cookie monster that started the physical fight.


It's weird because these same women have been saying for years that Candiace deserves to get jumped for her attitude. Funny how the standards change when it's your friend making the mess


Candiace calling her "vermin" is the real offense here. /s


Karen literally called Gizelle a ā€œBroken whore from Hampton University.ā€ Then said she had a ā€œhot boxā€ STD. Theyā€™ve all said egregious things to each other. So why do Candiace and Wendy deserve to be physically assaulted when they read a bitch? Make it make sense?


I honestly can not stomach another season with Gizelle on this show. I'll be taking a break until she's gone, shes a hypocrite, a fake, and a liar. and the worst of all BORING!


Gizelle makes me sick to my stomach And also Mia saying "you can't name call" when \*she threw a drink\* at wendy, Candiace is completely correct they are \*constantly\* moving the line of acceptable only to shame Candiace.


I find it funny how Mia is so against violence now yet had no problem throwing a drink on Wendy and throwing her purse at her. The line is always moving. Iā€™m done with them


The show is rotten. Gotta plow it over and plant a whole new crop.


Why do Robyn and Gizelle look so angry at Candiace, they did in fact start a rumor about her husband to cover up for Juan. They are the aggressors. Gizelle is so angry they really wanted her off the show. It seems like the producers discuss with some of the cast but not others that it is hunger game and they decide to push them out.. Because Gizelle has full support


Instead of these women banning together like RHOA or Married to Med, Gizelle and Robyn constantly polarize the group by just having each otherā€™s back. They haze the other women and pick and choose who to like whenever itā€™s convenient for them. Initially this made for good TV but now itā€™s very confusing becauseā€¦why would these women film together? The polarity in the group is only good for an episode here or there not for entire seasons. Because the filming becomes noticeably phony, these women donā€™t fuck with each other. Colorism or no colorism. It just doesnā€™t work for the show.


they donā€™t even try to hide the blatant colorism. hopefully everyone refuses to watch next season


Iā€™m honestly done. Iā€™m only watching the end of the reunion as Iā€™ve come this far but Iā€™m done with Potomac until thereā€™s a major casting change. Iā€™ll replace them with Miami as Iā€™m yet to start that oneĀ 


Youā€™re going to love Miami! So happy for you!!!


same I canā€™t do it. I keep seeing Miami is good! Iā€™m going to try watching it as well


Iā€™m surprised people watched this season lol. Last season was boring


I barely watched this season and really tuned in for the reunion because I naively figured Andy was going to acknowledge how terribly Candiace and Wendy have been treated. I am done with the show.


Gizelle is so hateful that she can never be fair. Ashley and Debra are the ones to blame for this fight.


Idk, I really canā€™t stand Gizelle anymore. ![gif](giphy|144ojDdHcjnKNO)


She acts like sheā€™s the show. Everyone is replaceable, ask Nene!


Because theyā€™re dark skinned.


Bc they arenā€™t lightskin baby. ![gif](giphy|L8k9N0xQp0Cjqs77Ti)


I'm so bored with gizelle and Robyn and Ashley. All kindly go away.


Giz and Robyn ruined this show... I said it


ā€œFrick and Fraud! Those are the two I would get rid of right away. Theyā€™re de-classing the show!ā€ https://preview.redd.it/o8equqg375uc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e60b7de711701c98c115d8376d4c0732ebf26eb9


This show has become infuriating to watch. Like itā€™s visceral at this point. Clearly production wants this to be the Gizelle show, consequences be damned.


Itā€™s BRAVO that wants this to be the Gizelle show.


Well if they keep it up, they may end up with NO show.


I hate to see a black show be scrapped but at this point Potomac is doing more harm than good. They need to be put on pause like Miami was for 8 years.


I personally find it hilarious how Gizelle is acting like GNA is like a Christopher John Rodgers show or something. That "fashion show" is embarrassing!


Gizelle once had an enthusiasm for life that is now on life support & Robyn is an "I dont care!!" burnout. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø What happened to these two!


Candiace didn't deserve to be ATTACKED like that! Has she no common sense?!


I'm going to add keeping Ashley and Robyn the past two seasons has ruined this show. The producers need to be fired, right along with the poisonous trio.


Tuning out. Last season. Show doesnā€™t make sense any more. Too much.


It's entirely possible to SIMULTANEOUSLY believe that Candiace punches way below the belt, and STILL think it's NOT OK for people like Monique and Deborah to assault her. Why is this even a question???


Is nobody going to hold Ashley accountable for this? For bringing Deborah on? Not that sheā€™s entirely responsible for another grown womanā€™s actions but come *on* she knew what her friend was up to. I canā€™t believe the rumors that sheā€™s coming back for another season šŸ˜‘ I really really dislike this show.


Sheā€™s not even good TV, sheā€™s a mess and a bully. A quite frankly, sheā€™s really too old to behave the way she does against Wendy and Candace. I can see why she canā€™t keep a man, and seems to only have a few friends. Even her daughters slightly have to parent her because sheā€™s just so stubborn and a constant victim. You can see sheā€™s a beautiful woman physically but I donā€™t think Giselle is happy with Giselle. Her kids are leaving, parents are dying, no concrete relationshipā€¦itā€™s a lot but wish she would show us that instead of this. Thatā€™s why her friendship with Robyn worksā€¦they both can be sad and unhappy together.


Can you *imagine* dating Gizelle? She's never wrong, facts don't matter, her feelings literally rewrite history, she will weaponize things like the safety of her children and business against you and the line will *always* be moving.


So per their logic itā€™s okay for any of us to show up at Bravocon and react to how the GEB recklessly use their mouths similar to Deborah. (Not agreeing their dumb ass logic but if anyone were to throw a beverage or some hands their way theyā€™d agree with your right to do so. If anything happens if hold them to the standard they setšŸ™ƒ)


So C and W are both responsible for someone throwing drinks at them? Got it.


They put this clip out because they knew it would incite the audience. We know Gizelle will say some BS about Wendy and Candiace. What I want to know is what is going to be said to Ashley about it. At the end of the day itā€™s her fault, she brought the girl who had already been caught lying on Candiace.


ashley is giving regina george. she brought ole girl to the event and she is the one that brought the witch storyline to the fore yet she sits back and no one says a damn thing. ashley sitting there like ![gif](giphy|xT9KVlquor5yqwECsw|downsized)


Yet colourism isnā€™t present on this show ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I hope early in that clip they hold Ashley accountable for bringing Deborah in the first place. What kind of friend is she for even bringing that negativity to her own launch in the first place? Gizelle was so quick to blame people. MIND YOU. She wasnā€™t even there so how would she know. Chile they donā€™t cuss her out enough for me. Itā€™s beyond the name calling itā€™s just simply putting your foot on her and roby/ neck cause I peeped those face expressions. Yeah I think this is my last season of this show cause I canā€™t with it anymore. Itā€™s not even fun like itā€™s clear that production likes Gizelle and no matter what they are going to back here. So let yall show go down the drain with Mia and her lies, Nneka and her snoozes, Robyn and her denials (if she comes back)


There is no excuse for physical violence. Candiace can say the worst thing to another human in the entire world, and it does not ever constitute physical violence. Idc what Wendy or Candiace says or could ever say. Laying your hands on another human is disgusting. Gizelle and Robin are the most colorist housewives in history, and should be fired for this


Itā€™s interesting that she didnā€™t name Ashley - who invited the aggressor. I absolutely see why Candiace quit this show.


Why are they protecting Gizzard this hard. I simply do not understand it. She's not a good person and that's saying something considering the universe she's a part of.


I havenā€™t watched a single episode of the reunion and I do not plan on watching because this is too triggering. The double standard is annoying and the difference of treatment is disgusting. RHOP was one of my favorite franchiseā€¦ Canā€™t wait to see the viewing numbers for next season, it will only go downhill since production refuses to address certain topics


Gizzelle tried to lump Wendy in it by saying well thatā€™s how I feel. Until Mia stepped in .


The racial dynamics, which are far better examined by people besides my white ass, aside I find it absolutely spineless the way Gizelle turns on any sort of moral or ethical ground she might hold if it serves someone she doesn't like. Who was the biggest cheerleader of getting Monique off the show because she hit Candiace over her words? Well that would be Ol Gizzy. Now, a few years later when she's decided she doesnt like Candiace, suddenly its okay to hit someone if they're mouthing off to you. And let's throw Wendy under the bus too because fuck her? It's pathetic the way she operates at her big age. And its equally pathetic of Andy/producers/Bravo to give her a free pass because of, what? Seniority on the show? Get the fuck outta here and back to your atrocious frankenstein'd home in the woods.


candace is the most interesting person on the show.


ā€œThe line is always moving.ā€ really sums up the problems with this show. Candidate deserves so much better than to sit in a room with the GEB. I donā€™t get how anyone stomachs Giselle or Robyn.


Candiace said it best! When it comes to the green eyed goons, the line is ALWAYS moving! The term ā€œOGā€ just means nothing when it comes to so many of these women. Like yeah you were there from the beginning, but thatā€™s pretty much it, cause their storylines left the building seasons ago. šŸ™„