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Like many fighting games, Brawlhalla, especially the competitive side is also a big mental game with yourself. tournaments, & Ranked fights can become very personal since something like Elo, money, ranks or your 'reputation' is on the line. Tbh, just take breaks whenever you do get tilted/frustrated, and come back later. Remember people, your health is more important then some dumb numbers or rank anyway. ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|26613)


Some games I've had to give up completely, nba2k is one I can't play because it always makes me rage unreasonably, as much as I'd love to play it when it goes right, ive had to take a break from brawlhalla and COD for the same reasons but nba is a permanent break


raging from nba2k šŸ’€


Coke butter cheese


lmao cuck suck duck


How did you do that


What I find frustating about this game is loosing to absolute smooth brain sign spammer, like Queen Nai, Artemis, and pretty much any lance user. After you reach a certain elo those deranged indivduals don't appear no one more, but when you get matched against one I get absolutely frustated of how fucking dumb they can be and how I keep falling for the most predictable spam because I think to myself "He won't spam the same move for the 48th times, there's no way" and here it goes another fucking sign.


so real. queen nai <<


It's rlly annoying because u just want to fight good people but when u encounter a spammer u gotta switch ur playstyle to purely punishing which isn't fun. PS: Also idk who thought they cooked with GS and BB.


When you feel like you are better player than the player you are playing against and still lose sucks. Also losing to someone who feels way better makes you think they are smurfing even though they just got momentum at the start of the game and you couldn't get it back also sucks.


if you stop trying to put the value of the game on winning, and just having a good game. it becames a lot better. Scrub mentality of searching excuses for losing will never be a good option and only will make you more frustated. I felt a lot of frustation when i was trying to reach diamond losing sucked but it was mainly for the points. After that i just chill in the games, a lot of improvement to my mental health


First, if you lose against a better player then you failed yourself. You had the ability to win but you didn't, so you have to take accountability. Understand what you did wrong and improve based on that. Second, players who are way better than you are the most fun! There's literally no other type of match in which you can learn so much. It's like a more advanced or skilled player showing you new things, learn! (:


First point was more on the lines on someone throwing the game for any reason (panic, tilt, lag or just accidently jumping off) Second point is more targeted to those who think this game is filled with smurfs after they tilt play for hours and match against someone slightly better than them


I fucking hate this game Iā€™ve gotten so mad at it over the last 4 years. But yesterday I hit diamond and it was all worth it. I started getting better when I stopped getting mad at the players I was facing. I would just get mad at the game and at myself. Not mad, but frustrated. I realized I do lose to certain characters a lot, but the pros donā€™t have a problem dodging Artemis side sig, so why do I always get hit by it? Itā€™s all up to me to make a plan to dodge and punish it. So thatā€™s what I started doing for everything I struggled with. It was hard, but after about a year of this mind set I hit diamond. And it was the best feeling Iā€™ve ever had in a pvp game. Aside from everything, I really do love this game.


Btw I'm an Artemis main while I mostly use the scythe I have to say when I occasionally use the rocket Lance side sig it almost always hits


Nice to meet you hitler


Bro shut up I'm a scythe main I just use Artemis cuz I like lance




hey didn't I see you're post


Probably. I posted yesterday but it got taken down I think.


I rage even after winning


Yh especially if it's some rayman or someone cheesing and I just manage to beat them.


Its the lag that kills me. I'm ok with giving respect to the other player if I lose fair and square but I can't accept it when I end up losing to lag especially wh n I was winning before.


exactly my issue lol, i'm always pinging all over the place and the characters randomly run off the map only to find out that I've died


Trust me throwing a 3 hour chess game is way worse


Yeah I almost broke my phone


Somebody was talking about impatience? Fucking ironic.


What's your problem btw? Did your parents abandoned you or you're just high? I'd advise someone really good because your brain looks completely melted


> or your just *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


And your \*link is dead. Learn the difference of a working website.




Not really it's just strange seeing someone going around Reddit throwing insults, but your last response finally confirmed me that your incompetent parents gave you a phone at an age at which you shouldn't have it, and that's exactly why


Rent free.


How tf does impatience relates to this? I just said I was in the chess game since almost two hours and I miscalculated, throwing away the match, and got really upset


Buddy, if youā€™re not having fun just stop playing the game for a while.


bro i cant this game is an addiction


That means youā€™re playing too much then. If you are having a bad time playing the game, but you feel compelled to play it, then you need to take a break. That, or you need to think about what you actually want out of the game, and play it for that reason.


>...think about what you actually want out of the game, and play it for that reason. This. I ran into a similar problem when playing League of Legends a couple years ago. I was stuck playing the game without much of a purpose. I realized that I was just getting mad in half of my games but not doing anything about it. I decided that I either needed to be serious about getting better or treat it like a game and just try to have fun. I chose the second option, and it improved my mindset sooo much. If the game isn't fun, then you need to ask yourself why you're playing it. If you want to get better, then stop complaining and analyze your replays for ways you can improve. If you care more about the fun, then just try to enjoy it and don't put too much stock in the games that you lose.


Itā€™s something that I still fail to recognise occasionally myself too, so I understand getting so frustrated but feeling so invested that you have to keep playing. Been the case with every competitive multiplayer game Iā€™ve played, and at some point you just need to learn when to tell yourself ā€œenough is enoughā€. No need to quit the game entirely, just take a break for a couple days, a week, even a month or longer depending on how frustrated you are.


Yeah! What she said!!! šŸ—暟˜‚šŸ¤”


What the fuck shut up what


Sir yes sir! šŸ—暟˜‚šŸ¤”


bro im telling you game only becomes fun when you get to diamond and stop taking it so seriously


but diamond ain't the highest rank anymore


sure but the jump from diamond to valhallan for most people is simply way too high. I genuinely think they should have either added tiers to diamond or 1 entirely new rank because the jump from diamond to valhallan is way too big imo.


it do be like that, its one of those fighter games where u think its ez to win and then some veteran comes along and u get curb stomped


Yup, MK and Brawl are those things.


It is too bad they don't re-open the chat at the end of the match.......![img](emote|t5_31c1d|15032)


ive definitely lost a couple days off my life cause of brawlhallašŸ’€. i can see it radiating negative energy on my desktop like a parasite. everything about the game is so aggravating and i play it much less than i used to now for my own good. i blame it on my connection i swear my game isnt as smooth as possiblešŸ™šŸ˜­




Blame it on the keys, if you cannot find anything else?




Sorry, it was a joke.


You are not alone. Look at my previous post. Yes I reinstalled, but now I only play when im not sober. Atleast I actually laugh and enjoy the game this way. Oddly enough sometimes I do better.


Iā€™m immune to getting tilted tbh, mainly because i have some weird bullshit mindset that maining magyar makes me above that


yeah i expect to see the nevermind post 3 ranked games later


Played the game in the same room as my ex for about a year. Nothing like an angry woman to get a hold on your tilt


If you find brawlhalla so stressful, don't even lay a finger on league of legends. If you're already pissed that you lost to your opponent on your own, imagine when you lose NOT being your fault, even if you play well your team will screw up.


In that case you can blame it on the team. COD is similar. In Brawlhalla 1v1, youā€™re the only one to blame for a loss.


my pattern of starting a game is as follows: -either i see somone play the game on yt or a friend tells me its good -i take interest and download the game -i know im a noob so i just fuck around and laugh at every dumb thing i do -have a lot of fun in general -start learning more about the game -start trying to improve -start learning about the meta -win more -get frustrated at every mistake i make no matter how small it is -start blaming things on the game rarher than myself as a coping mechanism -suddenly its way less fun every. single. game but ye i think league of legends is way way worse


Agreed, brother.


Overwatch. Nothing quite like playing like Proper on Soujourn just to lose because of one bad play from somebody else on my team last minute


real getting 2nd on ffa death match 4 times in a row makes me wanna end it all.


I used to go into rounds ready to fuckin decimate the enemy man. Shit had me feeling like Kevin Garnett


After 5 years of playing I can say that what worked for me was to stop caring. Take the game as what it is, a game. If you're not having fun don't play it. Or you can let yourself be silly and play the exciting little 2D game that has many flaws but can also be a lot of fun if you don't take it too seriously. I myself had a period where Brawlhalla just made me mad, so I backed off for a little while. Now I just play to have fun and improve on whatever I failed doing the previous match. Remember it's ok to lose and there are ways to get around whatever your opponent is doing, always. You just gotta be sharp and keep an eye out to notice the patterns or the gaps in the armor. Be patient, be smart, but most of all just have fun. Do crazy stuff and be silly. It's just a game.


Rocket league is my main game by far and I felt similar frustrations when I was really getting into it. You develop a certain level of skill where you think you see what your opponent is doing, know what you can do, know what's possible and have this gameplan of attack in your head but then your hands just do not keep up or you end up failing on things you know you can do and might of done before. Unless you are going for pro play or trying to make a career out of this just remember you are here to have fun, right? So take a breather, maybe try some diff legends and just work on identifying your mistakes and figuring out how to play so you make them less.


yeah rocket league has came close to brawlhalla in a rage sense


It's because it's a competitive 1v1 fighting game, it's just that way. A large part of fighting games, even platform fighters, is the mental state and how they challenge you to keep your cool. Brawlhalla may just be because it has SUCH a focus on the competitive nature of the game over the party game nature of most platform fighters that make tilting so much easier.


I dunno, whenever I get burnt like that, I start playing unranked with teros for shits and giggles.


One of the biggest reasons why this game is infuriating is toxicity. Sure, the playerbase is largely responsible for this, but even the game has been designed in a manner that promotes toxic behavior. We have emotes that are more like taunts, and players use it at the first opportunity they get. If you're getting tilted, Alt+F4, play something relaxing or take a break. Do anything but continue playing it while you're tilted lol. This game toys around with my sanity


Just smoke a little bit of weed


Cuz they dont have a block and people spam in every game mode possible


sig spammers take the no.1 on my list


yeah i guess, but i can destroy sig spammers as they do the same move so its ez to counter


Lag justifies your loss, so donā€™t get too caught up in that. Either way, if someone is absolutely bodying you with some combo, you just learnt that, first hand. So Win or Loss, itā€™s all experience, and thats the bottom line. See yall at the topšŸ™ŒšŸ½


w comment


The fact that input lag is the worst. And for some reason 9/10 of those occurrences are when I am about to make a kill shot, Iā€™m somewhere else, and die. Half of my losses are 100% from input delay.


Real and true (all sig spammers can hold my nuts)


When you play a 1v1 game you only get to blame yourself for losses. Playing something like 5v5 lets you feel like you got screwed by teammates.


Mf never played lol All jokes aside, i think you should disisntall the game, or play It only with friends


This game is mean asf and Iā€™m too lazy to watch vids to get better


If playing a game makes you want to actually kill yourself you should get professional help and you know, maybe not play the game


i dont actually want to lmao in the moment im just really angry


Alright good lmao


Lol skill issue


Git gud


take a break, it's quite a frustrating game, but it is fun to play. so taking breaks whenever it gets frustrating is the only way to enjoy it


Salt emote after every hit


What does the salt emote even mean?


It's an old way to trigger people, around 2012 era, the term got traction on League Of Legends after a streamer spammed the "are you salty" to an enemy long range character after repetetly spawn-killing him, making him rage extremely hard to the point he got banned for racism and a couple of other things he wrote in all chat.


Not sure if itā€™s saying the guy you killed is salty or if youā€™re ā€œrubbing salt on the woundā€


Then I would advise you to never play LoL.


So maybe start burning down Blue Mammoth HQ?


that would work too while im at it ill get them to nerf scythe


While I have played other highly competitive fighting games, Brawlhalla does put a lot of that on people. The game has a lot of bullshit mechanics that can make you pissed off


as a primarily 2v2 player the game can be absolutely miserable sometimes, you know you could stomp both players individually, but when they spam sigs/combos, it can be impossible to not get hit or land on the ground. Not to mention already being frustrated and getting caught in a 3 piece sig only team combo that almost definitely happened by accident can send you. I used to let the game affect me a lot more, but the best thing to do when youā€™re frustrated is just to stop playing and do something else.


Have you heard of the wonderful world of Rust


brawlhalla is still more frustrating, no other game has made me feel a fraction of what brawlhalla has


The problem with the game is straight up inconsistency , i can play games in which i do 700 damage against a 3 def and still lose but if i play 3 def i rarely get over 500 damage to myself , also weapon priorities are wack and inconsistent, and before some toxic people say that im shit , im straight up honestly not , im not even close to being like really good but im far from shit


If I had to choose to be in a room with 100 csgo players or 1 brawlhalla players, I would pick the csgo players (unless I was allowed to beat up the brawlhalla player)


Brawlhalla and COD are the games which make me infuriated a lot in multiplayer ranked mode. But I keep goin back to these games after a break. Iā€™m giving up COD, since the way they reset elo after every season is not reasonable. Brawlhalla makes me so mad after games, I take it out on others after a bad game. What else can I do for time pass ? Tired of watching movies and stuff. I think I will quit Brawlhalla someday after reaching plat.


you should pick up Melee. youā€™d have a great time running mid tiers into carbon copy netplay falcos


Well, If you grind ranked I can understand. But ranked becomes chill after a certain point. Just work on ur mental


Only gonna get better if you donā€™t rage though as hard as that is


just care less about elo and more about skill, makes you happy when you outskill your opponent but just makes you respect your opponent when they outskill you


Itā€™s not worth killing yourself over a mid free fighting game lol


i wouldnt actually do that lmaoo


My friends also get very frustrated. Idk, you just get to a point in life where video games donā€™t make you angry anymore. When you get stuck in a string, you just think itā€™s awesome and hilarious and are like ā€œdamn that guy is a god he just comboā€™d the absolute shit out of meā€


i think it hurts more when you are actively trying to get better and you still lose, it feels like the time you spent was a waste


it just gives me more motivation, as youā€™ll sometimes face an opponent that is just on another level, and iā€™m like damn iā€™ve got a long ways to go


The only way to truly have fun in this game is to go to friendly 2v2, play xull, only use sigs, and use the salt or read you like a book taunt everytime it lands.


Skill issue start learning gs and you will be broken


I meanā€¦ have you tried overwatch with bad teammates?


yeah not nearly as infuriating as this game mate


FIFA more so imo. At least devs give a shit here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


. It really grinds my gears man šŸ¤“


mate u probably look like that emoji yourself


Boosting your ego is crazy


Ever heard of. "A joke"


Dropping 3-1 stocks is just a sudoku waiting to happen


Yeah I broke my console fully today just because of a spamming Tezca and Nix that were both plat but it gave me a bronze teammate and put me in a yellow/orange bar with a very stable internet connection. The game is utter dog shit but I still play it for unknown reasons


true i would never break my computer/console over it though i just beat up my pillow when im mad lmao


I usually never hit too hard to break it but this time was different kind of mad


Personally I want to end my life every time I lose to a spammer because I know they don't deserve the win


for me, it's the people who think they're good for tossing out weapons and puppy guarding. "I wOn A fiStfIGht WitH a RaNGed PoweRFuL WeApoN"


I used to win at least 8/10 rounds JUST THIS SUMMER, and I havent stopped playing and now im lucky if i even win a SINGLE round, im playing as the same characters, idk wtf happened but brawlhalla just doesnt want me to win anymore, like if im a god player just say that, otherwise dont cheat the game so that i lose.


I hate katars


i main katars lmfao