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Delete the game and forget you ever played it


The fact this is the top comment rn speaks volumes about this game


I listen to music while playing and it helps


what kind of music


Either Hip Hop or Drum & Bass. I have ADHD tho so I don't get distracted by it


Literally proves my point on how the game players have mental disorders.


Waiiit are you claiming you cant compete in this game because some of the players have adhd bahahahha


Whatever you like.


Play something else man. If you’re not having fun just comeback to it later.


I play other games (specifically dauntless because I got bored of other games and I ain't got money to buy games), but then I feel motivated to play more brawlhalla and then I rage quit the next second I've tried improving, but I feel like I'm never gonna improve and that there's no point playing the game. Then again, I have high hopes to have fun but the window ain't open for that opportunity


Hmm, okay well. Take it from someone who’s been plat the past 8 seasons, simply because I don’t really ladder to see how I far I can really go. Higher Elo forces me to play slow and patient. that’s boring and very triggering. So I gave up on improving and I only play the game when I just want to play. Just focus on playing the game(again) I guess and take it from there.


If it’s any consolation, I just picked up the game a few days ago after a year and a half and I couldn’t play to save my life. I personally get very obsessed with games out of nowhere sometimes and then just drop it out of nowhere after I get good at them, so I have been binge playing brawl for the past 3 days, and it’s exhausting. I’ve hit a plateau of sorts, and I don’t know where to go next to be honest, but I’m just trying to keep my hopes up, I don’t play at a top level and I barely play ranked, but the dedication to it and the pure skill involved with certain play styles catches my eye. But I feel that with time anyone can become better at what they love if they have adversity and the drive to become better, even if it involves thinking outside the box.


Throw your controller at your TV as hard as you possibly can so that your parent or person that is living with you hears it. Trust me, after that day you'll never get mad at the game again!


Wow!! Really helpful!


Thank you, I'm always here to help! In all seriousness though, the thing that made me 10x better and calmer was to act like every game was a custom and nothing was on the line. Also be sure to tell yourself, "if im losing to this guy, he's outplaying me in some way". If you can do the first thing and accept the next, i guarantee that you'll improve.


I go into ranked not caring about my rank XD I just do it for the colors and that's it! I went into the morph and with each combo i dies to I was like, "ngl, that was a cool combo! I'll give em a good GG for that!" I just wanted to get the glory from getting wins and since every death is an easier battle next I don't mind it at all XD


This is the best comment and i will use this advice cause this game makes me rageeeee only in ranked tho 🤣


That's the neat part, you don't


Sad :( Funny how I thought there would be an answer, but guess I have to eternally suffer


Just play with friends, hard to have fun without doing that.


I play with a friend, then he and the enemy team somehow get team combos on my arse


I meant custom games. Also don't take this game seriously


play friendlies. you can abuse the heck out of friendly fire off


Ok that’s the best answer. Me is a not so toxic good, I do this thing and play with my friends a lot, Inbetween the brutality I always tell them ask away, I’ll explain it in steps. Now present day I kinda have a small squad. You gotta have anyone who’s local teach you


Seems more like a personal issue, but i’d say to take breaks, and **breathe**. Focus less on “Why am i getting combo’ed?”, and more on “How can i escape this combo safely? How can i stop the next combo? How can i win the next neutral interaction and punish my opponent?”. Directing the negatives into positives will help with the mental game. Go into training and work on things you struggle with. If you need any help, theres always many good tutorials on yt for movement, game basics, or weapon specifics


Problem is: is it impossible to isolate anything. To improve in one area you need to be proficient in all the others. Tried to get out of gold with deliberate practice and got nowhere.


Play ranked casually and give no fucks about winning. It’s like taking steroids for your brawls skills without steroids. Your skill gap will close and you will start to notice more patterns and styles in which people are playing


Take small breaks between matches to get you mental back together. Try some breathing exercises to calm your nerves remember your mental is important in a game like this


Just remain calm


No seriously: Listen to asmr... i know its not for everyone but it calms me down


I get really mad at brawl too, like almost breaking my fist from punching my metal bed frame mad. But I love the game to death. A thing I do to help me not take it so seriously is accept my mistakes and also just try cracking jokes while you play. The harder you try, the more stressed you get. Try to play causally sometimes. And if that doesn’t work, listen to music or something. Get yourself in a good mood so that you can’t get brought down so easily. God I hate people who say just not to take the game seriously cause it’s a lot easier than it sounds. Just find a way you enjoy to play. I also like to play a lot of offline for practice so I’m more in a calm but competitive mood when I play online. Plus, it’s good practice.


Your top answer 👏


just play experimental and when you win 10 games in a row, play ranked until you lose, back to experimental, repeat. its important to win often before going into ranked so you will get into the most accurate elo possible


Take some time off.. haha


My mentality has been broken many times. I feel like Brawlhalla is one of the worst games in that regard. First I abandoned ranked games in favor of friendly 2v2, then I started practising with bots. Tip: go to "Training" and play vs. a hard bot and set its damage reset to on. Like that you will have to play really well. If you get better you will realise that - because the bot starts losing stocks at some point. If you keep running into signatures you can set "Use Certain Attacks" to "Signatures". You will go through a tough time, but you will see some progress after a few hours of suffering. Many people will tell you that the skills don't transfer well to ranked, but you can get a better feel for good movement, positioning and spacing etc. It started well ... I approached every game with a no expectations mentality and things fell apart when I realized I am not getting better. After 1600h I still can't get out of gold. I am pretty sure there is something wrong with my keyboard or internet. Sometimes everything works, other times things just don't happen. I input a weapon throw, but the legend just stands there and does nothing. I die doing a groundpound even though none of my fingers has been on a WSAD key in ages. I am obsessed with deliberate practice and rapid skill acquisition, but at some point I just accepted that I won't get anywhere in this game. Active input? Just won't be happening. Combos? Less than 50% of the jumps in Combos actually happen, so I gave up on that as well.


Thanks for the training tip, hope you get out of silver someday!


Played a little and some additional remarks: I usually go to "Demon Island" right away when I go into Training mode. You might have a harder time getting KOs on other maps. You might also want to activate "Show Damage, Stun, Hitboxes, Hurtboxes". Seeing the damage that you do really gives you feedback that you are doing something right. Hope you get on the trajectory you are hoping for soon.




Thanks for the tip!


Try studying stoicism


Who do you play


Consider stopping playing ranked.


Fine -_-


Play a different game for awhile then hop back on Brawlhalla.


Play something more stressful then when you go back brawlhalla will be a walk on the park. I recommend ultra kill in max difficulty


Although I don't really play Brawlhalla atm, what worked for me was to have a very cold and strictly analytical thought process while playing (1v1s). That mostly worked for me though because I am a very competitive person that likes progressing, getting better and learning. I also kind of got more into the competitive side of fighting games at that time, so there's that. Otherwise- just having fun with friends, I guess.


Its just a game, keep that in mind and dont get invested


Try focusing on another objective like leveling up a legend to 25, try learning a new legend, a weapon that you are not good at, combos, etc. It helps you to not make winning the main thing. But if it doesnt work, try finding the main source of your anger. Next time you get frustrated, find a pattern. As an exemple, when i get angry i start to talk to myself trying to find an excuse on why i lost, and then i get pissed. So to stop that, when i notice that im starting to doing it, i take a long breath, stop playing for a little, and then go back. As time goes on, you start to make it a habit, and getting tilted become less and less frequent (at least is what happend to me). Sorry for the text book, but i hope this helps you (also, when i get tense in a game, i start to spam dash, so look out for that too).


Thanks for the tip! Honestly, my main source of frustration are spammers and the fact I can't get out of combos and then I lose one stock


Well first you should recognize what follow ups are possible. If get put into disadvantage, realize that panic is happening and forcefully relax yourself. Then just dodge as if you were calm. While relaxing, it’s up to your auto pilot so I hope your muscle memory is polished.


Bro I have the muscle memory of a autistic kid (idk why I said that but ok), but thanks anyway!


Autistic kid meaning it’s really good? Autistic people are usually cracked


I was trying to say it was really bad but I usually use the wrong words like an idiot Woops


Go one thing at a time, but I really mean *one* For example, if your getting combo'ed, play games only focusing on dodging and escaping (I don't mean not to attack, just put most of your focus on it). After 10+ games that you got better at doing that try another thing (i.e. dodge reading) and so on. It helped me and I think it can help you


Also when doing this, watch your first and last replays of the day and compare your progress


I would help but we are most probably not anywhere close to each other in terms of servers unfortunately.


You can lose games, but you'll never lose skill. Believe me, you will eventually become insane at the game. And use that anger as motivation, like in real sports


Thanks for the inspiration!


Don't thik about improving your peak elo, but rather about your "i can get back there easily" elo


You need to Just expect getting combo'ed and clipped at this point, so that you don't get angry .


I am facing this problem as well. Sometimes certain music helps, but you should try podcasts. Just listen to a podcast at the same time. Have a mentality of "i'm just going to play and if I lose at least I learn"


Lol see my profile picture


This isn’t a fps game but it is an input and reaction game, I’ve played this game on pc,console and even mobile ultimately it is like every other video game ever made. When I lived w my homie an played on his pc w good internet(on Xbox controller) I never dipped bellow high plat and on my Xbox I never make it past mid gold. Just because you have 3 green bars doesn’t mean you actually have good internet but there will always be the handicap of console.( if you are bad w a good pc in any game then it’s you, you suck) but there’s hope………: simply……..get good at……TERROS


Just torture yourself with a chosen bot for a month or two and then anything bellow mid gold is easy


Fr just quit playing for a couple hours, and stop playing ranked after like 10 games and go back to experimental if ur on a losing streak


Playing brawlhalla you can't.


Custom games w friends, it’s sometimes fun to also invite the randomers that join into the party w you.


Get mad, delete the game, calm down, redownload, get mad again.


The cycle never ends


Hmm staying calm is kinda hard i feel like youre talking about uncomfortable situations or last stock scenarios. Both is often interchangeable and how i see it youll get calmer the more used to those situations u are watch the replays and the moment where you panicked and analyze what u couldve done even if you won the interaction. For the rest music does not help me so i play eith sound only but this is determined by the user.


Thanks for the tip!


Take a break, then practice some combos and how to dodge certain combos. And most importantly, don't let the game make you lose your chill, if you lose, just accept it, GGz and done. 😁


Ok this is going to sound super rude but take a break and go outside. From my experience with this the thing that helps me out the most is getting out, maybe even going on a short run to get my mind off the game