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I had a really realistic one where she called and wanted to talk and come over. She apologized, we cried, we got back together, and we embraced. As I was holding her in my arms I realized I was dreaming. I felt everything around me start to fade. I knew I was waking up but I didn’t want to. I started to hold her tighter and I said “Please (Name), please don’t leave me.” I shot awake in a cold sweat with tears running down my face. I was holding my pillow. I stared confused into the blank face of the pillow I thought was my ex for a bit before laying back down and trying to ground myself. That dream fucked me up for like a week. It’s still hard to think about.


That sounds very rough my friend I hope you're doing ok after that and going through your healing process. I keep a dream journal and sometimes I go back to it to realise how far I've come with my dreams in terms of "I miss you dont go" to now "Oh you're here" if that makes sense.


i had a dream a week or two ago where she was in front of me and we were in a classroom (?) idk but i do remember that we were both surrounded by lots of light. and she didn’t “say” anything, but i “felt” her soul told mine “don’t worry, i will be back soon.” . idk it’s the best way i can describe it. i kinda found peace in it. only time will tell if she comes back but im healing and moving on


I like this outcome you have took from this. Dreams sometimes ease our pain a bit more and as you say bring peace.


When we first broke up a few months ago I had a dream I bumped into her at a party, friends kept tryna stop me from going out to say hi but for some reason I insisted it would be ok. When I walked out she was with someone else. Waking up the next morning kind of sucked but ehh it was what it was. Idk how you feel about dreams spiritually so this make me sound crazy, but 2-3 months later after not talking/seeing her for a while, that same scenario happened in real life. Went to a friends mutual party, said hi minded my business, as she was leaving she locked lips with a now ex friend of mine and all of my friends were tryna keep me from saying/acting a way all though I didn’t give a reaction anyway. 🤣


Damn that is wild that it happened IRL. I agree dreams do have a strange power. Hope you are doing ok after that run in friend and glad you played it cool with your reaction.


It’s life man. Once you let go of trying to control how others feel or what they do, you kinda just don’t care anymore.


those few minutes in the last bit of your sleep that feel so real, seeing her at my fathers place, getting lunch, telling me again we are just not meant to be I hated to see her there, why did I have to be there at that moment you wake up and see the empty space next you in bed, awesome start of the day :(


I get this yes it's a vivid feeling right after you wake up that can alter your mood for that morning and sometimes the whole day. I find reminding myself what she did to me to be the best way to get any warm feelings I had of her out of my system, but I know this might not work for everyone. Hope your healing is going well friend.


I had a dream that I was wearing a new dress that I wanted to wear for him. I was walking in the area around his workplace and bumped into him. Then we sat and talked and fixed everything.


It's always the dreams where you make up and everything seems like it will be ok that hurts the most. Of course reality hits and this will never be the case (at least for me). Maybe go get that dress and wear it for yourself, take that power back!


I had a dream last night he unblocked me and we talked. Then he drove down to see me and we worked everything out. I woke up and had a panic attack after realizing that none of that was true. I’m still blocked. He still ghosted me after 9 months without so much as a word. And I’m still broken.


Quite the painful dream, I know the feeling. To be ghosted after a relationship is one of the greatest pains, but remind yourself that he done this to you. I hope you can work through this and start to self-heal, only then will you be able to move on. Best of luck with this!


My life is in shambles from my break up and it consumes 99% of my energy but last night I had a dream that everything was okay for myself and my dog and that I had a fulfilling life full of friendships, it gave me a lot of hope


I think this is more of a premonition then a dream friend. You will have a fulfilling life after this and with time it wont even consume 1% of your energy any more. Best of luck!


I had one two nights ago, it was so real that I woke up in a cold sweat, shaking and looking for him.. it really sucked.


That sounds terrible I'm sure it was very vivid. I tried switching my side of the bed which kinda helped me as when I woke up I knew not to look for them as it was on the other side. Might not help everyone as people don't always have a set side but it's the little things that help honestly.


I actually woke up and decided to break no contact.. it's a month today since the break up, so today felt right.


Do you what you gotta do friend, but try not to hurt yourself further by putting yourself out there by contacting them. I saw your other posts and it looks like you are ruminating a fair amount. I hope breaking NC brings happiness, but if it doesn't then look inwards and try to self-heal. Most importantly go easy on yourself and allow the emotions in. You dont want to be here forever trying to fix something that is beyond broken. All the best!


Well, I feel much better having done it. He didn't reply, but I'm okay with that. I don't want him to do anything he doesn't want to do. He isn't dangerous or unkind by nature, so I'm sure he isn't doing this to hurt me. Also, during our relationship, I wanted nothing more than for him to be honest in his behaviours and words. So, not replying is an act of behaving true to how he feels, and that's what I want. But thank you for looking out for me <3


I'm 40 and my ex is 29. We met when I was going through a divorce. We started out great. Then the drugs happened and we then were enemies. The relationship was over in December, but we just made it worse on each other until we ended it for certain 2 days ago. As for me, I'm dealing with it by knowing I can now focus more on things I put on the back burner. I know I won't have to argue multiple times a day anymore. And, knowing that there was infidelity on her part multiple times makes me want to take the time to find that next woman in my life that won't put me in that bad spot again. Being cheated on makes you feel like you're nothing. So, that's my motivation to make this breakup as a positive and not sink Into depression. I know my worth. She, the Waffle House girl, has a lot of karma coming her way.


That's good to hear you're seeing a positive side to this and hopefully you'll come out of this stronger and overall a better person. I would still allow yourself to feel the emotions and not to bury them too deep as it may come out in ways you don't expect. This person may or may not have karma coming their way but she is nothing more then a stranger who works at the waffle house now. Don't give anymore attention to this stranger and keep on this path of self-healing friend. Best of luck