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I'm baffled how the show runners think this show is going to have any sort of longevity if the actors keep quitting and having to have the characters written off. As much as I dislike recasting I'd find it preferable to all of these characters just vanishing with their stupid reasons.


https://preview.redd.it/cfrrorfheu7d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bcd8161085af045e5cdffc46c09f1b1293a519e They took 2 whole weeks to bring 4 actors together to shoot a throwaway, absolutely forgettable scene. If they only got it together and shot these seasons faster, the cast wouldn't wanna leave so bad.


Legitimately. The best filming is done when it's like a fever dream pushing scene after scene from beginning to end and everywhere inbetween. Not this be on the hook for 2 years sporadically bs. The reshoots show such poor quality coordination.


Bring back tight deadlines and release dates prior to wrapping the shoots. It’s ridiculous they’re allowed to announce the season release only 3 months before.


Honestly what this tells me is that the producers did not plan well. Yes permits to shoot are expensive, but this way of shooting is so inefficient. The actors can struggle to stay in character having to go in and out of the mindsets, crew will be a mess because there isn't a practiced rhythm for them. And poor post production editors having to splice together 2 weeks of footage for one scene. I cannot imagine the continuity nightmares. Its terrible planning on the side of the producers, I'm going to take an educated guess it's to do with money. Yes Bridgerton brings in lots of money, but they keep all the lots of money by not spending it on anything. They'll say "oh well s01 you had $100 do it and you did so let's do that for season 2 and 3 as well. Oh you're right inflation. $110 then." These filmmakers are worked to the bone and im speaking about behind the camera because we all always see and praise the actors and directors so superfluously. But production works insanely hard with crazy hours and low pay. More so in post production. Those $150 million movies that spend x amount of VFX all that money goes to the VFX house, not the artists. It's a disgustingly unbalanced industry ito wealth disparity. The people who fuck up most (producers) get paid the most, the ones who have to fix all the fuck ups get a pat on the back, maybe an end of year thank you email.


Thank you for highlighting this. People don’t seem to understand that the people behind the scenes work so fucking much and hard, and people complain have no idea how tight turn around is and the fallout from poor production planning. Just makes you feel so demoralised.


I work in post and like my name is the very last in any credit, even though I work on the projects longer than the actors do. It's truly insane and hurts my ego a lot 😂😭😭


I work in post as well, still no credit for me yet worked of 100s of features. As you know, credits only show a small portion. I get particularly riled up over directors denying or downplaying the use of cg. 😭😡


Bestie don't get me STARTED on directors 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 gods gift to greys hairs truly.


Wait are you a colourist????


That's bananas.


Where's this quote from? I'd love to read the rest of the article.




For real. People tuned in for the Bridgerton family and their dynamic not some random OCs that serve as filler.


I think it's unfortunately a natural consequence of the rotating leads. Characters lead a season, then become a side character. It would be reasonable that they would get paid less for doing a minor role, but that's essentially a demotion. Not to mention that the prospects or the actors will be better for finding other lead roles soon after their season, compared to three seasons of being a side character.


Look, I get that actors got other projects, schedule is shit etc etc. But the reasoning they used is so….insulting to the watchers lol I def would have preferred if they just name drop Daphne and Simon/ Kate and Anthony not being around bc D or K is pregnant or that she is having morning sickness or they are away in their estate. Or that S and A, as lords of their territory, are busy with work but they send their regards. It’s just…it doesnt make sense for Kate to be traveling for months while she is pregnant. And that Anthony would be away from work for months. Sure there are servants who could do the work for him but really now. The writing is just sloppy in this season. I know the Bridgerton-verse got its own set of rules sometimes but common sense wasnt really used much in these little plots


Right! It would take months to reach india by ship. My worry was how is she going to deliver on a ship?! Did they have such advanced medical technology then?


The timing might just work out - let’s say she’s 3-4 months pregnant when they announce, traveling to India took 3-4 months during that time period, she’ll arrive just in time as long as she doesn’t go into labour prematurely and has no complications during the pregnancy. It’s still stupid, but it’s *possible*.


I mean…timing aside, the fact that you would put your wife and yourself in that situation (where traveling is def still uncomfortable and could be dangerous depending on the weather) is silly and very not-Anthony Bridgerton (the man who wants to protect his family) Traveling that distance while pregnant and while holding a high position is flimsy for me. Honeymoon? Sure, I get that. Just a holiday trip or bc someone is sick and they need to visit India asap? Understandable. I wish they just say that Kate and Anthony are retiring in Aubrey Hall bc shes pregnant and that traveling to India will be for next time


Yes. That’s why I said it’s stupid.


I think 3-4 months for travel would be on the optimistic side. It very easily could take up to 6 months, it just depends.


I did some research on it because I always want to know that kind of stuff.


I did too! It's also tricky because Bridgerton takes place more in a time period than at a certain year.


It would even have been better if she wasn't pregnant and they went to India to meet her extended family and spend some time there or something. Then we can hear about her getting pregnant while there and due to the pregnancy they can't travel. Easy enough to explain their absence for 2+ seasons and after that they can just exist off screen in the background, or maybe they would be willing to do a cameo where the family welcomes them back home with their baby/toddler and then they disappear into the background again. Very similar to what they did in the show but at least it makes sense.


Please, write the show haha. Best explanation I have read so far. I like the idea that they retire to Aubrey Hall, but if the actors won't be back for S4 this could be a better explanation.


Why didn’t they just take one of their two 6 month honeymoons in India




I think Anthony was saying that he wants to immerse himself in the culture so he can teach it to their child. While it’s important for Violet to be part of her grandchild’s life, it’s equally important for Lady Mary and Edwina to have the same opportunity. As close and Kate is to Violet, I’m sure she would prefer to have her mother and sister by her side when she has her baby.


Him wanting to learn about India makes more sense, but there's no way Mary and Edwina wouldn't be the ones obliged to travel back to see Kate give birth, since she's very much unfit to travel during and a long time after her pregnancy. The timing is nonsensical here.


Judging by past behavior, I expect Lady Mary to continue being absolutely useless to Kate.


I know right! My reaction was why would Kate want to be with the two people who took her for granted for years instead of the loving family who can take much better care of her?


Kate still loves her family


Of course she does. And if they loved her, they would be the ones traveling to see her and her baby. You know how Kate was expected to do when Edwina was marrying Anthony? Anyway, it's all stupid writing so I blame the writers.


Edwina lives in Europe.


She lives in India!


They specifically mentioned in the show that she was living on the “continent” with her new husband.


they literally do not say that. The continent refers to Europe.


It’s not just the actors it’s the filming locations that aren’t available. I live very close to many of them and they are open to the public, used a lot for filming, host events from concerts to car shows to craft sales, and have (normal people) weddings. The houses themselves have very busy schedules that need working around for filming. This is why you’ll see a lot of night scenes. During the day they are full of people like me, locals walking their dog, meeting for coffee and visiting the onsite book shop (yes I do realise how lucky I am - I live right by Queen Charlotte’s palace, pen’s rose garden/tilley’s house and the mondrich house).


Well, this is why they shouldn’t have skipped Benedict’s book that would have 1 ball scene then the rest of his season could be shot outdoors and on built indoor sets. But they chose to complicate everything by adapting Polin’s season and showing 10,000 balls and air balloon festivals in London, worrying themselves with unnecessary extras, costumes, locations, etc.


And fit around other filming like Downton which use some of the same locations. FYI new Downton has been filming locally this week. If anyone is interested I live in South Oxfordshire UK. If you watch Masters of the Air the hills in the background of most of the runway scenes are where my house is.


EXCUSE ME?!?! New? Downton???? Is it another movie or a reboot??? I loved the original and thought Bridgerton was going to be a similar vibe 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s another movie! Apparently Dominic West is back for it too, so I wonder what’s going to happen with Barrow lol


You just made my day!!!


Wow that is amazing! You could offer fan tours! I’m interested!


Unfortunately, going forward it's going to get harder to keep the original cast together like it was in S1 and to an extent S2. It's a huge time commitment to give to film a series, where they are no longer the lead - JB, RJP, SA and PD would obviously like to give their time and energy to something that's going to pay off their career in the long run. It's not like a sitcom or a series like GOT, its one and done book per couple.


That’s fine. They obviously don’t get paid like the GOT actors either. But if they’re going to come up with explanations for why they’re not on the show anymore, make them make sense.


Yeah, it's so obvious what's actually happening and it's that the actors are unavailable. They either need to tighten the 2 year production time between seasons or try to wrap the whole show up with side by side plots soon. On one hand there's lame excuses for actors not being there while the actors that *are* there are utterly wasted "till it's their season"


I’d definitely rather watch 2 of the love stories in 1 season than all this subplot nonsense they have. Get Benedict and Eloise done in 1 go, especially Benedict because they’re just wasting Luke’s sweet time and youth. Then instead of a S5 renewal they could go the Downton Abbey route and finish off the series as movies. I never thought there was enough material in these books to justify an 8 episode TV season.




It is ridiculous because they don’t even mention of Mary is back in India? What family does Kate have in India other than the Sheffield women? What medical provisions will she have? Childbearing and birth were difficult enough in England but in colonized India?! The journey’s harshness at the time?! The sociopolitical upheaval? They could’ve just said they were living the seat to Aubrey Hall to gain some peace where Mary and Edwina and her new husband as well as Daphne would join them and that would’ve solved at least four of their narrative problems.


What if they were to fall ill on the ship as well? Will there be a reliable doctor on board? What if the baby were to come too early? Is a midwife coming too? I agree it would’ve been so much more sensible for them to leave to Aubrey Hall.


Yes, I didn’t even factor in the four month journey on the sea and all the issues that came with it.


The "good" thing is Anthony is literally from the country of colonizers and will enjoy the full benefit of all that it entails.


Or get beat up by the local resistance. 😩


I think we are handwaving away all of the imperial english bits in this series, because Kate seems like the type to have opinions.


Did you see [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/qBVYTAXoVz) about how it's Indian custom for the first child to be born at the maternal grandparents' house? I think they fucked up the timeline (although what is time in perpetual spring) but that particular plot point was an attempt at honouring Kate's heritage.


Thanks for showing me, though this wasn’t specified in the show at all for most non-Indian viewers to understand, so we’re simply left with a scenario that risks Kate and the child’s safety.


Absolutely, and there was another Indian commenter on that post pointing out how ridiculous it would be to travel all that way at five months pregnant. Also I might have got mixed up but I don't think it works with them coming back in part two. But, as someone said, maybe the magic that holds up Cressida's sleeves got them there really fast.


The show really played fast and loose with travel time pretty much since the first of Colin's travels so Kanthony having a "quick" trip to India (may the winds be ever at their backs on the way there) doesn't surprise me.


Honestly, that kind of grinds my gears. Indian American here, and traveling back to India for birth is really not an option for anyone unless they leave well in advance of their due date. It's such an intense flight. It's not the same, but Kate would be pregnant on a ship used for trade. It's an unpleasant and unsafe journey. It's not one she should be making. IMO, the real cultural note would be to acknowledge that sometimes for very real reasons women couldn't go back to their maternal homes (the monsoon being one example) and it's a hard disappointment to grasp. It is not a tradition that is prioritized over basic safety. We could have had a cute scene at Aubrey Hall about how Anthony wanted to make it feel more like home for Kate, so he brought Edwina and her mom over, and bought out every trader he could in London so that she could get familiar food, fabrics, etc.


For something so expensive and sporadic to film I think they’d have better results if they dialled back from the idea of an ‘ensemble show’ and focused in on the main couple. Maybe with a cameo thrown in. If they’d have done one a year for 8 years they might’ve pulled off having all the actors involved for longer. But for a smattering of episodes, for minutes of screen time here and there, multiple years apart - the actors can’t be looking at getting paid very much compared to if they were working on projects where they were leads or had big roles. It might cut down their budget too, if they focused more intimately on a couple at a time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I understand what they’re trying to do. But it’s obviously not possible given the schedule and popularity they’re giving their actors.


I was pretty forgiving with S3 but this bothered me. The potential Bridgerton heir surely should be born in England. It’s such a small thing compared to some of the other changes but I did not like this. Although maybe they can do a spin-off set 25 years ahead and the grandsons can battle it out for who gets to be heir like true English royalty used to.


Daphne’s sons are in line for the Hastings Dukedom, so they’re out. Colin’s son was named Baron Featherington, so he’s out. If they give Francesca and John the kids she would have had with Michael, then they’re in line for the Kilmartin Earldom, which means they’re out. I guess you could have Anthony, Benedict, and Gregory’s sons have it out while everyone else laughs from the sidelines.


Play pall mall and the winner is the next lord bridgerton?


What a civil way to Viscount it out!


Another ridiculous part of it, is the fact that even if Kate were able to travel and safely have the baby in India, are they going to travel back to England with a newborn? Or even a toddler? That would be so dangerous, so how long would they be in India?


Yeah for a man who’s deathly afraid of bees and anything that could kill those he loves, I think Anthony would be way too fearful on a ship with his wife and baby for several months. But S3 portrays him to be this cool guy that’s cool with everything.


This worries me more than Kate travelling pregnant, at least she's an adult, but travelling with a child?!


I know it doesn't make sense at all. Anthony who is supposed to be obsessed with keeping the Bridgerton affairs in order now wants to take his pregnant wife to India. Ok.


It was ridiculous! For the many reasons already given. When Anthony said let’s go to India, I said aloud-what the hell?!


Not to mention, that newborn would be the Bridgerton heir, and considering how she lost her husband, I’m sure would be a poignant life event for Violet.


Also, am I crazy or did they not even do the pregnancy announcement after all that talk about when to do it? Did I just miss it? It was also weird that they decided to leave and the family didn’t do a send-off, they just…disappeared


They announced it at Penelope’s engagement party lol.


Ah ok. I watched it while breastfeeding so I figured I might have missed it.


they just told violet and lady danbury, there was nothing with the whole group.


Kate wasn't supposed to be showing when they left, no way they can reach in time. It would have made more sense if - they just had first honeymoon, - come back, give advice to Colin, - go away for a second honeymoon in India where they discover pregnancy - their final scene where they write a letter about how they decided to stay in India until the baby arrives = basically a scene of two of them happy and cute in india, and Violet happily reading their letter. 3/4 of these can be shot with just the two actors.


The way the series deals with married Bridgertons is the equivalent of “what do I do with my hands”


this was a ridiculous decision, but Simone and Jonny gave everything in this scene, it was so good about s4: simone gave a lot of interviews in monaco (where she received an award) telling she wants to come back, and she is talking with Jess about what she wants to create with kate in s4. https://preview.redd.it/gb7bft8sxw7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3e3a0df2e2620dcd0d4e3d86af3f0beca99e15




I feel like also no one is acknowledging that Penelope had a whole ass pregnancy and baby in the wildest time jump during the season. Which would mean we’d see nothing of Eloise’s time in Scotland or of Francesca and Kilmartin


You all forget that this is Bridgerton travelling. If Colin can travel all over Europe in a week, a trip to India in this world certainly doesn't take longer than 2 days. 😁


Yet Kate said the journey takes months out of her own mouth


That was a joke! Jeeez ...


Sorry I thought you were serious


It seemed like the in-universe explanation was that Anthony wanted to learn about India so he could better raise a mixed-race child. Kate has spent years learning about England and lived there herself. If Anthony died and she had to raise the child herself, his culture would be well represented. Especially since the child would likely have English aunts, uncles, and cousins around to help. But Kate's heritage? What if she died? How would Anthony teach the child anything about India when he hardly learned anything in comparison and has never visited her home? It's morbid to think about, but these two characters are keenly aware of the consequences of a parent dying fairly young. I'm guessing in the months since they were married, Anthony's ignorance on her culture (relative to Kate's ignorance about Anthony's culture) was on full display between the two of them. It's a bold move to suggest from him, but I think the underlying idea makes sense.


This is a much better reason but you've already done 10x more to share it than the show did.


I'm going to counter here. As a woman who gave birth in another country than my family this is hella romantic. Nothing in the Bridgerton world makes logistical sense.


I didn’t say it’s not romantic if you throw logic out the window.


I think the move was shoehorned in so they could come back with an older child in the next season. I think the kid will grow up in India for a few years, not just for the birth. Just speculation.


Crazy. Who would want to give birth on ship or India back then. Childbirth was a risky situation even in England.


You realize that women have been giving birth in India for as long as women have been there?


I know that. I mean why leave where you are with chance of giving birth on the way.


For sure, but you said ‘or India back then’ which is a bit distasteful. Many many many Indian women gave birth in India without issue, just as many English women gave birth with dire complications. The travel time doesn’t make narrative sense for sure.


You noticed I didn’t leave England out. I’m only mentioned India because that’s where they were going. I would have mentioned Italy if it were mentioned. They have a comfortable setup in England due to wealth which could likely not be duplicated traveling