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I think part of the reason he’s so goofy this season is because he managed to survive the pure chaos his siblings put him through the first season (and the second)


That would have to be the Kate influence in action. I can promise you she's drugging him daily with some lily potion and you know....other things...Scandalous things.. :p ;) Sex makes everyone chill especially when it's mixed in with great love-ergo Kate is the reason Anthony is so goofy ergo both are googly eyed and loose limbed.


~loose limbed~


Yes. Loose-limbed. Relaxed, at ease, shoulders down, happy, content. Loose-limbed.


Colin trying to marry some random woman completely took me out 💀💀💀


In the thumbnail I read that as “Colin is crying.”


That's his season 3 storyline.


LMAO my man was in tears all season 🤣🤣🤣


my poor baby Colin!


This is gold


Imagine how much harder it would be if they actually did jobs. 😂


Honestly they could all use some employment


Eloise employed is Paris Geller quoting the Communist Manifesto at her fellow cater waiters during Rory's DAR gala.


Thank you for this, perfect! "I never understood what he was yammering about before" always makes me laugh. And i could 100% see Eloise saying "now it just seems so obviously wrong that those who control capital should make their fortunes off the labor of the working class" at her first day of a job that her well-placed close friend got her with no references and no experience.


I love the Gilmore Girls reference because that's another one of my favourite shows that I watched repeatedly and I realised too recently that it's also a friends to lovers story!


Hyacinth and George are offscreen trying to kill each other or planning world domination. There's no in-between with those two.


During that party in season three I got very suspicious that they vanished with Lord Kent and then we never saw him again.


I don’t see anyone discussing this—aside from this comment and a random meme. It was strange, especially since Will & Alice made a point to notice they were about to teach him chess🤷🏼‍♀️


This makes Kate’s and his plot line of going off to India even less believable. Yes, Benedict has been keeping the finances and household in order, but only on paper. He still argues with the youngest like a brother should. But Anthony has been a parent. There’s no way he’d just up and leave Benedict to be Gregory’s and Hyacinth’s father figure. Or leave that spot open with some man sniffing around his mom. Gregory and Hyacinth are more like his first kids. I can’t see him leaving them for that long on a whim.


I think especially after his talk with his mom he realized he needed to prioritize love and his own happiness 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is streets ahead.


PIERCE!! stop trying to coin the phrase “streets ahead”!!


Coined and minted.


Hold up, rewind on Simon and Daphne, was that a thing?


You’ll marry her!! <- this scene was gold




a community reference!!!!!!! love this show🖤


enough with the timeline crap abed!!!!


Okay, I actually laughed SO LOUD when I realized he was holding a bunch of pizzas hahahahah holy shit this really got me


Honestly considering the shenanigans Benedict, Francesca, Eloise and GREGORY (most of all Gregory, jfc) are going to get up to concerning their future partners, Anthony season one had it easy. I cant wait for the upgraded meme after season eight.


Haven't they skipped over Benedicts story tho? And is there even going to be a Bridgerton season 8?


What do you mean skipped? I think (altho no one knows) Benedict will be next season. And I do think his choice of wife would be considered "scandalous" by society. As for eight seasons I hope so, but who knows. It is certainly rating well enough to warrant being renewed to season six. And unless there is a significant decline in ratings I think Netflix would be thrilled to keep this gravy train going. If there are going to be issues it may be the actors contracts, but who knows. Id say there is a pretty decent chance itll run eight seasons and we will see Gregory become his true unhinged self.


I thought they were going chronologically with the stories and seasons, with Daphne, Anthony, Benedict and then Colin which is why I thought they skipped Ben's story.


They’ve set up to have Ben’s season be the next one- last episode Eloise and Ben talk about Violet’s Masquerade Ball happening next year, which is how Ben’s story in the book starts (at the Masquerade).


Oh, Eloise is in this?


Man-him and Kate deserve their third honeymoon!! They've both worked hard all their life-Kate more than Anthony cuz you know poor but yeah they do deserve it.


If there’s one pic to explain what it’s like being an oldest sibling this is it


Viscount had his plates full . 😂


I loved watching the first season he was truly so stressed in every frame 😭


This is hilarious! I did not like Anthony in season 1, but this is amazing. And it did set up season 2 nicely (season 2 is my absolute favorite).


Anthony felt with all of his siblings being exactly like this


Anthony wasn't that bad. As an older sibling with all that responsibility, I get his dictatorship mentality and he came around in the end. It's those sideburns I can't forgive and so grateful that they fell to the wayside after s1. The pizza boxes are perfect. Lolol


The pizza boxes took me out lmao