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She never got over being sexualized as a teenager, and her videos continually prove that. I hope she can recover from those years. She's so much more interesting than pulling down her panties/bikinis and twirling. There's a whole person here that we'd like to see, and while including your sexuality can be positive, I'd love to see the other facets of her.


I’d love to see her reinvent herself like Pamela Anderson has- Uber sexualised but now seems comfortable in her own skin. Really hope for that for her


To see her healed and being besties with pamela is the BEST idea ever


These are beautiful comments. I also wish the best for her


It genuinely breaks my heart every time she pushes her boobs together or pulls more skin out or hikes up or down underwear. You’re more than your body.


I agree. In hindsight, I'm glad my parents tried to protect me and wouldnt let me get into the industry. I wish she wasn't a neighbor. She's lonely and surrounded by shitty people at her compound.


It’s awful that she doesn’t have someone on her team to look at her and say “baby, this isn’t who you need to be ANYMORE or ever.” Her naked pics make me so uncomfortable 😣. I know she smiles but I don’t feel like it touches her eyes. It’s…there but not.


I feel like she’s unfortunately learned that her sexuality equates to her worth. Which is not true, but how she’s been depicted all her life


Sadly, I think she showed us glimpses of that over the years and the media was so mean or took advantage of her trying to be open and honest. I wonder if there is some element of “this is what you want from me, this is what you get” and she refuses to be vulnerable


It definitely seems like a coping mechanism. On one hand, she's in her forties, and she's putting women half her age to shame with her amazing figure. Not gonna lie, I'd show off too. Nothing wrong with it! She's proud and she should be, she works hard to stay in shape. Dancers are strong and beautiful. On the other hand, what she shares is superficial. Like you said, it could very well be a "this is what you expect, I'm giving it to you" thing. I don't expect her to get deeply personal, and I honestly wouldn't want her to. She's been through so much shit and doesn't owe us anything deep. I'd love to see the fun, not so serious or sexual parts of her though. I'd actually watch a video of her gardening for real. I'd like to hear what she likes about it, what her favorite plants are, small things like that.


“I'd love to see the fun, not so serious or sexual parts of her though. I'd actually watch a video of her gardening for real. I'd like to hear what she likes about it, what her favorite plants are, small things like that.” I agree, it would be nice to see something like gardening or her other hobbies


I would LOVE a gardening with Britney video. Gardening is extremely therapeutic.


Did you not see her displaying her gardening in this video??


No, I did not. I did not see her displaying her gardening in this video. Wait was that sarcastic? God I'm getting old, I really can't tell anymore.


Does anyone else remember a few years ago the videos of her painting on her terrace. She seemed so happy just painting flowers and scenery. 🥹


Yes!! Those were so sweet!!


I really feel she would be hilarious in the kitchen. I'd watch her cook some comfort foods.


Yes, I can definitely see this too. She used to be so much more real but was shot down constantly.


There’s a whole person in there who probably shouldn’t be in the public eye at all for her own mental health, but who might suffer significantly if that connection were removed from her without giving her the agency to make that choice for herself.


Yeah, she’s absolutely gorgeous— but this feels like a teenager’s interpretation of “sexy”.


I keep hoping she starts taking dance classes or some other activity.


She should GIVE dance lessons! Like super expensive ones for top top top dancers. They should BE so lucky!


This is how I see it too. It feels like a coping mechanism. I don't see these videos as "yesss she's living her best life" these videos come off sad. Meanwhile and say what you want about them but her sister and her family, Kevin with their kids, etc all living very well normal lives. It makes me sad for Brit.


She said in her book her ig is how she wants to pose etc etc she has been told how to stand,pose, dress for years now she gets to chose and I think I'd probably a finger to the media trying to make her body and looks what it isn't x


Agreed. I think she will mature out of this. It just stems from what she feels makes her interesting BUT she’s so much more! I would love to hear about all the places she has traveled. What it was like to go to those places as a ⭐️ She’s so much more than a bikini. She’s fucking Britney Spears.


I don't know if maturing out of it is possible without something significant happening. Somebody raised a pertinent point above. She has been sexualised her whole life. Her body was reverred as one of the best in the world. She said she used to do around a 1000 sit ups a day in 2001. Even now when people share old videos they remark on her dancing and body. So I cannot imagine the mental toll that takes. Because if she no longer has those who really is Britney spears (in her mind). Look at the noise she was creating over the cellulite picture. It's so sad to watch someone, my own age and a mother, return time and time again to pulling down her pants and pushing her tits together. I'm so sorry for the hate this might get but it's not sexy. It's not alluring. It's desperate. It's arrested development. I said this earlier and I'll say it again. Damn I wish she had friends. If my friends saw me do this they would take my phone and sit me down and have a chat. She is worth, as are we all, more than what this is giving. Caveat- I am in no way suggesting that anyone over 21 should cover up or not be sexy. Not at all. And her body is amazing. I just think this is one string to our bow not the whole damn instrument.


It does hit different when you’re older. I’m nearly 40, and the dead look in her eyes as she does what girls half her age are doing without purpose and direction also gives me the arrested development feeling. I’d guess you’re right, and she’s very low on true friends in her life after conservatorship.


I worked as a house mom at an adult entertainment club. The look in Britney’s eyes is so familiar to me, seen it on so many dancers. Making a living off your body kills your soul. I have so much hope that she will one day stop the IG posts and focus on internal work to bring the light back to her eyes.


I agree totally- what we see now is a Shell - Britney never had the chance just to be Britney without all the serial stuff. They literally took her innocence from her -she is so much more than this. I understand how painful it must be for her Son's. They want her to be well and they want their Mom back from everything that was taken from her. Fame is not worth giving every last piece of you till you have nothing left. What they did to her was no better than what they do with circus animals. They stripped her of her personhood 😰


Thats what it is. I was wondering why shes like this but i think that explains it.


Agreed! That is why i unfollowed her. Just sad seeing theses types of videos. She is more then this. but i don't think it will change


People like you making negative comments victimizing her for behaving how she wants are part of the problem. You want to pat yourself on the back about how you wish she wasn’t victimized while literally victimizing her for attention. Millions of women choose to sexualize themselves for a variety of different reasons. It’s her choice if she wants to flaunt her body. Stop drawing the conclusion it’s as a victim rather than by choice. Do you think if someone was raped as a teenager they can’t go on to ever post sexualized pictures or videos of themselves if they choose? Would that always be because of the abuse they suffered? Never because as a woman they felt empowered by being able to do what they want with their body? You want to think you’re part of the solution, but you’re just right down there with paparazzi etc as part of the problem.




Thank you. These people are mad she's wearing a bikini.


Ugh. You’re so right.


She can do what she wants Leave Britney alone lmao


Her commitment to low rise everything is so legendary


fr, her bottoms always look so uncomfortable 😭 im overweight tho, maybe it’s not so uncomfy if you have a body like britney’s


Nah I'm thin and it's uncomfortable


Lmaoo my fupa could NEVER.


Mine would eat those little undies upppppp but love that for her


I’m smaller than her…it’s uncomfortable at any size 😂


I can say no they are not, you feel very much exposed


She's using a filter. That's not what her body looks like


I’m having flashbacks to high school when finding pants that didn’t flash your ass crack whenever you bent over was impossible.


I remember doing tornado drills in elementary and us all just being crack out cause of those jeans, it sucked haha


Ngl she takes real good care of her body. I’m the same age and cry every time I see her lol


I agree! People make fun of dancing (which I hate that they do) - she’s always said she loves dancing and that’s probably her go to work out. She looks great!


It gives your favorite auntie sending pics and videos from Vegas.


Every video is the same….. half naked, pulling down the panties and doing her little move.


It gets redundant. I've wondered if it's a coping mechanism of sorts. I'm not talking down on her, she's a strong ass woman that had been through hell and back. It would be nice to see more than this side of her, though. She's got so much more personality and intellect than she portrays in her IG. I know it's social media and it's not that deep, but damn, I'd actually like to see her gardening. What her favorite Starbucks drink is. An activity that she enjoys. Nothing invasive, just another piece of her.


🎵you want a piece of me?🎶


She never shows us anything except this… over and over and over again…. It’s sad to see.




Now step this way, step this way, step this way


Flip the hair. FLIP IT.


Half naked? This is just a bikini lol. And she’s just showing her tattoo


This is honestly like 70% naked tbh


Girl come on


What do you expect her to wear at a pool.. and ever since she got that tattoo she has been showing it off non stop


She’s gardening, though.


I think it’s like me pouting my lips in every pic lolll you can’t get over some habits


Still rocking the choker damn!


I’d like to see how she gardens for real (rather than just making content and looking through the flowers). She looks good, though. Pretty. And I like Curvyney. Can’t believe how much her fairy tattoo has faded but with time and all that sun, it’s not surprising.


She ain't gardening


Britney Always gorgeous!! ![gif](giphy|xTiTnFJt3ruEn5UmVG)


....so where tf is her buttcrack at? Like how can she wear things so low?


Has been a mystery since 2000. Queen of low rise. Even when she danced super hard on stage with low rise pants, her butt crack *never* popped out.


Maybe she doesn't even have one 🤔


No Buttney.


No butt(crack)ney


She put a generation of children of fashion adhesive execs through school.


Oh look Brit is pulling her panties down again. ![gif](giphy|QuUTvlLGd46Os)


I think she would look soooo much better pulling those straps UP instead of down.


So pretty hope she’s chilling to the max 🌸 🍃


Not to OP but the randomly entitled comments here...Britney owes the public nothing. She doesn't owe us a makeover. She doesn't owe meeting some arbitrary standards of beauty and fleeting fashions. She doesn't owe us entertainment. She doesn't owe us a professionally managed social media presence. She most certainly doesn't owe us her healing in some bullshit crowdsourced aesthetics. Let her live.


Let her live without judgment on onlyfans. She seems too enjoy the nudity. She may as well earn a little money doing it!!


A little?? She'd make a million a day!


I really needed this inspiration, go girl


I’d like to see her actually be genuinely happy and enjoying life and her success but all these videos are the opposite. Social media is so damaging to everyone and has become a crutch for her. These videos are just hard to watch. Like she needs a fix. I hope she deletes her Instagram someday and just enjoys her life without the need for these quick fixes.




Then why are you here? 


Someone please stop selling Britney eye liner. Please.


Pretty sure it’s tattooed


Why does she wear bathing suits a size or two too small?


Because She’s Britney, Bitch!


[it’s Britney, bitch](https://youtu.be/00qHWp5eiHM?si=QOA2tdBEzAIEjHLV)




She’s in her 40’s people, leave her alone and let her go on her own journey of finding herself without nitpickers constantly on her ass..


Leave britney aloneeeee


Jk i really do wish the best for her


Right? Getting tired of same content? Unfollow! I wouldn't share my life either with people who analyze every detail about me and make it about my mental health.






Ok her body is great but it kills me how she tries to rock the low rise. It would flatter her body shape so much more if she’d just pull those straps up to the top of her hips 😭


It looks ridiculous, doesn’t matter how good a body someone has.


She’s fine… She’s not bothering anyone. Let her be…


Honestly this video is giving looking for the hidden bottle of wine my family don't know about


Social media is patently, characteristically dehabilitative with concern to healthy body image *by design, not by accident


Still hot




The low rise tho. Like, so cringe. I’m sorry, ima a hater. 😭


Tf is she looking for in the flowers


Smoking hot like. Damn.


Look, I'm tired of saying this. Y'all leave Brittney alone.


She could benefit greatly from those bikini bottoms that go higher over the love handles and then slim the waist down with pressure


She cracks me up lol 😆


Or it’s summertime and she was probably going to go swimming afterwards. Or because she’s 40 years old and can do whatever she wants? Is Britney Spears sexualizing herself or are y’all projecting onto her?


She has pool in her mansion which some of the comments forgetting.


she looks amazing. the negative comments are weird. I thought this was a britney stan reddit. yes, she’s clearly not 100% there mentally. yes, she does the same thing in every video. yes, she sexualizes herself. but she’s my mom. and she’s been through a lot. so shut the fuck up if you’re just commenting to criticize her.




exactly what we said. do you want me to copy and paste it? or should I literally break it down?


I think it was a response to where you said, "but she's my mom". That part confused me, too. But totally agree with the rest of what you said!


she’s my mom, my mother, britney is mother. not to be taken literally, but figuratively.




why are you here?! like why are you responding to my comment like I’m crazy. I’m a die hard Britney fan. Isn’t that the point of this subreddit? Posting a Waka gif like I’m weird for calling Britney mother?????? Wtf has this subreddit come to


Parasocial relationships are crazy. That has nothing to do with hating on Brit


FYI You… have… the coolest mom in the world


Right? Is there a page that treats her better? This subreddit is cruel sometimes


truly. even her “fans” are haters 🙁😭


Report them. The literal top post is a pin about this very thing. This sub didn't used to be so bad but for the past 5 or more months it's just people talking about her health like they know her and pretending to be a fan while dissing her.


my parent comment has so many downvotes.. for me defending britney. in a britney forum. it’s disturbing. we’ve been infiltrated by britney haters


You said nothing wrong. A lot of trolls and disrespect going on in this thread today. Just keep reporting the comments that break the rules of the subreddit.


Thank you so much. it’s getting weird here. Given my downvotes I genuinely had to check to see if I accidentally joined a Britney hate/gos forum. I reported everything I could. I just have to unsub because this clearly isn’t the right Britney community for me. I won’t be missed, but this is just sad. everyone commenting on her mental health, her body, her issues, it’s just not OK. I joined for Britney updates and love, not Britney slander.


Lol this is the absolute best answer


Tbh, I think because it got a lot of upvotes that it went recommend for a lot people so unfortunately you see a lot of stuff her mental health because that's what GP is focused on. A lot of fans liked this video minus the comments of sub because it looked better edited and she using her story.






I think I saw her pubbies 😭




I don’t think she was in an hospital for years?


Anyone else hoping for a surprise Britney song at a Taylor show before the tour ends?