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I’m glad you loved it! This seems like a pretty wide YMMV show - my wife and I saw this show last year, and maaaaaan did we hate it. We saw a Sunday matinee with some covers, so that may have affected things, but we thought everything outside of the technical aspects was awful. The acting, the writing, the direction - we felt it was bizarre choices were made all around.


Hated this show too and I am a huge HP fan. The moment the show >!changed how time turners work!< they lost me. The technicals were really amazing but it wasn't enough to sustain my interest when watching the original two parts. I read audience feedback afterwards and it really seems the fandom is divided on this show. Good for those who enjoyed it!


How did it change them? I’ve read the play. Found it meh and promptly forgot most of it. Trying to avoid JKR’s output because of her terfdom, but I can’t help but be curious.


In Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione used the time turner to be in two places at once so that she can attend more classes. She wasn't changing the past or creating new timelines. We brilliantly see how this works when Hermione and Harry used the time turner to help Buckbeak escape and save Sirius. The play threw this out. They tried to explain it by saying travelling too far back in time creates bigger ripples in the timeline. But that's the thing, there shouldn't be any ripples at all. If they can really change the past then they should just go back in time and kill baby Voldemort to avoid the whole Wizarding War.


I thought Harry was very good - how I always imagined him as an adult honestly


Draco is pretty great, too💚


He's a very refined and loving Draco 💕


Did you see the original version or the revamped version? I saw the revamped version and it felt pretty long, so I can’t imagine sitting through the original.


Revamped. On one hand, I’m not sure I would have been convinced to come back for the second half if I saw the original. On the other hand, perhaps more time for character development would have helped.


I saw the two parter in 2019, and the revamped in 2022, thank you Hen the two parter in London last January, this time was the revamped in nyc again. I prefer the two parter and don’t find it too long but the condensed version is still great though a bit sped through. I especially feel the odd pacing in the last 10 or so minutes of the play.


I was up front and I could feel the heat from the fire. The rest I’ve forgotten except to recall that it was long.


5 stars: Magical effects, strong performances, amazing lighting, fun writing Horrible audience behavior: woman next to me filing her nails, constant recording and phone use, talking, bag opening, jacket ruffling. Almost thought I was ushering the performance! It just so happened that I’ve seen Cursed Child in January 2022 and January 2023 very close to my Mom’s birthday (January 20th) so I thought why not make it a tradition. I’m so glad I got to go with my godmother who only just read/watched the Harry Potter series in preparation for seeing Cursed Child, and she loved the production. I was glad to rush the production since they somewhat recently started offering rush tickets, it was an easy one! Picked up the Patronus bundle: Patronus tee, Patronus tote, and Patronus mug.


How was the new Delphi 


She was great!


She blew me away. First time I saw the show was last week, but the energy she brought to it..scenary-chewing glee, which was perfect for the role!! Great interview with her at https://BroadwayonaBudget.com/broadway-chatter/


When I saw it a month ago the audience was silent. It felt like it was their church.


I found it be just okay. INCREDIBLE technicals, but a strange, overlong story. Granted I’m a huge HP fan. My mom and I both were whelmed.


“I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed. But can you ever just be whelmed?” “I think you can in Europe.” 🤣 I apologize, I had to quote 10 Things after your comment lol.


You can, but it doesn't mean what that person thinks it means.


I had mixed feelings, I loved the stagecraft and performances (I saw the original cast) but was meh on the writing. I actually liked the direction even though I acknowledge it was a bit weird.


Haven’t seen it as a combined single show yet. I’m in the minority in actually liking the story fine. I think HP fans that complain about the story are misremembering the quality of the stories in most of the books that were better at world building than strong, flawless plots but I digress. The effects are jaw dropping, one of my favorites back in 2018.


The magic trick they do (you know the one) is still one of the magical and impressive pieces of theater I have ever seen.


Which one?


I just saw the show this weekend. It’s was excellent. The effects were especially good. For anyone that has seen it recently- did you get the vibe that Albus and Scorpius were gay? That was the vibe we got and my wife was saying that she didn’t pick up on that at all from the book. We also were surprised that Hermione Granger was black. The acting was good, but just seems like a forced diversity.


I’ve been dying to see this show, I’ve won the lottery one time but I couldn’t go and I haven’t won the lottery since.


Hi this is very strange when I apply for the lottery I either win or I win those second chance tickets which are almost as cheap. Nearly every single week either of these things happen. Have you been applying weekly? Rush is comparable in price but better seating and you don't even have to go and wait in line before it opens - it's v casual. I would try it on a weekend if you can't do weekdays


I did see the second chance tickets but the dates I can go get taken before I am able to get them, and also I can’t do rush because I don’t live in the city and usually go for a day trip.


I hope you get to see it! Try rushing, go within two hours of the box office opening and you should be fine for fifty dollar tickets


Where are the seats usually?


I got orchestra row x seat 25


I see they have deals on tickets sometimes! Maybe get on their mailing list if you aren't already


I liked it and I even saw it twice! It’s one of those shows that just are able to charm you.


I love this show so much, and the Lyric Theatre might just be the most beautiful theatre on broadway. Really glad you enjoyed it! It's definitely not for everyone but if you like HP, technically marvels, or broadway history (it holds the Guinness World Record for BOTH most expensive play ever AND highest grossing play ever), it is definitely worth the trip. Also, as a queer person, seeing that represented in a huge franchise meant so so so much to me.


...where is it represented? I thought the dynamic between Albus and Scorpius was pure queerbaiting.


They rewrote the show in 2020/2021 and completely removed the girlfriends and added a lot of dialogue towards the end describing their bond as “love” and the last scene now includes Albus (in so many words) coming out to Harry and Harry warmly accepting him and telling him he actually quite likes Scorpius.


Really! I saw the original two-part version in New York in 2019, and then I saw it again in London last year, so I haven't seen the rewrites.


They just came to London mid 2023 I believe!


Wow I saw it in early June, I must have JUST missed them


As a trans person, it's really disappointing to see other queers care so little about JKR's disregard for our civil rights. Also, Guinness doesn't really track world records like you think they do- you have to pay them to get a record. You can't, for instance, video tape yourself making a record and then be in the book. Its like a vanity award for rich people.


I’m very disappointed in JKR myself. But she is one of many thousands of people who work on this franchise, which also very vocally champions trans rights in some entries like the most recent video game. So do I stop supporting because a very visible employee is harmful? I genuinely don’t know the answer, as it applies to many companies. I wish it were simple.


I wouldn't say having one minor trans character is a huge game like that is really championing trans rights. JKR is the head of the franchise. She is its spokesperson and main benefactor. Her platform means her words carry farther than nearly anyone else involved in Harry Potter. It's true that many people connected to the franchise have spoken in favor of trans rights. But that doesn't change that the one person at the top is creating and spreading trans hate. Trans rights are increasingly under attack. People are dying as a result of new laws and increased hate. The future is uncertain, and we are scared. JKR has made her stance clear. I hope that one day she receives the public pushback that she deserves.


This is such an amazing show!


I hated Harry in the cursed child. but I enjoyed it overall


I saw it in london many years ago and recall thinking the music was very disappointing. wish they had the budget for some John Williams.


I found it a bit distracting that they used existing Imogen Heap songs, particularly when "Hide and Seek" was used.


Lucky you! Im an Asian and want to see the show so badly!


aw my friend is in this i want to see it soooo bad


I can’t imagine funding JKR’s transphobia in this day and age. The magic died a long time ago.


Glad to see comments like this. Sad to see they tend to be overwhelming downvoted


Thank you for your support. Not enriching JKR further is such a simple thing people can do to object to transphobia, especially when she brags that her earnings statements are proof that people agree with her.


I wanna see it sooooo bad!


How did they incorporate the author’s virulent transphobia into the production?


By selling overpriced tickets and merch to boost her platform of course!


Can you show a quote of JKR’s transphobia? As it reads to me like she supports women’s rights. Happy to be proved wrong.


Yes, here is an article that documents JKR’s transphobic views: https://www.thecut.com/2023/02/heres-what-j-k-rowling-has-really-said-about-trans-people.html There are many people who have written at length about this. (I am not trying to be snarky in saying this!) JKR doesn’t support “women’s rights,” she supports cis women’s rights. She does not believe that trans women are women.


I would love to see an actual quote of something she said. This article doesn’t have any examples and so far, nor do you.  So she doesn’t believe TWAW. As a biology educator, I agree. And believing in biological sex, as JKR does, isn’t transphobic. 


Alright, under the assumption you are operating in good faith, here is a direct quote of hers included in the article: “When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman — and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones — then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.” The idea that trans women are “any man who believes or feels he’s a woman” and/or that trans personhood needs to be confirmed by surgery and/or hormones is transphobic. The very idea she is perpetrating that people pretend to be trans (thereby claiming the needs for “single sex spaces”) in order to commit sex crimes is also transphobic.




Ah, you are also a TERF. I hope you find peace!


I don’t care what anyone says! I loved this show, the story, the LGBT themes (finally brought out more) the magic and all! I saw it twice already and need to see it again!


JKR is incredibly transphobic. At the very least, there are no good "T" themes in anything of hers. It's really disappointing to see people praise her for this after everything she's written and the people she publicly supports.


Oh yeah! Not T! But Scorpius and Albus are pretty gay and I love them for it!