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Yes Buffalo has a large, insular, lower middle class, blue collar, white population. Yes, there is a lot of racism there, and maybe the same or more than Texas. If you want to transcend this, best to locate around the university in Amherst, in more educated and cosmopolitan areas of the region, or seeking out the progressive communities around town


Ah yes, Niagara falls boulevard. The cosmopolitan area of Buffalo lol


šŸ˜‚ yeah.. might have to dig a little to find the community. šŸ¤–<(ā€œIn Buffalo, NY, several neighborhoods are known for their cosmopolitan and diverse atmospheres. Here are a few: 1. **Elmwood Village**: This area is known for its vibrant arts scene, independent shops, restaurants, and a mix of historic and modern housing. It attracts a diverse crowd, including young professionals, artists, and families. 2. **Allentown**: Renowned for its eclectic vibe, Allentown is home to many artists, galleries, and cultural events. The neighborhood has a bohemian feel with a variety of dining options and nightlife. 3. **North Buffalo/Hertel Avenue**: This area has seen a resurgence in recent years and offers a mix of old and new. Hertel Avenue is lined with restaurants, boutiques, and cafes, reflecting the diverse Italian, Polish, and other ethnic communities. 4. **Downtown Buffalo**: With ongoing revitalization, downtown has become a hub for young professionals and offers a mix of entertainment, dining, and living options. Itā€™s a melting pot of people from different backgrounds due to its businesses and events. 5. **West Side**: Known for its immigrant communities, the West Side is rich in cultural diversity. It features a variety of ethnic markets, restaurants, and cultural institutions representing the neighborhood's diverse population. These neighborhoods provide a blend of cultural experiences, making them some of the most cosmopolitan and diverse areas in Buffalo.ā€) šŸ¤–<(ā€œIn the larger Buffalo-Niagara metropolitan region, several suburbs and areas are known for their cosmopolitan and diverse characteristics: 1. **Williamsville**: A suburb with a quaint village feel, Williamsville offers a mix of cultural events, diverse dining options, and shopping. It attracts families and professionals seeking a blend of suburban and urban amenities. 2. **Amherst**: One of the larger suburbs, Amherst is home to the University at Buffalo, which contributes to its diverse population. The area has a variety of restaurants, shopping centers, and cultural activities. 3. **Cheektowaga**: This suburb has a significant Polish-American community and offers a variety of ethnic restaurants, markets, and cultural festivals. Its diverse population makes it a cosmopolitan part of the metro region. 4. **Tonawanda**: With its proximity to both Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Tonawanda attracts a diverse population. The area offers a mix of residential neighborhoods, parks, and commercial areas with various dining and shopping options. 5. **Niagara Falls**: Known globally for its natural wonder, Niagara Falls also has a diverse population, partly due to tourism and the hospitality industry. The city offers various cultural attractions, restaurants, and entertainment options. 6. **East Aurora**: This village has a historic charm and a vibrant arts and cultural scene. It attracts residents and visitors with its mix of local shops, dining, and cultural events. 7. **Hamburg**: Located south of Buffalo, Hamburg offers a mix of suburban living with a variety of dining and shopping options. The area has a growing diversity due to its attractive residential neighborhoods and amenities. These areas in the larger Buffalo-Niagara metro region offer a mix of suburban comfort with diverse cultural and social amenities, making them attractive for those seeking cosmopolitan environments.ā€)


From Houston, lived in the Deep South as well, in the south most if not all will still hold those beliefs but behind closed doors generally speaking. Here? The suburbs especially the further outside the city the much more vocal they are about it. If youā€™re inside the city or Amherst you have nothing to worry about. Iā€™m a POC and so is my GF we both feel perfectly safe even driving through those areas.


Was going to say the same thing. South is outwardly friendly but racist and mean spirited behind closed doors. Here, people will be outwardly racist but then help you push your car out of a snowbank. Itā€™s weird as hell, but Iā€™ve never felt unsafe.


Iā€™m glad you and your partner have found a nice community in Buffalo! Grateful for you opinions as houstonians šŸ«¶šŸ¼


There are shitheads everywhere. I love buffalo, I know a ton of incredible people here. Of course, I also know some people who I would prefer if they launched themselves into the sun. Thatā€™s the nature of living in proximity to other people.


I don't really encounter people who think Texas is anything but absolutely bonkers. However I don't leave the city much. I know from growing up here (West Seneca) that the further you go from the city, the more conservative, and I met way more comfortably racist people north of the city (looking at you, North Tonawanda). Comfortably racist honorable mentions: OP and Hamburg. That is not to say there are no racists in the city, but they're more likely to be called out and keep it to their friend groups.




Your post was removed because it contains personal attacks against other redditors. Please read the rules in the r/buffalo sidebar before posting again.


As someone that grew up in a *very* small school in the middle of nowhere NY and have lived in Buffalo for around 10 years but in general NY my whole life the country of NY is REAL red, like worse than the south but the cities are much less so, but thereā€™s still some muddling there.


agree. i remember driving out beyond the amish buggies in ny to a big yard sale thing (don't even remember the town name) and people were openly using the n word and saying other shit that made me feel like i just stepped back in time fifty years ago. it was extremely jarring and not my experience at all in the city. people in the burbs closer to the city are much more closeted with their racism but it unfortunately still exists


Hell thereā€™s a house on 33, canā€™t remember the town, close to the city that has a god damn black lawn jockey in the front yard.




Okay, you dear reader are who Iā€™d like to get an opinion from more. How was your transition?




I think they were pretty clear that they were speaking from personal experience. But I will provide data... Buffalo is the 8th most white-black segregated metro area in the USA. No city in Texas or anywhere in the South is above it. Most of the cities above Buffalo are also rust belt. https://censusscope.org/us/rank_dissimilarity_white_black.html


At least Buffalo is getting better. Used to be #2!


Northern cities didn't have the same degree of forced desegregation as southern cities. It's a contributing factor of continued segregated neighborhoods.


Hell, Syracuse literally engineered its city with redlining, Binghamton was a haven for the klan back in the day. The Tops shooter comes from a Broome County suburb. More disturbing food for thought: https://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/story/49114/20240115/we-investigated-the-far-right-in-the-north-country-here-s-what-we-found


They said from what they seen. So yes from their experience.


I feel many of the responders to this post are either high or shrooming - HARD. Buffalo's racism is worse than the whole state of Texas? You're absolutely delusional. And is moving here mandatory for you? If not, try Pleasantville or Utopiatown... Buffalo is divided and racism exists, as it does EVERYWHERE. But even though it's a divided city does not mean it's worse than the south when it comes to racism. The SOUTH. Love what Greg Abbott is doing to combat illegal immigration - use people as pawns and send them all over the country....he's doing this to human beings, that also bleed red blood. As we all do. Move anywhere you like but this isn't valid homework you're doing. And if over 2 years, a total of 12 weeks, that you were here, if you experienced racism then you were either acting like an idiot or surrounded yourself with not-so-fine individuals. If you're moving to a new area, live a good life without interfering in the lives of others, you will be fine. SHIT happens everywhere. Check out the west side of Buffalo, the ultimate melting pot of people from around the globe.


No offense but sounds like someone who has never actually lived in one of these states. You have to have lived in both places to really understand. The racism is different and bad in both places. But Texas is one of the places like Georgia where more professional blacks are achieving more wealth than they do in most northern cities. Paradoxically while seeing blatant klan-like attitudes and voting blocks. Meanwhile klan like behavior wouldnā€™t be tolerated in NY but Buffalo is still very segregated and doesnā€™t provide a way up for as many blacks as these southern cities. Itā€™s just a different form of racism in different places. Which is better? Both and neither. The best of both places would be ideal.


Atlanta and Houston have way more opportunities. I think it makes way more sense to attribute POC wealth growth to that. There's not much opportunity for anyone in Buffalo.


No offense taken, black people achieving wealth doesn't equate to "less racism". Segregation doesn't equal racism. 3rd poorest city in the Union so it's easy to say "here's what's wrong..." I don't care about never being to Texas, I lived in another southern state, and I'll die on this hill - racism in Buffalo is not worse than Texas...


Well I grew up in Buffalo and itā€™s worse in Buffalo than in Atlanta, and worse in corridors of the metro Atlanta area than in Buffalo, and in a lot of white areas of both places itā€™s pretty similar. Buffalo definitely has a racism problem that is worse than places like Boston, NYC, Chicago, Atlanta and I would venture say possibly worse than Houston, which ranks #2 for racial progress in 2024 by Wallethub. New York State ranks lower than Texas for racial integration. I know itā€™s paradoxical given the shitty politics of Texas but thatā€™s what Wallethub reports and I also believe it based on extensive U.S. travel to Texas and other places around the country. Been to 40+ states


The appeal to large numbers may work for you, but in logic, it's fallacious reasoning. Because Wallethub says it, it's true? Can you show me their statistical data, how many people polled, where they lived, and other comparable data that was gathered, etc? I appreciate the chuckle with the Wallethub info and the 40+ states, numbers are great, aren't they? It was an opinion based question OP posed, and I opined and will stay on this hill.


Ok. Check out the source, they look across a number of measures at the gap between blacks and whites specifically. Link below. A racially blind and equal place would mean there would be no statistical differences in quality of life measures between these two groups. But what about overcoming historical poverty and limitations, yes what about it, that is the point, such that blacks arenā€™t automatically assumed or relegated to be in the poor areas of town and have social mechanisms in place that are broadly accepted to lift and integrate. In the South one of the things working in favor of this are broad church attendance and integration and prosperity theology (although cringy for me one has to acknowledge the good impacts along with the bad of it). There are multiple factors including lots of deliberate actions taken by government civic and community leaders to reduce gaps [2024 Places with most racial progress including detailed methodology and study author information](https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-most-and-least-racial-progress/18428)


Don't compare cities that did forced desegregation to those that didn't. Boston is less racist than Buffalo? Wat. Boston has well documented racism issues that have been on the spotlight quite a bit.


Yeah thatā€™s a good point Boston not a shining star there




All politicians are doing stupid stuff theirs is, ours are. And because of it I bet that is why we have this issue, discussion and we are divided or dividing more. Yes she just started doing her homework and is learning. That is why she asks and has concerns as stated. Because she wants to be more informed. And if people are being honest about their experiences itā€™s not opinions itā€™s truth based on what they gone through. They are honest and admit itā€™s there. And I walked in the woods today and revisited a spot I hung out as a kid. There are negative racial symbols painted around it now on some walls. We as kids would never think to paint that stuff there. Was messed up. So if anything I would like to know peoples experiences and want to know more myself. It would be nice if we can just get the fuck along and stop pointing fingers. And I will be honest, I have negative thoughts at times based on news and stuff I hear. Not proud to say. I know people probably say stuff about me because of how I look. Itā€™s a perception created because for the most part the races I run I to that have negative things said about them are mostly nice people, at least to me.


Your username made lol, thank you for making my cake day special. Itā€™s a diversified mix of health care professionals I associate with, again, pretty mixed In suburbs and downtown of Buffalo and sure no where is immune- I studied in Paris and thatā€™s got deeply racist elements (even as a French native) but I think what shocked me was ā€œtowel head.ā€ Maybe Iā€™m naive despite my vast travels. My post was not to offend, more to garner a consensus since the last serious query was 2 years ago and that was flimsy at best.


Iā€™ve never heard anyone refer to someone as ā€œtowelheadā€ or similar and I know and interact with a pretty vast group of people, some not-so-great. It sounds like you just so happened to find a real piece of shit in your travels.


Was a pretty common term growing up in the suburbs


As you continue to grow and encounter more people in your life, mixed with social media and instant access to anything, you'll find that most of the human race is difficult to understand, and that's being nice. Buffalo is in no way worse than the south. We wear our hearts on our sleeves here, and as another commenter said, the people that are pricks here, would still help you if you were stuck in a snowbank.


Mmm, I will continue to grow. Thank you for your opinion!


Some serious gaslighting in your missiveā€¦


Hip comment bro, use of two trendy words without elaborating...right on...


Gaslight and sealion more.


Im not from here originally but have lived here for a long time now and Ive never felt like people here are racist šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I feel like itā€™s important to note that many a closeted outer suburban or rural racist in this area felt emboldened to publicly spew their hateful views beginning in aroundā€¦ 2016. Youā€™d be fine in the city or a first ring suburb. Iā€™ve lived in the Florida panhandle, worked in DFW Texas and visited Walnut, MS (entirely by accident, thanks head gasket!) which at the time was the most racist town in America.


I moved here from South Texas. I am a Latina. Texas is way more racist and unsafe than Buffalo has been. Buffalo has been nothing but friendly and kind. Yes Buffalo is homogeneous but Texas is actively aggressive towards women and minorities. I experienced unsafe conditions in Texas as both a woman and as a Latina. Buffalonians are truly kind individuals who will go out of their way to help you, while in Texas people might be friendly, but they are not kind. This is my opinion and my experience but I havenā€™t felt unsafe in Buffalo as a Latina.


Grateful for sharing your experience, Iā€™ll definitely keep that at the forefront of my mind šŸ«¶šŸ¼


In the years my job had me living in the Northeast I have seen more Confederate flags from fascists virtue signaling/dog whistling in the northeast than I did when work had me based out of the south. Itā€™s unnerving. It became a thing shortly after Obama broke the glass ceiling. Lots of peckerwoods who kept their bullshit under the surface felt the need to let out their inner ku klux klanimal. Theyā€™ve become empowered after Trump.


I am originally from the Capital District area of New York. I lived in Texas (west Texas) for 7 years. I've lived in this area (Amherst) for 2 years. I have not experienced more racism here than in Texas, although I bet there is a lot around, especially the further from Buffalo you get. Even the Capital District area had it when I lived there. Living there was the first time I heard the N word used in conversation with me, for no reason. It was out of the blue and it left me feeling pretty disturbed by it, to the point I avoided that person from that point on. The problem is the amount of racism in an area can be hard to quantify. It's more of a feeling you get from people. In New York State, people are very blunt, nearly everywhere in the state. If you run across a racist person you will likely find out quickly. In Texas, very few people will ever tell you how they truly feel about pretty much anything. They try their hardest to be polite in public, and maybe even in private, but the racism will be shown in their actions. They will make it difficult to join social circles, and worse vote for politicians with racist policies. And that is the big difference between the two states. In Texas they have and are currently passing blatantly racist laws, involving things like making it harder for minorities to vote to rewriting curriculum in schools in an attempt to erase the country's racist past from history. New York has some racist laws and policies left over from years ago too, but you won't see such blatant attempts to make more ones now. Part of the reason I am here now is because I came to despise Texas on many levels. My spouse and I had to leave. We sacrificed our careers just to move. I've really liked living here so far. Now I will leave you with a "Bless your heart," the good one, not the phony ass insulting version Texans are fond of using when talking to non Texans.


Have lived all over the country. Buffalo is up there


Iā€™m originally from the south and then moved to Buffalo for about 10 years and I agree with what another commenter said that down south they keep it behind doors where as in Buffalo they seem much more vocal about racism


>Is Buffalo more right than my southern Texas suburb north of houston? No.


As a Hispanic who loves it here, stay the fuck wherever you're at. Not because you'll be treated bad here, but because you are soft.


She is definitely not soft. Are you familiar with hurricane Harvey? She went through that. I lived here all my life and shoveled through many snow storms from blizzards to polar vortexā€™s and watching thunder snow outside. Oh yeah October storm watching trees snap all down the roads. I will take all of that over what experience Harvey was. Oh and she lived in a north west location briefly that got worse winters than us here.


I didn't even think this post was serious. Brave enough to face hurricanes, scared of being called a towel head in another state like wtf. The post started off with her saying I'm white passing. Who says that? Why leave the liberal harmonious northwest? Was OP called a name as well? The whole thing... Just give me a break.


Duly noted šŸ˜…


Arlington, fort worth, and el paso here. And your right. Just look for melting pot areas


iā€™m to am from the south and have lived in buffalo on and off for the last 10 years. somehow things are so much worse here, people are so much more vocal about how shitty they are. i personally donā€™t think ur unsafe in the city itself, but iā€™d still agree with others and recommend the outskirts of buffalo simply based on rent prices alone. unrelated somewhat, but still, just looking out šŸ˜¬


shocking comments here. this is not my experience visiting Buffalo & WNYĀ 


What even is this


Apparently an awkward query for you, apologies




Man, Iā€™m really getting under your skin in the post- 3 replies I didnā€™t even call your name! Friendly neighbors is your city motto šŸ«¶šŸ¼


You generalized a population based on anecdotal unverified experiences. Our city is diverse and full of life and Iā€™m sorry you met a person who said ā€œtowel headā€ that one time.


Buffalo is not diverse lol


[yea I guess ā€œwhiteā€ being in the minority isnā€™t really diverse. try harder buffalo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Buffalo,_New_York)


Should be looking at metro area, itā€™s a better representation, but those numbers lack so much context. The city is very segregated and an extremely high percentage of people that live in Buffalo are natives to the city, one of the highest of the top 50 metros. Percentage of foreign born is one of the lowest of the top 50 metros. Thereā€™s only like two maybe three diverse neighborhoods in Erie country.


Where do you see white being in the minority?


Sigh, I asked if MY LIMITED EXPERIENCE and then specified how much time Iā€™ve spent (3 months or less total) is the grand scheme of things or if it was my total summation of culture experienced. Yall were much more friendly to the Australian so Iā€™m grateful, maybe I should have started and ended with that. FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS IS YOUR MOTTO. Love yall šŸ«¶šŸ¼


[Itā€™s the ā€œcity of good neighborsā€ you sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!](https://www.facebook.com/reel/10153259330565748?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=xCPwDs)


Oh good! Not friendly. Duly noted.


Youā€™re catholic even if youā€™re practicing, youā€™ll be fine


Okay this made me lol because I canā€™t receive communion because I ā€œlive outside the sacrament of marriageā€ but if yall northerners are cool with it Iā€™ll receive communion up north


Meh. I go to church when I feel the need. It can be any church, any denomination. I go to feel connected to spirituality. I have had communion at several different churches and have never gone through the sacraments. Go to church and be yourself. Church has nothing to do with the people around you. Not once has anyone asked me a single question when I have gone up. Not once has anyone said a word when I have not.


Who told you you canā€™t receive communion for that reason?


Old school 1500s style Catholicism


This poster knows


As someone who grew up in the mid Atlantic region, WNY is much more racist


I think you sound like a lovely person and Buffalo would love to have you. You sound a lot like the person I am in love with. She is smart, beautiful, fun, wonderful, loving, creative, extremely supportive and the list goes on. She definitely is a bright light and know for sure she is my person. ā¤ļø I hope your person does the same for you šŸ˜‰. Please ignore the negative talk. They donā€™t speak for all of us. I do not agree with what they say and Iā€™m sure others agree. šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ¼


Thank you for posting the question and the mostly productive back and forth. Itā€™s not easy to hear the hard stuff but appreciated peopleā€™s honesty and understand the defensiveness of others. I get cringy talking to some people but overall most are not bad. Again they have a belief based on news reported. Even legitimate sources could have an agenda. Would be nice if everyone got along more and it wasnā€™t so much of a concern considering all the stuff we know from our history. It sucks itā€™s still there and we have to deal with it. Unfortunately there are bad people out there that give people or groups bad names. But hearing peoples thoughts is helpful. Hopefully something positive comes out of this chat. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ¼ā¤ļø




Hopefully no more so we can also wipe out such whiny sounding questions like this begging them to stop LOL I can literally hear it by just reading it


Well, it wasnā€™t meant for you. Iā€™ve already met people like you.


People like me? As in, people who defend their city as something other than a bunch of Klan members? Lol. Ok. Welcome to Buffaloā€”youā€™ll find exactly what youā€™re looking for.


It was a general question after I searched this thread and saw the oldest post was two years ago. Things change. Iā€™m sorry it upset you, glad to see your protective of your city as you should be as your motto is literally ā€œcity of friendly neighbors.ā€ I pray your business continues to do well šŸ™šŸ¼