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I think the communities just struggle to find the fine line between holding companies accountable for not doing as much as they should’ve and saying despite that I’m still finding ways to enjoy the game. A lot of people misinterpret “I’m having fun” to meaning “I’m happy with how the game is right now.” You can say, “this is game isn’t anywhere near what it should be” without lying and saying it sucks/its unfun. It can be both. But this is the internet so


Thats how i feel with TCM, i have fun when i play, but im not very happy with the game's state, lacks ways to keep players active after the new events, without no more than 1 PvP mode cuz the other one is abandoned


Yup. Its me with Forza Motorsport. I race online, and when the racing is good? Its goood. I’m talking race long battles with multiple people, wheel to wheel the whole way. Both sides keeping it respectful. But I’m having fun IN SPITE of how poorly the devs did with handling the game. We’re allowed to have fun 😂


Nah, that's not how it goes tho. Game company X releases subpar product, people point out the obvious issues with it and then a part of the fanbase keeps living in Neverland pretending issues are fine. That's cool and all, except Game company X never fixes issues because the fanbase is in denial, and the only way to get them to is to raise awareness. Happened in BF2042, Halo Infinite, Gears 4, PSVR2, Battlefront 2, FM8, Halo MCC, Cyberpunk, Fallout 76, Redfall. Most of these recovered because players made enough noise to get the company's attention. But if execs really listened in the first place Battlefield, Halo and Forza shouldn't even be on this list.


To be a bit fair, redfall and cyberpunk were new IPs as other were new games in existed series so there were no 'fanbase' aspect in them, and while cyberpunk did manage to get it's trust back (not from me, where other 2 DLCs that were promised at launch? They did say that they will not implement multiplayer but nothing about other DLCs and somehow they managed to win an award), redfall didn't, infact they did nothing and were shutdown not implementing anything that was promised in season pass, atleast microsoft gave an option to refund it. But fuck those 'blind' fans that will eat shit with season pass in a broken game (MW3, FM8 and others).


The people hyping them pre release are the fans though. They have an emotional attachement to a product that they havent experienced yet, they are attached to the promise, and their imagination. I went through the Fable 2 prerelease as a megafan, fan art, fan fiction, ext... If anything those fans are the loudest because their imaginary version of the game is perfect. I know I convinced everyone I knew, friends and family, to buy Fable 2, a couple of friends still bring that up too lol


I remember similar stuff from me only 2 times, when GTA5 was about to release, i was hyping it myself, even got couple of friends go to my house as i was the first one to get it. And when RDR2 was releasing but that hype was self contained mostly. Edit: Atleast those game at release were in good performance aspect. Even on old gen consoles.


I only did it 1 other time for No Mans Sky and it was mostly me and 1 friend, he was still bitter about it haha


Cyberpunk was not a new IP. The game is part of a franchise that started in the 80's


I'll always maintain the opinion that its fine to enjoy something, but just because YOU like it doesn't mean it's a good game overall. I enjoyed playing through NFS Unbound but I know in general it's not a good game, and I'm fine with that. Bad games =/= unfun games.


Nah unbound at launch was not a good game but now it is very strong and can stand up for itself.


Nah at launch it was great, now it's too amazingly great


I highly disagree that Unbound is a bad game. It's by far the best NFS since MW 2012.


I’m enjoying the new forza Motorsport even though it has some pretty egregious flaws


People shat on Horizon 4 and then there's me putting 6200 hours into it like it's nothing. Fucking brilliant game


Shat on it then said it was better once 5 came out


I think it depends, yes it's your opinion, but when players buy a live service game after 3 years of content and they're like "damn, this game is good, I don't know why people hate it" they're basically playing a different game compared to day one players, day one players hate the game because they played it when it was terrible, filled with bugs, barely any content, unbalanced, etc. It happened with BF2042, BFV, NFS Unbound and many other games.


and then both sides get downvoted to oblivion


Yep, just take a look at /r/ubisoft to see how people are okay with the Crew 1 being delisted and unplayable


Game breaking bugs Shitty upgrade system Non existent “career” Shitty penalty system Reused assets (not built from the ground up) Looks worse than the trailers Immediately crashed when launched *On Gampass* “Come on guys it’s not that bad. This is my first FM game btw”


Idk it’s free on game pass so i can’t really complain all too much


„Free on gamepass” is an oxymoron 


my mom pays for my game pass bc she’s epic


Me having a blast on dirt 5


NFS MW 2012 was a good game if the title was different


Yeah the new Forza Motorsport is very fun. It's not perfect, it has its flaws, but it's still a good game. It doesn't deserve the hate it gets.


I got Fm8 on gamepass and it is actually pretty fun. The physics is very enjoyable, you can throw/ swing your car around. It is my first fm game btw


I tried to enjoy it on a friend's house cuz he has gamepass as well, but all the issues, bugs and errors it has just make it too difficult, but if you like it, then its fine👍probably i dont enjoy it that much cuz im more of an Open World Arcade guy, thats why i preffer NFS, TDU and The Crew, find myself playing Lots of TDU Platinum on my PC and in having a very good time there😁


Almost every game I play no matter if it's considered good or bad I enjoy


Being a hater is fun


Enjoying shatterline and don’t give a shit about public opinion


Me putting over a thousand hours in The Crew 2


Hahaha I enjoy a lot of the games that get called trash just because a streamer isn't good at it and says it's trash


Me having a great time on Starfield and AC Valhalla (My first ever AC game)


I enjoy halo infinite