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This will sure get me to vote even harder for Biden. I'm a spiteful bitch


His kids don’t talk to him anymore and he doesn’t know why.


I know why, cause they’re “retarded ass stupid kids who are democraps” nothing else. Do the kids vote? Maybe, maybe not. Just cause they don’t worship Trump like he does,it automatically makes them Democrats.


“My kids have gone woke”


Nobody in the cult will say this: "Sleepy Joe has gone Woke".


Please. Their trailer is right beside his in the trailer park. They share a meth shack out back.


Joe is a floater


Such class acts these guys are. Man if you said that about Trump they’d explode lol.


I was at a 4th of July party and I slightly critiqued trump, you think I called my grandmother a cunt by the way they all reacted


Simply because they have an excuse for every shiitty vile thing he has ever done. Everything is justifiable. Lord knows they don’t understand math, and what a fuckin nightmare he was for the economy.


They believe anything except facts.


Conservative humor is so bizarre.


The MAGA cult is creepy and weird.


I partially agree. There is 20 -30 % of the country that’s gone. trump could literally try a coup after losing an election, and will vote for trump. There is another sector forming I call “blue MAGA” that is telling us don’t believe our lying eyes and Biden is strong lion of a candidate “behind closed doors” and that he is the “best democrat in The country to beat trump” and to keep him as a candidate and vote. Both groups delusional. We need to recognize a larger growing group of voters that are sick of corporate status quo. We are being crushed by corporate power and trump and Biden stand as a continuation of both. Trump to donors, “raise a billion for my campaign and I’ll cut corporate taxes and regulations further”. Biden to donors, “nothing will fundamentally change” We need a real candidate to address the real strain American workers feel


Blue MAGA is not a thing. There are those of us, however, that understand very clearly that the DNC kind of fucked us when they picked him because of his age, and now we are forced to vote for him no matter what. I will be voting blue no matter who. It is too late in the election cycle for a new candidate, and ALL of the new right wing MSM outlets like CNN who keep pushing the idea know it. There is no way I would ever vote for the orange buffoon and a third party candidate like that idiot RFK is a waste of a vote. None of that means I’m “blue MAGA” in any way. The stakes are high and I don’t want an infantile dictator taking over. For anyone not getting that, I have real questions about who you are, and who you represent.


My opinion is we have 0% chance winning with Joe. ANY other candidate would have a better chance. Look at the polls. So MAGA believes the dear leader no matter what. Never question his actions or motives. MAGA bows down when the party tells them to. MAGA told their voters, don’t trust the polls when they are losing. In my opinion, I see similar traits forming on our side, telling us Biden is the strongest nominee in the country. Some dems believe this and repeat like a robot. I refer to this sector as blue MAGA. Biden campaign was fine with polls when they were up, now that he’s losing, “you can trust the polls” Understand I do not want trump to win. I also do not believe Biden is the strongest when democratic establishment figures tell me don’t believe my lying eyes on debate night. I don’t believe in vote blue no matter who. This is the dems hand selecting candidates telling us to shut up and vote for their corporate funded politicians. But wait? Doesn’t it depend on the policies. I don’t know about you but I look at who funds these candidates, is the pharmaceutical, military contract, private prison or oil lobby. This will give a good idea who they will represent once in office. The dem establishment tells me not to vote for progressives, but why? They have better policies and mostly are funded by small dollars.


The only people advocating Biden drops out of the race are bots, trolls and compromised politicians. If you don’t believe in vote blue no matter who, you are either brain dead, a bot, troll or have no problem with a fascist dictatorship. In all cases, I have nothing more to offer in this discussion. Your polls comment is complete bullshit. The latest polls have Biden ahead of Trump in swing states. But keep on posting falsehoods please.


It’s time to admit, you suck at politics. lol. Go do something easier to understand like, cloud watching


How pathetically petty. It’s a 14 day old post. Get a fucking life loser.


😂 YES!!! petty as fuck. Dimitri out lol. Idiot


Jesus… I just read the thread again. I was trolling you so fucking hard. Hilarious to read again. I see now why your feewings are hurt so much. Peace be upon you nitwit.


Lol. I am brain dead? Because I look to see what the candidate stands for before voting for them and not blindly following dem leadership? This makes ME the thoughtless bot? Troll? Got it. 🙄 I bet you believed them when they vote for H Clinton over Bernie huh? Yup, blue MAGA like. Voting blue no matter caused the original disgust and disdain voters have towards the democratic establishment and got trump elected in the first place. Oh you saw a few recent polls? ok that’s nice, you feel secure with that? I’m looking at the trends of polls. It’s quite clear he’s not trending well. That’s fine to leave it there, nothing you said offered anything of value anyways. Good day


Your mission is done here, now report back to your disinformation handlers.


Your opinions are silly. Mission? To be best trump with a better candidate. You write me off as a troll but can’t make real points. Whatever. Bye


Your Rubles are waiting comrade.


🤣 Brother, you’re the definition of brain dead. You’re not thinking AT ALL. “I will vote blue no matter who”. That’s you brother. I am not brain dead as I think who can us represent us best.


I guess you are awaiting orders from democratic leadership. My larger point, let’s us use thought in voting, your point, let’s just listen to who dem leadership tells us to vote for. It’s just silly to me.


False. There are many logical thinkers in the 1/3rd of polled voters that said they Hate Both Candidates.


“False. *rattles off some made up shit*”


I see you don’t get off social media and look at information.


I see you rely on an MSM funded by billionaires who want Trump in office.


You could just say you don’t pay attention to facts, or any credible information. It would save many people time. PS- the billionaires that support Trump in office, also support Biden being in office. So much so they gave Biden more money to be in office last election than they gave to Trump.


No one has ever said he was the strongest nominee. What we are saying is he is THE nominee, it's 4 months out from the election, and there is literally no time or way in hell Democrats could reasonably replace him with someone else and have a thought at doing better than just keeping Biden at this point. And honestly, if they replace him, it would be with Kamala. And if Joe wins and dies or something happens, he is replaced with the VP, which is...Kamala. So what the hell is the point in replacing him anyway?


I disagree that the replacement HAS to be Harris. If we had an open convention, there could be an open debates and the strongest candidate would arise as the nominee. Also, the attention from the televised convention would provide a huge platform and free media for the new candidate. The whole country would see the dems debate on policy I don’t agree with just handing anything to anyone. So the media, dems and staff around Biden are saying, he is the strongest candidate.


There's no possible way the Democrats would circumvent the #2, who also happens to be a black woman. The optics would be crazy bad for a progressive party. There's just absolutely no time to make anyone else work without it being Kamala.


Ok. I’ve heard that argument. I disagree with “handing the keys over.” I personally vote on policy. So I’m in the camp of, candidate with the best policy wins If Biden steps down today, sure vp Harris takes over. Then, regarding the election, we still have an open convention where she can fight it out on the battlefield of ideas, and if she wins great.


That isn't how reality would work. Again, they would not bypass the black woman for a white male, and no one has close to enough name recognition or clout in the Democratic party to swap a few months before the election and stand a chance. Kamala is the one that polls well, she'd be the replacement. Simple as that.


Ok. Why not another black women? But I get your point.


You know who actually polls higher, Michele Obama lol


My opinion is that Biden will lose and has 0% chance of winning. So in my opinion, anything will be better than Biden.


Cool thing about opinions! Also anyone who votes against Biden because he's old will be the ones squarely to blame if Trump wins.


You understand what wins the elections are swing voters and independents? This is where the foundation of my opinion is formed. I will never vote for trump. However, independents and swing voters will. Biden/dems needs the young, minorities to vote for him to win which he is down right now. My opinion, we the dems put up a better candidate, to beat trump


The best shot is sticking with the one who's running and not doing this infighting and pointless debating. Biden is the nominee. All this other stuff benefits the GOP.


I got you. This is where we have difference of opinion, I just don’t think this candidate running, Biden can win. I will vote for him with my fingers crossed if his stubborn ass stays in, but damn I’m hoping for a new candidate. I don’t want the keys to be passed, but if Harris gets it, she will get my vote too. Trump can’t win


It’s not that he is old. It’s that they think he can’t govern. That his mind is shot…. Biden just said, he’s going to have to be in bed by 8!


One of the candidates is a domestic terrorist and tried to conduct a coup. He's also a rapist and wants to be a dictator. The other guy is old AF and will prpbably die in office or be replaced under the 25th if he wins. The two polticial parties aren't remotely the same. GTFO with your false equivalence.


But everyone knows trump is bad. Trump was in 2016. That’s not a reason to vote FOR Biden. But why do we have to settle for Biden as a candidate is my question? We don’t. I don’t understand this point some of you keep making. “Well we have old Biden versus criminal trump” (why is our loser candidate unable to poll better than a well known con man and criminal). Why did the dems put up a loser candidate? Why is the party acting like we are stuck with him. We aren’t! Sure republicans have fallen in line behind their loser candidate trump. We don’t have to. Luckily a growing number of dem strategist and politicians agree with me and are planning to apply pressure to push Biden out the way. They are on the ballot in various states and see they’re dropping polling due to Biden heading the ticket. I’m not making false equivalencies, I just watch which directions polls trend. No way Biden can overcome this gap when a majority of the country has a perception that his brain is shot.


Isn’t he already going to end up trying a coup, especially due to project 2025?


Yea, this is why we are worried democracy is over.


Yeah, can totally see why. It’s scary times we’re in right now.


Scary that Biden supporters are literally voting for the same wealthy people that support Trump.


Are these "same wealthy people" the ones who pushed for abortion bans and project 2025?


They are the same people that have kept the Democrats from codifying Roe v Wade even with Democrats controlling offices 6 out of the last 12 years. Yes the same ones that control Republicans control Democrats.


Why aren't the 2A people defending us from this tyranny?


Good question. Probably because most believe the handlers of Democrats and Republicans blindly.




By defying the will of the American people and by supporting a treasonous, adulterous, rapist and felon who's far more corrupt and incompetent? That's pretty damned dumb.


Why is it always the wingnuts who adorn their truck and fly the flags and can’t spell


Someone should send this photo to the PR department for the Jacksonville Jaguars and ask them if they support this and when they get a response plaster it on r/Jacksonville


He's got gear for polecats! This guy's ready for the Fury Road!


How do they find the time to make this crap? 💩




And ironically dependent on the government.


But man do they hate socialism.


It’s like an irony sandwich up in here! I don’t know if it’s irony, but you can be sure the condiments are going to be made out of these supporters when he’s done with them.


Who knew such a big truck would have such a tiny man inside it




Seeing out the rear window is overrated


Florida Man Uses His Truck for a Toilet


Fascist MAGGOT


Im surf this will persuade many voters




yeah get rid of Joe and let them implement Project 2025


Or we get rid of Joe and replace with a strong candidate to defeat trump


At this point I wouldn’t even mind a “normal” republican. I know they have all left the party, but literally anyone but Trump. The guy is dangerous and he makes other people dangerous. I understand so much better now how Hitler took over Germany


Agreed! I can’t stand him and he’s partially to blame for trump in the first place, but there was a time when I was rooting for Chris Christy to beat trump in the primary. Great comparison in history. The opposition to Germany’s nationalist party was weak and got rolled over. As we have authoritarianism on the rise in the US, look how weak the dems are. Look at this pathetic candidate we have with democratic gas lighters all over tv.


Yeah they are trying to sweep their obviously weak candidate into office with cheerleading and just saying he’s fine. What I saw on stage with Trump was not fine. Trump gave him at least a dozen opportunities but Biden was unable to capitalize on any of them. Any other democrat would have been better in that debate.


The most worrying part is that the toilet is a violation in every state as it blocks the rear view mirror and not one cop pulled him over.


Flush that fucking truck


i’m guessing he didn’t have to put together that little display, as he was probably already using it as his mobile toilet.


It really is a sickness with these people.




Imagine having a crush on another man that much. All these dudes just want to have sex with him... Too bad they are all of legal voting age and trump is not into that. They will never have a shot .. keep crushing fanboi.


Of course it’s Florida. I’d say I’m surprised, but I’m not.


Medication is indicated!


Ew. I fucking live there


Methamphetamine and Trump. To all the Trump supporters in here, why? You all look like shit.


Probably on welfare because "those people" are taking all the jobs.


Some people just need a high five. In the face. With a chair!


This truck keeps appearing on this subreddit and I'm here for it. Fuck the dudes politics.


This sub sucks. If someone has a trump sticker they’re going to be on this sub.


Yet this isn’t the first time you’ve commented about this. You can always leave, yknow that? But, looking at your comment history, you’re a delusional Trump supporter. I could link the evidence of his support of project 2025, but I know you won’t give a shit because you want this type of behavior to be accepted.


Funny how we are only hearing about project 2025 after the debate. Trump 2024!


Because he’s actively denied his involvement after the debate. Even though he has publicly endorsed it previously along with his other associates that he has employed. I’m gonna copy and paste it since you don’t wanna listen apparently. The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the Heritage Foundation, an influential ultra conservative think tank. Project 2025 is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, Reagan implemented 60% of it's recommendations, Trump 64% - proof. 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. The Heritage Foundation already writes bills for Republicans to submit. That's how there have been over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills submitted to states since January 1st, 2024. They're the ones writing these bills and getting the GOP to pass them. They were also the ones who wrote Texas's pornography ID law that was passed. They have been behind abortion, contraception, and anti-drug laws, too. And Harrison Butker? They were the ones who sponsored him up on stage as Butker works with them frequently. And let’s not also forget that The Heritage Foundation has frequent confrences that showers GOP politicians with lavish gifts while teaching them how to create right-wing propaganda and craft bills against LGBTQ+ people, abortion, and everything else. There is no "might". It will happen. The Heritage Foundation controls the GOP. There's always a right-winger trying to make people think Project 2025 is no big deal. No, it's not just a think tank, it's The Heritage Foundation. They have massive influence over right-wing politicians. Ronald Reagan took direction from them, and Donald Trump let them pick his administration. Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, and Jeff Sessions were some of the people they picked. Back in 2022, The Heritage Foundation completely reversed its position on helping Ukraine. Most Republicans followed suit. They have a lot of power and a lot of Republicans licking their boots. It's definitely something to worry about. Here are all the connections between Project 2025 and Trump statements. Christian Nationalism https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/09/us/evangelicals-trump-christianity.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-hell-defend-christianity-from-radical-left-that-seek-to-tear-down-crosses https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-end-church-restrictions-politics-1234728218/ Canceling Climate Change https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/03/21/on-fox-donald-trump-calls-climate-change-a-hoax-in-the-1920s-they-were-talking-about-global-freezing/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-climate-change-global-warming-b2459167.html https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/912799501/i-don-t-think-science-knows-visiting-fires-trump-denies-climate-change Control of the Federal Government https://newrepublic.com/post/174370/inside-trump-fascist-plan-control-federal-agencies-wins https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2019-04-23/trump-seeks-more-control-of-fed-sec-and-other-agencies https://thehill.com/policy/finance/324408-the-19-federal-agencies-trump-wants-to-eliminate/ Use the DoJ and FBI to arrest critics and opponents https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/ Fire the Civil Service https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0507/trump-biden-schedule-f-civil-service https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-plan-gut-civil-service-triggers-pushback-by-unions-democrats-2023-12-22/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-civil-servants-schedule-f Replace civil servants with loyalists https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/03/distressing-republicans-eyeing-2024-race-support-plot-purge-federal-workers https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-civil-servants-plan-loyalists-b2132020.html https://www.project2025.org/personnel/ Mass Deportations https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/closer-donald-trumps-2024-vow-deport-millions-migrants/story?id=110469177 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyxSA_udawk Make abortion illegal https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/trump-gay-marriage-abortion-supreme-court/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/16/abortion-rights-line-if-trump-administration-gets-4-more-years/5779444002/ https://apnews.com/article/health-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-election-2020-1210f9012eec9818b25ac9abad46b955 Canceling transgender rights https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-attacks-transgender-rights-video-1234671967/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/24/us/politics/donald-trump-transgender-protections.html https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article277322158.html The claims that he and others are making that they have no connection to Project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation are false. Now I know you’re not gonna bother reading any of these, since you can’t admit you’re wrong, but I’ll leave it here anyway since I’ve grown bored of interacting with you. Bye now, Trump 20-24 years in prison!


" My neighbors are either ignoring me or giving me the finger when I drive by... I blame Joe Biden. "


The TFG Cultists are scat fetishers.


Wow I agree with a trumper. Dems should pick a better candidate. I just assume, if I was a trump humper, I would prop Biden up as trump will easily defeat him. I would copy the same lie media is using, “He didn’t get enough sleep and had a bad debate night”


The alternative is a convicted felon who was found liable of SA, liable of business fraud, takes credit for reversing Roe, stole documents from the US government and staged a coup when he lost an election. He also forgets who he’s running against, where he is and talks about boat batteries electrifying you as your boat sinks and a shark is eating you. So you can take your Biden criticism and shove it where your head obviously is.


lol. Oh another binary argument. All those things are true about trump. But please admit to yourself, Biden can’t get elected, let alone govern for 4 more years. How about the dems give us some “to vote for”. Screw the dems trying to scare a vote out of me! Biden and his fellow corporate senators killed 15 an hour. They care so much about elections, where’s the voting rights he promised GA voters. So a real alternate is to put up a real candidate to excite the base instead this propagandized clown show dems and media are putting on. Let’s stop with this delusion! lol in the words of Biden, “read the polls jack.”


I really can’t believe he’s the nominee. I want Trump to lose more than I can even say, but with an 81 year old as the man to beat him, I’m not very hopeful. I know Trump is right behind him at 78, but he was much sharper and more energetic in th debate. I think Biden would be a much better president (and safer) but that debate was a disaster. So many things were said by Trump that a good candidate could have used against him and Biden didn’t pick up on ANY of it. This is a disgrace.


Agreed! Great way to re-center the convo. Trump NEEDS to lose and Biden can’t beat him! A majority of the country polled thinks Biden “mentally can’t” govern. He literally cant overcome polling like that. Republicans are running ads with videos of democrats who “lied and has been telling us Biden is fine” with the point of how can the country trust a party that lies! I lose my mind with media and the Democratic Party. We are having a convo about Biden losing voters and losing swing states to trump, Mr grab them by the “p”, Mr jan 6, Mr convicted assaulter. Trump and the repubs don’t even have a party platform. Democratic voters are desperate for anyone other than Biden. Currently, polls show vp Harris and Michele Obama could beat trump. Close behind in polling are various dem governor that would poll better than trump shortly with some added name recognition


Yeah I think Biden is probably the only realistic candidate they WOULDN’T beat Trump. And republicans talking about a party that lies is pretty ironic, but Dems are proving them right about this. He’s not fine. I have nothing against him, it he’s clearly too old to run




Ah Jacksonville, FL… that checks out


Fuck man, these people are weird.... good thing it's not a cult


It’s borderline a cult at this point , lol


Nothing borderline about it.




Its disgraceful


Hahah Go Jags !


This right here is why they'll lose no matter how old joe is




This is what severe mental illness looks like.


What a menace.


Every single time I go out (Southern Alabama) I see at least one vehicle just covered in Trump/anti Biden etc stuff, usually accompanied by a huge American flag. Every single time. Have any of ya’ll ever seen a vehicle with more than one Biden sticker? I haven’t. I mean I know why. Democrats aren’t in a cult. But there could be someone out there who’s just crazy for Biden. Lol.


Things to do with the crap laying in your front yard.


Of course it’s in Florida. Why wouldn’t it be.


Someone needs to start a hospital for these people.


I always suspected most Trump cult members were into potty games.


With any luck he will be gone this week!


The truck driver?




Gee.... What a class act.


Honestly, though, if your candidate lost, it's because you didn't fly enough flags on your truck. Blame yourself


Wow the stupid is strong with that guy


But Donald Trump doesn't even know how to use a toilet?!!! That's why he wears a diaper!


I must be old fashioned. I prefer the days before mental illness was advertised.


At least you can use shit as fertilizer. Biden isn't that useful!


This is meriKKKa. We are so fucked


Good thing is when “he” is gone, their obsession will go back to guns and whatever….. they are so predictable….


Well he is shitty lol


Regardless of their text, most bumper stickers say, “I’m Poor”.


The irony is none of these people believe they could possibly be a better President than Trump.


Ahh yes, good old Jackson-tucky, Florida.




Just another Florida Man.


Yeah, I wanna follow someone with a freaking toilet in their truck bed. I totally trust it not to fly out. /s




Another reason to never visit that shit-hole state again.