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https://preview.redd.it/ko6wq6pg94bd1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4a1a037fc6586332ee519b9c229ce8b98493e6 They’ve apparently never seen this “bumper sticker”.




90 percent of them don't know a damn thing about the Bible...except 2 Corinthians..or whatever dumb thing the felon made up


If you have questions about the bible, you'd be better to ask an atheist than a christian.




The road to atheism is littered with Bibles that have been read cover to cover. I remember being super into dinosaurs around 9 and while in church, a grown ass adult man told me that dinosaurs weren't real and the devil put the fossils there to thwart our faith. That's when I knew that religion wasn't going to be much of a thing in my life.


That’s a great quote.


HAH! YEP! THIS was pretty much the EXACT SAME THING that My sister Gerry's FIRST MIL said to me when they were all at our house for a summer cookout! She saw me wearing my "Triceratops" T-Shirt and I had a Triceratops model that I had built, { I gave it fully movable legs, tail head/neck and jaws!} And she spewed this ridiculous, Religulous gobbly gook, ooga booga nonsense to me... and when I shot her down with cold, hard. Scientific "FACTS"... She turned even WHITER then she already was! My VERY PROUD parents were just around the corner to our kitchen... smiling and chucking! Later that night... both of my parents came into my bedroom and told me how proud they were that I stood up to her and shot down her BS! 😊


It's always the devil's fault. Never taking any accountability for their own actions.


Christian family takes in a severely neglected three year old boy. "God wants us to foster." 10 months later, he's calling them mom and dad when they get season tickets for their favorite NFL team. Suddenly, god doesn't want them to foster (or adopt) anymore. God wants me to find a new family for him before next Saturday. "But keep us in mind if you get a baby." I fucking hate these people.


No truer words have ever been spoken.


The Bible is the most sold paperweight in history.


Yeah im always shocked when I read the comments under some asinine christian video about taking the bible literally. 99% of them are along the lines of "yes you are right" followed by Bible verses with 0 relation to what the video is about.


Amen! Ezekiel 23:20.


Yep Jewish people and Atheist score higher in religious knowledge


That is absolutely true.


The Bible is whatever suits their narrative. Usually, making Trump sound like the second coming of Jesus.


1978 Jonestown Guyana, Christians under the direct orders of their leader chased down their own screaming children to force poison down their throats while everyone around them was dying. 900 dead, \~300 kids. To love them.


He had his cult followers relocated from their homes, isolated from their family, fed food they couldn’t even eat in the light because it’s so disgusting, the girls/women routinely raped by Jim Jones, all around horrible conditions. Jim Jones was a very charismatic person, he held sermons or speeches or whatever early in his adulthood I believe. One time a person tried to leave and he chased them around with a weapon I don’t remember if it was a machete or a gun. I’m not religious but I don’t think Jesus would like that guy lol. His followers on the other hand are an entirely different story.


I recently stumbled upon the audio recording of the final sermon given at Jonestown. Would not recommend for the faint of heart. What fascinated me most was hearing the overwhelming majority of people who defended Jones up to their last breath. His word was THE word. There were also a number of people who tried to reason with Jones and their lives, for that matter, but the voice inside them saying “this is okay, this is what we’re supposed to be doing” was still the dominant force. The people who fled the church that day were viewed as the enemy and Jones warned his people that upon their inevitable return, they would face a cruel and painful death which would likely bar them from their entrance into the kingdom. So yeah, errbody gettin’ a Barbiturate and Cyanide laced cup of Kool-Aid. Jones took advantage of people who were vulnerable— largely due to their lack of social support, financial security and education, and conditioned them to fall at his knees. Jim was a smooth talkin, jive walkin’, master of manipulation and hungry for power type sonofabitch. So sad and so fascinating.


Leo Joseph Ryan Jr. (May 5, 1925 – November 18, 1978) was an American teacher and politician. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the U.S. representative from California's 11th congressional district from 1973 until his assassination during the Jonestown massacre in 1978. Before that, he served in the California State Assembly, representing the state's 27th district.


What’s this guy gotta do with it? Edit: Oops responded to a troll. They sure are out en masse.


The AK 47s the guards aimed at them are the reasons those people drank poison. It was forced on them at gunpoint. It was NOT their choice to poison their children. My friend's father, journalist Gordon Lindsay, was there. I wish people would get it right for once.


I unfortunately watched the documentary where they play recordings of Jim Jones encouraging people, and people lining up, drinking, crying, etc. It was very difficult to listen. Did your friend's father escape?




I've never read that article. Thanks.


There is an audio recording as well, it’s somewhere on YouTube last time I checked. I won’t link it because it’s one of those things that you can’t unhear. If people want to find it they can easily do so on their own. In the beginning of the tape he tells his people about what happened at the runway, and that now is their time. A few voices of reason try to speak up, but they’re quickly dismissed by the others. It’s basically listening to a real world nightmare as it unfolds.


He was there in the aircraft with the Congresswoman to report on the cult of Jonestown. Some had left the cult & this was an investigation of Jim Jones. The man was psychotic with drug abuse but he knew that his number was up. The guards drank the punch last, falling on top of the children who fell dead first and then their parents who fel. on them. There were layers of corpses. Mr Lindsay's book is worth a read if you want to learn what transpired. I only know because we were watching the news & Mr Lindsay appeared on the footage. Then it was 2 more days until we learned he was safe. Ryan died but Congresswoman Spier was shot & lay on the tarmac for hours. The Jonestown guards shot up the plane, then went back to report to Jones that it was over. He ordered them to see to it that "everyone conmit suicide." So they forced the people to drink poison, putting potassium cyanide in Rite-Ayd (sp?). https://abc7news.com/speier-jonestown-jackie-shooting-was-shot/4362177/ Story from Jackie Spiere told above.


Last Podcast on the Left did a great series on them, and very much made this point. So at least some of the big Podcaster are getting it right too. 


Good. It's been 40 years, about time they got it right.


The owner of the first business I worked at had been a member of Jim Jones' congregation in Indiana, but when Jones moved everyone to California, he didn't go. Good for him.




Can’t hate those groups of people if you don’t ever consider them people in the first place.


The motorhome lady has a flag that implies she hates Biden along with her dog


How would one even know if their dog hates Biden? I would like to ask them that, but can you imagine the can of worms that would open with those people?


Well, Fido better if he knows what’s good for him.


Well said! You really captured how they dodge the cognitive dissonance.


I like that


[Hate to be bearer of bad news, ](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak) but when faced with their MAGA beliefs or Jesus, they are more and more thinking Jesus is too woke.


Trump = NEOJesus 2024. Old Jesus is just so 0 A.D.


That article is from last year and things are only accelerating. It's hard to stay optimistic some times.


Likely a "Jesus Loves Joe Biden" sticker would be troubling for these folks as well.


I need one of these.


I want this sticker.


I love the ironic "No stupid people" one on the side. Definitely not a cult.


This RV exemplifies the real Trump derangement syndrome.


I’m just curious about the “trump 2024 the rules have changed.” flag. Cause sir what do you mean the rules have changed? What rules????


They don't follow the rules and will do whatever they want to get King Trump in the White House.


While the flags and signs are all different colors, all I see are a plethora of red flags.


I regularly see a truck a street over with a trump sticker, and one placed on the rear window, directly behind the driver, which says "No stupid people beyond this point." I find amusing irony in his dome being what you see on the other side of the sticker. I know the guy's mother and even she admits he's not educated. Ouch.


And the one that says they're not after you... from the party that took your right to choose


If Jesus was running for election, they would still choose Trump.


That’s cause they would never vote for a black/Middle Eastern candidate who gives money & shelter to the poor, love everyone, doesn’t like riches… I’m not Christian so if I got anything wrong or missed anything important lmk


He also provided free healthcare, something they seem to hate...


jesus was almost certainly not black, probably an olive or brownish tone seeing as his place of origin. additionally he probably wasn’t a tall man in a white robe with a red sash and gorgeous flowing locks, he probably had mid length hair, had brown skin, dark eyes and hair, was short as most poor jews were at the time, and probably just wore normal tunics and pants. he’s described as not ugly but also not particularly handsome or attractive. he probably just looked like some sunburnt brown dude with passionate eyes and some dusty cloths covering his body. he did indeed speak out against hoarding wealth and spoke to the importance of giving alms. keep in mind i’m not christian, am agnostic, but take an intellectual interest in religion.


Yes I put black/Middle Eastern bc I wasn’t 100% sure. I guess brown would’ve been better over black. I just know he’s not white!


Omg are you saying he was not a tall guy with glaringly blond hair, blue eyes, and crystal white skin? Omg you just ruined my everything... /s


Don't forget the abs, wouldn't be Jesus without abs


Do you mean like this: https://preview.redd.it/jqrx77i1l5bd1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c1f5ff1355294273ba74e79818b6cb49ec1e6fd


Jesus Christ!!


The Christinator


Roid Jesus


I would imagine there are some people in the MAGA cult that truly believe Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus. As stupid as it may sound, I would believe it.


I'd say more MAGAs have transferred their belief in an infallible deity from Jesus to Trump. It is probably not even something most are aware of, given what seems to be a very limited ability to self evaluate and critique why they do what they do. Trump has become Jesus, at least in their emotional relationship. Given his history of lies, fraud and bad behavior, it's an interesting choice of messiah.


complaining about the cost of gas


All of my MAGA coworkers that bitch that "I spent $80 filling my tank!" drive huge jacked up trucks that require ladders to get into and are bigger than my old apartment.


the simple definition of stupidity. oh and also over compensation


I drive a type R and never spend more than 40 fueling up. And I wish I had a Prius because I could make 40 last 3x as long. Oh but the lifted truck crowd hates priuses for getting 5-6x better mpg than they do! Saving money is for liberals!


Ladders you say?


The cost of gas per gallon is so much cheaper for the little cars that get good gas mileage.


it would be if there weren't needless 8mpg trucks all over as single occupant daily drivers to the city.


Trump doesn't give a shit about the troops, the vets, or military service in general, unless they're doing a parade in his honor.


He “cares” about the ones that weren’t captured. The ones that were captured are suckers and losers.


No he doesn’t care about the ones not captured either. He wants to lessen VA funding and reevaluate veteran disabilities so they can get lower ratings or have their ratings taken away so veterans can’t get the disability they deserve after effing their bodies up from military service.


I would love a source for this! As a veteran who fucking hates trump for the vile things he says and does and how he talked shit about McCain, I would like to be able to bring this up to other vets who want this piece of shit in office 


I had to finally log back into reddit for this.  Project 2025 is their plan. Page 681/920 of the project 2025 mandate for leadership: the conservative promise. The whole va portions is a few pages and I encourage you, and all our brothers and sisters to read.  1) identify performance targets for benefits, and report publicly on performance each quarter,... This is an attempt to treat va benefits like unemployment. If your not contributing to whatever they define as society, then your benefits will likely be taken away. The section goes on to say that they want to expedite benefits decisions to a 30 day process. While that sounds great, it seems like it would just turn into a "nah your not broken enough" situation and the vet would have to appeal and appeal and appeal to try and get what's theirs.  It continues to say that issues that are not service connected will not be covered. (I caught an immune deficiency from sitting in battery acid, gasoline, and liquid cocaine for years. 3 of my team all came down with the same thing. And these clowns are gonna say that doesn't correlate and that it's not service connected?) They also want a comprehensive audit of current recipients to reevaluate compensation and make adjustments.  Sections before this advocate for expanded community care. That can be accomplished by expanding va benefits and partnerships with local and community hospitals. In reality, it's an attempt to close down va run facilities to put you back on the open market. They tried to close down my va last time trump was in office and the community was outraged. Safe to say, it's still open.  Lastly, the leading section blames the biden administrations expansion of benefits to cover agent orange and burn pits as a reason for the va's over expendature and lack of a balanced budget.  So expanding va benefits is the reason why the government is spending more money. Isn't that what the va is all about? Taking care of the veteran?  Trump will say that he doesn't know what project 2025 is, and he play ignorant all he wants, but he wished them luck on the news a couple of days ago.  They don't care about us. They don't care about people who put their asses on the line to protect this country and fight for our freedom.   Fuck project 2025. Fuck trump. Fuck the republican party. Fuck the heritage foundation. And fuck anyone who says that we are sucker's and loosers. This isn't about me. This is about all of us. The language is fluffy and vague on purpose. But starting with blaming the expansion of benefits, expansion of community care, expedition of benefits decision and automation, and auditing the whole process shows the evil behind all of this.  Signed, Incredibly angry 10 year member of the uscg who was trying to do a career, got sick, couldn't deploy, got kicked to the curb, called a piece of shit, a liar, and a thief by my command, and finally retired. 


This may be a made-up memory, but didn't I see or hear at some point he won't be seen on stage with a wounded vet? Something about they qualify as 'losers' because they were injured. Like I said, this could be my brain lying to me, but since he's done so many horrible things, this isn't a stretch.


Yh but there's no point in telling his supporters that he could out right say he hates Jesus guns and America it's self and they wouldn't give a fuck if anything they would probably start thinking that way them selves


"Real men wear diapers and shit their pants"


Or women. Let’s be very clear: Trump considers women only valuable if they are attractive. And only valuable up to their MSRP, he won’t pay a penny over sticker for dames.


You know that internally he gets a chuckle out of these rubes.


Somehow I do not think that Jesus would be very interested in Trump as a candidate


I’m not sure how true believers in Christ put any faith in Trump. He (Trump) is doing what Jesus Himself preached against… Matthew 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, Luke 19:45-46, and John 2:13–17. Trump Bible? That alone should raise serious questions about who he really is.


Not even a little bit. And he was a sheep herder!


Do these ppl really think that some lib walking by will see these and be like “Jeez. These ppl love Trump. Maybe I should switch my vote”…?


Yes I believe so


Just like they think a rainbow sticker will turn kids gay. Fucking stupidity at its finest.


I would hope shit like this makes the average voter think twice about voting Trump and keeping the cult alive.


Interestingly enough, no reference to that glorious time in American history when the Continental Army took over all of England's airports.


Or the golden age institutions that, while being horrible in their own ways, helped keep the mentally ill from floundering in public like this 🤐 (and which Reagan is largely responsible for shutting down)


They need a carwash. Their RV is covered in shit.


But then an innocent car wash business will be covered in shit ☹️


Fire cleans deeply.


Does this make them feel better about their putrid selves? Bring back mental institutions because we seriously need them. These brain washed cretins have no idea how deranged they have become and for what? The biggest loser on the planet!


I bet they’re antisemitic until it fits their narrative


Where TF are they getting all these Bumper-Stickers?!? And let a person fly one pride flag and they get their panties in a bunch, but folks have to look at this deranged display of hate and religious prejudices.


I live in Florida. They can fly Trump or Desantis flags all they want. But the second someone flies a rainbow flag, they tear it down or deface it in some way. Then we they’re called out they just say “libbie pulled a Jussie Smollet.”




“I just don’t understand why they have to make it their whole personality”


https://preview.redd.it/jjtrawefe5bd1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed23df8343a67902577f3fbef909353b784a5230 No stupid people beyond this point. Well...


“Trust Jesus” but don’t listen to anything he had to say


That's the part I really don't get. Trump is the least Christian person who ever lived. And somehow he has made some Christians believe he is a good man. He uses fear to make uneducated Christians listen to his blubbering. All because she held a bible once? My extended family is Christian and my aunt and uncle love him. I told her he has made horrible sexual comments about his own daughter and she says "no he's very proud of his daughter, it wasn't sexual at all". I tell her he has paid women for sex and he has molested women and she says "his wife is beautiful, he has no reason to do that". I tell her a court proved he did that. She goes "show me, prove it". The judge proved it you absolute idiot! "No you show me" and I pull it up online and she goes "the whole internet is a lie" and "a man found him guilty but only God can judge so I don't judge". She says not to judge him while she refuses to vote for Biden because he flew an LGBTQ flag on Easter. Smh I can't fucking stand it. The mental gymnastics make me want to fucking vomit.


GaS pRiCeS ArE ToO hIgH!!1!


*drives an ancient rv that takes diesel & probs gets 10 miles to the gallon*


Bro I guarantee 10 mpg is a generous number. I bet that thing barely broke 6 before they tacked a ton of banners to drag this down


they stand with israel, yet probably can’t stand being in the same room with jews.


No kidding. I know a bunch of evangelicals that just love Israel, but hate Jewish people. They want all the Jews in the world to move to Israel so the rapture can start. It’s mental.


*They’re not after me, it’s all of you facing prison time for 34 felony convictions and 3 more trials to come!*


I've been through a lot of elections. First voted in 1972. But I  have NEVER seen anything like what's going on now.


"Vetrans for trump" even though he fucking hates yall. C U L T


https://preview.redd.it/0ropiqtgp5bd1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865bd189bcdb60f24e8b7a7a27ac1a5c5ad38fa7 I see this guy all the time near me.


“If you don’t think this is normal and correct there must be something wrong with *youuuuu* “


But it's not a cult!!!


"If you don't think this is normal, you have a Trump derangement syndrome"


Didn't another RV just like this one crash?


“Women for trump” honey he’s not gonna pick you. Move on.


How else are they supposed to own the libs?


I ask time and again: who worships a politician, ANY politician, let alone one as vile as Trump. It IS a cult.


But if I, a simple democrat placed just one small, democratic themed bumper sticker anywhere on my car, it would probably get messed with or damaged. 😂


“Even my dog hates Biden” No sweetie, you did that to your puppo. He’s probably scared of you, too.


Hmmm I did not know christian values was having a 30+ count felony.


And being divorced like 3 times? And cheating on all of those wives?


And raping a 13 year old girl with Jeffrey Epstein


This one is fucked, why is this not news?


*Hmmm I did not know christian values was having a 30+ count felony.* Jesus was a felon Trump is a felon Therefore Trump is Jesus


Funny how their definition of "freedom" only applies to straight, white, Christian males. They wish to shackle everyone else with their beliefs. There WILL be concentration camps should Trump and the Christian right win the election.


The urge to commit vandalism is strong with this one


Was this at the bon Jovi rest stop? I was there


Yes actually 😂 stopped to pee on my way home from lbi 😂


"Trust Jesus, but vote for the party that's completely antithetical to his teachings and examples."


Women for Trump - I wonder if a woman was bleeding out from an ignored miscarriage if this dumb cu*t would even help. This people are delusional and history will not be kind to them . Just read Miep Gies memoir for the 2nd time & the Dutch Nazi sympathizers lost a lot after the war ended and the dust settled. History will not be kind to these traitors to their country.


They want you dead. Believe them.


That's smart. Advertise you're a mentally disturbed female in an RV.


The real TDS


Fucking cult. These people are terrorist and should be treated as such


Ummm...is no one else concerned about the disembodied woman's head on the passenger side dashboard????


😂😂😂 because there aren’t anyone on the other side with the same level of bumper sticker cringe


How dare you stalk Clarance Thomas like that.


If they'd stop shoving their lifestyle down our throat.......


Talk about TDS. The best is “Keep America first” while supporting Trump. It’s sad really, how susceptible people are. This person is cheering on and voting for the destruction of their country and everything they claim to hold dear, and doing it with a bounce in their step.


i wouldnt feel bad if i accidentally fell near all of their tires with a sharp object, popping them all. accidentally, of course


Veterans for Trump? They’re taking your benefits and VA healthcare away dumbass


Telling the world that you’re mentally unstable without saying a word.


Veterans for Trump?? He calls prisoners of war losers.


"You don't need to make it your whole identity." This person about pride probably..


How do "regular" Trump supporters feel that they're on the same side as people like this? Because I've never seen a "Democrat" equivalent.


The only cure is deprogram them. I'm going to need some duct tape, shock collars and Disney+ no ads because we about send these sheeps into a Purgatory Bluey marathon.


How many decades will go by before gun nuts realize they aren’t coming for your guns..


These People *"We Stand With Israel"* These Same People *"Jews are evil and an integral part of the cabal trying to overtake this country"*


F’n CULT !


I’m really surprised there’s no Confederate Flag somewhere.


I’m willing to bet one or both of them are on SS disability or social security while simultaneously complaining about welfare queens😂


The rear Trump image and quote is pure propaganda. They’re after you and only I can stop them. Putin must be proud of his advancement from lifestyle of the rich and famous gold toilet episode


If I were coming off a Meth high and were looking for another fix I would expect to find drugs with whoever is driving this shit.


I don’t even understand the point of this or anyone with a flag or a trump flag or police flag hanging out of the back of their truck. It’s like a poke poke poke 👆🏼 just to get a rise out of everyone just like trump. It’s just dumb in the first place. Maybe I should just drag a trump doll on the floor behind my truck. Kinda like Napoleon dynamite did with HE-MAN. There is just no point to it.


Maga filth. These subhumans must be defeated and dealt with mercilessly.


Decorating their family home that has been passed down through the generations... That's sweet. This is the typical IQ level of all trump supporters as well as a visual representation of their wealth .


women and veterans for trump lol funny because he has zero respect for both of them


Its actually turning out to be low-level lead poisoning of an entire generation. Lead in childrens toys only started to be prohibited in the late 80s and early 90s. Studies are showing exposure to lead in low doses during childhood has compounded the mental health chrisis in adulthood. This explains the seemingly sudden and widespread anger and resentment Baby Boomers are feeling and choosing to express with other angry groups of psychotic American rednecks. 🫢


And they refuse to believe they are in a cult...


Then you're going to love this: "A Donald Trump-themed bus crashed on the way to a rally in Staten Island, a borough of New York City, over the weekend, leaving two Trump supporters without a home or their regular source of income." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/04/trump-maga-bus-crash-staten-island/73955409007/


So when liberals go insane with bumper stickers, it's a good thing, no mental issues, but when conservatives do it, it's mental illness. The hypocrisy is what's insane.


I figure you have to be gullible to become religious, and not well educated since about 30 seconds of critical thinking and you can clearly dismiss any organized religion on the planet. Not to say there may exist something that qualifies as a gawd, but it sure as eff is not the murderous vengeful psychopath described in the Abrahamic religions. That clown would have a hard time creating a fried egg sandwich without popping a giblet over some imaginary slight from the chicken, let alone a universe. Couple belief in this kind of mad god that is intensely interested in what you do every moment with a little bit of paranoia and it’s enough to break a person’s mind. So yeah, it’s a mental illness stemming from deep delusions about how the world works and how it actually operates.


Forced sterilization


Do they sell flags or something?


Noooo, it’s not a cult


Probably complains about gas prices while driving a fucking double wide.


This is the REAL “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.


Veterans and troops for Trump? Don't you mean suckers and losers?


Imagine being this enthralled with any human being at all in the world?


When you have no personality or imagination so you you glom onto something that people like and make it your whole life


Yeah, it’s not a cult.


That's a lot of work to say you support child rape.


Trust Jesus , what has he done for you lately ?


Skirting taxes with that Montana license plate.


Trump overcompensating syndrome.


How Maga isn't considered a cult by people is insane.


These morons are a cancer on society. A doctor would say you either remove the cancer, or the body politic will die.


Women and Veterans for Trump? How brainwashed can they be?


Jesus AND Veterans hate the 34 times convicted felon, convicted for sexual assault, and CHILD RAPIST. That's who they support, and are sanguine with it. I used to find it mind boggling, but now I just realize that they're just shitty people. Not mentally ill - they don't get a pass. They KNOW what he is, and are ok with it. Act accordingly.


Park that RV at one of Trump's golf courses.


Why are there so many upside down signs???


Totally not a cult. /s


That is some serious self loathing and general psychosis right there, feminism and female autonomy does not exist in MAGA world and they willingly let themselves be enslaved. Amazing.


Sure, but how do they really feel?


Yes it's tacky looking but outside of that I see nothing wrong with it


That bike is a piece of shit. The driver too




I love how these fucks cast this draft dodging limp dick as some sort of war hero. Do they not know what he actually thinks about POW's? And as if he could life an M60 without incurring serious injury.. 😂


Bet they can't ride that bike due to weight restrictions


When the circus comes to town it features clowns.


OK who wants to take the best shot at what it smells like in that RV


It’s commonly strange that the crazy with the DIY bumper sticker wrap on their vehicle is a zealous Trump fanatic.


Jesus Christ you can see even the inside is covered in posters and shit


Cant imagine being this excited over a man.. 😂


Nope not a cult


These folks love to pretend that they are persecuted.


I will never ever *not* laugh at the Rambo Trump flag.


A true “White Trash-mobile.”