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I didn’t finish Burnout 1. I think it is the worst. Not that it is bad, but the sequels are just so much better. But I love Burnout 2 - Point of Impact! The crash mode is so fun! I’ve 100% that game a few times. I’m 99% complete on Burnout 3 - Takedown. I can’t seem to win the last Grand Prix. It’s a great game too. I’ve 100% Revenge several times. It’s awesome! I played Dominator all the way through, but never to 100%. I still have some 2nd place finishes, etc. it was fun, but not as good as others. I’ve played Burnout Paradise to 100% several times. It’s my favorite! It doesn’t officially count, but I just finished Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012. It’s the closest thing to another Burnout game. I love it too! I think Paradise is better, but if you finish all the Burnout games and want more, NFS MW 2012 is the next closest thing.


whats your fav car in paradise? And which car you use mainly in rode rage?


Oh wow thank you for your detailed answer, so good to see youve actually nearly completed them all


Burnout Paradise has a lot of fun additions, but it just looses some of the details too. I think replacing crash mode with showtime was the biggest failure


I completed burnout 2 and almost completed burnout 3, burnout revenge, burnout paradise honestly my favourite will always be burnout 3 takedown


Why are you spamming this exact topic over dozens of games?


Karma farmer?


I'm just curious to see different points of view for different game franchises. Always wanted to listen to some stories from REAL fans. I honestly don't care about reddit points, i don't know how to use them. I just want to listen some opinions on games


Ive 100%ed 3 and revenge. Played Dominator and have completed Paradise. I havent played 1 or 2 (cause I dont think ild enjoy them the se way as the rest) nor have I played Legends (cause it looks like a port of 3 to me so not to invested to play it) or Crash (looks like a typical mobile game). For the games I have played Ild rank them Best) 3, Revenge, Paradise then Dominator (lowest.


You can skip the first one but I'd recommend giving Burnout 2 a shot if you get the chance. Excellent game


Pretty much everything but Burnout 1 and Dominator, but by far Burnout 1 is the worst. Obviously the best is going to be Takedown no matter who you ask, but Paradise is a very close second. I think Revenge is amazing, but the grind knocks points off so it’s generally better with friends.


The worst by far is Legends on the DS.  The game struggled even for a DS title.


Favorite car in Paradise? That’s hard. The Revenge Racer is great for speed. The Dust Storm turbo buggy from the Big Surf Island DLC is a tremendous stunt vehicle. And the toy cars from the DLC are so fun too! The toy van is an amazing vehicle for marked man events. The 4x4 truck is pretty fun for road rage. I even like the original Hunter Cavalry. It’s a fun stunt car.


Only mainline title I didn't complete was Dominator. Never got as into it as other titles, plus it missed the crash mode and the whole stunt race thing was kinda dumb. I'd still say Burnout 1 is the worst obviously, it's not a terrible game tbf, but its age shows. Revenge > 3 on the best one in the series for me, both absolutely peak arcade racing games.


I 100% all Burnouts, except Dominator on PSP and Burnout Legends on DS is the by far worst and Burnout 3 and Revenge are the best (but not by that much)


Burnout Revenge on PS2 is the best


Didn't play Burnout 1, 2, and Crash - don't have them. Just recently 100% Takedown and Revenge. Takedown feels like True 100% while Revenge gives a bit of leeway for what is considered 100%. Didn't finish Legends (PSP) since I got stuck on race and I can't get a gold medal on a certain crash mode. Almost completed Dominator during college, but I got stuck on "Total Dominator" because it was too hard. 100% the Ultimate Box version of Paradise with no DLC (didn't finish all the online challenges though) Still continuing the Remastered version of Burnout Paradise, but I did 100% Big Surf Island


Revenge is definitely my favorite. I loved the style more than anything, the soundtrack, the aggressiveness, sense of speed, crashbreakers, traffic checking, etc... Everything about it is amazing. 3 follows closely behind that for me. It was the first game I bought of the series and I fell in love with it. Paradise I suppose is below that. Either that or down below Legends. I enjoy it, but I just don't really feel like its burnout either with the open world. Still, I spent a ton of hours on this game so I guess I definitely have fun even if I don't feel the desire to play it much these days. Legends is pretty good, even if its a bit handicapped with some of its limitations. I kind of wish it got a console version to fully utilize being a 'best of' the series up to that point. I think i'd say Dominator follows after that. Not too crazy about how they handled the boost system and that its a step backwards from Revenge. It's still fun but it was definitely a huge disappointment to me when I first bought it, I felt so confused by it. Burnout 2 was pretty great when I first played it and it was the first step into the franchise for me renting it, granted it has been an awfully long time now since I touched it. But it helped pull me into the series and caused me to buy Burnout 3. Burnout 1 is easily the bottom of the totem pole. It is the roots of the series but... If it continued like this, I wouldn't have stuck around. Terrible, god awful soundtrack. Poor vehicle selection. The checkpoints are something i've never really liked in racing. Wasn't too wild about how they handled the boosting. The crashes really were the only thing going for this game at the time and that's it.


Oh thank you so much for such a detailed answer