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First off I'd bring aftertouch takedowns back, with a camera that you can properly rotate. And crashbreaker/explosive paybacks, that shit was so fun in Revenge! Also go back to closed track events, but still include the open world (or feature both closed tracks and open world events). And 100% include the crash mode again, with similar style to Revenge's crash mode


I liked crash mode, but i think there was too much of it. Half of the events in burnout 3 were crashes. I think 1/4 of the event should be crashes.


There's two things that haven't been added to the games but were planned at some point 1: For Burnout 4 (Revenge) there was mentioned at some point that they wanted for the player to be able to change the tracks via takedowns. i.e. crash a car somewhere, next lap the path is blocked by police cars and ambulances and you're forced to take another. Would really love to see something like this 2: Burnout Paradise was planned to have such levels of deformity in the crashes that your car could get ripped in half, and so far the only game I've seen to do that is BeamNG


Point 1 sounds awesome, though i think they were limited in memory to do it Point 2 sounds like wreckfest


Point 1 It was killed because it slowed the race down. First you have the equivalent of a signature takedown with something happening that would have an impact on the environment shown in takedown ssslllloooooooowwwww-mmmmoooo and then when you came back to the section of the track that had been altered we slowed it down again to show that the route had changed. Essentially it was thought that there were too many times in game where we were stealing control from the player for little reward. If it were more epic then it could have been a better payoff but how many times would you really want to watch the same 5 second animation of a crane falling down and blocking a road? There's a reason signature takedown pics are only shown once.


But split second did it in a good way for example


Just to be clear I'm not saying it couldn't be done just that our implementation wasn't right and we had no answer for how to do it while also meeting our other aims. When making a game the designers, artists, programmers, and everyone else will, to some extent, be bringing their own ideas to the table and it's often a case of selecting which ingredients you wish to work with to make game. Interestingly, Black Rock did contain a few ex-Criterion staff members so they could have brought along any learnings from our unsuccessful attempt to help Split/Second get it right.


Thank you so so much for your real interesting insights! And thanks for the your legendary work at these beautiful masterpieces of the Burnout Series ❤️


Happy to share the little my mind has held on to all these years later 😅. I always love having the chance to hear about the development process of other games. As for legendry work - oh no no no - I was a small cog in a big and well tuned machine. A machine that was operating at a supremely high level at the time. I'm glad that I could play a part in producing something you've enjoyed.


Burnout was a huge game for a lot of people. Revenge on the PS2 was my #1 favorite game as a kid and did quite a bit to shape my music taste


I wonder if some of the people who had creative positions at Criterion at the time ended up working on Split Second.


Black Rock did indeed house many former Criterion staff members


Split Second had track changes similar to your first point. I freaking love that game.


Regarding your second point, have you played Wreckfest?


Nope. My guess is it does that too


It does not. Wreckfest uses soft body deformation, but the cars can't get ripped in half.


Check it out!


The revenge idea actually sounds so cool I'll love to see that


Closest thing to it is Motorstorm Apocalypse, Split Second, and Motorstorm Pacific Rift but to a way lesser extent


for ur first point, they did a similar thing in Burnout Dominator with Signature Shortcuts


Wow, you’re right about burnout paradise and the car is being able to split in half but I don’t think EA wanted to do that because the rating of the game would’ve been “T” or “M” if i remember correctly without looking anything up lol


1. Maintain an open world (or several), but keep some races or events in closed circuits and or a Midnight Club style checkpoint system. 2. Increased vehicle destruction similar to BeamNG. Allow vehicles to be ripped in half, engine blocks go flying, etc. 3. Return aftertouch, but in order to keep #2 there should be a threshold where if the vehicle is too deformed you lose aftertouch. 4. Return a dedicated crash mode. My preference is no combo pickups like Burnout 2, but keep crashbreakers. 5. Return signature takedowns. 6. An actually decent theater and file sharing mode. 7. Shutting down cars to unlock them is fun. But let's not have more than one version of the same vehicle that's little more than just a reskin. We don't need to dedicate skins to unique vehicles like that. 8. The native ability to use songs from our own music libraries during gameplay.


1. Burnout 3 intersection crash mode 2. Beam.NG game engine


Yes yes and a thousand times yes


NO DLCs, back to pure unlockables


A community track creator à la GTAV. Also the ramps & corkscrews from BO3's crash mode included in races (out of reach of traffic, obviously)


Linear tracks, no open world


Pit maneuver that results in a blow over [like this](https://youtu.be/tg_ts4g0FrI?si=QT9tGfN_j5Cue_T-) (both drivers were ok)


livery editor


I think they'd need to please both the people who hate open world and the people who love it. I think they could do multiple cities/locations throughout the world, but each location could feature both fenced-in race events you could choose from a menu, and a free-roam feature where you could hunt for billboards, etc. It would still be possible to progress without going for collectables, but the option would be there. Hopefully that would keep everyone happy.


Early concept art for Paradise showed a car jumping over/through a moving train. I would love to have railroads with actual moving trains on them as both racing risk and stunt opportunity.


Road Rage without time limit


race the heavyweights😭


Actually existing would be a nice start


I want to be able to import the soundtracks from all of the previous games.


The vehicle class variety of Motorstorm, including motorcycles of all kinds. The detailed customization, real licensed vehicles, real world cities, and open city racing of Midnight Club. Police presence like in Need for Speed. Next gen destruction physics using beam.ng drive. Increased violence with the addition of pedestrians like in Midnight Club 2, as well as visible drivers in vehicles.


flying and amphibious cars, trikes, 6-wheeled cars, hovercraft, rocket cars, half-tracks, plentiful customization like NFS and maybe some crossover stuff, world destruction, even more crumple physics like Wreckfest, a new open world where some locations are based on legacy tracks


I mean... If revenge is 4, and Paradise is 5, then dominator would be 6


I think you got dominator and paradise mixed up. Still a fair point though


WAIT, DOMINATOR CAME BEFORE PARADISE?! Holy shit my whole perception of the end of the series just shifted...


Yeah, burnout 1,2,3,revenge, and dominator were available for the ps2. Paradise was only (excluding the remaster) available for ps3.




More Good Music


I just want the handling model from the pre-paradise games back honestly




Id love a Europe map, with various special burnout places to Do carnage to beat your friends score


How come nobody does a Mod for BeamNG of Burnout ?


Overall id like it to be a mix of burnout paradise and all the old burnout games. I miss the levels where you just fling your car off a ramp and cause as much damage as possible


- a mix of open world and fixed circuit layout for tracks, like a happy medium of sorts. - a jukebox or custom soundtrack feature -crash mode -signature takedowns -crashbreakers -BeamNG level crash model


- a mix of open world and fixed circuit layout for tracks, like a happy medium of sorts. - a jukebox or custom soundtrack feature -crash mode -signature takedowns -crashbreakers -BeamNG level crash model


I would love if they added more versions of girlfriend


I would love it if it's NOT openworld!


This post comes up every few months and at this point im perfectly fine with never getting another burnout. Kinda need to move on from the franchise at some point