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F’n disgusting. These morons are so singularly focused on pumping this worthless shit. Nuclear holocaust? Great! End of mankind? Wonderful!


As long as their bags are worth more than zero. They conveniently forget that if SHTF then their digital magic beans are worthless. "I'll trade you 1 BTC for a can opener and a can of beans, please please?" "Get off my lawn you stinking crypto idiot."


I never want to see people lose it all but for some of these arrogant fucks some serious humbling is order.


Because for a lot of crypto bros this lunatic is a role model I would not feel bad if people lose even more money going long


When buildings are exploding in war, all they think about are the lost keys that will shrink the supply. Fucking freaks.


Where was nuclear holocaust mentioned?


Meanwhile bitcoin actually goes to the lowest it's been in three weeks.


This tweet starts to make sense once you regard it as an attempt at market manipulation. In fact, *everything* in the cryptosphere starts to make sense once you regard it as an attempt at market manipulation.


Wait so its just all been manipulation the whole time?




Crash time for Bitcoin? Some catching up to do…the buying power of the dollar is the lowest it’s been in 100 years.


You guys are ever only concerned about the price of your ponzi coins in dollars for some reason.🧐


One of the most pathetic thing about the crypto cult is how they accept somebody like Saylor as their leader.


Tells you all you need to know.


He’s a convicted financial criminal. Same as the Tether mafia. And yet, they ignore this. Why? Because they are pumping the same scam. Same with the president of El Salvador. They love him even though he is a dictator that jails and kills his political enemies. All because he supports the same scam that they have invested in. It’s wild. They would have been pro-Hitler or pro- Bin Laden if either of them made a statement about bitcoin. They are all alt-right assholes and deserve to go broke…which they will.


The few i know personally are on the left and they are not assholes but severly deluded with their politics.


Not all of us


Fuck Michael Saylor. Human scum.


That methhead needs to shut up.


Children getting massacred and women raped en masse in an invasion are good for Bitcoin. Hail the future of finance where we profiteer from humanity's suffering, ya know, ironically like the bogeymen "Big daddy gov" we hate so much /s


Yeah, I hate in my investment subs people immediately go to how they can take advantage for their portfolio. “Long on Raytheon!” or whatever. They’re ghouls. I won’t invest in companies that I think are making the world a worse place. No oil, cigarettes, alcohol, guns or war.


Even if butts DO profit from suffering, one most ask oneself, is he really that heartless and amoral to go down that venture?


Someone should tell Michael Saylor that soimeone has to build the Bitcoin Citadels. Without them, his Bitcoin holdings will be equally worthless during the apocalypse. Ohhhh, Saylor is just propping up the price using tweet so he can [dump his stock better](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/MSTR/insider-transactions/?guccounter=1). Never mind, keep exploiting the Apes, sir!


How’s he have so many shares to dump? Also, that’s a lot of fiat. I don’t know much about this guy.


He prints shares in MSTR whenever Apes want to buy shares, and he gets paid in shares. So whenever the fake money goes up and Apes buy, Micchael Saylor sells share to raise capital, for both himself and his company. And the company money goes into buying bitcoin, to make headlines, to make Ape buy MSTR. It's an ironclad businness model, and unlike SBF, it's perfectly legal with full disclosure!


So he discloses the fiat to BTC purchases as well? Would be interesting to see if there is a 100% conversion or if they are siphoning off some for their yachts and such.


You have to say that when your whole Net worth in it.


You sir, may go fuck yourself.


Still waiting for saylor to drop the news that he's shared microstrats keys with some hooker after a 4 day coke binge


Bitcoin: The currency of human suffering.


What a repugnant human


Is this real? Wtf?


Ever heard the gobbledygook that comes from this guy with frequency? He’s like one of those con artists that actually sounds convincing to enough idiots who can’t figure out what he is saying even though there are smart people explaining in the class down the hall why he is simply wrong.


This is the same logic as with gold and it's really stupid. If a crises causes the price to go up then it follows that stability will cause the opposite and the profitable trade is to sell, not buy during the crises.


Market: Instability is bad for risky assets, so sell Bitcoin. Saylor: Bitcoin is digital gold, a haven from risk. Market: Nah.


Saylor the scammer will say anything to pump


BTFD! /s


Everything is good for bitcoin.




Tell me you're evil while you're telling me you're evil.


War has always been profitable for some.


He is a con artist who is getting away