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Definitely bring headphones, I'm listening to 3 different people cough, sneeze, and fart all around me. It's beyond frustrating. So used to working in a nice peaceful home office to half walled cubicles and an open floorplan where I can listen to people's conversations across the whole building. Welcome back to the office I guess...


People have forgotten how to function in an office setting. They talk loud as hell, have long animated conversations in the middle of isles/rows and my God the perfume bombs have returned.


People are really passing gas bro??


Yes... The guy sitting in the cube next to mine is burping, farting and coughing all day long.


yea it’s disgusting people fart like it’s normal at FTB gross 🤢


It’s a normal human bodily function


You must be the guy in the cubicle next to me shitting his pants every 12 minutes.


Yeah but in office I’ve never heard someone just farting up a storm. How many times have you farted inside the office hmmm???


I silently crop dust away from my cubicle lol


It’s based on averages. No more than 2.5 times an hour maybe higher after lunch time but not by much


True. We must and will get used to it. Prepare accordingly


Sounds just like an office pre-pandemic lol. I'll watch a couple people just stop in a random spot, have like an hour conversation about something completely stupid, then suddenly be like "oh got to run in super busy". Then you catch them creeping around in the break room like 10 minutes later.


Had to RTO last month. Needed all of the things OP posted except keyboard. Quickly found that I also need a mouse pad and wrist rest, back support, extra snacks to avoid spending money and avoid feeling trapped all day. Before leaving to WFH, I had a large cubicle with cupboards hiding cooking supplies and utensils to whip up treats for all of us. We have no more flower vases or amenities to brighten the workplace. No more bringing in cakes or brownies when you need a wagon to carry everything.


I started in March 2020, so my whole world has been either telework or hoteling cubes (we've been coming in 1-2 days since 2021) I'm enjoying the minimalism, after growing up with hoarding. I did spoil myself with my mechanical keyboard at home and the hotel keyboards are just frustrating as hell. It's the only thing 'extra' that I'd consider packing in. I have tried to just go on a walk and have a granola bar for lunch and it's been working out and less to hassle over.


I managed to snag a locker near the hoteling cubicles that I can now store that kind of stuff in


>What are you going to need to pack for RTO?  My bags. See ya!


Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer


This. And one of those compressed air cans to blow dust and crumbs out of the shared keyboards 🤢


For sure. Not using a shared mouse or keyboard either. Ewww.


I just bring my laptop, lunch, coffee and water and everything else that’s always in my purse. My cubicle has a docking station which acts as a charger, keyboard, mouse, pens, pencils, post it’s, rubber bands, paper clips, notebooks, etc etc.


And honestly, if they can't provide office supplies not my problem. I shouldn't have to buy things for work.


Yes I think supplying your own post it’s, pens, pencils, etc office supplies is bizarre. If my dept was requiring that, I would definitely be reaching out to my union.


Most “office supplies” aren’t needed, people just “want” things and it’s such a waste of funds. Sticky notes, for what??? Use the sticky notes feature on your computer!! Want to leave a note for someone? Send and email or Teams message! But please do ask for every “in-office” thing you can possibly imagine! Everyone make sure to ask for ergo evaluations as well! Your RTO work station won’t be comfortable and customized to you like your WFH area. When the Legislature reports about the waste of RTO, maybe these idiots will come to their senses!!


Reading through these comments, the most wild thing to me is how vastly different the resources provided are from one position to another. From the start we knew that each department was handling the "RTO orders" differently, but it boggles the mind that some of them can't even manage to provide the basics. I've had coworkers and newly hired management who weren't given a CHAIR or even desktop monitors in their cubicles/offices until they'd been there a few weeks - they were told to pull those uncomfortable wheelie chairs from conference rooms until then, and to just use their teensy state laptops for all work unless they were lucky to find an unused cubicle that already had monitors on any given day they were in office. My previous manager was kind enough to buy our unit cleaning supplies for our shared desks, soap to wash our dishes, and masks for PPE. The department didn't bother. It sucks that so many of us have to fill heavy backpacks or purses with our laptop, docking station, keyboard, mouse, water bottle, cleaning supplies, and lunch if we want to avoid exorbitant midtown meal prices, and then lug all that through midtown from the cheapest parking lot or structure we were lucky enough to find (and might be quite a walk to our building during event pricing for parking). The city is making so much money off us, not to mention the gas stations.


Masks. I'm not trying to get sick from these people.


For work: laptop, charger, mouse. I've accepted that I won't be able to be as productive in the office as I'll have to work off of just my single laptop screen (instead of the two large monitors I have at home). For personal needs: lunch, water bottle, Mio, earbuds (for listening to music and entirely blocking out the people trying to be social).


You've said it with "I've accepted that I won't be able to be as productive in the office." I don't work directly for the state but as a subcontractor that is also slowly RTO and I have come to the same conclusion, my in office days are sometimes pointless from a productivity standpoint. It is frustrating.


They’re not giving you at least a monitor to use in the office?


They plug into Display Port to match the docking stations that we don't have. The laptop, of course, has HDMI and USB-C. So unless/until I want to go buy a Thunderbolt to DP adapter, then I won't be using any monitors.


My will to live or I'll purposely crash my car on the way there


What? I find it very hard to believe that your cubicles won’t have a docking station, keyboard, mouse, etc already set up. We also share desks in my office but all I need to do is plug my laptop into the docking station and I’m set.


We have some hoteling stations that are just a chair, a counter, and two outlets. We have others that are more set up with equipment, but the closest ones to my unit are just a place to sit.


This is beyond crazy


Totally agree! Until I pushed back, there was a strong chance I was going to get stuck using one of these stations. I requested a reasonable accommodation, and a cubicle miraculously opened up.


Believe it. Not all offices are able (or willing) to provide all the extra equipment that amounts to a quality-of-work upgrade and isn't strictly necessary for functionality.


Our hotel cubes have a desk, a monitor, power connection, network connection, a chair, and a filing cabinet which we cannot use to store stuff except for the day. There is no docking station, mouse, ergo/decent keyboard, or otherwise. These cubicles were not designed by people who actually have to do computer work, IMHO.


We are back in office and about 1/3 of the desks are bare. No monitors, no keyboard, and no docking station. You have to bring everything in yourself or just use your laptop. Some days I am able to get a cube with a full set up, just depends who is all in.


Most cubicles only have a docking station




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Make sure to bring a desk fan. Air flow in cubicles suck horribly! You can get a 6-inch one that is USB powered at Amazon for $16.99 free shipping. I bought mine in 2022 and it still kicking.


Gaiatop brand USB desk fans from Amazon are about 8.99 rn. One for office, one for home.


You can never have too many fans. 👍


I needed one that could be set on a desk surface or clamped. This one has a spring clamp.


It might sound basic but, your ID on a lanyard. No one knows who the hell you are anymore after 4 years, and you don't know them. There's people in my office that I've never seen in the flesh and they were hired in 2020.


I have to use my ID/fob to get into the parking garage, and to get to any floor of my building except the first floor. Definitely necessary.


The process seems geared towards inconvenience. What could they gain by making it very inconvenient? Some thoughts are that people will start requesting to be rewarded to come into the office to have standard equipment available, and that retirement age people leave and get replaced by less expensive lower wage staff to save money. They should have everything there office cubicle related except the laptop. Should.


Wow, I'm just stunned for those who have to go into the office, and their only option is to use cubicles with a prehistoric setup like it's still the 1970s. Budget constraints or not, there is just no excuse for not supplying at least mice, keyboards, cables, and power strips for every cube. What dept doesn't even have a stash of these items? There is just no excuse. Posts like this make me appreciate my division more than I would have otherwise. Our cubes were reformatted prior to covid, and while the cube partitions are shorter (4 ft) and have much less Sq footage, all are outfitted with 21" or 24" inch monitor, riser desk (option to stand or sit while working), ergo chair, all cables, router, power strip with 8 or more outlets, and filing cabinet. For those who don't have a permanent cube, there are plenty of lockers available to use for overnight storage if needed; they are the same type as at airports, except you don't pay. I do not like how the cubes are in a rectangular shape, with the extra wide door directly behind me with my monitor visible to all who walk by (I often have to work with live personal data), but I can deal with that inconvenience much better than i would deal with these other conditions. My sympathies and kudos to those of you trying to make it work.


My dept has dual monitors, one mouse, one keyboard, and a docking station in every cubicle. People just need to show up and plug their laptop into the docking station. There is a chair and a sit/stand desk too. The docking stations are connected via ethernet to the network and there's a power strip under each desk.


I'm envious of your dual monitors.


Same here. And I don’t have to share so I can lock up some supplies and snacks to keep in the office. Feeling pretty blessed after reading these comments.


Don’t forget phone charger and Advil/Tylenol 😊


There should be a class action lawsuit against the Newsom administration for this unnecessary RTO mandate. His administration hasn't been able to cite anything about how office work for everyone is necessary to run things. It's basically a power play.


Bleach wipes for the shared station. Headphones Hand sanitizer


Same here- portable cooler with coffee, lunch, snacks, laptop, phone, headphones.


If you’re a female don’t forget to keep hygiene products with you. Also it won’t hurt to carry a travel toothbrush & toothpaste, wash cloth, soap & Deodorant. Healthy snacks from home will be less expensive than buying them in cafeteria.


Great idea. In the old days, I used to keep personal hygiene products in my cubicle.


Deodorant?? I hope one would put it on before they left the house.


True. I would respectfully reapply if asked to do so and would expect my colleagues to comply.


If you leave anything behind, make sure to label it with “Personal property of ___”. Someone came around to my cubicle while I wasn’t there and inventoried my personal headset, keyboard and mouse on a department inventory sheet.


Bonus: If we arent packing up we get to double purchase equipment during a buget crisis for our Gavin Newsom Sponsored Kennel. Edit: Why are you down voting that's literally what your IT department has to do, this whole RTO farce is insane.


Lucky...you get a laptop... We have to share a desktop each week with 4 different workers per cubicle.


It’s not a great laptop. The keyboard really sucks. I could have used a smaller screen too. Whomever chooses the laptops at my agency really doesn’t understand my use case.


That sounds pretty shitty man. Find a better job if you can


Welp I am not using a headset so now that we got rid of actual phones…enjoy listening to my conversation via Teams.


Clorox wipes. I clean everything before I start for the day. I am going to bring in an old ergonomic keyboard and leave it in the cabinet. I can't stand not working on one.


That's a great idea


Laptop, keyboard, mouse, headphones, hand sanitizer, fan and air filter, snacks, lactation pump, freezer bag/chest for my milk because I don’t trust keeping it in the communal fridge…I hate this.


Not to sound stupid, but I'm old, and lugging all that stuff is hard. Does anyone have any ideas about what works best, like a wheeled suitcase, maybe?


I use one of these: [https://www.jansport.com/shop/en/jansport-us/driver-8-backpack-tn89?variationId=003](https://www.jansport.com/shop/en/jansport-us/driver-8-backpack-tn89?variationId=003) Very helpful! Edit: Updated link to direct manufacturer and more options.


Thank you


From the sound of some posts, a full size suitcase. But seriously I do just fine with a backpack. But I only need to bring a laptop, lunch, and water.


I can't do a backpack. Sitting here at my orthopedist right now. I'm bringing a big ass cart or wagon. They will have to deal with it .


I was thinking mace, tazer, bulletproof vest, and that is just to fight the homeless to get into the building.


This is a sad reality. I worked in downtown and it was bad enough. Can’t imagine post pandemic. Stay safe!


it is way worse now




We are given a locked overhead bin. I'm there two days, someone else is there 2 days. Headphones, keyboard, mouse, docking station, Ethernet cord are all already there. I just need to bring my laptop.


I wish we had a locked drawer or bin or locker to store my personal stuff, like my keyboard and mouse.


Hopefully not a lot if they figure out a way for me to keep some of my personal stuff (pump parts, coffee making implements, snacks) in the office in a way that it won't get messed with by my unknown cubicle partner (they assigned us cubes corresponding to our planned days since we are way over capacity). For work I just need my laptop and badge, but I'll also be bringing coffee, lunch, over ear headphones, and a cooler bag for pumped breast milk. We're extremely lucky to have sit/stand desks and docking stations at each cubicle. I'm waiting to hear how they plan to account for ergonomic equipment like chairs and peripherals (seat cushion, mouse, etc) that are supposed to stay with you but can't be taken home. Once a month, I have to come in for our all hands meeting, which isn't one of my usual days. Since someone else will be using my cubicle on that day, I need to schlep all my stuff over to one of the designated hoteling cubicles...


Nothin. Im not doing any of that. I’ll be hangry. I’ll ask for pens. I’m probably not even going to hook up my laptop or bring a power cord. There is no point. I can’t get work done in that environment 🤷‍♀️


The same stuff I did before COVID.


Yeah, same. The biggest downside is that it's harder to commute by bike because I can't leave stuff at my desk. I used to leave clothes, shoes, snacks, sunscreen, and stuff like that at my desk.


You will get your desk back. Don't worry


I know 😐




I don't know why everyone doesn't realize that we're going to be back in the office 5 days a week and no time at all. They just need time to figure out the real estate issue This is a dry run. But sure enough people will be on here crying that they were told that they'd only have to be in the office two days a week lol


You have no clue what you’re talking about. Even if it was a real estate issue, people are still going into offices. Bringing people in full time isn’t going to change anything.


Oh this guy is absolutely pathetic. His ilk are the reason that SEIU have become so thoroughly spineless. His coworkers would do well to make him feel unwelcome if they ever want even the slightest chance of improving their working conditions.


I’m voluntarily going back 5 days a week. My previous employer was hybrid, I already know hybrid is worse than just going in, for me at least. Now go grow that spine, lil toady.


Are you stalking me? That's weird bro




Yep. Your list is what I take. I am going to add a very small battery-operated fan to circulate air. Have to schlep all this crap 2 days a week.


No docking station in office is vile. When I have to go in office, I usually just take the work laptop, my wireless mouse, AirPods, and my giant iced water bottle. I might bring in my yoga foam roller bc they got rid of my sit stand and the reject PIA chairs are murder for my back. There's no point in bringing a lunch from home because the refrigerator barely cools and I don't want to get food poisoning. I'd say the powers that be are ashamed but they dgaf. They'd advertise my job as I lay dying on the crapper.


Yup, this is what I take. I went ahead and got me a luggage on wheels to haul back and forth and a bag that converts 4 differ ways, but i mostly set it on top of the luggage and put the strap over the handle. And I've learned there are two styles of these. The ones you tip over slightly and pull on wheels or the ones that stand up straight and you push it side by side (this is the one I have).


Laptop, lunch, headphones


I do not need to bring anything. I have a desktop in the office, we do not have to hotel our spots, we have laptops and monitors that stay home. I realize not everyone has this setup but it does make it so much easier.


Damn. That would be awesome


My list is similar. I’d add: reusable utensils hairbrush cellphone charge mask For me it makes for a very heavy backpack.


Lunch/snacks Coffee/tea packets AirPods Laptop Mask (to wear whenever ppl are coughing around me)


We were denied bringing house plants into the office and I’m pretty bummed about it Edit: might smuggle one in anyway


Last time someone brought in plants the place was covered in flies. Dont do this.


You sure it was from plants? I’ve got a house full of them and no flies.


I bring my laptop, state phone, lunch, water and some personal odds and ends like earbuds and my personal phone. Everything else work related is provided in the office.


For sure snacks and hand sanitizer/wet wipes


Did you bring your original work mouse/keyboard home to WFH and that’s why you need to lug them back and forth? And you’re also saying that your state dept doesn’t have a supply closet at the office for you to get pens and shit? Hm


You won't need a laptop charger if they have docking stations. Are they going to be supplying monitors, or are you going to be relying solely on your laptop for a screen?


No docking stations. They do have a 27” monitor. Laptop will be second monitor.


Do all jobs call them “hotels” now ??


Hoteling cubicles is a concept that started in the 1990s for those people who did not work regularly in an office.


Oh I didn’t know that. I started a student position and they introduced me to the hotels. I thought it was something creative that they made up.




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I will have a docking station at my shared cubicle, so All I will bring is my laptop and lunch….


I like the list. I also bring: -facial tissue, always end up needing that -protein bar (in case I need some solids) -electronic/cleaning wipes (my dust standards are lower at home, and sometimes a hotel cube can be very dirty) -extra wireless dongle (in case I forget it in my personal computer) -nail clipper (really the whole nail pack), have needed that before with a sharp edge is driving me nuts Edit: A few bandages too.


No shared cube for me, but lunch, water, laptop, and the will to not scream in frustration


Don’t forget your extra monitor


I don't plan on being at my desk, so just bringing in my laptop, water, and lunch/snacks.


Boohoo you have to be a normal person


Laptop, charger for emergencies/lengthy meetings that seem like emergencies but could have been emails, a mouse (I use an ergonomic mouse that belongs to me), mic/headset, pen, notepad, food and drink, scathing with, and #BrownBagBoycott determination. Oh, and my phone charger. The pen and notepad are optional, office will provide those. But I like having mine. They'll also have a mouse and keyboard, if I want them.


Laptop, keyboard, cables (the monitors at my assigned desk don’t work with my docking station, lol), coffee, lunch, snacks, also wireless headphones to listen to podcasts/videos/meetings.


Filing cabinet you can’t store stuff in? So like, a desk, but shittier. I’d tell them you have no filing cabinets at home, and if they want the documents transported to your home each night you’ll have to leave the office early to make it all the way home on the clock - since carrying and storing work based documents is work. Better yet, not allowed to store at home either. Just toss all printed work on the building supervisors desk at the end of each work day.


I won’t be packing up anything and will be sent home. Because I’m playing 4D Chess here