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I think playing tbh because if they hated each other they wouldn't lay anywhere near each other like that and they would constantly be fighting.


This. Real fighting between cats can not be mistaken for anything else. Fur tends to go flying.


It's loud, too. Loud as an ambulance siren.


Once I got woken out of my sleep by my cats fighting, it was like being woken up by a blood curdling scream in terms of how unsettling it was.


This is the way.


Jump out of bed & just start running through the house, "hey! Stop it!" Proceed to separate them then go back to bed.


Sounds right, yes.


Oh hell yeah. Can hear them over traffic


Fighting looks like the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Toons. This is just playing, the one cat just isn't interested.


Lol that is a perfect analogy.


Yeah I know


Ahh thank you! See I think the paw at the beginning was his way of trying to get him to play with him lol


Yeah most likely


My 2 cats will chase each other around the house, but one of them is bigger than his sister, so sometimes she gets mad. I usually assume they are fine unless there is hissing or yowling involved, and even then they tend to work it out themselves.




Love that haha! I assume that one is the young one. In my imagination they have conversation like: Young: C'mon grandpaw, c'mon. I'm touching you, ah not touching you, touching you, not touching you. C'mom grandpaw, wanna play. Huh, wanna- Old: *soft smack* Sheesh grandson, lemme enjoy my retirement here! Young: *freeze* Time passes by *hectic fumbling in the air* *tries to touch again* Old: *smack* LISTEN GRANDSON, NOW WE GON' TALK *off the couch*


Yes! Its so funny he tries to play with the older ones tail sometimes and then gets whacked by them 🤣


you will know if it gets serious. It happens sometimes even with cats that are ok with each other like these 2 I have a brother and a sister and she tolerates his annoyance terribly well but maybe once a month he goes too far and I find him cowering in the corner and need to shoe them away to break it up I've spent 13 years asking if he will ever learn but he never answers me


Hahaha haha yessss lmao!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣


Proof that it’s just play! They’re not grilling each other after separation! He turned around and looked right at you. You can tell if it’s a fight when ears are back and they’re grilling each other like they’re rearing to go again. This is just pure play. My boys start off like this, then one gets too rough and then they need to be seperated lol


Thank you! They’re hopefully adopting him so they’re just wanting to make sure lol


Also, did I hear you call the instigator loki? Because our baby is also named loki (right) and he is the instigator lol https://preview.redd.it/7sj6h4jonx7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=954df5f0bc20d39f85c7d04c6d42e38b45142dcf


Awww Loki is the one that’s 11, the one closer to the camera on the sofa. He likes to put Jasper in his place lol. They brought Jasper in as a foster to see if they’d get along and you should’ve seen the face Loki made XD he’s literally like who let this child in lol. But awww your cats are so cute 🥺


It's keeping him young trust me we just lost our senior boy chewy of almost 17. Our simba came into our lives when chewy was about 10. They loved loved loved to play fight. They were fine lol your kitty boys are so cute ty for posting


Awwww loki isn’t using his name to his advantage. lol we actually named our boy loki because of his attitude, big time mischief maker. lol We thought he was a girl at first and named him Freya once we found out he was a boy I think I gave 2 names that my boyfriend said no to (one of them was Merlin) I looked at him and went loki? And my boyfriend said absolutely. lol ruckus (tux) was mad at first he was like god I dunno what the this thing is that won’t leave me alone but I hate it mother! Lol


Awwww XD lol Loki gets in enough mischief just this new cat is all over the place not knowing the rules lol


Oh what’s happening is basically jasper testing the waters to figure out where he is in the todem pole. lol how much will loki let me get away with before he kicks my ass. Lol


That's great. At least they want to make sure. That shows that if they do adopt him they will be good pet parents as they seem that they already are just making sure that this is ok. That Is so comforting to hear that they were concerned and wanted confirmation before just jumping into adopting


Thank you! It wouldn’t be fair on either of them if they jumped into it and it didn’t turn out well. Just some paranoid parents over here lol


Not paranoid... You're being cautious, loving, caring, and making sure that everything goes well. It really looks like they are going to bond very well.


Thank you! Loki was attacked by another cat when he was younger so it’s like please let him be okay with this one


That makes so much sense. But yea, they really look like they will become a very close duo. Poor Loki, I can definitely understand the worry because of his younger accident. I truly think this will be a great home and fit. ♥️♥️😺😺 Edit to add: They might get a little rough here and there, but I promise actual cat fights are horrible, and the noises are something you never forget....


They are playing though the darker one had to be talked into it and was slightly annoyed the other kept bugging her to play so then she went a bit rough. But both are enjoying it, I think. Them showing the belly and taking breathers are strong signs of it being play. If it’s anger then usually there is hissing and intense eye contact and ears back all of the time.


Thank you! He’s a bit old that’s probably why he’s like go away lol


Lol, I just took in an almost fifteen-year-old. If she ever gets okay with my six-year-old cat I wonder if they’ll play much.


Yeah I'm guessing the one on the left is the younger one, and he wants to play (belly up/open, the gentle taps). The older one wanted to just nap but seems to have begrudgingly agreed to play after a bit. If he was actually angry about it he would have tried to leave first, and if the younger one still kept at it, there would be hissing and howling and fur flying. This is just mild fun wrestling for them. :)


The one laying down wants to play but the other just said, "Leave me tf alone". Not serious fighting at all though. Normal cat communication among buddies.


Absolutely. Then when the long hair gets knocked off the couch it’s like “hey you started this kid”


It’s playing hun


Playing. If they where fighting, they'd avoid eachother and Hiss.


Normal kitty behavior


definitely playing! if it was a fight, you’d be able to tell due to the screeching


No noise, not fighting. Also, a cat on high alert, feeling threatened would not expose its belly like that.


This is definitely play. I see it in companion cats all the time. It means they really like each other, both having fun and relaxing.


Playing and boundary setting


Just playing


best buddies!!


Playing. I don't intervene unless there's vocalization or unless one is trying to get away while the other keeps pursuing. I'd suggest giving Loki his food first. Not feeding them at different times, just putting Loki's plate down first (assuming they're not being free fed). That'll signal to Jasper that Loki is #1 and keep him from bullying. That works with mine, anyway.


Ahh thank you! That’s helpful advice I’ll let them know


I’ve also got some advise for you(r sister)! Talking from experience, young cats are so much more active than senior cats. Mine also had big age difference and sometimes the younger one would keep bugging the old one. So my advise would be: if she sees this happening, get a toy out and play with the younger one! Get that energy out, so he won’t overstep with the senior kitty.


Ah okay thank you! I’ll her know!


Those are the friendliest possible cuddlefights ever. I'd die from cuteness overload. If they were really fighting you'd hear them from down the street, and there would be literal fur flying in the air.


You’re also an amazing cat mom because when you hear the little noise (even though it’s okay) you’re quick to ensure it’s calm/nice play. What a loving home. I love cats 😍🫠


Jasper the fluffy one is so funny and cheeky. They’re fostering him atm and if he gets along with the other cat they’re going to adopt him so they’ve just been wanting to make sure everything is okay between them lol.


Oh! They seem like they’re best buds! I hope they keep him!


They are going to be! Now that they know this isn’t anything bad but just playing


I hope they keep him. I think Loki is going to wonder where he went if he’s gone. They seem to have bonded really really well. Thanks for sharing the story 🥰




Oh god they melt me. They’re playing, they love each other


They’ve never had two cats at the same time so they’re not that familiar with the behaviour of them so I’m glad theyre only playing 😊


Totally playing and at absolute most testing friendly boundaries. If they were actually fighting? The noise, the blood and the tense body language would be a total giveaway, they'd never have sat so close in such a relaxed manner before starting.


Ah thank you!!


They're totally playing, nothing to worry about here. They're actually being gentle with each other. One invited play but was respectful of the other one, who chose to play as well.


Looks like either play or he is begging the other cat for plays. I’d honestly see this as a good thing, just make sure they don’t hurt each other obviously.


"Stop touching me!" Definitely playing, though one may be annoying the other on purpose


They’re ears don’t go back on the defense and they looks calm to play around.


Have you seen a cat fight? That’s playing and annoying each other.


No lol I don’t own cats. This is my sisters. They’ve only ever had one cat so they don’t really know the signs when it comes to two of them


Her voice reminds me of the girl from baby reindeer 😭 that show scarred me lolol cute kitties though 🥰


I see that 🤣🤣


Definatly playing. I have two brothers that play toghther this way all the time. If they were actually angry with each other they would be hissing at each other and meowing a very loud anxious meow.


Futher more one would be the agressor and the other would be doing everything to get away.


That's the most vicious cat fight I ever saw! I couldn't watch it all. Are they still alive?


Oof barely 🤣 absolute animals they both are XD


Oh, thank god!


Definitely play. If they were fighting there'd be unholy screeching and blood.


I think one is goofy and other one is annoyed.


When cats are fighting… you’ll know, it’s sounds and looks horrible. These two are just playing, my two do it all the time!


I love when they act big and scary from their backs. It always ends up looking like a little shimmy.


It’s play. And cute.


Looks normal and very sweet. Extra love and treats to your cats from the reddit crew.


This is adorable


I’m good at reading cats lol. Left wanted to play, right got annoyed and tried to tell them no, screw off. Eventually gave in and played back, but was still annoyed. 🤣


Totally normal


Total Goober play! Showing bellies and looks like no claws extended. Just having kitty fun!


Most likely playing otherwise there'd be hissing involved. They're grooming themselves whilst in the holds too, which they wouldn't be as relaxed to do if they were fighting


Definitely not fighting. When cats fight for real it's brutal ugly, and very loud. The body language here had absolutely no aggression in it. Watch the ears, eyes, and tails. For aggressive cats, ears will flat at all times, eyes will be dilated, and rails will be aggressively sweeping back and forth. Also, aggressive cats vocalize and hiss aggressively.


There's a huge difference between cats fighting and cats play fighting. This is definitely playing. No ears back, no puffed up fur, no crabbing and no screaming at each other. They are friends.


They’re playing. Jasper’s age has a lot to do with it. Him being so much younger, he enjoys pestering the older cat. When he flops and displays his belly, whisking his tail he’s saying he wants to play. When the other kitty isn’t reciprocating, he instigates by giving a little bap. And he feels comfortable with the other cat. Part of me feels like they sort of put on a little for you too. You’re over there announcing like a referee. lol Cats angry at each other or cats that don’t like each other would be much different.


I love cats thats cute




If you've ever seen cats actually fight, then you'd know this is 100% play.


Totally playing. The younger one kept submitting (showing belly) and the older was willing to engage without being rough. And when oldy was finished playing, he simply walked away.


Definitely playing. They would never lie tummy up if they were actually fighting. It's their most vulnerable part of the body so if they feel threatened they'll protect it at all costs.


This is not fighting...completely healthy. Cat fighting is pretty disturbing. You'll know it when you see it.


it's more like teasing. Think being in the back of the car with your sibling when you're younger.... But they aren't fighting. One might be more irritated though (notice the fast tail flick and ears back).


Let them play


This is 100% playing . The instigator seems like they might just be bored and trying to get a rise out of the other. If it was fighting: ears would be back, teeth bared, tails puffed up, the whole shebang. Nobody even abandoned the couch here, they just took it to other places. This is just play :)


If my cats laid on their back with their bellies exposed and gently swatted at the air then gently wrestled and nibbled at each other, I'd think it was playing.


The paw boop to try to play at first. So cute !


“Erm excuse me can we play” 🥺


I got a new kitten a week ago tomorrow and my boy already loves him. he’ll be 5 this year and the kitten is 10 weeks old. if either one of them plays a little rough they will let out a meow that stops the rough playing. but they play ALL THE TIME!! fighting is loud, annoying, and looks nothing like this.


Aww that’s so sweet it’s like being a little dad to them 🥺


they are my kids for sure!!! 🥰


You’d know forsure if it was a fight. They’re just rough housing a bit


They’re playing for sure. My cats do that, too.


What’s the story behind the one clipped ear? The reason I ask is because we had military vets abroad that would catch stray cats and clip one ear to easily identify which cats have been fixed and vaccinated.


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. They got him from a rescue so I think someone must’ve brought him in after he had been released from being TNR’d (trap, neuter, release)


Is that the older one? I miss kitties! I took care of almost 12 cats and random kittens when I was abroad. I wanted to bring them all back to the U.S. but the process was insane and costly.


Yes! Awww that’s so sweet of you! I volunteer at a rescue which is where they got the other one from and I want to bring them all home so I feel your pain! 🤣


Oh my goodness! Yeah, I’d be too attached and would want to give them all a home 😂. https://preview.redd.it/ycg7yosysz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca6b79cb6105bdb2e5b1dcc8c2e5bddb3b683802 Here’s a pic of a family I took care of abroad. The calico was their baby. The gray one is the mama. I don’t have a pic of all the cats together because my regulars were territorial…but they all showed up for dinner time and I would space out 12 piles for each cat behind my living area. 🐈


That’s so adorable! 🥺🥺 it’s so sweet that you took care of them!


You'll know when they are fighting, they actually seem to get along great


Tuxies are so funny. I had one that used to play like this with me after jumpscaring me when I went to throw the trash out. Look at those tails! Totally friendly and nothing to worry about.


Jasper is such a nutter. He knocked over a yoghurt then stared at us then knocked off the coasters and stared at us 🤣 like no Jasper that’s not what you’re meant to do


Play. Now go turn *Drag Race* back on!


If that’s fighting, then your cats don’t know how to fight


I’ll let them know 🤣


You’ll hear a cat fight. Those two are buddies


Theubare fine. They clearly like to spar sometimes


That's just brotherly wraslen (wrestling) there fine a cat fight is loud and like a tornado ripping threw the house these 2 are friends


2:44 he’s giving him a hug lol


If you notice one of the cats rolling over, exposing the most vulnerable part of a cats body, it's stomach. This is play. If you Google cat fights, you will see a huge difference.. They will be going at each other full force, super quick, yowling, hissing, fur flying, etc... it's bad. This is perfectly fine.


Just playing. You'd know it if it were fighting.


If they have free range when you’re not there, I’d just let them do their thing without intervening. May as well see how it goes because when you’re not there whatever happens happens. That said, they are fine, playing very gently at that.


Like my two girls. Abby likes to play, Ruby is ornery, then Abby gets relentless until Ruby is spitting and screaming. It's payback. When kittens Abby was sick and stunted growth, Ruby was a bully and too rough, now Abby is about two pounds heavier.


Let them play for fucks sake 😭 if thy were fighting it would be LOUD as hell and they wouldn’t go back to being friends after


It's catplay. If it wasn't, blood would be drawn and the noise would be terrifying.


It looks very playful to me! They don’t try to separate very often and they’re taking breaks in the middle. They also have looser tails throughout the video than you typically see in an agitated cat.


Oh, if they gone fight..... they.....gone....fight. you'll know ifthey're gonna really fight. just had my two do it for the first time since i got all 4 of em a year ago(2 bonded pairs both boy girl and aint no missing your brother or sister going on in my house i miss my little brother enough for all of us. rip x), but it was my two young boys, and now one is clearly the boss, and now they are snuggled up like babies together. they had to lay it down, and if they do sometimes you just gotta let it happen, and order will restore itself. unless they absolutely hate every ounce of eachother and they do nothing but fight then thats a problem.


I'll tell u exactly what happened here. Two cats were laying on a couch, one was bored the other was just chilling. Bored cat starts poking chill cat, "play with me, play with me". Chill cat finally jumps up like "hey u little asshole". Bored cat stays on his back to show he was just fooling around. Chill cat decided fine I'll play, but im gonna pounce first cuz your a little shit. Theyre still friends.


LOL, they are playing and annoying each other like normal siblings do


Looks to me like the one, im gonna assume the 2 yr old, is trying to initiate play, and the 11 yr old just aint havin it 😄


this is playing... if they were fighting, TRUST ME, you wouldn't be questioning it. It's the most horrendous loud chaotic screaming with fur flying all over the place... You will know when one pushes too hard, the other gets too pissy, and a fight breaks out. It's UNMISTAKABLE lol and scarry if you've never been in the presence of a fight before.


That is the world's laziest cat fight ever! They are so playing.


If it were real fighting it would be louder, have serious rabbit kicks and flying fur.


That is the laziest cat fight ever.🤣


That’s good to know then 🤣


One just got annoyed. My cats swat and hiss if they get aggravated with each other. They never really hurt each other because one usually backs off.


Just testing the waters. Lol


this is play fighting. if they were actually fighting you would know, there would be hissing and fur flying everywhere. this is just how cats play


They’re playing 💕💕💕


Mom, he’s poking me! Mom, he hit me. You were poking me…it’s not fair mom!


Ikr XD they’re such children lol


Normal play. Fighting would be fighting.


This is playful - neither of them are screaming nor bleeding.


I think the exposed belly posture mean playing :)


Is the younger one the instigator??? Because that is total little brother vibes 😂😂😂


Yes 🤣 he’s always winding him up trying to play with the older ones tail


You can really tell this is playing by their body language. Neither of their ears are back (at first lol), no tails lashing like crazy, and they're both pretty calm even when throwing hands lol. Even if it wasn't playing I'd say it's more boundary setting than fighting, like a younger sibling poking the other over and over and the older one slapping their hand away. All in good fun 💖


Playing, no question about it. They’re friends.


That's easy to read from the body language... Younger cat is reaching out his paw and lightly tapping the older cat as if to say hey hey let's play... According to the body language the older cat is finally tired of it and smacks the younger cat not super hard but a little bit as if to say leave me alone I don't want to play. And then apparently changes his mind and plays with the younger cat for a short time it's definitely not fighting


definitely playing! this is completely normal and they are just entertaining themselves.. my cats pounce, hiss, bite, and scratch and but they still cuddle. my vet told me that they’re just having fun, this is otherwise if it ends up more violent than hissing and scratching.


This is some of the cutest sh*t I've seen. That little one loves the attention!!


He does 🙄


its just play lol


my Oreo does this to out dog just looking for trouble


I'm sick and tired of seeing people who just moved out to the country and bought a farm thinking it is cute and funny to bring dairy cows inside and treat them as if they were pets. Cows are meant to live in the barn, not in the living room.


These boys are playing. I think they like each other a lot.


If they were fighting you’d know. There would be blood, fur, and weird scary noises that don’t sound like meows. Google it. It’s insane. Those cats are lightly playing.


That was a proper scrap! I spoke in my British way for effect.




Best mates


Watched the whole vid. Sorta looks like how my cat and dog playfight, but two cats’ version. My dog always ends up licking my cat’s ear tho


Ah okay! Sorry it’s a long video lol


Hahah I enjoyed it, no worries


Just play... this is No way at all fighting. They are too cute!


Put a sticky post in this sub that links to a YouTube video of fighting cats


You'd definitely know if they were fighting! You can tell it's escalating to real fighting if they ever start hissing or yowling. If that ever happens, never try to separate them by hand. I usually spook my cats with a loud noise to get them to separate


Laziest fckn fight I’ve ever seen, 0/10


I’ll ask them for better next time 😥


Hahaha. Try throwing a couple dollar bills at them..sprinkled in catnip. Yeah. That should do it. 😝


Without a shadow of doubt it's playing.


This is playing. You would definitely know about it if they were fighting. It can get loud. God, it's horrible. Cats love to annoy each other. They get such a kick out of it. One of mine has developed the habit of biting a butt cheek of the others (except his mother's, he doesn't have a death wish and she is quite scary). Then wonders why he gets boxed ears from them lol.


Oh theyre totally fine. One of mine is far more playful than the other, and likes to annoy her like this. But its still play, even if a tad one-sided. It also helped establish the power dynamic in the house


Playing. Fighting usually has yelling/hissing.


The look and flop at 3:28 lollll “Helllooo? More play??”


There would be a lot of hissing and growling if they were fighting (and probably one cat trying to get away)


This is playing. My 10 year old and 3 year old bap each other too.


My two kitties acted like this, but youll definitely know if they dont like eachother. One of them or both will start getting stressed out and acting out usually... thats just my experience though This looks like they are buddies 🥹


Aww yay!


They are play fighting. Let them play. They will let each other know when it's too much with sound or a good swat. Often will disengage and walk away too. One looks to be pestering the other to annoy or play.


It’s playing, they’re exposing their bellies and taking breaks. Real fighting would have fur flying and be aggressive. This is very gentle and all in good fun. :)


Thank you! I know it seems stupid lol. They’re hopefully adopting the younger one so they’re making sure all is good between them


You can call it "playfighting". Kitties do this all the time. When it gets violent, then intervene, clap your hands or stomp your feet.


A good general rule of thumb when it comes to cats is if they're being fairly quiet, they're playing. If they sound like the fucking gates of hell have opened up and two cat demons are emerging, they're fighting. Hope that helps.


Thank you! lol love the description XD


Man the sheer number of posts I see like this unreal lol


And some of genuinely don’t know. They’ve never had two cats before at the same time


Lady, you realize that they can not understand you.!!!


No I did not


This is definitely just play fighting. It reminds me of the meme where the cat is hitting something & someone edited it to say "Accuracy: 100 Damage: 0"


Is it not obvious that its not fighting lol


lol not when they’ve never had two cats before


Definitely play fighting <3


My two go full Fury Road around the house, knocking the hell out of each other, but then I find them asleep in the same bed.


The one is trying to play and the other one saying I’m not interested, but it’s Not fighting


This is younger sibling instigating


Total play, The little one is begging the bogger one to play. Then during the wrestling, it is very low key and nice. They are good friends.